Do-it-yourself flip key for Lada Priora: step-by-step video instructions

How to assemble a StarLine switch key

On all Starline A91 or A93 systems, the assembly process is the same:

  • The purchase package usually includes double-sided tape. With its help, the old glass is glued to the new front panel of the remote control. If necessary, you can use a small amount of glue;
  • The old main board is inserted into the remote control seats. You can make the fixation more reliable using double-sided tape;
  • the key blade is installed on the seat;
  • a release button and a spring are mounted;
  • the remote control buttons are inserted into their places;
  • Next, insert the upper part of the housing into the spring and turn it counterclockwise twice and assemble the key fob;
  • screw the lock at the back;
  • insert the housing onto the latches and tighten the rear screw, the one under the nutrient element;
  • we check the tightening torques and build quality;
  • install the battery and back cover.

The switch key is now ready for use.

Setting up a Starline key

After successfully installing the flip key, you can configure all user functions from the same key fob. The owner will need to enter programming mode. To do this you need:

  • turn off the ignition, press the Valet service button five times;
  • turn on the ignition, listen to five beeps from the car confirming acceptance of the command;
  • on the Starline A94 key fob, briefly press the second and third buttons to select the appropriate programming table, and then confirm the choice by briefly clicking on the third key;
  • now the second and third buttons select the corresponding setting function, according to the programming table;
  • then the parameter is set to its own value by pressing the first key;
  • Exiting the programming mode and memorizing the settings occurs automatically; all you need to do is not press anything for eight seconds.

Flip key fob

Many owners don't like to carry a heavy key fob on their key ring. It is generally not recommended to do this, since it significantly reduces the security of the car: having stolen or taken away the keys, the thief immediately gets the opportunity not to look for the alarm in the cabin, but simply turn it off or switch it to service mode. But recently there has been a fashion for embedding key fobs into a car key - on the Internet you will find offers for the sale of flip keys for various alarm systems, including for StarLine A93.

From the point of view of car security, this is more stupid than wearing a key fob on a chain. You should resort to this solution only if you are fully using the alarm capabilities - two-stage validation must be configured (entering a secret code using the car’s standard keys).

To convert the alarm key fob into a flip key, you will also need to disassemble the body of the car's standard key - you will have to remove the standard immobilizer chip from it so that the car can be started normally with a new key. We also disassemble the alarm key fob as described above.

First we replace the glass from the alarm key fob into the new key fob, if the purchased key has just a slot instead

We carefully separate the glass from the panel using a thin knife. After this we rearrange the discharge blade

Next, we insert the boards removed from the key fob into the case and check whether the microbuttons on the board match the rubber buttons in the key. We find a free space for the immobilizer chip - it is desirable that it be as close as possible to the very tip of the key and be oriented in the same way as in the standard one. To secure the chip we use a glue gun. All that remains is to close the cover of the key fob, insert the battery, and check the operation of the buttons.

Let's sum it up

So that you don’t have any questions later on how to repair a broken switch key that you decided to convert from a regular one with your own hands, trust the professionals.

I believe that such procedures are best performed with the help of competent specialists. But if you are willing to take the risk, buy a blank case, rearrange the chips, solder the contacts and set up the operation of the new case. No one will stop you.

If you have a separate beautiful key fob that is responsible for the central locking, immobilizer or alarm, and it comes with a simple key for the lock, you can do it extremely simply. The main keychain remains, and you make the second one in the form of a switch key. Then it will be enough to purchase a case with a sharpening tip, give the key to a turner and remake it to match the original. Then you won’t have to carry out any additional manipulations.

Decide for yourself, think, weigh the pros and cons.

Mitsubishi flip key blank without alarm board and immobilizer chip.

Blade type MIT8.

The body of the switch key is made of high-quality plastic (ABS).

When assembled, the ignition switch housing has virtually no gaps between the key elements. This is due to the high-quality molding technology of car ignition key housings.

This key body is as similar as possible to the original key body. There are no adhesions or flashes on the key, the body has a smooth, even surface.

