How to check the capacitor of a VAZ 2110 generator with a multimeter



The capacitor of the VAZ 2110 generator is one of the elements of the car’s electrical circuit and is a capacitance consisting of a pair of electrodes isolated from each other by a dielectric.

Replacement in the generator for VAZ 2110

Principle of operation

Since the main task of a capacitor is the accumulation of electrical energy, its capacitance can be considered the main indicator (the larger the capacitance, the greater the accumulated charge) . So, in the capacitor body, a positive charge accumulates on one of the plates, while on the other (connected to ground) it accumulates equal in magnitude negative...

Replacement in the VAZ 2110 generator

...after the current values ​​on both electrodes reach their maximum, the capacitor “discharges” its charge further into the electrical circuit of the car, thereby protecting the regulator from the influence of current pulses at its input. In general, the generator capacitor performs several functions:

  • In the regulator circuit, it prevents the entire circuit from going into oscillation mode and eliminates the possibility of high-frequency interference affecting the operation of the voltage regulator (elimination of interference and ripple);
  • Due to almost instantaneous charge/discharge cycles in the base circuit of the transistor, its switching speeds up, resulting in reduced energy losses and its heating (elimination of voltage sags).


Replacing a capacitor in a VAZ 2110 generator begins with its diagnosis. The main parameter by which one can judge its damage is increased radio interference while the engine is running.

Advice! Make sure that the capacitor does not have loose contact with ground (which also contributes to noise).

Connection diagrams

wiring diagram for an electric motor with a starting capacitor

The circuit that has a starting capacitor in the network has become more widespread.

This scheme has certain nuances:

  1. The starting winding and capacitor are turned on when the engine starts.
  2. The additional winding operates for a short time.
  3. The thermal relay is included in the circuit to protect the additional winding from overheating.

If it is necessary to provide high torque during startup, a starting capacitor is included in the circuit, which is connected together with the working capacitor. It is worth noting that quite often its capacity is determined empirically to achieve the highest starting torque. Moreover, according to the measurements taken, the value of its capacity should be 2-3 times greater.

The main points of creating an electric motor power circuit include the following:

  1. From the current source , 1 branch goes to the working capacitor. It works all the time, which is why it got its name.
  2. In front of it there is a branch that goes to the switch. In addition to the switch, another element can be used that starts the engine.
  3. after the switch . It operates for a few seconds until the rotor picks up speed.
  4. Both capacitors go to the motor.

In a similar way, you can connect a single-phase electric motor.

It is worth noting that the working capacitor is present in the circuit almost constantly. Therefore, it is worth remembering that they must be connected in parallel.


Removing the capacitor of the VAZ 2110 generator and checking it is carried out in the following order:

  • Disconnect the battery (just disconnect the negative terminal);
  • Disconnect the excitation wire (wire block at terminal “D”);
  • Using the “10” key, unscrew the “B+” output wire;
  • Remove the generator belt;
  • Unscrew the fixing nut, the adjusting bolt and remove the belt tensioner bar;
  • We take out the lower fastening bolt, first use a key “13” and unscrew its nut;
  • Carefully pull out the generator itself (see photo).

Generator removal process

Next, we begin to get directly to the “culprit” of the repair:

  • We remove the plastic protective casing by pressing the three latches on its body:
  • We unscrew the two screws securing the brush holder and carefully, trying not to damage the brushes, pull out the assembly itself, simultaneously disconnecting the wire block from it;

  • Unscrew the nut securing the bolt and remove the tip of the condenser contact wire along with the spring and spacer washer;

Capacitor Contact Wire

Removing the capacitor of the VAZ 2110 generator, video

Generator repair kits

To eliminate these generator malfunctions, you will need to carry out repairs. When you start searching for a generator repair kit on the Internet, you should prepare for disappointment - the kits offered usually contain washers, bolts and nuts. And sometimes the generator can only be restored to functionality by replacing brushes, a diode bridge, a regulator... Therefore, the brave person who decides to repair it makes an individual repair kit from those parts that fit his generator. It looks something like this, as shown in the table below, using the example of a pair of generators for a VAZ 2110 and a Ford Focus 2.

