TOP 15 best timing belt manufacturers for 2022

1. BMRTfrom 800 rubles
2.BOSHfrom 900 rubles
3.LEMFORDERfrom 270 rubles
4. INAfrom 3000 rubles
5. Optibeltfrom 550 rubles

Mini rating (updated in 2022)

In what cases should the timing belt be changed?

Replacing the timing belt in a car can be planned or emergency. In the first case, actions are carried out in accordance with technical requirements. When a fake or cheap version of the gas distribution mechanism is installed in a car, the second case may occur.

It happens that the mechanism is used, as they say, “for wear and tear.” In this case, the period of its operability quickly decreases. This can occur if other devices driven by the timing belt, or individual parts of the belt unit, are not working correctly.

Let's consider malfunctions that can provoke replacement of the gas distribution mechanism outside the plan:

  • The timing belt is not tensioned correctly. Basically, it is overtightened, which leads to rapid wear of the material; it delaminates and cracks. If the tension is weak, the teeth may break. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to check the tension value of the timing belt with some regularity. This does not apply to cars that have an automatic check system.
  • The rollers and the belt were not replaced. Most novice motorists save money and install only a new element of the gas distribution mechanism. In this situation, the device will probably stop working much earlier than it should. In fact, the rollers may look good outwardly, but rotate within normal limits during testing. However, after a little time they will experience a “wedge” and the belt will break. Therefore, it is better not to install the timing belt without replacing the rollers. You know what result awaits you.

An exception to this rule is an emergency replacement of the device, which occurs in certain situations: oil or technical fluid gets on the timing belt, causing damage in the form of cracking or delamination. Simply put, if the installation of a new mechanism was carried out recently and only the drive is damaged, then only it can be replaced.

In other words, the kit needs to be changed not after 50 thousand km, as prescribed, but after 30 thousand km. In this way, it is possible to prevent the rollers from becoming wedged and, as a consequence, breaking the drive belt.

  • Fever. The timing chain may crack as a result of daily overheating of the engine. This means that you need to monitor the performance of the engine cooling system.
  • The timing cover is faulty. If such a problem occurs, then, most likely, the device and all nearby elements will be covered with substances harmful to the mechanism: dirt, water, oil, etc.

Approximately, the timing belt needs to be changed after 60 thousand km. You also need to take into account that the operating time of the device depends on various unfavorable factors.

Some car operation and repair manuals recommend changing the timing belt after 70–80 thousand km. Other manuals clearly indicate that replacement should be carried out after 50–60 thousand km. However, car enthusiasts have derived a practical mileage value after which a new kit needs to be installed. The average figure fluctuates within 50 thousand km, 60 thousand km is already the maximum permissible parameter.

ABC of Operation

Having decided which timing belt from which company is better, drivers, especially those who have encountered problems caused by defects in the production or operation of gas distribution rubber bands, should study the ABCs of replacement and safety precautions associated with these components. Here are the simple truths of operation:

  • The average mileage of a timing belt from replacement to replacement remains at 60 thousand kilometers. It is better to look at the specific information on your car in the owner’s manual from the manufacturer, but if you cannot study these materials, you should play it safe and work according to average indicators;
  • Belt tension is the key to its quality performance. An excessive indicator leads to stretching and is usually associated with excessive efforts by the technician, which threatens early failure of bearings and pumps, not to mention the timing belt itself. Initially, insufficient elasticity threatens to shift the belt, which may be followed by a serious problem in the engine. To prevent unpleasant surprises from becoming global, the degree of tension should be checked immediately after installation, and then monitored after half the recommended service life and, if necessary, tightened/changed to a new one;
  • If the car “lives” in a hot climate all the time, the belt may shorten its service life due to drying out, loss of flexibility, and cracking. The spare part is made of rubber, which is extremely difficult to protect from changes in constant heat. Recommendations from timing belt manufacturing plants always indicate that permanent heat is the basis for replacing the component ahead of schedule by a quarter, and sometimes even a third;
  • Attention should be paid not only to the belt itself, but also to its protection. If the casing is damaged, dirt, drops of oil and other engine compartment fluids are likely to get on its contents. Which also leads to premature aging of rubber;
  • savings are not always justified. For example, in the case of replacing a belt without timing rollers, as the Russians like to do. According to the regulations, these spare parts are replaced as a set after certain mileage indicators, regardless of their visual condition. Otherwise, the rollers, which look good and are quiet to hear, may stop rotating at the most inopportune moment, and soon after reinstalling the belt, then you will have to change everything at once, and perhaps end up in repair of the motor due to a break with all the ensuing consequences;
  • You can only change a belt without rollers if the first one fails much earlier than expected, for example, due to defects in the casing and subsequent oil spillage, drying out of the rubber, etc. But then the timing of replacing the belt and rollers will become asynchronous, and this will need to be closely monitored, without relying on the Russian chance.

