Installing a trunk opening button on a Lada Granta liftback

Opening the trunk from the passenger compartment.

First you need to open the back door of the car.
After this, you should throw away the seat and fold the backrest. If there are items in the luggage compartment, they should be removed. Before climbing, you need to take with you a socket wrench - an asterisk and a long screwdriver. In order to see the opening mechanism, you need to move the trim away from the body element. It will not be possible to completely remove it with the door closed, because the trim is attached to the base using several screws and latches. It is also necessary to remove the screws using a wrench. Two of them are located in the upper corners of the panel, and 2 more fasteners are located in the handle itself, located on the trim. This manipulation should be done from top to bottom. After the trim is pulled back, you can see a wire lever mounted vertically under the electric windshield wiper. To open the lock, you just need to press the lever with your hand from above and push the lid. After opening the door, you should completely remove the trim, dismantle the lock and start diagnosing it. Maybe you can fix it yourself.

If the drive is electric

Despite the reliability of the electrical lock mechanisms, manufacturers play it safe. The set of car keys on the key fob also includes a mechanical opening key in emergency situations. It is advisable to make sure that it is available when purchasing a vehicle, otherwise you will have to contact the dealer again.

A car, like a construction site, is not a place for ill-conceived experiments. The smallest shock is the loss of the warranty, and the biggest one is that errors can even jam the trunk lid. Don’t hesitate to repair your damaged trunk lock, because there are many people on the road who want to profit from other people’s property.

The best prices and conditions for the purchase of new cars

lada granta trunk button does not open but it can be opened differently.

Most of the thefts occurred due to the breaking of the door or trunk locks. But sometimes hacking also serves to benefit people who, for some reason, left the key in the trunk and cannot open either the doors or the trunk lid. In this article we will tell you how to open the trunk if it does not open.

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Granta luxury trunk release button does not work

The trunk release button does not work in a Granta luxury car. Voltage is supplied to the button. I took the button apart and cleaned it just in case. The button is dry, the contacts are all intact.

I first looked at where the power goes to the button. It fits along the corrugation into the large corrugation of all the electrical wiring inside the torpedo.

Where to dig? The reason is most likely in the driver's door lock, since it is responsible for the central locking and all other doors in the car. I am writing about luxury. I solved the problem by installing an add-on. actuator via a relay.

Features of opening the trunk of the Lada Kalina

Owners of the LADA Kalina car are almost unanimously surprised: with all the bias towards Europe, the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback in the basic configuration for some reason can only be opened with a key. For many, the situation immediately became quite common: the driver gets into the car, starts the engine and then remembers that he needs to put something from the passenger compartment into the trunk . Further actions are similar to a joke.

You need to turn off the engine, remove the key from the ignition, get out of the car, and so on. If you imagine all this in an environment of time shortage, one can only feel sorry for the owner. In addition, if someone happened to approach the trunk of a car with something heavy in their hands, the procedure for opening it with a key turned into something difficult. Another problem could have arisen: in regions where real frosts occur in winter, the lock cylinder would at times freeze tightly.

What’s interesting is that any car owner sees a separate button on the Kalina key, which for this brand of car replaces the standard key fob. She's supposed to open the trunk . If you press and hold such a button for a couple of seconds, you can hear a click - this is a signal that everything is in order with the electrical package control unit.

Then another interesting detail became clear: the craftsmen who climbed under the trunk trim to understand the internal structure realized that there was still a place for the lock activator and even a standard electrical connector for wires. And then the same craftsmen began to solve the problem of how to modify Kalina to increase the comfort of use. The complete trunk lock drive is not available for sale as a single set, so the parts will have to be obtained separately.

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Lada Granta liftback (2019). Guide - part 3

If during a call (while the 3 key is illuminated

SOS" flashes red) initiated

by pressing the 3 " key

SOS", press key 3 again

SOS" and hold for at least 2 seconds, then emergency

the call will be canceled (key 3" backlit

color will be turned off).

The SVEOS is in this mode if no emergency call is made and if the ignition is turned off. In the “Off” mode, there is no backlighting of key 3 “

SOS”, and also the indicator 4 of the system status is not lit.

