VAZ 2109 with injection engine does not start when hot

VAZ 2109 injector does not start? Main reasons and methods of repair

The problem is not new and does not lose its relevance when the VAZ 21093 injector does not start, having previously worked faithfully for several years. The suddenness of such a situation can baffle even an experienced driver. Until 1998, while the “nine” was equipped with a carburetor engine, the problem was dealt with successfully, and there were only two reasons for not starting - a lack of gasoline and soot from the spark plugs. Since 1998, the VAZ 2109 became fuel-injected, which began to put car enthusiasts in a certain uncomfortable position, especially those who did not operate injection engines. The VAZ 21093 injector does not start for reasons, the list of which is much longer than it could be for a carburetor version. At first glance, it seemed that there should have been fewer problems, but they only increased. Principle of operation The quantity and quality of the fuel mixture in the injector is controlled electronically. Sensors are located throughout the engine unit, the signals from which are intercepted from the microprocessor and converted to the fuel supply system. The same processor controls the mixture ignition system in the combustion chamber. If any sensor malfunctions, the output control pulse ceases to correspond to the parameters of the normal functioning of the engine, and it refuses to work, in other words, it does not start. On-board power system Problems with starting the injector on the 2109 especially manifest themselves in winter, on cars that while away the nights in cold garages and “in open fields.” The morning for them begins with a long warm-up. However, after being in the cold, the battery loses all its operational capabilities and requires recharging. That is why most motorists take the battery with them to a warm apartment in winter. Particularly advanced motorists place a hairdryer under the air filter, trying to supply warm air to the cylinders and give the engine “artificial respiration” - they say this can help. Spark plugs Spark plugs are the next most likely cause of a failure to start the engine. After repeated attempts to start, they simply drown in fuel, as drivers say: the spark plugs are flooded. Experienced car enthusiasts recommend that in such a situation, press the gas pedal to the floor and turn on the ignition; after this manipulation, the spark plugs dry out and begin to produce a normal spark. InjectorsInjectors, due to the “high-quality” domestic fuel, tend to become clogged with slag more often than is provided for by the standards for their uninterrupted operation. Checking them is as simple as checking for the presence of a spark in the candles. If you just attach the spark plugs to the engine body and turn the starter to see the presence or absence of a spark, then you can check the injector using the same principle. It is unscrewed and the engine is cranked with the starter. The injector should produce a uniform and correct cone of gasoline flame. If gasoline is squeezed out of it drop by drop, it means it is clogged. But the injector cannot be cleaned with the same ease as a spark plug. Other reasons If everything is normal with the supply and ignition system, the next culprit for the VAZ 21093 injector not starting is the timing belt. In frosty weather, when the lubricant has not yet warmed up, the shaft turns with difficulty, the belt slips and all synchronous operation of the engine is disrupted. The valve cycle is broken. This version can be confirmed or rejected by checking with the mark on the timing belt. If it matches, most likely the wire has broken off the sensor located on the shaft and the spark plug appears at the wrong time. However, if the sensor is in place, then the last reason remains and it is not only impossible to eliminate it on your own, but also impossible to diagnose - the electronics unit has failed. In this case, the tow rope is taken out and the car is sent to the service station.

Possible factors

If the VAZ 2109 engine does not start well on the injector or carburetor. The engine seizes and instantly turns off or does not start at all. This may be a consequence of many factors. It’s worth starting with the most obvious faults.

Need to consider:

  1. The fact of supplying fuel to the engine;
  2. Charge the battery and its terminals;
  3. Presence of a spark in the candles;
  4. Air supply.

How long does it take for a VAZ 2110 injector to start? Fix the problem yourself

Patriots of the domestic automobile industry often encounter a problem: the VAZ 2110 injector takes a long time to start. Let's make a reservation right away - in most cases this is not caused by the design features of the car, but by the low level of prevention on the part of car owners. As they say, “thunder will not strike...”, in other words, our compatriots prefer to heroically and selflessly eliminate breakdowns rather than prevent them. Reasons How long does it take for the VAZ 2110 injector to start? There may be several reasons; they will be discussed in some detail below. Let's list the main ones:

  • failure of the timing belt;
  • wear of insulation on high-voltage wires;
  • temperature sensor failure;
  • interruptions in the operation of the ignition module (its failure).

