Heating system VAZ-2107: device, causes of malfunction

The ventilation and heating system serves to create comfortable climatic conditions for the driver and passengers inside the car. With its help, while inside the car, we can breathe fresh air and also maintain the required temperature.

In this article we will look at how the heating and ventilation system of the VAZ-2107 works. We will look at the features of its design, the main faults and methods for eliminating them.

Cost of windshield defroster repair at service

The problem is that service centers often approach this problem rather dryly, starting work with disassembly. Sometimes it is enough to diagnose the operation of the climate control unit in order to perform a restoration and put the car in perfect order. But in reality, the craftsmen begin to remove the front plastic panel and look for causes in non-existent problems. All this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • excessively high costs for servicing the car, which turns out to be a real problem for the owner, even if the problem was actually not too serious;
  • increased recovery time; sometimes the problem can be found and fixed for several days, which deprives you of the opportunity to operate the car properly;
  • increased costs due to replacement of parts that did not actually need to be replaced, as well as labor charges for these processes performed unnecessarily;
  • inept diagnostics can also lead to breakdowns of some important elements, which will then have to be repaired; this will also become a big drawback of the service;
  • Diagnostic work can cover all climate systems in a car, so a variety of problems will be found, and this again increases the cost of contacting the company.

What are the symptoms of poor airflow?

Lada 2107 Arkano-mobile Samara Logbook Replacing the heater tap in a VAZ 2107 with a tap from a VAZ 2108 with its removal from the passenger compartment under the hood.
If we are talking specifically about the windshield, there may be various manifestations of poor operation of the blowing system. For example, airflow boundaries may appear due to extremely poor quality air flow. This means that at high humidity, your windows will constantly fog up with a clear boundary of airflow. Such troubles have an extremely bad effect on the quality and safety of driving a car. There are other ways to determine the problem:

  • you can use your own hand as an indicator of air flow - turn on the airflow at full power and place your hand under the air ducts, feel the flow;
  • play with the climate system settings, move the damper in different directions, direct the air to the legs, into the cabin and test the air flow with your hand;
  • find out where the air direction regulator is located in the cabin, try to bring it to the desired position “on the glass” by hand;
  • if the car has air conditioning, try turning on the AUTO mode with quick drying of the glass, this way you can accurately see the boundaries of the airflow and draw conclusions;
  • blowing the side windows almost always works well; if this problem is present, it is worth disassembling the front panel and inspecting the entire air duct system.

The high quality of the climate system in modern cars is often called into question due to one small problem. And finding this problem is extremely difficult. You can use various methods to identify problems and get a minimum of results. On forums people often report on completely unexpected ways to solve a problem, which really comes as a surprise even to service technicians. So it is very difficult to diagnose such a problem.

Let's sum it up

Timely diagnostics, preventive cleaning and inspection of elements of the vehicle’s heating system is a guarantee of high-quality operation of the stove. Experts recommend checking the heating system on the VAZ-2107 at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. Any driver can handle preventive cleaning and adjustments of the stove on his own; to do this, you just need to understand the structure of the heating and ventilation system of the cabin and the principle of its operation. The easiest way to do this is to always have a visual instruction manual for your car nearby.

Don’t put off any further work to improve the functioning of your car’s heating system. Proper care will ensure uninterrupted operation of the heater and a comfortable temperature in the interior at any time of the year.


  • https://avtocity365.ru/ustrojstvo-i-ekspluatatsiya-avtomobilya/pechka-vaz-2107/
  • https://FB.ru/article/302372/sistema-otopleniya-vaz—ustroystvo-prichinyi-neispravnosti
  • https://vsepoedem.com/story/osobennosti-pechki-vaz-2107
  • https://7-vaz.ru/ustrojstvo/pechka-vaz-2107.html
  • https://semerkavaz.ru/raznoe/pechka-vaz-2107/
  • https://remam.ru/vozdsys/shema-i-ustrojstvo-pechki-vaz-2107.html

how to assemble a VAZ 2107 stove Autosite

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By and large, the heating system in the classics is not bad at all. It’s not bad, or rather, it heats quite well, although there is one thing that all owners should take into account. As usual, when our engineer takes up development, it means we have to wait for trouble

By and large, the heating system in the classics is not bad at all.

But the point here is that the so-called left pipe of the stove, which, according to all the laws of rationality and logic, should direct streams of warm air to the driver’s window, surprisingly does not blow there. This is the distinctive feature of this design. And in winter, this small drawback turns into a real disaster.