Generator KZATE 9402.3701-03
DetailCatalog numberPrice, rub.)
Voltage regulator844.3702580
Diode bridgeBVO4-105-01500
Bearings6303 and 6203345
Generator Bosch 0 986 041 850
DetailCatalog numberPrice, rub.)
Brush holder235607245
Voltage regulatorIN66011020
Diode bridgeINR4311400
Bearings140084 and 140093140/200 rubles


The capacitor is checked using a tester with a range of one to ten megaohms or a megohmmeter. If the capacitor is working properly, the test picture should look like this:

  • The initial tester readings are equal to infinity;
  • We connect its probes to the contacts;
  • At the moment of contact, the resistance readings decrease, and then again go to infinity.

Otherwise, in the case described above, replace the capacitor, since its price is not high.

Advice! When purchasing a new one, it is advisable to carry out this check in the store itself to avoid purchasing low-quality spare parts.

Since the entire assembly occurs in the reverse order and does not represent anything new, this could be the end of the article. But I consider it necessary to advise you to check the voltage regulator as well, as they say: once the drinking has begun, cut the last cucumber! The check is simple and won’t take much of your time:

  • We connect a 12-volt control light bulb to the brushes and apply a voltage of 12 volts (“plus” to the terminal, “minus” to ground) - the light comes on;

Replacement in the generator for VAZ 2110

Attention! It is also necessary to make sure that the brushes are easy to move, that they are not chipped or cracked, and that their length is at least five millimeters, otherwise the regulator must be replaced.

I hope the principle is clear: if the light is on in both cases or, on the contrary, does not light, then there is a malfunction of the voltage regulator relay. With that, let me say goodbye, see you again)))


Technical specifications

If the old generator fails, many motorists wonder which generator they should now replace the old one with.

There is no need to invent anything here. The most correct solution is to install the same generator as before, or a more powerful one.

Today, the VAZ 2110 provides for the use of three types of power supply devices:

  1. Katek 5102.3771. The generator produces 80 Ampere power and its voltage is approximately 14V.
  2. Katek 94.3701. This is a device with the same parameters. They are not seriously different.
  3. Catek 120 amp. A generator that is more adapted to modern realities, when in addition to standard electrical equipment, motorists install many additional devices.

If you have a powerful audio system in your car, you use an electric pump powered by the car, as well as a number of other additional consumers, it is recommended to install a 120-amp unit instead of a standard 80-amp generator.

If we take into account the size of the devices, then we can distinguish between ordinary and compact ones. They have a certain difference in design.

To be specific, the differences are in the following components:

  • Brackets;
  • Anchor;
  • Excitation wire;
  • Drive pulley;
  • Number of mounting bolts.

But in reality this does not play a special role. After all, the structure of all generators used for the VAZ 2110 is the same. Therefore, let's look at the circuit and structure of this unit.

RotorHe's an anchor. It is a rotating element of the generator, which creates a magnetic field due to the excitation winding located on the shaft. The field wire receives power from the slip rings. They are mounted on the same shaft. There was also room for a drive pulley, field winding wire, bearing assembly and fan impeller. There may be 1-2 last ones
StatorThis is a stationary three-phase element that includes three windings. They provide the creation of alternating current. The windings are connected to each other using a triangle or star
FrameA lightweight non-magnetic aluminum alloy is most often used to make the generator housing. The body looks like a pair of covers connected by a bolt. The front cover is located near the drive pulley, and the rear cover is located on the side of the slip rings. Each connecting bolt must be tightened. To disassemble the housing, simply unscrew the mounting bolts.
FastenersThe upper mounting bracket for the generator uses two bolts, while the lower bracket is predominantly mounted on one bolt. In some cases there are two. It is not recommended to modify the brackets, since the factory one performs important functions. The purpose of the brackets is to hold the generator. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the brackets as they are subject to wear and breakage
Brush unitIt consists of a pair of graphite brushes, springs that press the brushes, as well as a brush holder
Brush holder assembly and voltage wiresThis design is typical for modern Katek generators. Therefore, if the regulator fails, you will have to replace the entire assembly
Rectifier blockEquipped with 6 diodes, it is responsible for converting alternating current into direct current. It is direct current that is required for the operation of all auto equipment. This element charges the battery, among other functions.
Belt drive transmissionThe belt drive allows you to increase the speed at which the crankshaft rotates. If the pulley has a small diameter, then the V-belt will wear out faster. Therefore, for small driven pulleys it is recommended to use a poly-V-ribbed drive. It is most often found in modern generators

Internal organization

The presented device is relevant for all generators used on the VAZ 2110, regardless of their power - 80-120 Amperes.

