Adjusting the VAZ 2115 rocker (short-stroke and long-stroke)

VAZ models received one unpleasant feature: with age, backlashes appear in some parts of the car. We are talking about the transmission, engine, and gearbox. There is no need to wait until all the parts of the unit wear out, since a complete replacement will cost more than modernization. In this article we will talk about tuning the gearbox, or more precisely, about installing a short-stroke shifter (SC) instead of the standard one. Here, VAZ 2114 owners have three options: installing a freelance rocker, making the part with their own hands, and also adjusting the standard unit.

Important! Defects in the operation of the gearbox may appear due to the oil seal, the “symptoms” of which are similar to the rocker. A visual inspection is enough to determine whether the seal is working or not. The analysis can be performed according to the scheme from this article.

The short-throw rocker reduces gear shifting time, which is why this part was originally only found in sports cars. Subsequently, almost all automakers included a short-throw rocker in the design of their cars. AvtoVAZ lagged behind foreign cars a little, so the first model of the company with this part was the Lada Kalina, so if you install a freelance element, then it’s from the Kalina.

Adjusting the rocker on a Lada Kalina car

The backstage adjustment on the Lada Kalina must be done every time any work has been done on the gearbox. It also happens that the rocker clamp is not tightly clamped to the rod, or the nut becomes loose, which leads to displacement of the rocker and poor gear shifting. You can do all this yourself, armed with a wrench.

In order to get to the clamp on the rod, you need to drive onto an inspection hole or overpass. After this, fully open the clamp (it is located behind the cardan drive on the gearbox side) and place the gear shift lever in reverse or first gear until it stops. It is best if you have an assistant who will hold the lever in the cabin.

When the lever is fixed, tighten the clamp. If there are any issues with the tightening of the nut or the integrity of the clamp, it is better to replace them. When the clamp is tightened, you need to check how the gears shift.

If you still have issues with switching, you need to try to start from the opposite. That is, if you adjusted the rocker when reverse gear was engaged, try adjusting it in first gear and vice versa. If this does not help, you need to check the fastening of the link to the lever and the ball joint of the lever.

Perhaps the lever is simply “loose” - this will be felt by a slight play. When the lever is securely fixed, the appearance of play may mean that the ball joint is worn out or its fastening is displaced. In such cases, it is better to replace it.


Comparison of short and long stroke

Car enthusiasts describe the difference in options as fantastic. The renovation dramatically improves ergonomics. The amplitude of movements of the gear shift knob decreases by two to three times, but the force on its tip increases. The increase is quite acceptable, since gear shifting occurs in an unloaded state with the clutch depressed and does not require any serious effort.

Some experts believe that an increase in the shoulder leads to an increase in forces on the gearbox rods and to additional wear on the gearbox. There is no statistical confirmation of this point of view yet. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order a short-stroke configuration from the factory. You must install it yourself at your own risk. AvtoVAZ does not approve of such changes in the design of the Nine.

Independent modernization of the design associated with welding the levers lengthens them, and the height of the gearshift knob above the tunnel increases by about 5 cm. Such alteration requires welding work and the involvement of an experienced specialist, for whom cutting the levers using a grinder, installing a pipe and a strip of the appropriate section , and also welding the levers is not difficult.

The adjustment changes the ergonomics, but due to the reduction in the strokes of the shift knob, it is not perceived as a deterioration.

VAZ 2114 rocker repair - How to adjust the rocker on a VAZ 2114, varieties, repair

In order for the vibration of the VAZ 2114 gearbox handle to cease to exist, you need to have a couple of tools in reserve:

  • Socket wrenches 13 and 10
  • New drawstring cover
  • Overpass or pit in the garage
  • A smart friend who will help you tune the stick
  • You can stock up on thread locker, but you can do without it (this thing is attached to the side of the box itself).

It will take a little time, about half an hour to eliminate troubles and the same amount to adjust.

First way

Progress of the adjustment process:

  • Sketch, remember, remove or measure, but make sure that after installation everything is in its place: namely, at a certain distance from the passenger and the console.
  • Now you can crawl under the car and begin to unscrew the fasteners for inserting the bushing into the lever tube (also called the rocker) using a 13-socket, and remove the lever.
  • Then, remove the cover from the cross. Be prepared for oil to pour out. You can put the container in advance if you really feel sorry for him. Then pour it back. Well, unscrew its fasteners to remove it.

Drawstring without cover for VAZ 2114

  • That's it, now we need to install a new clamp - this is the bolt that secures the cross. You can, of course, clean and tighten the old one, but it is not so expensive that you need to save on it. And new things always inspire greater confidence in the future.

