How to refuel a car: simple tips and mandatory rules

No matter how funny the title of the article may sound for experienced drivers, there is a significant layer of novice car enthusiasts who have just purchased a car (or for whom purchasing a personal vehicle is still only in their thoughts). For many of them, especially girls, the question of the first refueling causes anxiety, and it is absolutely normal to worry about the unknown. The anxiety is not as strong as before the first trip or buying a car, but in order to dispel it, we have prepared comprehensive instructions for the first refueling. But some information in the article is also useful for experienced drivers, especially if they are about to refuel for the first time with an alternative fuel, for example, gas.

The fuel indicator does not always show the correct information

When is it time to refuel?

“When the fuel gauge is at zero and the light on the dashboard lights up,” most car enthusiasts will say. And they will be right. But what to do if the fuel sensor is not calibrated and is lying? Or doesn't it work at all?

Yes, if everything is in order, then there are no questions - on the dashboard of any car there is a fuel level scale, which you need to periodically look at and refuel when the arrow approaches the bottom mark. If the sensor is faulty, then you can determine the moment of refueling by the behavior of the car, rarely when the car immediately stops. Often, the first signs characteristic of a low fuel level in the tank appear:

  • extraneous noises and knocking may begin to emanate from a running engine;
  • the mixture entering the engine becomes leaner, so spark plugs may misfire; you will feel this through excess vibrations in the car (the engine is shaking);
  • smoothness of movement is lost; when the gas pedal is pressed in one position, the car jerks;
  • You will notice on the tachometer that the revolutions are falling, and at the same time the decrease in power will be physically noticeable (the gas pedal is pressed, but the car is moving as if reluctantly).

What types of fuel are there?

All motorists know that each type of engine has its own fuel, so a gasoline engine will not run on diesel fuel. The same logic applies to diesel internal combustion engines.

But even for gasoline power units, there are different brands of gasoline:

  • 76th;
  • 80th;
  • 92nd;
  • 95th;
  • 98th.

At gas stations you often find prefixes like “Super”, “Energy”, “Plus” and so on. According to suppliers, this is an “improved formula that is safer for the engine.” In fact, it is regular gasoline with a small amount of additives that affect the quality of combustion.

If the car is old, then in most cases its engine is “powered” by grade 92 fuel. The 80th and 76th are extremely rarely used, since they are already very old equipment. An engine that runs on grade 92 will also function well on 95 gasoline. Only in this case there is no need to overpay.

If the car is new, and even under warranty, then the manufacturer indicates exactly what gasoline should be used. Failure to do so may void the vehicle's warranty. If the service book is not available (it contains various recommendations, including the brand of engine oil, as well as the type of gasoline), then as a hint to the driver, the manufacturer has made a corresponding mark on the inside of the gas tank hatch.

Choice of gas station and fuel

In emergency situations, you don’t have to choose - you’d better crawl to any nearest gas station as quickly as possible. But emergency cases are just that: they happen rarely. Basically, drivers monitor the fuel level and plan refueling in advance. In this case, the question arises about the choice of fuel and refueling.

And if everything is obvious with fuel - you fill in the type specified by the manufacturer in the technical product data sheet or in the operating instructions - then a novice driver’s eyes widen before the motley assortment of gas stations, especially if we are talking about a large city. Which dressing should you choose?

In this matter, it is easier to start from those places where you definitely should NOT refuel. Avoid:

  • nameless gas stations;
  • fuel trucks on the sides of highways;
  • gas stations that parody the names or color logos of famous brands;
  • gas stations whose prices look incredibly low.

Remember that fuel quality directly affects the life of the vehicle's engine and fuel system. And the appropriate quality of fuel is guaranteed only by official gas stations of chain brands. All industry giants have their own laboratories and departments that control fuel quality. Well, at least they should control it.

When we talk about network brands, we mean companies such as BP, Shell, Lukoil, Gazprom Neft, TNK. Trust is generated by those companies that control the entire process themselves - from fuel extraction to transportation to their own gas station. In this case, the probability of mixing fuel with “left” liquids at “foreign” enterprises and storage bases is close to zero. Vivid examples of a completely own production and delivery structure are Lukoil or Gazprom Neft.

