We install air conditioning on a Lada Priora ourselves

Air conditioning can make a driver's life much easier in hot or cold weather. The problem is that when buying a new car, not all car enthusiasts have enough money for this option. Therefore, many car owners prefer to install air conditioners later, on their own. Let's look at how Priora owners do this.
  • Operating principle of an air conditioner
    Is it possible to install an air conditioner on a Priora?
  • About choosing an air conditioner for Priora
  • Halla and Panasonic
  • How to install air conditioning on Priora
      Sequence of work
  • Connecting the air conditioner to the on-board network
  • About refilling the air conditioner

      Video: how to refill the air conditioner

  • If the air conditioner does not turn on
  • About installing a climate control system on Priora
  • Air conditioning device "Priors"

    The air conditioner of a Lada Priora car consists of several parts:

    • blown radiator (condenser);
    • heat exchanger;
    • compressor;
    • desiccant;
    • heat pipes;
    • expansion valve;
    • pressure meter;
    • temperature sensor;
    • main controller;
    • air ducts

    The main element of any car air conditioner is a blown radiator, also known as a capacitor.

    The above parts form a single system. The key to the successful operation of this system is its tightness, and its main element is the radiator.

    Air Conditioner Installation Guide

    Before you complete this task, you need to decide which option you will use. There are quite a lot of manufacturers of air conditioning units on the market today, so the purchased unit must meet the requirements and characteristics of the car. The device must have a long service life, resistant to vibrations that are typical for cars used to drive on our roads. It's no secret that our car enthusiasts are more inclined to trust Conder cars and products in general from foreign manufacturers.

    How to connect an air conditioner to a Priora with power steering

    If we talk about foreign installations, here you can choose Panasonic, Halla or any other system. As for domestic manufacturers, according to reviews, the August air conditioner has proven itself well.

    The installation kit should include:

    • cooling radiator or air conditioning radiator;
    • the installation itself, which includes the Priora air conditioning compressor;
    • tension roller bracket;
    • highways.

    Heating device for Hull installation

    If we talk about the domestic product, then in this case the only drawback can be called the evaporator housing, since it is plastic, which raises some doubts. There is a possibility that the compressor will fail before other elements. In any case, you need to choose a manufacturer in accordance with the reviews that our car enthusiasts leave online.

    Installing an air conditioning system involves removing the heating system, which first requires dismantling the air filter housing and draining the coolant. Next, the front bumper is dismantled. After removing the components, you can begin to remove the generator. The kit for the installed air conditioner must include a separate generator designed for a specific car. So you need to install the device instead of the old one.

    First of all, you need to install supports on which the unit’s compressor, as well as the generator, will be mounted. Next, you should fix the tension roller installation bracket. To mount the roller bracket, you may need to drill a hole in the strap cover, after which the oven housings and the evaporation device are connected to each other. Next, on a Priora with air conditioning, you should install a compressor, radiator, and fan. After installing the components, including the roller, all elements must be included in the wiring diagram.

    Scheme of operation of a foreign-made air conditioner Frost

    If you choose a Russian-made unit, please note that it does not include a cabin air filter element. Therefore, you will have to isolate the electric motor in the cooling system yourself. If you notice that the unit does not turn on, you may need to refuel it, which, in turn, involves dismantling the radiator. Of course, in this case we are talking about Russian-made Conders.

    If you notice that the air conditioner is not working, this does not necessarily indicate that the unit is not working. Perhaps the compressor is overheating, or perhaps the bearing simply needs to be replaced. In any case, you should not immediately think that the manufacturer is to blame - you need to diagnose all elements of the cooling system.

    Operating principle of the air conditioner

    In a sealed air conditioning system, a refrigerant, freon, continuously circulates, which is mixed with a special lubricant that is resistant to freezing. A compressor is responsible for moving freon through the system, which builds up pressure in the heat pipes. After turning on the air conditioner, freon ends up in the heat exchanger located under the dashboard of the car. The internal structure of this device resembles a honeycomb. Once there, the refrigerant begins to take heat from the hot interior. At the same time, it quickly heats up and turns from a liquid into steam. Since the compressor continuously pumps up pressure in the system, the steam goes into the blown radiator, where it cools, again becoming a liquid, which again ends up in the heat exchanger.

    Is it possible to install air conditioning on a Priora?

    The Priora initially provides the design possibility of installing an air conditioner. A car owner who decides to install this device on his car will not have to make any modifications. All the necessary holes and buttons are already on the dashboard, and space for heat pipes and electrical wiring is also provided. Thus, installing an air conditioner on a Lada Priora is completely legal, and government officials will not have any questions for the driver.

    What does the air conditioning system in Priora consist of?

