Installation of a compressor or turbine on a classic VAZ - VAZ 2106, VAZ 2107, VAZ 2101

Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107

Perhaps, everyone who loves fast and dynamic driving in a car sooner or later is faced with the fact that the vehicle’s power is no longer enough.
It would seem that the ideal solution is to replace your iron horse with a more modern and powerful car. However, not everyone has the money for this. However, this does not mean that dreams are not destined to come true - the problem can be solved by tuning the injector and engine. For example, to make a VAZ 2107 engine more powerful, you can install a mechanical compressor on it. TODAY, the compressor for a VAZ is the most affordable type of engine tuning. It is also important that the installation of a mechanical supercharger can be done even independently, with minimal plumbing skills. The main thing is to approach the issue wisely.

If you make even the smallest mistakes when installing equipment, this will significantly affect the operation of the engine, reduce its service life, and in some cases may even cause a critical breakdown.

Therefore, one should also take into account the fact that in some cases, after installing a compressor on a VAZ, additional modifications to the engine may be required, which cannot be avoided.

Compressor VAZ 2107

However, before making any decision and installing a compressor on your VAZ 2107, let's figure out whether it is as good as it seems. And also whether it is possible to install it yourself and what is the difference between a mechanical supercharger and gas turbine superchargers.

  1. Compressor or turbocharger
  2. Experimental method
  3. Installation of the KIT kit

Which compressor should you choose?

In each individual case, this is decided individually, depending on the availability of resources and skills of the car owner. If a person does not have a lot of money and serious knowledge about the structure of the VAZ 2107 injector engine, then the best choice for him will be a Chinese-made factory kit. In the case where the car owner wants to stand out and has the financial resources, time and appropriate skills to do so, he can try using a compressor from a foreign car. At the same time, you can spend more money and install this part not in your garage, but with the hands of experienced specialists in a car service center. You should also be prepared for the fact that a used compressor installed on an injector will have to be periodically given attention so that its parameters match those of the carburetor. Otherwise, you can waste your money and time.

Kit kit for VAZ injector

Mechanical engine charging: what you need to know

Let's start with the fact that installation of any type of supercharger (mechanical or turbocharging) is possible on both injection and carburetor engines. In both cases, a number of modifications to the power unit are expected, however, installing a turbine on the engine is somewhat more difficult and expensive compared to a compressor.

It becomes clear that a mechanical supercharger is a more affordable way to increase engine power; such a solution is easier to install on the engine, and the work can even be done independently. At the same time, the general principle of operation of the supercharger is quite simple.

The device can actually be compared to an attachment (generator, power steering pump or air conditioning compressor), that is, the unit is driven by the engine. As a result of the operation of a mechanical compressor, the air is compressed and enters the cylinders under pressure.

This allows the cylinders to be better purged (ventilated) from exhaust gas residues, cylinder filling is significantly improved, the amount of air in the combustion chamber increases, which makes it possible to burn more fuel and increase engine power.

Also, the compressor has a direct dependence on engine speed. The more the engine is revved, the more air is supplied to the combustion chambers and, accordingly, the power increases. At the same time, there is no pronounced effect of turbojam (turbolag), which is found on turbocharged engines. Turbo lag manifests itself in the form of a failure at low speeds, when the exhaust energy is not yet enough to spin the turbine and create the necessary pressure to effectively supply air to the cylinders.

In other words, all work is carried out comprehensively, which further allows the forced power unit to operate successfully and stably without significantly reducing its service life. Now let's look at some of the features of this installation.

Setting up the turbine operation

A simple electric turbine on a VAZ can increase power, but only slightly. The use of mechanical turbochargers will be much more effective. The turbo engine is tuned using a wastegate. The pressure in the fuel system will be greater, the less it is released into the atmosphere. It is advisable to use special designs of boost controllers to adjust the pressure level.

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Using this simple device, you can set the required pressure directly from inside the car. With its help, the safety valve installed on the manifold does not relieve pressure. Therefore it is gradually growing.

It is imperative to “reflash” the electronic control unit, since the operating modes of the engine will change significantly. It is advisable to entrust this work to experienced specialists, otherwise improper operation of the engine will affect not only the power, but also the consumption of gasoline and oil. In addition, all engine components can wear out hundreds of times faster than with normal settings.