The list is not exhaustive, but it identifies the main causes of engine starting problems. The analysis provides the only sure way to avoid problems - it is enough to carry out preventive inspections and replace questionable components in a timely manner (for example, sensors are guaranteed to last for 60,000 km). Of course, this advice is not able to console those who have already encountered a breakdown, but for the future... Let's talk about the listed breakdowns in a little more detail. As for the timing belt, everything is clear here - it must be replaced as it wears out. The insulation of the wires can be damaged during the operation of the car - for example, the ignition module wire often melts from high temperature (it is located in close proximity to the cylinder head, and it regularly overheats). There may be other reasons for the violation of the integrity of the insulation. The resulting short circuits prevent the engine from starting - and this deficiency can occur periodically. Temperature sensor. If there is a problem with this part (and even more so if it fails), problems arise with testing by the on-board computer - it is not able to correctly determine the engine temperature and, accordingly, the required amount of fuel mixture. The only (and least expensive) method of “treatment” is to replace the sensor. You can, of course, test it for functionality, but this requires special equipment. Ignition module. Repairing it at home is quite complicated, so the “recipe” is the same - replacement. If it is possible to temporarily install a known-good module and try to start with it, then it’s worth a try. Spark plugs. Apparently, troubleshooting needs to start with them. Soot, the presence of traces of fuel and other deviations from the norm confidently indicate incorrect operation. See the signs of faulty spark plugs. For a beginner, the best solution would be to completely replace the set; people who are not unfamiliar with technical skills can try to “revive” the spark plugs - wipe them thoroughly, clean them from carbon deposits, heat them with a blowtorch, etc. If, after replacement, the spark plugs are refilled, then there is a high probability that the integrity of the insulation in the high-voltage wires will be compromised. By the way, with the help of a working spark plug it is easy to check for a spark: you need to place the spark plug on the ground of the car with a metal surface and start the starter. The absence of a spark indicates problems with the power supply, but in a positive case, you need to continue diagnostics. Let us mention another cause of the malfunction: low throughput of the fuel filter. This is entirely on the conscience of the car owner, who ignored the timely replacement of the part, although it is possible that the filter becomes clogged due to the use of low-quality fuel. Appeal to the professionals The reasons and ways to eliminate them briefly discussed here will hopefully answer the question of why the VAZ 2110 injector takes so long to start. Let us make a reservation that even a non-specialist is capable of carrying out basic diagnostics of a car, however, it is quite possible that this will not be enough - the causes of a malfunction can be complex, i.e., in some cases there are several prerequisites for delaying engine starting. The best solution is to seek help from professionals (car service).


Diagnostics why the car takes a long time to start the injector

So, to determine the specific reason for the long start-up of an injection-injected internal combustion engine, you should start with a high-quality diagnosis. Usually, they check the compression in the cylinders. Its values ​​must be within 12 atm for this to be considered normal. In this case, there should be no deviations between these indicators in each of the cylinders (maximum - 1 atm).

Then the spark plugs must be replaced. This will have an effect on the engine and it will now start much faster. However, if everything is not in order with the motor, then the normal starting time will last only 1-2 days.

Therefore, high-voltage wires should also be diagnosed. Diagnostics will make it possible to find out whether the cables have a breakdown, which is clearly visible by the spark coming out at night. This is done as follows: the car starts in the dark, at the same time you need to monitor which wire sparks.

The ignition coil also needs to be checked. Many experienced drivers do this: they install a known good and new module instead of the original one, then check the engine starting for several days. If everything is normal, the start-up does not take long - it means that the whole problem was in the bobbin (ignition coil).

If there are no changes, the test continues. This time you should test all filters, including the air filter. Next is checking and replacing all sensors and regulators. Pay special attention to the mass air flow sensor.