The correct choice and conscious use of the timing belt, as well as the vehicle as a whole, is the key to the personal safety of the driver and his passengers. And also additional protection of the family budget from sudden expenses for repairs.

How to choose a timing belt?

In modern cars, only three main types of gas distribution mechanism are installed. Gear drive is found in fairly old cars; this design has long been recognized as obsolete. It was replaced by chain and belt drives.

In the first case, a special chain is installed that has excellent wear resistance, but it is quite noisy, so car manufacturers do not use it very often in engines. Much more often a belt drive is used, which operates quite quietly.

The belt itself is inexpensive, weighs little, and is easy to replace if necessary, but due to lack of tension, the full power of the engine is not fully realized.

A timing belt can fail for a variety of reasons. First of all, it was over-tensioned during installation, resulting in excessive pressure on the rollers. The entire system functions quite stably, but the resource is exhausted much faster, as a result the belt may simply break. When operating a car in a hot climate, the belt begins to dry out, which will ultimately also lead to its rupture. Another reason for failure is dirt or dust that has gotten into the gas distribution mechanism.

The most suitable products can be found in several ways - by the VIN code of the car. This is the simplest operation, since you can be completely sure that the product will exactly fit the given car. They also search for a belt based on the vehicle data - make, model, year of manufacture and other related parameters.

When purchasing a belt, be sure to look at its packaging, which should contain markings regarding the time of its manufacture. The newer the product, the longer it will last; on old belts that have been in storage for a long time, you can even visually detect traces of delamination. Most car experts recommend installing not the original belt on the vehicle, but analogues from well-known manufacturers.

The motorist should take several points into account - you should carry at least one spare belt with you in your car. They change it every 50-80 thousand kilometers. Along with it, the belt tension roller must also be replaced.

Premium belts


The company that produces these belts acts as a supplier of many conveyors where the motor group is produced, and not only these parts are installed, but also hydraulic compensators, phase shifter couplings and other similar spare parts. There is not a single complaint about the quality of the belt, since it is produced in compliance with all existing international technical standards, and is also further strengthened with reinforcement. The rollers supplied with the belt also have a long service life and a good margin of safety - during operation they will not begin to loosen or crumble, regardless of the applied loads.

During the manufacturing process, all processes are under the strictest control, so even the slightest chance that a defective part will be found is completely excluded. In the production of belts, a special, state-of-the-art technology is used to prevent them from tearing. If they wear out, their teeth will simply wear off, which will allow the motorist to at least get to the nearest service station and install a new spare part.


  • Reliable protection against gusts;
  • Long service life;
  • All additional elements are also of decent quality.


  • A little expensive.

Timing belts INA


Like other manufacturers included in this section of our review of the best timing belts, this company has a wide range of products. It can be used not only in cars, but also in some areas of industrial production. These belts are sold in many countries around the world. According to consumer reviews, not only Russian but also foreign, the products of this company are the best among European manufacturers. According to the developers, the belts are capable of providing high adhesion to the elements, which ensures a high efficiency of the car engine, which increases to 98%. Another important point is that the motor starts to work almost silently, even the slightest vibration goes away. The products are manufactured in compliance with all necessary technical requirements, so they are designed for any climatic conditions - both extremely low and fairly high temperatures.

There are also universal belts on sale that can be installed on cars of many brands, including cars produced by domestic factories. You can run into a fake, however, if you know how to distinguish the original belt, this will not happen to you. First of all, the dominant color of the packaging of the product is yellow, if any other, you are holding a fake in your hands. It also does not provide information on which brands of cars are allowed to install these products.


  • The engine stops vibrating during operation;
  • Long period of operation;
  • Good wear resistance;
  • The motor does not make noise and does not make any extraneous sounds.


  • High price.