Margin of safety

If we take into account the standard Katek generator, which is installed on domestic dozens, then its resource is enough for about 10 years of operation or 140 thousand kilometers.

The specified safety margin of the device can only be relied upon if it is handled properly.

Many people fear that a powerful 120 A generator can negatively affect the condition of the battery. In practice, nothing like this happens. Moreover, installing a more powerful unit is recommended if you plan to install an impressive audio system or video equipment on the car.

Generator Repair Generator Repair Basics Briggs & Stratton

This document suggests that routine maintenance and repair of generators be performed by trained personnel. And it is quite obvious that this is a reasonable approach. Not every owner will be able to carry out the operations necessary in these cases on their own. However, he is able to recognize some faults. This allows not only to identify some breakdowns, but also in some cases to prevent them. This must be done if the generator operates at high loads and in intensive operation.

At the same time, the user can eliminate some simple malfunctions or perform maintenance operations independently. In difficult cases, you should contact specialists.

Model overview

There are several popular models that can be found on sale.

It is worth noting that these models differ not in capacity, but in type of design:

  1. Metallized polypropylene versions of the SVV-60 brand. The cost of this version is about 300 rubles.
  2. NTS film brands are somewhat cheaper. With the same capacity, the cost is about 200 rubles.
  3. E92 – products of domestic manufacturers. Their cost is small - about 120-150 rubles for the same capacity.

There are other models, often differing in the type of dielectric used and the type of insulating material.

Purpose of a car capacitor

Today, automotive capacitors are widely used as a filter that suppresses noise in speakers, high and low frequencies, interference and all kinds of ripples that arise as a result of voltage surges in the electrical network of a vehicle.

They are also used to create a high voltage level in the general electrical system of the vehicle. It is thanks to this property that this element is widely used in various industries.

Video lecture on the purpose of a capacitor

Generator VAZ 2110 2111 2112

Functions and testing of the generator capacitor on a VAZ 2110 2111 2112 car

The capacitor serves to protect the vehicle's electronic equipment from voltage surges in the ignition system, as well as to reduce interference with radio reception. Damage to the capacitor or loosening of its fastening on the generator (deterioration of contact with the housing) is detected by an increase in interference to radio reception when the engine is running. Approximately the serviceability of the capacitor can be checked with a megohmmeter or tester (on a scale of 1-10 MOhm). If there is no break in the capacitor, then at the moment the probes of the device are connected to the terminals of the capacitor, the arrow should deviate in the direction of decreasing resistance, and then gradually return back. The VAZ 2110 2111 2112 generator has a K73-58-4 type capacitor installed. The marking is located on the side of the capacitor body. Do not install any other type of capacitor.

Criteria for serviceability of brushes on the VAZ 2110 2111 2112 generator.

If the brushes are worn out and protrude from the brush holder by less than 5 mm, then replace the brush holder with brushes. To replace, pull the brush holder out of the voltage regulator body by pressing terminal “B”. Before installing the voltage regulator with a new brush holder in place, blow the installation socket in the generator from coal dust and wipe it from oil.


1. Disconnect the wire from the “–” terminal of the battery.
2. Disconnect the block with the wire from terminal “D” of the generator and the wire from the contact bolt (terminal “B+”).
3. Unscrew the three latches and remove the plastic casing.
4. Unscrew the two screws securing the brush holder.5. Carefully remove the brush holder so as not to damage the brushes, and disconnect the block with wires from it.6. Unscrew the nut securing the contact bolt.
7. Remove the spring washer.8. Remove the spacer washer and disconnect the capacitor wire tip from the contact bolt.9. Unscrew the mounting screw and remove the capacitor from the generator.
10. Check the serviceability of the voltage regulator. Connect a 12V test lamp to the brushes. Apply a voltage of 12 V “+” to the terminal, and “–” to the “ground” of the brush holder. In this case, the control lamp should light up. 11. Then apply a voltage of 15–16 V - the lamp should go out. If the lamp is on or off in both cases, then the regulator with brush holder is faulty and needs to be replaced. 12. Check the ease of movement of the brushes in the brush holder and their protrusion. If the brushes protrude less than 5 mm from the brush holder, replace the voltage regulator with brush holder. If chips or cracks are found on the brushes, also replace the regulator.
13. The serviceability of the capacitor can be checked with a megometer or tester (on a scale of 1–10 MOhm). Connect the tester probes to the capacitor contacts. Before connecting, the device shows infinity. At the moment of connection, the resistance decreases and then returns to infinity again. In this case, the capacitor is OK. The faulty capacitor must be replaced. Capacitor capacity 2.2 µF ±20%
14. Install the capacitor and brush holder in the reverse order of removal. Please note that the capacitor must be precisely oriented relative to the mounting protrusion on the cover, otherwise the brush holder will not fit into place

