Adding antifreeze to Hyundai Solaris: where to fill it and when?

Antifreeze is a special technical non-freezing liquid that is designed to cool a running car engine. Its maximum boiling point is approximately 110 degrees Celsius, which makes it completely stable even when the car is stuck in traffic jams for a long time.

In addition to cooling the engine, antifreeze also serves as a lubricant for internal parts and elements, such as a pump, preventing the formation of corrosion on it. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the antifreeze, and specifically its color, because it will show exactly when it is time to replace it.


Pour coolant through the filler neck until the liquid flows into the expansion tank.

Pour liquid into the expansion tank 3–4 cm above the L mark. Close the expansion tank lid.

We start the engine, stop it after two minutes of operation and add liquid to the filler neck of the cooling system. Close the filler cap of the cooling system and warm up the engine. We stop the engine and after it has cooled down, check the coolant level and bring it to normal.

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Hyundai Solaris coolant replacement

Replacement frequency, what antifreeze to fill

According to the manufacturer’s regulations, the first replacement for a Hyundai Solaris should be made after a mileage of no more than 200 thousand kilometers. And with low mileage, the service life is 10 years. Further replacements depend on the fluid used.

According to the recommendation of the automobile concern, you need to use original Hyundai Long Life Coolant antifreeze to fill the cooling system. It comes as a concentrate that must be diluted with distilled water.

The original liquid comes in several forms, in a gray or silver canister with a green label. It must be changed every 2 years. At one time it was the only one recommended for replacement. Since then, information has been floating around the Internet, which is what needs to be used. But at the moment it is not advisable to use it, since it is created on an outdated silicate base. But just in case, here are the order codes 07100-00200 (2 l.), 07100-00400 (4 l.)

Now for replacement you should choose antifreeze in a green canister with a yellow label, which is designed for 10 years of operation. At the moment, this will be the best option, as it fully meets modern requirements. Complies with Hyundai/Kia MS 591-08 specification and belongs to lobride fluids and the phosphate-carboxylate (P-OAT) class. You can order using these articles 07100-00220 (2 l.), 07100-00420 (4 l.).

How much antifreeze is in the cooling system, volume table

ModelEngine capacityHow many liters of antifreeze are in the systemOriginal liquid / analogues
Hyundai Solarisgasoline 1.65.3Hyundai Long Life Coolant
gasoline 1.4Crown LLC A-110
CoolStream A-110
RAVENOL HJC Hybrid Japanese Coolant

How to properly add antifreeze to a car: instructions

Many drivers carry out the procedure for replacing and adding coolant themselves. Sometimes a lot of questions arise: adding cold or hot, choosing antifreeze, ways to avoid airing the system. Parts are often made of non-identical materials, and changing antifreeze will negatively affect the functions and integrity of the cooling system.

Manufacturers have come up with different refilling methods. Fluids are poured into the radiator for Hyundai Solaris and Ford Focus. The second method is through the expansion tank (Kia Rio, Renault Logan). From the general point: the mixture is poured into the car when it is cold. Ways to add liquid while preserving the car are described below.

Antifreeze: can I add it?

For effective operation, there must be a heat-removing liquid inside the system circuit. The cooling mixture contains a certain percentage of water. During operation, it comes into contact with high temperatures and evaporates. There are criteria when you need to top up or completely change antifreeze.

If there is not enough antifreeze, it must be added, otherwise there is a threat to normal cooling, and air locks may form. The working fluid gradually begins to change properties, losing active substances. Control the amount of antifreeze and top up on time. Make sure that the liquid you add matches the standards already added to the tank.

How often should antifreeze be added?

Car manufacturers give different service life of the coolant mixture. Topping up is carried out as the product is used, since the boiling point evaporates the water component. Maintain the level of antifreeze; there is no clear time frame for filling.

Unforeseen circumstances may occur that determine how often the procedure must be performed. Unnoticeable hose leaks, cracks in metal components of the car, radiator corrosion. If you frequently add antifreeze, inspect (the bright color of the mixture helps) the tightness of the system when the engine is hot, where pressure is created.

Is it possible to add antifreeze of different colors?

Adding liquids of different colors is not advisable, but acceptable. The color scale is not a strictly regulated norm. Each manufacturer awards its product with a color. To refill correctly, use the same antifreeze or carefully select a different one based on class and composition.

To rely on color differences, you need to consider the scale introduced by Volkswagen. In this list, each class gets its own color scheme. G11 – traditional or silicate coolants. Color - blue or green. G12, G12+, G12++ are made from organic acids. Such mixtures are colored red, orange or lilac. G13 is a safe propylene glycol liquid. They are colored purple or yellow. Conclusion: do not rush to add red liquid - with green composition.

Is it possible to fill in antifreeze of a different brand, but of the same color?

There are no strict standards. There is no guarantee that a liquid of the same color as yours, but of a different brand, will be identical. Antifreeze from another manufacturer may be made on an incompatible base and contain incompatible additives, which will damage the cooling system. After making sure that the solution poured into the car and the solution you are purchasing are compatible, use a liquid of a different brand without being tied to the color.

