21093 6512010 03 Central locking connection diagram

VAZ 2109: central locking - purpose, operating principle, installation method

The central locking unit of the VAZ 2109 ensures the safety of the vehicle, which is one of the most important factors for the driver. There are different anti-theft security systems for car safety. An important role is played by installing door locks. The main purpose of the device is to simultaneously close and open doors in a car. In addition, on the VAZ 2109, central locks control the luggage compartment and fuel tank lids.

Features of connecting the system to a lock with variable polarity

In this case, the car alarm must be connected directly to the car's power wires, which are again looked for with a probe. First, use it to find the negative power wire (the device should be connected to the positive, and then press the corresponding button on the alarm, determining the required wire). They look for another wire (power) in the same way.

After this, you will need to cut the identified power wires, purchase two relays if we are talking about a car alarm with low-current type outputs, and connect according to the diagram below:

  • general contacts - to the wires coming from the driver's doors;
  • normally closed contacts - to those wires that go to the lock button or to the central locking unit;
  • normally open contacts – to the “plus”.

You have successfully completed the procedure for connecting the alarm to the central locking!

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The problem of how to connect an alarm system to the central locking of a domestic car has been relevant for VAZ owners since 2000. Before this, central locks were not installed at all on Tolyatti models. Now the useful device is offered for basic configurations as an additional option. Realizing the benefits of central locking and car security alarms, many car owners install both devices on domestic cars of all years, especially since self-installation helps save money. VAZ models make up about half of the country's car fleet, and ensuring their safety is of interest to millions of drivers.


Before starting the installation, I want to warn you about the characteristics of my particular VAZ 2114 car (2006 model year, “Lux” equipment, the wiring under the dashboard is numbered as “VAZ 2115-...”), since I myself, from personal experience, have seen “four” and “tags” of the same year of manufacture, the same configuration, but with completely different wiring (I assume that this was due to different supplies of wiring to the conveyor).

After looking at the information on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the overwhelming number of people install the control unit according to the incorrect diagram “D”, from the instructions, which will not fit the Samar family (VAZ 2108/09/99/13/14/15) , since the opening and closing of doors (or rather, the supply of a signal to the BUDU (Door Lock Control Unit)) in Samara is controlled by a “minus”, and according to the “D” scheme, control occurs by supplying a “plus” to the BUDU. As I found out, this scheme only works when the standard BUDU is removed and the BU works every other time and only one button on the control key works. In my case, when connecting circuit “D” (I tried to connect it together with the BUBD), I burned several fuses and started looking for another connection method.

Connecting an alarm to the central locking system with a negative and positive pulse

In this case, when a minus is applied to a pair of lock wires, they close or open. Finding such wires is relatively easy using a probe (lamp). You should alternately close the wiring that comes out of the car doors on the driver’s side. As soon as the right pair of wires is found (the door opens or closes), the problem can be considered solved.

In those cases where it was not possible to find the wires, you will have to “dig” into the central locking unit. You will need to find a special relay in it that is responsible for closing/opening the doors, and then solder the security system wiring into it.

Working with a lock controlled by a “plus” pulse is similar to the scheme described above. Only the required pair of wires in this case, as you yourself understand, will have a plus polarity. In other words, positive wires should come from the alarm.

The connection diagrams for the voiced types of central locking with a built-in relay will therefore be as follows:

  • “Negative” pulse: NC (normally closed) contacts are not needed, NR (normally open) contacts are connected to the “minus”, common contacts go to the control wires.
  • “Positive” impulse: open contacts are connected to positive, closed contacts are not used, common ones, as in the previous version, are connected to the found control wiring.

Installing a central lock on a VAZ 2109 car

On the VAZ 2109, installation of the central lock is carried out in two stages:

  • Front door lock device.
  • Installation of wiring and connection of the main central locking.

Advice: Before carrying out work, it is necessary to change the drive connection wires for the window regulator.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • Upholstery holder.
  • Corrugated tube.
  • Set of central locking elements.
  • Knife terminals.
  • Set of wires.
  • Heat-shrinkable cambric.

It is advisable to install the VAZ 21093 central locking control unit in a garage or other place where no one will interfere. Instructions for doing the work yourself:

  • The screws securing the handle are unscrewed, which is then removed.
  • The handle lining responsible for opening the door is removed.
  • All operations are repeated for the other door.
  • The upholstery is removed. To do this, pry it off from all sides of the doors with a screwdriver.
  • The installation location of the locks is determined.

