How to learn to drive a manual transmission: All points, from A to Z

When you get behind the wheel for the first time, even a confident person gets nervous. Therefore, it is important to know theoretically how to properly learn to drive a manual car. Then the instructor’s explanations will not seem like something supernatural. The SAI Driving School will talk about how to learn to drive a manual car, and we will study all stages of movement and braking.

Important Notes

Before you get behind the wheel, you need to study the structure of the car, the traffic rules, and find out where the controls are located. Information about possible malfunctions and rules for providing first aid will not be superfluous. Anything can happen on the road. After studying the topic of driving, you can begin practical lessons.

Let's consider the most correct options for learning to drive with a manual transmission

Today we want to tell you, friends, how you can quickly learn to drive a car with a manual transmission (or a manual or standard transmission). After studying our manual in detail, you can easily start a car with such a gearbox, make it move off smoothly and then drive it, and also switch between gears on the go without any problems. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed right away. Many of us in the editorial office also didn’t immediately get used to the manual box, but believe us, it’s worth it!

First of all, practice, practice and more practice! Good luck to everyone, gentlemen!

At the end of our article you will find the most frequently asked questions about a manual transmission and basic tips on how to drive such a mechanic.

What comes first: braking or shifting?

I’ll dwell in more detail on the question “what first: do we brake and then switch, or switch and then brake?” There are different opinions on this topic, and many racing drivers - professionals in their field - agree that you need to brake first and only then shift. In particular, Mikhail Gorbachev, whom I respect, writes about this in his books.

In my opinion, not everything is so simple, I will make some clarifications, after which everything will fall into place. Once again we will answer the question: why do we shift gears down when braking? In order to maintain the engine speed we need and not lose engine traction. Why is engine thrust needed when braking? Read more above, but here I will once again briefly describe the main points:

  • for the possibility of intense acceleration to avoid a collision;
  • for the possibility of engine braking to avoid loss of controllability;
  • to create an anti-lock effect on the brakes. This is true for older cars without ABS, and I will not consider this issue here. Let me say briefly: if you have such a car, engage lower gears and you will brake even safer.

There is one more point - a sporting one:

to enable intense acceleration out of corners and reduce time on the race track.

Brake at races

It is this last point that is most important for racing driving and is why racers always downshift when braking. At the same time, they switch not at medium speeds, as I recommend for city driving - at 2500 rpm, but at high speeds: so that after switching, the tachometer needle rises to the red zone. And the car in racing mode on the straight line goes in intense acceleration mode, the tachometer needle is in the speed range and by the end of the straight line it often reaches the red zone. It is clear that in this situation the driver cannot and should not shift before braking, since in this case the tachometer needle will go off scale. First he brakes, the revs drop from the maximum, say, from 7000 to 5000, after which he shifts down the gear, raising the revs again to the maximum - 7000 rpm in our example.

Switch in the city

As for city driving, in normal modes the tachometer needle is usually in economy mode: 2000-3500 rpm. When accelerating, it reaches the upper limit of the zone - 3500 rpm, and during steady motion, the optimal speed is 2500 rpm. Now remember that it is advisable to switch down when the tachometer needle reaches exactly 2500 rpm. It turns out that in such a situation - first switching, then braking.

Sometimes they object to me, they say, while you switch, time will pass and you will lose braking. Friends, we are not at the races. If you need to hit the brakes 100 meters before a traffic light, why can't you predict this in advance and start downshifting 110 meters before? And after switching – just 100 meters before stopping – go to braking, what’s so difficult? Use your defensive driving skills!

You can, of course, slow down first, but we will immediately lose speed, the tachometer needle will go down beyond 2000, then what is the point in switching at all? We switch not for the sake of physical exercises for our arms and legs, but for the sake of maintaining the engine speed we need. This means that we must do this in a timely manner and be guided by the tachometer readings, and not by the moment we press the brake pedal. If the revs are high and it’s too early to shift, brake and then shift. If the revs are already low and it’s time to shift, shift and brake later. Downshifting and braking are two independent processes; they can exist both together and separately from each other. The driver does not have to touch the brake pedal at all, but only brakes with the engine and downshifts. Then the phrase “first press the brake, and then switch” makes no sense at all.

