What is antifreeze Where to pour antifreeze Instructions

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • When is it time to add antifreeze?
  • How to do it correctly
  • How to properly add antifreeze to the cooling system
  • What do Internet users think about it?

There is plenty of information available about car coolants. However, car enthusiasts have questions about how to add antifreeze, with what means and in what time frame. Let's clarify these points in our article.

How to add antifreeze instructions

Every car needs a fluid that will cool its engine. Car owners will one day see that the antifreeze volume has dropped to the min level. What to do, how to add antifreeze? You can go to a service station, or you can top it up yourself. This topic is relevant for both beginners and experienced car enthusiasts.

be careful

Do not rush to add coolant when the engine is still hot. The consequences of this action are damage to the cylinder block. Make sure the engine is cold before adding coolant.

. If it is necessary to replenish the product level, but it is not possible to cool the engine, do this when it is warm.

Antifreeze must be topped up with liquid of the same brand. In order for the cooling of the system to be high-quality and correct, antifreeze must be added in combination with distilled water. We ratio liquids 1:1.

Mixing different coolants may result in premature repairs. During the process , try not to spill liquid on other parts.

, this may lead to their damage. In case of contact, wipe the surface.

If the coolant level is often at the min mark, do not rush to think about how to add antifreeze. Contact a service station or check the tightness of the cooling system yourself.

How to do it yourself

To avoid contacting service station workers, you can learn how to properly add antifreeze. Follow the rules written above and complete the following points.

Wrap your hand in a rag (wear gloves) and remove the expansion tank cap. Reduce the pressure by turning the cap one turn. As soon as it falls, remove the lid completely. Add liquid to the tank to medium level. We turn on the engine of the car. We give it time to work. We pay attention to how much antifreeze is available.

If necessary, fill the tank. The antifreeze should be at the level of the lower end of the radiator filler neck. We continue to add liquid. Do this carefully, without spilling. Close the lid.

To perform this procedure, you need to first prepare the cooler itself, distilled water with which you will dilute the cooler, a rag (gloves) and an expansion tank.

Water is different

Some car owners believe that in the summer they can drive only by filling the tank with water. This is a misconception.

Antifreeze can be diluted with distilled water, but in its pure form water will lead to rapid wear of parts. After using water, you will have to spend money on descaling the system. But the cooler includes various necessary components that ensure correct operation.

What considerations are important to follow when creating mixtures?

  • Without much concern for the operation of the engine in your car, you can mix various antifreezes with each other, including expensive versions 12 and 13, if they have a common base and main operating components that meet established quality standards. It is also important to take into account the difference between manufacturers, especially the fact that you should not mix even one type of antifreeze from different manufacturers.
  • Various types of engine cooling mixtures (with artificial and natural additives) can be mixed with each other if the manufacturer indicates this.
  • Keep in mind that poor compatibility of engine cooling mixtures means an increased chance of a reaction between internal additives and components in the antifreeze itself. This can have a very bad effect on the performance of the vehicle.

DIY coolant replacement instructions.

To replace the coolant yourself (we also recommend reading and), you must choose a place away from people and animals, since antifreeze is very toxic (observe safety precautions). Under no circumstances should antifreeze be poured into streams, rivers or lakes. The coolant is replaced on a cold engine.

First stage.

  1. Remove the radiator cap.
  2. Open the radiator drain cap after placing a bucket.
  3. Drain all coolant (antifreeze).
  4. Inspect the cooling system hoses for breaks or cracks.

Second phase.

  1. Before adding new antifreeze, it is necessary to flush the system with a special flushing agent.
  2. Pour the product into the cooling system and add demineralized or deionized water to the radiator and to the top of the reservoir.
  3. Close the lids.
  4. We turn on the engine and the stove. We wait until the engine warms up to operating temperature.
  5. Turn off the engine, let it cool, and then remove the cap from the radiator and drain the liquid.
  6. Fill the system with plain water and close the lids. The engine should run for 15 minutes with water.
  7. Cool the engine again and drain the water.

The cooling system is now ready for charging.

Third stage.

Coolant is poured strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In the car cooling system, the antifreeze concentration should not exceed 70%. The optimal concentration is 50% coolant, 50% water.

