Cabin filter on Lanos - replacement instructions and how often it needs to be changed

The cabin filter plays an important role in a car for the person driving the car and its passengers. Thanks to it, dust, harmful substances, and small insects do not penetrate into the interior. A pleasant atmosphere is maintained inside, creating high travel comfort.

Air enters the interior of a Chevrolet Lanos car from various places: stove, air conditioner, ventilation. Dust particles pass through these devices, the presence of which in the cabin is not permissible. The cabin filter plays the role of a barrier.

Where is the filter located?

The cabin filter in a Chevrolet Lanos is located behind the air intake grille. The original element that is supplied with the car by the manufacturer has the article number CU 17 003. The cost of this device starts from about 600 rubles. However, many owners of this vehicle often purchase and install an analog cabin filter, since its price is an order of magnitude lower and it is in no way inferior in quality to the original.

The Chevrolet Lanos manufacturing plant, in its technical operating conditions, recommends replacing this filter every 20,000 km. This is especially important if the car owner has any allergic reaction, for example, to pollen. If you replace the cabin filter in a timely manner, this will help get rid of not only dust and other contaminants, but also the unpleasant odor, which, thanks to the device, does not penetrate into the cabin.

Sometimes experts recommend changing the cabin filter in a Chevrolet Lanos every 10,000 km. This is considered ideal. It is necessary to take into account the time of year, the mileage of the car, and the well-being of those who use the car most often.

A faulty cabin filter can cause great harm to the driver and passengers. Particular attention should be paid to the functioning of the filter in a large city, since it is in such places that the largest number of pollutants are localized. When purchasing a used car, the cabin filter must be changed immediately.

Analoguevendor codeCost, in rubles
Big FilterFS134400

Our Lanos: how to change the cabin filter

Road dust, exhaust fumes, dust from worn pads and clutch discs, allergens from flowering plants are not the best companions on the road. This is the answer to the question why an air filter is installed in the cabin. True, not all. On some, even once new, Daewoo Lanos you will not be able to find a cabin filter. It simply wasn't installed from the factory. Today we’ll figure out where the cabin filter is located on Lanos, how to choose it correctly and how to replace it. Go.

When to change the Lanos cabin filter, signs of wear

All air that is sucked into the cabin must be cleaned. Otherwise, we get not only health problems, especially in a big city, but also a number of other troubles:

  • The appearance of soot on the inside of the windshield.
  • Clogged air ducts of the ventilation and heating system.
  • Constantly dusty front panel even with the windows closed.
  • In Lanos with air conditioning, there is a risk of quickly destroying the evaporator and reducing the productivity of the climate system.
  • The plant recommends replacing the cabin filter on Daewoo Lanos once every 10 thousand mileage , however, experienced drivers try to change it in conjunction with preparation for the spring-summer period, so that the filter works perfectly in the spring.

    Where is the cabin filter on Daewoo Lanos and which one is better to choose?

    The cabin air filter on Daewoo Lanos is installed at the level of the glove compartment under the air intake and this does not depend on whether we have air conditioning or not. Access to it is provided from the engine compartment , as shown in the photo. The Lanos cabin filter is located here. Before removing and changing the cabin filter, you need to unscrew the right side of the air intake. Filters are divided into two categories:

  • dust filter made of non-woven material, capable of cutting off only dust and larger fractions, inexpensive option;
  • a carbon adsorbing filter that will not only prevent dust from entering the cabin, but will also filter out bacteria, microscopic plant pollen, and neutralize harmful gases and unpleasant odors.