. In the “Off” mode, SVEOS does not respond to

pressing key 3 "

SOS". SVEOS exit from mode

“Off” is performed when the ignition is turned on.

The testing mode is intended to check the functionality of the SVEOS components. In the testing mode, the functionality of the SVEOS status indicator, the microphone and loudspeaker in the interior lighting unit, the backup battery and other internal components of the SVEOS is checked. If you wish, you can independently check the performance of the SVEOS by running the test mode. To start the test mode, you must: – make sure that the engine is turned off; – turn the key in the ignition switch (ЗЗ) to the “Ignition on” position and wait 1 minute; – turning the ignition off and on three times. After the 3rd switching on of the ignition (switching ZZ No. 6), the SVEOS goes into test mode if the engine did not start during the entry procedure.

In this case, the sound prompt “Testing procedure has started” will be played. During testing, the functionality of the microphone and loudspeaker will be checked. After playing the sound prompt “Say the control phrase”, you will need to say any phrase lasting no more than 5 seconds. Immediately after this, the audio prompt “Playing a control phrase” will be played and then the phrase you spoke will be played. The audio prompt “Enter your verification result” will then play. If testing of the microphone and loudspeaker was successful, then it is necessary to switch the protection zone 2 times according to the algorithm described below within no more than 3 seconds:

Installation of the locking device drive

Removing the fifth door opening button is the easiest thing. It is more difficult to seal the remaining hole. This can be done using a special putty. One of the tricks is to process the hole cavity so that the surface becomes as rough as possible. This will create optimal adhesion to the putty. Next comes sanding, priming and painting. The work can be done independently without special training and practical skills. After that, you don't have to worry about aesthetics.

Of course, all dismantling work can be carried out only after the installation of the electric drive is completed, as well as the installation of the trunk opening button in the cabin. The trunk lock drive and how to install it are all relatively clear. Both the location and the connector of the wires in Kalina are predetermined for this.

But where to install the button will have to be decided by the owner himself. The two most popular places are the dashboard in front of the gear shift and the driver's door. The first method is convenient because the button can be reached from almost anywhere in the cabin. The button on the driver's door is primarily a convenience for him.

Once the location for installing the button has been selected, it is time to install the electrical wiring. About 4 m of wire will be required. The connection point is located under the rear seat. The connection is made to connector 13, it is signed, so searching will not cause any difficulties. The work can easily be done independently. Thus, it became clear how to make a trunk lock drive.

Methods for installing the trunk lock activator

The first option is to saw off one “tongue” from the Kalina lock. Particularly gifted craftsmen do this without any removal of the lock, right on the spot, using an angle grinder. You have to work very carefully. If you don’t have a grinder, the same steps can be done with a hacksaw. It just takes much longer, and one can only guess about the physical effort required for such a process. If you are not confident in the intricacies of your own work, it is better to remove the lock for modification. In this case, it will be easier to work with both a grinder and a hacksaw.

The second option is to replace the lock. LADA instead of the original one . This option is perfect for those Kalina owners who do not have the desire and/or ability to cut anything. All other steps for installing the Kalina station wagon trunk lock activator are extremely simple.

  • A rotary washer is installed on the plastic activator pusher, then the entire system is secured with a locking ring.
  • The complete activator is placed in a standard place.
  • The activator wires are connected to the corresponding connectors. Naturally, all electrical work is carried out only with the battery disconnected. The point is not what can “knock” an electric current: 12 volts of direct current for a person is just nonsense. But capricious electronics, if something suddenly “shorts”, may suffer. In the best case, problems with functionality will begin, in the worst case, something will completely fail.
  • The next stage is installing and adjusting the rods.
  • A check is in progress. First, the lock itself, regardless of whether the original one was modified or another one was installed (from Priora). All detected problems are corrected. The activator is being tested.

If everything worked perfectly, then it is quite possible to install the trunk trim in place, if only there were “hedgehogs”. Car owners are advised, since they had to remove the trunk trim, to also check which parts are making noise, knocking or vibrating. If such small problems are discovered, they can be solved by installing plugs from pieces of foam rubber of the required size. This will not only solve the problem with the lock, but also increase comfort when driving the car.