No matter how much you shake the hose: how to refuel a car correctly

Why go to a gas station?

A car, as you know, is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.
Luxury is a full tank of gas. Looking into the sad eyes of credit Solaris and Captures, I understand that the feeling of a full tank is practically unknown to them. And yet, even their owners sometimes (on payday) stop by a gas station. So, how do you know when it's time to refuel? Sign one: fuel level readings. If its arrow (or the number of division sticks) tends to zero, gasoline runs out. Not every car enthusiast can understand exactly how much gasoline in liters is left in the tank (especially when it comes to “sticks”). But many modern cars have a wonderful device - an on-board computer. It can show not the remaining fuel in liters, but the distance in kilometers for how long it will last. And if it says “50 km,” this does not mean that by reading mantras this gasoline can be stretched to 150. Yes, of course, there is a reserve. But it's better not to ride it.

Sign two: the fuel level warning light comes on. This is already a bad sign. It may be enough for 50 kilometers on the highway, maybe five in the city in traffic jams. And if there is no gas station nearby, then everything is bad.

Sign three: the car has stalled. If the light comes on, then the gas has definitely run out. At all. And this is already very bad: firstly, now you will have to look for this gasoline somewhere, and secondly, it harms the gas pump of injection cars. And all due to the fact that the gas pump is located right inside the tank, it is immersed in gasoline and is cooled by it. If there is no gasoline, the pump heats up more than necessary, which reduces its service life. By the way, for the same reason you shouldn’t drive “with a light bulb”; there should always be about ten liters in the tank.

What are we going to pour?

Before stopping at a gas station, listen to the sound of the car's engine. If the engine rumbles noticeably and persistently, then it is most likely diesel. In this case, you only need to fill it with diesel fuel (diesel fuel, that is). We will talk about diesel fuel separately - today we will talk mainly about gasoline.

Many people wonder what kind of gasoline to use: Normal-80, Regular-92, Premium-95 or Super-98. Those who remember 80th (and even 76th) gasoline do not need our advice: these people still know why there was a wet rag on the Moskvich gasoline pump and how to make a carburetor float chamber needle valve from a disposable lighter.

With other gasolines everything is more complicated. You can, of course, rewrite a couple of Wikipedia articles about gasoline, but we won’t do that. Today is the time for life hacks, so here’s life hack number one: the brand of recommended gasoline is indicated in the operating instructions for your car! Yes, yes, everything is so, you can check it.

If this book has already been lost in its original sealed form, then here is life hack number two: open the gas tank flap and look at its inside - the gasoline used is usually indicated there too. So, let's say you find out that you need to pour AI-95 into the gas tank of your car. And here the most important question arises: how to do this correctly?

When to go to the gas station?

Not everyone knows that you need to enter a gas station correctly. The fact is that the vast majority of modern cars have one tank and one filler neck (yes, UAZ owners, smile). Accordingly, you need to approach the pump on the correct side - the one where there is a gas tank flap. And here, too, many cannot (and even more often do not want) to do it as expected. Okay, here's life hack number three: on the fuel gauge there is an icon in the form of a gas station column. This is the side on which the hose is drawn, and on that side you have the gas tank flap.

Things get much worse when a professional ram pulls up to the gas station. Someone who knows perfectly well where his gas tank is, but doesn’t want to stand in line and brazenly pushes against the traffic pattern around the gas station. He's in a hurry, you see. Nobody likes such car owners; in hell they will forever change spark plugs on boxer Subarus along with sidecars and second-row ones. Unfortunately, by standing against the flow and interfering with others, they usually only spoil their karma, not their face.

Anyway. Let's say your wife is giving birth in your car, you need to refuel as quickly as possible, but only the opposite side of the pump is free. What to do? In most cases, the hose is long enough to stretch it behind the car and refuel without any problems. It is also undesirable to do this, and not all gas stations allow this, but if you really need it, then you can.