The latter option is about 30% more expensive, but works an order of magnitude more efficiently. Of course, if we are ready to change the cabin filter on the Lanos every 3-5 thousand mileage, without question we can install a simple dust filter and inhale the city atmosphere that has a beneficial effect on the body. If we look into the future, it is better to buy a carbon cabin filter for Daewoo Lanos and enjoy clean air in the cabin for several years. Carbon Korean filter Konner Czech filter Profit On the market today there is a whole sea of ​​cabin filters at prices ranging from $3 to $10-12 of various brands, from Chinese noname, to venerable manufacturers:

  • Xing cabin filter ), better than nameless companies, the cheapest on the market for 2022, price about 2 dollars, regular dust filter;
  • Korean original GM with catalog number 096190645 , if not a fake, will last its 10,000 mileage, the price is exactly 5 dollars;
  • Czech Profit with number 15212153 , for the same 5 bucks we get a carbon filter;
  • German Mann with article CU17003 , regular dust, price about $9, according to reviews, good and reliable, additional articles - M218612029, ZZ07002 ;
  • for $12 you can even buy a Japanese AMC with catalog number DC7109 .

Which cabin filter is better in your opinion?

Do-it-yourself replacement of the Daewoo Lanos cabin filter

To replace it, we only need a Phillips screwdriver and sleight of hand, since picking out and, most importantly, installing a new cabin filter in place is not an easy task. The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the three plastic screws that hold the right side of the air intake. (pos. 2)
  • We remove the air intake. (item 3) Dismantled air intake
  • Move the drain under the air intake to the right enough to fully open the air intake hatch.
  • We reach into the hatch with our hands and remove the old filter by touch. Or we make sure that it is not there from the factory. (pos. 4)
  • We thoroughly wipe the space inside the hatch with a damp cloth so that old dust does not fall on the new filter, remove leaves, fluff, and dirt.
  • We try to carefully install the new filter in place. Just be careful, because during installation it may fall inside the air duct and end up near the stove fan. As an option, you can try installing a saloon, standing on the driver's side, lying on the left front fender.
  • Installing the filter from the left wing When installing, make sure that there are no distortions, the filter fits tightly and without deformation. Old and new filters

    Replacing the filter

    Replacing the cabin filter in a Chevrolet Lanos can be done either at a service center or independently. If you decide to change the cabin filter yourself, then you need to stock up on a Phillips-head screwdriver, a new filter, rags and other available tools.

    If you are replacing the filter yourself for the first time, it is recommended that you first watch a video where the entire replacement process is discussed in detail. In any case, you first need to find a cabin filter. The replacement process itself consists of several activities that should be performed:

    • Start the engine and set the wipers to a vertical position, as they should not become an obstacle when replacing the filter.
    • Open the hood and unscrew the plastic trim (another name for it is the cover). Below it is the cabin filter. When unscrewing the screws securing the cover, you should not use much force, as this may damage it.
    • After unscrewing the cover, it may not be dismantled. Then you will need to open the hood harder, and then it can be easily removed.
    • Then you need to remove the rubber seal covering the engine. You need to remove it very carefully. If the seal is damaged, it must be replaced with a new one. Its cost is low.
    • Then you should replace the old filter with a new one. After the filter is installed in place, all parts are assembled in the reverse order.

    Some qualified specialists advise inspecting the filter after removal and, if there is only dust on it and there is no damage, then clean it, rinse it and install it in its original place. This is not worth doing! The cabin filter is not an expensive purchase, however, its benefits are quite large. Therefore, it is imperative to install a new one in place of the old filter. If this is not done and the old one is returned to its place, then in the winter the stove will not function normally. This will create an uncomfortable environment for the driver and passengers.

    If after replacing the filter, no changes are felt, then it is recommended to pay attention to the air duct. It needs to be cleaned with a powerful air stream. If this does not help, then you need to repeat removing the equipment and using special solutions to clean the entire air purification system. It is noted that after cleaning each part, it must be thoroughly dried and reinstalled.


    • Medium Phillips screwdriver

    Parts and consumables:

    • Cabin filter (GM 96190645)

    1. Raise the car's wipers as much as possible and open the hood of the Chevrolet Lanos. The cabin air filter is located under the right grille in the air intake opening.

    Chevrolet Lanos grille for air supply.

    2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the plastic rivets securing the air intake grille and remove the grille.

    Mounting points for the air intake grille.