    Regardless of the company, the air conditioner kit for Lada should contain the following elements:

    • Air conditioning compressor assembly;
    • Condenser with receiver assembly;
    • Evaporation block assembly;
    • Air conditioner radiator for Lada Priora;
    • Highways;
    • Cushion bracket;
    • Generator bracket;
    • Tensioner bracket;
    • Tensioner roller;
    • Compressor drive belt;
    • Rubber seal;
    • Installation kit;
    • Wire harnesses.

    When dismantling the heating system (this is necessary to install an air conditioner). You will have to drain the coolant. There is no need to refill it; you should buy new fluid for the kit. But it may end up in the warehouse of a technical center that will install an air conditioner in Lada.

    About choosing an air conditioner for Priora

    Today, air conditioners of both domestic and foreign production are presented on the market. They all have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's list them.


    Domestic air conditioners "August" are in constant high demand among Priora owners. First of all, because of the affordable price.

    Air conditioners "August" are in great demand due to their affordable prices

    But “August” also has disadvantages:

    • the evaporator body is made of plastic, so it is very easy to damage;
    • The reliability of the compressor raises questions. For some reason, this device almost always fails before all other elements of the air conditioner.

    Halla and Panasonic

    Halla air conditioners are produced in South Korea. AvtoVAZ began installing them on Prioras in 2010. And by 2012, Japanese air conditioners from Panasonic began to appear on cars.

    Halla is one of the most expensive and most reliable air conditioners on Priora

    Both devices are considered quite reliable, the differences between them are minimal:

    • compressor design. Panasonic devices have vane compressors with a volume of 110 cm³. And the Halla air conditioner has a piston-type compressor, and its volume is larger - 160 cm³;
    • in Halla air conditioners, cabin filters are held on by plastic latches, in Panasonic - on self-tapping screws;
    • The heat pipes on Halla air conditioners are made of aluminum, while Panasonic has about half of metal pipes, the rest are flexible hoses.

    The conclusion from all of the above can be drawn as follows: the choice of compressor for the Priora today is determined solely by the thickness of the car owner’s wallet. The best (and most expensive) option would be to install a Halla air conditioner. It was these air conditioners that were installed on almost all export Prioras. Their price is from 30 thousand rubles. The second number is Panasonic, which will cost the car enthusiast 25 thousand rubles. And if money is tight, you can buy “August”. Price - from 20 thousand rubles.

    Comments and reviews

    Good afternoon. I would like to determine which air conditioning system is installed on a Priora car (Halla or Panasonik). From the data there is only data on the compressor. Compressor Dy508s103 I know that there is a difference in the location of the line, but there is nothing to compare with...

    Is it possible to install a Panasonic Conder in a Priora 8 valve?

    Every modern car must have a cooling system

    Purchasing a car becomes one of the most cherished desires for many; many take years to achieve their goal, others cope with it much faster. This process depends on how well your requests match the available capabilities. So, for example, if, with a very impressive income, you intend to purchase a used car from a domestic manufacturer, then no special difficulties should arise in solving the tasks at hand.

    It’s another matter when a person with an average income dreams of purchasing some foreign, rare car. Here you will have to try much harder and some will even need to draw up a business plan that will allow you to optimally approach the process of implementing your plan. However, even when you are close to your goal, there are some obstacles that prevent you from enjoying your achievement. One of the most common such obstacles is problems with the vehicle equipment. Moreover, this applies not only to those models that are purchased second-hand, but also to cars from showrooms.

    Some technical data sheets do not reflect everything necessary for the correct choice of car, so some buyers consider themselves to be somewhat deceived. So, for example, some people don’t have enough spare parts, or the company refuses to fix some problems during the current warranty. All this forces the driver to cope with the current situation on his own. For some, this can be done very easily, while others (for a variety of reasons) must undergo several trainings and master classes in advance on correcting errors in the operation of the mechanism or improving a particular system.

    About refilling the air conditioner

    You need to pump 500 g of refrigerant into the Priora air conditioner. Until 1995, R12 freon was pumped into air conditioners, but it was considered toxic due to its high fluorine content. Therefore, R134A freon is now in use. Preparing for refueling looks like this:

    • special cleaning foam from a can is pumped into the air conditioner radiator;
    • the radiator closes. The car engine starts and idles. At the same time, the air conditioner turns on. It must run for at least 15 minutes so that the foam passes through the entire recirculation system;
    • vacuum is performed. A pump is connected to the air conditioner, which removes air from the system along with foam and moisture.


    To refill the air conditioner, the driver must purchase a metrology station and a can of freon.

    High pressure hoses in the station are always red, low pressure hoses are always blue

    The station is a system of hoses, adapters and pressure gauges connected to the air conditioner.

