Why the sound on the radio in the car disappeared (floats) and the reasons why the speaker does not work


No sound in car radio

No sound in the car radio? There can be many reasons. Therefore, before starting repair work, you must find the problems that led to the breakdown. Without the necessary skills, you can consult with a specialist who will tell you exactly how to act. In particular, if there is no sound in the car radio, most often the problem is associated with a malfunction of the power circuits.

Main causes of malfunctions

If there is no sound from the speakers, then the problem is not always a malfunction of the radio. The main problems are the following:

  • Speaker failure. The main purpose of the device is to output sound. It is not always possible to carry out repairs yourself; often you have to completely replace the device. It is recommended to trust repairs to specialists.
  • Problems with the amplifier. Often the car radio is connected to the speakers via an amplifier. Its purpose is to improve the quality of the outgoing signal. If the amplifier is not working properly, there will be no sound output from the speakers.
  • Weakened contacts. If the radio turns on, but the sound of the car floats, there is a possibility of deterioration in the quality of the connection. Even the loosening of one contact can cause a malfunction of the entire system.
  • The power circuit has closed. To power the radio, a power source is required; the lack of contact is caused by mechanical stress or corrosion due to high humidity.
  • Inconsistency between the power of the used speaker system and the installed radio. Before you independently improve the acoustics in your car, you should consider the capabilities of the radio. If you choose the wrong equipment, it can overheat and fail. The amplifier is rarely repaired; most often it is replaced with a more suitable device.

The sound in the radio also disappears due to a malfunction of the device itself. It is not recommended to purchase fakes, as the Chinese model has poor build quality

We exclude the head unit and amplifier.

If the radio starts up and functions normally, but there is no sound coming from the speakers at all, you can come to the conclusion that the problem lies with them. However, the fact that the radio turns on does not mean that it is working properly. And before you start carrying out global repair work, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the anti-theft mode is not activated on the head unit, which requires a car radio activation code.
  2. Check your volume and audio settings.
  3. Check the various connection sockets (radio, CD player, AUX inputs, etc.).
  4. Check all onboard fuses.
  5. Check if there are any loose wires anywhere.

No sound from speakers

There is often a situation where only one side plays. A common question among car enthusiasts is what to do in such a case. Most often, the problem is a faulty cable, which just needs to be cleaned accordingly. The following substances can be used for cleaning:

  • Ethanol. It can be found in pharmacies, and the cost is relatively low.
  • Isopropyl alcohol. This substance is much more expensive, is sold in large bottles, and cannot be used in the future to achieve other purposes.
  • Nail polish remover. It is able to dissolve the smallest particles and also remove dust from the surface.

School eraser is used to clean large trains. Cleaning instructions are as follows:

  1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the right trim in the immediate vicinity of the glove compartment.
  2. The screws that secure the torpedo trim are unscrewed.
  3. The front part of the radio is pulled out. It is often held on with clips.
  4. All connectors located at the rear are disconnected.
  5. The radio is disassembled, after which the cables are cleaned using a suitable substance.

After completing the above work, you can begin assembly in reverse order.

Spontaneous shutdown

Reading the forums showed that this is a popular problem. For example, many people turn off the radio in their car when listening to music at a volume close to maximum.

Here, car enthusiasts with experience suggest that these are problems with the connection and the battery. If the battery is not charged to 100, then you just need to connect the radio directly from the battery through the fuse. And then everything will be very good.

So, sometimes when driving on our roads the device may also turn off. These are definitely contacts. Motorists also write that the radio in the car turns off every half hour when the engine is not running. And the answer here is simple. This is not a problem, but an advantage. And this is normal operation of absolutely all devices to save battery.

This is not all that can be. However, here are the main problems that people complain about on car forums. Perhaps this article will be of help to someone and help solve problems with music.

Sound settings

If the sound does not work when using Prology 2 din, you can make adjustments. Instructions for performing such work are as follows:

  1. Press the volume control for a few seconds and release.
  2. If the sound disappears on one side, the stereo balance parameter is adjusted. To do this, press the volume control until the word “BAL” and the number appear. The knob is turned until zero is displayed.