Advantages and options for upgrading car locks

Any option for modifying your own car has its pros and cons. It was already discussed at the beginning why exactly it is worth modifying the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback and station wagon. Now about the possible options. Installing the trunk lock activator alone solves one problem - the issue of using the key. The downside is that when the ignition is on, pressing the trunk open button on the Kalina hatchback and station wagon will not help: the engine will definitely have to be turned off.

True, you no longer have to remove the key from the ignition. That is why the issue of installing a trunk release button for Kalina hatchback and station wagon remains relevant. This modification option has its drawback: you will have to run the electrical wire through almost the entire car. Most car owners are willing to put up with such inconveniences, since they are one-time use.

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The Kalina hatchback trunk lock drive and the issue of modification are a matter exclusively for the car owner. It is possible that it is impossible to independently modify the Kalina hatchback trunk lock, and there is nowhere to turn. In some regions, purchasing a lock for a LADA Priora car can be difficult. According to many motorists, this disadvantage can somehow be put up with.

For particularly skillful car owners, options for controlling door opening/closing mechanisms, including the fifth door, are available. For example, the simplest option is one in which all the doors of the car are unlocked simultaneously. And the most complex option, which is not achievable for everyone, since it requires a somewhat non-standard approach, is that the driver, passenger and fifth doors are controlled separately.

Naturally, the options for modifying the Kalina hatchback and station wagon lock differ in cost, execution technique, and time required for a full range of work. The decision which option to choose is always up to the owner.

We will arrive in 15 minutes or any other time

We will open doors, glove compartments, hoods, trunks, etc.

Let's recharge the battery and start the car

Decent craftsmen with more than 5 years of experience

Review of Manufacturer Prices

Title/articlePrice, rub.)
electric lock 2191-5606010-10from 1500
Vartex 56526454from 1700
Apollo 54654—/—
FX-F 82665/22—/—
Monado fd515545—/—

*prices are current as of 10/09/18.

In choosing a manufacturer, the opinions of the workshop masters agreed - there is not much difference. When purchasing original products, the service life of the equipment exceeds 5 years.

Installation in “makeshift” conditions and poor-quality production only shorten the service life of the equipment. Often the fault for a breakdown lies with the owner, who violated the rules of car maintenance.

Installation of the activator: preparatory work

  • 12 volts;
  • two-pin;
  • lock-unlock functions.

In order for the system to open doors by pressing a button to work fully, one activator will not be enough. You will also need such a thing as a rotary washer. According to many car owners, the easiest way is to grind it yourself. You will need a steel plate and a machine. There are quite enough drawings with dimensions that will show what kind of rotary washer for the Kalina activator should be on various auto forums.

The trunk lid does not open with the button, one of the reasons and solution.

It is possible that after the washer is manufactured, it will have to be modified when installing the activator. The activator installation technique itself will require some tricks. For example, the first step is to remove the trunk trim. It is secured with pistons, which immediately became unusable for most car owners. Conclusion: pre-purchase of “hedgehogs” for subsequent installation of the trunk trim in place is mandatory.

Another nuance lies in the types of locks on the Lada Kalina. Firstly, locks on cars produced before 2010 and after differ in their design. Accordingly, the types of activators will differ slightly. This issue is resolved upon purchase. Secondly, most of those who independently installed the lock activator for the Kalina station wagon either modified the lock itself or replaced it with another one. It remains to figure out why this is needed and how it is done.

The bottom line is that the trunk lock is equipped with two “tongues”. After modifying the lock to open it with a button on the key, the existing problems were partially solved, but a new one arose. If, when opening the trunk with the key button, someone did not support the trunk lid in time, it would lower, as a result the trunk would close again. And only on one “tongue”. And this meant that the key fob certainly became useless. Now it was possible to open the trunk again only with the key. This is where two options for solving the problem appeared.

How to adjust the lock and trunk lid of a VAZ 2114

To adjust the lock on a VAZ 2114 or VAZ 2115, we perform approximately the same steps as in the case of a VAZ 2112. But instructions for adjusting the trunk lid are presented below.