The blade of the ignition key blank is made of copper-nickel metal. It is resistant to corrosion and has characteristics that ensure high-quality cutting of a car key blade blank.

Rebuilding a key (the process of rearranging the internals (the immobilizer chip (transponder) and the remote control board (RC)) is a simple job. For a person who is changing the key body for the first time, the procedure for replacing the key body and rearranging the electronics takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

If you have lost your car's ignition key, you have only one ignition key left, or you bought a car with one key, we advise you to make a duplicate of your car's ignition key to avoid the possible high costs of opening the car and restoring lost keys.

The key body has broken, the key blade has broken off, the key has become unusable, do you want to update your car ignition key or do you need an immobilizer chip for an alarm system with auto start? We can help you resolve these problems with your car ignition keys.

Is the key to your favorite car broken or worn out?

You have a non-flip key that has holes in all your pockets, make yourself a flip key.

You simply purchase a new blank - replace the immobilizer chip into it (there is room for the chip in the case) and the alarm board (if available) from your old car. The key blade is replaceable; it can be replaced from the original key or sharpened in a workshop. As a result, you get a new working ignition key.

Attention promotion! Make a video on how to reassemble the key and receive a silicone case as a gift. Do you want to save time, money and, of course, nerves? Be sure to make a second key for your car! And then you will thank yourself more than once

Do you want to save time, money and, of course, nerves? Be sure to make a second key for your car! And then you will thank yourself more than once.

Depending on the model and configuration of the Lada car, the ignition key can have a different shape, from the simplest (for example, like on the first Priors) to a modern folding key (like the Lada Vesta or XRAY). Let's look at how to change the ignition key to a flip key with your own hands?

The meaning of refining the Lada ignition key:

  1. Buy a switchgear key blank (for example, here, under article number 3PCF 7961 or on AliExpress).
  2. Make a copy of the key tip.
  3. Train the key chip to work with the standard alarm system.

1. When choosing a flip key without a chip, take into account the dimensions of the blank so that the ignition key board fits into the case without problems (for example, the Lada Largus ignition key board has different dimensions from the Lada Granta, Priora or Kalina keys). If the standard key board has become unusable and the buttons no longer work, then it makes sense to buy a flip key with a chip (flip keys in the Audi or Benz style are considered the highest quality).

2. In some cases, to make a key groove, you will have to remove the tip. Usually, to do this, it is enough to squeeze out the pin at its base, but in some cases you will have to disassemble the body of the switch key (snapping the latches around the perimeter and turning out the screws).

3. Key training:

  • For Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora we described the process earlier.
  • for Lada Vesta and Lada XRAY – apply for the heaving service at the LADA dealership (price about 1000 rubles)

Video example of replacing a standard ignition key with a flip key in AUDI style:

Have you ever had to convert a regular key to a flip key? Let us remind you that many car owners abandon the standard security system and make a flip key for Tomahawk, Starline, etc. alarm systems. In this case, the skill of working with a soldering iron will come in handy.

Lada key buy in Nizhny Novgorod

In our company you can make, cut and register a key for any brand of Lada car: regular, with buttons, including a flip key. The immobilizer system in Lada cars of the Kalina, Granta, Priora, Largus models, as well as in the Niva-Chevrolet and UAZ Patriot are very similar. In particular, in order to register a new key in a car of the brands indicated above, you will certainly need a training key. It looks like this:

This is exactly what you need to bring to us if you want to register a new key in the Lada.

Standard remote control key

A key of this type is basic for a Lada car and is given to the owner upon purchase of the car, if it is equipped with the car manufacturer’s standard alarm system. It is no secret that the service life of such a key is relatively short: from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, its acquisition and registration is a pressing problem for many Lada car owners. Well, it’s not uncommon for the remote control key to simply get lost or fall and break.

In our store you can always purchase a factory key for your Lada car, and also ask a consultant to register it in your car. You can do this yourself using the instructions we left here.

Switch blade body

If you are the owner of a standard remote control key for a Lada car on which you use the central locking control buttons (and maybe the trunk), it can be converted into a switch blade by transferring the board from your key to the housing with a switch blade. It costs less than buying a new key, the function of the buttons is retained, and at the same time the function of the switchblade is acquired.