The next stage: testing various connections, checking the wiring for good contact, cleaning the masses and flushing the throttle assembly.

If nothing changes again, then it is recommended to check the engine fan relay. It often causes similar problems with starting on a fuel-injected internal combustion engine. You can test the relay if you remove the wire from the temperature controller installed on the thermostat.

Engine fan relay

The fan should turn on after these steps. However, after measuring the resistance value on a warm internal combustion engine, the system can produce low temperature data, although the temperature inside the engine is clearly more than 90 degrees. Why is there such a difference? It turns out that this may well be a buggy DTOZH, which for some reason was not checked earlier. It must show the real coolant temperature, otherwise chaos will begin in the system, and it is not surprising that the engine takes so long to start.

VAZ 21099 injector does not start? List of reasons why

Getting into the car one morning, you discover that the VAZ 21099 injector will not start.
Many people will have a lot of questions, what to do next? There are a wide variety of reasons why a car does not start, especially a domestic one. But first things first. Main reasons If the fuel-injected VAZ 21099 does not start when you turn the key in the ignition, that is, you don’t hear the characteristic sound of the starter, then you should try starting it with a pushrod. Started up? This means the reason is in the starter or the battery. To determine that the battery is running out of life, you should turn the ignition key and listen to the starter; in the first second, the solenoid relay should work, the process is accompanied by small clicks. But if the starter does not rotate, then the battery most likely requires attention. It may need to be replaced. In general, there are enough reasons why the battery remains uncharged. For example, the generator pulley has become loose and the battery does not receive a proper charge while driving, or there is poor contact on the brands. The easiest and most effective way to test the battery is to replace it with a working vehicle. Problems often arise with the starter relay. On 99 VAZ models, the relay is located in the hood compartment, in the central part, almost under the wipers. You can find out more by checking out their guide. The sound of this relay can be confused with a pull-in relay, so to determine the relay we need, place your finger on its body and ask someone to start the engine. You should feel a slight click, after which the retractor relay will operate in the engine itself (or rather in the starter). But this is an ideal scenario; if this does not happen, the first relay is to blame and requires replacement. Remember that injection engines are more complex in design than carburetor engines. They are based on an electrical circuit responsible for controlling the operation of the engine. It's a complex system that sometimes fails. If you are not a professional electrician, then welcome to the service station, where you will be given a complete diagnosis of the injection engine. Monitoring fuel quality A faulty fuel filter can also prevent the car from starting normally. Due to bad gasoline, which is sold mainly by gas stations of unknown origin, the fuel filter becomes clogged. Fortunately for VAZ 21099 car owners, the manufacturer produces fuel filters in a transparent plastic housing. You can visually determine the level of contamination. To eliminate the problem, the fuel filter is replaced. On the injectors, when you turn the ignition key, the pump pumps fuel, the sound is barely discernible, but it can be heard. If it is missing, then the pump needs to be repaired or replaced. The spark plugs may have been flooded; there are several reasons leading to this event. After much torment, you cannot understand why the car does not start, then the time has come to check the spark plugs. To experiment, you can wipe them with a dry cloth and screw them in again. Unsuccessful repairSometimes it happens that after repair a car shows no signs of life. In the case of the VAZ 99 model, this most often happens after changing the piston rings. To solve this problem, you need to unscrew the spark plugs and use a syringe to pour a couple of cubes of engine oil directly into the cylinder. Afterwards, you need to use the starter to run the engine without screwing in the spark plugs. A car is a complex mechanism consisting of a huge number of interconnected components. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately answer why the VAZ 21099 injector does not start. Each case is individual and requires its own approach.

How to start in cold weather?

First you need to get into the car's interior, sometimes this can be more difficult to do than starting a cold engine. You should not rush to turn the starter right away; first try to “stir up” the sleepy battery. You don’t need to shake it or do anything else with it, just turn on the high beams for a few seconds, that will be enough.