    3. Remove the plastic shield in the air intake opening.

    4. Reach your hand into the air intake opening and remove the old cabin air filter.

    5. Install a new Chevrolet Lanos air filter and reassemble in the reverse order.

    New air filter (GM 96190645).

    Comparison of old and new cabin air filter.

    Car manufacturers recommend carrying out routine maintenance to replace consumables when a certain mileage is reached. However, all recommendations should be treated with healthy skepticism. It is best to change spare parts on your Chevrolet Lanos not based on kilometers driven, but based on an assessment of their actual condition.

    Thus, the Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter can last almost indefinitely, even if the car owner does not use either the air conditioning system or the heating system and drives kilometers along coastal roads under the blow of a fresh sea breeze. But if your iron horse is operated in conditions of monstrous pollution in large cities, then long before the time for routine maintenance, you will feel unpleasant odors in the cabin and feel, but both the stove and the air conditioner began to work somewhat uncertainly.

    First, turn off the ignition and fix the wipers in a vertical position.

    Chevrolet car repair manuals and tips

    Cabin Filter Replacement Guide

    The Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter, like any other, traps dust and other volatile substances harmful to the human body, preventing them from entering the cabin. Therefore, timely replacement will save clean air in the interior of the car and maintain comfort and freshness.

    Any manufacturers, including the concern that produced the Chevrolet Lanos, recommend replacing the cabin filter every 15-20 thousand kilometers. By following this unspoken rule, you can ensure comfortable conditions at any time of the year.

    There are two ways to replace the Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter. It would be optimal to carry out the replacement in a specialized car service, since sometimes this is accompanied by the disassembly of a large number of vehicle parts. This takes a lot of time and effort, so it will be natural to delegate this work to professionals who will do it quickly and efficiently.

    The second way is to change the cabin filter yourself. The more carefully a car owner takes care of his car, the longer it will serve faithfully. Therefore, you need to approach filter replacement with all responsibility and change it as it gets dirty, especially if you do it yourself, because you won’t have to spend money on a car dealership.

    Note! The filter is cheap by modern standards, but an optimal microclimate in the cabin is very expensive. On average, the price of a cabin filter varies from 180 to 280 rubles, which, you see, is nothing.

    Replacement process - what, where and how?

    Unscrew the bolts on the top panelUnscrew the bolts on the top panel

    Before you start replacing the filter on a Lanos, no matter how strange it may sound, you need to get into the car, turn on the ignition and put the wipers in a vertical position. This is done so that the wipers create as little interference as possible when removing the panel and subsequent filter replacement. The tools you will need are a Phillips screwdriver and a brand new filter, respectively.

    After manipulating the wipers, you need to open the hood and unscrew the plastic trim, panel or cover, each master calls it differently. Directly below it is the cabin filter.

    Note! Do not apply too much force to the screwdriver or press with all your might. This will not lead to anything good, only damage to the case. Efforts must be made, but everything must be in moderation, and then the process will go as it should.

    Removing the plastic coverRemoving the plastic cover

    Once the plastic cover is unscrewed, attempting to remove it will result in failure. There is nothing mysterious about this - you just need to lift the hood a little more, holding it with your hand, and the panel will come off easily and simply.

    Next, you need to carefully remove the rubber seal from the metal shield of the compartment where the engine is located. If you damaged it, or it was already damaged, it doesn’t matter, you need to replace it with a new one, it is sold at any auto store and is inexpensive. After this, you need to stick your hand into the cavity and pull out the old cabin filter.

    Installing a new cabin filter on LanosInstalling a new cabin filter on Lanos

    Some DIY experts suggest inspecting the filter for further suitability. If only dust has settled on it, you can shake it off or vacuum it and put it back in place. If it is wet and completely saturated with dirt, then naturally you should throw it away. Otherwise, even after cleaning, the stove fan will not be able to circulate air into the cabin, and it will heat up very slowly, which is extremely uncomfortable. And the easiest way is to do neither one nor the other; we repeat, the filter is inexpensive, so a complete replacement is the best option.

