How to replace the air filter on a Largus. How to change the air filter on a Lada Largus yourself? choosing the right air filter for Largus

The Lada Largus K4M air filter is one of the important components of the Russian station wagon, which requires not only timely replacement, but also the selection of the right consumables.

A lot depends on the quality and timely replacement of the Lada Largus air filter - from fuel consumption to engine life. But, unfortunately, many car owners neglect this procedure, forgetting to change the filter element in a timely manner.

How to get out of a filter situation

Before replacing the consumables, the owners of the majority of Russian-French station wagons will first have to install a cabin filter on the LADA Largus.

In fact, motorists had to independently solve the problem of the lack of a cabin filter in the presence of a blank housing for it. In general, no one bothers you to leave everything as is, not use a filter and drive, receiving unpurified air into the cabin. But this is harmful and dangerous, so it would be correct to install a full-fledged filter element.

To supply a spare part, you can contact a car service, or do everything yourself. In the first case, you will have to pay at least 2 thousand rubles. Although in fact the work is completed in 1-2 hours, if you act extremely carefully, consistently and with rest breaks. Some can easily do it in less than 1 hour.

The idea is to get rid of the plastic plug by cutting it out of its seat. This opens the cabin filter housing, and it can be fully used to accommodate consumables. We must not forget that in most Largus configurations a cabin filter is not provided, but the consumables themselves are produced from the official manufacturer. A truly strange company policy, which is difficult to somehow explain or justify.

Where is the Lada Largus fuel filter located?

This question worries many owners of domestic station wagons. The fact is that on injection Lada cars the fuel filter was always located above the rear beam and replacing it was a simple task. However, many who buy Lada Largus as their own plan to maintain their car themselves. But, not finding a fuel filter in the usual place, they begin to search on the Internet for the answer to the question “where is the fuel filter on the Lada Largus?” And only then do they find out that the fuel filter on the Lada Largus was moved directly to the fuel tank. Those. the filter itself acts as a glass in which the fuel pump is installed.

This is a proven solution that has been used on most foreign cars for several decades. In terms of replacement, of course, it’s not the easiest thing, but again, this is not such a common procedure.

General aspects: when to change

The instructions that come with the Lada Largus suggest the need to replace the filter every 20 thousand km of mileage. Here we recommend making an adjustment for this scheduled maintenance period and reducing the indicated period. This need is caused by the peculiarities of operating a car in an environment of increased pollution and gas pollution, which is important for modern megacities and dusty unpaved “destinations”.

If you neglect to replace this important component, the consequences for the engine can be very sad. The engine will begin to experience air starvation, which will negatively affect not only fuel consumption, but will also cause increased oil consumption. And this already “smacks” of a quick overhaul of the unit, because the components of the piston group will not keep you waiting long

A practical difference between modern elements is the ability to clean them by washing. Thus, the service life of these components is approximately twice as long compared to traditional filters

And this already “smacks” of a quick overhaul of the unit, because the components of the piston group will not keep you waiting long. A practical difference between modern elements is the ability to clean them by washing. Thus, the service life of these components is approximately twice as long compared to traditional filters.

Replacement procedure

In order to save time and money, motorists prefer to replace the air filter with a new one themselves. There is nothing complicated in such work. You just need to purchase the right part that is suitable in size, and also prepare the tools: a clean rag and a flat-head screwdriver.

How to choose a filter? Initially, you should read the technical documentation for the vehicle. Manufacturers indicate in the manual the code of the original model, as well as its dimensions. If such a part is not on sale, high-quality analogues will do. The most famous brands are BOSH, Fram and BigFilter.

Modern air filters differ not only in shape, but also in material and cleaning method:

  • paper designs are the most popular due to their low cost. The filter element here is corrugated cardboard, which retains dirt even 1 micron in size. The paper is impregnated with an oily solution and does not deform when in contact with water. However, such VFs are disposable. It is not recommended to use the filter after 30 thousand km;
  • VF zero resistance. In appearance, the filter resembles a paper one, but fabric or foam rubber is used as a filter element. Due to the high cost, zero VFs are most often used in sports cars. If the part becomes dirty, it can be washed with a cleaning agent and reused.

