Which clutch is better to put on the Niva to “set it and forget it”

The most thankless task is to constantly compare and evaluate something. This is especially true among car drivers. Surely you know the common saying “who studied what” - this saying is especially popular among us motorists.

Therefore, further in the article we will not give you the answer to the question “Which clutch is better?”, but will provide an exhaustive list of top manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the market.

This is a kind of overview that will give you answers to the most common answers when choosing. Never rely on other people's advice - you will only make things worse (in most cases). When it comes to choosing a clutch, rely only on your own experience, since no one but you can choose exactly what will really suit you.

Technical parameters of the “seven” clutch: classification and parameters

VAZ models are equipped with a single-disc clutch with a central spring. Motorists interested in which clutch is best to install on a VAZ 2107 should take into account that its type depends on the power of the power unit. The units differ in the parameters of the pressure spring, casing and dimensions of the driven disk, and the entire set consists of three elements:

  1. Pressure disk.
  2. Slave disk.
  3. Release bearing.

Pressure plate

On VAZ classics, two types of such mechanisms are used:

  • 2103 – for cars with engines up to 1.5 liters.
  • 2121 – for cars with engines up to 1.7 liters.

Externally, they are almost identical, they can easily be confused - the diameter of the disk in both cases is 200 mm. However, there are still distinctive signs:

  • On product 2121 there is a mark in the form of a six-millimeter hole in one of the slots in the diaphragm spring blade.
  • The width of friction linings 2103 is 29 mm, and 2121 – 35 mm.

Driven disk

To decide which clutch is best to install on a VAZ 2107, it doesn’t hurt to know that a “classic” disc is quite easy to distinguish from a “front-wheel drive” one by the bends that partially cover the damper springs. Driven disks are available in two sizes:

  • 200x140 – for engines up to 1.5 liters; There are two brands: 2103 and 2107, the latter has asbestos-free linings.
  • 200x130 - according to the documentation, the disk is brand 2121 and is designed for the Niva, but installation on the “seven” is also possible. In addition to its size, it features a reinforced damper with reinforced diaphragm springs.

Another noticeable factor is that the 2121 driven disc has a larger number of rivets on the linings than its 2103 counterpart.

Release bearing

The part is supplied complete and has an additional name - release clutch. For “classics”, its marking also begins with a set of numbers 2101. The bearing is visually distinguished by the presence of wire brackets, which is familiar to car enthusiasts who have replaced the working cylinder on a Lada.

A set of clutch parts for Niva can be installed on any classic car. Such parts are designed to withstand heavy loads, and therefore will last longer. The only inconvenience is that the “Nivov” basket will require a lot of effort on the clutch pedal.

Clutch VAZ-2110

Clutch VAZ-2110.

Despite the fact that the ten clutch is primitive, like a cart wheel, it must meet many parameters in order to flawlessly perform its functions - high-quality transmission and complete interruption of the transmission of torque from the engine to the gearbox.

In addition (and few people know this), two types of clutches :

  • for cars with a carburetor or injection engine and a torque of 116 Nm ( 2110 and 2111 );
  • for 1.6-liter engines with a torque of 128.3 Nm ( VAZ 2112 ).

You can distinguish a VAZ-2112 clutch by the hole in the slot of the petals and the damper springs.

Parameters and requirements

Each clutch set is required to transmit exactly this torque with at least a double reserve, which is why they are labeled differently - 243 and 270 Nm.

In addition, you should not discount the weight of the basket assembly, the weight of the driven disk and such an important factor (which our left foot will immediately feel) as the squeezing force.

And another standard is moving the pressure plate . This parameter should be 7.9-8.1 mm . The thickness of the driven disk is also important, not only in the free state, but also under load. The manufacturer must measure it under a load of 3.4 thousand N. As you can see, not everything is so simple with such a simple kit. Now let's listen to the reviews and reports of the expert laboratory.

Criteria: which clutch is better to install on a VAZ 2107 car of a classic design?

Based on the recommendations of experts and reviews from car enthusiasts, it is possible to draw up basic principles that must be taken into account when choosing parts for the gear shift control unit. In general terms, the picture resembles wheel alignment adjustment , when any useful recommendation greatly facilitates the process. In addition to the manufacturer's brand, when purchasing a driven disk, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The plane of the friction linings must be uniform; during visual inspection, scuffs, cracks and chips are unacceptable.
  • The presence of oil stains on the disc is strictly prohibited.
  • Visually assess the quality of the rivet; the edge of each rivet must be the same; uneven riveting along the edges is unacceptable.
  • The splines must be undamaged.
  • Check that there is no play on the springs, dampers and linings. The presence of play indicates low-quality assembly of the unit.