Pump fuel into the carburetor using the fuel pump or gas pedal. After this, pull the choke handle towards you and depress the clutch pedal. Only now can you turn the key in the ignition. The duration of activation should not be more than 10 seconds, otherwise the battery will discharge prematurely. After an unsuccessful start, you need to wait a few minutes and try again. If after 3-4 attempts the startup fails, you need to try to identify the reasons for the failure.

Check the spark plugs; they may be filled with excess fuel. With the spark plugs turned out, crank the engine with the starter, this will purge the engine cylinders. Screw the dry spark plugs into place and try to start the power unit. Experienced drivers have a set of spare spark plugs in cold weather.

How to convert a carburetor to an injector VAZ 2109 yourself? Electronic perfection

Puzzled by the question of how to convert a carburetor to an injector VAZ 2109, many motorists associate the process with a large investment of time and money. The procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. It is strictly not recommended for drivers who have no idea about the internal filling of the car to carry out this work themselves. For those who have ridden more than one iron horse, modernization can be done independently. Considering the fact that owners of domestic cars want, and most importantly, can, improve the characteristics of the “nine”, the process of transforming the carburetor to an injection version is quite relevant. Replacement instructions How to convert a carburetor to an injector in a VAZ 2109 yourself or with the help of specialists is up to the car owner to choose. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  • A new fuel tank is purchased, dried and equipped with an electric version of the fuel pump. It is necessary to adjust the indicators of the pump frame and tank in an identical position. The movement of the fuel sensor is checked;
  • The antifreeze is drained and the radiator is dismantled. A hole 16 mm deep is drilled in the knock sensor fixation structure. A similar method is used to prepare the installation of the modular ignition bracket, but to a depth of 20 mm. The work must be done carefully to prevent through drilling;
  • The oil should be drained, then the engine pan and timing belt should be removed. A new oil pump is mounted on the crankshaft. The generator is changed to a model with increased power, which has a ring gear and a pulley with a damper. The alternator belt also needs to be replaced;
  • The battery, fuel supply section, wires, tubes and all related elements are dismantled;
  • Having disassembled the instrument panel, you should install wires to the tachometer and start switch. The last operation is carried out by inserting it from the motor unit, connecting to the existing connectors. New ends of the wires are connected to the mounting assembly, in accordance with the polarity (it can be determined by the same color of the edges);
  • The wiring is connected to the fuses. The fuel pump is connected to the fuel indicator.

Installation of the updated system On the right, install a plug in the block head. The positive wire (ground) from the injection system is mounted to it. Next, the manifold and injectors located on the in-line rack, the receiver and the throttle element are mounted. The throttle cable will need to be taken in an extended version. The updated fuel structure is placed along the body bottom, all pipes and fuel purifiers are installed. A new tank is then installed and connected to the supply system. To check the injectors for possible leaks or malfunctions, you need to blow them out using a pump. If everything is in order, the next step is to install the ramp to the manifold, install sensors, electrical and high-voltage equipment, and a start module. After installing the air filter, provided that all operations are performed according to the technological process, the car is checked for starting. The modernization is considered successful if the car starts on the first try. Pros and cons Before you come to the decision to convert the carburetor VAZ 2109 to an injection version, you need to decide on the goal that you are pursuing and objectively evaluate the capabilities of the car “before” and “after”. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the re-equipment of the brainchild of the domestic automobile industry provides the following advantages:

  • There are no problems starting the engine in any weather;
  • No ignition adjustment is required depending on the quality of the air-fuel mixture;
  • The chance of engine tripping is reduced;
  • Reduced fuel consumption;
  • The overall perception of movement in the car has been improved from the moment of starting to the end of the trip.

Converting a VAZ 2109 from a carburetor to an injector has objective and subjective disadvantages.
For example, the presence of many sensors, which additionally take time to check each element in the event of a breakdown. In fact, an injection system is a design that makes it easier to start the engine, save gasoline, drive the car, but not maintain the system itself. The dubious prospect of the difference between the money spent and the result obtained after understanding how to convert a carburetor to an injector for a VAZ 2109 is obvious. Fuel savings will be 2-3 liters after the modification, and you will have to fork out 15-20 thousand for modernization. This factor can be either quite beneficial or not worth attention, depending on the intensity of use of the vehicle, the purpose of the trip and other purely individual needs.