Flip key for any VAZ and Lada

Relatively recently, it became possible to purchase a Lada flip key of excellent design with fully functioning buttons for your car. Its cost is slightly more expensive than its domestic-Chinese counterparts discussed above. But at the same time, the quality is higher and the appearance is disproportionately more attractive.

Cutting the blade of a Lada flip key is carried out in our company using Italian equipment; adaptation to the car is carried out by a consultant or independently according to the instructions.

Manufacturing nuances

In theory, it is possible to provide for the use of an abort for any car. If you are comfortable using such a key, no one forbids you to remake it.

The entire manufacturing procedure looks something like this:

  • You buy a blank. It's not that hard to find. But try to choose quality products that are not downright cheap;
  • You need to study and disassemble your key. This way you will understand what is inside, what size the chip and board are, and whether it will fit inside the workpiece body;
  • If the sizes match and there are no problems with transferring the insides, move on;
  • The blanks have a tip that should be machined to the size of your key. The workpiece can be removed easily or hard, depending on the specific product;
  • It is better to have the key turned by a good specialist, since the work is extremely delicate;
  • All internals from the original key with alarm or immobilizer are rearranged;
  • The key is checked for coincidence with the ignition lock cylinders;
  • If everything is fine here, the key will still have to be trained.

When the keys come with chips and electronic boards, it is not enough to simply rearrange them and sharpen the blank. You will also have to go through a training procedure so that the new buttons work and respond to commands.

Question of training

Again, I strongly do not recommend teaching the key yourself. This requires experience and certain knowledge. Plus, the master key that comes with the car will definitely come in handy.

The essence of the training is to distribute roles between all buttons. Otherwise, your new key fob simply will not work. You start pressing the buttons, but there is no response.

As a result, it is easy to lock yourself inside the car, or not open the doors, not turn on the protection, etc. Therefore, it is better to contact authorized centers or service stations that have the appropriate approvals and permits to carry out such work. Key training is carried out strictly in the presence of the owner. The service is paid, but it is not that expensive.

Some craftsmen do everything themselves. Some even record a training video. I have nothing against it, but then you take full responsibility for the possible consequences of incorrect programming. Decide for yourself whether to take risks, or simply entrust this matter to competent specialists.

Underwater rocks

I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to make an original key. If you like it, then go for it. The only question is how comfortable it will be for you to use the miscarriage, and whether you will be able to do everything with your own hands to the highest possible quality.

A fairly large number of workshops in Ukraine and Russia undertake the production of such keys. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are ready to offer several dozen specialists. Also access service in Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Ryazan and many other cities.

The main customers are the owners of the following cars:

  • Priora;
  • Grant;
  • Kalina;
  • VAZ 2110;
  • VAZ 2111;
  • VAZ 2112;
  • VAZ 2109;
  • Renault Logan;
  • UAZ line, etc.

If a car manufacturer doesn't initially offer a flip key, then owners want to change this injustice. In addition, the price is low enough to deny yourself the pleasure of making a switch type key.

This does not provide any significant benefit to the car. It is important to understand that you are doing this for your own convenience and comfort.

Again, if you make mistakes, choose bad components or do the job crookedly, you will have to deal with the consequences yourself.

I repeat. Think carefully about the feasibility of such a decision. If you are ready to take this step, proceed. But keep in mind the important points.

  • To replace a regular key with a flip key, you need to purchase a blank. You can buy them through Aliexpress and other online stores. You buy a case with a blank for the tip, which will need to be machined according to the design of your original key. The problem is the low quality of the workpieces, which can result in quick breakdowns, disruptions in the operation of the mechanism, etc.;
  • Don't forget about possible key errors. If the car has an immobilizer, simply sharpening the blank will not be enough. You will need to remove the chip from the original key and move it into a new case;
  • In some keys, the immobilizer chip is extremely fragile. Plus, it cannot always be easily removed without destroying the old key itself;
  • The chip may become damaged, causing the immobilizer to stop functioning.