The need to replace the air filter on Largus

It has long been undeniable that the air filter in the air duct plays a significant role, because along with its fuel “colleague” it ensures the purity of the mixture sent to the combustion chambers. The power characteristics of the LADA Largus engine directly depend on this factor. Operating a car involves no alternative and gradual clogging of the component we are considering. You should not wait until the filtering function completely stops, because the operation of the motor will be impossible, and the harm to it cannot be overestimated. A Lada Largus with a dirty air filter will be prone to increased fuel consumption and an unjustified reduction in power. The manufacturer deliberately placed the air filter in the most convenient location. So that the owner is not lazy to look into it and assess the degree of clogging. If the fact of contamination is obvious, then resort to replacement as soon as possible. This work will be feasible even for an owner who has just embarked on the path of a car enthusiast.


...and remove the replacement element from it.
...and remove the replacement element from it.

...and remove the replacement element from it.

We clean the cavity of the air filter housing and install a new element in the reverse order.

[How to save on maintenance of Lada Largus] [Maintenance of Lada Largus at 15,000/45,000/75,000/105,000 km] [Maintenance of Lada Largus at 30 thousand km] [Maintenance of Lada Largus at 60 thousand km of run] [Maintenance of Lada Largus for 90 thousand km of run] [Maintenance of Lada Largus for 120 thousand km of run] [Independent maintenance - general recommendations] [Safety rules for self-carrying out maintenance] [Tools required for carrying out maintenance Lada Largus maintenance] [Lamps used in the Lada Largus car]

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Temporary air filter repair

As a rule, in most cases, they find out about oil getting into the air filter on the road or when they urgently need to go. Then they wonder whether it is possible to solve the problem with repairs for a short period of time. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since depending on the reasons given above, the result of the repair will depend.

If the problem lies in the filter itself, or a cracked hose, then for a short time the problem is very solvable. It will be enough to clean the filter well by knocking it out or rinsing and drying it (rinsing option as a last resort) and putting it back in place. A broken hose can be sealed. But at the first opportunity, replace it with a new one.

Most often you can find a solution, this is the hose from the breather, then oil will not flow into the air filter. Drivers remove and extend the hose, then lower the hose below the engine, thereby bypassing the engine air filter. With this decision, you can travel hundreds of kilometers, but it’s still better not to delay it until later. This solution will extend the life of the filter, and the crankcase gas exhaust hose will not clog or freeze in winter.

The last option is when it throws oil into the air filter. It can be said that this is the worst option and practically impossible to repair for a while; in this case, it is worth urgently starting a major overhaul of the engine. Since delaying repairs can take a considerable amount out of your pocket.

Conclusion, when oil leaks into the air filter, it is important to immediately determine the cause and eliminate it, since postponing it for later can lead to irreversible consequences.

Auto Light Control (Installing an automatic light switching system) – Mitsubishi Autoelectrics

Details Published 22.11.2012 17:17 Victor Martynov

ASX retrofit material used with permission from VS.

If your car was equipped from the factory with a simple headlight switch, then you are missing out on the convenience of using the Auto Light Control system.

This system improves comfort while driving by automatically switching the low beam on and off depending on the level of outside light (for example, in tunnels, in rainy weather and snowfall, at night).

In this case, the side and low beams, as well as the license plate lights, will automatically turn on.

Agree - you will be able to see better, and your car will be better distinguishable if your car's lighting turns on automatically depending on the lighting conditions.

By equipping your car with the Auto Light Control system, you will receive all of the above benefits of this system.

This can be implemented, and it’s not difficult at all, because Electronic car control units provide control of the Auto Light Control system and you only need to install the necessary spare parts, as well as activate this functionality in the car’s ETACS.

You need to purchase the following parts:

  • Steering column switch with auto light function
  • Lancer X, Outlander XL-8614A061 with headlight washer button, 8614A060 without headlight washer button.
  • ASX-8614A130.
Light and solar activity sensor (8651A096)
Light and solar activity sensor (7825A019)

The light sensor can be in two versions: 8651A096 - only with a light sensor and 7825A019 - with a light sensor and a photo sensor for climate control. If you plan to equip your car with a climate control system, then you need to purchase a light and solar activity sensor with catalog number 7825A019.

In addition to these two parts, you will also need to make wiring and as a spare part. The part is not supplied separately. For manufacturing, you will need to find a plug to connect to the light sensor socket. It looks like this:

The exact same plug is found on every ASX and is intended to connect the 4WD switch. On vehicles with non-all-wheel drive, this plug is attached to the back of the plug in place of this switch.

  1. There is another option - to use a computer connector.

To connect the light sensor to the ETACS unit, you will need three missing contacts in the connector. These contacts, which are so necessary for us, can be safely taken from the connector, which is located behind the standard radio and is not connected to anything; it is intended for connecting the standard MMSS. On ASX it is C-101, on Outlander XL it is C-21.