    Note! A clogged filter is a source of harmful microbes.

    Once microbes get into the lungs, they will begin to do their “dirty deeds,” and if children are often transported in the cabin, this is extremely undesirable. You can't skimp on your health. Add to this a most unpleasant odor that can not only poison the air, but also be successfully absorbed into the upholstery of seats and the upholstery of the car. And then the scales will most likely tip in favor of a complete replacement rather than cleaning.

    New cabin filter for Chevrolet LanosNew cabin filter for Chevrolet Lanos

    After all the replacement manipulations, all parts must be assembled in the reverse order. Many car owners complain that replacing the cabin filter does not produce any visible positive changes.

    Note! If there are no results from replacing the filter, the reason may be a clogged air duct - it should be blown out with a powerful stream of air.

    And if this doesn’t help, then the matter is more serious. You will have to remove the entire system, disassemble it, thoroughly clean it using special compounds, then dry it and put it back in place. This process is very labor-intensive, taking not only a lot of time, but also a large number of nerve cells. Therefore, it is still worth contacting a workshop where all work will be completed with high quality and quickly. And finally, when buying a cabin filter, you need to make sure that it fits the Chevrolet Lanos car, so that you don’t have to pay extra money in case of an error.



    Step-by-step method for replacing the cabin filter on a Chevrolet Lanos

    Then open the hood and remove the plastic cover covering the cabin filter unit. Do not put pressure on the screwdriver - the body of the unit is quite fragile.

    In order to completely remove the unit cover, it is not enough to simply unscrew the screws. Lift the hood higher and hold it with your hand.

    Carefully disconnect the rubber seal, which is located on the engine shield. If necessary, we replace it. The cabin filter is located in a niche on the left side of the engine compartment, closer to the windshield.

    We inspect the removed filter. If it looks good and you are not bothered by foreign odors in the interior, then you can simply dust it off. If the filter element is saturated with moisture and dirty, replace it to avoid additional load on the heating system fan.

    If you do not change the cabin filter for a long time, it can become a source of proliferation of harmful microorganisms, which can undermine your health and the health of your passengers.

    Before replacing, thoroughly wipe the installation area, and then reassemble in reverse order.

    If the heater continues to operate under load even after replacing the filter, clean the air channels by blowing them with compressed air.

    Modern cars are designed to last a very long time and provide comfort while driving them. The Chevrolet brand takes good care of its customers and makes decent cars that provide both comfort and reliability.

    In many respects, reliability and comfort depend not only on the manufacturers, but also on the drivers themselves. In order for your car to serve for a long time and be reliable, it must be serviced on time and the filters in it must be changed.

    This article will talk about the filters used on the Chevrolet Lanos, namely where they are located and the frequency of their replacement.

    What are filters for?

    Filters in cars are used to purify liquids or air that are necessary for the operation of the power plant. There are several types of filters in cars: oil, air and fuel. Each filter has its own purpose and will perform exclusively its function.

    Chevrolet Lanos is equipped with all types of filters that require careful maintenance and timely replacement. Let's talk about each of the filters on this car.

    Oil filter

    An oil filter is necessary to clean the oil from various debris that can form during engine operation, such as chips or oil clots. Clean engine oil is required to lubricate the engine. If oil and debris get on the rubbing parts, this will cause increased wear and reduce engine reliability.

    Where is the filter located

    The oil filter on a Chevrolet Lanos is located between the exhaust manifold and the dipstick. Once you open the hood, it’s hard not to notice this detail.


    The oil filter is replaced together with the engine oil change. Do not use an old oil filter with new engine oil. Quite often it happens that replacing a filter becomes problematic due to the lack of a hole or a special wrench for unscrewing oil filters.

    Filter wrench

    Since during operation the oil filter reliably sticks to the engine body, which subsequently makes it difficult to dismantle it. For this engineer, they came up with a special key that simplifies this task. If you don’t have such a key, you can break through the filter with a screwdriver and use it as a lever.

