How to install a thermostat from a Lada Granta to a Priora

During the operation of the Lada Priora car, owners are faced with the problem of poor and very long heating of the interior.

The article will cover in detail the topic of how to install a thermostat from Granta to Priora. The design features of the cooling systems of both models and the advantages of such modernization will also be considered.

How to check for functionality

If all the described actions are not enough to determine the condition of the part, you can resort to experiment. As written earlier, to start working the part you need to feel the temperature of about 93-95 degrees. Why not replace the coolant with water?

The experiment can be carried out anywhere there is a kettle. After pouring approximately 300 ml of boiling water into a cup, you will have to wait 2 minutes, and then lower the “test person” into hot water. If it is working, then you can clearly study the principle of its operation. The rod of the part will begin a kind of movement, and the valve will rise to open the fluid communication through the large cycle.

Replacing the thermostat is not the easiest repair operation, but it is necessary so as not to “boil” in a traffic jam. It all depends on the choice of part and priorities. If you are too lazy to change it on time, engine wear will increase and, accordingly, its life will decrease.

The right choice and replacement of the thermostat on Priora

The cooling system of a car is one of the main systems that ensures the possibility of its operation. The thermostat, again, is an important component, and its failure can sometimes lead to significant costs.

How to replace a thermostat

Will the Priora allow you to save the family budget? What remains for our client to do as usual is that when this device does not work, the engine may overheat. Everything increases wear on the motor and, therefore, will lead to serious damage.

The cost of a thermostat for Priora is low. Therefore, it is better to change it every two years. Knowing how to change the thermostat on a Priora, this can be done at home. But there are some peculiarities. It would not be superfluous to conduct a little theory to determine which thermostat on the Priora is better.

Fault Prevention

To avoid aggressive deposits and extend the life of the unit and its components, use only high-quality antifreeze and replace it from time to time. When draining the cooler, take a closer look at the condition of the liquid. If the drained antifreeze has a cloudy composition, the presence of flakes or other signs of contamination, this indicates that the system needs to be flushed. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the condition and tightness of the system’s connecting nodes.

Signs indicating malfunctions: - difficult, long engine warm-up; — quick warm-up of the internal combustion engine.

It is important to monitor which thermostat is installed on the Priora and monitor its current technical condition.

Modernization of the "tens"

First, the old thermostat is removed from the “tens”:

  • loosening the clamps of the radiator outlet and inlet hoses;
  • dismantling the device.

The next stage is a comparative analysis of Granta SOD and VAZ 2110. On the first vehicle, the stove is connected in series, and on the second - in parallel. On the Lada Granta, the performance of the heating device does not depend on the pump speed. At the same time, the antifreeze in the expansion tank and radiator does not warm up.

The thermostat replacement process is carried out after purchasing the following parts:

  • gaskets;
  • lower pipe;
  • washers;
  • clamps;
  • antifreeze;
  • ABRO sealant.

The thermostat is installed on the VAZ 2110 after draining the antifreeze. To plug the hose coming from the throttle valve, use an M10 bolt and clamps. The next stage is connecting the hoses and installing the temperature sensor.

Tuned SOD system on a VAZ 2110: the stove inlet is connected to the thermostat, and the drain is connected to the saxophone. The damper heating is not activated. If necessary, connect a hose from the stove radiator to the throttle, which goes to the expander. Then pour antifreeze into the SOD and start the engine. During the warming up process, it is recommended to monitor the temperature of the antifreeze and the tightness of the connections. If there are no violations, then the tuning was successful.

Experts include the following advantages of such a replacement:

  • warmth in the cabin;
  • stable temperature under different operating modes.

The “new stove” will start blowing warm air at 55°C, and at 70°C hot air will come out of the stove (at idle and while the vehicle is moving). When driving, the engine temperature level will be within 85°C. At the same time, the power unit does not overheat in traffic jams, and the temperature is within 100°C. This helps the fan start.

Additional tuning

To make the thermostat work better, the bypass will need to be modified. A thermostat with 6 holes ensures quick heating of the air in the cabin (due to the reduction of the channel). The volume of liquid that circulates through the valve depends on the diameter of the bypass. As the channel decreases, the flow through the heating device increases. The interior of the “tens” becomes warmer.

When narrowing a thermostat with 5 holes, problems may arise with flushing the thermal element. To narrow the channel to the desired diameter, an aluminum plate is required. It is mounted inside the bypass. To do this, use rivets or cold welding. A new hole is drilled in the plate.