How to install an air blower yourself

There are several approaches that allow you to install a mechanical air blower on VAZ family cars with your own hands. This means making a device yourself that provides turbo mode or boosting the engine, or using a ready-made KIT kit.

Homemade supercharger for VAZ

With this approach, the mechanical air blower will be decisive. The entire future design depends on it. The main thing is to find an air supercharger from an imported car that meets the requirements, or you will have to use a homemade one. This is also possible, and in this case suitable parts and components from completely unexpected devices, for example, a vacuum cleaner, are used.

When making such a homemade air supercharger, you need to take literally everything into account - dimensions, weight, placement in the engine compartment, how and where the drive pulley and belt will be located, the performance of this device, operating modes (short-term or long-term), the possibility of lubrication and much, much more. Once the compressor becomes clear, it is necessary to calculate the implementation of the turbo mode for the engine.

Here it is necessary to take into account how the fuel and cooling system of the car will be changed, what changes need to be made to its control and how to do this, what pressure will be acceptable for safe operation of the engine when implementing a turbo mode using such a device.

Even the far from complete list of questions shown shows that making a homemade air supercharger for a VAZ of any family, be it 2107, 2106, 2114, 2112, is quite difficult, but possible. An example would be a photo showing that such work has been successfully completed. True, this is not a VAZ, but the fact itself is important - it is possible to make a homemade air compressor in which its drive unit is connected to the engine crankshaft.

Do-it-yourself drive supercharger - from a KIT kit

Yes, there are such kits on sale that allow you to implement the turbo mode in VAZ 2107, 2106, 2114, 2112 cars with your own hands. As a rule, it includes everything needed to assemble and install such a device on a car - the compressor itself, belts, drive unit , brackets and air ducts. What such a kit is like can be seen in the photo below.

The main advantage of this approach to implementing the turbo mode on your car is the simplicity and complete adaptation of technical solutions to a specific option - 2107, 2106, 2114, 2112. As a rule, the manufacturers of kit kits are Chinese manufacturers, which ensures their fairly reasonable price.

As an advantage of implementing the turbo mode in this way, it is worth noting that it is tailored specifically to VAZ cars of one model or another (2107, 2106, 2114, 2112). The advantages of this approach also include the fact that under some conditions, when the level of additional pressure created is not more than half a bar, no intervention is required in the vehicle’s fuel system.

It is inappropriate to describe the procedure for implementing the turbo mode from such a set; each of them has its own assembly instructions. The disadvantages include the country of origin, but it depends on your luck. What the car looks like after modification and how to do it, the video will additionally help you understand.

Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor

Installing a compressor on the seven is an opportunity to increase the efficiency of pumping hot mixture and accordingly increase engine power. The most popular compressor that car enthusiasts and craftsmen install on the VAZ 2107 is the PK05D

which will be discussed.
Why him?
It’s just that its characteristics meet the most optimal ones, namely: excess air pressure is only 0.5 bar and this is achieved at 6200 rpm. In addition to this decisive characteristic, there is another fact in favor of this compressor - when installing it, you do not need to interfere with the design of the piston group, which means that installation is extremely simple.

Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor with your own hands

is quite possible without the intervention of specialized craftsmen. Naturally, first, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of this procedure, as well as know the sequence and order of actions. If you are worried about the benefits of a compressor, then believe me, it has been used for these purposes in sevens for a long time and during this time it has undergone several significant improvements that have made it even better and naturally more efficient. The latest innovation is a significant reduction in the noise characteristics of the unit, so the supercharger operates almost silently.


consists of two main elements that deserve your attention and concept. The first is a centrifugal device, and the second is a high-speed multiplier. A special feature of the compressor is that there is no need to service it, and the mechanism is driven by a poly-V-type belt from the engine crankshaft.