  1. After pouring coolant into the system, it is necessary to turn on the engine and heater to maximum, for better distribution of the liquid and to remove air bubbles from the system.
  2. Remember to check the coolant level after several days of driving and top up if necessary.

The coolant change procedure is not included in the vehicle maintenance schedule and does not need to be performed if the recommended coolant with antifreeze/inhibitor is used. However, if a standard antifreeze/corrosion inhibitor is used, the procedure should be performed at the recommended intervals.

What you need to know to fill antifreeze correctly

Let's start with the fact that it is impossible to mix coolants with different properties, since such a mixture can result in an insoluble precipitate. This will cause the radiator passages and other sensitive parts of the system to become coked over time. To avoid such situations, you only need to fill the car with antifreeze approved for use by the manufacturer of the particular car, and add a similar composition that complements the existing liquid.

The behavior of the cooling composition when water is added to it is an open question. To a certain extent, a diluted mixture can show excellent qualities, provided that distilled water is used. Regular tap water will not work here.

It is worth recalling that the color of the coolant does not depend on its composition. For example, blue and red refrigerant may be absolutely compatible, while two different green liquids will ultimately have different bases and additive compositions.

Many car owners make the mistake of not knowing where to pour antifreeze. And out of ignorance, they always use the radiator socket for this. This hole is indeed present in this device, but only in its collapsible models. Liquid should not be poured or topped up directly into a radiator system with a solid body. Antifreeze enters the radiator and other components of the cooling system through the expansion tank.

If the old fluid is completely replaced with a new one or its brand is changed, the existing refrigerant is drained from the collapsible radiator through an individual hole. The remaining liquid flows out through an additional plug, sometimes covered with a protective panel on the bottom.

A universal instruction will not always help here, since some car models are equipped with non-standard cooling systems with individual drain and fill circuits. This significantly differs the products of English automakers. The standard procedure for filling coolant is simple and consists of several steps that can be performed independently without the help of specialists.

Making a choice

Let's say right away that the choice of coolant should be made even before the heating system is installed in the house. This is because the equipment needed for water is significantly different from that needed for antifreeze.

Deciding, in general, is quite simple. If you live in a fairly warm region where there are no sub-zero temperatures, then use water. We talked above about which one should be used as a coolant.

If your place of residence periodically experiences frosts or prolonged cold weather, then you should definitely choose antifreeze.

It is important to know which product you need to purchase specifically for your heating system. We will talk about all the features of different types of anti-freeze below.

How often do you need to replace?

Car documents must indicate a certain mileage when the user needs to fill in new antifreeze. On average, the mileage reaches 8-10 thousand km. But it is important to take into account that it is worth focusing on the figures established by the manufacturer even if the machine is used in the best conditions.

It is worth replacing antifreeze if your car is used:

  • In areas with high humidity levels.
  • In a dirty area.
  • At sub-zero temperatures or in places with large temperature fluctuations.
  • Also, the engine cooling mixture should be changed in cities with high pollution.
  • If the car falls into one of the categories above, I would advise you to think about replacing the antifreeze early.
  • The driver should also replace the coolant mixture in the car if he owns a turbocharged engine.
  • Consider the timing of antifreeze replacement so that the engine can function more smoothly, since even the manufacturer warns against delays in replacing antifreeze.

Flushing the engine cooling system

First of all, flushing has two purposes:

  1. Cleans the system of dirt and sediment that may interfere with heat transfer and coolant circulation.
  2. Removing the remnants of the previous antifreeze. This operation is necessary because when mixing different coolants, their components may enter into an undesirable reaction, and thereby weaken the anti-corrosion properties of fresh antifreeze.

Even 20-30 years ago, car enthusiasts used various folk methods to clean the cooling system of contaminants. For example, vinegar essence or citric acid was poured into the radiator. Today, there are many special formulations that cope with this task much more effectively.

Special flushing concentrates are best suited for flushing the system when replacing coolant. Before use, they are diluted with water in the proportion indicated on the package. This is the so-called “soft rinsing”.

Its advantage over compounds poured into old antifreeze is that it acts as a preliminary primer. That is, a certain amount of additives from the solution settles on the metal even at the washing stage, and when you fill in fresh coolant during replacement, it will work much more efficiently in the already prepared environment and will not oxidize.