So, we have already figured out how to determine the need for refueling and how to drive up to the pump. Now we will learn how to open the gas tank flap.

What does the hatch say?

There are two traditional ways to open the hatch: using a button from the interior and simply pressing the hatch. If you have just stolen a car and do not know how to open the hatch on this particular car, then this is a real disaster. Try pressing it with your hand first - if it doesn’t open, you’ll have to look for the button.

Now let's consider the situation a little more complicated: winter, frost, and the hatch is frozen. What to do? There are two options. The first is to pick it out. The second is to look for an alternative method. Some cars have the ability to open the gas tank from the trunk. To do this, there is a handle on the side of the hatch connected to the lock with a thick fishing line or something like it. If you pull the handle and at the same time try to loosen the hatch, it will open. By the way, the same method is also used if there is no response to pressing a button (for example, in case of a fault in the wiring, actuator or the button itself).

Oddly enough, the hatch is needed not only to close the plug with the neck. It has several more functions: you can hang an unscrewed filler cap on the hatch and even determine whether the car has been repainted (sometimes this is possible). How does the hatch allow you to do this? It’s all very simple: it is often used to select paint for paint restoration, and to do this, it is removed and given to paint selection specialists. How is this knowledge useful?

Let's say you're planning to buy a used car. Look at the hatch bolts (if there are any): if they show traces of contact with a screwdriver, then it has definitely been removed. But they do this only to select paint, which should be alarming. By the way, this is already the fourth life hack.

What to do with a gas tank cap?

The gas tank cap, of course, needs to be unscrewed. As I already said, it is best to insert it into a special place, often provided on the back of the hatch. And under no circumstances should it be placed on the trunk lid of a car. Firstly, you can forget it there, and secondly, gasoline will definitely leak from it onto the metal of your car. Therefore, if I see that the gas station attendant is unscrewing the cap and trying to put it on my trunk, I start yelling at him. First - politely.

By the way, the cap is supposed to prevent gasoline from being stolen from your car. It's no secret that we still sometimes drain gasoline. For example, about ten years ago I tried to use a lid with a combination lock. And it was stolen along with the gasoline. It's still a shame. If it hasn’t been stolen from you yet, I strongly recommend drying it sometimes, and treating it with some kind of defrosting liquid in cold weather: it won’t bother thieves if they want, but if it freezes, you’ll have to dance with it.

How to fill with gasoline?

It would seem: insert the gun and pour it in! But no.

First, we take the necessary gun (that is, with the necessary gasoline). Now yes, we insert it into the neck and pour. How much is too intimate a question. But there are still general recommendations. And there are two of them: do not pour too little and do not pour too much.

The first tip applies to more or less new cars: the electronics do not always correctly evaluate small volumes of fuel, and the level sensor begins to go crazy. This may well be familiar, for example, to owners of new Dusters. Well, the second piece of advice is for those who pour down the throat: why? It’s very rare, but it still happens that the same level sensor doesn’t like this, and it’s easier to drop gasoline on the paint near the hatch, which does not benefit the paintwork.

So, we pour gasoline and look at the liter/ruble counter. Sometimes disputes arise: should we measure in liters or rubles? Fill up for a thousand or 30 liters? To be honest, I don’t understand the point of the debate. Maybe you have some thoughts on this matter?

The most important thing is to correctly remove the gun from the tank. No matter how much you shake it, a few drops will still flow onto the car. The main thing here is to take your time and carefully drain all the residue from the hose into the tank. Let me insert a phrase from my friend, in which he apparently put the results of many years of observations: “A properly shaken hose saves 7 g of fuel for every 8,769 kg of refueling.” I can’t vouch for the reliability of the calculations, but the main thing here is that these seven grams end up in the tank and not on the paintwork.

Refueler: friend or foe?

Recently, the cult of gas station workers has begun to grow by leaps and bounds. It is clear that any gas station chain wants to attract customers, and the service turns out to be a good bait for many. What are the good and bad things about gas stations? Well, first of all, disputes often arise: whether to give them a tip. I can’t advise anything here - it all depends on your generosity, interest in their services, mood and availability of change.