When all the necessary parts have been assembled and the wire has been manufactured, you can begin installation. First of all, we remove the radio and dashboard.

Then, putting your hand under in the direction of the red arrow in the photo, in the direction of the sensor plug, we squeeze it to the top from the inside.

Now let's move on to wiring. We insert a plug into the hole for the sensor to connect it.

Then we connect the missing contacts in the connector of the ETACS unit: ASX-C411, Lancer X and Outlander XL-C301. They must be connected to pins 3, 18 and 20.

ETACS Lancer X, Outlander XLETACS ASX
Lancer X, Outlander XLASX

Installing contacts on connector C-411 on an ASX car does not present any difficulties due to its convenient location. But it’s quite difficult to do on Lancer X and Outlander XL. It is located on top of the ETAX, which is already difficult to reach, and the suitable wires with a connector are wrapped in adhesive foam, which is very difficult to tear off.

The easiest process, taking less than 5 minutes, is to replace the steering column light switch with a similar one, but with an AUTO function.

We connect the light sensor to the plug and insert the sensor into its place.

  1. Before assembling the interior, we secure the wiring under the panel so that it does not rub against anything and does not become the source of a new “cricket”.
  2. After this we collect everything that we took apart.
  3. The next step is to make the following changes to the Variant Coding of the ETACS ECU.

How to connect this sensor 8651A096. Behind the dash there is a plug with two contacts, and three come out of the sensor itself. Should I pull it directly into etax, then what are the hole numbers? P.S. I want auto light.

Yes, taped with electrical tape behind the radio next to its connectors. Not in Arabic!

“To connect the light sensor to the ETACS unit, you will need three missing contacts in the connector. These contacts, which are so necessary for us, can be safely taken from the connector, which is located behind the standard radio and is not connected to anything; it is intended for connecting the standard MMSS. On ASX it’s C-101, on Outlander XL it’s C-21.”

Is there this connector with free contacts on Lancer X?


Installing a cabin filter is not so much difficult as it is an uncomfortable procedure, since this part must be located deep under the front panel on the passenger side. Therefore, before starting work, you should remove the front seat using a wrench of the appropriate size. Under such conditions, you can install the cabin filter while lying down with your legs on the back seat, which will be somewhat more comfortable than kneeling outside the car and trying to bend in an unnatural way. You should put a flashlight with an elastic band on your head to carefully examine all the details.

Now you need to determine where the cabin filter is located. To do this, you can first study the documentation for the car, but you can find the right place yourself. The socket for installing the cabin filter in the Lada Largus is closed with a plastic non-removable rectangular plug, which is quite large in size. Inspect it carefully - there should be a mark at the top that indicates the support pin. To install the cabin air filter, you will need to cut out the plug with a sharp knife.

The material from which it is made is quite viscous and difficult to process - so you should use a ruler to cut it in a straight line. If you end up with small burrs, don't worry as they can be easily removed using the same knife

Please note that the support pin mentioned above cannot be cut out, otherwise you will not be able to properly secure the cabin filter in the car. Try to do the job as carefully as possible, even if you have to spend a lot of time - the reward will be the ability to install the cabin filter without additional sealing

Next, a surprise awaits you, since the cabin filter for Lada Largus has slightly larger dimensions than the resulting space. To install it correctly, the filter needs to be slightly crumpled from the outside and carefully brought in, gradually pressing it against the far wall. If you bought a quality product, its lower part will be a cover that will seal the air channels inside the front panel. Now turn on the blower fan at maximum speed and check that all deflectors supply air evenly. If you strictly followed the recommendations, the cabin filter will serve you for a long time and will maintain a safe microclimate inside the car.

The need to replace the air filter on Largus

It has long been undeniable that the air filter in the air duct plays a significant role, because along with its fuel “colleague” it ensures the purity of the mixture sent to the combustion chambers. The power characteristics of the LADA Largus engine directly depend on this factor. Operating a car involves no alternative and gradual clogging of the component we are considering. You should not wait until the filtering function completely stops, because the operation of the motor will be impossible, and the harm to it cannot be overestimated. A Lada Largus with a dirty air filter will be prone to increased fuel consumption and an unjustified reduction in power. The manufacturer deliberately placed the air filter in the most convenient location. So that the owner is not lazy to look into it and assess the degree of clogging. If the fact of contamination is obvious, then resort to replacement as soon as possible. This work will be feasible even for an owner who has just embarked on the path of a car enthusiast.