Timing belts Contitech


The American company engaged in the manufacture of these products is a world leader in the research, development and manufacture of a wide variety of belts for cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, including equipment intended for agriculture and industry. The company itself has been on the market for over 100 years. During this time, many products were created that are significantly superior in quality to analogues from other companies. The belts fully comply with international quality standards, and they also meet environmental standards. The company produces more than 200 variants of timing belts, which are optimally suited for cars manufactured in European countries. Their stretching during operation is minimal, which ensures the quietest operation of the car engine. They are made from materials that have excellent friction resistance.

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The top layer of the belt is a polychloroprene mixture that can withstand very high temperatures. The basis here is a fiberglass cord that is resistant to tensile loads. The fabric layer prevents tearing, and another textile layer located deep in the belt prevents damage to the product from various abrasive materials.


  • Strength, resistance to loads of any kind;
  • The teeth not only adhere well to the pulleys, but also have excellent elasticity;
  • A car on one such belt can travel up to 110 thousand km.


  • Do not bend or twist the belt as fiberglass is quite fragile.

Dayco Timing Belts


These belts are made from high-quality chloroprene with the addition of a certain amount of polyurethane. They are durable and strong, making engine maintenance costs significantly lower. The product can withstand significant physical stress. Products come to our auto parts stores from various European countries, since the production facilities of this German company are located in many countries. The belts have a universal length, making them optimal for all standard engines. They are narrow and have several streams in their structure, which can significantly extend the service life of these products. This provides a significant reduction in the costs required for timely engine maintenance. Modern materials are used in the production process, which makes it possible to obtain fairly hard and flexible products.

Largely due to this approach, it is possible to increase power transfer. On sale you can find round belts, the diameter of which ranges from 3 to 15 mm. They are equipped with a polyester cord, have excellent resistance to abrasive materials, and are insensitive to solvents, gasoline and oils.


  • A large assortment;
  • Modern materials and technologies are used in production;
  • Long service life;
  • The friction coefficient is minimal;
  • There are practically no counterfeit products on sale.


  • Not very easy to find in stores, you often have to order it.

Optibelt timing belts


The belts of this American company have been recognized by experts as the best all over the world for decades, especially since the company has been on the market for over a hundred years. It has its own research center, where the development of new models is carried out, which are designed to provide the highest efficiency of the car engine. Products are subject to very stringent requirements from the quality control department, they are even stricter than existing global requirements. The composition includes nitrile, which is a modern polymer material with a high level of wear resistance; neither oils, nor gasoline or diesel fuel are sensitive to it, it performs excellently even in rather aggressive environments. Also used in manufacturing is fiberglass, which is twisted into a spiral inside the belt.

The toothed profiles are precisely aligned with the gears, which allows for the tightest possible grip of the belt with them, which reduces noise during engine operation and significantly increases efficiency. The products are perfectly protected from counterfeiting, so only original belts can be found on sale. There are quite a few varieties of products - regular, reinforced, and with rollers included. There are also extended kits on sale, equipped with various types of sealing elements.


  • An excellent anti-counterfeit system; counterfeits can be distinguished very quickly even by an inexperienced person in these matters;
  • Produces the entire declared service life even in quite aggressive environments and with sudden temperature changes;
  • Ideally resists wear and other physical stress;
  • Provides almost one hundred percent efficiency;
  • The engine starts running absolutely silently.


  • Not detected.

Gates timing belts


Problems with this part arise only among motorists who are lax about the condition of their vehicle and do not undergo regular maintenance. If the service life of a part is completely exhausted or close to it, then it is necessary to replace it as quickly as possible, because in the future this problem can lead to more serious breakdowns.

Most products are made from neoprene or saturated vinyl. The first is a fairly popular material, however, at peak engine loads, when its temperature reaches 120 degrees, they begin to lose their elasticity and wear out faster.

Saturated nitrile is not sensitive to moisture, temperature, fuel or motor oil, which has a positive effect on the service life of the part. It is not surprising that they will cost much more than neoprene products.

When compiling our rating of the best timing belts, we took into account the reputation of the manufacturer, the price-quality ratio of the product, as well as reviews from users and car repair specialists. We have tried to select products that are optimal in terms of cost so that they are within the means of most of our readers. Now let's analyze in detail the performance characteristics of each model.

Purchase rules

As is the case with the purchase of any auto parts, before purchasing a timing belt, you should carefully study the comparative characteristics of several models compatible with your car, analyze reviews and compare the cost of parts from different manufacturers and at different points of sale.