    1. The station hose is connected to the low pressure fitting on the air conditioner pipeline (it is usually painted blue or has the English designation “low”).

      Tube fittings are usually marked “high” and “low”

    2. The engine starts and idles, and the number of revolutions per minute should not be lower than 1400 (for this you will have to fix the gas pedal with something, or ask someone for help).
    3. When the engine is running, maximum recirculation of the air conditioner is turned on, then the low pressure valve at the station smoothly opens.
    4. The freon cylinder is turned upside down, after which the tap is opened on it.
    5. The refrigerant begins to flow from the cylinder into the system. At the same time, the driver controls the pressure using a pressure gauge - it should not exceed 280 kPa.
    6. When the air in the cabin warms up to a temperature of 10–15°C, refueling stops.

    Video: how to refill the air conditioner

    How to refill - instructions

    We must not allow a decrease in the volume of freon - this will have a detrimental effect on the system. To independently fill freon into a car, you will need a test connector (a set of tools for manually filling refrigerant). Using it, you need to do the following:

    • Attach the freon cylinder to the Conder valve and turn the test connector valve. Press the gas pedal a couple of times.
    • Freon will be evenly distributed throughout the system. The main thing is not to overdo it, because if it is overloaded, the system will not work better.
    • Disconnect the cylinder from the system and close the valve.

    This method of refueling the air conditioner is suitable for almost all VAZ cars - for example, the Lada Vesta can be refueled in the same way.

    Air conditioning is a necessary condition for comfort in the summer. Previously, it was not so necessary, because a person was unlikely to stand in car queues for several hours, under the scorching sun, and it was possible to ventilate the interior after parking in the heat by opening all the doors. If Conder has become accessible as a benefit, it means that it is possible and even necessary to use it.

    If the air conditioner does not turn on

    Sometimes the air conditioner categorically refuses to turn on after installation. Here's why this might happen:

    • problems with electrical wiring. It is necessary to carefully inspect the wires for damaged insulation and short circuits. You should also check the latches on all terminal blocks. Some of them, being new, do not always fit tightly into place, which leads to an open circuit;
    • error when assembling the electrical circuit. This is another common option. Each air conditioner model has its own basic assembly diagram. It is difficult to make a mistake when assembling it, since all the important wires have insulation of different colors. However, an error cannot be ruled out. The solution is obvious: check the instructions again and find the error;
    • The fuse has blown. Usually the same F9 that was mentioned above is lit. This can happen due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, or due to an incorrectly assembled circuit. If the air conditioner does not turn on, you need to remove the fuse and inspect it. If it fails, the thread in it will be broken, and its body will be slightly melted. This fuse must be replaced. Then you should carefully check the wiring. And only after that you can try to start the air conditioner again.

      A blown fuse always has a broken thread.

    Installation of foreign-made climate systems

    Lada Priora air conditioner "August" is one of the most inexpensive options. If you want to buy a higher quality device, then you can opt for the Hull, Panasonic or Frost systems. In practice, the latest model is characterized by good compatibility with the Priora heating system, due to which the air flow filtration will be of better quality. As for the installation scheme, it is practically no different (the author of the video is Auto World).

    But Frost also has its drawbacks: it happens that the installation gets very hot, does not cool the air well, and generally does not cope well with its assigned functions. But even if the unit works well, it will take longer to cool the interior. This is because the compressor itself is not particularly powerful. But despite the disadvantages, Frost also has advantages. When the air conditioning is turned on, it will generally not affect the functionality of the vehicle.

    It should also be noted that the air conditioning units of this manufacturer were tested in African countries, and this says a lot. In particular, during testing, the installation cooled the interior well, while the engine of cars of various brands did not overheat. On sale you can find several variants of Frost condensers, which differ from each other only in the installation method. When installing the device, you will need to remove the heating system damper, but this will allow you to install an air filter, which is no less important.

    In any case, when purchasing, you should focus on your preferences, as well as your budget. If the device gets very hot, you need to pay attention to diagnosing all its components and components. As a rule, this problem is caused by the need to replace the radiator. In addition, during operation, one should not forget about refueling the system, as well as its periodic cleaning. We have already written in more detail about how to clean the air conditioner on your own using improvised means; you will find information about this here.

    About installing a climate control system on Priora

    Automotive climate control systems usually consist of several climate zones. Each zone in the cabin is responsible for its own electronic control unit. The average cost of such a block starts from 12 thousand rubles. The minimum number of blocks to form a climate control system is 2. That is, the owner of the Priora will have to pay at least 24 thousand for the blocks, which will then need to be connected. To do this, you will need a qualified auto electrician with special equipment. The average car owner simply cannot make such a connection in his garage. Auto electrician services for connecting climate control cost from 7 thousand rubles and more. The vast majority of Priora owners, having soberly assessed the above points, understand: the game is clearly not worth the candle. And they limit themselves to only air conditioning in their cars, leaving climate control to a few car enthusiasts.