Filter articles

The rectangular filter is designated by one article number - 165469466R. For the rim filter there will be more article numbers: 7701070525, 7701047655, 7701069365.

Component of the “new” engine

All figures given above are taken from the Renault catalogue.

Analogues of a rectangular filter

  • ASAM 30487
  • BIG GB-946
  • BM FA9466
  • FILTRON AP 134/10
  • HENGST E1104L
  • FRAM CA11652
  • JS A43001
  • BOSCH F 026 400 377
  • MANN C 33 006
  • LGR LGR7218
  • LYNXauto LA-2070
  • MAHLE/KNECHT LX 2061/1
  • MAPCO 60126
  • MULLER PA3613
  • PILENGA FA-P 9466
  • SCT SB 2294
  • MISTRAL MF1821
  • MITWELL MA1414
  • MFILTER K 7046
  • SIBTEK AF 0198
  • TSN-Citron 9.1.1645
  • Nevsky filter NF-5458C

Rim filter analogs

  • FEBI 30071 or 31264
  • FILTRON AR131/1
  • SWAG 60 93 0071 or 60 93 1264
  • MANN C 2672/1
  • PATRON PF1105 or PF1116
  • BOSCH 1 457 433 311 or 1 457 433 529 or 0 986 B02 333
  • UNICO AE 2991/1 or AE 2692
  • TOPRAN 700 418
  • VEMO/VAICO V46-0558 or V46-0555
  • FIL HPU 4427
  • MULLER PA3613 or PA475 or PA602
  • FRAM CA10447
  • KRAFT 1715035
  • LYNXauto LA-1401
  • PUROLATOR A39216 or A39216
  • PURFLUX A1278
  • VALEO 585647
  • FIAAM FL9149 or PA7523
  • HENGST E798L
  • MAHLE/KNECHT LX 773 or LX 2061/1 or LX 2844
  • LEXUS 82009-88426
  • MEYLE 16-12 321 0005
  • CHAMPION W716/606
  • ASAM 30518 or 30664
  • TECNOCAR A2205 or A898
  • OPTIMAL FA-01018
  • PBR AI-3762 or AI-5423
  • JP 4318601409
  • MGA FA3153
  • Nevsky filter NF-4004

Tips for choosing from Largusovodov

As for air filters, when choosing them you need to know the following:

  • The products from HENGST and MANN Filter perform best, followed by the brands BOSCH, BIG, MAHLE and KNECHT;
  • The lowest quality will be for SCT, FRAM and CHAMPION filters;
  • Everything else is somewhere in the middle.

The products of two domestic brands are an option for a “budget replacement”, nothing more. But this replacement looks better than the options from point 2.

Accessibility for everyone

If we compare replacing the cabin filter with air conditioning with other repair operations, then the fact is immediately obvious that this work will not require the owner to have certain skills or spend time. Moreover, now you know where it is located, as well as how to change it correctly. To perform the procedure, you will need a minimum of skills and knowledge in the field of the features of the car interior ventilation system.

Here, accuracy comes to the fore, since removing the non-removable plug will require special care. If an unfortunate mistake occurs at this stage, the consequences can only get worse. This circumstance makes some owners inclined to seek help from the service, which is quite justified, because the correct installation of the filter directly affects the correct operation of the entire ventilation and heating system of the interior space of the Lada Largus model.

24 February 2015LadaOnline 56 483

On the Lada Largus, a cabin filter is not installed by the manufacturer, so after the first trip dust appears in the car's interior. The filter element can be installed during a scheduled technical inspection, but if desired, you can do it yourself. Let's take a closer look at how to install a cabin filter on a Lada Largus.

You will need: a new Lada Largus air filter (catalog number: 7701059997, approximate price 350 rubles), a sharp knife or metal file.


Move the front passenger seat as far back as possible. Then bend down to gain access to the air filter plug, which is located near the front passenger's left foot (see photo).

It is necessary to cut out the plug using a sharp utility knife or a metal file. After the piece of plastic is cut out, you should clean the edges of the cuts and turn on the stove fan at maximum speed so that all the chips fly out of the opening for the filter.

The Lada Largus cabin filter is assembled, which means that along with the filter there is also a new plug. The cabin filter is larger than the hole made, so when installing it, the filter element must be compressed. First insert the upper part of the filter, and then snap the lower part into place. The whole process will not take more than 30-40 minutes of video, and the moment of removing and installing the air filter can be seen in the video:

On Lada Largus, the air filter should be replaced depending on operating conditions, every 10,000 km, or every 5-7.5 thousand runs under more severe conditions. Let us remind you that on the website you can find other instructions for repairing Lada Largus.