Is it possible to add distilled water to antifreeze?

The substances are sold concentrated along with ready-made mixtures. You need to add distilled water to the concentrate, since it does not contain undesirable components (chlorine, fluorine and others). Regular tap water forms scale on the walls of the system, which will worsen the heat transfer properties. The separated parts can clog the parts responsible for the movement of liquid along the circuits, and the machine will begin to boil.

Distillation removes harmful substances. Provided that the liquid level has dropped slightly, only water can be used. Remember that this affects the properties of the antifreeze that was previously filled.

Is it possible to add antifreeze to antifreeze?

The aggressive properties of antifreeze are very sensitive to other components, and what will happen after topping up is unpredictable. Possible crystal formation, corrosion of aluminum components, and corrosion of hoses. There is a release of sediment flakes that are dangerous for moving parts and filters, and the additives of the infused antifreeze are neutralized.

Conclusion - nothing can be added to antifreeze, with the exception of distilled water, but it lowers the freezing point. If you dilute antifreeze with water in a ratio of about 50/50, the engine will work, but mentally say goodbye to the car’s pump and thermostat.

What kind of antifreeze can I add if I forgot the brand of the old one?

When you need to add coolant, but the data on the previous one is lost, it is best not to take risks. If you just don’t know the brand of the old one, it’s not so bad. It is permissible to add another identical class to the existing one. The first owner of a car from the showroom needs to find information from the manufacturer. It’s worse when the type of antifreeze is unknown. It is better to flush and completely replace the coolant.

Antifreeze Hyundai Solaris 1.4 - 1.6 from 2011 to 2022

Factory recommendation: First replacement 210 thousand km or 120 months. Then every 30 thousand km or 24 months.

Our recommendation is slightly different: If you plan to drive after 200 thousand km and, if possible, avoid problems with the pump, then it is advisable to replace the fluid earlier. . Why? Let's figure it out.

  1. In the manual, the resource is considered in time and mileage. If there are no questions by time, then the mileage figure needs clarification. When the car is mainly driven on the highway, without being in city traffic jams, you can focus on mileage, but usually the opposite is true. In this case, the engine operating time - engine hours - increases significantly and by 200 thousand km the antifreeze already loses a significant part of its properties. It is necessary to take into account that in traffic jams the coolant temperature is higher than on the highway. The difference is almost 10 degrees. You can notice how often the radiator cooling fan comes on during hot weather. Sometimes it works almost non-stop. All this negatively affects the life of the liquid.
  2. As for the entry in the manual: Then every 30,000 km or 24 months. The entry is strange and only valid if the cheapest coolants are used. If you use high-quality products, such a recommendation will not be correct. The timing and periods of replacement can be significantly extended.
  3. Another point that is also important is the cleanliness of the radiators. This does not mean inside, but outside - the radiator honeycombs themselves. We have two radiators in front. First the air conditioner radiator, then the main one. If they are clogged, this also affects the operating temperature of the fluid, and therefore its service life.

The bottom of the radiator is clogged with dirt

  1. Check whether you have radiator protection and in what condition it is. Small plastic part under the bumper.

Without it, radiators clog much faster.

How do you know if the fluid needs to be replaced or not?

If you bought a used car, you shouldn't look at the mileage. In Solaris it is very easy to twist. You can find out that it is twisted only by indirect signs. Mileage data is stored in only one chip, into which the new mileage is recorded. The second reason why you should not rely on odometer readings is the possible replacement of the radiator. If the radiator was changed (let's say the car got into an accident or a dog was hit, which happens quite often), then we can assume that the cheapest antifreeze was poured in. For some reason, many people think that they can fill in any color as long as they want it. As a rule, they take the cheapest one.

Recommendation: If the antifreeze does not have a clear factory color, REPLACE IT WITH A NEW one - one that you will be absolutely sure of! If you have a car with a transparent history, use the recommendations above.

Where to see the fluid level and color

If the car is cold and you just want to see the color of the fluid, it is more convenient to do it here.

On a warm car, the fluid level can be viewed here.

Over time, the tank becomes cloudy, and it becomes difficult to see the level and, even more so, understand the color of antifreeze. In this case, even with a warm car, you can remove the cap from the reservoir and determine the fluid level using the hose. If you look into the tank, you can see the color.

How to choose the right coolant?

In the proposed video you can find out what kind of coolant to fill in the Hyundai Solaris. The experts will tell you how to choose the most suitable composition, based on the conditions and characteristics of the vehicle’s operation. In addition to suitable ones, you should know which brands of liquid should not be used.

Thus, blue antifreezes of Soviet design, antifreeze and similar ones, can cause harm to the car. They are especially dangerous for diesel engines. You cannot mix liquids that not only have different bases, but also the same ones from different manufacturers.

Modern carboxylate-based products are best suited for the Hyundai Solaris engine, but they quickly lose their cooling properties and more often require replacement.

Like any case of do-it-yourself car repair, replacing antifreeze forces you to make independent decisions that may not always be correct.

That is why, when replacing antifreeze, it is better to use the manufacturer’s recommendations and not neglect the services of a car service.

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