    Typical signs of blockage

    • Acceleration dynamics are slow, “sluggish”;
    • Sudden loss of engine power;
    • Long engine start;
    • The internal combustion engine is not working properly;
    • Unreasonable fuel consumption above the maximum range;
    • Frequent shooting in the exhaust pipe as a result of an unbalanced fuel mixture.

    To correctly identify the cause of the malfunction, carefully carry out diagnostics, use portable scanners to read system errors of the electronic control unit.

    Contact service station specialists for help. Unprofessional repairs do not guarantee full functionality of the air element.

    Air filter

    Serves to clean the air that enters the engine. The air passing through this filter enters directly into the combustion chamber and mixes with fuel there to form a fuel mixture. When the filter becomes clogged, its throughput decreases, which affects engine performance.

    Signs of a clogged cabin filter

    If the cabin filter on a Chevrolet Lanos is clogged, the following signs appear:

    • Loss of engine power;
    • The car begins to smoke black smoke;
    • Difficulty starting the internal combustion engine;

    When to change

    Experienced drivers advise replacing them no later than 30,000 km. If you neglect to replace the filter, you may end up having to repair the entire engine, which will be expensive.

    If the car is often used on unpaved roads, the service life of the filter is sharply reduced.

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    Cabin filter

    This type of filter is used to purify the air that enters the cabin through the stove, namely when the air conditioner or stove is operating.


    Replacement must be done before each winter to avoid glass fogging at sub-zero temperatures.

    vendor code

    Lanos cabin filter article number: 9732

    Coarse fuel filter (mesh)

    This part is necessary to protect, first of all, the fuel pump from damage and contamination. The filter is made of a mesh and protects the fuel pump from large particles of debris getting into it.

    Where is

    The fuel pump mesh on Lanos is located in the fuel tank, namely on the fuel pump glass. You can detect it by removing the entire fuel station from the tank.


    Replacement is most often done after malfunctions are discovered; no one ever specifically climbs into the tank to replace or service this part. But if for some reason it is necessary to remove the fuel station, then be sure to replace the mesh so that it does not cause trouble in the future.

    vendor code

    You can buy a fuel pump mesh using the following article number: 21121139200

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    Fine fuel filter

    This filter serves for more detailed fuel purification; after this filter, the fuel directly enters the injectors and then into the internal combustion engine.

    Where is it located?

    The fine fuel filter on the Chevrolet Lanos is located under the hood on the engine panel behind the vacuum brake booster. Place the filter on a small barrel to which the fuel pipes fit.


    Replacement must be done at 40-50 thousand km.





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    vendor code

    You can buy a fine fuel filter using the following article number:96335719

    In the factory configuration of Lanos, a cabin filter is provided only in the Lux version. Buyers of other modifications will have to take care of installing the cabin filter themselves.

    It should be immediately noted that the cabin filter is located in a rather inconvenient place. Only a person with narrow and long arms can get to the air duct normally.

    The filter needs to be changed at least once a year. It is best to do this in the spring, when active flowering has not yet begun. Over the course of a year, you can remove the filter 2-3 times and blow it with compressed air. This is what experts recommend doing.

    What will you need to replace the cabin filter of Daewoo Lanos?

    This procedure falls into the category of simplest service operations. Even a novice driver can handle it. Specialists change the filter in 5-10 minutes. To replace the filter on a Daewoo Lanos, we cannot do without :

    1. Phillips screwdriver

    2.New filter element

    It is worth noting that there are many models of cabin filters. But their entire range can be divided into 2 main categories: traditional mechanical cleaning filters and active filtration systems (based on activated carbon). It is up to the driver to decide which one to choose. Mechanics are more affordable. Active filtration eliminates not only dust, but also foreign odors. Carbon filters, of course, are more expensive than classic foam filters.

    The process of replacing the cabin filter

    • Install the left wiper in the center of the windshield
    • Having completely turned off the car, open the hood
    • At the window itself, on the left side, there is a plastic cover that covers the air duct. It needs to be dismantled. It is held on by 4 screws. Unscrew the screws .