In designs of this kind, the multiplier is made on the basis of bearings, which should be replaced after a run of about 50 thousand kilometers. The same goes for the belt, because it is also subject to a certain amount of wear and tear, which goes without saying. It is important to understand that for normal operation of the compressor on a VAZ 2107, the carburetor

, you need to ensure the supply of antifreeze (antifreeze) or engine oil. We have already said above that there is no need to change the design of the power unit, but you still need to replace the generator shaft, crank pulley and water pump. The fact is that now they will use a serpentine belt, rather than a regular one. Where can I get such a strap? Experiments have shown that the Chevrolet Niva is quite suitable. We took measurements, and after installing the compressor, the increase in car power was about 50 percent.

Procedure for installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor:

1. Remove the standard alternator belt and dismantle its fastening 2. Remove the air filter 3. Install pulleys from the Niva Chevrolet instead of the factory pulleys 4. Mount the compressor mounting bracket, as well as the compressor itself and the alternator belt according to the diagram below. (the bushings from the kit must be put on the studs between the mount and the compressor) 5. Place the corrugated pipe on the inlet of the compressor and install the filter. 6. We install pipes on the outlet of the compressor (they must be connected by a special pipe with a diameter of 60 mm and a length of 50 mm.) 7. We connect a 60 mm pipe with the valve, install a coupling, as well as a supply flange in the carburetor. 8. Use a blue hose to connect the compressor fitting and the carburetor fitting. 9. Disconnect the hose for crankcase ventilation, and secure all other connections with clamps. 10. The last point is adjusting the tension of the generator belt.

That's it for installing the supercharger, now you've got your 50 percent increase in power. Agree that this procedure is not as complicated as it may initially appear.

Refinement of the cylinder block

Regarding the VAZ 2107 cylinder block

, then you can install
lightweight pistons
- in fact, this is the easiest and most effective way to increase the performance of the entire engine as a whole. Why is that? It's very simple - the heavier connecting rod used in the base engine creates increased inertia from reciprocating movements. Part of the engine efficiency is lost to compensate for this physical phenomenon. In general, lightweight connecting rods and pistons can significantly increase engine balancing and also reduce friction.

One of the popular ways to do engine tuning yourself is

- this is the so-called
increase in engine volume
. This can be achieved by boring the cylinder block itself.

Let's touch the light pistons

, which are initially produced at the plant by casting. However, it is best, as a tuning, to install forged ones, which are lighter and more efficient than standard ones. The forging method reduces internal stresses in the metal.

You can also install an improved collector, which is also popularly called a spider. This will reduce the combined influence of two adjacent cylinders. It allows for better ventilation or blowing of the cylinders, and therefore the resistance of the piston group will decrease and, accordingly, the engine power will increase.

Installing a turbine or compressor on a VAZ 2107

There are two ways to install a turbine on a VAZ 2107:

  • through the intake manifold;
  • through the carburetor.

The second option is more effective, as it provides direct formation of the fuel-air mixture. To complete the work you will need:

  • a set of wrenches and screwdrivers;
  • drill;
  • containers for draining refrigerant and oil.

Connecting a turbine or compressor to the exhaust system

The turbine will require a certain amount of space in the engine compartment. Sometimes it is installed in place of the battery, which is transferred to the trunk. For the VAZ 2107, a turbine from a diesel tractor is suitable, which does not require water cooling and is connected to the standard exhaust manifold. The principle of its operation is based on the circulation of hot exhaust gases, which, after spinning the turbine, return back to the exhaust system.

The turbine installation algorithm depends on the engine type. For the naturally-aspirated power unit of the VAZ 2107, it will be necessary to further reduce the geometric compression ratio by installing the original intake manifold (if it is missing).

Further actions are performed in the following order.

  1. The inlet pipe is installed.
  2. The engine power system is being modernized.
  3. Instead of the exhaust manifold, a exhaust pipe is installed.

The compressor is purchased complete with accessories for integrating it into the engine.

The compressor is installed as follows.

  1. A new air filter with zero resistance is installed directly on the suction pipe.
  2. The compressor outlet tube is connected with a special wire to the carburetor inlet fitting. The joints are tightened with special sealed clamps.

This algorithm is considered an inexpensive and effective way of tuning the VAZ 2107 engine. During the installation process, to increase the efficiency of boost, you can completely rebuild the carburetor and look for ways to improve the tightness of new connections.

