Description of the procedure for replacing the timing chain on a VAZ 2106 (2107) with both carburetor and injection engines

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Maintenance of contact type distributor

In order to repair the distributor yourself, you need to understand its structure and the purpose of all its parts. The operating algorithm of the mechanical distributor is as follows:

  1. The rotating roller periodically presses the cam onto the spring-loaded movable contact, as a result of which the low voltage circuit is broken.

    The gap between the contacts appears as a result of pressing the cam on the spring-loaded pusher

  2. At the moment of rupture, the secondary winding of the coil generates a pulse with a potential of 15-18 kilovolts. Through an insulated wire of large cross-section, current is supplied to the central electrode located in the distributor cover.
  3. A distribution contact rotating under the cover (in common parlance - a slider) transmits an impulse to one of the side electrodes of the cover. Then, through a high voltage cable, current is supplied to the spark plug - the fuel mixture ignites in the cylinder.
  4. With the next revolution of the distributor shaft, the sparking cycle is repeated, only voltage is supplied to another cylinder.

In the old version, the unit was equipped with a manual octane corrector (item 4)

In fact, 2 electrical circuits pass through the distributor - low and high voltage. The first is periodically broken by the contact group, the second is switched to the combustion chambers of different cylinders.

The design of the distributor, operating in conjunction with the electronic ignition system, is identical to the design of a mechanical distributor. There is also a plate with a bearing, a slider, a centrifugal regulator and a vacuum corrector. Only instead of a contact group and a capacitor, a magnetic Hall sensor is installed plus a metal screen mounted on the shaft.

In a contactless distributor, the main role is played by a magnetic sensor that sends signals to the switch

How a contactless distributor works:

  1. The Hall sensor and permanent magnet are located on a movable platform, and a screen with slots rotates between them.
  2. When the screen blocks the magnet field, the sensor is inactive and the voltage at the terminals is zero.
  3. When the roller turns and passes through the slot, the magnetic field reaches the sensor surface. At the output of the element, a voltage appears that is transmitted to the electronic unit - the switch. The latter gives a signal to the coil, which produces a discharge that goes to the distributor slider.

In an electronic ignition system, spark generation is carried out by a switch and a coil; the distributor only determines the moment the discharge is applied to the spark plugs

The non-contact distributor is more reliable in operation - the Hall sensor and bearings become unusable much less often due to the lack of mechanical load. A sign of meter failure is the absence of a spark and complete failure of the ignition system. Replacement is easy - you need to disassemble the distributor, unscrew the 2 screws securing the sensor and pull the connecting connector out of the groove.

The magnetic sensor is attached with two screws to the bearing pad

Malfunctions of the remaining elements of the distributor are similar to the old contact version. Troubleshooting methods are described in detail in the previous sections.

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How to set the VAZ 2109 timing belt correctly?

To work, you will need keys 17 and 19, a flashlight and a flat-head screwdriver. Remove the old belt and roller completely (just be careful not to lose the washers placed under and on it). Install a new tension roller VAZ 2109, and then begin adjustment.

Using a wrench, turn the camshaft pulley until the mark on it aligns with the bar attached to the engine block. After this, try not to touch the camshaft so as not to knock it down (although this is quite difficult to do, but if desired, everything is possible).

A few photos that will give a clear idea of ​​which marks need to be aligned when installing the timing belt on the nine:

1. Place a mark on the camshaft:

2. Checking the alignment of the marks on the crankshaft pulley

3. Check the marks on the flywheel for more accurate installation

Place a bolt on the crankshaft so that you can align the pulley to the marks. Rotate the crankshaft until the mark on the pulley is clearly vertical - this is the very first guideline. Afterwards, to ensure correctness, remove the rubber plug in the clutch housing.

A viewing window will open, through which you can see the flywheel. So, the latter should have a mark - a line that, under normal settings, coincides with the slot on the bar attached to the engine block. This is your second reference point, which directly speaks to the accuracy of the setting. Now all that remains is to put the belt on the crankshaft pulley first, then the camshaft.