The tuned thermostat consists of a housing with an additional sixth hole (for the pipe), the pipe itself, threads, throttle washer, vehicle head, thermoelement and adjusting bolt. The pipe is screwed in and cold welded.

An additional pipe is installed parallel to the standard one on the stove (to allow the return flow from the heating unit to enter the measuring cavity of the vehicle). To increase the coolant current on a small circle, you will need a throttle washer. This eliminates pressure drop.

The adjusting bolt should rest against the leg of the element. This will allow you to regulate the opening temperature of the vehicle from the outside. Since the standard TS-82s are cold, additional modernization will be required. Experts advise converting carburetor TS-82s into injection ones. To do this, you need to drill and tap a thread for the DTOZH.

A tee is used for tuning. On the “ten” it does not need to be deployed. A thermostat with 6 holes, unlike the previous element, is easier to tune. After reducing this bypass, the coolant temperature will depend on the radiator temperature.

Substitution process

The process of replacing the thermostat is simple and will not take much time, but the resulting result will not have to wait long.

What is needed for replacement:

  • Grant thermostat
  • Gasket between thermostat and block
  • Sealant
  • Coolant
  • Lower radiator pipe Grant
  • Tee for stove VAZ 2108
  • The latest clamps (it is best to use spring clamps)
  • Two M8x80 studs (or a bolt of the same diameter and length)

Installation process:

  • We prepare the car, remove the air filter box together with the corrugation and mass air flow sensor, and drain the antifreeze.
  • Then we dismantle the old thermostat.
  • If the Priora has a mechanical throttle, then we turn off the hoses going to heat it using an M8 bolt and a clamp. If the throttle is electric, you don’t need to do anything.
  • We install new studs in the thermostat mounting points.

  • Changing the lower radiator hose from the standard one to the Grant one

  • We install the new thermostat, having previously placed the gasket on the studs.
  • We connect the hoses according to the diagram

Grant thermostat connection diagram

  • The inlet pipe to the heater radiator is connected from the thermostat, and the radiator outlet pipe is connected to the pump pipe.
  • The outlet pipe is cut and a tee is inserted into it through which the expansion tank will be connected
  • We unscrew the coolant temperature sensor from the old thermostat and install it in the new one
  • Filling with coolant

After that, we start the engine and watch the coolant level as the temperature increases, the liquid will decrease, do not forget to add coolant to the level until it begins to decrease.

Self-replacement of the thermostat on Lada Priora

How to replace a Lada Priora thermostat

The need to remove or change the thermostat on the Lada Priora is caused by its malfunction or the appearance of antifreeze leaks. One of the signs of a thermostat malfunction is also the engine taking a long time to warm up.

The reason for this is that the thermostat does not close the large circulation circle of the cooling system, which leads to a double increase in fuel growth when warming up a cold engine.

Or, as an option, the thermostat, on the contrary, does not open a large circle, the temperature rises to a critical level, and the engine overheats.

Causes of thermostat malfunctions

The main cause of thermostat breakdowns is corrosion, scale, and dirt that forms in the cooling system during operation. The thermoelement becomes less sensitive to changes in coolant temperature due to rust and scale particles accumulating on it.

In addition, this complicates the movement of the rod that closes and opens the small and large circles of the cooling system. To avoid such defects, you should use good antifreeze and monitor its condition. At the time of replacement, you should check the bottom for the presence of rust particles and plaque.

You can read about how to flush if there are foreign substances in the antifreeze in this article.

Checking the thermostat on Lada Priora

To confirm or refute a thermostat malfunction, it is worth performing the following test.

  1. We start the engine and warm it up to an operating temperature of 85-90 degrees.
  2. In this case, the lower radiator pipe should not heat up.

The explanation for this is that the thermostat valve is closed, so coolant does not move through the pipe. Thanks to this, the engine warms up quickly, since the coolant circulates only in a small circle.

When the antifreeze reaches the desired temperature, the valve opens, freeing access to a large circle for the circulation of coolant. As soon as the valve opens, the liquid will flow in a large circle, so the lower pipe will heat up.

If the pipe becomes hot even at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, then the thermostat needs to be replaced.


How does a thermostat work?

Why install a Granta thermostat on a VAZ-2114?

