Recommendations from experts for replacing the generator on the Lada Grant

Every grant driver knows about the problems of the standard generator on the Lada Grant. However, they are in no hurry to eliminate the defect in mass production. Support (rolling) bearings often fail. While driving, extraneous noise appears, a metallic grinding sound.

To eliminate the defect, it is necessary to dismantle the generator, carry out an inspection, and replace worn elements. Most often, the causes of failure are associated with an electrical or mechanical component.

Replacing the generator on Lada Granta 16 valves

At the preparatory stage, we will need the same tools and materials as in the case of the 8-valve Granta.

The design of the 16-valve modification of the Lada Granta has an alternator belt tensioner installed. This must be taken into account during repairs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The car is in the perimeter of the repair area, the battery terminal has been removed, the oil pan is protected.
  2. By analogy, we disconnect the power terminals from the converter and the protective cap.
  3. The key is set to “13”, release the upper lock of the generator, move it to the right until it stops.
  4. Remove the belt from the pulley.
  5. Unscrew the lower fastening and remove the bushing.
  6. We remove the generator from its regular place.

Overrunning clutch

An overrunning clutch is a mechanism that prevents the transmission of torque from the driven shaft to the drive shaft when the first one rotates too quickly. Does Grant need to be equipped with such a device? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, the engine produces torque in jerks - when the fuel mixture is burned, the crankshaft begins to rotate rapidly, after which it slows down. Also, accelerated wear is caused by the generator itself, which is caused by the inert rotation of the armature. As a result, the belt is exposed to constant pulling forces, which significantly reduces its service life. To prevent such phenomena, overrunning clutches are installed. Its advantages include the ability to significantly reduce the negative inertial influence and ensure silence and a minimum of vibrations during engine operation.

The installation process is simple. First, remove the generator itself (according to the instructions above), after which the generator pulley is removed. To do this, fix the pulley with an adjustable wrench, and then unscrew the nut with a 24mm wrench.

Then install the coupling, having previously treated the threads and seat with graphite lubricant. Having installed the part in its proper place, tighten the nut with a special wrench. The installation of the generator completes the work. The entire replacement process takes approximately one and a half hours.

Replacing a generator on a Lada Granta with air conditioning

At the preparatory stage we will need the above tools and materials.


  1. After unscrewing the converter mounts, hang up the front of the car, unscrew the bolts, and remove the right wheel.
  2. Through the opening in the wheel arch we unscrew the tension roller and the engine mount mount.
  3. We lower the car with a jack until access to the generator opens.
  4. The further dismantling algorithm is no different from that described above.

We carry out preventive maintenance, replace the unit with a new one, and assemble the structure in the reverse order.

Where is the generator located on the Lada Grant?

On cars of the Lada Granta family, the current converter is located in the engine compartment, on the left side.

Engine compartment When carrying out repairs, you may experience difficulties with access to the converter mounts. For convenience, remove the oil pan protection and hang the front of the car.

Algorithm of actions

So, how is the procedure for replacing the RG on the domestic Lada Grante:

  1. First of all, open the hood - you need to get rid of the old worn out belt. If the strap is very stretched, you can simply remove it by removing it from the pulleys. If not, then use a knife and cut the RG, this option will be the most convenient.
  2. Next, you need to find the bolt that secures the lower mount of the generator device. Try to loosen it a little, you don't need to unscrew it completely. The bolt is unscrewed using a pre-prepared wrench.
  3. Using the same wrench, you need to unscrew the nut. After these steps, the screw of the upper clamp of the generator device is completely removed.
  4. After these steps, be especially careful. You need to try to rotate the generator device so that its upper eye can go beyond the surface of the protrusion, which is located directly on the bracket itself. When you manage to do this, the generator itself must be completely pressed against this bracket; using ordinary wire, the device must be fixed in this position. In practice, the best option would be to press the device against the cylinder head cover fixing nut.
  5. Then the new RG must be carefully placed on the generator pulley. The strap is also placed on the surface plane of the unit drive shaft. Do this carefully so as not to damage the belt. When the RG is in place, make sure that it is installed level; any bends in the end parts are not allowed.
  6. Now you need to turn on fifth speed again. Ask an assistant about this, since when you engage the gear, you need to simultaneously press the strap against the shaft itself. When this position is reached, the vehicle will need to be pushed back a little. The machine is pushed until the newly installed strap is completely in place.
  7. When you are sure that the generator is securely installed and fixed, you can remove the wire with which you pressed the generator to the head of the block. Using a screwdriver, the generator device is pressed away from the point of contact with the bracket. When all these steps are completed, all that remains is to replace the upper assembly fixing screw. Also, we must not forget about the lower bolt with the upper fastening nut - they need to be tightened.