There is always a potential danger to the car. How to do it right? I recommend entrusting the production to specialists. Moreover, to proven and reliable craftsmen, whose qualifications you have no doubt about.

Flip key for Hyundai/KIA

In general, it was easy to find and buy a Hyundai/KIA flip key. We bought it on Aliexpress for 191 rubles with delivery. The quality of the key is at a high level, which is surprising. Someone says that the quality is even better than the original, let’s not argue, they didn’t hold the original in their hands, but you can believe it. Local sellers had the same keys for 1200 rubles, the same Chinese ones. Specifically for our 2012 KIA Rio III, a key blade with the Solaris inscription was suitable. And those with the KIA inscription had the wrong blades. The photo shows what we are talking about.

Everything else is simple. We get the key and go to the “key holder”. Prices for cutting blades are different, if we decide to save money, then we’ll go around and look for an acceptable one. As a result, the prices were 650 rubles, 500 rubles. and in one place where the cost was 500 rubles, they cut it for us for 300 rubles, perhaps they just realized that in front of them was a real good person).

We tried the key, it opens the door, trunk, turns the starter, but accordingly does not start the car, because... there is no chip in it. The key is a little stuck, especially in the ignition, this may happen to you too, but don't panic. You just need to “train” the lock. Insert the key, look for a position where the key almost does not stick, and turn back and forth a little, moving the key to the normal position. On average, we had to make 50 turns of the key and it became like original. Of course, you don’t need to use force, we do everything carefully, we don’t try to break the lock. And we do this before opening the old key to get a chip from it! Because if the key does not “train”, and you already disassemble the old one, you will then walk around with electrical tape on it)

We did not trust the “key holder” to transfer the chip, because... It’s more expensive and according to stories, you have to cut everything off and it’s not easy to get it. Still, I wanted not to kill the old key completely, because... it will remain a spare for opening the car in force majeure circumstances.

How to convert the ignition key to a switch key

I drove for about a year with a flip key and a separate remote control for the central locking. But then a cheap version of the central locking built into the key turned up, and it was the same one as I had. I ordered it and received it in about a month. Now as a person) Well, in the recording I’ll tell you in detail how to make a switch key based on any key from your old one without any resharpening, i.e. F E S P A T N O, the only thing you will need is a set of needle files, a little patience and about an hour of time. First, burn the plastic with a regular wrench (not even burn it, but heat it up and tear it off with pliers - the plastic is quite soft)

Then we take the key into which we want to insert our sting...

...and we take out the native stuff from it. Most often it is held in place by a pressed-in stopper, but in my case it is held on by two screws (China, whatever you say)

We transfer the shape of the tip from the switch key to our tip and begin to work hard with a needle file (if you have a metal blade or grinder, then the reworking time will be halved).

As a result, we get this sting

All that remains is to machine a groove for the stopper and insert it into the key. I forgot to take a photo of the machined groove, but I think everything is clear what and how. We insert the tip into the key, hammer in the stopper (in the case of China, we tighten the screws. There is no need to cut the thread for them, they just fit into the spacer) and, in fact, that’s all.

In terms of time, as I wrote above, only an hour was spent, if desired - half an hour. The post describes the main principle of the alteration, but minor jambs may come out, for example, the width of the key does not allow it to close, the key is inserted into the lock, but does not turn - that’s all These shortcomings can be treated with straight hands and a couple of minutes of working with a needle file.

Depending on the model and configuration of the Lada car, the ignition key can have a different shape, from the simplest (for example, like on the first Priors) to a modern folding key (like the Lada Vesta or XRAY). Let's look at how to change the ignition key to a flip key with your own hands?

We also recommend that you read

The meaning of refining the Lada ignition key:

  • Buy a blank switch key.
  • Make a copy of the key tip.
  • Train the key chip to work with the standard alarm system.

1. When choosing a flip key without a chip, take into account the dimensions of the blank so that the ignition key board fits into the case without problems (for example, the Lada Largus ignition key board has different dimensions from the Lada Granta, Priora or Kalina keys). If the standard key board has become unusable and the buttons no longer work, then it makes sense to buy a flip key with a chip (flip keys in the Audi or Benz style are considered the highest quality).