So, friends, be flexible and use certain driving techniques wisely.

The next article contains specific braking techniques and recommendations for their use.

Mechanics for beginners.

Seven steps to your first ride in a manual car.

  1. 1. Find a good paved area where there are no people around so you can practice driving.
  2. 2. While the car is not started, examine the gears on the box.
  3. 3. Depress the clutch and start the engine.
  4. 4. Shift the gear to first gear.
  5. 5. Slowly release the clutch until the car begins to move gradually.
  6. 6. Your left foot is still on the clutch, now add a little gas by pressing the pedal with your right foot until the tachometer reads 1000 or 2000 rpm.
  7. 7. Now slowly release the clutch, but your right foot should still be on the gas pedal. If you press the gas pedal sufficiently, the car will start moving forward.


You should be careful when handling reverse gear, as if it is engaged incorrectly, it may “jump out ”. And until the vehicle has completely stopped, never reverse!

Also keep in mind that in some passenger cars, to manipulate it, you must first press the manual transmission handle from above. Let's not forget about the high range of operation of the reverse gear compared to the first, which means: you shouldn't put pressure on the gas pedal, because you can pick up an excessively high speed.

How I learned to drive a car with a manual transmission

I always dreamed of learning to drive a car with a manual transmission because I thought it was cool. When I got my first manual car in 2012, I couldn't wait to get behind the wheel of my first car. I read and looked at some instructions and thought that learning to ride would not be that difficult. How wrong I was, my friends. My car has a 412 hp Coyote engine. With. and the 390 Nm torque was difficult to control. I drove the car left and right.

My problem was precisely that all the instructions I read that I found on the Internet taught me to "lower and smoothly lower the clutch." I did so according to the instructions, but the car still shook. In the end, I realized my mistake; I didn’t have to press the gas for the car to move. Depending on the speed at idle, namely when you do not press the gas pedal, you just need to release the clutch a little and the car will move by itself.

I played a little and practiced without moving with the clutch and felt that so-called clutch moment, that is, when the car starts to move, and the clutch at that moment asks to add more gas. At this very moment you feel a slight resistance and vibration from the clutch pedal; The car starts asking for more gas to move further, so that I completely release the clutch. When I tried and tested this new method of starting, I was able to start the car and pull away very smoothly. It's too bad no one told me about this before.

Stopping and parking

To silence vehicles, you can use two options:

  1. Switching to lower gears, you must then depress the brake pedal.
  2. Press the clutch and move the selector to the neutral position, then remove your foot from the clutch and apply the brake, if necessary.

To reduce wear on the gearbox, it is better to use the second method, and do not forget to depress the clutch in addition to the brake.

When parking your car, you should always use the handbrake, especially if the surface is sloped. It is also always worth remembering the position of the wheels when parking. They need to be turned in such a way that in case of sudden movement, the car does not end up on the roadway.

Also, for greater safety, it is recommended to move the selector to first gear. This will help protect the car from accidental rolling. But when resuming movement, you need to remember that the selector must be moved to neutral. And only then start squeezing the clutch.

Today, some new car enthusiasts prefer cars with automatic transmission, considering them easier to drive. But it is worth remembering that the mechanics were and remain the most reliable. Greater control over the vehicle, increased power and fuel savings will reward its owner for choosing a manual transmission. And having gained experience, driving such cars will be a pleasure.

Adjust your mirrors

Adjust your side and rear view mirrors so that you can see what is happening behind you and to the sides. Make sure you are in an area where no one is around and there is enough road ahead of you that you can drive the car at different speeds without crashing into anyone.

Transmission fluid selection

Currently, the domestic market offers a huge number of motor oils intended for gearboxes. The driver must be able to choose the right one and know how to pour it into the box himself.

Before visiting an auto store, you should carefully study the manual for the VAZ 2110 vehicle, in which the manufacturer gives recommendations regarding the quality of fluid suitable for filling into the gearbox.