You constantly wipe the glass with a cloth, or, even worse, you have to open the windows, which, given our severe frosts, is not the best prospect. We will tell you about the solution to this small problem in our article today: remaking the VAZ 2107 stove. The idea of ​​remaking the left pipe. If you want something to function as it should, do it yourself. Don't want air currents to blow in the right direction? No problem, we’ll make you do it.

We will do this using a conventional fan. First you need to remove the deflector from the pipe. This will not be difficult to do. Carefully pry up the deflector on one side using a screwdriver and slightly push it forward.

We carry out the same operation on the other side, and then it ends up in our hands. The body of the deflector itself is attached to the torpedo with small tendrils on top, so you can safely stick your hand into it and pull it out of the torpedo without any effort. Then we will need a 50 mm computer fan; don’t be alarmed by the fact that it is slightly larger than the VAZ 2107 deflector; it will fit perfectly under the landing pad of the left pipe.

We aim it somewhere in the center of the body of our deflector and use a pencil to make small marks of its dimensions. Next, when remaking the stove, we will need a stationery knife, and slowly make cuts directly in the plastic

There is no need to throw away the broken plastic, since we will still need it on the farm. We are trying to install a fan in the opening. You should make sure that it is installed very tightly, otherwise you will end up with a humpty dumpty. We put the internal elements of the deflector with the blades in place and immediately notice that they will interfere with the fan when turning, or rather, it will not allow them to turn to the maximum angle.

We mark the part that needs to be cut so that nothing interferes with us. We dismantle the blades and cut off everything unnecessary both from the blades and from the holder. The main thing here is to be extremely careful, since the blades are quite fragile and we don’t want to damage them at all.

We put this entire structure back together and install the fan. Then we check whether the blades are spinning well. And now as for the fan in the stove. We had two of them.

One fan is from the hard drive cooling system at 0.18A, and one is from a cooler from an old Pentium III at 0.25A. By the way, the second blows a little stronger, and the first is more suitable for our task. First we try the first, then the second. Now our task is to make sure that the fan draws air from the VAZ 2107 stove and not, on the contrary, through the deflector.

To do this, we need to make it as airtight as possible. Simply take the remaining pieces of plastic and seal all the extra rear holes with sealant. Let's move on to the most interesting thing in our tuning of the VAZ 2107 stove. Let's go to the car

As far as electrical connections are concerned, everything is simple. It is better to connect the cooler to the wiring of the VAZ 2107 heater. And if there is nowhere to mount a separate button for the cooler, then it is possible to attach it to one wire together with the heater fan.

Note that the diodes in the circuit are very important, otherwise the heater will have one speed mode instead of two

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How it works

Having studied the design of the VAZ-2107 heating system, it is easy to understand how it functions. So, the air enters the heater housing through the grilles on the hood of the car and the air supply cover. There, depending on the temperature of the coolant and the position of the heater valve valve, it warms up to a certain temperature and moves further along the air ducts through the deflectors into the cabin. The intensity of the air flow depends on the speed of the machine (with the fan turned off), or on the position of the fan mode switch. By changing the position of the lower arm of the control module, as well as the position of the lamellas in the nozzles, we direct warm air where we need it - to the windshield, to the side windows, or to the center of the cabin.

What can you do to solve the blowing problem yourself?

Cabin filter grant

If you are used to repairing a car with your own hands, the best solution would be to perform several steps that will definitely not harm the car. You can do all the diagnostic options described above. This will help determine the cause of the problem. It should be remembered that modern vehicles have non-standard unique blowing systems, which are often difficult to repair. You can do the following research with your own hands:

  • find out the direction of air flow in order to understand the meaning of performing some work at a service center or disassembling the car yourself in a specific place for the purpose of repair;
  • conduct a study of the operation of the climate control unit and the settings of your equipment, its reaction to changes in settings during operation, as well as complete isolation of the air flow;
  • check the cleanliness of the air ducts using various methods that can be found on forums and special websites, make sure that the system is intact and working properly;
  • carry out diagnostics of the stove, blower fan and other parts that you can get to, taking into account your experience in car repair and maintenance and troubleshooting;
  • change system parts that can be easily replaced without spending a large budget, so you can fix problems without contacting an expensive service center.

The cost of work at a service station can be quite high. So it's better to do some checking yourself. But you shouldn’t go too far in the DIY repair process. It is better to give preference to professional repair work

In this case, it is important to disassemble everything correctly and carefully and carry out high-quality repairs without the chance of the problem returning in the near future.