2. In some cases, to make a key groove, you will have to remove the tip. Usually, to do this, it is enough to squeeze out the pin at its base, but in some cases you will have to disassemble the body of the switch key (snapping the latches around the perimeter and turning out the screws).

I decided to tinker with a flip key, and one with fully working buttons. The key itself, although Chinese, is well made. It is compact, does not creak and does not fall apart in your hands. In general, it will do for experiments. And it’s not expensive, so it’s not a shame to break it

The initial fitting showed that the circuit from the remote control of my old alligator should fit without any problems, and the vertical arrangement of the buttons actually matches.

In reality, everything turned out to be not so simple and we had to sharpen both the circuit and the key body itself. But the biggest problem was the battery, which simply did not want to fit in the case. I had to use a trick:

In fact, it consists of 8 small batteries connected in series, and without a metal holder they fit very well into the key body.

I wrapped them with tape and placed them in their place.

Blade Initially I tried to adapt the blade from a spare standard key

But there is a technological hole on it that makes it brittle. In general, it did not last long. Immediately buy a special blade for this key. It costs 80 rubles. I sharpened it to my own key and easily installed it without fussing with a file.

The key was originally created as a blank for modifications and therefore it is very easy to assemble/disassemble. This video from the Internet shows this very clearly.

A rubber cover was included.

Here is the finished version with working buttons and an immobilizer key.

I'm happy with the result! Now the key and key fob are located more compactly, and this thing looks good. It doesn’t dangle in the ignition switch.

Product delivery options

Note! Below are the shipping methods available specifically for this product. Payment options may vary depending on the delivery method.

Detailed information can be found on the “Delivery and Payment” page.

Parcel by Russian Post

Available payment methods:

  • Cash on delivery (payment upon receipt)
  • Using cards Sberbank, VTB, Post Bank, Tinkoff
  • Yandex money
  • QIWI

Shipping throughout Russia. Delivery time is from 5 to 12 days.

Parcel by Russian Post 1st class

Available payment methods:

  • Cash on delivery (payment upon receipt)
  • Using cards Sberbank, VTB, Post Bank, Tinkoff
  • Yandex money
  • QIWI

Shipping throughout Russia. Delivery time is from 2 to 5 days. More expensive than regular delivery by Russian Post, approximately 50%. Parcel weight up to 2.5 kg

Express Parcel EMS

Available payment methods:

  • Cash on delivery (payment upon receipt)
  • Using cards Sberbank, VTB, Post Bank, Tinkoff
  • Yandex money
  • QIWI

Our range

Our catalog contains more than 1000 items of blanks: smart keys (cards), chips and equipment for workshops producing duplicate car keys. Here you can find blanks, even for rare cars. If you haven't found what you need, please contact us by phone or email. We can find and deliver the required items to order. The delivery time for such cases is usually not defined, but we will try to minimize it.

Please note that our organization professionally programs chips for autostart, this operation does not take much time, the cost depends on the make of the car. To perform the operation, only professional programmers are used, as well as specialized, licensed software. In addition, we provide a guarantee for the work we carry out; the quality of the work performed on manufactured keys with a chip and autostarts does not differ from official dealer centers.

How to place an order

In order to place an order, you need to go to the catalog, select the desired car brand, and then select the appropriate key. Alternative option: contact us by phone and get a free consultation on the issue you are interested in. Attention: if you lose all the keys, prepare documents establishing ownership of the car and your passport; without such documents, making a duplicate key is impossible!

How to receive an order

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, there is the possibility of self-pickup (we are located next to the metro station), and delivery to the metro station; unfortunately, delivery to the address is not currently available. For residents of the regions, we send orders by Russian Post (including cash on delivery), pony express (only with prepayment).

We take out the chip from the old Hyundai/KIA key

Getting a chip without experience seems difficult at first, but experimentally a simple method was found, which is shown in the photo. We don’t pick anything, we just cut it with a knife in the place of the grooves, the plastic there is soft and moves like clockwork. then we just move these parts apart a little and see that the chip is hanging out, we simply take it out by pulling it through the side where our incised grooves were without picking anything with a knife.