This type of sound setting can solve most problems.


For the Pioneer radio, the sound settings are done slightly differently. The instructions look like this:

  1. Hold down the “Audio” key until the “Fad” mode appears.
  2. After this, the keys set zero.
  3. It is possible to reset the settings to factory settings, for which the “Reset” key is held down for several seconds.

The information above describes how to set up your radio to improve sound quality.

Doesn't turn on

To repair the radio, you need to find out the cause of the malfunction.

The device must be inspected in the following order:

  • check the supply voltage, it should be within 12-14 V;
  • make sure that the throttle and fuse L951 are working properly;
  • make sure that the diodes performing the protective function comply with groups D951 and D952;
  • measure the voltage of the Q952 stabilizer, which should be 5 V;
  • inspect sensors Q601 and Q602: if they do not work, the radio cannot play music;
  • make sure that the supply voltage at output 68 of MKIC601 is 5 V;
  • check if there is a switch on transistor Q609;
  • see if 2 quartz oscillators MK and KK work well.

If you do not find a problem, check the pulse contained in the digital bus, which is located in the space between the removable panel and the MK generator. If there is no power, the microcontroller IC601 or IC901 must be replaced.

What to do

If the signal is lost, then you need to check all the elements. Most often they fail:

  • Amplifier.
  • Radio tape recorder.
  • Connecting elements.
  • Speakers.

Work is often carried out to replace the amplifier. This element of the system is designed to improve sound quality.

Amplifier replacement

If the speakers are in good condition, the amplifier chip needs to be replaced. To perform such work, a soldering iron and consumables are required. All parts inside are located tightly, so work should be carried out with great care. Instructions for carrying out work:

  1. The board is removed from the metal case.
  2. The faulty microcircuit is soldered off.
  3. The seating area is being prepared for the new layout. The leads are adjusted to the part using tweezers.
  4. During operation, adjacent elements are protected with foil.

Other problems

Problems with reading storage media arise no less often than difficulties with turning on. You can eliminate them yourself.

No sound or noise

This problem can be caused by several reasons, the most common of which are:

  • No signal. In this case, the sound disappears or loses volume. Checking the high-level pulse supplied by the fourth pin of IC901 helps solve the problem. If there is no signal, the controller must be replaced. If the sound disappears when you start the engine and adjust the volume, you need to inspect the amplifier contacts.
  • No voltage at the base. In this case, the sound fades or disappears completely when you try to increase the volume. This problem is determined by checking the bases with a voltmeter. If the tested parameter is zero, the transistors must be replaced.
  • The Mute button is broken. The change in sound quality in this case is due to a controller malfunction. If you have problems with volume control, you need to check transistor Q802.
  • Amplifier chips burn out. If there is no sound, you need to inspect all the cables connecting this module to the tape recorder. Repair involves replacing capacitors and microcircuits.

Does not read the disk, flash drive or the disk is stuck

When using the car radio, the following problems with reading information may occur:

  • Inability to recognize the disc. Occurs when the laser head is damaged due to vehicle shaking. Replacing this part helps solve the problem.
  • Inability to read flash drive. First of all, you need to check whether there is a light indication on the drive. If it is present, the connector is working. After this, check whether the type of flash drive matches the parameters of the radio. Older audio devices may not read large storage devices. Problems also arise when the software is damaged. They can be solved by flashing the radio.
  • Disc jam. Associated with a breakdown of the motor, pressure roller or sensors. It is recommended to replace parts.

The device is heating up

The radio overheats and turns off on its own if the power system is connected incorrectly. It is necessary to check the wire; it may have become loose or damaged. The cable needs to be completely replaced. The radio does not work in the car even if there is insufficient ventilation. This problem is typical for budget devices; it does not lead to significant malfunctions. If the system overheats frequently, you need to install a ventilation system.