To adjust the belt tension, you need to install a special key in the timing belt roller of the VAZ 2109 (if you don’t have one, you can adjust the tension using a screwdriver and a pair of screws or nails). Normal tension is when in the longest section you can turn it a maximum of 90 degrees. Yes, it should turn, but it should turn.

If you can’t turn it at all, then the tension is excessive and needs to be loosened. This is why the VAZ 2109 tension roller exists. Loosen the nut and perform the procedure again. After this, use a wrench to turn the crankshaft several turns and double-check that all marks match. If everything is fine, assemble the unit and start the engine.

Replacement photo gallery

The photos show some of the steps to replace a timing belt.

Removing the cover mounting bolts Removing the cover from the engine Plug on the gearbox housing Unscrewing the crankshaft pulley bolt Removing the pulley Aligning the mark on the camshaft gear Loosening the belt tension Removing the belt from the gears Marking the crankshaft Tensioning the belt with a roller

Instructions for replacing the belt on a car with an injection engine

The injector was installed on only one type of “nine” engine - with a cylinder displacement of 1.5 liters. The use of a fuel injection system did not cause any adjustments to the camshaft drive pattern. The procedure for replacing the timing belt on a VAZ 2109 with an injection engine is practically no different from the list of work on a carburetor car.

The difference is the removal of the old belt, which will require:

  1. Remove the crankshaft position sensor located next to the pulley from the engine. To dismantle, you need to unfasten the wiring plug and then unscrew the sensor mounting bolt. After this, the sensor is removed from the guide hole.
  2. To loosen the tension of the auxiliary drive belt, you need to unscrew the M13 nut installed on the generator.

The intricacies of replacing the timing belt on an injection machine are shown in the video from the Alex ZW channel.

There are also several differences when reassembling:

  1. The crankshaft pulley needs to be installed accordingly. To do this, you need to set the top dead center in the first cylinder - according to the mark on the flywheel and on the crankcase. In this case, the mark of the camshaft gear will coincide with the notch on the plate. The installed pulley should be located opposite the sensor with the beginning of the 20th tooth, counted from the two missing ones.
  2. The gap between the sensor and the pulley should be 0.4-1.0 mm.
  3. After completing the assembly, start and check the operation of the engine.

Check points on the pulley

Checking the timing belt tension

With the correct belt tension, the long leg should rotate 90º using the thumb and index finger. The test should not require much physical effort to complete. When retightening, additional loads occur on the bearings of the pump and tension roller, which damage them. Excessive tension is also harmful to the belt itself, which can break while the engine is running.

Preload check location

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We set the ignition by ear

As mentioned above, the best way to set the ignition is only with the help of a strobe light. But you still need to somehow get to the service station.

For such cases, a quick method of setting the ignition “by ear” is perfect:

  1. First, loosen the ignition distributor mounting nut.
  2. After warming up the internal combustion engine and without turning it off, rotate the distributor housing alternately in both directions.
  3. The speed should be approximately 2000 rpm.
  4. Listen to the engine. The best position is when the maximum possible number of revolutions is produced with smooth operation of the power unit without failures.
  5. Once this position is found, you can tighten the fastener.

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Preparation process

This procedure is quite simple, but before you put the tags on the VAZ 2114 and for complete convenience, you will need an assistant and a little preparation.

So, for everything to go quickly you need to:

  1. We find a flat surface that allows us to easily fix the car so that it does not roll (put a shoe under the left rear wheel).
  2. We tear off the fastenings on the right wheel and lift the car with a jack so that the wheel can be removed freely.

Jacking up the car

  1. We unscrew all the fasteners and finally dismantle the wheel.
  2. We completely remove the belt protection, for this you will need a 10mm wrench, with which you unscrew the 3 head bolts, at this point the preparation stage is considered completed, now you can safely get to work.

Removing the timing belt protective cover

IMPORTANT! Some believe that if you fix the position of the shafts when replacing the belt itself, then there is no need to make further adjustments; this is not entirely correct. A competent car enthusiast, along with the timing belt, also changes the tension-regulating roller along with the oil seal on the crankshaft. The first one tends to wear out quickly and leaves the possibility of breaking a completely new belt, and the second one is simply a disease of the entire VAZ family; over time it leaks and the car begins to “eat” oil.

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