Next, we place our chip in a special place in the new flip key. We used regular Moment rubber glue so that we could easily remove our chip if necessary.

We collect everything and go try it. The car will start, it can’t be any other way.

We assemble the old key without the chip, you can seal it, because... We hardly damaged it on the outside, but you can wrap it with electrical tape like ours, it still goes to the “spare shelf”.

Choosing a suitable keychain

Important points when choosing a key fob

When purchasing a new key fob, remember all the functions that its predecessor performed. Usually there are two options: key fobs without a screen and with one. Key fobs with a screen can only transmit an impulse to the alarm control unit, thereby closing the door and trunk locks. Double-sided key fobs can not only send a signal, but also receive it when shock sensors are triggered.

This circumstance is due to the fact that the control unit of your alarm and the lost key fob are programmed with the same unique code. Thanks to this code, your security responds specifically to your key fob, and not to hundreds of others.

When looking for the keychain you need, you will find that the prices for them are very different. It all depends on the model of your system. The more options it had, the more expensive the keychain will be. Moreover, if you have an old and rare system, it may be much cheaper to replace it completely.

Reprogramming the key fob

The first and main point is to switch your alarm system to “valet mode” mode. This mode is intended for servicing your security:

  • Adding new features;
  • Emergency shutdown;
  • Connecting new key fobs.

This button is most likely located inside your car and looks like a switch or lever.

Typically, in order to switch to this mode, you will need to enter a security code. It is programmed specifically to protect your car from disabling the alarm system by intruders.

After that, you write the code you need. It should be in the instructions. Never throw away the instructions from your security kit. All the necessary information is there. It is important to remember that for each alarm everything is completely individual.

For example, you need to know how many key fobs you can program. If you try to register a unique code on an extra key fob, it will be erased from the first one, and so on.

In fact, reprogramming a key fob is not a difficult task, however, you must be sure that both the key fob and the programming code are suitable for your alarm model. In any other case, it is better to contact specialists or replace the entire alarm kit.

Problems with the switch key and how to solve them

The owner of a switch key may encounter various problems after the replacement procedure. The most common for various Starline models: A61, A91, B9, etc. is the wedging of the tip when folding. It is necessary to see if anything is interfering with the mechanism (litter, dust, dirt) and remove the foreign object. Also, the cause of the interference may be the switch pin. To do this, you need to rotate the tip 90 degrees, and then put the guide pin (near the base) back in place. Also, the car owner may encounter more trivial problems:

The alarm does not pick up at 20 meters and does not go off. The reason why the car is not disarmed may be a bad signal. In this case, the car simply does not have feedback from the key fob, and accordingly, it does not perceive commands. In this case, you need to check the condition of the power supply element of the remote control, perhaps precisely because of the weak signal, and replace the battery if necessary. Additionally, you need to check the area for radio interference.

There are also options when the alarm goes off spontaneously. The reason for this behavior is that the shock sensor is too sensitive. Both stages (impact and hacking) can be adjusted using a standard screwdriver, reaching the sensor itself (it has special controls).

Sometimes autostart with automatic transmission does not work on the car, and SP lights up on the key fob display. This means that the car tried to start the car four times, but the starter simply did not have enough force. It is recommended to start it manually or increase the duration of its operation. In this case, for autostart it is necessary that the car is in neutral and the parking brake lever is fully tightened.

If the alarm does not work, and additional software errors appear (the car starts and stalls, does not close the doors, auto-start works independently, etc.), then it is best to reset to factory settings. After this, most of the problems should disappear, but if they cannot be fixed, then it is better to take the car to a specialized service, where qualified specialists will sort out the issue and fix all the problems, perhaps there is a mass loose or there is a bad contact somewhere.

Installing a new alarm

If you cannot find the key fob you need, you will have to replace the security system completely. Don't be discouraged, this is a common occurrence as alarm models become obsolete, go out of stock and are replaced by other newer options.

