“It feels like you’re driving without glass”: a simple tool for cleaning the inside of your windshield until it’s perfectly clean

Two ingredients, three tools and 3 minutes of work. An excellent overview will make visibility better and the trip more enjoyable.

I know drivers who are not bothered by dusty or splattered glass. “Visibility is zero, I’m using instruments” - that’s about them.

I noticed that smokers' car windows get dirty faster - the tar settles on them very well. And in winter, when you turn on the heating, marks appear on the windshield from the flow of hot air from the heater deflector.

I’m not a fan of perfect cleanliness; I don’t wash my car until it’s sterile, but a dirty windshield really infuriates me. Stripes and stains catch the eye and distract from the road. But I learned a simple way to wipe the glass so that it will seem as if it is not there at all.

Causes of glass contamination

Contamination appears no matter how carefully the driver uses the car. This happens due to:

  • weather conditions and precipitation - most often pollution is caused by rain and snow;
  • accumulations of street dust are an inevitable phenomenon that occurs even with minimal use of the car;
  • accumulation of condensation on the inside of the windshield and side windows - a particularly common cause in cars with interior heating systems;
  • smoking - nicotine settles on the glass, resulting in stains (the wind window is most susceptible to contamination).

Car windows remain stained when washed incorrectly, no matter how often this task is performed.

How to get rid of scuffs and scratches on car glass?

If the car glass can no longer boast of its original smoothness and shine, and scuffs and small scratches have appeared on the surface, this is not a reason to change the car. Glass polishing compounds will do a great job of solving the problem. The composition of such polishes tends to penetrate into scratches and microcracks and wash out all accumulated dirt from there. After which the composition polymerizes, creating a perfectly smooth and clean surface. An added bonus is the formation of a water-repellent protective film, which increases glass clarity, protects against dirt and reduces wear on the wiper blades. For high-quality polishing of car glass, we recommend using Glaco Glass Compound. This is a ready-made composition with felt fiber that will cope with the oil film on glass and effectively polish its surface. You can always purchase auto cosmetics and chemicals for your car at the IXORA store.

ManufacturerDetail numberName
SOFT994132Water-repellent polish Glaco Roll On Glass 75ml
SOFT994168Glaco Q - Water repellent. polish + glass cleaner, 70ml
SOFT994174Water-repellent polish Glaco Quick Type quick application 50ml
LAVRLN1615Anti-rain LAVR Anti rain with dirt-repellent effect 185ml
KANGAROO320751Rain out - water-repellent spray for glass
KANGAROO320126Glass cleaner - glass cleaner
SOFT995058Glass degreaser New Clear Cut Liquid 180ml
SOFT995064Abrasive glass cleaner Glass Compound Z
SOFT994101Glass polish and glass cleaner Glaco Glass Compound Roll On
SOFT994063Glass cleaning wipes Glaco Glass Compound Sheet (6 pcs.)
FELIX411040002Very good glass FELIX air 400ml, 411040002
FELIX411040003Very good glass FELIX trigger 500ml, 411040003
LAVRLN1610Glass cleaner crystal LAVR Glass Cleaner Crystal Orange 500ml
AIRLINEANM01AIRLINE wet wipes for glass (20 pcs)
LAVRLN1600Glass cleaner crystal LAVR Glass Cleaner Crystal 0.185L
AIRLINEANM02Wet wipes for glass surfaces (10 pcs.)
LAVRLN1301Winter glass cleaner LAVR Anti Ice with trigger (-30) 0.495L
LAVRLN1423Antitopol LAVR Anti Poplar with spray 0.185L
LAVRLN1421Anti-fly insect cleaner LAVR Anti Insect with trigger 0.455L

* Please check the applicability of parts specifically for your car with our managers by phone (calls within Russia are free).

Preparing to wash

Before you start washing car windows, preparation takes place. This action is divided into two stages: creating conditions for washing, as well as preparing the necessary accessories. Washing is carried out in a clean room, or outside in sunny weather.

Necessary to prepare:

  • sponge and napkins;
  • detergents;
  • aerosols.

A dish sponge can be used to clean the surface. But as cleaning agents, it is allowed to use special detergents and aerosols for washing inside and out, sold in auto parts stores.

How to clean the inside of your car glass without streaks

Experts recommend using a soft microfiber cloth to clean the inside of the glass. But to avoid any streaks, it is important to wipe each area of ​​the surface with a clean piece of microfiber; this is a rather labor-intensive process.

The following are used as cleaners:

  • folk remedies
  • household chemicals
  • special aerosols

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy.