What is a heater

The main element of the system is the heater, or as it is also called, the “stove”. Its design includes:

  • plastic case with air supply cover;
  • heater radiator with tap;
  • electric fan.

In fact, the heater is a real “stove”. The upper part of its body is equipped with an adjustable air intake cover. Through it, outside air enters the “stove”. Inside the housing there is a heater radiator through which heated coolant (antifreeze or antifreeze) moves.

Due to this, the air heats up. The radiator is equipped with a tap that allows you to regulate the intensity of the movement of coolant through it, or even shut it off. In VAZ-2107 cars, the interior heating system is usually turned off during the warm season. And this is done using this device.

By itself, heated air cannot enter the cabin with the necessary pressure, even during fast driving. A fan with an electric drive (motor) is used to pump it. It is also located inside the heater housing. The “seven” fan can operate in three different power modes.


A nozzle, or deflector, is a device through which air enters directly into the cabin. The heating system of the VAZ-2107 includes four deflectors: left, two central and right. A special feature of the nozzle design is a mechanism that allows you to change the position of the lamellas inside it, redirecting the air flow from side to side, and also block it altogether.

Signs of breakdown

Replacing the heater radiator on a VAZ 2107 is not a difficult job, but first you need to determine the cases when it needs to be changed, or at least removed:

  • Obvious fluid leak. This is usually determined by a puddle of antifreeze under the feet of the driver and/or passenger. Such a malfunction can appear at any time of the year. It is advisable to make a replacement as quickly as possible. After all, antifreeze fumes are toxic;
  • The stove blows cold air
    , this is usually detected in winter. In this case, first check the radiator tap; perhaps it is simply closed. If everything is fine with it, then you need to remove the radiator and understand the causes of the breakdown.

There is one small nuance that needs to be taken into account when buying a new radiator. If you want a more favorable interior climate, try to find a copper radiator. This type of heater releases heat much more efficiently. But aluminum will last much longer. Therefore, your choice is the following: comfort or service life.

Injector and carburetor: is there a difference in the design of the heating system

The heating system of the VAZ-2107 (injector) is no different from the one that was equipped with the old carburetor “sevens”. Their designs and operating principles are absolutely identical. Radiators, their taps, electric fans and all other elements are interchangeable. The only way the heating system of the VAZ-2107 (carburetor) may differ is the material used to make the “stove” radiator. The old "sevens" had them made of copper.

An important point is the electric motor.

Also, during operation of the VAZ-2107 stove, the electric motor may fail.

There is no need to rush to change it, since the reason for the non-working email is. engine, there may be oxidation of the graphite brushes, due to which they do not contact the engine rotor.

In this case, you should simply disassemble the electric motor and thoroughly clean the brush seats.

If the engine starts to “squeak”, then most likely the lubricant between the stator and the rotor has leaked.

It is necessary to disassemble the engine and apply new grease to the rotor seats. There is also a possibility of wear of the seats, since the engine is not large and does not have bearings installed on it.

Heater fan VAZ 2107 with an electric motor.

Repairing such a breakdown is not possible and the electric motor is simply replaced.

Since the engine installed on the VAZ-2107 is low-power, owners of this car often change it to a more powerful one, which is installed on the VAZ-2108.

But since this electric motor does not fit into the seats in the casing, a slight modification of the casing will be required.

Modernization of the VAZ 2107 stove - video from Pavel Nikiforov.

Stove modernization

Very often, in parallel with the prevention of stove malfunctions and its settings, the driver modernizes the heating system for more efficient operation.

We recommend: Replacing the pump on a VAZ 2110 - 8 valves with your own hands

Most often, for these purposes, the standard fan and resistor are replaced with products from the figure eight. The new fan is larger in size, due to which a larger amount of warm air is supplied, and the vehicle interior warms up faster. The new fan fits into the standard seat with virtually no modifications. It is only necessary to cut off one of the aerodynamic ridges from the impeller. After such improvements, it will also be necessary to replace the standard fan button with a product from the figure eight.

Sometimes, for better airflow of the driver’s side windows, additional small fans are installed in the deflectors. Such improvements, combined with preventive maintenance, will ensure comfort and warmth in the cabin even in the coldest times.

It's not that bad

The domestic auto industry, no matter how they speak about it, still cares in its own way about the users of the cars they produce.