Buying an alarm

When choosing an alarm system, you must be guided by your needs. Decide right away what is most important to you: a loud siren, all sorts of control sensors, or signal range.

Before purchasing an alarm, check that the kit is complete and includes instructions. It is recommended to buy the popular universal set. It is unlikely that it will disappear from sale in the near future and, in case of breakdown or loss, you will be able to find the spare parts you need. Typically, such an alarm kit includes:

  • Central alarm control unit;
  • Required wires;
  • Siren;
  • Antenna for transmitting a signal to the key fob and back;
  • Key rings.

We also prepare tools: a knife, insulating tape, a multimeter, tape and several screwdrivers. Now you can proceed to installation.

Installing an alarm

We start with the installation of the central unit. It is most convenient to place it under the dashboard. When installing and dismantling unnecessary elements, do not forget that the wires must be immediately insulated. To do this we use electrical tape.

To make the correct electrical connections, use a multimeter. Figure out how to use it in advance. It is necessary to accurately understand its meaning. We are interested in wires with a -12V output. Having identified the necessary wires, we connect to them. It is necessary to connect with the dimensions, turn signals, engine indicator, etc.

After the work has been done, you need to find the main control relay for your central locking and connect to it. Now we can move on to installing the siren and antenna.

Flip ignition key

Today, a huge number of drivers encounter this fashionable accessory of new cars. What is a switch key

, and how convenient and practical is it to use for car owners?

My first acquaintance with a flip ignition key happened at a car dealership, when I wanted to test drive a car I liked. I was planning to purchase it. The seller gave me an object that resembled a small box and asked me to press a button located on it. I did so and saw that the tip of the key came out of the box.

A flip key is, first of all, a stylish and fashionable accessory. Automotive fashion for various car components has always been full of variety and surprises. This is reflected in this small accessory of the car. At first, car keys looked like a simple metal blank, but now they are a stylish and fashionable electronic component of a car. Its manufacturers thus want to add a pleasant experience to the use of their cars and outperform their competitors.

When designers create a new luxury car, they want to achieve exclusivity, and since the keys are often located close to the owner of the car, they are well suited for implementing the designers' ideas. Some key fobs resemble jewelry. These include: Rolls-Roys, Bentley, Cadillac. Some are stylish in their aristocratic appearance: Ferrari, Jaguar, Infiniti. There are also classically discreet models, such as BMW, Lexus, Land Rover. All of them emphasize the style of both the car and its owner.

With the development of progress, owners of most cars can purchase flip keys. In addition, these keys can be combined with a car alarm key fob and equipped with an emblem from the car manufacturer. It is also possible to replace old cases in key fobs. Today, flip keys are a kind of business card of the car owner.

In our world, a person’s image is built from many details. This includes: a fashionable watch, an original mobile phone, expensive cufflinks and an exclusive keychain. Thanks to them, your image becomes unique and inimitable.

Every day the number of drivers using flip keys is growing. Manufacturers of many cars produce their cars already equipped with them. Thus, flip keys are actively being introduced into our lives.

What advantages does a flip key have when compared to an ordinary car key? Firstly, a flip key is much more convenient to use. It has no pointed parts and is therefore easy to carry in pockets. There is also no need to attach a key fob to it, and there is no metal clanking when it comes into contact with other keys. In addition, a flip key can combine the alarm and ignition key, and it significantly enhances the image of the person who uses it.

Previously, flip keys were not available to owners of cars that were not equipped with original flip keys. But nowadays, almost everyone can buy this new product. Today, flip keys are made for the following car brands: Chevrolet, Audi, BMW, Hyundai, Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Mercedes, Peugeot, Nissan, Opel, Toyota, Volvo, Suzuki and many others.

For owners of original keys, there is no longer a need to use expensive services to replace the key body. Today, the car owner can do all this on his own. You just need to buy the case you like with the required set of buttons. First you need to know the dimensions of the metal part of the key. Then you need to transfer the board with buttons into the new case, as well as, if available, the immobilizer chip. This procedure is quite simple and does not require special knowledge or skills.

Flip key for Lada Kalina hatchback

VAZ 2106 car keys

car keys VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

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