But the second question is much more significant. Somehow it happened historically that we are all not always sure of the quality of Russian gasoline. It’s one thing when you refuel for a long time at a proven gas station of a large chain. And if it’s not a franchise one (which is actually rare), then it’s absolutely beautiful. But if you had to fill up with gasoline somewhere on the highway at a very muddy gas station, then concerns about the quality of the fuel are well founded. And in this case, I still sometimes use my own hand: if I drop at least a little gasoline on it, then you can pay attention to the following.

Gasoline, if it is good, evaporates completely, leaving no greasy traces behind. If there is even the slightest hint of a trace of fat after evaporation, then it is better to postpone refueling until the next gas station: this one may not bother much with fuel storage, and diesel containers are used to store gasoline. Well, or vice versa. In a word, there is a risk. But it is often impossible to determine it if all the manipulations are carried out by the gas station operator. So it's likely that sometimes it makes sense to get your hands dirty yourself. Of course, this does not apply to proven gas stations near your home.

What else do you need to remember when refueling?

Everything is simple here: don’t shine a lighter into the tank, don’t leave a gas nozzle in the neck and don’t try to drive away with it, don’t forget to pay for gas. At the checkout we smile (preferably, but not necessarily), and to the one who jumps the line, we don’t smile, but look at him gloomily and disapprovingly (also not necessary), we help the ladies driving, carefully count liters and rubles and do not allow ourselves to be shortchanged . Even today - the first of April, April Fool's Day.


Do you pay gas station attendants?

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How to properly refuel a car at a gas station using a gas station attendant

So, we decided on the choice of gas station, drove to it, did NOT confuse which side of the gas tank hatch you have and which side should you drive up from, be sure to turn off the engine and get out of the car. Now what?

Look around for the gas station attendant, although they always run up to approaching cars. If this happens in a big city, then in 95% of cases there will be a special employee at the gas station who will refuel the car himself. They are dressed in branded clothes, and you can easily recognize them. Be sure to open the gas tank flap yourself if it can be opened from the passenger compartment or using the secret on the lid.

Provide the gas station worker with the necessary information:

  1. Type of fuel;
  2. if the gas station has a prepaid system, then you go to pay immediately at the cash register and directly state there how much fuel is needed or for what amount, you will be refilled with fuel only after payment;
  3. If the gas station has a post-paid system, then tell the gas station attendant the required amount of fuel, the amount, or say “until the tank is full,” and then go to the checkout to pay.

Before leaving, make sure the fuel nozzle is removed from the gas tank and the cap is tightly closed.

Operating principle of the filling nozzle

Many motorists have repeatedly wondered how the refueling pistol “understands” that it needs to complete its work. This applies to filling a full tank. When dealing with drivers who do not fill the entire tank completely, this is the work of the installed program, not the gun itself.

There is nothing magical about the operation of the gun itself. The principle is quite simple and works without the help of an electrician, therefore it is safe to use:

  • If you look at the device in section, you can see that in addition to the main valve, which opens using a pressing lever, there is another, very thin additional channel. This valve works in conjunction with the so-called. a membrane that reacts to pressing the trigger and begins to suck air from the gas tank.
  • In other words, “cock” when the lever is pressed. And of course, while the air is “sucked out” by a thin valve, it remains in this state.

Operation of the filling nozzle

  • But as soon as the tip of the gun’s nose drops into the fuel, the air flow naturally stops. Then the membrane changes its position in the opposite direction, thus closing the main valve.
  • Thanks to this thin valve with a ball and a membrane, the gun does not shoot off. In the opposite case, if the operation of the passage through which air is sucked in from the gas tank is disrupted, the gun itself breaks down and begins to shoot and knock out.
  • At this moment, a certain click is heard, which characterizes the closing of the valve. And the job is completed.

Self-refueling at a gas station

We've dealt with the gas station operators. But what if the gas station does not provide special workers for refueling?

Detailed step-by-step instructions must be pasted on all station speakers. But first, you usually need to pay for fuel. Some gas stations are equipped with self-service terminals, and some have a cash register. At the terminal you pay by card:

  • choose the card type;
  • enter your PIN code;
  • set the amount you expect to fill up.