Benefits of using multifreeze

If you plan to replace the coolant, you should pay attention to the products of SINTEC Lubricants. The company produces high-quality multifreezes that have high performance characteristics and can be mixed with other types of coolant. The composition includes special protective additives that prevent corrosion of aluminum, copper and brass cooling radiators, thereby increasing their trouble-free operation. An important feature of MultiFreeze coolant is that the material is designed for the entire period of operation of the vehicle. Multifreeze does not need to be regularly changed every 2–5 years. The coolant retains its original properties (thermal conductivity, anti-corrosion characteristics, protection against cavitation) for a long time, which significantly reduces the cost of vehicle maintenance.

#Advice from experts

Radiator flushing

To flush the radiator, disconnect the upper, lower and all other hoses from it.

Insert the hose into the upper radiator inlet. Run a stream of clean water into the radiator and continue flushing until clean water comes out of the lower radiator outlet.

If after a reasonable amount of time there is no clear water coming out of the lower hose, you can flush the radiator with a good commercial cooling system flush cleaner. Follow the product manufacturer's instructions carefully. If the contamination is very severe, remove the radiator, insert a hose into the lower radiator outlet and backflush the radiator (counterflow).

When topping up or replacement is necessary

Obviously, antifreeze should be changed if the current one no longer copes with the tasks for which it is intended. There are several signs that it is time to change the fluid:

  • The current antifreeze has expired. This period depends on the specific brand and class of the substance used; depending on a number of parameters, it can be 2–3 years, or maybe over 5 years. One way or another, as soon as this period comes to an end, a replacement is necessary, but if there is evidence, it can be done earlier;
  • the fluid level has decreased. This happens if there are any leaks in the system. In this case, topping up is a temporary measure; you should further diagnose the machine and, if necessary, repair it;
  • antifreeze has lost its qualities. This can be noticed by a number of symptoms, such as periodic operation of the expansion tank valve. If the fluid has darkened, become more viscous, and no longer dissipates heat, it needs to be completely replaced.

How to add antifreeze

Why is antifreeze needed?

Antifreeze is an important component that is necessary for the full functioning of a car. Previously, antifreeze was used instead of antifreeze, but technological progress does not stand still and now each foreign car has its own type of antifreeze

It is important for a car enthusiast to choose the right fluid

The question of how to add antifreeze mainly concerns beginners, but experienced car enthusiasts also have problems with how to add coolant. Therefore, in this article we will describe an algorithm of actions, when considering which you will never have problems adding antifreeze.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before adding antifreeze, you need to make sure it is available and whether it is suitable for your car.
  2. Antifreeze is topped up only if the antifreeze level is below the minimum mark.
  3. In order to carry out subsequent actions, you must have antifreeze and clean water with you.

Don't forget that you can't pour cold water into a hot engine!

Antifreeze is not poured in pure form, but in proportion to water. The proportion can be 1 part coolant and one part distilled water 1/1.

  • It is advisable to have gloves with you so as not to get your hands dirty. If you fill up antifreeze at a gas station, you can take gloves there. But every self-respecting car owner should always have gloves in the trunk.
  • Open the hood. If you recently purchased a car and do not know how to open the hood, then you should refer to the operating instructions for your car.
  • Find the reservoir where the coolant is poured; if you don’t know, then again look at the car’s operating instructions.
  • Turn the barrel lid one turn to release the pressure and then completely unscrew the lid.
  • Do not unscrew the cap if the engine is overheated, as you may burn your hands.
  • In order to fill in antifreeze, you need to select the average value between the maximum and minimum marks.
  • When you have filled in the antifreeze, then screw the lid of the barrel back on.
  • After all of the above, start the car and check the coolant level.

And finally, if you follow all the rules, then the question of how to add antifreeze to your car will not arise, and it will serve you for a long time

Is it possible to add water to antifreeze?

To find out whether it is possible to dilute the coolant with water, you should study the composition of the antifreeze. Its base (about 90%) is ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. This is a dihydric alcohol, in its pure form it is an oily substance. The boiling point is +200°C. It freezes at -12.3°C.

There is water there too. Its share is 3-5%. Distillate is added during production. The remaining 5-7% comes from additives. It is they that distinguish all types of coolant; it is the additives that affect the duration and quality of engine service.