A car enthusiast who is interested in which clutch is best to install on a classic VAZ 2107 should pay attention to the markings of the damper plate. Here is a logo made with a laser or hologram, which is an effective measure in the fight against counterfeit products.

Separately, it is worth considering the criteria for choosing a pressure plate for the classic VAZ “Seven”:

  • To evaluate the quality of the basket casing, conscientious companies make them using the stamping method. The presence of deep scratches and cuts is a sign of a low-quality part.
  • Inspect the quality of the riveting.
  • Inspect the level of manufacturing of the cast disk and the machining of its mirror. The presence of microcracks, cavities and unevenness is unacceptable, and, conversely, an ideal surface indicates high-quality material and high-tech processing of the part.

Types of spare parts

Clutches are classified according to different criteria. So, according to the control method, the details are distinguished:

  1. Hydraulic.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Electrical.
  4. Combined.

By type of friction there are:

  • Dry (work in air).
  • Wet options (oil is used).

According to the number of discs there are clutches:

  • Single-disc.
  • Multi-disc.

According to the switching mode, the part is classified into:

  1. Constantly closed.
  2. Not constantly closed.

According to the novelty, the spare part is:

  • New.
  • Restored old.
  • Used, which has not been repaired.

By originality there are products:

  • Non-original (produced for different brands of cars by any plant except VAZ).
  • Original (made specifically for this AvtoVAZ brand).

By manufacturer you can buy non-original products from the following companies:

  • Finwhale.
  • LUK.
  • VALEO.
  • SACHS.

Choose the best

The last point in the question of which clutch is best to install on a VAZ 2107 car will be a short review of the most famous clutch kits for classic cars. Differences in brand products lie in reliability and behavior during operation.


The well-known company from France is also known for its high-quality brake pads. Judging by the reviews of car owners, the clutch is characterized by soft operation with a clear engagement moment.

Many note the reliability of the new Valeo kits, which often operate without breakdowns for more than 150,000 km. The disadvantage is the high cost.

World famous German manufacturer of friction clutches. The products have always been distinguished by advanced design solutions. For example, the use of a torsional vibration damper on the pressure and driven discs significantly dampens vibrations, which contributes to comfort. LuK couplings are the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio, however, there are many fakes on sale, so you need to be careful when purchasing.


The German brand has been known for 20 years, but recently products under this brand are increasingly being produced in Turkey, which, naturally, makes them cheaper. However, clutches have a lot of positive reviews, including:

  • soft squeeze;
  • no overheating during heavy duty operation;
  • The flywheel has virtually no wear.


The German manufacturer has extensive experience in the production of transmission parts. All coupling models are equipped with asbestos-free linings, and they provide:

  • Optimal torque transmission.
  • Resistant to increased loads.
  • No maintenance required.

A domestic enterprise that supplies original products for Lada cars. The design of the coupling was developed by engineers from Tolyatti, but the components used in production are mainly imported. Most car owners, when deciding which clutch is best to install on the classic VAZ 2107, choose this manufacturer. The reason for this choice is the low price and acceptable quality.

Kraft tech

Turkish products licensed from the German company Kraft. The set is characterized by soft operation and is adapted to Russian working conditions. Some of the negative reviews relate to the fragility of the release bearing.


Another domestic manufacturer that guarantees up to two million load cycles for its disks without loss of performance properties. The average mileage of the kit parts is 80,000 km. Some motorists complain about cracks appearing on the driven disk in the area of ​​the springs, causing them to fly out. However, it is worth noting that such problems arose after two or three years of operation.



It is unnecessary to give any advice to anyone who has decided to start changing the clutch on their own, having already had experience in purchasing a kit for a Lada 2107. A novice motorist probably shouldn’t take on such a task, but experienced VAZ drivers usually have an established opinion on this matter. However, the supply of information can unexpectedly fail even an experienced car enthusiast, because technology does not stand still. Therefore, information based on research results and the experience of domestic car enthusiasts will come in handy.

