Air conditioning on a VAZ 2114 - what is the difficulty of installing it yourself

Air conditioning in a car has long become not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. In cold weather it will warm the driver. In hot weather, it will reduce the temperature in the cabin. But not all domestic cars are equipped with air conditioners, and the VAZ 2114 is one of them. Fortunately, the car owner can install the air conditioner himself. Let's figure out how this is done.
  • How does a car air conditioner work
    ? Is it possible to install an air conditioner?
  • About choosing a car air conditioner
  • Installation and connection of the air conditioner
      Sequence of work
  • General rules for connecting an air conditioner
  • About refilling the air conditioner
      Refueling sequence

      Video: refilling the air conditioner yourself

  • About installing climate control
  • What does the air conditioner consist of?

    The device consists of several elements.

    The air conditioner on the VAZ 2114 consists of several devices supplied complete with fasteners and pipes

    Here they are:

    • compressor;
    • capacitor;
    • low and high pressure pipeline system;
    • evaporation module with a system of electronic sensors and relays;
    • receiver;
    • drive belt;
    • set of seals and fasteners.

    Installation of condenser, tubes and compressor

    To install the capacitor, you will need to move the horn to another location. Place the capacitor housing on its bracket. After connecting the compressor tube to the condenser, you can finish fixing the device. Then connect the evaporator and receiver using tubes (follow the instructions). Place the second tube between the evaporator and the compressor. At the last stage, install the pressure sensor.

    To install the compressor, you will need to remove the generator and bracket. In the air conditioner kit you will find a new bracket - install it. Then put the generator, compressor and tension roller in place (the same as on the timing mechanism). You tighten the belt and go to refill with freon - it is better not to perform this operation yourself.

    How does a car air conditioner work?

    Almost all modern air conditioners use freon as a refrigerant. The principle of operation of an air conditioner is to ensure the circulation of refrigerant in a closed system. There is a heat exchanger located inside the car. Freon, passing through its honeycombs, takes away excess heat from this device.

    The air conditioner ensures continuous circulation of freon in the cooling circuit

    At the same time, the air temperature in the cabin decreases (as does its humidity), and the liquid freon, leaving the heat exchanger, turns into a gaseous state and enters the ventilated radiator. There the refrigerant cools and becomes liquid again. Due to the pressure created by the compressor, freon is again supplied through the piping system to the heat exchanger, where it is heated again, taking heat and moisture from the passenger compartment.

    Is it possible to install an air conditioner?

    Yes, installing an air conditioner in a VAZ 2114 is possible. Currently, there are several companies specializing in the production of air conditioners for the “fourteenth” VAZ models. When installing these devices, the driver will not need to make any significant changes to the design of the car. Air is supplied to the cabin through standard ventilation openings. Therefore, there is no need to cut anything new on the dashboard or under it. Consequently, the car owner will not have any problems with the law.

    Device contents

    In fact, such components can be found in any air conditioner, even in floor or window ones. The kit must include a technical passport and instructions. Air enters the cabin through the openings provided by the car manufacturer; no extra holes need to be cut.

    The need to install air conditioning in a car arises for many modern car owners, especially when it comes to older cars. It is difficult to dispute the feasibility of the installation, because in hot weather one of the main indicators of car comfort is the air conditioning system. Is it possible to install air conditioning on a VAZ 2110 and how to do it - find out from this material.

    The purpose is already clear - the air conditioner on the VAZ 2110 is used to cool the vehicle interior in the warm season.

    As for the principle of operation, the air conditioning device is a sealed system, which is filled with consumables - freon, as well as special oil.

    This oil is not afraid of low temperatures; it dissolves in liquid freon. The oil itself is used to lubricate the compressor unit, as well as the entire system as a whole.

    Car air conditioner operation diagram

    Advantages of the installation:

    • comfortable ride inside the car in the heat;
    • thanks to the drying mode, you can avoid fogging of the glass;
    • Since there will be no moisture in the cabin, the likelihood that corrosion will appear on the vehicle body is very low.

    Read more: Pinout of diagnostic connector for VAZ 2110
    The disadvantages are as follows:

    • the car owner will have to regularly maintain the system, refueling it, and, if necessary, repair it;
    • during operation, problems with climate control may arise; in rare cases, adaptation of the system is not required;
    • the power of the power unit will be reduced, although not much;
    • The overall motor temperature will be higher, but this problem can be avoided by installing additional fans (video author - RealStuntDriver channel).

    Is it advisable to install an air conditioner on a VAZ 2110? In this case, it is impossible to give a universal answer - it all depends on the conditions in which the car is operated, and also whether the car owner can afford to install a condenser.