Thermostat Lada Granta

Any adjustments that are made to the design and interior heating circuit of front-wheel drive VAZ cars are designed to either improve ventilation or improve heating and raise the temperature in the cabin in winter. Almost since the appearance of the first 2108, no changes were made to the cooling system and its architecture , which means that heating the interior remained ineffective.

With the advent of the modernized cooling system of the Lada Granta, the situation has changed for the better and here's why.

Cooling system VAZ-2114

If you look closely at the coolant circulation diagram in a Samara family car, it becomes clear why the heater radiator warms up last. The diagram shows that the cold (small) circle of the heating system does not include a heater radiator; more precisely, the heater radiator is connected in parallel , which certainly does not contribute to the rapid heating of the heater.

At the same time, we also take into account the ability of thermostats to react incorrectly to temperature and leaks in the air ducts, so until the engine warms up and the large full circuit of the cooling system turns on, you can’t even dream of heat in the cabin.

Cooling system for Lada Granta

The thermostat from Granta will allow you to implement an antifreeze circulation scheme similar to Granta’s, and for this you will simply need to install a thermostat from 2190 and purchase some small items.

Nuances when upgrading the VAZ-2114 heater

Let us emphasize that the need to install a thermostat from Granta on the VAZ-2114 and other cars of the Samara family is dictated by the poor performance of the standard stove with the same set of cooling system elements, excluding the thermostat.

Installing a thermostat from Granta will allow you to include the stove radiator in the heating circuit in series, rather than in parallel. Thanks to this, it will begin to warm up and release heat into the cabin from the first minutes after starting the engine, warming up at the same time as it.

Theoretically, the performance of the VAZ-2114 stove, like other Samaras, depends not only on the temperature of the antifreeze, but also on the number of revolutions of the pump, on the degree of its distance from the engine along the circuit , all this reduces the efficiency of its operation. If we successfully tune the stove, we will be able not to warm up the antifreeze in the expansion tank, not to heat it in the main radiator, but to immediately get maximum heat in the cabin.

What is needed to install a Grant thermostat?

If we are convinced that the stove is working very poorly due to an unsuccessful design, we will have to buy some additional elements of the cooling system:

  1. Grant thermostat with catalog number 21900-1306010-00. It costs about 700-800 rubles.
  2. New gasket for the thermostat housing.
  3. Two studs (or bolts, but studs are better) M8x85mm.

Lada Granta thermostat included: gasket for thermostat housing, 2 studs M8x85 mm and tee for return

Lower radiator hose

Everything should cost no more than 2.5 thousand rubles, but the heating system will work flawlessly . If everything is clear and purchased, we proceed to replacing the thermostat.

About the system

The cooling system in Grant is significantly different from the Priora one; it quickly warms up the engine to operating temperature even in the most severe frosts with the heater on and maintains a higher operating temperature, which helps quickly warm up the interior. The main difference in the cooling systems of these two cars is the thermostat. It is the Granta thermostat that ensures faster warming up of the car.

A clear difference between the two systems can be seen in the pictures below.

As you can see, the heater on the Grant is connected in series, and on the Priora in parallel. On the Priora, part of the heat goes into the expansion tank, but in the Grant, the antifreeze in the expander almost does not heat up and all the heat is transferred to the heater radiator.

Checking functionality manually

To make sure that the thermostat is the cause of engine overheating, do the following:

  1. Start the engine and wait until it warms up to operating values ​​(85-90 degrees).
  2. Open the hood of the car and touch the radiator pipe. If its surface is warm or hot, this indicates problems with the cooling system. The fact is that a working thermostat begins to supply coolant in a large circle after the internal combustion engine heats up above 95 degrees. This was done in order to ensure the fastest heating of the engine to operating mode. After the valve begins to operate, the lower pipe heats up.
  3. If you notice that when the internal combustion engine heats up slightly, the pipe heats up, the reason is a faulty thermostat.
  4. Please note that in some cases the movement of cooling fluid is hampered by a faulty water pump, which is also a good idea to check.

Refinement of a budget car

You can install a thermostat from Granta to Priora. To do this, you will need to buy pipes, a gasket, a tee, a temperature sensor, studs, and antifreeze. Since the Granta, unlike the Priora, has a radiator located further from the engine, a long pipe will be required for tuning.

You can splice standard pipes. To do this, use the SOD pump pipe from the “ten”. A straight section with fasteners is cut off from it. Experts attribute the advantages of such tuning to the rapid warming up of the interior and engine; the operating temperature of the internal combustion engine fluctuates within 92°C.