Step-by-step instructions for installing and assembling the tens generator

Guide to dismantling the VAZ 2110 generator:

  1. The tensioner nut is unscrewed.
  2. The generator unit moves slightly back towards the vehicle interior. The drive belt is removed from the pulleys. Then the electrical power circuits of the device are turned off. One block with wires is fixed with a nut and a stud; they must be unscrewed and disconnected. The second connector is attached using a regular block, which is detached.

  3. After this, the lower nut securing the assembly is unscrewed. This action is performed from under the bottom of the car. To complete the task, it is necessary to dismantle the power unit protection, if any.

  4. The screw that needs to be removed is usually fastened tightly. When unscrewing it, you need to treat the part with WD-40 if it is stuck and cannot be removed. You can use a hammer to remove the retainer.

  5. Then, from the reverse side, this element is removed completely.

  6. At the final stage, the nut that secures the tensioning device is completely unscrewed. The generator unit is moved to the side, this will allow it to be completely dismantled.

How does a car capacitor work?

Today, capacitors are widely used in modern cars. They are used as a buffer between the battery and the amplifier, as well as between other electronic devices.

The action of a capacitor is to some extent reminiscent of the operation of a rechargeable battery. It stores electricity in the form of electrostatic charge.

The simplest design of such a device consists of two plates that are separated by a special insulator. When the device is connected to power, one plate becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged. This creates an electrostatic charge. If such a device is discharged, the reverse process occurs. The entire capacitor structure is located in the housing and has two terminals from each plate.

The capacitor serves to store and maintain the charge of the electric current in the system

Functions of a capacitor in a car's electrical circuit:

  • preservation and maintenance of electric current charge in the system;
  • possibility of long-term retention of potential charge;
  • preventing dips and stabilizing voltage surges.

Purpose and benefits

Capacitors of the type in question are used in the connection system of an asynchronous motor.
In this case, it works only at the time of start-up, until the operating speed is reached. The presence of such an element in the system determines the following:

  1. The starting capacitance makes it possible to bring the state of the electric field closer to circular.
  2. is being carried out .
  3. increases and engine performance improves significantly.

Without the presence of this element in the system, the service life of the engine is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that a complex start-up leads to certain difficulties.

The AC mains can serve as a power source when using this type of capacitor. Almost all used versions are non-polar; they have a comparatively higher operating voltage for oxide capacitors.

The advantages of a network that has a similar element are as follows:

  1. Easier engine starting.
  2. service life is significantly longer.



The capacitor of the VAZ 2110 generator is one of the elements of the car’s electrical circuit and is a capacitance consisting of a pair of electrodes isolated from each other by a dielectric.

Replacement in the generator for VAZ 2110

Principle of operation

Since the main task of a capacitor is the accumulation of electrical energy, its capacitance can be considered the main indicator (the larger the capacitance, the greater the accumulated charge) . So, in the capacitor body, a positive charge accumulates on one of the plates, while on the other (connected to ground) it accumulates equal in magnitude negative...


The capacitor in the car capacitor needs a capacitor in the car capacitor Capacitor in the Capacitor in the Capacitor for in the generator purpose in the car generator that your generator in the car generator in the generator is installed the work of the generator. on the car generator the electric current and the electric current of the electric current in the electric current in the consumed current in the electric current. and the current will be the source of the current. the initial current by

variable read ignition current diodes

Capacitor in a vehicle's electric motor

Capacitors for electric motors of cars can be working or starting. Working capacitors ensure correct operation of the electric motor, and starting capacitors are used to improve the starting torque.

Tasks of starting automotive capacitors for the engine

  • economical operation of electrical equipment;
  • increased torque;
  • ability to withstand high loads;
  • ensuring optimal service life of the electric motor.