Why is there no sound on the radio?

If the radio is working but there is no sound, then the reasons are zero volume level or problems with the amplifier chip. In the first case, a malfunction of the general or sound settings of the car radio could occur.

If a short circuit occurs in the speakers or the wires going to them, the sound of unaffected channels becomes weaker and more distorted.

When the car audio system is turned on at high volume in such a situation, the amplifier chip quickly burns out and the sound disappears. The reason why the sound in the car floats when the car radio is working is not always related to the settings or electrics. Interruptions when listening to music are often associated with defective media: flash drives, CDs and cassettes.

We exclude the head unit and amplifier.

If the radio starts up and functions normally, but there is no sound coming from the speakers at all, you can come to the conclusion that the problem lies with them. However, the fact that the radio turns on does not mean that it is working properly. And before you start carrying out global repair work, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the anti-theft mode is not activated on the head unit, which requires a car radio activation code.
  2. Check your volume and audio settings.
  3. Check the various connection sockets (radio, CD player, AUX inputs, etc.).
  4. Check all onboard fuses.
  5. Check if there are any loose wires anywhere.

If you have not found any visible problems with the head unit, now you need to determine if something is wrong with the external amplifier.

In car audio systems that use external amplifiers (both original factory versions and those you can buy in stores), the amplifier is the most common cause of this type of problem, since the sound must pass through the amplifier to the speakers. When checking your amplifier, you should do the following:

  1. Make sure the amplifier is turned on.
  2. Determine if your device has security mode enabled.
  3. Check for unconnected or loose speaker input and output wires.
  4. Check built-in and on-board fuses.

Although there are many problems that you can diagnose and fix yourself, you may encounter a situation where everything seems to be fine with the amplifier, although in fact it is not. In this case, you need to try to ignore the amplifier and check whether the head unit and speakers are working normally. In this case, you can use the internal amplifier in the radio, or purchase a new amplifier on the secondary market.

What to do

Many malfunctions due to which the sound in the car radio is lost can be eliminated independently, without resorting to the services of a service center. For example, checking and correcting the sound parameters of Pioneer radio tape recorders, as well as other brands, is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the device.

How to set up a radio

To adjust the sound, press and release the volume control. If the audio is lost on one side, you need to correctly adjust the stereo balance. To do this, press the car radio volume control until the display shows “BAL” and a number. By turning the knob, the stereo balance is set to zero, in the center. The volume of the left and right sides of the car audio system will be the same.

To configure the parameters of the Pioneer audio radio, press the “Audio” button to select the “Fad” function. After this, the “left” and “right” buttons set the balance between the left and right sides, and the “up” and “down” buttons set the balance between the front and rear channels of the car audio. You can configure the radio again by performing a factory reset. It is necessary to press and hold the “Reset” button, which is located on the front panel or under it, with a sharp object for several seconds. This procedure is carried out on a machine with the battery installed and connected.

Amplifier replacement

If the speakers are working properly, but there is no sound from the speakers, then the problem lies in the failure of the amplifier chip. In this case, you must have skills in working with a soldering iron and knowledge of radio electronics. Since all parts inside the car radio are tightly installed, care should be taken to avoid the risk of accidental damage.

First, the board is removed from the metal case and degreased on the reverse side. Then the faulty microcircuit is soldered off. After this, the seat for the new amplifier chip is prepared by thoroughly cleaning it from old solder. If necessary, the leads of the part are bent with tweezers and a ruler. Soldering is carried out with extreme caution. Adjacent parts can be protected with foil. After installing the board in the chassis, the speakers are connected to the radio, power is supplied and operation is checked.

Stripping the loop

This procedure can be performed on radio tape recorders in which the nodes are connected to each other by cables. You need to prepare alcohol or acetone, a cotton swab and an eraser. Then the radio is disassembled and the latch securing the connecting cable is loosened. To avoid mistakes during installation, you should mark the location of the cable relative to the socket.