Today, world-famous manufacturers present the following types of gearbox oil to domestic car enthusiasts:

  1. Synthetic;
  2. Mineral;
  3. Semi-synthetic.

According to many experts, for a VAZ 2110 modification vehicle, as well as for other models, synthetic oils are most suitable, with which the car can be operated even in extreme conditions (how many liters should be poured into the box can be found in the instructions for the car, Appendix No. 11 on the use of operating fluids).

If the car owner does not have free finances to purchase expensive synthetic products, he can buy a completely worthy substitute - semi-synthetic gear oil. Every driver must remember that under no circumstances should mineral and synthetic oils be mixed.

Explore the gearbox

When the engine is not yet started, move the gearshift lever. The speeds on the lever are arranged in an "H" shape. However, the return stroke in the box will be located differently in different levers. In this case, such a reverse move is to the right and down.

Additional checks and preparations

At the initial stage, it is necessary to carefully inspect all gaskets and hoses of the main components. If the car has been standing for up to 3-4 years, then the rubber products may still be rejected by workers.

A longer downtime may mean that the rubber has dried out and cracked. First of all, check the fuel line and cooling system pipes.

Before starting, it is advisable to change the spark plugs on a gasoline engine, and also inject a small amount of engine oil into the cylinders through the spark plug wells. After this, the engine without spark plugs must be cranked with the starter to remove any remaining oil, and then new spark plugs must be screwed in. For a diesel engine, the procedure is similar, only in this case the glow plugs are changed.

Learning pedals

The far left one seems like a pedal - it’s not a pedal at all, it’s the place where you can put your foot while moving. The clutch pedal is the second from the left. Next comes the brake pedal and the far right is the gas pedal.

How to get started

If you are driving for the first time, then it is better to choose a place where there are no other cars or pedestrians, so that you can calmly, without prying eyes and fuss, learn how to drive a car. There are special racing tracks where anyone can hone their driving skills to perfection.

The first thing you see when you get into the car is the neutral is on, the handbrake is on. There is a simple procedure that you can follow to get started:

  1. Start the engine;
  2. Depress the clutch pedal all the way;
  3. Engage first gear. Most often, it is located in such a way that you will need to move the lever first to the left, then forward, in order to “stick” it;
  4. Remove the car from the handbrake;
  5. Holding the clutch with your left foot, lightly press the gas with your right, raising the speed to 1.5-2 thousand. This will prevent the car from stalling. The number of revolutions is displayed on the dashboard, on the so-called tachometer;
  6. Gradually release the clutch pedal to the gripping point. The car should start moving, as soon as this happens, stop releasing the pedal and fix it in this position;
  7. As soon as the car begins to move fully, smoothly release the clutch pedal and, if necessary, add gas.

When starting to move, it is worth considering the position of the car. If you are standing uphill, the procedure will look different. This is what the procedure will look like if you want to drive uphill without a handbrake:

  1. We stand with the clutch and brake depressed, first gear engaged;
  2. Smoothly release the clutch pedal to the grip point. When the coupling occurs, you will see that the revolutions have dropped slightly;
  3. Now release the brake with your right foot and press down on the gas pedal, give 2 thousand revolutions, if the hill is steep, then more. The car starts moving uphill

How to start a car in neutral gear

To start the car, the lever in the gearbox must be at neutral speed (the horizontal part of the lever), and the clutch pedal must be kept pressed (squeezed) at all times. This is to make sure that you are exactly in neutral (shake the lever a little).

And so, to start the car, press the clutch pedal, hold it down and turn the key in the ignition. Before releasing the clutch, make sure the car is in neutral. Neutral gear in the box is marked directly on the lever with a horizontal line. You can safely check whether your gear is in neutral at this moment. To do this, you need to slightly swing the lever left and right. If the lever moves, you are in neutral.

See also: How does a gearbox work in a car?