Capacitor in car audio

Capacitors for car audio are often used in both exclusive cars and classic models that are equipped with an amplifier. Such devices can improve the parameters and sound quality of the subwoofer.

The thing is that modern car audio consumes a large amount of energy, especially at the peaks. Sometimes even the most powerful battery is not able to provide it instantly. As a result of resistance and voltage drop, even with high-quality wires that power the amplifier, sound dips occur.

In the summer, such failures are exacerbated by the operation of the air conditioner, which takes up to thirty percent of the total energy.

Sound distortion in a car occurs primarily due to the inability of the battery to provide the entire system with the required amount of voltage.

To eliminate this phenomenon and smooth out all kinds of dips, capacitors are used for the subwoofer. It is connected in parallel to the amplifier's power supply circuit. A good capacitor is an excellent suppressor of high-frequency interference, all kinds of ripples and voltage surges during the operation of various additional devices, such as a fan, air conditioner and others. This is why many drivers install a capacitor in their vehicle's sound system.

Capacitor for car amplifier

It's no secret that installing a car amplifier can make the sound of music in a car more comfortable, and when using powerful and high-quality circuits, it can increase the range of reproduced frequencies. The only problem is that in this case you will have to sacrifice the quality of the car's electrical power supply. A powerful amplifier increases the amount of current consumed several times.

This can lead to uneven power supply to the headlights, loss of quality and clarity of the bass reproduction, and if an unsuitable power cable is used on the sound amplifier, the speakers may even fail.

If all technical standards are observed, the above-mentioned problems are also present, but to a lesser extent. In this case, you simply cannot do without connecting a capacitor for a car amplifier.

It is used to compensate, smooth out voltage surges and sags. Connect it parallel to the input circuits of the car amplifier and, if possible, as close to it as possible to eliminate low-frequency interference.

Capacitor in a car generator

A capacitor is installed in the generator to eliminate interference in the general power supply system of the vehicle during generator operation. It protects the car from voltage surges in the ignition system, and also reduces the level of interference in the radio.

The direct purpose of the capacitor on a car generator is to reduce interference in the radio range.

This is a privilege of modern vehicles, the equipment of which necessarily includes such a capacitor, which ensures clean operation of the radio, regardless of passing cars. The same cannot be said about old car brands, whose radios made unbearable noise from every passing vehicle.

The capacitor ensures clean operation of the radio, regardless of passing cars

Recommendations for choosing capacitors

  • Never purchase or install capacitors of questionable manufacture.
  • Always pay attention to the method of installation of the product and the presence of protection against accidental short circuit.
  • In case of self-installation, choose products that have visual sensors for monitoring its condition and on-board network. This will make it easier for you to install, as well as further use it.

A car capacitor is connected to a circuit of any power, even if only one amplifier is operating. Many motorists prefer to install capacitors in a car sound system that is equipped with an external amplifier.

Expensive capacitors are used in modern cars, in which several amplifiers can be installed at once

Today there are many capacitors for cars on the market: from simple and inexpensive to the most elite. The latter are usually used in modern cars, in which several amplifiers can be installed at once.

Capacitor for VAZ 2110 generator

This article presents to your attention a small but very valuable instruction on how to replace the capacitor of a VAZ 2110 generator with your own hands. But first, I suggest you familiarize yourself with information about what a capacitor is, where it is located and what its purpose is.

Which generator to choose for the “ten”

The choice of motorists is not limited to Katek generators. Therefore, if the old device fails, you should think about who will take its place.

There are several main options.

  1. Katek. A standard, fairly reliable and very efficient generator. AvtoVAZ’s choice in its favor is due precisely to this. Plus it is a domestic manufacturer.
  2. Chinese products. The attitude of motorists towards Chinese generators is quite skeptical. There are explanations for this. Compared to them, Katek is simply an ideal solution. Although in fairness, we note that you can find some pretty good Chinese-assembled options. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
  3. Imported analogues. Here, first of all, you should pay attention to Bosch companies. Denso and Delphi. High build quality, impressive service life, efficient operation. They cost more than their Russian counterparts in the form of Katek, but for such a thing it makes sense to spend a little more.