To choose the best timing belt for yourself, it is worth remembering the basic important rules for testing before purchasing:

  • confirmation of product quality. An appropriate quality certificate and an original hologram on the packaging of the car part will help reduce the risk of buying a counterfeit (some place a sticker on the belt itself, but such cases are less common). Make sure that there is a hologram on the box without signs of re-sticking, and then make sure that there is a certificate for the product - every bona fide seller must present it upon request;
  • absence of visible defects. Each belt that you are considering as a potential purchase should be carefully inspected for manufacturing defects and mechanical flaws that may have occurred during transportation. Any nicks, cracks, tears, cuts, or traces of use should be a signal to refuse to purchase this item, as they significantly reduce the reliability and service life;
  • digital belt differential. The production technology of this spare part is such that a workpiece of impressive size is cut into copies, which are marked with a digital differential. This is the generally accepted norm for time-tested brands. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the numbers. If all possible values ​​are repeated on one belt, you most likely have a non-original part in front of you;
  • cost of production. No matter how much you would like to reduce your car maintenance budget, the obvious cheapness of the belt should be alarming. You may find yourself looking at either a “dark horse” product or a replica of a well-known brand. Therefore, always compare the price from several sellers, including large distributors of the brand, and look for values ​​​​close to the arithmetic average;
  • brand. Not a single brand gives an absolute guarantee of every sample - there is a share of defects in all production, and in the modern world they know how to counterfeit products extremely skillfully. However, a product from a stable manufacturer that has long conquered its market segment, purchased at a branded point of sale, is more likely to serve you faithfully far beyond the manufacturer’s warranty.


Good combination of price and quality

In addition to household appliances, the company produces spare parts for cars. Timing drives are the best because they have a long operating life at a fairly low price.

If you use the vehicle in a gentle mode and do not overload the engine, the timing belt will work the entire 60 thousand km without any problems.


  • the average price of the drive is 800 rubles;
  • the manufacturer of the product is a German company;
  • model range - along with BMW, you can also find belts for VAZ;
  • there are practically no fakes;
  • available in many automotive stores;
  • long service life;
  • does not lose shape and retains its integrity until replacement.


  • when stored in a garage, rubber may lose elasticity and dry out;
  • Replacement can only be carried out together with the rollers.


The gas distribution mechanism has failed. Which timing belt should you choose? Definitely Lemforder. Since 1997, the company has been presenting the best range of brands and models of cars from various manufacturers.

The Germans work together with Korean companies. As a result, the list was replenished with new models for which Lemforder produces products. When choosing the required product, you can use the VIN code, because it is much more convenient.


  • product cost – from 900 rubles;
  • the drive is guaranteed to withstand a mileage of 60 thousand km;
  • the teeth of the rubber belt have clear boundaries, which allows them to cling securely to the pulley;
  • The belt is resistant to high speeds during long periods of time.


  • counterfeits are widespread;
  • the internal contents of the packaging may not correspond to the appearance, that is, manufacturers of other companies use Lemforder branded boxes for their goods;
  • Certain conditions are required to keep the spare drive in good condition.


the best manufacturer of Russian timing belts.

This company is the only one from Russia that is included in the list of the best representatives in this category. The popularity of the domestic manufacturer is explained simply: the plant in Balakovo specializes only in this product.

The quality of the manufactured goods is almost no different from foreign analogues. If you operate the car within reasonable limits, the drive will wear out according to the guaranteed mileage or a little later. The list of manufactured products is suitable for most vehicle models: the entire B1 platform, which is used by Russian car enthusiasts, and all VAZ cars - Priora, Kalina, Granta, etc.


  • the catalog of manufactured goods covers all models of domestic cars;
  • quality meets European standards;
  • positive feedback from specialists after various tests;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified at this time.


Long period of operation

When deciding which timing belt is best to take, you should pay attention to the products of the French company Hutchinson, which is a leader in the global market for rubber-metal products. The products of this company are popular in the Russian automotive parts market.

The quality and reliability of drives is confirmed by many European auto giants (BMW, Toyota, Hyundai, Ford, Nissan, Citroen, etc.), which purchase elements supplied to assembly lines from Hutchinson. The company is constantly improving its production process and applying technology, based on quality standards accepted in Europe. They help make the properties of the finished product even better.

The gas distribution mechanism drives of this manufacturer are suitable for many vehicle models, including Russian VAZ (“LADA”) cars. Good quality and reasonable cost of the product increase the popularity of the product. In addition, drivers speak positively about the durability of the drive and a significant period of serviceability (100 thousand km is not yet the maximum).