    So, installing an air conditioner on a Priora is a job that a car enthusiast can easily do on his own. Difficulties may arise only at the stage of connecting the device to the on-board network. But here the diagram that comes with each air conditioner model will come to the rescue.

    Does fuel consumption increase with air conditioning?

    In order to drive air inside the device, cool it and release it outside, you need to take energy. What contributes to energy production? Of course the engine is running. The harder it works, the more devices can receive stable “recharge”, and, accordingly, the higher the engine consumption becomes.

    Initially, Lada is not ready for the air conditioner to operate, so it has to use additional resources in the form of fuel. Consumption from 100 km increases by 1 liter. By the way, to be fair, we note that the dynamics of the car do not decrease.

    Simplified designs for the home

    One of these designs. water heat exchanger combined with a conventional floor fan. To make such a primitive cooler, you need to take a copper tube and twist it into a spiral, attaching it to the fan housing. For installation, you can use plastic clamps used to secure wiring in cars. The ends of the tube are connected to the water supply, and the fan to the electrical network.

    The copper tube is attached directly to the fan grille.

    The cylinder air conditioner is located in the window opening.

    The original design was invented in one of the African countries, where it is traditionally hot and, moreover, there is no power supply. The device works based on the law of physics, which states that the temperature of a gas during sudden compression and expansion drops by several degrees (up to 5 ° C). The neck of the same plastic bottle acts as such a narrowing, and in order to get more cooled air, you need to use a dozen of these necks.

    To make it you need to drill through the plywood and cut the bottles.

    The energy air conditioner is manufactured as follows:

    • Cut a piece of plywood or fiberboard to the size of the opening of the window. Check how many bottles you can put on it close.
    • Cut off the necks of all bottles and close the caps. Then place them on a sheet of plywood and mark the centers of the holes with a pencil.
    • Use a drill to drill holes the same diameter as the neck. Place the cut bottles in them.
    • Attach the plywood to the outside of the window opening so that the bottles stick out.

    Assembly is simple. bottles are inserted into the holes

    The device is suitable for a country house where other options cannot be used due to lack of the required amount of water or power outages.

    Assembling a cooler from a car radiator

    Units of this type operate on the old proven principle and are identical in design to industrial air heaters, otherwise. water heaters. The bottom line is that water of the required temperature is passed through the radiator, blown out by a fan. The air passing through the fins of the heat exchanger is cooled by 5-15 ° C, depending on the temperature of the running water.

    Components for assembling an air conditioner

    To make a homemade winter-summer air conditioner at home, you will need:

    • The radiator of the car cooling system is in good condition;
    • floor-mounted household fan with a large impeller;
    • a plastic or metal tray with low sides, equal in length to the size of the radiator;
    • a case when you can collect the listed items (for example, from an old TV);
    • connecting hoses and adapters;
    • clips and fasteners.

    The radiator and fan are located in the TV body.

    The water hoses must be connected to the radiator.

    The refrigerator case and tray can be made independently from materials available on the farm. The purpose of the latter. collect condensation that forms on the radiator fins due to the temperature difference between the flow and the circulating water. Assembly is performed in the following order:

    READ How much oil is in a Chevrolet Aveo T300 engine

    • Check the car radiator for leaks, if necessary, solder leaks or seal them with cold welding. Then install its body and secure it with steel angles and screws (bolts).
    • Attach the tray under the radiator. If the sides are too low and the container begins to quickly fill with condensate, then connect the drain pipe to the sewer.
    • Install the fan impeller behind the heat exchanger, separating it from the rack with control buttons.
    • Connect the water supply and drain hoses to the radiator pipes. This completes the assembly.

    There should be a tray under the radiator

    To start a homemade air conditioner, connect the fan to the mains and the hoses. to a source of cold water. This could be a home plumbing system or a pump that lifts water from a well or well. The last two options are better, because the temperature of the underground aquifers is simply acceptable. 8-14°C. Return to drain, large collection barrel or use for garden watering.

    In the garage, the entire system can simply be attached to the wall

    Air conditioning for Lada Priora: pros and cons. Description of the car, technical characteristics, photos.

    Recently, Auto VAZ began equipping Lada Priora cars with air conditioning and buyers are wondering whether it is worth ordering this additional option. Air conditioners for Lada Priora cars are supplied in two versions - Korean Halla and Taiwanese Panasonic, which are completely developed by these companies. These two versions of air conditioners differ only in appearance; the quality of their work, according to reviews, is equally good.

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