A careful inspection will determine the presence of dirt and damage. First, you should go over the contacts of the cable with an eraser. Then a fine cleaning is performed using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or acetone. In both cases, care must be taken not to damage the delicate contacts. The reverse connection of the cable is carried out according to the previously made mark.

If only one side of the speakers works

The cause of this problem is an incorrect connection of the speakers themselves or a violation of the stereo balance. Another reason for the lack of sound in the speakers of one side is poor contact in the car radio cable, which often occurs due to oxidation or constant shaking of the device.

Turns off during operation

It happens that the radio turns off during operation. This problem can be caused by a poor or unreliable connection in the power circuit, which occasionally becomes loose when driving fast on rough roads, resulting in an unexpected shutdown. To fix the problem, you need to connect the power cables of the car radio more securely. Connecting the negative wire of the car radio to the car body is carried out as follows:

  1. Find the stud closest to the radio
  2. Clean it from dirt and paint.
  3. Take a piece of wire with a terminal that has a hole of a suitable diameter.
  4. Connect one end to the negative terminal of the radio
  5. Place the terminal onto the stud and screw it securely.

Unreliable mounting of the car radio on the dashboard also leads to malfunctions, including shutdown. Another reason for sudden shutdown is the protective timer built into the radio. It is used to avoid draining the car's battery if the device is accidentally left on without pressing any buttons for a specified period of time. To deal with this problem, you just need to turn on the radio again.

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The radio is working, but there is no sound - reasons

At first glance, nothing has changed in the operation of the radio. It works as before, but there is no sound. This is often due to a breakdown in the power circuits. But there are other situations that cause the sound to disappear. These include:

  1. The speakers are faulty. There are two of them in the radio and they can simply break. Then the sound will not be played. As practice shows, there are mainly cases when one speaker breaks. This also affects the sound quality, it becomes quieter. If both do not work, then it is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis of the device. Since the cause of the breakdown could have been a completely different problem;
  2. The amplifier is faulty;
  3. The contacts on the device have become weaker. This happens over time. One or more contacts are broken. To correct the situation, it is enough to simply solder them;
  4. Closing the circuit. This leads to the fact that the equipment receives a small amount of electrical energy and it is not enough for its full operation;
  5. Use of a powerful speaker system. When choosing it, you need to calculate the capabilities of the radio. Is she able to withstand them? Otherwise, the load on the amplifier will be very large, which will lead to its breakdown. It is very rarely repaired, mostly replaced with a new one. This procedure is also carried out when the owner is not satisfied with the sound. Since its standard version is designed for low volumes, when it is increased, the sound is greatly distorted.

The radio works, but there is no sound, what should I do?

The sound in the Pioneer or Supra radio works according to the same principle, as shown in the photo. Therefore, the problem resolution scheme is carried out according to one type. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the breakdown before you begin to carry out your plans. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation and then the repair will not help, you will need to purchase a new car radio.

Even if the sound in the car has disappeared, but the radio is working, then do not despair. If the problem lies in the amplifier, then you need to take a soldering iron, tweezers and a new part. Then perform a series of sequential activities. They are:

  1. Disconnecting the radio;
  2. Removing the top and bottom covers of the device, and then the front panel;
  3. Preparing the soldering iron for work. To do this, it is heated. They must be handled with extreme caution. Because if you touch any other element, it can melt under the influence of high temperature;
  4. Warming up the powder. This procedure is performed for 20 minutes with periodic repetitions;
  5. Removing the fee. Before doing this, they need to use pliers to make the clamps straight;
  6. Soldering the microcircuit. The parts that are next to it are covered with foil. This event allows you to protect them from damage;
  7. Preparing the site for installing a new part. To do this, the remaining solders are removed from the board;
  8. Installation of a new plateau. Often his legs are not bent as they should be. Then, using tweezers, they are straightened;
  9. Fixing the microcircuit;
  10. Soldering the legs of the part;
  11. Checking the correct installation of the new element;
  12. Device assemblies.