Turbine oil supply

To supply oil to the turbine, you will need to install a special adapter. After this, the intake manifold and the hottest part of the turbine itself will need to be equipped with a heat shield.

Oil is supplied to the engine through a screwed-in fitting onto which a silicone hose is placed. After this operation, it is imperative to install an intercooler and an intake piping (tube) to allow air to enter the intake manifold. The latter will allow you to maintain the required temperature conditions when operating the turbine.

Pipes for connecting the turbine

The main pipe is responsible for the removal of exhaust gases - through it, part of the exhaust that does not enter the turbine is removed. Before installation, all air pipes must be thoroughly cleaned and wiped with a cloth soaked in gasoline. Contaminants from the hoses can enter the turbine and damage it.

All pipes must be securely secured with clamps. Some experts recommend using plastic clamps for this, which will firmly fix the connections without damaging the rubber.

Connecting the turbine to the carburetor

When connecting a turbine through a carburetor, air flow will noticeably increase. In addition, the turbocharging system should be located in the engine compartment next to the carburetor, where it is difficult to find free space. Therefore, the feasibility of such a decision is questionable. At the same time, with successful installation, the turbine will operate much more efficiently.

In the carburetor, three main jets and additional power channels are responsible for fuel consumption. In normal operation, at a pressure of 1.4–1.7 bar, they perform their functions well, but after installation, the turbines no longer meet changing conditions and environmental standards.

There are two ways to connect the turbine to the carburetor.

  1. The turbine is installed behind the carburetor. With an air-pulling scheme, the fuel-air mixture passes through the entire system.
  2. The turbine is placed in front of the carburetor. The air is forced in the opposite direction, and the mixture does not pass through the turbine.

Both methods have their pros and cons.

  1. The first method is simpler. The air pressure in the system is quite low. However, the carburetor does not need to install a compressor bypass valve, intercooler, etc.
  2. The second method is more complicated. The air pressure in the system increases noticeably. The carbon dioxide content in the exhaust is reduced and a quick cold start is possible. However, this method is much more difficult to implement. Requires installation of intercooler, bypass valve, etc.

The air pull system is rarely used by tuners. Unless it “gets along” in areas with a warm climate, and the owner of the “Seven” does not intend to develop serious engine power.

Connecting the turbine to the injector

Installing a turbine on an injection engine is more appropriate. In this case, the VAZ 2107:

  • fuel consumption will decrease;
  • the environmental characteristics of the exhaust will improve (a third of the fuel will no longer be emitted into the atmosphere);
  • Engine vibration will be reduced.

On engines with an injection system, the boost can be further increased during turbine installation. To do this, a spring is placed in the actuator under the planned pressure. The tubes leading to the solenoid will need to be plugged, and the solenoid itself will need to be left connected to the connector - in extreme cases, the coil will change to a resistance of 10 kOhm.

Thus, decreasing the pressure on the actuator will increase the force required to open the wastegate. As a result, the boost will become more intense.

Video: connecting a turbine to an injection engine

How is a turbine checked?

Before installing the turbine, it is strongly recommended to change the oil. In addition, the oil and air filters must be replaced. The sequence for checking the turbocharging system is as follows:

  • the turbine should be inspected for oil leaks (this applies to both the part through which oil is supplied and the part through which it drains from the turbine);
  • All air ducts are also carefully inspected. None of them should contain dirt or foreign objects;
  • if the machine is equipped with a catalyst, then it should also be checked for wear (excessive exhaust from a worn-out catalyst can significantly worsen the operation of the turbine; it simply cannot cope with the large volume of incoming gas);

So, installing a turbine on a VAZ 2106 is a long and painstaking process. In some situations, instead of a full-fledged turbine, you can think about installing a turbocharger. This is the least expensive and simplest option. Well, if the car owner has firmly decided to install a turbine on his “six”, then he should prepare for a serious modernization of the engine and serious financial expenses.

More details about the compressor on the VAZ - watch the video

One of the popular ways to increase the power of a VAZ engine is to install a mechanical supercharger (this one). In the compressor article we will try to figure out why this particular method has gained its popularity in cars for the use of VAZ. Is it possible to install a compressor , what are its main advantages and disadvantages, and the main differences in comparison with the alternative - turbochargers (gas turbine supercharging).