Rare situations

They happen noticeably less frequently than those we described above. But under no circumstances should we exclude them.

After reviewing the situations below, compare them with the behavior of your starter and a car that has stopped turning or clicks but does not turn.

  1. With an injection engine at a frosty temperature of about -20 degrees Celsius, all devices function. This indicates that the battery is fully charged. At the same time, for some reason the starter refuses to turn. Your actions:
      If there are no clicks when you try to start the engine, check the condition of the fuse, wiring and solenoid relay;
  2. If there is a clicking noise, the most likely source of the problem is the solenoid relay. It must be replaced.
  1. The engine started normally throughout the day, but in the evening it suddenly stopped working normally. When you turn the key in the ignition switch, there is only a click, but the starter does not turn. When you try to start the engine several times in a row, several clicks are heard. Your actions: Charge the battery;
  2. Crimp, strip and tighten the contacts on the starter and battery;
  3. If the first two points do not produce results, check the battery itself. To do this, the wire closes its contacts. If the battery is working properly, a spark will appear that melts the wire;
  4. Connect the plus from the battery directly to the solenoid relay. If the starter is silent, replace the starter.

car battery

  1. During the day the car started without problems. But after being idle for several minutes, attempts to start the car fail. When you turn the key, the relay is activated, but the starter stubbornly refuses to turn. By closing the two bolts of the solenoid relay, everything started. We reached our destination, stopped, and turned off the engine. When I try to start again, the same situation occurs. Just locking the bolts no longer works. Your actions:
      Disassemble the starter housing;
  2. Check the condition of the brushes. There is a high probability that they have been completely erased. Hence this effect;
  3. Replace the brushes with new ones. This is cheaper than completely replacing the unit.
  1. The starter doesn't turn over. When you try to close it, only noise arises, like when a drill is working. The engine shows no signs of life. But it was possible to start it from the pushrod without any problems. Your actions:
      Make sure your starter is working properly;
  2. If everything is fine with it, go to the mounting block and check the fuses;
  3. Also examine the condition of the ignition switch. It is possible that the problem is with him;
  4. Do not forget to check the wiring for breaks and short circuits;
  5. Check the status of the contacts. It’s not uncommon that minus does not reach the starter relay only for the banal reason of oxidation or burnt wire.

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Having understood the reasons for the failure of the starter, you can bring the device back to life on your own. Don't rush to throw away your old starter and buy a new one. The practice of VAZ 2109 owners shows that partial repairs, and sometimes even simple cleaning of the device, make it possible to restore the functionality of one of the main elements of the ignition system for a long time.

The car doesn’t start well when it’s hot: we look for and fix the problem

Modern cars are gradually moving from the concept of mechanisms to the concept of organisms. This is a highly complex system that requires ideal operating conditions. High engine power, squeezing everything that can be squeezed out of technology, and other features of the modern automobile industry indicate that modern cars must receive maximum care in order to work for a long time. One of the common problems that arise from improper car care is poor engine starting after it warms up. This means that if you park for a few minutes near the store, you will not be able to start the engine properly. The problem lies in two possible types of breakdowns, but there are also extraordinary cases. Today we will deal with the most common problems in this case, and also talk about specific types of problems.

It should be noted that the symptoms of poor hot starting can manifest themselves in different ways. One car refuses to start at all until the engine cools down a certain amount. Another power unit starts only on the third or fourth try, and the third one simply has to be cranked for a long time to start. In any case, no matter what happens to your car in this context, you need to find the problem and be sure to fix it. This task is a harbinger of more serious breakdowns, the repair of which will cost you much more money. So let's figure out why the car doesn't start well when it's hot.