Replacement intervals

On average, it is recommended to replace the drive belt and gas distribution mechanisms after sixty thousand kilometers. This is an approximate indicator that depends on the operating characteristics and type of car. The fact is that on some car models, technical regulations set the replacement period for this part - seventy, and in some cases, ninety thousand kilometers. But still, in a large number of car models, the service life of belts is fifty or seventy thousand kilometers. It is important to remember that the gas distribution drive requires systematic monitoring and maintenance. If such procedures are neglected, the results may be disastrous.

Based on all the features and characteristics set out in the article, accurately and unambiguously draw a conclusion which timing belt is better to choose. In the Russian Federation, the most popular brands among drivers are Gates and Contitech. They are followed by Dayco and Bosch. The main requirement: it is best to buy original parts that are installed on the car from the manufacturer. Or purchase high-quality analogues. It is important to ensure that the part is a branded product.


Industry leader

Gates is a manufacturer that is, so to speak, the “leader” among the rest. The Belgian company operates in a narrowly focused area: it produces timing belts for internal combustion engines and specialized equipment for various purposes. The company delivers its products directly to the assembly line of most major automakers.


  • quite a large range of models;
  • used for sports cars and can withstand loads at high speeds;
  • the guaranteed period is 50 thousand km or 2 years;
  • has high strength, which is achieved due to the drive width of 34 mm;
  • has a reliable connection with the pulley thanks to 211 teeth;
  • supplied directly to enterprises involved in the production of vehicles.


  • price from 2,000 rubles;
  • replacement is carried out complete with rollers, which leads to an increase in the cost of installing a new device.


Contitech is a German company that is included in the list of large manufacturers. Products from this company are installed on new vehicles during assembly. Contitech also produces belt devices, air suspension parts and other elements for cars.

Continental is a popular tire manufacturer and their timing belts are the best. The Contitech brand is a subsidiary of this enterprise.

The Contitech brand timing belt rubber mixture includes:

  • synthetic rubber – 60%;
  • carbon black, to which aramid or Kevlar fibers are added, which additionally protect against mechanical damage - 30%;
  • additives for various purposes that help control the vulcanization process in the production of timing belts – 10%.

The standard drive cord material is fiberglass. The teeth of the product are covered with polyamide fabric, some varieties with Teflon film, to increase the service life of the belt.

The products of this company are very popular and can be used in various models and brands of cars. Many vehicle manufacturers directly purchase the company's products.

Nuances of choice

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which timing belt is better. To do this, you need to take into account the characteristics of the car itself, know its make and model.

The market offers a huge range of spare parts for vehicles. But among them there are a large number of fakes and simply low-quality parts. To make a truly right choice, you need to build on several basic recommendations, and also give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Choosing the right timing belt begins with determining the frequency of replacement of this engine element. Timing belts are considered consumables, that is, after a certain period of time they must be changed due to wear.

The average interval between replacements is 60 thousand kilometers. But practice shows that poor operating conditions can significantly reduce the service life of any spare parts, including belts. Therefore, drivers are recommended to carefully check the condition of the timing belt already at 40 thousand kilometers, and from about 50 thousand to be ready for replacement.

Without focusing on specific manufacturers for now, we can offer several options for car owners to choose from:

  • original spare parts;
  • non-original analogues;
  • cheap belts from little-known manufacturers.

Here it seems that the choice is obvious, and you need to take only original spare parts. But among motorists there are also those who, without much fear, buy the most affordable parts, not paying attention to the potential risks posed by questionable belts.

Original timing belts are indeed the most expensive in terms of price. But there is a downside to this in the form of safety and quality assurance. Especially if the installation is carried out through an official service center.

There are some nuances here. If you look at the product catalogs of official services, the spare parts are listed under the car brand, but the manufacturer of the parts itself is not indicated. This doesn't just apply to belts. Such components are considered original. The situation can be explained with a simple example. The GM brand, that is, General Motors, is indicated on belts for Chevrolet cars. Although in fact GM itself does not manufacture belts. They are supplied under contract by Gates.

And here one most important nuance is revealed.

The cost of original spare parts is noticeably higher than that of exactly the same parts, but only produced under the name of the real manufacturer. It turns out that the GM and Gates belts are the same, only the price may differ by 20-50%. It is logical to ask why overpay for exactly the same part if you can buy exactly the same element at a lower price.

There are different opinions on this matter.

