Hyundai Solaris which gasoline is better to pour 95 or 92; we outline in detail

When solving this issue, you can take the path of least resistance and simply read the manual, which, translated from Korean, says that Hyundai Solaris with 1.4 and 1.6 liter engines requires refueling with gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92 . Not less.

Not lower than 92 says the inscription on the gas tank flap.

That’s great, it means you can save on the price of fuel and safely use 92nd. The issue is resolved. But is it all that simple, and what determines whether the brand of gasoline matches the engine?

Of course, mere mortals do not need to know this, but it is very advisable to extend the life of your engine. Choosing the octane number of fuel is not as simple as it seems, and it’s not all about the price. Of great importance is the quality of gasoline , which is completely different at different gas stations.

Large chain gas stations have their own oil refineries and are interested in ensuring that their fuel is of high quality. Small single gas stations around the corner can afford to add and underfill, although each of them will definitely have a certificate of quality. several exclusively technical points still . Here are just a few of them.

Which gasoline is better for Solaris: 92, ?

What if you fill it with 98?

Each brand of gasoline differs from each other not only in price, but also in the number of additives and octane number.

And the octane number affects the engine’s resistance to detonation, that is, the higher the octane number, the more it can be compressed and it will not explode like diesel fuel, but will light up only at a strictly defined moment, when the electronics supply a spark to the spark plug.

  • Hyundai Solaris, when using 92-octane gasoline recommended by the factory, spends 10-11 liters per 100 km.
  • If you fill up with 95, fuel consumption will decrease by about one liter.

- some numbers

Specific heat of combustion.

The explanation for this is quite simple. In order to obtain the energy necessary to move the piston, you need to burn a certain amount of fuel. The energy from combustion of 92-grade gasoline is approximately 42 MJ, 95-grade gasoline shows about 45 MJ. At the same time, there is a danger of detonation with 92 gasoline. It turns out that to obtain the required energy, low-octane gasoline is consumed more than high-octane gasoline. The number may be insignificant, but it is a fact.

What kind of gasoline do you put in Solaris? 275 voted

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What kind of gasoline to fill in Hyundai Solaris

As for the Korean manufacturer, recently it has been using a high compression ratio in its engines. This method significantly increases the output power.

Simply put, high pressure affects the combustible mixture and it ignites too quickly due to the rise of the piston. This effect is called detonation in terminology.

To prevent this effect, it is recommended to use either gasoline with a high octane content or tetraethyl lead. If the fuel is resistant to detonation, then it is of high quality, called AI 95 and AI. Accordingly, now we have received the answer to the question: So, let's go through each element from the list separately! Normal is actively used in trucks, while regular replaced the outdated one. Latest hyundai solaris what brand of gasoline is suitable for the engines of modern hyundai solaris what gasoline, and accordingly, what gasoline to fill under the Hyundai Solaris.

Of course, mere mortals do not need to know this, but it is very advisable to extend the life of your engine.

Choosing the octane number of fuel is not as simple as it seems, and it’s not all about the price.

The quality of gasoline is of great importance, which is completely different at different gas stations. Large chain gas stations have their own oil refineries and are interested in ensuring that their fuel is of high quality.

Which gasoline is better to fill in a Hyundai Solaris: 92 or 95, survey

Small single gas stations around the corner can afford to both underfill and top up, although each of the hyundai solaris will definitely have a quality certificate. But even if we accept the quality of gasoline as an axiom, several exclusively technical points still emerge.

That's just what kind of gasoline Hyundai Solaris uses. Which gasoline is better for Solaris: What if you fill it with it? Each brand of gasoline differs from each other not only in price, but also in the number of additives and octane number. Hyundai Solaris, when using the gasoline recommended by the factory, spends liters per km.

On the other hand, when using gasoline with a higher octane number, a car engine that is not designed for increased load will wear out much faster. Of course, you can resort to probability theory and calculate in which of the two cases your Hyundai Solaris hyundai solaris which gasoline is faster at the service station. But do not forget about the notorious manual, which quite clearly states that the octane number of fuel for this model of car should not be lower. Therefore, gasoline of this brand is the permissible level below which to go.

What gasoline is better to fill in Hyundai Solaris

Therefore, the optimal option in all respects for this car is brand fuel. But it is better not to experiment with gasoline, which has a higher octane number. Of course, calculating that the car will turn into a rocket, many people fill it with grade 98 fuel and at first experience real euphoria.