If there is a cash register, then provide all the information to the cashier. Then go to your car and follow the instructions for use. It looks something like this:

  1. Open the gas tank flap, unscrew the cap and put it somewhere you won’t lose or forget. If the lid is on a chain or wire, then let it hang.
  2. Select the gun with the icon for the type of fuel you need, remove it and insert it into the filler neck of the tank.
  3. Only after the nose of the gun is in the neck, press the handle.
  4. To avoid holding the gun all the time, feel for the special tab at the top of the handle, lower it and squeeze it.
  5. The column screen will display numbers indicating the number of liters filled.
  6. All modern pistols are equipped with a mechanism that automatically stops the fuel supply. You will hear a click when the charge is complete.
  7. Take out the gun, lightly shake the drops off it and return it to its place in the column.
  8. Screw the gas tank cap until it clicks (or a series of clicks) and close the flap.

Having completed this procedure once, you will no longer be afraid of self-service gas stations.

Connecting a loyalty card

A plastic card can be obtained at any Lukoil gas station or created directly in the mobile application by going through a simple registration. To do this, tap on the central icon in the bottom line of the Menu. This is also possible in your personal account on the company website.

There is a nuance! When registering, you will need to enter the RRN code, which is in the last receipt for paying for gasoline at Lukoil. That is, you need to refuel, get a receipt and find this same RRN code in it.

You can also connect a valid card to the application. Click on the central button with the image of plastic and select “Connect your card.”

Next, enter its number and password, then click “Connect”.

You can also create a Virtual Card, which can also be used to pay for gas stations through the Lukoil app:

  • Tap on the central icon in the utility;
  • Filling out the required fields (full name, contacts, gender, date of birth);

  • Enter the mobile phone number to which the confirmation code will be sent;

  • Confirm your intention, enter the code from SMS;
  • Ready.

The virtual card allows you to receive and spend points through a QR code in the utility (you need to show it to the operator) or the NFC option (on devices that support the module).

The loyalty card is issued to Lukoil customers free of charge.

Refueling a car with a gas system

Externally, refueling a gas-powered car is not much different from the same process on cars with gasoline or diesel engines. It looks like a similar column, a similar pistol, the numbers count the amount of fuel filled. But there are a number of nuances that are extremely important to know and observe when filling your car with gas.

Firstly , you should always trust a specialist to fill gas; it’s rare that gas stations with gas pumps are without gas station attendants. You only need to indicate the location of the filling valve and provide an adapter if the valve is non-standard.

Secondly , it is highly not recommended to fill the cylinder more than 80%, since there is always a residue in the cylinder - liquid condensate from previous refills.

Thirdly , make sure that the connection between the filling valve and the gun is tight; refueling is not allowed with gas flows breaking through the connection. The hose going to the column should not be bent or stretched.

Remember that gas equipment is much more dangerous than gasoline or diesel equipment, and therefore requires greater care and responsibility.

How and where to download the utility?

You can download the Lukoil app for refueling for free from the official Google and Apple stores, here are the links:


The installation and download process is no different from downloading any other application:

  • Press the “Install” button;

  • After downloading, tap on the “Open” button;

  • Next, scroll through the welcome messages;

  • Give the utility the necessary permissions (location);

  • To connect a loyalty card (we recommend!), click on the message that appears and go through all the steps;

  • Ready.

Security measures

In addition to the most common rule “no smoking” at gas stations, there are several other points that are important to follow at gas stations.

  • Before refueling with any type of fuel, be sure to turn off the engine..
  • Do not overfill or spill fuel.
  • It is prohibited to adjust the fuel system or repair the vehicle while refueling.
  • It is prohibited to use open flame sources in the gas station area.