Some drivers are sure that there is a difference. Allegedly, for car companies, belt manufacturers make products of higher quality in order to best meet customer requirements. But already under our own brand, the products are doing a little worse. It’s hard to say what the point is in ruining your own reputation. This is likely due to the fact that manufacturers of spare parts, including timing belts, receive the main income through contracts with large automakers. Sales of parts under your own brand are already considered a secondary source of profit.

Although in reality there are no significant differences between the original belts and their analogues. The only difference is that the official service provides quality guarantees, while when purchasing a part on the regular market you are not protected from counterfeiting.

As for the third option, none of the sensible motorists will consider it. Buying cheap belts of dubious origin is potentially very dangerous. Here you may encounter low quality and unknown reliability. No one can say for sure how long such a belt will last.

Considering everything that was said earlier, when replacing such a consumable as a timing belt, it is better to contact official service centers for your car brand, or buy products from leading manufacturers.

Myths about fake belts

You can often hear information from experienced car owners that if there is a seam on the belt, it means it is defective. In fact, this is not true at all. Many drives have a similar seam, as it is provided for by the manufacturing technology. These products are produced by cutting a wide roll (the ends of which can be sewn) into blanks corresponding to the geometric parameters. The seam is made with strong threads and does not affect the operation of the belt in any way. But it’s worth assessing the quality of the seam and the data indicating its number.

Another common myth is that a Teflon-coated timing belt must be white. This is also a mistaken opinion. Teflon itself does not have any color, therefore, its application to the belt does not affect the final shade of the product. You can find out about the presence of Teflon coating by studying the documentation or asking the seller.

It is also a myth that the Teflon® coating must have the inscription “Teflon®” on it. This is completely false. Such information is specified separately. Most Teflon-coated belts are visually indistinguishable from others.

The best timing belts in the budget price segment



The only Russian manufacturer that is able not only to compete with foreign ones, but also to lead the rating of timing belts in the middle and low price category. The plant produces exclusively rubber products. The secret of his success lies in his narrow specialization.

The wear resistance of the belt allows it to be used slightly longer than the guaranteed mileage. The assortment includes parts for products of the domestic automotive industry - timing belts for Priora, Grant, Kalina, and popular foreign brands assembled, including in Russia: Renault and Nissan. Balakovo products cover most of the economy car segment.


  • product range;
  • quality confirmed by European standards;
  • reasonable price;
  • positive reviews from specialists.


  • not identified in this segment.



A widely known manufacturer of equipment and electronics for one and a half years, which also has excellent recommendations for the spare parts and components produced for cars.

The concern implements a fairly acceptable pricing policy and constantly earns favorable reviews from real users. The disadvantage of timing belts specifically is their vulnerability under heavy overloads, but in the economy segment this is a general trend.


  • adaptability of goods to various car models;
  • high protection against falsification;
  • excellent quality within the warranty period;
  • affordable price.


  • After replacing the belt, there is a period of grinding into the pulleys.



This manufacturer is part of a group of enterprises specializing in auto components, which include timing belts that are suitable for both German cars and Koreans (Hyundai-Kia concern), Japanese (Honda and Toyota brands) ), “Americans” (“Chevrolet” and “Ford”), there is also a good timing belt for VAZ (including the timing belt for Grant, Kalina, Largus, etc.).

Despite the overall good quality characteristics, the expert community is concerned about the fact of a sharp decline in its own production. The company subcontracts belts from Korea or other German factories, packaging them under its own name. The subcontractor manufacturers themselves have good recommendations, but in fact, under the Lemforder brand lie completely different brands.


  • compatibility with cars from around the world;
  • product quality;
  • wide price range.


  • disguising products of other brands under this brand.



This brand produces the most wear-resistant belts that last for a long time and mileage. During factory assembly of cars, they are used by European and Japanese brands (from BMW to Citroen). The machines at the enterprise itself are constantly updated, as are production technologies. Spare parts meet all quality requirements in Europe and Asia. They have good compatibility with the domestic automobile industry. The operating range exceeds 100 thousand kilometers.


  • compatibility with cars from around the world;
  • product quality.


  • not identified.



In Russia, this manufacturer has proven itself very well as a supplier of spare parts for domestic cars. Although initially it was a project of Japanese and Korean factories to maintain their line of cars in working order. But the company’s development dynamics quickly allowed it to expand beyond East Asia and begin to conquer the world. Gas distribution belts of this brand rarely break, which means they minimize sudden total engine failure. In product reviews, car owners note the adaptability of Russian cars and their satisfaction with the choice.