Before planning to boost (tuning) the engine, you need to understand that in order to achieve a tangible result, engine tuning should be done comprehensively with a competent approach . That is, it may not involve installing a separate device (compressor, shaft, turbine, etc.). Homemade modifications to the internal combustion engine can not only negatively affect the life of the engine and cause it to break, but also simply negatively affect its power and overall performance. The installation of a compressor (mechanical supercharging) should be understood as a comprehensive modification of the VAZ engine, which, depending on the selected individual and compressor requirements for future performance (power at or below the top, maximum power, etc.) may require different modifications of the engine as a whole.

Differences between turbocharging and compressor

The choice among engine tuners falls to VAZ on the compressor, because it allows you to significantly increase engine power in a simple way, in some cases with minimal modifications to the engine (which is impossible to install a turbocharger). The compressor is driven directly from the engine crankshaft, so it is capable of pumping air into the cylinders at minimal speeds without delay and increasing the boost pressure in proportion strictly to the engine speed (in contrast to turbocharging - turbo lag effect). Many superchargers do not require intervention in the standard lubrication and cooling system and do not lead to “exorbitant” temperatures under the hood due to heating of the exhaust manifold, such as when installing a turbocharger. All this can be attributed to the advantages of the compressor . You can read more about the differences between turbines and compressors in this article.

They gained their distribution specifically for cars on Lada installations due to the ready-made kits for the engine that appeared. Disadvantages. VAZ compressors are also available. They reduce the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, since part of the power generated by the power unit is consumed to drive them. Mechanical supercharging systems in most cases take up more space, require a special drive (gear or belt gear drive) and produce increased noise.

the noise of installing a compressor on a VAZ engine can be done in two ways: experimental or a ready-made kit kit. Let's consider each option individually.

Experimental method of installing a compressor on this

The disadvantages of this approach are obvious : the high cost and complexity of an individual project, all sorts of experimental difficulties associated with untested and often erroneous solutions, which will most likely require modification of individual system elements during trial operation. This will require an approach to involve third-party craftsmen who are ready and competent, able to select the necessary components for an individual project according to the obtained parameters (injectors for the required performance, individual CHIP tuning, make the necessary fasteners, brackets, pulleys, select belts, etc.). In turn, as practice shows, any miscalculations in such an engine can cause serious damage to the internal combustion engine. Naturally, such an installation is not available to everyone along the One and Only list. indicators, a significant advantage of such a system is the novelty and exclusivity of the car, carrying out engine tuning, which the owner decided to go this route. The author of a successful project can boast of his skill and demonstrate successfully applied cooling solutions (solutions, lubricants, fastenings, etc.). For this reason, this experimental method of installing a VAZ compressor left its position in the past, when there was simply no alternative way, and gave way to ready-made kits.

Kit kit for VAZ engine

The main advantage of this kit is that the owner can install it on his own. Today, owners of VAZ cars who want a compressor clock on their own (or from craftsmen, but quickly and at the same time, in some cases it’s a matter of several to install) have two options:

  1. kit Installation kit with a used compressor from a foreign car (for example: Nissan, Japanese or German Audi cars and adapted) Mercedes for the internal combustion engine of the Volga automobile industry by the craftsmen of our vast Motherland;
  2. Buy a kit-assembled kit along with all components in China and officially sold in Russia.

The Chinese kit is distinguished by its simplicity. Its main advantages: cost and so - adaptability as it was developed specifically for VAZ engines, the simplest options do not require any intervention in the engine, not only the installation of additional lubrication, cooling, but even on some of the most primitive samples, pressure at up to 0.5 bar, it is not a mandatory requirement to change the firmware, interfere with the operation of the fuel system, etc. One of the advantages is the prevalence of such online kits in tuning stores, which simplifies both the purchase of a complete set and components for the necessary maintenance and repairs. Among the disadvantages is that the production is experimental, which negatively affects reliability. For the sake of fairness, I note that official kits have which the manufacturers support a guarantee, even when installing it yourself, although there are naturally cases of Kit.