Problems will begin later, when the engine, working virtually to the point of wear and tear, begins to malfunction. Return to contents Which gasoline to choose To choose Hyundai Solaris gasoline, you need to pay attention to the fact that this car still uses one type of engine - naturally-aspirated MPI engines of volume 1.

Environmental classification

The various environmental qualities of the gasoline being poured are determined by the presence of harmful impurities, as well as their quantity. The EURO classification is the most common and was adopted by the European Union in the 90s. The content of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and other harmful substances in combustion products entails the establishment of certain standards. Due to the constant tightening of requirements, the amount of such harmful substances in the composition is gradually decreasing.

Currently, EURO-6 is considered the highest standard adopted in the European Union since September 1, 2015. Most Hyundai Solaris are predominantly equipped with EURO-4 engines, but new cars will be equipped with a EURO-5 engine. Various gasoline standards do not have any significant impact on the dynamic characteristics of the car, its service life, and are only important for determining quality and caring for the environment. For this reason, it is recommended to give preference to branded gas stations and better avoid purchasing fuel from dubious stations, especially those that copy the names or logos of reputable companies.

Which gasoline is better to pour into Solik 92 or 95

Guys, which gasoline is better to pour into Solik 92 or 95.

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We pick up 95 rpm faster, switched to 92 to save money

Sergey, one hell of a saver) IMHO

Sergey, there is no saving!

Dmitry, do you mean that 10 liters of 95 will give the same amount of energy as 92?)

Max, 95 pulls better

1.6at, 95 and 92 difference is 0, after buying the car I drove 92 for 2 months, then a month on 95 and now for the 4th month I drive 92 per month with mileage of 6+ thousand. Lei 92 and don’t worry)

When I change the oil I'll check it at 95) is it better to pull or not?

Seryozha, it’s strange, but at the gas station they write that 92 is cheaper than 95, are they deceiving?

Sergey, hahahahahaa

Well, if you look at the price tags, then everything is true :)))) About the octane number, etc. Did you hear something or something? :)))

Max, it all depends on your pocket, the 92 is not much economical in terms of budget, there is no saving in terms of consumption, not on the 92, not on the 95. The 95 does not drive much better, this is clearly noticeable on old oil.

On the highway it always showed 6 liters, sometimes a little more and this is 95 Gazprom at a speed of 90 to 120 km/h, and then the other day I went on a long drive and let me think I’ll try 95G, the consumption dropped significantly to 5.1 at a speed of 100-110, in the city at 92 shows 8-9, on 95 7-8

Seryozha, I heard it in childhood))) and I still believe that 95 is more than 92...even if only by a little bit

Sergey, well, I don’t know how these economy gurus travel there and how often, but I really see the difference. At 92 I come to the gas station more often than at 95. At 95 the car drives faster. Due to the fact that the octane number is higher at 95, the car eats less. And I know that now our skeptics will say that this is all nonsense and there is no difference. These people probably use their car once a week, so they don’t notice how often they come to the gas station. But driving around the city for 20-30 minutes and believing the testimony of the on-board vehicle is stupid.

Vova, so it will be.

At 95, consumption dropped by 2-3 liters. Now I use 95 and the car runs smoother.

the myth about this has long been destroyed, in order to feel the difference in grip, the increase in power must be at least 10%, and gasoline cannot give that much, so pour 92, there is zero difference and the cost is cheaper

Seryoga, then why is it that at 92 my uncle’s Toyota valves rattle and the traction is poor, but at 95 it’s quiet and drives well? So 95 is better than 92

Vova, God knows what is rattling there) fix the car) I don’t have anything rattling at 92 or 95, maybe you have a placebo effect?


92 lei, we just have Solaris)) 95 at some gas stations is more polluted than 92

What does the manufacturer say: what kind of gasoline should I fill in the Hyundai Solaris?

When solving this issue, you can take the path of least resistance and simply read the manual, which, translated from Korean, says that Hyundai Solaris with 1.4 and 1.6 liter engines requires refueling with gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92 . Not less.

Not lower than 92 says the inscription on the gas tank flap.

That’s great, it means you can save on the price of fuel and safely use 92nd. The issue is resolved. But is it all that simple, and what determines whether the brand of gasoline matches the engine?

Of course, mere mortals do not need to know this, but it is very advisable to extend the life of your engine. Choosing the octane number of fuel is not as simple as it seems, and it’s not all about the price. Of great importance is the quality of gasoline , which is completely different at different gas stations.