Adjusting the trunk lid can be quite simple, the main thing is to adhere to a certain sequence.

1). First, disconnect the “-” terminal from the battery.

2). Next, open the trunk and disconnect the wires from the trunk lid trim terminals (it is recommended to remove the wiring harness from the trunk cavity).

lada granta trunk button does not open but it can be opened differently.

3). We remove the fastenings of the luggage compartment lining (it is removed together with the license plate illumination).

4). Now we dismantle the lock drives and trunk lid. To do this, unscrew the fastening nuts and disconnect the rod, then remove the drive. Similarly, we also remove the rear door lock itself.

5). Next, disconnect the gas struts, unscrew the lid fasteners (fixed on hinges), and then remove the trunk lid.

6). We apply a special lubricant to the contact parts of the trunk (for example, LSC - 15). We also treat the trunk lock with lubricant.

7). All clearances allowed between the trunk lid and body components must be equal.

That's all, now you can put the structure back together. We perform the same steps, but only in reverse order.

By the way, I would also like to note that the trunk lid can be adjusted in approximately the same way on the VAZ 2112 and VAZ 2109.

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How to adjust the trunk lock on a VAZ 2112, 2110, 2111

1). Loosen the lock nuts.

2). Remove the protection cover from the lock.

3). Move the lock in the required direction and tighten the screws.

4). Now we check whether the lock can be easily slammed.

5). If necessary, the adjustment process can be repeated again. But if the lock closes well, tighten the fastening bolts.

If the lock on the body does not fit into the lock on the lid when closing, then loosen the bolts securing it and move it in the required direction, after which we tighten the bolts back.


1.Vasily: I bought a Lada Granta Liftback in the “Standard” configuration, the mechanical button is not pre-installed. Since I'm no stranger to electricians, I installed it myself in half an hour. Now everything works fine, no complaints.
2.Vladislav: garage comrades recommend connecting an activation button. I previewed the diagram and bought the necessary spare parts. I installed it a month ago with a friend. My advice to car enthusiasts.
3.Ivan: I initially knew that there was no button in the “Norma” package. After the purchase, I immediately installed it at the service station. The guys did it in half an hour and gave a guarantee. Works well, never disappointed.
4.Vladimir: I installed a mechanical button on the trunk lid, now I don’t have to turn off the engine again or pull out the core. The process is simple, the scheme is intuitive.
5.Ignat: Last month I installed the “activator”, I didn’t go to the gas station, I managed it with the help of a friend. It works properly, no complaints.
1.Kirill: After installation, the activator worked for two months, after which it was replaced with a new one. Despite the originality of the detail, the texture leaves much to be desired. I do not recommend household electric locks.
2.Victor: I regretted installing the electric motor; I arrived three months later. And this despite moderate use. I can't recommend it.
3.Vladimir: After a year of use, the limiter broke down and was replaced with a new one. I don't know how long this will last.


In the Lada Grants “Norma” and “Standard” trim levels, a mechanical button for activating the trunk lid is not enough. According to the installation algorithm, if you purchase original consumables and spare parts, the service life of the relay will exceed 5 years.

Inexpensive components for the lock, violation of installation technology, short circuit in the circuit contribute to premature wear and failure of the mechanism. A number of negative reviews are unfounded; the breakdown was caused by the driver.

Video - Lada Granta connecting and installing the button and trunk opening mechanism
Video - Lada Granta trunk button

Is it necessary to put a “minus” inside the car, is it possible to power it from the rear lights, side lights? This will save two meters of wire.

Konstantin, it is possible, even necessary. There is no fundamental difference where to connect the minus.

In addition to the traditional 4-door body, the Lada Granta sedan is available in a hatchback version, also called a liftback. The difference between a liftback and a sedan is its shorter length and increased ground clearance. In Lada Grants, the roof structure is made as a single unit with the rear window, which distinguishes this specimen from traditional sedans. But this model has a very important consumer property - it is a solid trunk volume, which attracts a large army of potential owners. Therefore, before purchasing, many are interested in the trunk volume of a Lada Granta type. We will learn about this, in addition to exact data, what is the volume in liters.