Keywords: Lada Largus filters | air ducts Lada Largus | air conditioner Lada Largus | stove Lada Largus19

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Close cooperation between the domestic company AvtoVAZ and the French automaker Renault bore fruit several years ago.

One of them was the appearance of a model called Largus, which after some time received its Crossover continuation in the form of Largus Cross. In fact, it remained the same station wagon, created on the basis of the French Logan MCV (aka the Romanian Dacia Logan MCV), but slightly changed its appearance and received increased ground clearance. This allowed the domestic automaker to add the prefix Cross to the name Largus.

If the question arises about replacing the cabin filter, the same recommendations and instructions can be applied to these two cars. In terms of organizing the ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems, they are no different from each other.

But the Largus and Largus Cross models have their own feature, which directly concerns the cabin filter. Therefore, questions are often asked about whether these machines even have such consumables.

Zero resistance filters (tuning)

We are talking about the K4M engine, which contains 16 valves in its design, and the air filter for the Lada Largus does not have to be an analogue of a standard part. In particular, a zero filter can be installed in place of the filter element. Zero resistance filters can be reusable (see photo).

Replacement for standard filter element

As you can see, the frame is collapsible, and it will be easy to remove the filter cloth from it.

The problem is that the filter element in reusable filters must be cleaned and washed, and also impregnated with a special composition. Well, the cost of the “impregnation” itself is not budgetary.

You can also install a “filter chandelier”. The following options will be possible:

  • The intake muffler 2 is completely removed and a “chandelier” is installed in its place;
  • The muffler remains in place. The “chandelier filter” is connected instead of air duct 1.

The standard filter installed under housing 3 must be removed in any case. All details are shown in the drawing.

K4M engine intake system

  • In “case 1” the increase in torque is noticeable over the entire frequency range. However, this increase is insignificant.
  • The harm from the muffler is expressed in the fact that there will be no gain “at the bottom”. Otherwise, the muffler does not affect the operation of the zero.

General aspects: when to change

The instructions that come with the Lada Largus suggest the need to replace the filter every 20 thousand km of mileage. Here we recommend making an adjustment for this scheduled maintenance period and reducing the indicated period. This need is caused by the peculiarities of operating a car in an environment of increased pollution and gas pollution, which is important for modern megacities and dusty unpaved “destinations”.

If you neglect to replace this important component, the consequences for the engine can be very sad. The engine will begin to experience air starvation, which will negatively affect not only fuel consumption, but will also cause increased oil consumption. And this already “smacks” of a quick overhaul of the unit, because the components of the piston group will not keep you waiting long

A practical difference between modern elements is the ability to clean them by washing. Thus, the service life of these components is approximately twice as long compared to traditional filters

And this already “smacks” of a quick overhaul of the unit, because the components of the piston group will not keep you waiting long. A practical difference between modern elements is the ability to clean them by washing. Thus, the service life of these components is approximately twice as long compared to traditional filters.

Filter selection

Before you change the cabin filter on Largus yourself, you need to purchase the filter element itself. With the current assortment, this is extremely easy to do.

There is no point in buying old filters that were used on the very first versions of the Largus model. Those filters were made on the basis of hygroscopic fibers and were made in only one layer. The effectiveness of such an air purifier was frankly weak, and there was no need to rely on high-quality results.

But the manufacturer reconsidered its approach to the production of consumables and began to offer an improved version. It was followed by manufacturers of analogues, who offered their own filter options for the regular Largus van and station wagon, as well as for the Cross version.

Improved filters now have two layers. The most expensive trim levels even come from the factory with a carbon filter with a special absorbent layer. The peculiarity of this element is its ability to trap exhaust gases and unpleasant odors.

If you prefer original spare parts, then look for the part under catalog number 7701059997. For such a filter they will charge you at least 500 rubles, which is quite expensive, considering the current prices for analogues.

Among non-original filters for Largus and Largus Cross, the choice is simply huge. For some reason, a large number of manufacturers considered it necessary to make their own filter elements for this machine. But there is nothing surprising here, since in fact we are talking about the same filters for several different machines:

  • Renault Logan MCV.
  • Dacia Logan MCV.
  • Lada Lagrus.
  • Lada Largus Cross.

There is nothing complicated about making the same consumables with possibly different catalog numbers and designations on the packaging.