  • compatibility with cars from around the world;
  • increased reliability and protection against rupture.


  • not identified.

All of the manufacturers listed are adapted to the Russian market; their timing belts are suitable for the most popular car models made or assembled in Russia. And this is mainly economy class, like the components themselves, so car owners are satisfied not only with the quality, but also with the price of the belts.

Budget and mid-price products

AMD Belts

Quite an interesting product from the South Korean company of the same name, which directly cooperates with such car brands as GM, SsangYoung, KIA, Hyundai, and a significant part of the finished belts and related elements are supplied directly to factories. Experienced motorists recommend buying not the belt itself separately, but a whole timing belt kit, which includes a deflection pulley and a tension roller. All these elements are made from high-quality materials and are characterized by versatility - suitable for many brands and models of domestic and imported cars.

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Separately, users talk about the rollers and their high quality, in particular, they do not have any backlash or other defects that can be detected during operation. As users note, this belt operates quite quietly throughout its entire service life and does not produce any extraneous hums or noises. The product has a high level of strength, which greatly reduces the likelihood of sudden rupture.


  • Easy to install;
  • High quality materials;
  • Versatility;
  • After installation, the engine runs very quietly, without extraneous noise or beating;
  • Sold complete with all necessary rollers.


  • It is not advisable to use in climates with fairly low temperatures.

AMD Belts


It is a French-made product, which is distinguished by high quality indicators and a long service life - even more than 100 thousand km can pass between replacements. The company producing these belts is one of the world's leading enterprises in the production of rubber-metal products. At the same time, the products have been on the domestic market for quite a long time and are deservedly popular among motorists. Timing belts produced by this company are installed in new cars from Ford, BMW, Toyota, Nissan, Citroen and many others. This already indicates the excellent quality of the product. It is worth noting that all belts have certificates confirming compliance with all European and international standards.

In terms of their characteristics, they are in no way inferior to more expensive products. Timing belts are universal; they can be installed on domestic brands, including cars produced by the VAZ concern. The elasticity indicators are average, which significantly reduces the load on the tension roller; accordingly, the belt will not stretch during operation. The material from which the belt is made reacts quite calmly to the ingress of oil or fuel - it does not begin to delaminate or deform. Users did not notice any slippage on the pulleys; even after prolonged use, it does not begin to squeak or whistle.


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  • Reasonable cost;
  • Long period of operation;
  • Reliability;
  • Resists wear and other physical stress well.


  • Counterfeit products are often found on sale.



Belts of this brand are manufactured by a German company, part of the fairly well-known ZF concern. The companies that are its components produce a wide range of components for cars; it is quite natural that the company produces timing belts. Our customers include Korean, Japanese and American automobile brands. The belts are optimally suited for Russian cars. In the assortment you can find both quite cheap and very expensive products. Moreover, even cheap products are distinguished by excellent German quality, which ensures a long service life of the belts.

They are made from a material that can withstand significant loads and has a moderate elongation rate. This allows you to be in a tense state all the time, but at the same time not create additional loads on other engine elements. The belt wears out over a long period of time - the car must travel about 90-100 thousand km for this to happen.


  • Wide price range;
  • Large selection of belts according to a variety of criteria;
  • All products available in stores are new.


  • It is not uncommon for products from another company to appear under the logo of this manufacturer.

Lemforder timing belts


Despite the rather contradictory reviews regarding the belts of this domestic manufacturer, it deservedly took second place in our ranking. The fact is that the products of this company are often counterfeited, but the quality of the counterfeits leaves much to be desired. The main distinguishing point associated with this company is that it is not part of any automaker concerns, but specializes exclusively in the production of rubber technical products.

The quality of original belts is in no way inferior to foreign analogues. Although the stated service life is about 75-80 thousand km, in fact it is much longer. Like most of the products included in our review of the best timing belts, they are universal - suitable for Renault brands, the entire model range of VAZ, UAZ and other domestic manufacturers. There are products designed for trucks. During operation, the belts behave well, do not create additional noise, have an average tension, ensuring a high engine efficiency and without leading to roller abrasion.

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  • Original products are of fairly high quality;
  • Suitable for many cars;
  • Experts give positive conclusions;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Finding a belt actually produced by this company is not very easy.