Well, now the engine is running, you are still sitting, doing nothing and not going anywhere, which is not so bad for a start.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Starting a car with a manual transmission is no more difficult than starting any crossover with an automatic transmission. It is important to follow certain precautions and do everything strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Place the manual transmission lever in the neutral position. To do this, depress the clutch and move the gearshift handle to the middle position.
  2. Keep the vehicle from rolling away with the brake pedal or apply the handbrake.
  3. Turn the key to the ON position. All the lights on the dashboard will light up, but many will go out after a couple of seconds, signaling that all systems are working.
  4. Turn the ignition key to the START position and keep it in this position until the engine starts. This position engages the starter to start the engine. A starter is an electric motor that spins the crankshaft. When the crankshaft reaches 200 rpm, the mixture in the cylinders will begin to ignite and push the pistons on its own.
  5. Immediately after starting the engine, release the key, and under the action of the spring in the lock cylinder it will return to the ON position, disabling the starter.

Now the engine will operate in idle mode, “waiting” for further actions from the driver. Idling is an operating mode without load. The revolutions will be equal to a value from 600 to 800 rpm. It is possible to increase the speed to warm-up speeds - 1200-1500. As the engine warms up, they will drop to nominal.

Shifting to first gear

Hold the clutch and shift the lever to first gear. Usually this is a movement to the left and up from yourself.

Now further, while holding the clutch pedal, switch the gearbox lever to first speed, that is, to the left and away from you.

Just don't drop the clutch, otherwise the car will stall! Don't worry friends, you will definitely learn this over time!

What is necessary for smooth operation of the car in the frosty period

Experts believe that you can start a car in winter only if certain conditions are met. These include the following important points:

  • the vehicle must be in good condition. If in the summer the car malfunctioned and did not start the first time, then the probability of its trouble-free operation in the cold season is close to zero;
  • The battery should function normally and be fully charged. In addition, if frosts are expected, remove it and bring it into the house, that is, ensure that it is in warm conditions;
  • the oil intended for the engine should not have a too thick consistency;
  • The cold period disrupts the operation of spark plug wires, especially those that have been in use for several years. Even if the car can start, its operation will not be uniform;
  • good quality gasoline. Even if you are far from the city, take the time to find a proven gas station rather than buy fuel from a village tractor station. For vehicles using diesel fuel, an appropriate analogue adapted to harsh temperatures is sold in winter. In addition, gas station employees may recommend purchasing additives that give the fuel new frost-resistant characteristics;
  • alarm systems from leading manufacturers. In many cases where the car cannot be started, the Chinese relay is to blame, which freezes in cold conditions and locks the car;
  • When the car starts automatically, there is a possibility of the exhaust system freezing. This occurs due to the accumulation of a large amount of condensate in the pipe overnight, which simply freezes under the influence of low temperatures.

Car start diagram

In addition, there is a special algorithm for starting the engine in cold periods:

  1. To begin with, turn off the existing electrical equipment (including the stove);
  2. then the ignition is turned on, after which you need to wait a little;
  3. after this, the distant vision light turns on for 20 seconds;
  4. and, finally, the clutch is squeezed out and an attempt is made to start the car.

If all the steps taken did not bring any result, then you need to wait about 10 minutes and try again. If the car does not start the next few times, and flashes appear only occasionally, then you should try pressing the gas pedal to the floor. Otherwise, there is no point in such attempts, since the candles may have flooded.

Now you need to unscrew the spark plugs and dry and clean them properly, but experts recommend purchasing new samples.

Advice for the future: it would be useful to have cables for connecting to another battery. So, while on the road somewhere outside the city, you can easily start a frozen car and forget about your problem

However, it is important to remember that in this state the engine needs to run for quite a long time, about an hour, so, having reached its destination in a short period of time, you should not turn it off. This way the battery will be rehabilitated and return to normal condition.

The car is frozen

Hand brake

Some cars have a handbrake, parking brake, or brake control button (see above). Many other machines have a lever with a release button.

So, the car is moving. Now you need to make sure the handbrake is off. Since you are driving on a flat road, your car will not roll away while you are thinking about what to do next.

Secret weapon

Let's get acquainted with the arsenal that will always help you get a man in any life situations. In this case, it is worth using a little knowledge in the field of psychology, which says that not only a woman loves with her ears, but the path to a man lies through his stomach.

