The best acid primer for cars in a cylinder:

Metal coatings are often subject to corrosion and rust. To protect them, a variety of primers are used in industry and everyday life. New generation products are popular, for example, acid primer in cans, which is also used for treating car bodies.

Let's figure out how acid primer is used for cars, what it is, how to apply it correctly to metal, consider its properties, features, pros and cons, differences from epoxy primer.

Acid primer in a container Source

What is oxygen primer for a car?

An acid-based primer is a special primer that comes in cans or containers with liquid. The main application is to improve adhesion and anti-corrosion protection.

The product is suitable for treating car bodies and is used as an initial layer.

It is impossible to apply a paint coating or epoxy composition over this product, since additional painting suppresses the acidic properties of the primer.

Let's sum it up

Today it is difficult to protect a car from all the influences of a rather aggressive and difficult operating environment. A large amount of moisture, difficult winter travel conditions, poor quality of repair work and body restoration - all this affects the service life of expensive vehicle components.

If you want to preserve car parts and extend their life, you should use special effective processing methods. A special layer of primary metal processing using acids is ideal.

Etching the surface saves the car owner from various troubles. Also, this procedure allows you to better organize the paint layer and ensure a long and comfortable life of the paint. But to achieve such goals, you should study all the features of applying etching compounds in order to carry out each task in accordance with the requirements. This will help you get the results you want.

Main varieties

You can find 2 types of acid soil on sale:

  1. Based on 1 component.
  2. Based on 2 components.


Phosphate primer based on 1 component can be used without prior preparation. It can be purchased in cans for application without auxiliary equipment or in containers with a liquid solution. The second option is applied with a spray gun in 1 thin layer. When the coating acquires the required properties, it can be treated with acrylic with the inclusion of a hardener.


Before applying the product to a metal surface, it should be properly prepared. The instructions mention the need to mix the main substance with the activator. The final consistency takes on both hard and soft forms. Experts advise choosing the first option, as it creates a strong and reliable film over the entire treated area. It is allowed to apply primer in 1, 2 or 3 layers, observing the proportions and basic recommendations of the manufacturer. There is a 5 minute pause between reuses.

What characterizes the composition

One of the important advantages of soils is their high resistance to temperature and mechanical influences, good adhesion properties and uniform drying of layers.

Buyers note that car surfaces coated with such a composition will be well protected, even before the main coat of paint is applied. In addition, the composition does not fade or peel off from the surface.

As customers note in reviews of the Reoflex epoxy primer, the composition can indeed (as the manufacturer claims) be used to coat metal surfaces that are under water or subject to frequent exposure to it, without losing the performance properties of the material.

Due to its characteristics, multi-component automotive primer can be called an effective protective composition among the main high-strength paintwork materials. To produce such products, epoxy resin is used, which is the main component.

It is interesting that matte compositions, including Reoflex epoxy primer, contain not only resins, but also chemical components.

Pros of primer in cans

Primers in the form of aerosols have several important advantages:

  1. Ease of use. There is no need to use special equipment to distribute the soil.
  2. High quality finishing coating. The can ensures uniform distribution of the composition over the surface being treated.

In most cases, an aerosol primer is used for local application to metal products.

If you need to treat large areas, it is better to use an air gun.

Primer in the form of a spray is used by beginners who have not carried out body repairs before. Using an aerosol, you can level paintwork materials and get an even and beautiful coating.

Which manufacturer to choose

On the market for this type of material you can find a bunch of brands. To avoid getting a low-quality product, pay attention to the following brands:

  • HB BODY – Greece.
  • ASTROHIM – Russia.
  • MOBIHEL – Slovenia.
  • HI-GEAR - America.
  • TEX – Russia.
  • TIKKURILA – Finland.
  • HAMMERITE – Germany.

Preparation stages

To obtain a high-quality surface, you should perform a number of preparatory actions and adhere to a strictly proven algorithm:

  1. First of all, you should prepare the room in which the body will be painted.
  2. Then you need to clean the surface from rust, dirt, dust and old putty.
  3. Next you need to inspect the machine and prepare a suitable enamel composition.
  4. After this, it is necessary to protect the body parts that do not need to be treated and degrease the surfaces.
  5. At the next stage, putty is applied and an anti-corrosion layer is formed.

Briefly about the main thing

An acid primer has a special purpose, which differs significantly from the tasks of acrylic and epoxy primers. It is used exclusively for primary processing, which significantly enhances the protection of metal from rust. Due to chemical protection, the paintwork is used for a long time without the formation of swelling, cracks and other defects.

Thanks to a layer of acid primer, metal surfaces, be it a car, a fence or a galvanized roof, will not be affected by rain, snow or other negative influences. For a long time they will have an attractive appearance and please the eye. The main thing is to understand the types of primer, choose the right one and apply it correctly to the surface.