    If you spend most of your time in the car, and your financial capabilities allow you to buy a Conder, then why not do it? But if the installed air conditioner on a VAZ 2110 or VAZ 2112 will be used infrequently, then think several times - does it make sense to install the device?

    Portable universal air conditioners can also be found on sale; they cost an order of magnitude lower than full-fledged systems. We do not recommend using such devices, since they will be of little use, and in the end you will simply throw money away.

    If necessary, you can buy a Conder from Priora and install it on your “top ten”. The procedure for installing the air conditioner itself is a rather complicated task, which not every car enthusiast can cope with. You will have to spend at least one day on installation, if not more.

    If you have the means, we would recommend turning to qualified specialists - this way you can be sure that everything will be done correctly.

    Especially if you have never installed a VAZ 2110 air conditioner before and have no idea how to do it correctly (the author of the video is Sergey Ivanov).

    1. First, you need to dismantle the windshield wiper blades, as well as the plastic lining located under them. To do this, unscrew all the bolts that secure the cover and set it aside.
    2. After this, you will need to drain the coolant from the system. To do this, take an old, but not dirty container, because if the condition of the antifreeze is satisfactory, you will reuse it, and you do not need dirt in the cooling system. The container must be placed under the drain hole, after which you will need to unscrew the lid and drain the consumables. Wait about 30 minutes until the antifreeze is completely out of the system. Evaluate the quality of the drained consumables - if traces of deposits or wear products are visible in the refrigerant, then we would not recommend refilling such antifreeze into the system.
    3. When the antifreeze is drained, it is necessary to disconnect the lines of the heating device and remove the heating unit assembly.
    4. If your car is noisy, then after removing the heater in the engine shield, you need to cut it out - this will allow air flow to recirculate in the system.
    5. Now you will need a new ventilation device, radiator assembly, pipes, as well as all the necessary brackets and fasteners. These elements are necessary for installing a new condenser. Install the radiator assembly of the Conder; during installation, it will need to be fixed as securely as possible. If the radiator is poorly secured, problems may arise during its operation, since such devices are sensitive to vibrations.
    6. Now you will need a heating unit from a Lada Priora car along with an evaporator. Before installing it in your car, you will need to install a fan in it in advance. Like the radiator, this element must be securely fixed in the structure - this will avoid possible problems in the future associated with its operation. After all, if the fan does not work, there will be no point in using the air conditioner.
    7. It should also be noted that when installing the air conditioning system on the “ten”, it is necessary to replace the alternator belt. This is because an old, worn strap may not withstand the load that will appear after activating the conder. The size of the new belt is 1088 mm, you need to install it in place of the old one. Please note that after installing the belt, it must be tensioned correctly. If the belt is too loose, the generator will not work properly. Replacing a generator belt has its own nuances, they also need to be taken into account; we described the replacement procedure in more detail in this article.
    8. When replacing the belt, you will need to remove the lower support of the generator unit. After removing it, install the bracket from the compressor unit instead.
    9. After completing all these steps, the heating device is installed. Having installed it, it is necessary to lay all the necessary lines and pipes. Don't forget to connect the pipe from the air recirculation valve to the receiver.
    10. As for the lines that connect to the radiator device, it will be more convenient to install them by dismantling the grille itself.
    11. In fact, the installation of the air conditioner can be considered complete. Now you will need to install the appropriate air conditioning control buttons in the car, and also connect them correctly. It is most convenient to place the buttons in the center console; specially designated places should be provided for this. To correctly connect the device to the on-board network, as well as connect all electrical components, use the diagram below.
    12. After the buttons are installed, you will need to fill the system with consumables, that is, freon. When refilling freon, you need to be careful to fill in the exact amount of consumables - no more and no less. If there is too much or too little gas, the air conditioner will not be able to operate at full capacity. We have already written about refilling freon; you can read the material in more detail at this link.
    13. Now all you have to do is check the functionality of the installed system. Before operating the Conder, start the engine and open the windows. Wait a few minutes until the power unit warms up, then turn on the air conditioner. When the vehicle is driven, engine power may decrease, but this is normal. The new air conditioner should blow cold air well; if you notice that the air flow is very weak, then check the quality of installation of all elements.

    1. Drain the antifreeze, disconnect the hoses and remove the heater assembly. 2. Install the fan in the Priorovsky heater and secure it. 3. Remove the lower support of the generator unit and install the compressor bracket in its place. 4. After installing the heater in place, lay the lines and pipes.

    On online forums, car owners often complain that after installing an air conditioning system, the device practically does not cool the air. As practice shows, one of the most common reasons why this happens is a refrigerant leak. Since the system is new, this is often due to improper installation of the lines or poor fastening of the pipes.