Timing belts Balakovo


Timing belts from another German company are also of fairly high quality, although the company’s specialization is quite wide and includes the manufacture of a huge range of household appliances, tools, and so on. The material from which these parts are made does not cause the slightest criticism. When installing the belt, even on domestic cars, there is not the slightest complaint - no extraneous noise, squeaks, squeaks or tapping. The belt itself does not heat up at all during operation due to friction against the pulleys, as happens with cheaper products. During operation it stretches, but not too much - this does not in any way affect the quality of operation of both the engine itself and the gas distribution mechanism.

Almost all users have the same opinion about this product: at a very reasonable cost, the quality of the belts is simply excellent. For passenger cars that carry low or medium loads, this will be the best option.


  • Can be installed on almost all relatively modern cars;
  • It is almost impossible to find counterfeit products;
  • Long service life under moderate loads;
  • Reasonable price.


  • After installation there should be some grinding in to the pulleys.

Bosch timing belts

Digital belt designation

The part must exactly match the parameters of the original. Functionality, ease of installation, and service life depend on this. All timing belt companies mark their products. The code is printed on the outer surface; the basic information is encrypted in the digital designation:

  • Clove shape;
  • Pitch and height;
  • The presence of a groove;
  • Number of cloves;
  • Product width.

The letters at the end of the digital designation inform about the materials used in production. If there is no letter code, then the part is made of neoprene rubber. A data decoding table is available on the websites of all spare parts manufacturers.

How not to buy a fake product

The only way to avoid falling for a fake is by carefully studying the purchased product. Packaging, labeling, equipment and degrees of protection must be checked with information on the manufacturer’s websites. Many people use QR code feedback and holographic stickers.

You can find characteristic signs of fakes on the Internet, but this market also does not stand still, errors are promptly corrected. Some guarantee may be purchasing from official dealers of the brand.

In all other cases, you will have to conduct a thorough investigation of the product at the expert level, although primitive counterfeits are detected quite easily, and it does not make much sense to reproduce all the protections at the low cost of such a product.

Just careful consideration and comparison with the standard is enough.


Today there are a large number of fakes on the auto parts market. Naturally, the timing drive did not stand aside. Products from not only brands of expensive manufacturers are counterfeited, but also brands that are in the middle price category.

to follow simple rules when choosing the right product

  1. Visit stores you trust. It doesn't matter which timing belt you choose. It is better to take from official representatives of companies producing specific products.
  2. Inspect the packaging box carefully. Companies that value their reputation invest heavily in printing. If you have the original box in front of you, the images on it will be clear and not blurry. You will not find any grammatical errors in the text part. Perhaps there will be a hologram, although not all companies use it.
  3. Carefully inspect the drive and all the parts included in the repair kit. The outer side of the belt necessarily contains data that will tell about the characteristics and purpose of the product. For example, brand, size, etc. In addition, the rubber must be free of cracks, damage, various inclusions and other inconsistencies.



How to spot a fake

Today, the auto parts market is simply overflowing with various counterfeit products. And this applies not only to premium spare parts, but even to the mid-range category. Therefore, we strongly recommend that when choosing a timing belt, you pay close attention to the quality of the timing belt and remember a few simple rules that will help you minimize the likelihood of purchasing counterfeit products.

  • Buy only from trusted outlets. It doesn’t matter what kind of belt you need - expensive or cheaper, it’s better to contact the official representatives of the desired brand.
  • Inspect the packaging carefully. A self-respecting company spends a lot of money on high-quality printing. The text on the packaging should be clear and easy to read, and the image should not be blurry. Grammatical and spelling errors in the product description are a clear sign of a fake. There must be a hologram on the box (if provided by the manufacturer).
  • Carefully inspect the belt itself and all items included in the kit. The outer side of the timing drive must have appropriate markings and data on its intended purpose. The brand, size and other characteristics are indicated. Also, the timing belt should not have delaminations, cracks, cuts or other signs of mechanical damage.

Some companies have the ability to online check the originality of a product. For these purposes, a special code, drawing, QR code or other information is applied to the box, with the help of which originality can be identified. To carry out the check, it is enough to have a smartphone with Internet access on hand. Sometimes there are options for sending SMS with the code indicated on the package.

It is worth remembering that a fake timing belt will not last the specified service life. In addition, it will not ensure the normal operation of the gas distribution mechanism and other systems associated with it. Consequently, the duration and quality of operation of not only the gas distribution system, but also the engine as a whole depends on the originality of the belt.

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