Application methods

Acid primer can be applied using several methods and tools:

  1. Simple brush.
  2. Spray gun.
  3. By lowering a metal product into a solution.
  4. Electrical spraying.
  5. Using electrodeposition technology.

In everyday life it is customary to use the first 2 tools. Immersion technology is used in factories.

Is it possible to apply paint to acidic soil?

Experts do not recommend applying paint over a layer of one-component acid primer. Otherwise, the components may cause a change in the shade of the paint due to the action of the yellow pigment.

Using a primer for a car: how to apply and what to cover with

For high-quality application of the primer, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the car body for processing. Remove paint residues, level the surface, clean from dirt and dust, and degrease.

It is necessary to prepare the tools or equipment that will be used to apply the primer. There are several ways to treat a car with primer:

  1. Aerosol from a can (body 960, novol protect 370). Allows you to apply primer more evenly to the surface of the car. Perhaps one stage of application is enough, it hides unevenness and defects better.
  2. Using a spray gun.
  3. Using a brush.
  4. Dipping the part into the solution. This procedure is carried out in a factory environment, where the necessary volumetric containers are available and optimal conditions for carrying out can be created.
  5. Electrodeposition.
  6. Electrospray.

Expert opinion
Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Consultant for body repair at

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Before starting work, it is necessary to take care of protective equipment (rubber gloves, a ZM respirator, a change of thick clothing, shoes), since the acids included in such primers have a toxic effect on the human body and can also easily ignite.

The surface of the car is treated with an acidic two-component anti-corrosion primer in several stages. Apply from one to three layers, with an interval of at least five minutes. Next, drying takes place - the metal dries for 30 minutes. up to 1.5 hours at an air temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius.

It is possible to apply filler over the etching primer, but it is strictly forbidden to apply putty that contains polyesters. Such putty can contribute to the dissolution of the protective coating of the metal, which will render the work done useless. But, importantly, applying an acid primer to putty is possible.

One of the main features of acid primer (for example, brands body, novol) is the possibility of grinding. To do this, use sandpaper with a grit of at least P400.

If the car surface has a number of minor flaws, grinding is not carried out.

Expert opinion

Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Consultant for body repair at

Ask a Question

Secondary primers, mostly acrylic, are then applied over the reactive primer, and the car is ready for subsequent painting.

Rating of the best brands

When choosing which primer to buy for a car, you should familiarize yourself with the following product brands:

  1. DUR 1:1. The reactive solution provides a durable film with improved adhesive properties. The advantage of the composition is the absence of chromates and the presence of a special reaction catalyst in the kit.
  2. Body 960 Wash primer. Suitable for different surfaces and consists of 2 components. During application it is mixed with hardener.
  3. Mobinel. A one-component product with high anti-corrosion characteristics. Suitable for stainless steel, galvanized and aluminum.

Description and types of wash primers

The main component of the reactive primer is phosphoric acid, which forms a poorly soluble film on the surface that is firmly bonded to the metal of the car.

Characteristics of acid soil:

  • resistance to moisture and salt;
  • wear resistance;
  • the acidic aggressive composition is able to penetrate the metal and thus increase adhesion;
  • high resistance to chemicals.

Acid primer for car repairs is divided into two types:

  • Primary one-component - it does not require the addition of an activator or catalyst (not to be confused with a diluent!). An example of such a primer is Mobihel Primer 1K.
  • Primary two-component - here you need to add a hardener, which in acidic primer for cars is phosphoric acid. When mixed, it interacts with pigments, artificial resins and other components, generating heat. Examples of two-component reactive primers are Novol Protect 340 Wash Primer, Body 960.


Putty and epoxy primer cannot be applied to acidic soil (see the article “Can epoxy primer be applied to acidic soil”).

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Greetings, my dear inquisitive person!) I propose to put an end to the issue of using acid, epoxy and acrylic primers. I will try to use a minimum of terminology, while explaining everything in detail. 1. Application of primary and secondary soils. 2. Compatibility of primers with other coatings and fillers.

So, in our arsenal we have three main primers: - acidic 2K (etching, phosphating, reactive) - epoxy 2K - acrylic 2K Composition of acidic 2K primer: component A: polyvinyl butyral, zinc or lead chromates or phosphates, alcohol (butanol + ethanol for example) component B: phosphoric acid, water. We use it on bare metal, clean or with corrosion residues (in the pores, for example) How does it work? Acid soil is primary and in its finished form is a complex system. The reaction of precipitation of zinc or lead from chromate or sulfate is carried out by the reaction of orthophosphoric acid in the presence of water. Part of the phosphoric acid falls on the iron and, through an exchange reaction, phosphates it, and alcohols with water passivate the phosphating reaction (neutralize). Ideally, we get a phosphated section of metal with lead or zinc deposited on it. Polyvinyl butyral has excellent adhesion to many substrates (aluminum, zinc, fiberglass, steel, etc.), and most paints and primers also have adhesion to it (only when it turns into an irreversible coating - it polymerizes). Hygroscopic.