Clothes are weapon number 1

If you are still interested in the question of how to get a man, pay attention to the clothes. After all, revealing outfits can instantly ignite any man’s heart with a sense of passion.

However, do not be fooled by the speed of a mini dress or the same skirt. Let's start from the opposite - maxi, but with a slit up to the hips. In this case, a deep neckline will also be prohibited. You shouldn’t provide all your charms right away and immediately. Let your imagination come into play. First, a man must mentally undress you.

Our words should not be interpreted too literally. Your seductive wardrobe must have some exposed body part. In most cases, the affected areas are the stomach, shoulders and back.

Tight-fitting outfits are welcome. After all, they are given the opportunity to subtly notice and emphasize all the seductive curves of your body and provoke undressing with their eyes, followed by a suggestive completion.

The role of the first violin in the seductive image of a woman has always been played and continues to be played by long hair. Release them on a date, and you will see how greedily your partner will eat you with his eyes.

Here is the first answer to the exciting question of how to turn on a man even with a half-turn.

Words are weapon number 2

Probably, now many women made surprised eyes. This weapon must not only be present, but also always be loaded in the women's weapons room. After all, how to turn on a man, if not with words.

The cartridges of verbal weapons of excitement are: avoidance of straightforwardness, throwing unsaid phrases, meaningful sentences.

Let the man, who is already immobilized by your sexy outfit, feel that you are conducive to intimacy. Play with him on his own territory. Torment, but in moderation. Make it clear that you are not a museum, and you can touch the exhibits with your hands, but only gently and sensually. As a result, the evening will end with something very pleasant for each of you.

Words of praise should also play a role in the conversation. You need to flatter, but wisely, with a sense of tact. Try to find something in him so that you don’t have to lie to praise him. After all, after the art treatment with the first weapon, he is already at your feet, but your words will make him envelop you in the warm fog of his attention and tenderness. Admire him, but don't scare him away.

During an intimate conversation, drop your words with the same silky timbre as the robe of the night. Enchant your partner with the words of stimulating melodies, use a purring whisper, and together they will do their thing. He will be yours - and not just for one night.

Now do you feel how to turn a man on?

Behavior is Weapon #3

When communicating, pay special attention to your behavior. Make sure that it contains in the required quantities not only elements of temptation, but also flirtation

Try to drown in his eyes with your loving gaze. After all, without using this weapon, you will never be able to understand how to get a man.

Smile and captivate. Remember, a man is a hunter. Arrange a real safari for him, in which the hunter himself will act as prey, but he shouldn’t know about it.

After combing the battlefield with infantry, heavy artillery can be released.

Subtly hint about your desires. While holding the glass in your hands, lightly stroke its edges with your fingers.

Don't be ashamed to play hard to get. After all, you know how to turn on a man. Seeing that he has noticed something in you that he really wants to touch, but cannot afford it yet, play with him. This will only fuel his desire and strengthen his desire to achieve his goal. A man is a conqueror. Give him this opportunity.

Kisses - weapon number 4

When answering the question of how to get a man, one cannot help but talk about a woman’s fourth weapon – kisses. At first you kiss tenderly and superficially, and then deeply and passionately. Do not miss the earlobes, touching them only with your lips, and then biting them a little and tenderly

Become the most tenderness, and let the man become more and more entangled in the networks you have placed, and no matter how, quickly or slowly

Once again, remembering the question posed, how to get a man, we want to share a little secret: it is almost impossible to find something more powerful when it comes to seducing a man than a woman’s desire to do this.

Release the clutch and give gas

Release the clutch until you feel the car begin to move forward a little. Press the gas pedal until the tachometer on the instrument scale shows 1,000 - 2,000 rpm.

When you are driving in first gear, start slowly and gradually release the clutch until you feel that the car has started to move forward as before. This is the most difficult thing, gentlemen!

You must learn to feel this very moment of grip when the machine begins to vibrate a little. Practice until you can automatically feel this moment, then thanks to this it will be easier for you to learn to drive a manual.