Engine flushing

To flush the engine, you must remove the thermostat. Temporarily replace the thermostat cover.

With the upper and lower hoses disconnected from the radiator, insert the hose into the upper radiator hose. Run a stream of clean water through the engine and continue flushing until clean water comes out of the lower radiator hose.

After flushing is complete, reinstall the thermostat and connect the hoses.

Before attempting to charge the cooling system, ensure that all hoses and clamps are in good condition and that the clamps are tight. Please note that to prevent corrosion of engine components, antifreeze should be used all year round.

Release the clamp and move the heater supply hose relative to the pipe on the bulkhead so much that the air outlet hole at the top of the hose is no longer located on the surface of the pipe. Do not disconnect the hose completely.

Remove the screws and disconnect the expansion tank from its support in the engine compartment. Lift it approximately 100 mm above the engine compartment and secure it there with a block of wood or a piece of wire.

Remove the expansion tank filler cap and fill the system with coolant. Fill slowly to prevent air pockets from forming.

If the coolant is being changed, start the charge with a couple of liters of water, then add the proper amount of antifreeze and finish with water.

Continue refilling until coolant begins to flow out of the air bleeder hole in the heater hose. After this, return the hose to its place and tighten the clamp securely.

When the fluid level in the expansion tank begins to rise, compress the lower and upper radiator hoses to facilitate the displacement of air accumulated in the system. Once all the air has been removed, add coolant to the MAX mark. Install the cap on the expansion tank. After this, secure the expansion tank in its original place.

Start the engine and allow it to idle at high speed for approximately three minutes. After this, allow the engine to run at normal idle until the lower hose becomes hot.

Check for leaks, especially around disturbed components. Check the coolant level in the expansion tank and, if necessary, bring it up to normal. Keep in mind that the system must be allowed to cool before the expansion tank reaches an accurate level. If you want to remove the expansion tank cap while the engine is warm, cover the cap with a thick cloth and unscrew the cap slowly to gradually release pressure in the system (a hissing sound is usually heard). Wait until the pressure in the system is completely released, then continue turning the cap until it is completely removed. Never remove the cover when the engine is hot.

Warning! VW requires the use of CIS (red) antifreeze. DO NOT mix it with any other brand of antifreeze as it may cause serious engine damage. If the coolant in the expansion tank is brown, the cooling system may have been filled with coolant containing the wrong brand of antifreeze. If you are unsure of the brand of antifreeze you are using or suspect mixing has occurred, the best course of action is to drain, flush, and then refill the cooling system.

If you are using a coolant other than that recommended by VW, the antifreeze should be changed at the prescribed intervals. This is necessary not only to preserve the properties of the antifreeze, but also to prevent corrosion that may occur due to the gradual decrease in the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitor.

Before adding coolant, the cooling system should be completely drained, it is advisable to flush it and check the condition and reliability of all hoses.

After refilling antifreeze, attach a tag to the expansion tank indicating the brand and concentration of antifreeze used, as well as the date of refilling. For any subsequent refilling, use antifreeze of the same brand and in the same concentration.

Do not use engine cooling antifreeze in the windshield/tailgate/headlight washer system as it may damage the vehicle's paint.

Common Mistakes

If the product bubbles, it means mistakes were made when pouring. They can lead to engine failure.

Why does liquid boil?

The coolant bubbles in the reservoir in the following cases:

  • Insufficient amount of antifreeze. The engine system is not cooled, so circulation is disrupted and bubbling begins.
  • Airing. When filling in a wide stream, air enters the hoses and pipes. The system overheats and the product boils.
  • Dirty radiator. Antifreeze does not circulate well and boils due to overheating if the system is not flushed before filling.
  • Long service life. The fluid is completely changed every 40-45 thousand kilometers.

The product also boils when the thermostat or forced cooling fan breaks down.

How to replace antifreeze

As already mentioned, we flush the system to eliminate corrosion and various contaminants. If necessary, you should use special cleaning chemicals. Fill the system to the brim, then turn on the engine until it warms up to its normal operating temperature. Then turn off the engine. Again, we wait for the engine to cool down, and then drain the water.

Again, pour water into the system, close the lids, and turn on the engine for 15 minutes. When everything has cooled down, drain the liquid. Only when everything is completed do we begin pouring the new composition.