    If you encounter such a problem, then pay attention to the hose connections; if necessary, tighten the clamps and fix them more securely.

    All air conditioners on the market that are suitable for installation on the VAZ 2114 have approximately the same characteristics and are equipped almost identically:

    • Evaporation unit, relay and sensor;
    • Capacitor;
    • Compressor;
    • Discharge pipeline;
    • Pipeline;
    • Recirculation plug;
    • Recirculation plug axis;
    • Belt;
    • Condenser tube;
    • Bushings;
    • Seals;
    • Fasteners;
    • Wiring harness;
    • Generator bracket;
    • Tension roller;
    • Evaporator unit;
    • Evaporator tube;
    • Hardware;
    • Instructions;
    • Technical certificate.

    Read more: How to check the VAZ 2105 starter, faults, repairs, replacement, instructions with video and photos

    Full set

    The air supply inside the cabin is ensured by standard ventilation holes. You don't have to invent or cut anything extra.

    Manufacturers provide everything necessary for self-installation in the kit. Therefore, we only advise you to additionally study video lessons on installing climate-controlled cooling equipment.

    Panel button

    It is unlikely that you will come across any unique air conditioner. But it still wouldn’t hurt to find out what technical parameters of cooling equipment are suitable for a VAZ 2114 car.



    Vehicle powertrain

    range from 9 to 18 degrees

    Type of oil used

    Any type of air conditioner has approximately the same basic characteristics:

    • Compressor drive – car engine
    • Air temperature – 9-18°
    • Temperature difference – 5-12°
    • Productivity – 310 m?/hour
    • Power – 2.1 kW
    • Type of current - constant
    • Voltage – 12 V
    • Refrigerant – R134A
    • Oil – SP-15

    About choosing a car air conditioner

    We list the main parameters that the owner of a VAZ 2114 should focus on when choosing an air conditioner:

    • operating voltage - 12 volts;
    • temperature of the air supplied - from 7 to 18°C;
    • power consumption - from 2 kilowatts;
    • type of refrigerant used - R134a;
    • lubricating fluid - SP15.

    All of the above parameters correspond to air conditioners produced by the following companies:

    • "FROST" (model 2115F-8100046–41);

      Air conditioners from are the most popular among VAZ 2114 owners

    • "August" (model 2115G-8100046–80).

      - the second most popular supplier of air conditioners for VAZ 2114 owners

    They are installed by almost all VAZ 2114 owners.

    Installing air conditioners from other cars is extremely rare, since a lot of problems arise with them. In particular, the piping system in such an air conditioner may be either too short or too long. Therefore, it will have to either be built up with something or cut off.

    The fastening and sealing system of the “non-original” air conditioner will also have to be seriously modified, and it is far from certain that the modification will be successful and the resulting system will retain its tightness. New ventilation holes will likely have to be cut into the dashboard, which will inevitably raise questions when passing the next inspection. All these points make installing air conditioners from other cars impractical, especially if stores have ready-made solutions specifically for the VAZ 2114.

    Frequent malfunctions

    Its durability and quality of operation depend on the correct installation of cooling equipment. But the disruption of functionality can also be influenced by external factors, such as weather, road conditions, accidents, etc.

    There are several most common malfunctions associated with air conditioning equipment.

    1. Damage to seals or reduction in their quality. They can wear out or become damaged under certain negative influences. Their condition should be checked periodically and replaced if necessary.
    2. Corrosion of the radiator and pipelines. The system includes many metal elements, the main danger for which is corrosion and rust. Try to choose products that are maximally protected from these factors, copper radiators. Plus, follow the installation instructions to prevent moisture from causing corrosion.
    3. Violation of the integrity of oil seals and rubber components. Rubber is not a durable material. Because of them, the tightness of the system is often broken, which leads to freon leakage. Here it is important to initially install reliable rubber components of a high level of quality.

    Air conditioning is an incredibly useful thing in every car. Don’t worry that AvtoVAZ did not bother to equip the VAZ 2114 model with air conditioning at one time. Today it is more than possible to install it even with your own hands. Go for it!

    General rules for connecting an air conditioner

    The connection diagram for the air conditioner to the on-board network may vary depending on the selected device model, so it is not possible to write out a single “recipe” for connection. You will have to check the device instructions for details. Nevertheless, there are several rules that are common to all air conditioners.

    1. The evaporator unit is always connected first. Power is supplied to it either from the cigarette lighter or from the ignition unit.
    2. There must be a fuse in the above section of the circuit (and in the case of “August” air conditioners, a relay included with the device is also installed there).
    3. The air conditioner “ground” is always connected directly to the car body.
    4. Next, a capacitor is connected to the network. A fuse is also required in this area.
    5. After this, the condenser and evaporator are connected to a button installed on the dashboard. By pressing it, the driver should hear the noise of the fans in the evaporator and condenser. If the fans are working, the circuit is assembled correctly.