Watch a video on how to refuel your car at a gas station:

Refueling procedure

For an experienced driver, refueling a car is a simple task that he can easily complete in a few minutes. When a newbie drives into a gas station for the first time, he has a number of questions. You need to be confident in your actions. Before you start practicing, you should review the theory a little. We have prepared a whole guide on how to properly refuel your car at a gas station. And this instruction assumes compliance with several basic rules. Namely:

  • Before entering a gas station, make sure which side the gas tank is located on. On different cars it is located on the right or left. This is important, since you need to approach the pump with the exact side where the hatch is located. Otherwise, you will have to drive out, turn around, or pull the hose through the entire car. And this is not welcomed by gas station employees;
  • Look carefully at the road markings and signs that show where the exit and entrance to the gas station are. They are located on different opposite sides. Don't get confused;
  • When you approach a suitable column, you need to stop, turn off the engine and be sure to apply the handbrake. Even a slight slope can cause the machine to move. Since the fill hose nozzle is inserted into the tank, you will pull it along with you. There is a risk of a break with subsequent ignition of the fuel;
  • Study the payment methods available at a specific gas station. Sometimes the money is paid directly to the gas station operator. But, basically, this is done through the cash register. Modern gas stations are equipped with all the necessary equipment to accept payments in cash and non-cash;
  • When the car is refueled, be sure to make sure that the gas tank cap is tightly screwed on and the flap is closed. Do it quickly so as not to create a queue. Respect other drivers.

If a newbie stops at a gas station several times, the entire procedure will become automatic. Therefore, do not worry when at first you make some mistakes, do everything slowly and uncertainly. Everything comes with experience, and soon you will be able to teach others how to properly refuel and behave at a gas station.

Check-in at a gas station

In most cases, the entrance to a gas station is located on the right side when looking in the direction of travel. There must be appropriate signs and indicators in front of the gas station, and special markings are provided that give permission to cross the line. Think about your maneuver in advance. You should not suddenly change lanes from one lane to another, or turn at the last moment. Even if there are no other cars behind you, a few tens of meters before the turn, start slowing down and turn on your turn signal. Go straight to the required pump and approach it from the correct side, depending on the location of the gas tank. If you make a mistake or cannot use the column, you should carefully move to the rightmost row so as not to break the rules when performing maneuvers.

Column selection and parking

Most gas stations have modern universal dispensers. This means that one pump is connected to storage of different types of fuel available at the gas station. Make sure it works before driving it. A column is usually selected based on its availability. The driver looks to see if there is a free column. If everyone is busy, it’s better to sit behind the one with the least number of cars nearby. But be careful. When there are 3 small cars on one column, and a truck and an SUV on the second, then it becomes better for the small cars. The volume of their fuel tanks is smaller, and therefore they can be serviced faster. These are small tricks that you adapt to as you gain experience. The correct choice of column is based on 3 rules:

  • it is located so that the driver can drive up to it with the correct side where the tank is located;
  • The fuel of the brand you need is available at the dispenser;
  • the column is working.

Park not too close to the speakers, but do not leave a large distance. The pump that suits you and the gas tank should be approximately at the same level. When stopping, be careful not to block the driver's door or interfere with other cars approaching the adjacent refueling station.

Opening the gas tank

When a newcomer just gets behind the wheel of a new car, he rushes to visit a gas station to fill the tank with fuel. But before this, the driver forgets to check exactly how the hatch opens. And upon arrival at the gas station, he begins to frantically search for buttons or levers, creating queues and unnerving gas station employees. There is nothing complicated here. Before you insert the gun into the tank at a gas station, you need to open access to it. To do this, open the hatch and unscrew the lid. Modern cars use an opening system through the interior. There is a special button inside the machine. Most often it can be found on the left side under the driver's seat. Pressing a button or pulling a lever will open the lid. Closing is even easier. You just need to slam the lid.

How to pay for gas in the app?

Next, let's look at how to pay for gas stations at Lukoil through a mobile application. This is possible in the following ways:

  1. Bank card Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Mir;
  2. Using Google Pay;
  3. Using a virtual loyalty card (write off accumulated points).

A bank card is added to the mobile application the first time you pay for gas. To write off bonuses from a virtual card, open the mobile utility, select the card, and touch the device to the terminal (with NFC support). The remaining amount can be paid in any other way.