When the purchased antifreeze is in the system, turn on the engine and heater to the maximum level. This allows the coolant to be evenly distributed and also eliminates air bubbles from the system. But it doesn't end there either

After a couple of days, it is important to look at the antifreeze level. If necessary, it is worth adding the composition

Remember that before starting such procedures, it is advisable to read the recommendations of the manufacturer. Sometimes it happens that during use the composition changes its shade, and this is quite normal - everything depends on the characteristics of a particular brand.

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where and how to add antifreeze to the engine cooling system

To maintain the temperature of a running engine, the driver needs to know how to add and pour antifreeze into the engine cooling system (ECS) correctly.

The SOD is designed to store coolant (coolant) and pump it through the engine cooling jacket, a large radiator and its smaller counterpart, which is used to heat the interior. If the level of antifreeze or antifreeze is insufficient, the power unit will overheat, and air pockets will form in the ODS.

Depending on the characteristics of the fluid, it may be used for the time specified by the manufacturer and then must be replaced. Topping up should be done as needed, regularly monitoring the fluid level in the system.

The presence of certain additives in the coolant, which is often indicated by the color of the composition, prevents the development of corrosion processes and the formation of scale.

It is important to remember that adding antifreeze to antifreeze and vice versa is prohibited, as this will lead to undesirable chemical reactions, the appearance of sediment and deterioration of the liquid’s characteristics. When purchasing antifreeze, you need to take into account that some manufacturers tint their product for marketing purposes

When purchasing antifreeze, you need to keep in mind that some manufacturers tint their product for marketing purposes.

Coolant replacement

The refrigerant must be replaced if it has expired, as well as if the car is serviced after active use in summer or winter.

If the previous coolant performed its function properly, it is worth filling in the same one. Before this, it is advisable to flush the cooling system with water, preferably distilled, by allowing the engine to pump it through all the pipes and radiators, warming it up to a temperature at which the valve releases liquid in a large circle.

If the coolant is seriously contaminated, for example, after using sealants, ordinary water, or mixing antifreeze with radically different flushing compositions, you will need to use a special flushing agent, after which the system must be cleaned with distilled water. After this, you can fill the system with new antifreeze.

You can get rid of excess air after filling the coolant by bleeding it through the pipe in the upper part of the cylinder block. If necessary, the expansion tank is additionally filled with antifreeze to the normal level.

How to add refrigerant

Sometimes you just need to add coolant

In this case, it is extremely important to use coolant with the same composition, preferably from the same manufacturer. It is better to do this on a cold or slightly cooled engine.

You need to open the system covers and then fill the radiator almost to capacity. If the coolant level was too low and air pockets formed in the system, you will need to let the engine run for a few minutes with the caps open to release excess pressure.

In the summer heat, distilled water can be added to antifreeze. It is not recommended to mix ordinary water, antifreeze or antifreeze with each other. If this could not be avoided, you will have to flush the system and fill in new coolant in the near future.

Diagnostics of the system before filling

Before you start replacing the coolant, you should carefully check the cooling circuit. If the level of antifreeze in the expansion tank drops during vehicle operation, this may indicate a possible leak. After adding new fluid, the problem will not disappear; as a result, you will have to regularly replenish the coolant supply and spend additional money on this. Leaks can occur in different nodes. More often, liquid seeps through loose cooling pipes that are attached to the radiator, engine and pump. Antifreeze can also escape through a faulty water pump, in which the sealing elements (seals) have deteriorated. Less commonly, leaks occur due to extensive corrosion of radiators. Another reason is a faulty heater in the car. In the latter case, the liquid may leak directly into the passenger compartment, and puddles may appear under the driver and front passenger mats.

Traditional (classic) antifreezes

This group includes antifreezes that are produced using inorganic technology - IAT (Inorganic Acid Technology). Additives in such antifreezes include salts of inorganic acids: silicates, phosphates, amines, borates, nitrites, nitrates. The principle of operation of these liquids is such that inhibitors cover the entire surface of the cooling system from the inside; a film is formed that prevents the mixture of water and ethylene glycol from direct contact with metal components and parts. The protective layer stops corrosion, but impairs heat transfer and reduces the cooling efficiency of the internal combustion engine. The service life of such compositions is no more than two years. At the moment, this type of antifreeze is practically not used.