Since winters in our climate zone are harsh, domestically produced cars came off the assembly line with powerful interior heating systems.

This also applies to cars from the Volzhsky Automobile Plant (VAZ). All produced VAZ-2101 - VAZ-2107, and subsequent ones, VAZ-2108 - VAZ-21099, VAZ-2110, etc. have a good heating system.

If we take into account VAZ models from 2101 to 2107, then their heating system is the same and consists of the same components, inlet and outlet pipes, radiator, taps and an electric motor with a fan. And although this system is quite simple, it can fail during operation.

Let's look at an example of how to repair a VAZ-2107 stove

And although this system is quite simple, it can fail during operation. Let's look at an example of how to repair a VAZ-2107 stove.

Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

The most typical malfunctions of the VAZ 2107 stove include:

  1. Air entering the cooling system. This usually happens after the system has been filled with antifreeze. Removing the airlock normalizes the heating process of the interior.
  2. When the heater tap is open, coolant does not flow into the radiator. This most often occurs when water is used as antifreeze. Scale forms in the system, clogging the faucet and impeding the passage of coolant. The problem is eliminated by dismantling the tap and then cleaning or replacing it.
  3. Poorly functioning or failed water pump. If the pump does not pump coolant, this can lead not only to a lack of heating of the interior, but also to more serious problems, such as engine overheating. The water pump does not work, as a rule, when the generator belt breaks, as well as when it jams as a result of wear on the bearings.
  4. Clogged stove radiator honeycomb. In this case, the supply pipe will be warm and the outgoing pipe will be cold. The radiator often becomes clogged when water is used as a coolant, as well as when oil or additive particles enter the system to eliminate leaks. Cleaning or replacing the radiator will help restore normal operation of the stove.
  5. Displacement of the partition in the radiator. If both radiator hoses are hot, but warm air does not enter the cabin, then most likely the partition in the radiator has shifted. The only solution to the problem is to replace the radiator with a new one.

More information about the VAZ 2107 pump: https://bumper.guru/klassicheskie-modeli-vaz/sistema-ohdazhdeniya/pompa-vaz-2107.html

If an oily residue appears on the floor or glass, you should look for an antifreeze leak, which may be:

  • on tap;
  • on pipes;
  • on the radiator.

If a faucet or pipe is leaking, it should be replaced. A leaking radiator can be temporarily sealed, but it will still need to be replaced soon.

The list of possible stove malfunctions is not limited to this.

It can be quite difficult to get to some elements of the VAZ 2107 heating system

The stove does not turn off in the summer

Sometimes during the warm season it is impossible to turn off the stove by setting the upper handle of the control unit to the extreme left position. If you cannot turn off the tap, the tap itself or its drive cable is faulty. The tap can be found under the instrument panel on the passenger side. If you also cannot close it manually, you should not apply much effort. The faucet may break and antifreeze may leak into the cabin.

You can replace the faucet after purchasing a new one at any car service center. However, you can try to do this yourself. It should be noted that changing the faucet with your own hands is quite inconvenient due to its location. First, open the hood and disconnect the pipe going to the tap. Since coolant will flow from the pipe, it is necessary to place a previously prepared container under it. After this, you need to remove the storage shelf and, using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the faucet to the heater body from the passenger seat. Then the tap is removed from the studs, removed and replaced with a new tap in the reverse order.

The reason for the inability to turn off the heater is usually a faulty heater valve.

Heater radiator clogged

You can clean a clogged stove radiator yourself. To do this you will need:

  • two new rubber gaskets;
  • two worm clamps;
  • a set of keys;
  • coolant;
  • container for collecting coolant.

You can clean a clogged stove radiator yourself.

Flushing the radiator is performed on a cold engine in the following sequence:

  1. Rags are placed under the pipes that will be removed.
  2. The clamps securing the radiator pipes and faucet are loosened.
  3. The pipes are removed. The coolant from them is drained into a pre-prepared container.
  4. Use a key number 7 to remove the seal fastening from the partition of the engine compartment.
  5. The heater valve drive is disassembled.
  6. The fan casing is removed.
  7. The heater pipes are pulled out through the hole. The radiator is removed.
  8. Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the bolts securing the radiator outlet pipe.
  9. The old gasket is replaced with a new one.
  10. The heater valve is disconnected and cleaned.
  11. The radiator is cleaned from the outside of leaves and dirt.
  12. The pipe is cleaned from the inside using a brush.
  13. The radiator is washed with Karcher under a pressure of 5.5 atm until clear water comes out of it. This will require about 160 liters of water.
  14. If you don’t have Karcher, you can use caustic soda for washing. The soda solution is poured into the radiator and left for one hour. The solution is then drained and its color is compared with the color of the fresh solution. The procedure is repeated until the color of the drained and filled liquids becomes the same.
  15. After washing with caustic soda, the radiator is purged with a compressor.