Among imported devices, the following are considered good options:

  • Dynamo - manufacturer Bulgaria;
  • Eldix - also produced in Bulgaria;
  • BATE - produced in the city of Borisov, in Belarus.

When choosing a new generator for your car, pay attention to its technical characteristics and safety margin. Then think about the manufacturer. We do not recommend looking towards China if you are doing repairs for yourself and want to achieve high quality work.

Checking the integrity of the generator stator winding

Before checking the winding, an external inspection of the generator stator should be carried out for damage to the insulation and for the presence of burns.
If these defects are detected, the stator must be replaced. And if they are absent, you should proceed to the next stage of verification. To check the integrity of the winding, the stator should be disconnected from the generator and ensure that there is no contact between the winding terminals. At the same time, the absence of both a break in the winding circuit and a short circuit of the windings to the housing is checked. A digital multimeter is used for this purpose. This device must be set to resistance measurement mode (in Ohms). After this, the resistance of each of the three winding terminals is measured. For a faulty winding, the multimeter will detect too much resistance (break). At the second stage, the resistance between each winding and the stator housing is checked. A low value will indicate the presence of a short circuit to the housing.


Removing the capacitor of the VAZ 2110 generator and checking it is carried out in the following order:

  • Disconnect the battery (just disconnect the negative terminal);
  • Disconnect the excitation wire (wire block at terminal “D”);
  • Using the “10” key, unscrew the “B+” output wire;
  • Remove the generator belt;
  • Unscrew the fixing nut, the adjusting bolt and remove the belt tensioner bar;
  • We take out the lower fastening bolt, first use a key “13” and unscrew its nut;
  • Carefully pull out the generator itself (see photo).

Generator removal process

Next, we begin to get directly to the “culprit” of the repair:

  • We remove the plastic protective casing by pressing the three latches on its body:
  • We unscrew the two screws securing the brush holder and carefully, trying not to damage the brushes, pull out the assembly itself, simultaneously disconnecting the wire block from it;

How to check a capacitor for serviceability

The engine ignition system is one of the most important in a car. Thanks to its use, the car starts and starts moving. There are still many cars in Russia equipped with a contact ignition system, one of the elements of which is a capacitor. How to check the capacitor for serviceability? As a rule, it does not break down, but any car owner should always be prepared for this.

You can easily check and replace the capacitor while on the road.

How to check a capacitor for serviceability

To check the capacitor for serviceability you need an ohmmeter, a portable light bulb and a crank. Use an ohmmeter. One of the terminals of the capacitor must be connected to the housing for discharge. Connect one ohmmeter probe to the tip of the wire, the other to the body (the device must be in the upper measurement limit mode).

If the capacitor is working properly, a sharp deviation to “0” will begin, then it will smoothly return to “infinity”. If you change the polarity, the needle will deviate more towards “0”. If the capacitor is faulty, it must be replaced. Then you need to disconnect the ignition coil and capacitor wires from the breaker terminal. Using a portable lamp, check whether the capacitor penetrates the machine body. It must be connected to the breaker terminal and turn on the ignition.

How to check the capacitor for serviceability - the capacitor is considered faulty if the lamp starts to light up. It is used to reduce the burning of the breaker contacts and increase the secondary voltage. The capacitor is connected in parallel to it.

When the contacts open, at a minimum gap value, a spark begins to jump, leading to the accumulation of charge. All ignition systems have their own capacitors. It has a capacitance of approximately 0.17-0.35 µF. VAZ contact system this value corresponds to 0.2-0.25 µF. If the capacitance of the capacitor is deflected, the secondary voltage decreases. During charging/discharging of the capacitor, its value does not exceed five kV. The black wire running from the capacitor to the ignition coil and the breaker terminal must be disconnected from the breaker and turn on the ignition. Afterwards they need to touch each other. If a discharge spark appears, the capacitor is faulty. Another method of checking the capacitor for serviceability is to charge the ignition coil capacitor with a high voltage current, followed by discharging it to the housing. When a discharge spark appears with an audible click between the ground and the capacitor wire, it is serviceable. If there is no spark, the capacitor is broken.

Disconnect the capacitor. Use the crank handle to turn the engine crankshaft. Remove the cover from the ignition distributor, then turn on the ignition. The main sign that the capacitor is faulty is the presence of strong sparking at the contacts from the breaker during this period of time.