Among the manufacturers whose assortment includes consumables suitable for Largus, the following can be noted:

  • Sakura.
  • Muller Filter.
  • WIX.
  • Nevsky.
  • Kamoka.
  • Goodwill.
  • Clean Filters.
  • AMC.
  • Profit.
  • BIG Filter.
  • Kraft.
  • Master Sport.
  • JC Premium.
  • Finwhale.
  • Delphi.
  • Febi.
  • Bosch.
  • Filtron.
  • Mann.

Some of them cost about 350 rubles, others will cost at least 400 rubles. Products from leading manufacturers such as Filtron, Bosch and Mann are even more expensive than the original. And this doesn’t happen very often, so that analogues turn out to be more expensive than original spare parts.

The motorist only has to make the final choice and purchase consumables. Structurally, it differs in that it immediately contains a plastic frame. This will allow you to close the very hole that owners of simple configurations in Largus have to do with their own hands in order to be able to fully use the space of the box for the cabin filter.

New cabin filter Lada Largus

Features of the selection and preparatory procedure

Before purchasing this product, you should know that the cabin filter can be purchased not only from business entities involved in servicing cars of Russian origin, but also from the Renault branded retail chain and service companies.

The cost of a filter for the LADA Largus model is quite reasonable and you should not save on cheap products of dubious origin. If you come across a component that costs 500-700 rubles, then its quality aspects may not match your expectations. In cheap filters, the working component contains a sponge cloth, which becomes clogged incredibly quickly, and after several cleanings it can even rupture.

The second option is a multilayer element, the price of which increases to approximately 1000 rubles. These layers are formed precisely by the polymer material. They are glued together, which has a positive effect on the service life and reliability of the product, as well as on its efficiency.

Experts recommend installing a cabin filter on the Lada Largus, the structure of which contains activated carbon. The price for this option can reach 1200 rubles, but the costs will be completely justified, since the filter is able to provide protection as effectively as possible and does not require attention for a long period. Another important advantage of this component is its ability to absorb harmful toxins, which are abundant in car exhaust products and industrial emissions. All these advantages of this option make it possible to guarantee an air atmosphere of exceptional cleanliness in the cabin.

If you seek the help of professionals to install a filter in LADA Largus, you will need to stock up on considerable financial resources. A branded service may persuade you to purchase the most expensive filter and will require about 2,500 rubles for the service. An unauthorized workshop will ask for a more affordable amount for similar work, about 1,500 rubles, and this is already equal to the price of the filter component itself.

Such circumstances persuade many LADA Largus owners to install filters themselves. Now it remains to figure out how to change this filter. To get the job done well, you will need to follow some minor recommendations. You will also need to acquire a number of simple tools. The main “tool of labor” here is a knife, through which a large proportion of operations are performed. Also, a simple set of keys, a “flashlight on the forehead” and a regular ruler will not hurt. For some manipulations, a slotted screwdriver may be useful.

Cost of eliminating oil leakage into the air filter

Depending on the situation why oil is getting into the air filter, the cost of repair will depend. Also, the sooner you find out and start repairs, the less costs you will spend on spare parts. A new air filter for a car will cost 100 rubles or more, depending on the make and model of the car. Naturally, the price of a filter for a foreign car will immediately increase significantly. As an example, an air filter on a BMW X5 E53 will cost from 500 rubles.

Minor repairs to remove the hose from the breather outside the engine can be done yourself, but at a service station, such handicraft work will be done for 600-1000 rubles. If we talk about engine overhauls, the amount immediately starts at least 2,000 rubles. Experienced drivers advise not to delay repairs for a long time.

In any of the repair options, you need to buy:

  1. New air filter;
  2. Engine oil;
  3. Preferably a new oil filter;
  4. Valve cover gasket (if you remove the cover);
  5. In case of engine overhaul, the minimum set (cylinder head gasket, cylinder rings).

Typically, such a repair involves changing the engine oil and installing a new air filter. When removing the hose from the breather, remember that the cause will not go away on its own.

Video about the cause of oil in the air filter of a VAZ car:

How not to buy a fake

Due to the fact that counterfeits are very common on the auto parts market, here are some simple tips to help you buy an original filter:

  • Buy only from trusted stores
  • The product must have original, not torn and dense plastic packaging.
  • Presence of a halogram on the sticker
  • If possible, check on site against the original installed in the machine at the factory.
  • The manufacturer and original number are indicated on the filter itself in two lines.
  • There must be felt
    . If there is a black sponge instead of felt, it is most likely a fake!
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