Installing the radiator is done in the reverse order. It is recommended to replace all clamps and gaskets with new ones.

The removed radiator can be disassembled by unsoldering its top and bottom using a gas torch, and cleaning its insides with a metal mesh mounted on a drill. In this case, you can use a special washing liquid, alkali or citric acid. The radiator is then sealed and returned to its place. This procedure is quite labor-intensive, so it is often more advisable to replace the radiator with a new one.

Video: replacing the radiator of a VAZ 2107 stove

Reasons for poor performance of windshield blower

First you need to figure out why this function does not work well. This can happen due to acquired faults or congenital defects of the car. The problem is that getting to the real cause can be very difficult due to the number of common fault patterns. There are several dozen main factors that affect the quality of airflow in the cabin.

But in most situations, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the front panel is not installed correctly after dismantling it, in which case the holes in it will not coincide with the holes in the air supply system, which will lead to problems;
  • after installing the alarm, many people encounter this problem, this is due to the fact that errors were made during assembly, the air ducts did not match properly;
  • problems may be associated with incorrect switching of climate control modes; the “glass” mode does not turn on due to a loose or stretched adjustment cable;
  • the malfunction may be hidden in the blower fan unit, as well as in the stove system; the adjustment curtains are often bent or otherwise deformed;
  • The cause of the malfunction may also be poor performance of the fan itself, its low rotation speed or incorrect shape of the blades of the device.

These are basic problems that most often occur with poor glass blowing. We can also add that clogged air ducts or improperly assembled climate control also turn out to be a problem for the car. You can use a variety of ways to solve these problems, but in most cases you can’t fix anything with your own hands. It is better to use the services of the service and get a professional solution to your problems.

Disassembly and assembly of the heater VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Parts of the VAZ 2104 heater: 1 - additional resistor; 2 — fan casing; 3 — fan guide casing; 4 — spring holders of the fan casing; 5 — radiator casing; 6 — air supply cover; 7 — radiator gasket; 8 - radiator; 9 — pipes; 10 - tap; 11 - impeller; 12 - electric motor; 13 — spring fan holder; 14 — electric motor mount; 15 - damper; 16 — air distribution cover

Remove the two spring brackets 13 and remove the fan from the casing 3. Unscrew the nut securing the impeller 11 and remove it from the electric motor 12. Unscrew the nuts securing the bracket and remove the air distribution cover 16 of the casing 2 of the VAZ 2105 fan. By pressing the latches of the damper housings 15 of the air ducts for heating the side windows from the inside of the casing , remove the housings assemblies with the dampers and disconnect the rods from the damper levers. Loosen the bolts securing the bracket that clamps the shell of the flexible rod of the windshield heated air duct damper and remove the rod. Unscrew the nut of the bracket securing the inlet and outlet pipes 9. Remove the bracket and remove the radiator 8 from the casing 5. Disconnect the outlet pipe and valve 10 with the inlet pipe from the VAZ 2104 radiator by unscrewing the fastening nuts. Loosen the bolt of the bracket securing the shell of the flexible rod drive of the air supply cover 6 and remove the VAZ 2107 rod.

Control levers for the Lada Classic heater: 1 - tap; 2 — bracket for fastening the thrust shell; 3 — bracket for control levers; 4 — flexible rod shell; 5 - flexible rod

Unscrew the fastening nuts, remove the bracket of the cover 6 of the air supply of VAZ 2104, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2107 and remove the cover. Reassemble the heater in reverse order. When installing flexible rods, maintain the installation dimensions (5±2) mm of the ends of the rod shells behind the brackets for their fastening on the tap, radiator casing and fan guide casing.

Devices and heater VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Replacement of the instrument panel VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Removal and installation of the heater VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Disassembly and assembly of the heater VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Disassembly and assembly of the body and interior ventilation system of VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Adjusting the heater control of VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2104

Body structure of VAZ 2104, VAZ 2105, VAZ 2107

Caring for body parts of Lada 2107. Treatment of the body frame, repair of washers, instruments and heater of Lada 2105.

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