Types and differences of coolants

Antifreezes are divided into different types. There are four distinctive categories in total:

  • Traditional.
  • Hybrid.
  • Carboxylate.
  • Lobridaceae.

Traditional antifreezes are manufactured using inorganic technology with the addition of a large number of additives. The presence of additives allows you to protect metal parts from exposure to liquids. Thanks to the fillers, a reliable film is formed on the surface of the internal parts, which helps protect the metal from oxidation.

Hybrid coolants are improvements to traditional antifreezes that add carboxylic acids as additives. Coolants in this category have more pronounced protective properties and resistance to cavitation.

Carboxylate antifreezes use carboxylates as the main additives, which are excellent corrosion inhibitors. By protecting the metal from destruction, it is possible to ensure an almost complete absence of rust throughout the entire period of use of coolants of this type.

Lobrid antifreezes are an intermediate link between hybrid and carboxylate coolants. Carboxylates are used as additives in such coolants, as well as a small amount (no more than 10%) of inorganic components. In terms of performance, lobrid antifreezes are slightly superior to carboxylate ones.

It is up to each car owner to decide whether to choose carboxylate antifreeze or classic antifreeze, but for a new car it is better to use more modern, modernized coolants.

What antifreezes are popular in Russia and can they be mixed?

The most popular in Russia is Alaska antifreeze, which is one of the most inexpensive on the market. The coolant does not freeze at temperatures down to -40˚C and contains the required amount of additives. Among the higher quality antifreezes in our country, the following brands are also in demand:

  • Lukoil Antifreeze G12 Red - the advantage of domestic brand G12 antifreeze is its low price and good performance, as well as the ability to operate for up to 5 years.
  • AGA Z42 – well suited for almost all modern cars.
  • Sintec Unlimited is the highest quality antifreeze. Manufactured using bipolar technology.

It is strictly forbidden to mix the listed brands. To top up, use only original fluid.

What's the result?

Coolants of all types listed above are made on the basis of high-quality ethylene glycol. Products made from a mixture of methanol and glycerin are explosive, destroy the cooling system in the shortest possible time and are prohibited by law. But they have a very attractive price...

By the way, Carville Racing specialists categorically do not recommend saving on antifreeze! High-quality antifreeze, according to them, cannot be “cheaper than apple juice.” In addition, the price of even the most expensive antifreeze is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of repairing the cooling system.

Photo: Engine magazine

How much antifreeze should I buy?

The volume required to fill the cooling system is indicated in the technical documentation in liters. It is important to know that 1 kg of antifreeze is 0.93 liters. In addition, when the packaging indicates, for example, 5 kg, this could be 4.6 liters or even 4.4 liters of antifreeze, since many manufacturers indicate the gross weight - including the canister. Perhaps this approach allows you to reduce the price of a canister of antifreeze, but the filling volume will not become smaller.

For self-filling, the easiest way is to use a ready-to-use liquid rather than a concentrate. This will eliminate the need for dilution and selection of the required proportion to achieve the desired temperature characteristics. It is also advisable to purchase a cooling system cleaner (to remove scale and contaminants) and distilled water for final rinsing.

What antifreeze to fill and how to choose?

As Carville Racing experts note, you absolutely should not choose antifreeze by color! It is not forbidden for two different and incompatible liquids, with completely different compositions of inhibitors, to have the same color.

It is best to follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer. Usually in the operating instructions, in the “Technical Fluids” section, the name or class of the coolant is indicated. You can also use selection programs. The information obtained will help you find original antifreeze from the automaker. But how to choose a high-quality and less expensive analogue?

There are many specifications of antifreeze on the market from different car manufacturers, but they can all be divided into several main types depending on the additive package.

How does operation affect

Abnormal engine operating conditions are a powerful factor in reducing the quality of the coolant. They may require topping up or completely replacing antifreeze. Typical negative factors include the following situations:

  • prolonged operation of an overloaded vehicle;
  • driving with low refrigerant levels;
  • emergency topping up of unsuitable antifreeze;
  • water entering the cooling system.

Consequently, the operating conditions of the vehicle also greatly influence how often antifreeze needs to be added.

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