Slowly, gradually increase the gas by pressing the appropriate gas pedal. Pressing the gas pedal should be sufficient for the tachometer needle to stop between 1 (one) and 2 (two), that is, between 1000 and 2000 rpm. If you give too little gas, your car will stall. If there is too much gas, you will start to burn the clutch at that moment. This often happens to novice drivers, however, friends must remember, if this happens all the time, then over time the clutch in the car may wear out.

What is safe driving?

You drive safely if at any time you have the opportunity to make a maneuver that would allow you to avoid an accident. The maneuver can be performed in three main ways:

1. Changing the direction of movement (steering action)

2. Braking:

  • braking with the service brake (pressing the brake pedal)
  • engine braking (releasing the gas pedal)

3. Acceleration (pressing the gas pedal)

If the tires have good grip on the road and the car is in good working order, it will always respond well to your steering and brake actions - it will turn or brake. With the gas pedal, that is, with engine acceleration and braking, the situation is more complicated. “Gas” is not always active, but only when the following conditions are met:

1. The gear must be engaged.

2. The gear in which the engine has a reserve of thrust must be engaged.

Must be in gear

That is, you don’t coast: you don’t squeeze the clutch and don’t engage neutral. As soon as you started coasting, you lost the gas pedal as a vehicle control tool.

Hence the first conclusion: with a manual transmission, it is correct to brake in gear until you come to a complete stop. Eliminate coasting completely from your everyday driving.

Let's remember why we depress the clutch pedal when braking? To prevent the engine from stalling. And when does the engine stall? When its speed drops below idle. Usually the idle speed is 800 rpm according to the tachometer, and somewhere up to 500 the engine still “suffers”, twitches, but works. Below 500 – goes off. And remember that the engine will not stall either at 2000 rpm, or at 1500 rpm, or even less at 3000 rpm. But only below idle. Therefore, feel free to brake when the gear is engaged and watch the tachometer. It’s clear, don’t look all the time, but take a quick glance periodically

Watch the tachometer and depress the clutch pedal when the needle approaches 1000 rpm.

You may now be thinking that we also depress the clutch pedal or engage neutral when braking to save fuel? This is not true, since on modern cars, when braking in a gear, the fuel supply to the engine is completely stopped, while when coasting, the engine consumes 1-2 liters of fuel per hour. Read more about this in the article “Coasting”.

Remember: neutral gear is a technological necessity and is needed only so that the driver can change gears and the engine can work when the car is stopped. But not in order to put it in neutral while driving! The situation is similar with the clutch pedal. It is needed so that you can start smoothly, change gears and not stall while stopping. And not to squeeze it while driving.

There must be a reserve of engine thrust

Not just any gear is engaged, but precisely the one that will provide the maximum torque mode and engine traction reserve. In other words, when braking, the tachometer needle should not fall below 2500 rpm (except for 1st and 2nd gears), if we are talking about a standard naturally aspirated gasoline engine. If the engine is supercharged gasoline, this limit is lower - around 2000 rpm. If you have a diesel, this line is even lower - around 1500 rpm.

What does this mean for us in practice? And the fact is that you don’t just need to brake in gear, but engage lower gears as the speed decreases in order to maintain operating engine speed.

If you remember, in the article “Engine Torque” I wrote about two tachometer zones: economical and high-speed. For a naturally aspirated gasoline engine, the boundary between these zones is around 3000-3500 rpm. This means that during normal acceleration you need to shift gears up every time the tachometer needle reaches these values. It feels like acceleration in each gear up to 3000 rpm is smooth, calm, and if you turn it up to 3500, the acceleration will be a little more active, “lively”. But something else is more important - after each shift at 3500, the needle drops to around 2500 rpm, after which the driver again continues accelerating to 3500. As a result, during acceleration, the needle “walks” from 2500 to 3500 rpm and back at each gear shift up.

The tachometer needle should behave similarly when braking: slow down (with the engine or the brake, it doesn’t matter) and look at the tachometer. As soon as the needle reaches 2500 rpm, engage a lower gear and the needle rises to around 3500 rpm

Continue braking and wait until it drops to 2500 again. Turn it down again, and so on until 2nd gear, in which you brake until you come to a complete stop. And depress the clutch pedal when the tachometer needle approaches 1000 rpm, after which you coast down the brakes until the car comes to a complete stop.