Large chain gas stations have their own oil refineries and are interested in ensuring that their fuel is of high quality. Small single gas stations around the corner can afford to add and underfill, although each of them will definitely have a certificate of quality. several exclusively technical points still . Here are just a few of them.

Which gasoline is better for Solaris: 92, 95 or 98?

What if you fill it with 98?

Each brand of gasoline differs from each other not only in price, but also in the number of additives and octane number.

And the octane number affects the engine’s resistance to detonation, that is, the higher the octane number, the more it can be compressed and it will not explode like diesel fuel, but will light up only at a strictly defined moment, when the electronics supply a spark to the spark plug.

  • Hyundai Solaris, when using 92-octane gasoline recommended by the factory, spends 10-11 liters per 100 km.
  • If you fill up with 95, fuel consumption will decrease by about one liter.

92 or 95 - few numbers

Specific heat of combustion.

The explanation for this is quite simple. In order to obtain the energy necessary to move the piston, you need to burn a certain amount of fuel. The energy from combustion of 92-grade gasoline is approximately 42 MJ, 95-grade gasoline shows about 45 MJ. At the same time, there is a danger of detonation with 92 gasoline. It turns out that to obtain the required energy, low-octane gasoline is consumed more than high-octane gasoline. The number may be insignificant, but it is a fact.

Why do many people choose higher octane fuel?

Here everything is very simple, because there is a reason for it. For example, if you fill a Hyundai Solaris with “passport” 92-grade gasoline, then its consumption will be approximately 10-11 liters per 100 km. When using grade 95 fuel for a similar distance, you will need no more than 9 liters. If you compare the cost of fuel and consumption, it turns out that with a higher price per 1 liter, 95 gasoline is more profitable to buy. It is also cleaner as it leaves less soot when burned and therefore does not pollute the engine as much.

Those who preferred fuel liquid with a higher octane number note that it has become easier to drive the Hyundai Solaris, the engine runs smoothly, without jerking or extraneous noise, and the acceleration dynamics of the car are enhanced. In a word, it becomes more comfortable to drive.

Hyundai is an omnivorous “horse”

The manual for Hyundai Solaris cars with an engine capacity of 1.4 and 1.6 liters states that the car should be refueled with gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92. That is, motorists are encouraged to start with a budget option, which, as practice shows, actually turns out to be most expensive.

If you follow the instructions, it turns out that, for example, the Hyundai Solaris 1.6 can be successfully filled with both grade 92 and grade 95 fuel fluid. Moreover, fuel with an octane number of 98 is also suitable. Theoretically this is true, but in practice that’s all not as wonderful as it seems at first glance.

Should you pay attention to the octane number?

The numbers in the labeling of automobile fuel indicate the octane number - the percentage of a substance such as isooctane contained in it. The higher the number in the marking, the cleaner the fuel liquid itself.

For example, 98 grade gasoline contains only 2% of impurities that form soot during the combustion process. It is harmful because it clogs the working parts of the engine and, thereby, renders it inoperative.

Nevertheless, developers of modern cars take this feature of fuel into account and design cars in such a way that their engines are adapted to one or another type of fuel liquid. This means that if your car is designed for fuel fluid marked 98, then its “heart” has increased sensitivity to combustion products. Consequently, it is not advisable to fill the tank with fuel with a lower octane number, since the car will eventually fail very quickly. This applies to all cars without exception, but if we are talking about the Hyundai Solaris, then you can afford to experiment.

Gasoline AI-95 for Hyundai Creta 1.6 and 2.0

The most preferable option for the Hyundai Creta will be AI-95 gasoline. Moreover, it is perfect for both 1.6 liter and 2.0 liter engines. Of course, due to the high popularity of 95 gasoline, it is most often counterfeited.

It very often appears in news reports that counterfeit fuel was found at some gas station. However, large network gas stations monitor the quality of fuel, so it is better to look for a gas station among them. In any case, you can find a normal gas station and constantly refuel at it.

What does the engine compression ratio say?

The dependence of the octane number of gasoline on the compression ratio is known to everyone - the higher the compression ratio, the higher the octane number should be.

If you pour low-octane gasoline into a forced engine, it will simply detonate and explode uncontrollably, only from pressure, and not from a spark.

In Hyundai Solaris with 1.4 and 1.6 liter Gamma engines, the compression ratio is 10.5 units. This is a fairly large value, so the use of 92-octane gasoline may lead to the formation of soot and detonation.

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