If necessary, it is recommended to consult with auto mechanics.

We install a grant thermostat on a VAZ-2114 with our own hands

When using domestic cars in winter, you always remember the warm words of the designers, who are so concerned that the driver and passengers do not suffer from heatstroke. Nevertheless, some owners of the VAZ-2114 do not agree with this position of the engineers and would like to slightly improve the interior heating. Installing a thermostat from Granta on a VAZ-2114 is one of the methods to make the car interior warmer in winter.

Replacing the thermostat on a Lada Priora with and without air conditioning step-by-step video instructions

Viburnum thermostat In order for the Lada Priora 16 valves, and any other car model, to work properly and not let the driver down on the road, the car owner must monitor the technical serviceability of the car and promptly repair any breakdowns. If during the next check an antifreeze leak is detected, then you need to first check the thermostat, which will most likely have to be removed and replaced. Replacing a thermostat on a Priora is not a difficult task, so every car owner can cope with such a task, if, of course, this process is carried out according to the instructions provided by professionals in their field.

What reasons can cause a malfunction in the thermostat?

The main reasons why a thermostat fails are pollutants. The latter get inside the cooling system during vehicle operation. It could be:

  • corrosion of metal;
  • various deposits and scale that are deposited on the inner walls of the thermoelement;
  • debris and dirt.

Over time, the amount of contaminants accumulates, which becomes an obstacle to the movement of the rod inside the cooling system.

To prevent this situation, you should monitor the quality of the antifreeze that is poured into the cooling system.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the thermostat

You can tell that the thermostat is out of order not only by antifreeze leakage, but also by prolonged warm-up of the engine. If these obvious reasons are identified, then experts recommend replacing the failed element as quickly as possible. Since this operation is quite simple and requires only a few elements, every car owner can handle it by following the instructions:

  1. Since it is not possible to replace a failed thermostat without draining, then first of all you need to completely drain the coolant from the cooling system. To do this, you need to carefully unscrew the cap located on the radiator, after first placing a clean container under it, the volume of which will be approximately 8 liters.
  2. Next, you need to loosen the fixing clamps that connect the thermostat to the water pipes and remove them.
  3. The clamps are unscrewed from the thermostat, the structure is completely removed.
  4. To remove the protective cover from the housing, you need to unscrew the fasteners using a key of the appropriate size.
  5. The removed cover contains a rubber gasket. This element must be removed using tweezers to check its integrity. If even minor damage is found during the inspection, the gasket must be replaced.
  6. Using regular pliers, you need to remove the sensitive element, which is called a “mod”. To remove it, you need to turn the spring several times and at the same time lightly press it with pliers so that the fixing plate comes out of the so-called hook.
  7. A new element is installed in place of the one that has become unusable. Before installing the mod, experts recommend checking its functionality; to do this, you should do the following:
  • immerse the new element in water;
  • Place the container on low heat;
  • if the rod on the thermostat starts a kind of movement as soon as the water temperature rises to 80ᵒ C, it means that the mod is fully functional and can be safely installed. Under other circumstances, this element will have to be replaced.

The last step is to fill in clean coolant and reassemble all components in the reverse order. Next, all that remains is to start the car engine and make sure that the antifreeze leak has been eliminated. According to these instructions, the thermostat is changed both in Lada Priora, equipped with air conditioning, and without it. Well, if the car owner does not want to disassemble the thermostat to check all the components, then you can buy a new element and replace it completely assembled. However, it is worth considering that such a process will require large financial investments, but will help reduce replacement time.

Design features of the LADA Priora engine cooling system

The LADA Priora engine cooling system is liquid, closed type, with forced circulation. Consists of an engine cooling jacket, a radiator with an electric fan, a thermostat, a pump, an expansion tank and connecting hoses.