Release the clutch after shifting into gear

When you have already added a little gas, try not to rush to completely release the clutch. Release it the moment you feel the next speed engage. You can tell by the slight vibration you feel in your feet, which comes directly from the clutch pedal. When this moment comes, you can completely release the clutch and calmly continue driving, just like in a car with an automatic transmission.

Congratulations gentlemen! You started a car with a manual transmission! For me, learning to drive a manual car couldn't have been easier once I learned about that clutch moment and how it can be felt. I believe this is the easiest way to learn to drive a manual car.

Video: how to drive a manual car

In this video, you friends will see which parts of the car you need to become familiar with, how to release the clutch pedal and how to press the gas pedal.

To switch from first to second speed, you need to press the clutch and pull the lever down towards you. And to switch to third speed, you need to press the clutch pedal again and pull the shift lever up and to the right.

It seems to me that changing gears on the gearbox is much easier than trying to start the car. Just look at the lever and learn all the speeds on it for yourself. You switch from 1 to 2, then to 3, 4, 5 and 6 speeds (if the car has six speeds).

How to switch to the highest speed? It's almost the same as starting a car, only much easier.

Let's assume, gentlemen, that you are driving in first gear and are about to shift to second gear. Here are your steps:

  1. 1. Press the clutch, then shift the gearshift lever to second gear. In most cars, to change from first gear to second, you need to pull the lever towards you.
  2. 2. Slowly release the clutch until it engages, then add gas.
  3. 3. Release the clutch pedal and continue driving.

The transition from second to third and then to fourth gear is the same, and even easier. To make this transition absolutely smooth, you will have to learn to balance the clutch and gas well. But all this, friends, comes naturally with practice.

Advantages of manual transmission

By default, driving a car of any category with a manual transmission has the following advantages:

  • the cost of a car is cheaper with a similar configuration;
  • traffic safety increases, since in an emergency you can brake with the engine;
  • the user independently chooses the driving style;
  • the operating budget of a manual is significantly lower than that of an automatic;
  • the mechanics can be started “from the pusher” downhill with a discharged battery;
  • design and maintenance are as simple as possible, there are no expensive consumables;
  • Maximum efficiency, long-distance towing is allowed;
  • for ice, dirt roads and mud this is the best option;
  • acceleration dynamics are higher, and the weight of the unit is less than that of an automatic transmission.

A car with an automatic transmission is difficult to tow

It is better to undergo training on a more complex manual transmission, and then get used to an automatic transmission in a few hours, and not vice versa.

Switch to overdrive when the engine reaches 2,500 thousand rpm

To move from first gear to second and higher, you need to monitor the tachometer readings. When the arrow points to 2500 - 3000 rpm, the car's engine is ready to shift to a higher gear.

How do you know when to change gear? Here you need to look either at the number of revolutions per minute, or at the speed at which you are moving. Typically, gear changes occur at 2500 - 3000 rpm.

As for speed and gear shifting, it all depends on the car, so read the instructions for your car. In general, speed is not as important for upshifting as it is for downshifting.

Over time, you friends will learn to understand by the sound of the engine itself and by the general behavior of the car on the road when you can change one gear or another.

The most frequently asked questions about manual transmission.

How are manual driving lessons useful for beginners?

Mechanics provide increased power, reliability, fuel economy, and reduce repair costs. But it fails if the clutch is not depressed correctly. This is expressed by the fact that the car jerks and stalls after several jerks. Because of this, the gearbox quickly wears out and the clutch becomes unusable. In addition, due to problems with the manual transmission, the risk of a car accident increases:

  • the car driving behind does not have time to brake and crashes into the rear bumper;
  • a car that suddenly stops at an intersection or on a roundabout is hit in the side;
  • If a problem arises at a railroad crossing, it's a horror movie scenario.