Bad fuel or presence of additives in the fuel mixture

Low-quality gasoline or diesel fuel is one of the most common variants of this problem. But in this case, you can conduct an experiment that will show the true problem of your car. The fact is that low-quality fuel with a poor start when hot will have an even more unpleasant effect when starting the engine when cold. Therefore, it is enough to cool the car, wait for the engine to return to normal and start it. The following problems may also occur with fuel:

  • Gasoline or diesel fuel may contain an additive that your engine does not accept;
  • diesel fuel has frozen and acquired a jelly-like form, which is difficult to pump;
  • there are solid particles in gasoline, the filters are clogged, and it is difficult for the pump to pump the required amount of fuel;
  • the settings of the engine control system and air supply have gone wrong, one of the valves may have broken;
  • the idle air valve, as well as the mass air flow sensor (mass air flow sensor) can cause such problems;
  • It’s just a functional feature of carburetor engines - a very hot unit has difficulty starting.

In the case of carburetor units, everything is quite simple - the engine itself starts very poorly when hot. This is due to the fact that after stopping the car with a hot engine, the temperature in the carburetor area is quite high. Under the influence of temperature, gasoline quickly evaporates and fills all chambers and tubes of the carburetor in a gas state. But the float chamber remains empty. If you decide to start the engine within five minutes of stopping it, you will encounter difficulty starting because there is no liquid fuel in the chambers. The problem can be solved by manual pumping or several attempts to start the power unit. However, there cannot be such a problem with injectors, since the fuel is supplied directly from the main line. Therefore, it is worth looking for other troubles in the fuel supply system.

Too rich or lean mixture - air flow sensor

We mentioned above that problems with starting a car can occur due to the failure of the mass air flow sensor. This element of the car is one of the most sensitive to environmental influences, so they often talk about its breakdown. If starting the engine when hot is very difficult, check the functionality of this mechanism. The following factors may also accompany this failure:

  • failures when pressing the gas pedal, lack of traction at some moments;
  • a decrease in power or vice versa - an inexplicable increase in the operating potential of the unit;
  • complication of engine starting and periodic moments of choking;
  • explosions inside the exhaust system when the gas pedal is sharply pressed;
  • unstable speed due to periodic changes in mixture enrichment.

The fuel mixture of gasoline and air must have a certain consistency, which is formed by the mass air flow sensors and some other parts of the electrical and electronic system of your car. If these parts are faulty, you will have to change them and test the car, set up the operation of the new equipment.

The fuel pump has overheated - a common problem in domestic cars.

The fuel pump cools naturally by pumping cool liquid from the fuel tank. But in extreme heat, this liquid cannot be cool in any way, so the fuel pump overheats. This is an unpleasant incident that can lead to the impossibility of starting the car when it is hot. The car may simply stall on the road and not start either with a pushrod or by starting it by turning the ignition key. There are several ways to fix this problem:

  • take a wet and cold rag, apply it to the fuel pump and periodically moisten it with cold water, cooling it;
  • open the hood and place the car in the shade, allow all parts of the power unit to cool normally;
  • change the fuel pump if you have the opportunity to quickly obtain another part of the fuel system;
  • just wait until the temperature of the fuel pump returns to normal and continue operating the car;
  • An overheated fuel pump is unlikely to work normally, so it’s better to just change it.

This problem can cause the failure of important parts of the fuel pump, because when it overheats, it stops working for a reason. If after cooling the car nothing changes, then you will have to replace the fuel pump. But usually the car starts when cold, and then drives for several days without any problems.

Problems with poor starting of gas cars in warm weather

Many drivers, having read all the above arguments, will say that they are not valid for their car, since it has a gas installation. It became profitable to drive on gas several years ago, so LPG has found its way under the hood of many car enthusiasts. If in hot weather your car stalls and does not start when hot, you will have to let it cool completely, then start it and go straight to the service station. It’s better not to joke with this question for a number of reasons:

  • due to high temperatures, certain seals could deteriorate and gas hoses could open;
  • the working fluid of your car’s fuel system may leak for other reasons;
  • expansion of gas in the tank at high temperature creates a certain pressure in the system;
  • It is better not to fill a full gas tank in hot weather, limiting yourself to partial refueling;
  • It makes sense to consult with a specialist if such a problem begins to occur on your car.