Design of the LADA Priora cooling system

Cooling system: 1 — expansion tank; 2 — radiator outlet hose; 3 - inlet hose; 4 - radiator; 5 — steam exhaust hose; b — radiator supply hose; 7 — electric fan; 8 — electric fan casing; 9 — coolant temperature sensor; 10 — coolant temperature indicator sensor; 11 — throttle assembly; 12 — bracket for the coolant pump pipe; 13 — coolant pump; 14 — coolant pump pipe; 15 — heater radiator supply hose; 16 — heater radiator outlet hose; 17 — exhaust pipe; 18 — coolant pump pipe hose; 19 — thermostat housing

Expansion tank. Coolant is poured into the system through the expansion tank. It is made of translucent plastic, which allows you to visually monitor the liquid level. To do this, the marks “MAX” and “MIN” are marked on the wall of the tank. In the upper part of the tank there are two pipes for connecting the steam removal hoses of the cooling system radiator and the heater radiator, in the lower part there is a pipe for connecting the cooling system inlet hose

Coolant pump - circulates coolant. It is bladed, centrifugal type, driven from the crankshaft pulley by a timing belt. It consists of a housing, a bearing assembly with a seal, an impeller and a toothed pulley. There is a control hole in the pump housing to detect fluid leakage when the pump seal fails. The pump should be replaced as an assembly.


Jamming of the pump pulley due to failure of its bearing assembly or due to freezing of highly diluted coolant will lead to breakage of the timing belt and, as a result, to expensive engine repairs.

The liquid enters the pump through a supply pipe located on the rear wall of the cylinder block under the catenary collector. From the pump, liquid under pressure is supplied to the engine cooling jacket, and from there to the thermostat housing.

The cooling system consists of two so-called circulation circles:

  1. The small circle does not include the engine radiator, and the fluid washes only the cylinder block and cylinder head, and also flows through the throttle body channel and the heater core.
  2. When moving in a large circle, the coolant passes through the engine radiator, where it is cooled by the incoming air flow. The thermostat controls the direction of fluid flow in the engine cooling system.

Thermostat. Two thermostat valves - main and bypass - redistribute fluid flows in the cooling system. You will find the thermostat opening and closing temperatures below.

The heater radiator is built into the engine cooling system and is designed to heat the passenger compartment by circulating hot coolant through it.

The radiator consists of two vertical plastic tanks (the left one with a baffle) and two horizontal rows of round aluminum tubes passing through the cooling plates. The bases of the tubes are connected to the tanks through rubber gaskets. The liquid is supplied through the upper pipe and discharged through the lower. Above the inlet pipe there is a thin pipe for the steam removal hose. There is a drain plug at the bottom of the right tank. A plastic casing with an electric fan is attached to the radiator.

The fan maintains the thermal operating mode of the engine and is switched on via a relay based on a signal from the engine control system controller. To monitor the coolant temperature, a temperature gauge sensor is screwed into the engine cylinder head in the instrument cluster.

Device and features

The cooling system of the Priora internal combustion engine has a standard set of main components:

  • radiator;
  • thermostat;
  • electric fan;
  • water pump;
  • heater;
  • engine jacket;
  • connecting hoses;
  • expansion tank.

By circulating through the large and small circuits, the coolant prevents the engine from overheating, maintaining the desired temperature. Structurally, the cooling system of the Priora is simple and no different from other internal combustion engines with an injector, with the exception of small parts.

Radiator and forced cooling fan

They mainly serve to bring the working fluid to the optimal temperature for the functioning of the engine (the operating temperature of the Priora engine with 16 valves is 90–95 degrees). The predecessor of the Priora VAZ 2110 often installed a cooler made of copper alloys, but due to cheaper prices, designers switched to aluminum analogues.

The operation of the fan depends on the engine control unit.

It receives information from the DTOZH (this is a sensor that reads temperature readings) located in the water jacket of the power unit. If the permissible temperature values ​​are exceeded, the control unit connects an electric fan to improve cooling efficiency. A faulty fan or clogged radiator can lead to a constant increase in optimal engine temperatures, which shortens the service life and can cause costly repairs.


Its task is to promptly open coolant access to a large circle of the engine cooling system (engine cooling system) after the engine reaches the optimal temperature. In simple terms, the thermostat allows you to quickly warm up the engine and regulates the operation of the entire system. During warming up, the thermostat valve is in the closed position, antifreeze does not flow through the large circuit (the radiator is not activated). As it warms up, the valve opens slightly under the influence of rising temperature, and antifreeze begins to move through the radiator along a larger circuit.

A thermostat malfunction can result in overheating of the power unit (if the valve is stuck closed) or, conversely, the operating temperature rises very slowly (when the valve is stuck in the open position). Overheating is much more dangerous. Beginners can identify this malfunction if the engine heats up all the time and the fan on the Priora is constantly running.