Cheap, cheerful: folk remedies

To clean glass using folk remedies, ammonia . It is added to water and the glass is wiped with this composition. Or simply apply a little ammonia to microfiber and clean the surface, paying special attention to the corners. The method is truly “old-fashioned” and accessible. But literally poisoning people in the car, including yourself, with ammonia vapor, and then ventilating the car with the ammonia of ammonia is a dubious pleasure.

For the same reason, advice to wash glass with a vinegar solution or a homemade composition based on alcohol or alcohol and glycerin is questionable.

Another popular option is to prepare a soap solution . But in terms of time and effort spent, this is already closer to general cleaning of glass - long and inconvenient.

Advice to clean the glass with water and a drop of Fairy and other similar products is broken by reality: owners report that after such treatment a greasy rainbow film and stains remain on the glass. We absolutely do not recommend it.

Wiping glass with a sponge with salt or half a raw potato is a way to amuse your neighbors. It’s inconvenient, hardly effective, and only translates products. In general, not all hand-made glass cleaning methods are equally useful.

Finally, there are tips to use acetone or WD-40 to clean glass. These are too aggressive products and are not at all intended for cleaning windshields. It's better not to take risks.

Quick and easy: household chemicals + a couple of life hacks

If the glass requires cleaning from the inside, but is not yet “horror-horror”, you can use an ordinary household “spray” , which is used to clean glass and mirrors at home. It is better if the composition contains alcohol and ammonia.

This product costs a penny, it can be sprayed conveniently from a spray bottle, it cleans without streaks and does not leave behind any unpleasant odors.

Life hack: instead of a microfiber cloth, it is better to use crumpled newspapers. They clean glass squeaky clean and much faster. It is also believed that printing ink prevents car windows from fogging up.

If you don’t have such a product at hand, it doesn’t matter: you can put a little “anti-freeze” on a rag or newspaper; you’ll probably find a supply of it in the trunk. Simple, always accessible and effective.

Expensive and professional: aerosol cleaners

We are talking about buying professional auto chemicals for cleaning glass in auto supply stores.

Specialized sprays will help you cope with even heavy dirt; all you need to pair them with is a new microfiber or natural suede cloth.

It is believed that glass should be cleaned at least once a year using strong car cosmetics detergents, since only they can cope with specific car contaminants.

Be sure to use professional car care products to clean tinted windows .

If your glass is not tinted and you clean it regularly, there is no need to purchase aerosol sprays.

Common pollution

In the presence of normal contaminants, chemicals are not used. For cleaning, use a standard cloth and soap solution. Special rags or napkins will help you wash windows more effectively and absorb moisture, reducing the likelihood of streaks.

If the contamination is not very large, you can mix water and alcohol and use this mixture to clean the glass. This method is more suitable for indoor window cleaning. The ratio of components should be one to one. An additional advantage of using the solution is the elimination of unpleasant odors in the cabin.

Water and newspapers are used as a budget alternative. Products containing ammonia are not recommended for use in the car. When cleaning glass internally, this element can cause harm:

  • plastic;
  • skin;
  • rubber.

With the help of such products, contaminants are better washed off from the outside.

To prevent windows from sweating, you can use:

  • glycerol;
  • soap solution;
  • alcohol solution.

To protect the coating from dirt and dust after washing, it is recommended to use Aquagel. This product provides a longer period of stain-free windows.

If chemicals are used, the proportions are strictly observed. It is necessary to dilute the water with detergents in a ratio of one to five. After washing, wipe the surface with a rag or paper. A rag cannot be used for this task. Most often, divorces occur precisely for this reason.


Almost all automotive glass chemicals contain ammonia or ammonia. It not only removes all dirt, but also prevents fogging and the appearance of new stains.

There are two ways to use this tool:

Thus, for a couple of rubles you can clean your car perfectly.

One important note: alcohol has a very strong odor, so you should not use the car immediately after cleaning. It is better to leave it to air for several hours.

Special washing cases

Special cases include pollution that cannot be dealt with without the use of chemicals. Complex contaminants appear in the form of:

  • dense soot deposits;
  • oily film;
  • insects crashing on the windshield.

It is recommended to purchase cleaning products designed for cleaning from the inside. Such substances will not harm the elements of the vehicle interior, and, if necessary, they can be used for external cleaning. Automotive chemicals are recommended for glass and mirrors, since after their use no stains or streaks remain. Modern products do not contain ammonia.

If additional protection from dust and dirt is needed, an aerosol anti-fog agent is used.

Nicotine hit

Removal of nicotine deposits from the surface of glass is carried out at above-zero temperatures. If it is frosty outside, you must first warm up the air in the cabin. If the temperature is below zero, the car windows will not be clean after washing.

To eliminate nicotine plaque, use:

  • aerosol "Second";
  • alcohol-containing substances for cleaning glass;
  • detergent "Mr. Muscle".