Why the trunk won't close - Auto repair school

Among people living in Russia, there is an opinion that our auto industry creates, to put it mildly, not very high-quality cars. Perhaps this point of view is too biased, but it is an indisputable fact that owners of domestic cars sooner or later have to spend personal funds on car service.

But it is also worth noting the fact that some repair work on domestic cars can be done with your own hands. For example, adjusting the lock or trunk lid, which we will talk about in this article.

What does it consist of?

An electronic key can be made in the form of a classic key with buttons, a key fob or a Smart card. The functionality depends on the brand and level of equipment of the car. Inside the key is a microcircuit that encodes and decodes the signal. To do this, it uses a floating code algorithm, which is considered one of the most reliable today. The antenna is used to receive and transmit encoded signals.

Electronic key Sensor in the door handles Transceiver antennas in the car are necessary to accurately detect the location of the key and exchange information with it. Their location and number depend on the design, overall dimensions and price of the car. Most often, antennas are placed in the front doors and trunk, as well as in the front part of the passenger compartment, to clearly determine whether the key is located outside or inside.

Sometimes additional antennas are installed in the rear doors and near the second row of seats.

Sensors in door handles are necessary to transmit a signal about their closing or opening. The number of sensors depends on the functionality provided by the automaker.

For example, there are three sensors in the driver's door handle of the Audi A6: two capacitive sensors on the inside and outside of the handle are responsible for opening and closing the door, respectively, and the touch button can also close the windows.

How to remove the trunk release

Before removing the retainer, you must remove the trunk trim:

  • using a flat-head screwdriver, pry up the plugs and remove them;
  • After removing the plugs, remove the luggage compartment upholstery.

Remove the pair of nuts that hold the retainer in place using a socket wrench or wrench.

Please note: behind one of the nuts there is a pair of negative terminals. Shoot more carefully:

  • Disconnect the pair of negative terminals.
  • Next, unscrew a couple of bolts from the opposite side.
  • Use a flat screwdriver to pry up the retainer and remove it.
  • Remove the adjusting washers.

Adjustment of the clamp must be carried out exclusively in height using adjusting washers.

Lada Granta fl trunk does not open

The clamp is installed in the reverse order after adjustment.

VAZ 21099 is a car that is not at all difficult to maintain. To do this, you just need to study a few instructions. Even a novice car enthusiast can handle repairs to the domestic automobile industry. Using this article you can fix the trunk lid.

Luxury or necessity?

Automatic opening of the car trunk is a function that most car enthusiasts who have switched to new cars are just starting to get used to. When you press a button inside the car, an electric drive is activated, which activates the lock, causing the trunk lid to open.

It would seem like a small thing, but in the cold season, the electric drive significantly simplifies the life of car owners. In models with a conventional mechanical lock, many often encountered a problem when, after washing the car, the lock freezes and cannot be opened. Someone pours boiling water over the lock, someone simply warms the key, in a word, everyone invents what they can. This will not happen with an electric drive.

The electric drive is compatible with a standard lock, and you can use two methods simultaneously when opening the trunk lid, increasing burglary resistance. The device is installed mainly on imported cars. In the assembly of domestic cars, an electric drive in the trunk appeared quite recently. Car owners who lack this convenience can easily install such a mechanism.

How to open the trunk if the lock is broken: simple methods ⋆ CAR WORKSHOP

Many car enthusiasts are concerned about the question of how to open the trunk if the car lock is broken. Currently, there are several of the simplest and most effective ways to solve this problem without involving expensive specialists from repair shops.

The main reasons why the trunk does not open:

Clogged mechanism (dirt flying out from under the wheels while driving is often the cause of failure of the car trunk lock)

Failure of the electric drive (the electric drive is responsible for activating the latch of the locking mechanism)

Mechanical failure (failure of the locking mechanism - in this case it will not be possible to open from the outside)

Oxidation of contacts (a diagnostic scanner will be required to identify the breakdown).

If all attempts to open the luggage compartment from the outside are unsuccessful, you need to use access from inside the car.


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