We will put the actions in the opposite direction with some deviations:

  1. After putting the stick in place, inserting the bolt and tightening it, putting the cover in place, you need to engage 4th gear. This will drive the bushing into place - into the rocker (lever).
  2. Then, put it in neutral. This is where a friend comes in handy: he places it, and you tighten the fasteners. At this moment, you can adjust the position of the stick, move it in the desired direction under you.
  3. Well, then try the result. If you are not satisfied with how the gear knob is positioned on the VAZ 2114, you need to bring the adjustment to fruition.

Second way

The second reason for the rattling is the bushing, which is located on the lever itself. In order to get rid of this nasty sound you just need:

  1. Open-end or socket wrench 13
  2. New bushing
  3. And a little patience

The process itself will also take no more than half an hour. The work itself will have to be carried out in the interior of your car. The action plan is:

  • To get to the bushing, you need to remove the skin from the gear knob.
  • Using the wrench you have, unscrew the nut and pull out the bolt.

Unscrew the nut on the VAZ 2114 gearbox lever

We take out the gearshift lever of the VAZ 2114

Gearbox lever bushing components for VAZ 2114

  • We assemble in reverse order.

In fact, as a result of this procedure (how to eliminate the rattling of the VAZ 2114 gearbox lever) you should get the following effect:

  • The stick will stop vibrating at idle
  • When revving up, the lever will not make those wild metallic sounds.
  • May vibrate a little, but not enough to irritate the driver
  • The gear selector itself will move through the gears more clearly (the result of a properly tightened bolt)


We noted that for the VAZ 2114 you can install a sports short-throw rocker. Outwardly they are quite similar, but the difference in work is felt immediately. On a sports unit, gears shift faster and smoother. It's all about the design of the backstage itself. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of this that the process of independent replacement becomes almost impossible.

Sports model

If you decide to install a short-throw rocker on your VAZ 2114, contact trusted car services, or even better, a studio that specializes in tuning. Such events are classified as technical improvement, which is why no one understands this better than tuning specialists. Even official AvtoVAZ car services.

Gearbox slide: what it is, signs of wear, how to adjust it yourself

Not all motorists have any idea what the name of this or that part in their car is. In this case, we are talking not only about the mechanisms “hidden” in the engine, but also about the devices with which they interact literally every day. One of these parts is the gearbox linkage.

Please note: The name "slide" is not official for this mechanism, but it is generally accepted. In fact, this part is called the transmission control rod.

1. What is a gearbox rocker 2. Signs of gearbox rocker wear 3. Adjusting the gearbox rocker

What is a gearbox rocker?

Many drivers mistakenly believe that the rocker refers to the gear shift lever, but this is not entirely true. If we are talking about a gearbox rocker, we mean a composite mechanism whose task is to connect the gearshift lever and the rod. That is, the driver cannot see the backstage, much less touch it. This element is located between the lever and the gearbox itself, and it is located under the bottom of the car, near the driveshaft, and in some cases under the gearshift lever itself.

As can be understood from the description, the rocker regularly has to deal with serious loads, so this element must have good strength. Despite this, the slide is susceptible to damage. If it does not contain enough lubricating components, drops of water, dust or other “debris” have entered it, there is a high risk of part failure.

Please note: On some cars, the rocker can last 200-300 or even more than thousands of kilometers without replacement. But, if we take the average result, the gearbox usually fails after 100 thousand kilometers of operation.

Signs of gearbox wear

The driver must pay attention to possible failure of vehicle components, including knowing the characteristic signs of wear on the gearbox linkage in order to take timely action to replace it. Despite the fact that the mechanism is quite reliable, you should be aware of the following “symptoms” of its imminent breakdown:

  • Increased play at the gearshift knob. This can be noticeable both when the handle is in neutral and in one of the gears;
  • Difficulty shifting gears. For example, one or more gears are difficult to “stick”, or maybe a crunching noise occurs when the lever moves in their direction;
  • It feels like changing gears has become more difficult, as if the lever has become much heavier;
  • Gears are engaged incorrectly, for example, instead of fifth, third is engaged or vice versa.

Drivers often ignore the appearance of play in the gearbox, believing that this is a normal situation. In fact, if backlash occurs, it is imperative to diagnose the gearbox, and, if necessary, adjust or replace the linkage. The fact is that a slight play is already a fairly serious symptom of a faulty gearbox linkage.

If it “breaks” while the car is moving, this can lead to serious consequences for both the car and the driver, since in such a situation there is a high risk of getting into an accident.