Refueling from the Lukoil app is in great demand, as evidenced by numerous reviews in the Play Market and App Store.

How not to lose money when refueling at Lukoil

Today a not very pleasant situation happened to one of our readers. He works as a taxi driver and visits gas stations every day. Today he decided to stop by one of the Lukoil gas stations and refuel for 300 rubles. Having arrived at the post-payment column, he inserted the gas nozzle and, without a second thought, proceeded to the gas station to pay for gasoline. We decided to go to the gas station and talk to the staff in person. At the gas station they explained to us that this procedure has been in effect for about three years. The operator explained to us that in this situation the refueling operator (trainee) did not arrive in time to the pump, and the second one was at lunch. “The driver must be aware, everything is described in detail on the information stand,” she explained. But at this stand we did not see an inscription stating that a full tank is refilled automatically. The stand was very uninformative.

Please note => How much sick leave is refunded to organizations that do not pay contributions?

What kind of gasoline should I use?

If everything is more or less clear with diesel fuel, then gasoline comes in different brands. Each brand has a different octane number, which is responsible for the stability of ignition of the fuel mixture. Today you can find grades AI 80, 92, 95, 98 and 100. Years earlier, low-quality fuel AI 76 was produced.

Each engine runs on a specific brand of fuel, which depends on the level of compression in the combustion chamber of the engine.

On the gas tank cap of the car there is a designation for the recommended fuel:

  • Simple naturally aspirated engines with a low compression ratio consume AI 80, 92, 95 gasoline.
  • More powerful and demanding engines should be fueled with fuel of at least grade AI 95.
  • The diesel engine runs only on diesel fuel. Also, do not forget that in winter it is necessary to fill in a special frost-resistant diesel engine marked “snowflakes”.

On a note! Independent examinations show that at many domestic gas stations, AI 95 gasoline corresponds to AI 92.


Well, if for some reason the desires do not coincide with the possibilities and the client does not have enough funds to pay, LUKOIL will meet halfway here too. It is enough to put your signature on the documented obligation and pay off the debt in the coming days without any interest! The postpayment function is widespread in Europe and a number of regions of Russia. After some testing, it is being implemented at the gas stations of LUKOIL-Permnefteproduct LLC. The first sign of this project was the Perm gas station No. 162, located on Karpinsky Street. Its clients have been evaluating the new product since April of this year. As the manager of this station, Elena Volgina, said, at first the drivers had a lot of questions, but over time they became so accustomed to the comfort that queues began to form at the postpaid shopping malls. The fairer sex especially liked the new service. Of course, the gas station attendant can handle the gun himself and will wipe the headlights and glass at their request for free! Other drivers also benefit: it is estimated that when using the postpaid service, the time spent at a gas station is reduced by two to three minutes. In the frantic rhythm of the city, this is a lot.

How to choose a pump and park next to it?

Typically, at gas stations, all pumps are universal - they are equipped with all the necessary brands of fuel. The driver decides which column to give preference to; he just needs to make sure it’s working.

There are several basic rules for choosing a column:

  • location of the fuel tank on the desired side;
  • availability of the required grade of gasoline;
  • column performance.

You should stop near the pump so that the refueling hatch is located at the same level as it. It is important to park without blocking the driver's door.


Many people complain about difficulties with the need to activate a loyalty card through the Lukoil application for refueling. However, if you understand the topic in detail, everything will work out, believe me. There is also a lot of negativity about constantly popping up messages like “oh, something went wrong,” after which people have to go pay for fuel at the cashier. The utility often crashes and sometimes does not award points.

But don’t think that refueling through the Lukoil app doesn’t have good reviews! There are also a lot of them, and generally, people appreciate the real opportunity to save time and money. And also, there is no need to leave the car and stand in lines at the checkout. In the current “viral” year, such isolation is extremely relevant. True, it’s up to you to decide whether you should choose this particular software or, say, Yandex Refueling. The functionality is approximately the same.

Well, we told you how to refuel at a Lukoil gas station through a mobile application. It's your turn! Take action!

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