Tip: The best installation location is the lower left corner. In this case, when lowering the glass, it does not touch the lock and does not interfere with the driver.

  • Several holes are made.
  • The lock is screwed on with self-tapping screws.
  • The same actions are performed with the other door.

After carrying out these preparatory work, you can begin installing the door lock rods to the central locking rod:

Tip: The stroke of the lock rod is slightly greater than the length of the central lock rod, resulting in a difference of approximately six millimeters. Therefore, you need to combine the centers of thrust and there will be no problems. Sometimes the thrust from all sides does not reach by about two millimeters. In this case, you need to tighten the screws very firmly, but so as not to damage their heads.

  • The dashboard is removed. For this:
  • Several points are pierced near the mounting screws.
  • The wires are located inside.
  • The places of their passage are determined.
  • Here, new wires are laid for the central locking, after getting rid of the old elements.
  • Connecting the lock wires. In this case, the wire is insulated and pulled into the door.
  • After wiring the wires, they are pushed through the holes located under the dashboard.
  • A pass-through tube is installed into the rack on each side. Care must be taken to ensure that the tube is not damaged.
  • All wires are connected to the connectors.
  • The fuse is attached.
  • The connector and the central locking unit are connected.
  • All wires are hidden under the dashboard.
  • The place where to connect the VAZ 2109 central locking in the car body is determined.

Tip: If the wire is not enough, it needs to be extended.

Practical connection operations

To install a car anti-theft alarm you will need simple tools and materials:

  • screwdrivers, wrenches (special pullers are not needed to dismantle interior elements of VAZ models);
  • soldering iron and soldering accessories (solder, acid);
  • multi-colored single-core cables (selected according to the colors of the standard electrical wiring or the pinout of a specific electrical circuit);
  • linear meters and multimeter;
  • insulating materials;
  • fastening elements (special plastic clips are preferred).

The easiest way to find the central locking control unit is when installing the main car alarm control unit. For example, on the VAZ 2110 it is located rather inconveniently.

Most often, for the convenience of installing alarm elements, you have to completely disassemble the dashboard, door cards, remove the trunk upholstery, and disassemble electrical devices of lighting systems.

During installation, it is convenient to use wires of the same colors as those coming from the central locking control unit.

Having disassembled the door card, you can connect the control wires directly to the electric drive of the lock.

It depends on the car alarm model whether you need to purchase additional relays. Sometimes standard fuses and power switches may not withstand the additional load.

The easiest way to connect a car alarm to the central locks of VAZ models is to solder into the wire breaks (usually white and brown). To do this, you need to lay a four-wire cable from the two internal relays of the alarm unit to the eight-pin connector for controlling the door microswitches.

To avoid oxidation and damage to the integrity of the wires (this leads to false alarms), you must follow simple rules:

  • carry out electrical installation work with the battery disconnected;
  • connect electrical wiring only by soldering or terminals, insulate connections;
  • use cables with a small margin in length, lay them in bundles, and securely fasten them to body elements;
  • Observe the color of the cables for easy identification during alterations or repairs.

After completing the electrical installation work, do not rush to reinstall the removed parts. The final assembly of interior elements, doors, trim is carried out only after installing all elements of the anti-theft alarm system, making adjustments, and checking the functionality of the security system.

Car alarm installation

Before purchasing, study all kinds of models, select the ones that are suitable for the VAZ-2109.

There are quite a lot of them, they differ in functionality and depending on whether you have a carburetor or an injector installed.

Check for these features:

  • turning on the engine from the key fob;
  • remote engine stop;
  • mechanical impact indicator;
  • communication and communication signaling device;
  • turning on the alarm whenever the car is opened;
  • possibility of canceling the program.

Instructions are included with each device. If you install it yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with it carefully. Even after a high-quality self-installation, there may still be some nuances. For example, a monolithic alarm system is easier to install, mobile, it will not be difficult to install it anywhere on the car, but it is easier to hack if it is stolen.

To install this device, you will need the following devices and tools: a voltage meter with limit data up to 12 V, insulation, Phillips and regular screwdrivers, a wire stripper, a soldering iron, single-core and stranded wires (length up to 10 meters).

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