Then it is installed in its original place. Check the quality of work. During repairs, it is necessary to ensure that they are done correctly. Since a new disassembly can lead to the following disruptions in its operation.

In the video you can see this process. It is performed by a professional who has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience. The specialists clearly demonstrated the techniques that need to be applied and how best to do it in order to achieve a high-quality result.

The relationship between a car lighter and a radio in VAZ cars

A common problem for all VAZ car models (2114,2115, 2109, 2110, 21099), this is the same voltage supply circuit to the car player, with output to one common fuse, which is additionally responsible for the power supply:

  • cabin heater (stove);
  • cigarette lighter;
  • heated rear window;
  • the radio itself.

Thus, a failure as a result of a break, short circuit, etc., in the electrical circuit of any device leads to the shutdown of the rest.

Since the tape recorder is equipped with an additional safety device, coming after the main one, after checking them and replacing them, if necessary, the operation of the head unit, like all the above-mentioned equipment, is restored. If only the cigarette lighter (without the player) resumes operation, the cause of the malfunction should be sought in the car radio itself (which is the topic of a separate article).

Typical car radio malfunctions: how to find and fix them?

A car radio, like any other device or mechanism in a car, can fail. As practice shows, car radio repairs are usually carried out in the event of improper operation of the device or when malfunctions occur that are not related to use. In this article, we propose to familiarize yourself with the main causes and methods of eliminating audio system breakdowns.

Standard car radio

It's no secret that over time, the mechanical elements of a multimedia system tend to wear out. So, if the system does not turn on or turns off, it is necessary to either repair or replace it.

But first, let's look at the main reasons why the radio does not work:

Car audio board

Malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Before you remove the radio from the car and begin repairing it, read the list of faults typical for audio systems. Removing and repairing a car radio from a car is not such a problem, but before you take it out, you need to know exactly what to repair.

The car radio turns on, but there is no sound or noise

Car radios need to be repaired independently or by a specialist if there is no sound volume or if the volume is increased and tracks are played, the sound becomes loud.

There may be several options:

Does not read disks, flash drive or disk is stuck

Why doesn't the radio read a flash drive or disk after starting the engine? The disk is stuck, stutters, the system does not see the flash drive?

The reasons may be the following:

Buttons don't work

The buttons don't work - there are several reasons. Firstly, there may be mechanical damage to the buttons. To restore the functionality of the buttons, you need to disassemble the front panel and check the condition of the contacts. Perhaps the contacts from the buttons are simply coming off and need to be re-soldered. If the button is inoperative, it will have to be replaced.

Secondly, the problem with the buttons may be due to a software glitch. The problem can be resolved by rebooting the audio system and returning its functionality to the factory configuration. All settings will be erased from memory. After returning to factory settings, the device must be turned off for a few minutes.

The device is heating up

If the radio gets warm and turns off randomly, there may be several reasons:

Design features of the fuse box on the VAZ-2114

Mounting block.

And since this is AvtoVAZ, there is nothing surprising here and the problem can arise quite often.

The connection between the radio and the cigarette lighter in the design is direct. So, several electrical devices are connected to one branch of the electrical circuit at once and, in addition to those already mentioned, the rear window heating and the interior heater can be connected.

Why don't the radio and cigarette lighter work?

Removed mounting block from the car.

The main cause of the malfunction is the fuse

, which cannot withstand the load that the user puts on it. Thus, connecting additional devices may cause a short circuit, which will cause the fuse to burn. But, as practice shows, these are not all problems that will be associated with a non-working radio and cigarette lighter.

So, let's consider what other reasons may arise due to operation:

  • Connecting contacts to the safety group.
  • Oxidation of contacts.
  • Broken wire.
  • Short circuit.

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Proper nutrition

Car enthusiasts often write that the radio in their car does not turn on or, conversely, does not turn off. There are problems with power supply chains here. The reason is an incorrect connection, power surges in the network.