As you can see, in general, the process of replacing the alternator strap on the Lada Grant is not particularly complicated, but this procedure requires a competent approach and certain skills. Therefore, the only requirement that must be observed is to be as careful and attentive as possible. And if possible, ask someone to help you - at one stage you will need an assistant.


Signs of generator malfunction, ways to eliminate them

The warning light on the dashboard does not light upOpen circuit in the power supply from the converter to the battery. Check the integrity of the electrical circuit
The warning light does not go out after the engine startsInsufficient belt tension, insufficient tension in the chain. Measure the voltage in the circuit.
—/—Worn brushes, faulty diode bridge. Measure the voltage with a multimeter and replace worn elements with new ones.
Short to groundThe insulation of the power cable is damaged. Check the condition of the insulating coating.
The converter does not produce the proper voltage of 14 VOxidation of terminals, cleaning with a metal brush, replacement
—/—The battery is worn out, replace the battery
—/—Loose belt tension. Adjust the tension.
—/—Diode (rectifier) ​​bridge is unusable, replace with a new one
The battery is not receiving a chargeReplacing the diode bridge with a new one
—/—Rectifier failure. Replacement of components
Voltage drop in the network (circuit)Checking the quality of connections of terminals and clamps. Tightening, replacing with new ones

Related link:

Replacing the timing belt Lada Granta 8/16 valves. Why does the belt break?

Selection of components

Until recently, the Grants produced by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant were equipped with KZATE 115A generators with a rated voltage of 14 V and a maximum electric current of 115 A. Car owners often complained about the low quality of the diode bridges of these units, and many other questions also arose, for example, regarding the quality of its assembly.

A much more reliable, and now the most widespread, generator is the Bosch 135 Ampere generator, which all Grants have been equipped with over the past few years. Such generators cost approximately 5,000 rubles, but do not have any serious complaints in terms of quality. A fairly powerful unit 9402 is also suitable for Grant.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the generator belts. Their recommended service life on Grants is similar to the warranty period of the car, but, as experience shows, the belt breaks after about 5,000 km. However, preventing belt rupture is quite possible; this is facilitated by regular checks of its condition, ideally carried out before each trip.

It is also important for the owner of the Grant not to miss the moment of replacement. It is not difficult to understand that a possible belt rupture is imminent - it begins to make whistling sounds when the engine is not warmed up and in damp weather. If a similar problem occurs to you on the road, check the degree of belt tension - quite often it only needs to be tightened a little, after which you can safely drive on. But you will still have to replace such a belt.

Replacing the Lada Granta generator - KZATE with Bosch. Comparative characteristics and disadvantages

CharacteristicsKZATE 115A
Maximum current (output) at 14.5 V / 6000 rpm 115 110
Voltage setting limits at a speed of 2500 rpm and a current of 5.0 A13.6 – 15.213.6 – 15.2
Gear ratio according to the principle: motor - converter1 : 2.41 : 2.4

Due to its smaller height, Bosch 110A is 10 mm lower than its analogue. Despite the minor advantages, BOSCH has one “fat” drawback - there is no possibility of quick (cold) replacement of the diode bridge in the event of its failure.

The electrical contacts are soldered into the bridge; quick replacement of the rectifier on the road will not work. At KZATE it is quite possible and acceptable to replace the rectifier on the road.