Difficulties may also arise when changing gears up and down correctly. Ways to avoid emergency situations, as well as the features of driving a car with a manual transmission, are discussed in manual driving lessons.

How to start a car with manual transmission?

  1. 1. To start the engine, you must first go into neutral. This is the marked horizontal line on the gearshift lever. Rock the lever itself a little to make sure that the gear is in neutral.
  2. 2. Also make sure that the handbrake is engaged.
  3. 3. Please note that some cars will not start in neutral unless you keep the clutch pedal (left pedal) depressed.
  4. 4. Turn the ignition key.
  5. 5. You started the car!

Engine starter

Engine starter

- This is an electromechanical drive that is connected to the engine, and this requires special attention.

By turning the ignition key all the way, the contacts are bridged and the starter is turned on. Once the engine has started, you must quickly release the ignition key to avoid damaging the starter.


You need to listen and be attentive to the sound of the engine of the car itself and, as they say, do not start a car that is already running. The starter requires a lot of electricity to operate and is entirely dependent on the condition of your battery.

If the engine does not start, it is not recommended to run the starter for more than 10 seconds in one starter cycle. The second launch is recommended, only with a break of at least 15 - 20 seconds.

When restarting, first turn off the ignition completely. If the starter does not turn on, it means that it is broken, although, if handled correctly, its life is sufficient for the life of the engine.

There are times when the starter does not work due to oxidation of the battery contacts, you just need to move the terminals and tighten them, and also check the contacts on the starter itself.

How to drive a car with a manual transmission?

  1. 1. After you start the engine, try to keep the clutch depressed.
  2. 2. Shift the gearshift lever to first gear, that is, to the left and away from you.
  3. 3. Release the handbrake or parking brake.
  4. 4. Slowly release the clutch pedal and add gas. Watch the tachometer needle. You can fully release the clutch when the needle shows 1000 - 2000 rpm.
  5. 5. Continue driving in first gear.
  6. 6. If your car stalls, then raise the handbrake, then press the clutch pedal, and then move the lever to neutral and start the engine again.

Starting uphill

Since roads are very rarely perfectly flat, the ability to control a car parked at a vertical angle is very useful. In this case, skills are also developed through practice, but achieving the desired result is more difficult. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

1) Drive the car onto an inclined section of the road, put on the handbrake, and turn on neutral.

2) Gradually releasing the handbrake, depress the clutch pedal, shift to first gear and drive off, adding gas.

3) At a certain moment you will feel: the car is not moving backwards. This means that you managed to keep the car on the hill without applying the brake.

My car stalled. What to do?

First of all, you need to calm down. There's nothing wrong with your car and you haven't broken anything. Simply press the clutch pedal again and turn the ignition key. Your car will start again. Just make sure for yourself first that the shift lever is in neutral and perform the same steps again.

See also: Double Clutch Shift Pattern, Why Use It, How It Works and How to Apply It in Everyday Situation?

Why did the car stall? You put the lever into first gear but did not give enough gas to move the car. The car wanted to go, but it didn’t have enough gas and it stalled.

Driving position in a car

How to operate an automatic transmission

“Dummies” try to get into the car in strange ways: they sit in the car with their backs and begin to turn around in the seat, taking a comfortable position in order to drive the car. Approach the car, from the driver's side, open the vehicle door with your left hand and point your right foot towards the gas pedal, sit down, close the door tightly. Adjust the driver's seat, consider:

  1. The back of the driver's seat is positioned with a slight inclination (the angle of inclination is close to 90 degrees).
  2. The back fits tightly against the back of the seat.
  3. My legs don't reach the steering wheel.
  4. The driver observes the space behind and to the left of the car in the rear-view mirrors.

Adjust the driver's seat using the mechanisms on the seat. The legs reach the pedals freely and are bent at the knees. It is strictly prohibited to adjust the seat while the vehicle is moving. An incorrectly positioned seat causes tension in the driver's spine and elbow joints, plus a decrease in concentration. The adjustment of the driver's seat is carried out correctly: leaning against the back of the seat and shifting a gear distant from the driver, the driver does not feel discomfort.

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