Pump (water pump) and heater

Without the first part, the coolant circulation circuit in the system is impossible. If the water pump is faulty, at best there will be a coolant leak from the system. In the worst case, the pump may jam, which will lead to a broken timing belt and subsequent problems, the solution of which will result in expensive repairs.

The heater, or simply the stove, consists of a radiator, pipes and a fan. Can additionally cool the antifreeze in the system. An indispensable unit in winter. Provides the interior with warm air.

Connecting elements and expansion tank

It serves as a receiving compartment where gases and vapors are discharged when the coolant is heated. Also, the expansion tank is the level for the entire cooling system. One of the main elements in the tank is the valve cover through which air is forced out. There is antifreeze, it begins to boil when the engine temperature rises critically.

The design of the cooling system also includes an engine temperature sensor on the Priora and an engine jacket. The sensor constantly reads information about the current antifreeze temperature and transmits it to the ECU. The location of the power plant jacket is structurally assumed in the cylinder block housing; it serves to remove heat through the coolant.

What is a thermostat for?

The thermostat is an integral part of the engine cooling system and is involved not only in cooling the internal combustion engine, but also in warming up the cabin in the cold season. The principle of its operation is to direct the coolant along the desired path by opening and closing the thermoelement depending on the temperature of the liquid.

The standard thermostat installed on the Priora has an opening temperature of the thermal element of 85°C, which is quite enough to cool and warm up the car. But at very low temperatures, using a standard element, the internal combustion engine is not able to heat up above 80°C. At this engine temperature, increased fuel consumption occurs and, most importantly, the efficiency of the heater is noticeably reduced. The vehicle warm-up time in severe frost increases.

To avoid all these problems, spare parts developers made a new thermocouple with valve opening at 92°C.

The advantages of this development

  1. The main and significant advantage of replacing the thermostat with a Grant thermostat is the warmth in the car interior. Warm air begins to blow from the nozzles already at a temperature of 50 degrees, and at 70 degrees it is hot.
  2. Quickly warms up the engine even in the most severe frosts, which will allow you to quickly warm up the interior and drive in comfort.
  3. The coolant temperature when driving will not drop below 85 degrees
  4. In summer, the engine will not overheat. The temperature will not exceed 100 degrees

How much does a thermostat cost on average for a Priora and what does the price depend on?

A car has long ceased to be an element of luxury. Its presence is a prerequisite if you need independence in movement both around the city and outside it. But before purchasing, many car owners do not think about how much vehicle maintenance may cost.

For example, the cooling system of a Lada Priora car requires considerable investment, especially when it comes to replacing the thermostat. The cost of this unit in Russia can vary from 500 to 1200 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and region of the country.

What is a thermostat?

The cooling system of any modern car and the Lada Priora in particular consists of several components. But the key in the design can safely be called the thermostat. Failure of the latter can significantly hit the car owner’s family budget.

The thermostat is a unit that ensures unconditional cooling of the engine while driving and idling. Failure to do so is fraught with dire consequences, such as engine overheating. The thermostat is located between the radiator and the engine. The dimensions of the part are quite small - only 5 cm, but this is quite enough to have two valves in it: the main and the bypass.

Most often, replacement of the unit is necessary when the main valve fails. If it does not operate adequately, the normal temperature readings of the engine are disrupted. Normally, the valve opening temperature should be 90-95 degrees. Then maximum fuel economy is achieved and engine wear is reduced.

What determines the price of a spare part?

Before you start searching and purchasing, you should understand in what situation a replacement is guaranteed. Incorrect operation may manifest itself in:

  • Slow rise in temperature of the working fluid of the cooling system (more than 10 minutes)
  • Very fast engine heating.
  • The radiator hoses (one or all) are cold.

If one of the signs is present, we can talk about a malfunction. On the market you can find a fairly large number of offers for thermostats for the Lada Priora. The price in this case may vary. The reason lies in the material from which the spare part is made and in which factory it was produced.

Types of thermostats, their cost

Many car owners do not know which thermostat is best to choose. Experts recommend installing the standard version, the serial number of which is 21082-1306010-10. On average, this option will cost about 1000 rubles.

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The Lada Priora, like other cars, has a cooling system, the indispensable element of which is a thermostat. The functions of the thermostat are to cool the engine and reduce the volume of harmful substances formed after fuel exhaustion.

The first releases of the Lada Priora car imply the presence of a pump part, which comes into action when the engine heats up to a temperature of 90-95 degrees. As for modern machine models, such as Granta, here the thermoelement reacts to relatively low temperatures - 60 degrees.