    • There is a rubber seal (strip) at the base of the lid. Pull out the strip .

    • Remove the air duct cover.

    • We take out the storm drain , which protects the filter from water ingress.

    • We now have access to the air duct. The filter is placed inside the air duct. From now on, the master will have to act by touch.
    • If the interior is already protected by a filter, you must first remove the old one. It is advisable to remember which side it was installed on.
    • If there was no filter in the cabin, then immediately insert a new filter into the air duct opening. The installation location of the filter is behind the panel, which protects the air duct from the ingress of any large foreign objects. You need to slide the filter behind the protective panel and insert it into the seat . The filter should fit fairly tightly.

    • We assemble the air duct in the reverse order.

    Additional Information

    Many “experienced” Lanos drivers claim that the cabin filter in the cabin is clearly superfluous, since it complicates the operation of the cabin heater . This is partly true. The filter significantly reduces air draft when it is already clogged with dust.

    Competent specialists find a way out of this situation by blowing out the old filter with compressed air. That is, before the onset of cold weather, you need to get under the hood and, instead of replacing the filter, simply blow it with air.

    It should be noted that installing a cabin filter significantly improves the quality of cabin air. Even if the driver often rides with the windows open, the flow of filtered air well refreshes the interior and the driver and passengers.

    There is an opinion that the active filtration system (which uses activated carbon) clogs faster than classical mechanics. Yes it is. Most often, people who prefer higher quality activated carbon filtration buy 2 filters per year, that is, in spring and autumn. This is more expensive financially, but the driver always receives a fresh and invigorating atmosphere in the cabin. No burning or gasoline smell, no allergens.

    The Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter is a very important element of the car's heating system. It cleans the air entering the vehicle and prevents clogging of the heater core, which increases the service life of the entire interior heating system. Also, purified air has a positive effect on the well-being of the driver and passengers.

    Principle of operation

    The filter element is a piece of corrugated paper. The structure of the paper allows only air to pass through, and small particles of dirt and dust remain on it. Over time, it becomes clogged and makes it difficult for air to pass through it freely. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of heating and increased loads on the heater fan, which negatively affects the duration of the electric motor and increases the humidity in the car, which, in turn, leads to fogging of the windows.

    Every driver knows well where the cabin filter is located, located in the engine compartment, under the windshield on the passenger side. It can only be seen when the cover is removed.

    How to replace

    To replace the cabin filter on a Chevrolet Lanos, we will need a shaped screwdriver and a new element (with article number 9.7.32), and just a little free time.

    1. Remove the right windshield wiper or raise the blades to a vertical position (this can be done as follows: turn on the ignition, then the wipers, and at the moment when they are in a vertical position, turn off the ignition).
    2. Open the hood and unscrew the fastening of the decorative trim on the windshield on the passenger side (there are 4 spacer screws, the screws need to be unscrewed and the latches pry off with a screwdriver).

    3. Remove the passenger side hood seal part.
    4. Under the trim there is an air intake with a plastic cover on it; it needs to be removed.

    5. We put our hand into the air intake and use the special handle to pull out the old element.

    6. We remove all dust and dirt that has accumulated in the air intake during operation. It is better to do this with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. It is important to remove everything, otherwise it will all end up in the heating system, and then in the car interior.
    7. Then you need to install a new element in place of the old one. To simplify the task, you can tie a piece of rope to the handle, so that in case of unsuccessful installation you can remove it without resorting to dismantling the fan. Installation should begin from the far (wide) part and move towards the narrow part.

    8. After installation, we check the operation of the stove in all modes.
    9. If everything is in order, then you need to assemble all the elements in the reverse order (if necessary, replace the spacer screws and the hood seal).

    The method described above will help you replace the cabin filter on a Chevrolet yourself, without the help of special service centers. You can select a cabin filter for a Chevrolet Lanos by article number. Frequent replacement will prolong the operation of the entire heating system as a whole. And will allow you to enjoy purified air in your car.