Addresses of companies providing generator replacement services (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv regions)

1."Autopoints"Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 33
2."ZenitAuto"Moscow, metro station Perovo, Kuskovskaya st., 20A (next to the Enthusiasts Highway)
3."RemZone"St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky Island, st.
Uralskaya, 17A
4."Autopoints"St. Petersburg, Lesnoy Avenue, 78
5."Dzigora Complex"m. Darnitsa, st.
City Shalet 1A
6."VseSTO"Kyiv, st.
Kikvidze 43

Difference between belts of 16 and 8 valve engines

For Lada Granta models, an alternator belt with the following markings is used:

  • 1118-1041020-07: search index 6RK 823, length 823 mm, thickness 3.0 mm;
  • 6PK1123 with air conditioning;
  • 6PK1113 without air conditioning, with power steering;
  • 6PK745 without air conditioning, without power steering.

general information

The generator is designed to transform the mechanical energy received from the crankshaft into electrical energy. It is also designed to charge the battery, while simultaneously acting as a power source for all electrical equipment of the car.

This unit consists of a pulley, casing, pinch bolt, terminal “B” and connector “L”, as well as front and rear covers. Each generator is equipped with a diode bridge and a voltage regulation unit operating in parallel with the battery. It is thanks to these elements that the alternating current is converted into direct current, and at the output the electric current receives the required voltage.

The main components of the generator include a stationary stator and a rotor, which is driven by the crankshaft. The rotor is separated from the stator by a layer of air; their main working elements include the winding and magnetic circuit; all other elements are designed to provide the required level of rigidity, cooling, etc.

Review of prices of generator manufacturers for the Lada Granta

Manufacturer article numberPrice, rub.)Resource (thousand km)
KZATE 9402.3701-14From 490090 — 110
BOSCH 21700-3701010-13From 5300 – 550090 — 110

Related link:

Replacing and selecting oil for the engine and gearbox of Lada Granta

*prices are current as of October 30, 2018.

Recommendations for choosing a converter

In order to ensure stable operation of the power supply system, replace the standard KZATE converter with a BOSCH one. Despite identical technical characteristics, the workmanship of the latter is better.

Also, the BOSCH generator better “transfers” loads in the network from activated equipment, optics, and heaters.

The service life of both KZATE and BOSCH is within 90 – 110 thousand km. mileage Moderate loads and average driving speeds will increase the service life by 10 - 15%.

Design Features

The stator core has a cylindrical shape. A three-phase winding is wound on it according to a star circuit, the ends of which are brought out to the rectifier block. The stator is protected from above by a housing consisting of two covers fastened together with four bolts. There is an anchor inside it. It is mounted on two ball bearings. Their purpose is to ensure uniform rotation of the shaft.

At the rear of the generator there is a rectifier module consisting of six diodes, as well as a voltage regulator with a brush holder and brushes. For protection purposes, these elements are covered with a steel casing.

List of online stores providing goods (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv region)



A faulty bearing in a VAZ-2110 generator is easy to recognize by the sound it makes. Usually it hums or rustles. This sound is a clear sign of wear on the device.

The front bearing of the VAZ-2110 generator is pressed into the “seat” of the cover. It is impossible to remove it from there, since it is rolled up. It changes along with the front cover. The rear bearing is packed onto the armature shaft and supported by a cover. Its replacement is possible if you have a special puller.