The temperature indicator in the instrument panel does not work

Using the example of a dial indicator for the temperature of the coolant (antifreeze, antifreeze) in the instrument panel of a VAZ 21093 car with a carburetor engine, we will find out why it does not work.

There are most often two options for a malfunction of the temperature indicator: either the indicator arrow is constantly at the beginning of the scale, or the arrow is constantly in its red zone. In addition, the indicator may give incorrect information about the actual coolant temperature.

Causes of the malfunction: “the coolant temperature gauge does not work”

The reasons for the failure of the temperature indicator on a VAZ 21093 car are:

— malfunction of the coolant temperature indicator sensor (it is installed in the engine block head and works in tandem with the indicator);

— malfunction of the electrical circuit of the pointer;

— malfunction of the temperature indicator itself.

How to determine the “culprit” of a temperature gauge malfunction

If the coolant temperature gauge needle is constantly at the beginning or end of the scale, and the car’s engine cooling system is functioning normally: the engine warms up as usual, the thermostat is completely hot, the heater “warms”, the coolant does not boil.

Checking the serviceability of the temperature indicator sensor

Turn on the ignition, remove the wire from the sensor and short it to ground (touch the engine or body); if the gauge needle rises from the beginning or end of the scale, the temperature sensor is faulty.

If the arrow does not deviate, the sensor is working, you need to check the pointer itself.

Checking the serviceability of the coolant temperature gauge

Remove the instrument panel. We disconnect the white block of the wiring harness from it. Turn on the ignition. We check the voltage supply to the positive terminal of the pointer (pin 12 of the block). We use a multimeter (tester) with voltmeter mode or a test lamp. If voltage is present, check the negative section of the circuit. This is pin 5 of the block (common minus). We connect the negative and positive terminals of the block with multimeter probes. The voltage must be at least 12 V. If everything is in order, check the “minus” from the sensor.

We attach the block to the instrument panel and, with the ignition on, connect its terminal 2 (negative from the sensor) to ground with a piece of wire. If the pointer arrow has deviated, the pointer is working and you will need to check the wire to the sensor for a break or short to ground. If the arrow does not deviate, the temperature gauge is faulty and must be replaced.

Checking the electrical circuit of the temperature indicator

According to the diagram, using a multimeter (tester) or a test lamp, we check the serviceability of individual sections of the electrical circuit.

Notes and additions

The coolant temperature dial indicator is installed in the instrument panel of the VAZ 21093 car. Its needle is connected to a rotating magnet, which changes its position depending on the strength of the magnetic field acting on it. The electrical circuit of the coolant temperature indicator includes a coolant temperature sensor installed in the engine block head. The sensor is the “mass” of the pointer. It contains a thermistor that changes the resistance of the circuit depending on the coolant temperature. The hotter the antifreeze or antifreeze, the lower the circuit resistance, the stronger the magnetic field affecting the sensor needle, the more it deviates.



1.Kirill: I’ve been actively using the car for a year, no comments, the cooling system works efficiently. In the summer I added 100 - 150 ml a couple of times. antifreeze, but this is typical at high temperatures.
2.Ignat: there are no problems with the heating system, the circulation is natural. At 30,000 km I replaced the “factory” antifreeze with imported one.
3.Vyacheslav: I recently carried out a scheduled technical inspection, according to the results of which the car is in good condition. There are no complaints about the heating system.
4.Valery: The car is already two years old, during this period there have been no major breakdowns. I eliminated the unimportant ones on my own. Domestic transport is still far from perfect.
5.Vladimir: I’ve heard criticism of the Lada Grant’s cooling system, but I can’t confirm it. From the first days after purchase, I take care of it, buy original parts, and visit service stations for diagnostics.
6.Ivan: at 50,000 km the rubber pipe on the antifreeze supply burst, replaced it myself. There were no more breakdowns, the thermostat is working normally.
7.Kirill: I replaced the regulator for the first time at 90,000 km, I think that the mileage is more than for domestic vehicles.
1.Dmitry: in the first year after purchase, the car began to fall apart, I already visited the service station twice unscheduled, carried out diagnostics, and eliminated defects.
2.Zhora: I cannot recommend the Lada Granta for purchase, as there are many shortcomings that are not corrected by the manufacturer.
3.Peter: the model has many shortcomings, it’s a pity that the manufacturer does not eliminate them in new versions of the Lada.
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