    A malfunction of the cabin filter is unlikely to benefit the driver and passengers of a Chevrolet Lanos. A dirty cabin filter will allow dust and exhaust gases to pass through, which in any case will lead to severe headaches, nausea, and mental disorders. In addition, when dust enters the human body, it generally pollutes. As a result, waste will be deposited intensively, and sand or stones may appear in the kidneys. A dirty car cabin filter is especially dangerous for those car owners who live in large cities. It is in megacities that the most polluted air is produced, both by cars and by various enterprises. In principle, it was to protect health that the cabin filter was invented at one time. This car part does not have a specific service life, since each motorist drives differently and in different conditions. True, when buying a used car, the Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter must be changed immediately. During normal operation of the machine, the part is usually changed once a year. Work is usually carried out in the spring to prepare the car for the season. Replacing a Chevrolet cabin filter is carried out in several stages: remove the right part of the air intake grille: take a Phillips screwdriver and use it to unscrew the plastic pistons; You will need to stick your hand into the opening of the air receiver, feel for the filter and remove it from the system; When installing a new car interior air filter, you need to work carefully and make sure that the part does not fall into the air intake sleeve. Further steps to replace the filter are performed in reverse order. It must be changed if, during disassembly, it is discovered that it is heavily soiled. However, if dust has simply accumulated on the cabin filter, you can simply shake it off thoroughly and put the old part in place. If you do not change the cabin filter in a timely manner, its contamination will make itself known. Clean air will simply stop flowing into the car. A dirty filter causes the driver and passengers to inhale dangerous microorganisms, and all elements of the cabin (seat upholstery, leather steering wheel, control panel, seat belts) become saturated with an unpleasant odor. There are times when replacing a part does not bring a positive result. As a rule, the cause of this is a clogged air duct. To clean it, you should blow it out with a compressor. If this does not help, you will have to disassemble the entire system and then clean it using special tools. Then all parts and mechanisms of the system are thoroughly dried and reassembled.

    Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter – Lanos Automobile Club (Sens)

    The cabin filter is probably an integral attribute of any modern foreign car. Well, the Chevrolet Lanos is also, although a popular car, a foreign car, but even in the maximum configuration a cabin filter has never been installed. Nevertheless, it is very easy to buy a Chevrolet Lanos cabin filter today, but installing it for the first time will have to suffer a little, because its location cannot be called convenient.

    Actually, this is what a Lanos cabin carbon filter looks like. An ordinary filter element without carbon filler has a similar appearance, but the filter itself is often pure white.

    You can buy a Lanos cabin filter at almost any auto store. However, if you still couldn’t find it anywhere, then in this case, use the services of the well-known Exist store. In the catalog, the cabin filter for Lanos can be found under the following numbers: Carbon Dust 9.7.113 9.7.32 GB-9921/C GB-9921E2536 E1536

    It is worth noting that the cabin filter slightly limits the performance of the air conditioning fan, so you should remember to promptly replace the filter element. In addition, signs of the need to replace the filter include frequent fogging of the car windows.

    The process of installing the cabin filter Installing/replacing the cabin filter on Lanos is quite simple, but if you are doing this for the first time, it is recommended that you read these instructions. To work, you will need a shaped screwdriver. First of all, you need to dismantle the decorative plastic covers of the air intake. To do this, release the pistons from the clamps by unscrewing them with a figured screwdriver and remove them from the holes. After this, you need to carefully remove the pads. It is worth noting that you can limit yourself to dismantling only the right lining. After the lining is removed, it is necessary to remove the plastic drain from the hole. The drain is secured with latches and can be dismantled intuitively. After this, everything is ready to install or replace the Lanos cabin filter. If you try really hard, you can easily see the filter seat. At this stage, everyone decides for themselves which way is easiest to insert the filter. It should be remembered that the filter must lie on the flange of the seat and should not have any deformations on the sides. After installing the filter, assembly is performed in the reverse order. Now you know exactly and can tell others how to change the cabin filter on a Lanos!

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