competent To install a compressor from a foreign Toyota car (manufactured by Subaru, Mercedes, etc.), a lot of serious modifications to the engine will be required, there is no way to avoid firmware, but rather individual settings, piping is usually included in aluminum (kit, couplings, bends, clamps), but to achieve the desired pressure, especially in summer, the need for an intercooler will most likely appear. The fuel pump and injectors will not suit every tuner. In the search for ideal solutions, the list of possible further improvements will include turbo pistons, a motor braid for DBP and DTV sensors, and much more. If it’s already rational to go this way, then by buying a complete set, and then rolling back only the firmware and eliminating the shortcomings -XX, the consumption is simple or adjusted to individual characteristics.

correctly How to choose a compressor for a VAZ? Not numerous, despite the controversy on the Internet, the ideal solution is Alone. no, they say that the best compressor is a Chinese kit, others criticize it and the only compressor option they talk about is from a foreign car, and still others will give preference to a turbo. In practice - everything is If.

individually plan a budget compressor (with minimal monetary costs), then the choice is obvious for the Chinese kit. installation Simplicity, adaptability to any VAZ (injector, carburetor, 8 or 16 valves, air conditioning, etc.) From the guys from the auto-turbo company, a kit for a standard 2110 engine (VAZ 2111) can be purchased for less than 1000 USD. e.

According to the manufacturer's statement and the personal experience of some car owners, such a kit does not even require flashing at pressures of up to 0.5 bar, although I note that it is better to flash the firmware even on a stock engine. A complete kit for installation, a compressor, for example from Toyota from the guys from the sc-vaz company will already cost about 2000 USD. and will require additional engine settings (programs after installing the kit), serious skills and knowledge for installation and considerable preparation (modifications for the compressor) of the engine, sensors and much more. The result in the first and second cases will be completely different, so before you open the hood of your VAZ for 2110 tuning, you should decide what results you want to get from it.

In fairness, I note that some tuners combine these purchases and approaches of a compressor tested on a VAZ engine (not Chinese, it is important adapted or tested from a foreign car) and then collect their parameters, selecting the necessary experimenting, firmware with compression ratio, selecting injectors, etc. Many people choose this method in an attempt to save money, at the initial stage (the compressor itself can cost significantly less than a complete kit, in some cases the cost can vary significantly). But in most cases, at the end of the project, it will turn out to be more expensive than in searching for suitable components; you will have to buy the same components several times. even Or change the planned configuration of your layout system in real time, making adjustments to the intended existing plan. For example: you bought injectors but they didn’t fit, you buy the next ones, or you replace the purchased injectors for the pump. The options may be different, but the result is the same - more and more is invested in the engine, and the finish is usually vague. minus So such a step-by-step approach that, along the way, between modifications, many people operate the car in normal mode, and the engine in some individual stages of its modifications (for example, while you are waiting for new components ordered, and some just for a salary) can consume an increased amount of fuel, the standard one drives significantly worse (from incorrect settings), experiences increased loads and, again, will negatively affect its individual performance, and in resource cases, it can cause a breakdown.

This method should be followed only by those who are well versed in tuning, are ready to calculate the necessary list of modifications themselves, perhaps know how to reflash themselves, make something (brackets, gears, etc.), and initially already assembled a “unclamped” engine parameters for the desired inflation, power and torque, etc.

compressor Installation on a VAZ with your own hands

If you decide to install a compressor on a VAZ yourself , without having such work experience, decide on the desired parameters, and based on these parameters, select a kit for yourself from these parameters. Before purchasing, talk to the manufacturer (sellers of such kits usually have a forum) to make sure this kit fits your engine and car (the pitfall may be the presence of an air conditioning compressor, power steering, etc.). Try to chat with people on the forums who have already installed this kit or at least the type of compressor.

compressor Installation of auto-turbo does not require special knowledge (car design skills, ability to make simple repairs and use tools - required!) and does not take a significant amount of time. But the ability to design and remodel is, by the way, very good. As happens with such kits, the piping is handicraft and the rest of the components leave much to be desired. The compressor is placed on a special bracket, which is included in the kit, on the holes existing in the block and does not require additional drilling, welding, etc. The kit comes with everything you need, so the installation is quite primitive, but as practice shows, engine tuning usually does not end with installing a compressor and when the car owner tries to improve its performance, he begins to refine and modify his kit kit (more efficient injectors, flashing, intercooler, etc. .d.).