The difference between classic clutch discs

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Is it possible to install a Sachs clutch from 2101 or noun on a 2106 engine? this clutch is on 2106

Is it possible to install a Sachs clutch from 2101 or noun on a 2106 engine? this clutch is on 2106

is different. The 1600 cc engine has a reinforced clutch with a larger lining width on the clutch disc. Exactly the same thing is on the old Niva (not the Chevrolet one). Both clutches are interchangeable but only assembled. For a penny, if you install a six-clutch, it will only be a plus - it will last longer and provide better torque. Accordingly, if you install a cheap clutch on a 1600 engine, it will go bad faster.

Is it possible to install a Sachs clutch from 2101 or noun on a 2106 engine? this clutch is on 2106

is different. The 1600 cc engine has a reinforced clutch with a larger lining width on the clutch disc. Exactly the same thing is on the old Niva (not the Chevrolet one). Both clutches are interchangeable but only assembled. For a penny, if you install a six-clutch, it will only be a plus - it will last longer and provide better torque. Accordingly, if you install a cheap clutch on a 1600 engine, it will go bad faster.

The devil arrived here in an old Niva - a year old. He says the clutch fell apart after 2 weeks, they opened it - it turned out that the 01st was put in at the factory.

How to adjust the clutch after replacement

After replacement, it is worth adjusting the operation of the mechanism. Here you will also need an assistant. The adjustment instructions look like this:

  1. While installing the clutch cable, you may notice that the pedal rises. In this case, it is necessary to adjust its stroke by turning the lock nut and the adjusting nut. It should be 12-13 centimeters.
  2. To set the exact value, you need to use a ruler. Place it perpendicular to the floor, and then lock the pedal pad to the desired value. It is best to give an assistant a ruler and adjust the locknut yourself.

It will be difficult to replace the clutch without the help of another person, so arrange in advance with someone who will do this work with you.

We change the clutch on a VAZ 2115.

First, a new clutch disc is installed. It is necessary to install the clutch basket on the flywheel on top of the disc. The holes for the bolts must match.

Place several bolts into the mounting holes of the box and move it towards the engine. After the input shaft hits the hole on the clutch driven disc, guide the last bolt using a screwdriver.

The clutch basket is tightened only after the input shaft enters the disc through the starter location.

Further assembly of the structure is carried out in the opposite order of disassembly.

Clutch adjustment is performed after complete assembly.

What to choose

For example, some people prefer a Mercedes, while others prefer a Muscovite. In one case or another, supporters of a particular part, brand or company will find a lot of evidence in their favor. For the above reason, there is no need to compare and draw a conclusion about the best grip. As a rule, this is a matter of habit. Some people prefer a soft clutch, while others have a car with an automatic transmission, where the driver does not even know what the corresponding pedal is for.

VAZ 2109 soft clutch

One way or another, many consumers choose a clutch without taking into account advice and recommendations. They are guided solely by their own experience in operating a particular clutch. Let's look at the most famous brands of car clutch kits; you don't have to follow the recommendations, but it's still worth reading the information. The driver decides which clutch is more suitable: Valio, Kraft or Luk. Sometimes you even have to try all three brands in order to decide on the right part.

French or Korean Valeo

VAZ 2109 clutch drive

It is difficult for high-quality car parts to exist on the Russian market, since many people want to counterfeit them. This also applies to the Valio brand.

Note! A counterfeit of this brand can be immediately tracked by its relatively low cost, as well as by the quality of its constituent elements. Now on the modern market you can find French, Italian, Spanish and South Korean Valio clutch components. From France, of course, less.

Motorists who prefer this brand speak only positively about the products. This clutch is also called female, as it ensures easy and smooth operation.

VAZ 2109 clutch which one to choose

It should also be noted that it has good reliability and a significant service life. If the Valio clutch is used correctly and with care, then it will be enough for 150 thousand kilometers. The original discs are not afraid of overheating (this refers to the permissible limits), while the flywheel is characterized by practical eternity.

German meticulousness of the Luk clutch with high quality

VAZ 2109 clutch which is better

It is difficult to say how plausible the information offered is, but it is still taken into account. They conclude that today such a clutch kit is installed on every second car made in Germany and on every fourth car from another manufacturer. Of course, it is almost impossible to prove this; most likely, it is so. If we take into account the eternal formula of the marketing ratio of price plus quality, then this clutch fits well here.

The best clutch for VAZ 2109

A distinctive feature of the Onion clutch is the vibration damping characteristic of such a device. The corresponding conclusions can be drawn from the reviews of Russian motorists.

Note! Luk clutches are equipped with a special damping element for vibrations of the driven and pressure plate.

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