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    The popular AvtoVAZ model was produced at the Togliatti Automobile Plant from 2001 to 2013 and during its production managed to spread throughout all regions of the Russian Federation and some CIS countries.

    The car has established itself as a practical and reliable vehicle that, at a low cost, offers an acceptable level of options that ensure comfortable operation.

    ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline! Read more"

    About refilling the air conditioner

    After installation, the air conditioner must be recharged. In addition, this device will have to be refilled at least once every 3 years, since up to 10% of freon can leave the system within a year, even if the circuit has never been depressurized. Freon R-134a is now used everywhere as a refrigerant.

    Most air conditioners now use R-134a freon

    And to pump it into the air conditioner you will need special equipment, for which you will have to go to a spare parts store.

    To refill air conditioners, special cylinders with pressure gauges are used.

    And you need to buy the following there:

    • set of couplings and adapters;
    • hose kit;
    • R-134a freon cylinder;
    • pressure gauge

    Refueling sequence

    Let us list the main stages of pumping freon into the system.

    1. There is a plastic cap on the low pressure line in the air conditioner. It is carefully cleaned of dust and opened.
    2. The fitting located under the cap is connected to the hose on the cylinder using the adapter included in the kit.
    3. The car engine starts and idles. The crankshaft rotation speed should not exceed 1400 rpm.
    4. The air conditioner turns on maximum air circulation throughout the cabin.
    5. The freon cylinder is turned upside down, the tap on the low pressure adapter slowly opens.
    6. The filling process is constantly monitored using a pressure gauge.
    7. When cold air begins to flow into the car interior and the hose near the adapter begins to become covered with frost, the refueling procedure ends.

    Video: refilling the air conditioner yourself

    Why is it needed?

    A question to which the answer is obvious - to increase comfort. What did people used to do when cars didn't have air conditioning? They simply opened the windows and were cooled by the air entering the cabin.

    But along with the air came dust, dirt, and debris. There is little pleasure in this. Plus, when driving at high speed, you can’t open the windows much, because it creates a lot of noise inside the cabin.

    The climate control equipment installed on the VAZ 2114 allows you to perform three main tasks:

    • Cool the interior;
    • Heat;
    • Dry the air and interior of the car.

    By simultaneously operating the heater and air conditioner, you can get rid of the problem of glass fogging and remove excess moisture, which accumulates especially heavily in the interior in winter and autumn. Excess moisture leads to corrosion and rust.

    As you can see, the benefit of an air conditioner is not only that it cools the air and makes trips in the summer heat pleasant and cool. Therefore, it is hardly worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​installing it.

    About installing climate control

    In short, installing climate control on the VAZ 2114 is for enthusiasts. Ordinary owners of “fourteenth” models do such things extremely rarely, limiting themselves to a simple air conditioner, the installation sequence of which is given above. The reason is simple: installing climate control on a car that is not the newest is not economically feasible.

    To do this, you will need to purchase electronic heating system control units. One or two (depending on how many control zones are planned to be installed). Then they will need to be connected to the on-board network, which will require major changes to be made to it. Not every driver can do this task. Therefore, you will need a specialist whose services are very expensive. Taking all this into account, the owner of a VAZ 2114 should think: does he really need climate control?

    So, it is quite possible to install an air conditioner on a VAZ 2114 on your own. All you need to do is buy a ready-made device at any auto parts store and carefully study the installation instructions. Difficulties can arise only at the stage of refilling the air conditioner. Therefore, you should only refill this device yourself as a last resort. If possible, it is better to entrust refueling to professionals with the appropriate equipment.

    Air conditioning on a VAZ 2114 - what is the difficulty of installing it yourself

    The factory did not provide for the installation of air conditioning for the VAZ 2114 model. But if it is not available from the manufacturer, this does not mean at all that for owners of the fourteenth, the interior cooling system is a dream.

    The idea of ​​equipping a car with air conditioning can easily be turned into reality. To do this, you will have to spend a certain amount of money and set aside a couple of days for independent installation. A simpler option is to entrust the installation to specialists from a service station. But it's expensive. Therefore, we will discuss the issue of self-installation.

    Air conditioning in a car has long become not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. In cold weather it will warm the driver. In hot weather, it will reduce the temperature in the cabin. But not all domestic cars are equipped with air conditioners, and the VAZ 2114 is one of them. Fortunately, the car owner can install the air conditioner himself. Let's figure out how this is done.

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