Installing an SC compressor, which , VAZ, has a more powerful supercharging, will require serious skills from the installer, since it will be necessary to “decompress” the engine, install a new engine wiring harness, install an intercooler, an oil cooler and much more (depending on the compressor). that So a person without professional skills in tuning and repairing a car simply cannot cope without outside help from professionals.

VAZ compressor video Embed Embed this video on your site
Conclusion You have decided to install a compressor on a VAZ on your own , then in the case of the sc-kit you must be able to not only make brackets and enough, but also gears are well versed in the car not only in repair plan, but also in terms of tuning. The Chinese compressor does not require such extensive knowledge and allows installation even by a novice specialist. It’s worth noting that you don’t need to start doing tuning if you want to save money on the engine, then it’s better to drive it as stock as the cost of the kit, it costs the minimum for installation By the way. compressor, do you know how to install a turbine or tuning an atmospheric engine?

How to install a KIT kit on a VAZ injector?

Even someone who does not have serious car repair skills can install such a compressor on this type of engine. To achieve this goal, you will need a regular tool. Before purchasing any specific KIT kit, it is best to clarify whether it is really suitable for working with the VAZ 2107. To do this, you just need to go to the thematic form on the Internet. In the future, you need to consult directly with the seller. Usually they have complete information that will be useful in the process of installing the KIT kit on a VAZ 2107 injector car. After this, you can begin the work itself. To do this, the compressor is installed on a bracket. It is part of the KIT kit. No additional drilling is required for this, since all the holes are already in the block. In the future, everything should be done according to the instructions. The advantage of KIT kits is the possibility of subsequent modernization. That is, if desired, you can install better injectors, an intercooler, as well as flashing, etc.

It should be noted that different types of kits have different skill requirements for their installation. That is why it is so important, even before purchasing this important part, to familiarize yourself with the amount of work that lies ahead, so as not to encounter additional difficulties.

Naturally, such kits differ very much in cost, as well as in content.

Mechanical engine charging: what you need to know

For self-installation, two types of superchargers are used. This is a mechanical type turbocharger and compressor. In the first case, exhaust gases are used to drive the turbine.

The compressor can be installed on the engine separately from the exhaust system and is driven by a pulley located on the crankshaft. The transmission of torque is carried out by a belt.

Installation of the compressor is possible on an atmospheric engine. The unit is an attachment installed on the power unit. In this case, the working element is driven by a belt.

The compressor is mounted in front of the throttle valve. With its help, the amount of air mass supplied to the cylinder is regulated. The connection method is different for different models of power units:

  1. On atmospheric injection engines, the compressor is installed at the inlet of the intake manifold. The throttle valve changes the channel capacity.
  2. On carburetor engines, fuel is mixed with air under vacuum. The amount of gasoline is determined by the internal diameter of the jets.

To make the volume of the supplied air-fuel mixture larger, without compromising its quality, by installing a compressor, it is necessary to increase the amount of gasoline.

To do this, the firmware of the electronic control unit is changed on injection engines. The jets in carburetors are replaced with parts with greater flow capacity.

Which system for internal combustion engines is better, you will find a description of each in our article at the link.

Compressors that are used quite widely. The main advantage is the average price, long service life, high frequency of supplied air, smooth and stable operation, quick response to the crankshaft speed.

The air in this system is not compressed, it seems to go inside, and then it is forced into the engine by blades, which are made in the form of a rotor. That’s why they got the name – compressor with external compression. The downside is that as the inlet pressure increases, the efficiency decreases.

The structure most often consists of two rotors, on the inlet and outlet windows, see photo. They are located transversely.

The disadvantages of this design are:

1) Efficiency depends on the clearances between the shafts and other parts.

2) The largest heating of all other types.

3) Strong noise and vibration of the shafts.

4) Not very strong pressure, about 0.7 bar maximum.

To summarize, it becomes clear that this type is far from ideal. Some can - why are the blades screw-shaped? There are two reasons here, the first is an increase in air pressure and the second is a decrease in noise (although it helps little).

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