1.Victor: This is my second year driving a Lada Granta, there are no comments, the mechanisms work properly. At 35,000 km I tightened the converter belt. I didn’t contact the service, I did everything on my own.
2.Vitaly: I’ve been actively using the car for three years now, I haven’t made any special investments, only the purchase of consumables, oils, filters. I think it is important to comply with technical inspection deadlines and buy original parts.
3.Ivan: I bought a car at the dealership, the managers recommended strictly observing the maintenance deadlines. I don’t break rules, I always put down marks on time. I take care of my equipment and treat it with care.
4.Kirill: at 45,000 km I tightened the converter belt and visited the service center. The master assured that the old one was still worth several tens of thousands.
5.Valentin: during the year of using the car, the converter creaked once, I thought about changing it, but the creaking disappeared on its own. There are no complaints about quality, all mechanisms work properly.
6.Ignat: at 97,000 km I replaced the converter belt. I consider the resource quite worthy of a domestic car.
7.Vladislav: I’ve heard negative criticism of the Lada Grant, but I can’t confirm it, since the car works like a watch. I systematically carry out inspections, fill in high-quality oils, and do not exceed the speed limit.
1.Gennady: for the first time the converter flew 40,000 km. I visited the service center and they replaced it under warranty. We'll see how long the new one lasts.
2.Vasily: despite the manufacturer’s warranty of 100,000 km, my generator lasted only 60,000 km. The workmanship is low. The Granta model is raw, not run-in.
3.Ignat: I do not recommend the Lada Granta, since during the year of use I visited the service station twice unscheduled for diagnostics and replacement. In addition, the generator failed ahead of schedule.

Principle of operation

In order for the generator to supply current to the load, the field winding must be energized. This, in fact, happens when we turn on the ignition. Next, the crankshaft of a running engine causes the armature to rotate. At this time, electricity begins to be generated in the stator winding, which is sent to the on-board network.

In VAZ-2110 cars, the generator produces alternating current, and all consumers are designed for direct current. To convert it, a rectifying diode unit is used.

But that's not all. The fact is that the voltage produced by the generator constantly changes depending on the number of crankshaft revolutions. To stabilize it, a voltage regulator relay is used.

As a result, at the terminals of the device we have a constant electric current of stable voltage.

Preparation and necessary tools

It is more convenient to remove the generator on a Lada Priora on an overpass or inspection hole. Before you begin dismantling, prepare the following tools:

  • locksmith's crank;
  • extension;
  • cardan from the tool kit;
  • heads for 10, 12, 13, 17;
  • spanners for 10, 12, 13, 17.
  • WD-40 product.

When driving onto a pit or overpass, do not forget to install chocks under the wheels so that the car does not roll spontaneously. Then disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. Apply WD-40 to the mounting areas of the generator and air conditioning compressor. Wait 10-15 minutes for the product to take effect.

Let's summarize

To work with the generator and to replace the belt you need:

  • set of spanners, Torx t20 and 27, ratchet with heads or wrench, knife;
  • if there is no tensioner, you can assemble and install it;
  • if there is no air conditioner, replacement is easiest;
  • is there air conditioning? To work, you need a pit or a lift with dismantling the engine support;
  • They change consumables every 30 thousand mileage according to regulations.

Write comments and share your experience.

Each Lada Granta car is equipped with a generator. This part wears out and fails as it is used. In this case, it is replaced with a serviceable one. You can buy a generator for a Lada Granta in Russia for 2500-9500 rubles .

Voltage regulator

The regulator performs the function of a kind of stabilizer. Thanks to it, the voltage of the vehicle’s on-board network is the same, regardless of the number of revolutions of the running engine.

Essentially, a regulator is a relay that closes and opens a circuit. It happens like this. The voltage dropped below the required value, or rose above the norm - the relay disconnected the generator from the network. The voltage has reached the desired range - the regulator connected the device.

There are no electromechanical elements in the VAZ-2110 generator relay. It is built on semiconductors. In addition, its design also includes a brush holder with brushes. It is almost impossible to repair the regulator on your own. It's easier to replace it with a new one.

Checking the functionality of the relay takes no more than five minutes. Yes, and there is no need to disassemble anything here. The diagnostic procedure is as follows.

  • We start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature.
  • Turn on the low beam headlights and the heater fan.
  • Using a tester turned on in voltmeter mode, we measure the voltage at the battery terminals.

The voltage should not go beyond 13.2 - 14.7 V. If it is higher or lower, the relay is faulty.

A regulator is considered faulty if its brushes are damaged or excessively worn. The minimum length of brushes is 5 mm.

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