In the absence of the listed means, the use of ordinary alcohol is allowed. Before applying to the surface, the substance must be diluted in water. Application to the surface is carried out using:

  1. microfiber cloths – rinse well after use or throw away.
  2. a rubber rag is the most effective method, since when purchased it already contains a detergent;
  3. paper towels or newspapers - must be changed periodically during use.

The washing procedure is the same for all substances. After diluting the substance, carefully apply it to the surface and wash the nicotine stains. Then the surface of the glass should be carefully wiped with a napkin or rubber scraper. To prevent plaque from appearing again, the surface must be wiped regularly.

Oil and fat

Oil and grease stains are easier to wash off immediately. If this type of contamination hardens, it is much more difficult to get rid of it. The most effective car glass cleaners against oil and grease:

  • foam detergent;
  • ammonia.

The substance is applied to the stain and then washed off using:

  • a lump of newspaper;
  • faux suede cloths.

Why do you need to clean glass?

We figured out what causes plaque to form. The only question that remains open is: how can he stop us?
Will we see him? see also

How to easily clean a windshield using nail polish remover
The answer is: yes, it can impair our visibility, but only under certain conditions:

  • at dusk;
  • into the fog;
  • in poor visibility;
  • at night when blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars.

In these cases, visibility, especially at the periphery of your vision, will be blurry, as if in fog, and sharp directional light sources will be especially distorted and blind the driver. A completely unpleasant and extremely dangerous situation from which you need to move away.

So how can you clean the inside of your windshield to make driving as safe as possible?


see also

How to remove scratches from a windshield

Here's what you need to prepare to begin the washing process:

  • protective glasses;
  • nitrile gloves (or any other rubber, medical);
  • microfiber towels (do not use paper towels);
  • spray;
  • dish soap (but you should apply it a little, because it doesn’t wash off very easily);
  • alcohol solution (made from alcohol, white vinegar and water);
  • glass cleaner (without ammonia);
  • towel

What to do?

  • To begin, park the car on a flat surface in the shade and spread a regular towel along the entire length of the dashboard (this is necessary to collect debris and drops);
  • Now take one of the dry microfiber towels and wipe down your windshield to remove as much dust as possible before you start wet cleaning.

Here you can choose two ways:

  • surface cleaning;
  • deep cleaning with complete degreasing of the windshield.

see also

How to extend the life of your windshield wiper blades

Folk remedies

To wash the windshield, rear and side windows of your car, you can use available household products. The list of acceptable substances includes:

  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • table vinegar;
  • chalk solution.

You can also wash car windows using dishwashing gels and household window cleaners. The listed products are first diluted in warm water and then applied to the dirty surface. Allow at least 15 minutes to pass before wiping off the substance.

How can the inside of the glass in a car get dirty?


And really, how can you dirty the windshield or any other glass in a car from the inside? After all, it’s unlikely that we often touch it, lean against it, draw patterns on it with our fingers, allow pets to snuggle up to it from the inside, and so on... Maybe this has something to do with smoking? Yes and no.

In fact, for a greasy, dirty coating to appear on the glass, it is enough just to be present in the car. The fact is that under any circumstances and at any temperature the following will settle on it:

  • moisture from breathing;
  • particles of saliva;
  • skin scales;
  • hair or fur if you carry pets in the car;
  • and if they smoke in the car, then unpleasant-smelling tars, yellow nicotine residue and other elements of the decay of tobacco products will be added to this.

Useful tips

  1. To extend the service life of the windshield, it is necessary to turn on the wipers at high speed only during heavy rain or snowfall. In light precipitation, the equipment should operate at low speed. If the wipers move on a dry surface, the windshield will quickly fall into disrepair.
  2. You cannot use your windshield wipers if ice is frozen to them. You can fix the problem by turning on the heating system in the cabin. As the temperature rises, it will melt.
  3. It is not recommended to use scrapers and brushes in winter. These products can cause microcracks. To eliminate such damage, glass will need to be polished in the spring.
  4. Using special products for cleaning car windows reduces the risk of streaks after washing.
  5. You can wipe the surface of the glass unit, often changing the napkins, if they absorb moisture well.
  6. To reduce the rate of wear on the windshield, it is necessary to periodically change the wipers.

Follow the washing rules and your car's glass will always be in excellent condition.

Surface cleaning

1. Spray glass cleaner (non-ammonia) onto a microfiber towel;

2. Starting from one side and moving to the other, wipe the glass with vertical movements (up to half of the windshield);

3. Using broad strokes, wipe the same side of the windshield horizontally;

4. Use a dry microfiber towel to wipe the same side of the window and wipe dry using long, even strokes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 on the other side of the glass.



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