You shouldn’t joke with gas-powered cars at all - even the latest generation of LPG carries a certain danger. If your gas car does not start when hot, it is worth hiring a specialist to solve this problem. This way, you can easily obtain the necessary operating features of the power unit, and you will not expose yourself to the danger of incorrect operation of the fuel supply system. We invite you to look at the experts’ explanations about a poor launch during the busy season:

Let's sum it up

High-quality fuel supply systems rarely fail, so even in the hottest weather, hot cars start without problems. But if such a problem occurs, the driver is unlikely to be able to fix it on his own. There are too many factors of possible breakdowns that are difficult to check without special knowledge and certain tools. Therefore, it is best to show the car to specialists and get a very specific answer to your problem. Most likely, repairing this problem will involve minor sensor replacements and not too expensive procedures.

Therefore, in most cases, turning to the experts will be the key to a successful trip in your car in any weather. You need to contact a service station as soon as signs of poor car starting begin to appear in your case. The sooner you come to the master, the easier it will be for him to help you. And the cost of repairs increases when the visit to the repairman is delayed. Have you ever had a similar situation while driving a car?

Useful tips

If you can’t start a carburetor engine, you should try the following:

  • lift the hood and perform a visual inspection of the carburetor;
  • Check the secure fastening of all terminals and wiring. After all, sometimes the problem is in a loose terminal, therefore, without checking it, the entire carburetor is subject to repair. Financial costs increase significantly;
  • Sometimes the cause of poor starting of the car is overheating of the fuel pump. If it is too hot, it may soon fail, and it is better to purchase and install a new one;
  • At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of oil filters.

see also

  • VAZ 2109 injector stalled while driving and will not start
  • VAZ 2107 injector does not start starter does not turn relay clicks
  • Absorber VAZ 2107 injector price
  • VAZ 2109 injector overflows

  • Oil filter injector VAZ 2107

  • VAZ 2109 ignition installation injector
  • How to check injectors on a VAZ 2109 injector video

  • How to convert a VAZ 2107 carburetor to an injector video

  • The fuel level sensor on the VAZ 2109 injector does not work
  • How to convert a VAZ 2106 to an injector
  • From the carburetor to the injector, reworking the wiring of a VAZ 2109

Why does a hot engine stall?

The situation when the car stalls while driving is even less pleasant. What should be done?

  1. The behavior of the Hall sensor on the carburetor is checked. This sensor is held on the distributor by two bolts. You need to unscrew the fasteners and replace the old sensor with a new one. Then put everything back together and check how the carburetor works.
  2. Understand the current performance of the switch.
  3. Replace both parts as necessary.
  4. Blow out the fuel pipes. If they are damaged, they must be replaced immediately.
  5. You need to find the timing belt, remove it, and evaluate the condition of the teeth. If you find that they are worn out, change the belt.
  6. If the cause is not found by visual inspection of contacts, tubes and other components, you will have to disassemble the carburetor.
  7. Let a trusted carburetor technician handle the carburetor adjustments. It’s a good idea to undergo a full diagnostic at a car service center.

Diagnostics of contactless ignition system

Sometimes the VAZ 2109 does not start the first time.
The reason for this may probably be located in the ignition system. In recent years, cars have been equipped with a contactless system. Checking this system does not require any special tools. Everything can be purchased at your nearest auto supply store.

It is more rational to carry out diagnostics of the MD-1 sensor. It is connected to the place of the switch. Next, turn on the ignition.

Working with the sensor is very simple. It has three indicators:

  1. “P” – indicates the proper functioning of the ignition switch;
  2. “K” – shows the state of the primary winding;
  3. “D” – shows the proper operation of the hall sensors when the starter is turned on.

If all indicators work, then there are no malfunctions.

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