Composition of epoxy 2K primer: component A: epoxy oligomers (epoxy resin), filler (talc, wood flour, etc.), alcohol derivatives. component B: polyamines (there are different functionalities) How does it work? Epoxy primer is also a primary primer. Applied to bare, clean metal without traces of corrosion. It has good “physical” adhesion and chemical resistance, and can act as an insulator when repairing old paintwork. Non-hygroscopic


Composition of acrylic 2K primer: component A: acrylate resin (various in functionality), filler (talc, chalk, etc.), esters. component B: isocyanates (various concentrations, sometimes with the addition of esters) How does it work? This group of soils acts as secondary, repair, and also insulators for some coatings. There are fillers and levelers (there are also universal ones). Applied to polyester (polyester) materials and substrates, as well as to old paintwork. Hygroscopic.

This was the preface. These issues have already been covered more than once. But for the sake of completeness this is necessary)

And now about the painful stuff! You can’t putty on acid! Almost everyone knows this. How to isolate? Acrylic? Epoxy?

Now the answer) The solvent for polyvinyl butyral is alcohol. The solvent for epoxy primer is again alcohol. The hardener for polyester resin (putty) is dibenzene peroxide (complex alcohol oxide). Thinners for acrylic are ethers, and the hardener for it is isocyanate (isocyanates are organic compounds containing the functional group -N=C=O)

Primary acid primer is applied in a reactive (thin) layer as it is non-filling and has a low working residue. You can dry and sand it (then all of the above will stick to it), but what’s the point of it if we cut it down in one or two minutes?) Therefore, we cover it wet-on-wet. And if putty with a hardener (dibenzene peroxide) gets on it, the soil is dissolved by this hardener and its properties change. The balance “alcohol - water - phosphoric acid - zinc chromate” is disrupted. The same thing happens with acidic primer when epoxy gets on it! Everything looks fine, nothing is falling off. But know that the original properties of acidic soil will be irretrievably lost!

But in the case of acrylic primer, everything is different, since it does not contain alcohols for polyvinyl butyral, unless, of course, you diluted the filler with something “of your own.”

I thank those who mastered this mass) All the best! I'll be glad to answer your questions.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Algorithm of actions when applying Novol putty to a car body

One of the most effective methods for restoring a deformed car body is putty. It is applied to fill irregularities, scratches, and level the surface before coating with paint and varnish. Novol automotive putty is characterized by the following properties:

  • high elasticity;
  • excellent heat resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • good adhesion.

This material can work with any substrate, except galvanized steel, acrylic and nitrocellulose surfaces, and reactive primers. It is easy to apply it yourself to the car body, and the filling instructions will help you with this.

  1. The first step is to thoroughly wash the body with car shampoo.
  2. Next, the surface must be degreased and sanded.
  3. The putty is combined with the hardener in a ratio of 3 to 2, mixed well until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Proceed to puttying cracks, chips, scratches, acting carefully and carefully.
  5. At a temperature of +20 °C, the prepared solution must be applied very quickly, within 5-6 minutes after its preparation.
  6. Novol putty dries quickly, after half an hour you can begin priming and applying the finishing enamel.

The most commonly used putty is Novol uni. This is a universal beige material that is applied using a sprayer.

Reference! After using the instruments, they must be cleaned using a special solvent for nitrocellulose compounds.

"Sikkens Washprimer 1K"

This is a one-component primer that very well protects metal from corrosion. This product is recommended by many specialists, as they are familiar with its effects firsthand.

Despite the high price, the effectiveness of this soil is excellent. The material has high adhesion to any metals. You can even apply it to rust. One can is enough to treat an entire car body.

Self-etch primer

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If the package says Self-etching, then this is a filling acid primer with the addition of zinc. The acid corrodes the metal, and the zinc immediately eats into it. The acid is usually phosphoric acid. Self-etching primer is designed to improve adhesion and smooth out uneven metal surfaces. This primer phosphates and primes the surface at the same time. First, a chemical reaction of the acid with the metal occurs, and then the polymer and anti-corrosion pigments form a protective film when dry.

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According to its composition, such soil is divided into several large types:

  1. Product based on polyurethane . Such soils have excellent elasticity. To apply such a primer, the metal surface must first be prepared and cleaned. This type of material has good protective properties and not only prevents rust, but also protects the metal from other influences;
  2. Alkyd primers. This type of material is considered one of the best on the market, as its qualities are excellent for preventing corrosion processes. A special feature of this material is the addition of zinc particles, which are known to resist corrosion well. Applying such material to a surface covered with rust, like any anti-corrosion primer, is strictly prohibited.

On video, anti-corrosion primer for cars:

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