The radio may indeed not turn on or turn on, but some of its functionality will be unavailable. For example, there may be no display backlight, operation in player mode, or no sound.

In these cases, it is usually recommended to carefully check the functionality of the protective fuse, as well as the protective diode. It would also be a good idea to inspect the printed circuit boards. There you need to look for “burnt” tracks or swollen capacitors and damaged microcircuits.

As for the power supply issue, if the connection is incorrect, the poles of the wires may be accidentally reversed. Also, the contacts may simply wear out or short to the housing.

Methods for solving the problem

Now that the main causes have been sorted out, you can move directly to elimination methods.

So, let's look at what ways to deal with the malfunction.


Disassembled dashboard while searching for fuse and cigarette lighter faults.

The most common cause of malfunction or inoperability of the electrical circuit of individual elements is the notorious fuse.

This is where you need to look for the cause first.

But it does not always withstand the load placed on it. Thus, frequent and large use of additional devices can lead to frequent burnout of this element. Therefore, to check it is worth removing and inspecting the fuse itself. If necessary, the element is replaced with new ones and if everything works, then the reason has been found. But if the problem does not go away, then you should look for it in other places.


Checking the contact group of fuses for malfunction

contact Group

- another common reason for a non-functioning electrical circuit. In most VAZs, the connecting contacts of the fuse with the block or in the circuit of the wire block oxidize or burn out, and molten plastic can interrupt the contacts.

To eliminate the malfunction, you need to check all the wire terminal blocks

, which go from the radio and cigarette lighter to the fuse box. So, it is oxidation and insufficient contact that can lead to the inoperability of the elements.


Another reason could be broken power wires. So, in order to find and fix the fault, you will need a tester that will test the wiring and find the broken wire

. It is recommended not to fasten the wire using the old “old-fashioned method” using electrical tape, but to replace it with a new one. This will take little time, so it’s better to do everything in such a way that you get a short circuit and cause big problems.

Short circuit

Location of frequent failure of the cigarette lighter socket.

The worst thing that can happen is a short circuit. The reason for this phenomenon is that frequent use of the cigarette lighter loosens the socket and this can lead to the contacts crossing and causing a short circuit.

The standard cigarette lighter is just a disaster for the VAZ-2114.

Here, the treatment for the malfunction is quite simple - replacing the socket. But, often motorists take a low-quality and cheap product, which repeats the procedure after a short time.


Cigarette lighter illumination at night VAZ-2114.

The backlight bulb is located in the same electrical circuit, so the burnout of this element causes a malfunction of the radio and the cigarette lighter at the same time. So, if you replace the element, you can correct the situation.

Driver failure

A driver is computer software that allows other software (operating system) to access the hardware of a device. Typically, operating systems come with drivers for key hardware components, without which the system will not work. However, some devices (such as a video card or printer) may require special drivers, usually provided by the device manufacturer.

One of the reasons for no sound on a computer is driver failure. The masses call this problem “driver failure”. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Viruses;
  • Software conflict;
  • Software glitch;
  • Failed to update sound card drivers.

But we are not so much interested in the reasons as in the ways to eliminate them. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager and select Sound devices.

If the audio device icon has a yellow exclamation mark, then the device drivers are corrupted. You need to reinstall them. If an incorrect driver update was performed, then you need to rollback. Below we will consider both methods.

Driver update

Select the sound card and click on Properties using the right mouse button.

In the window that appears, go to the Driver tab and click the Update button.

Next, we will be given the option to choose how to search for the driver: on the Internet or from a specified location. If you have a disk with software or a folder with drivers for your computer, then select the second method and indicate the location of the drivers. If you don’t have drivers, choose the first method.

Driver rollback

As we all wrote above, a rollback is performed if the driver damage is associated with its unsuccessful update. To rollback, click the Rollback button and also click Yes in the warning that appears.

If you have lost sound on your computer and this is due to the sound card driver, then the tips described in this paragraph should solve the problem. If the problem is not in the driver, then read the other options.

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