When there is too little spark between the housing and the main high voltage wire or there is strong sparking at the breaker contacts, the capacitor is faulty and should be replaced.

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How to understand that a device needs diagnostics

Various signs indicate a faulty capacitor. Headlights that flash in time with the bass of the car speakers mean that the car's electronic components are not receiving enough voltage. In some cases, the signals begin to become distorted, and individual components of the machine do not work correctly.

The ignition capacitor is responsible for producing a spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinder. If the spark has a weak red color and appears unevenly, if the car cannot be started normally, it is likely that there are problems with the capacitor.

It is important to avoid problems with the ignition capacitor. They arise for three reasons:

  • if the product has lost part of its capacity,
  • if an internal break occurs,
  • if a short circuit occurs.
  • The first two options are especially insidious, since the ignition does not immediately fail. The components continue to function, although the spark may no longer have the required power level. The main signs of a breakdown in such a situation are instability of the engine at idle and problems with starting. Be sure to check the capacitor and replace it if necessary! If this is not done, sparks from the breaker will cause the contacts to burn, which will damage the power unit.


    The capacitor is checked using a tester with a range of one to ten megaohms or a megohmmeter. If the capacitor is working properly, the test picture should look like this:

    • The initial tester readings are equal to infinity;
    • We connect its probes to the contacts;
    • At the moment of contact, the resistance readings decrease, and then again go to infinity.

    Otherwise, in the case described above, replace the capacitor, since its price is not high.

    Advice! When purchasing a new one, it is advisable to carry out this check in the store itself to avoid purchasing low-quality spare parts.

    Since the entire assembly occurs in the reverse order and does not represent anything new, this could be the end of the article. But I consider it necessary to advise you to check the voltage regulator as well, as they say: once the drinking has begun, cut the last cucumber! The check is simple and won’t take much of your time:

    • We connect a 12-volt control light bulb to the brushes and apply a voltage of 12 volts (“plus” to the terminal, “minus” to ground) - the light comes on;

    Replacement in the generator for VAZ 2110

    • Then in the same circuit we apply a voltage of 15-16 volts - the light bulb should not light up.

    Attention! It is also necessary to make sure that the brushes are easy to move, that they are not chipped or cracked, and that their length is at least five millimeters, otherwise the regulator must be replaced.

    I hope the principle is clear: if the light is on in both cases or, on the contrary, does not light, then there is a malfunction of the voltage regulator relay. With that, let me say goodbye, see you again)))

    I am my own mechanic. | Topic author: Alexander

    Please advise on the VAZ 2107 injector, you can install a generator without modifications from 09, the difference with the original one is the absence of a capacitor

    Pro100 (Sundiata) Of course you can. But I would install a 90 amp Niva, it is better and more powerful and the regulator is from a shnivy.

    Rinat (Thoth) Aren’t those on the injectors?

    Alexander (Hedy) such only kander on the back of the cover is worth

    Rinat (Thoth) WELL, PUT A CONDENSER AND ALL THE BUSINESS. HIS role is to remove sparks from the brushes so that they do not heat up.

    Checking the generator capacitor VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

    removal and installation of the VAZ 2107 generator, replacement of brushes, repair of the generator, winding of the VAZ 2105 generator, stator of the VAZ 2104.

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    Capacitors are needed for accumulation and also for storage. A capacitor is installed in the generator to eliminate interference in the general circuit.

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    What is a generator capacitor for on a VAZ 2107: comments

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    Capacitor for VAZ 2110 generator

    This article presents to your attention a small but very valuable instruction on how to replace the capacitor of a VAZ 2110 generator with your own hands. But first, I suggest you familiarize yourself with information about what a capacitor is, where it is located and what its purpose is.

    Checking the functionality of the voltage regulator

    Before checking, the voltage regulator should be removed from the generator. Then you need to carry out an external inspection, make sure the integrity of the brushes and check how they move in the channels of the brush holder. If their protrusion is less than 4.5 mm, the entire device should be replaced.

    To test the voltage regulator, the user needs to have two power sources 12–14 and 16–22 V. The positive terminal of the power supply is connected to the output of the device, the negative terminal is connected to ground. A 12-volt light bulb is connected between the brushes. If the light comes on when 12–14 V is supplied, and goes out when 16–22 V is applied, then the regulator is working. In other cases, we can talk about a device malfunction.


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