That is why, if you notice problems with gear shifting, be sure to contact a service center for diagnosis and repair of the linkage, if necessary.

Adjusting the gearbox rocker

It is not always necessary to completely or partially replace the scenes. Quite often you can limit yourself to simple adjustments. At the same time, it is possible to adjust the link with your own hands, without contacting a service center. There are two ways to adjust:

  • In reverse gear. In order to adjust the rocker for reverse gear, you need to loosen the clamp on it, and then move the gearshift lever to the position that corresponds to the ideal engagement of reverse gear. After this, the clamp is tightened, and the work is considered completed;
  • On the first transfer. If it is not possible to engage reverse gear, you can adjust the gearbox rocker in first gear. To do this, engage first gear, and then loosen the rocker clamp. Next, rotate the rocker drive counterclockwise until the gearshift lever stops in the plastic reverse speed lock, and then tighten the clamp.

It is worth noting that the general processes for adjusting the gearbox linkage are described above. It is important to say that the process may differ depending on the car, so before starting work it is recommended that you read the instructions specifically for your car model.

Modernization of standard to short-stroke

If you are not afraid of the minus associated with reducing the time before repairing another unit, but it is too easy to buy a ready-made copy, know that the standard rocker on a VAZ 2114 can be converted into a short-stroke one with due effort.

To carry out this operation you will need:

  • standard rocker 2114;
  • backstage repair kit 2114 (the bushings and axle from it will be useful);
  • ball nut;
  • metal tube with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • steering cardan.

When all the necessary spare parts have been found, you must perform the steps in the following order:

  1. We cut the ball from the wings.
  2. We grind the lower edge of the cut so that it fits the tube.
  3. We put on the pipe and scald.
  4. We weld a ball nut to the lower edge of the structure.
  5. We attach the cardan to the gearshift lever.
  6. Then we proceed as when replacing the rocker seal and put everything back together.

Replacing the backstage with a short-stroke one

CLARIFICATION! The essence of this procedure is that reducing the stroke is achieved by changing the length of the pressure lever. The action we performed is aimed at reducing the shift lever on our side, by increasing it on the side of the box.

If you carry out the modernization using this “makeshift” method, you will not have to remove the standard rocker.

Adjusting the Kalina gearbox lever 1 and 2

Lada Kalina cars are equipped with two types of manual gearboxes, which have different types of drive - lever and cable.

Adjustment of the gearshift lever on Kalina is carried out only on models equipped with gearboxes 1118 and 2180 with a rocker drive, and is done on an inspection pit, overpass or lift. The tools you will need are a 13mm wrench and a slotted screwdriver.


If the steps described in the previous paragraph did not help you, then, apparently, you need to replace the element yourself.

What will you need?

In order to replace the backstage, you will need to prepare everything that may be required to complete the work:

  • directly new rocker for VAZ 2110;
  • screwdriver;
  • side cutters;
  • set of wrenches;
  • ratchet;
  • lubricant "Litol-24".

New rocker for VAZ 2110 transmission

Flat head screwdriver

Side cutters - you will need to use them to cut through the clamp

Prepare a set of wrenches - you will need different sizes of wrenches

Ratchet for loosening bolts

Lubricant "Litol-24"

At which Kalina gearboxes can adjustments be made?

Lada Kalina cars are equipped with two types of manual gearboxes, which have different types of drive - lever and cable.

Adjusting the Lada Kalina gearbox lever

In the first case, the force of the lever, connected by a hinge to the transmission rod, is applied to the rod of the gearbox gear shift device. This design requires periodic adjustment of the Kalina gearbox linkage due to the gear selection lever moving beyond the range of movement provided by the design during operation. Most often, correction is required for the first generation Kalina gearbox with a mileage of more than 100 thousand km.

Unlike a traditional rocker, a cable shift drive effectively dampens the penetration of vibrations into the vehicle interior. The reduced lever travel in the longitudinal and transverse directions increases comfort when switching. Eliminating rigid traction eliminated the causes of incorrect operation when selecting gears, but problems can be caused by a malfunction and subsequent incorrect adjustment of the clutch on the cable box on the Lada Kalina-2. Insufficient oil level in the box can also be a reason for complaints about the quality of the device.

Adjustment of the gearbox on the Kalina with a cable drive is not required. Two cables with obvious signs of wear on the jackets or the appearance of effort when switching are removed and replaced. Avoiding sharp bends along the route is a necessary condition for trouble-free operation of flexible cables. After replacing the cables, additional adjustment of the clutch of the cable box on the VAZ Kalina-2 will be useful.

The replacement process is quite simple

The “cardan” is not visible from the outside - it is located inside the boot, so the latter will have to be removed.

  • After this, the clamp bolt is unscrewed, the clamp is unclenched and the rocker slides off the hinge.
  • It is also necessary to unscrew the bolt securing the hinge on the gear shift unit. Now the hinge can be easily removed from its original location.
  • The new hinge from Kalina is secured with a 10mm bolt. To prevent the bolt from unscrewing while driving, it is lubricated with a special substance that acts as a lock. After this, the boot and the rocker are put in place and adjustments are made.
  • When everything is assembled, you need to make a test drive. Once you are sure that no problems have arisen after replacement, you can finally tighten the clamps and enjoy the result.

Some motorists recommend sawing off its tip a few centimeters before installing the hinge. This is not at all necessary - the hinge can be installed quite easily and without sawing.

How to adjust the shift mechanism

The procedure for adjusting the Lada Kalina gearbox lever is carried out on an inspection hole, overpass or lift, best with an assistant monitoring the process in the cabin. Tools you will need:

  • wrench 13 (convenient with a ratchet);
  • slotted screwdriver.

Diagram of the Lada Kalina gearbox lever

Having blocked the wheels with rollbacks, the gear selection lever is fixed in the “rear” position. Next, work continues under the bottom of the car:

  • use a 13mm wrench to unscrew the nut of the coupling clamp;
  • make sure that it moves freely relative to the gearbox drive rod.

Adjusting the gear selection mechanism

Adjusting the position of the gearshift lever on the Kalina, eliminating obstacles to its movement to the extreme points, is carried out from the passenger compartment. While in the driver's seat, you need to select a rear speed position in which there is no contact of the lever with the frame of the elastic casing and the driver's seat. It is necessary to ensure that the position of the control drive mate relative to the gearbox remains unchanged (an assistant can hold the cardan by the boot cover). Only the rocker moves relative to the rod.

In conclusion

Now you know how to replace the short-stroke linkage and understand that it is within your power. The main thing is to be patient and the convenience of a short gearbox will appear in your car.

Published April 11, 2018

A problem with the lever when changing gears is sometimes found among domestically produced cars. Unfortunately, the VAZ 2115 is no exception. The most likely cause is a broken linkage. Of course, any problem can be fixed at a car service center. but the operation of this part can be adjusted independently. In this article we will talk about adjusting the VAZ 2115 rocker panels, what types of rocker panels exist and why it is important to know about it.

Backstage adjustment

Adjusting the gearbox linkage on the Kalina-1 comes down to finding and securing its optimal position on the drive shaft, which is ensured automatically, synchronously with the selection of the lever position in the car interior. Its longitudinal movement during adjustment can be only a few millimeters. When changing the location of the tension clamp, it is important not to go beyond the length of the gearbox drive shaft pin. Excessive force for fixing the nut is unacceptable. The knurling on the surface of the rod ensures reliable fastening at the junction of two parts of the mechanism.

Video instruction

Hi all! This time I will tell you about another experiment. This time we will do another stupid thing, we will replace the tuning gearbox driveshaft with a Kalina driveshaft driveshaft.

I have long had a hard, backlash-free gearbox drive unit installed; such driveshafts are made from the steering shaft and are popularly called tuning drives. In principle, he suited me with everything, but there is no limit to perfection.

Let me remind you that I previously conducted an experiment with installing a stock cardan, and then the result did not particularly impress me.

Traditional methods of adjusting the gearbox drive on a cable box

Repairs of gear selection devices are reduced to eliminating overtones that appear over time in the mechanics of the drive elements. Adjusting the gearshift lever on the Kalina on our own revealed ways to solve the problem that were used in practice by car enthusiasts:

  • the noise from the box can be muffled by laying foam rubber between the walls of the tunnel and the jackets of the cables passing through it;
  • rattling can be generated by a worn pair - the ball pin of the pendulum lever on the gearbox and the dome tip of the transmission cable; this can be eliminated by replacement.



The first samples were equipped with a three-cone synchronizer. But calculations have shown that double-cone, cheaper ones, can withstand the required torque with a margin (see pictures). Among other advantages, they made it possible to get rid of the problematic cone on the gears of the first and second gears, which is in contact with the synchronizer ring and requires high precision in manufacturing. The ring set now creates two friction surfaces for smooth and efficient synchronization. In addition, the German manufacturer (Ho¨rbiger) applies an additional coating to the intermediate ring, which reduces wear and ensures stable operating parameters, including the required coefficient of friction.

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