Tuning the UAZ 3303 cabin with your own hands. How to perform body restoration

The UAZ 3303 (“tadpole”) is often used to transport important cargo, as well as as an ambulance.

The car is available in two versions:

  • 330364 – features a large cabin with a metal platform.
  • 330394 – has a small cabin with two seats, the platform is made of wood.

The car has a characteristic tread pattern. Its suspension is dependent on both sides. The brake system is equipped with a vacuum booster and a hydraulic drive; it is dual-circuit.

Imperfect driving characteristics can be eliminated by tuning the vehicle yourself. Many photos on the Internet indicate that after changing the internal systems and design, the car can turn out to be a good vehicle for transporting goods.

Full vehicle tuning includes:

  • wheel replacement;
  • development of the chassis;
  • interior, bumper and body trim;
  • strengthening tank protection.

Let's consider all the proposed stages in more detail.

Wheel and chassis

Cross-country ability directly depends on the quality of the wheels. To increase it, you will have to replace the wheels with wider ones. In this case, the diameter should not be more than twenty-four inches. To replace parts:

  • lift the car body;
  • install spacers, trim wings;
  • replace the bridges with Barsovsky ones (they are wider);
  • change the differential so that the transmission lasts longer and the wheels do not slip even in bad weather conditions;
  • replace the shock absorbers with imported ones, and the springs with longer ones;
  • To protect the glass from damage, install an electric winch and replace the battery with a version with more power.

To ensure that the vehicle brakes in a timely manner, install a powerful braking system. For this:

  • purchase a subframe and a frame with an amplifier (50-80 TR);
  • use a disk system installed on the car at the rear and front (10-25 TR).

To avoid skidding when turning, be sure to secure stabilizers on the sides. This element will help the car balance.

Tuning the cabin and sides of the UAZ 3303

In order to go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, as well as for fishing, the UAZ 3303 has long been used. This is an excellent assistant when organizing long off-road trips. In Soviet times, it was used to transport large numbers of people to work on the collective farm, as well as to transport management.

UAZ 3303 is an SUV with a “light truck” body type. It was produced, like all cars of the UAZ line, at the Ulyanovsk plant. The cabin of this truck has two seats. It was popularly nicknamed “Tadpole” due to the large shape of the cabin.

All about UAZ 3303

UAZ 3303 began its production in 1986. During this time, it was modified several times and, in connection with this, has the following modifications:

  • 330394. This variety is available with a two-seater cabin and a wooden platform;
  • 330364. The truck has an expanded cabin with a metal platform.

UAZ 3303 wheels are distinguished by the presence of discs, and their tread pattern is unique and not similar to any other models.

The suspension of the UAZ 3303 is dependent on both sides. Equipped with springs and shock absorbers - on the axles.

The braking system is also not entirely perfect: dual-circuit with a hydraulic drive, as well as a vacuum booster. There are drum mechanisms.

The steering mechanism is in the form of a globoidal worm using a double-ridge roller.

This type of truck is most often used as an ambulance, as well as for transporting important cargo.

The UAZ 3303 has imperfect driving characteristics, which can be improved with tuning. You can also change the sides and the entire interior of the car.

Organizing tuning with your own hands in relation to the UAZ 3303 is quite easy and not burdensome.

UAZ tuning

It’s easy to organize tuning of a UAZ 3303. It is enough to have basic knowledge of mechanics, as well as a little understanding of technology. You can look at the tuned UAZ 3303 at this link

The organization of tuning in relation to UAZ is as follows:

  • first the wheels are tuned;
  • then tuning the chassis;
  • interior trim;
  • bumper tuning;
  • body tuning;
  • strengthening tank protection.

This is a brief listing of all stages of tuning the UAZ 3303. Below everything will be discussed in more detail.

Wheel tuning

In order to increase the cross-country ability of a truck, it is necessary to pay special attention to the wheels. They need to be changed to wider ones. The maximum diameter should not exceed 24 inches. This tuning is organized in this way:

  • to begin with, the car body is raised, spacers are installed and the wings are trimmed;
  • bridges need to be replaced with Barsov bridges with a larger width;
  • In addition, the differential needs to be changed. In this case, you can achieve an amazing effect: the wheels will not slip in any bad weather, and the transmission will last much longer;
  • You can also replace springs and shock absorbers. The first should be installed longer, and the second should be imported;

Important! To prevent the UAZ from skidding when turning, it is necessary to install additional parts in the form of stabilizers. They are attached to the sides and, thereby, help the car maintain balance.

  • a winch needs to be installed. This is necessary to protect the glass from scratches. Most often they choose electric, as it is more reliable. However, you should also change the battery to a more powerful one.

At this point, the work with the wheel part is completed and you can move on to the next stage.

Chassis modification

You should pay special attention to the braking system. It must be as powerful as possible so that the car responds in time to pressing the brake pedal. To do this, use a disc system installed at the front and rear of the truck and install a reinforced frame and subframe.

In order to give the car a more modern look, it is necessary to change the interior trim, as well as the seats. To achieve this, the following scope of work is carried out:

  1. First, the interior trim is done. To do this you need:
  • strip off all the old upholstery. At the same time, you can remove mirrors and anything that interferes with the process;
  • then take a piece of the fabric that you liked best;
  • Accurate measurements are taken and then cut from this canvas;
  • it is necessary to cover the entire interior with it, while laying synthetic winterizer or any other soft material between the UAZ roof and the fabric.
  1. The seats need to be replaced. You can choose absolutely any shape you like. If they are not spacious enough, you can adjust them a little by trimming the edges. The old seats are then thrown away. For new ones, the following work is carried out:
  • first, two small corners are welded to the seats themselves;
  • Holes are made in these parts and screwed into the floor using small bolts.

Due to the fact that the seats are slightly pushed forward, you can sit on them, reclining slightly. This method allows you to enjoy the road without straining your back and arms.

  1. For ease of driving, you can install a hydraulic booster - a special hydraulic system that makes it easier to twist the steering wheel.
  2. After this, you can tune the dashboard by replacing the film with performance indicators of the devices.

Thus, at minimal cost you can greatly transform your truck. This is what the cabin will look like after the tuning:

Bumper tuning

The bumper needs to be replaced with a stronger one. To do this, we hang a special frame. If you can’t do this yourself, you can go one of two ways: go to a car dealership or an auto shop. The latter sells ready-made kits that can be immediately placed on the bumper.

Body tuning

Often the body of UAZ 3303 rusts. In order to put it in order, you can do the following:

  • disassemble it and thoroughly clean it of dirt;
  • trim the most corrosive areas;
  • weld the linings;
  • paint the body. To do this, you must first use a primer, with which the body is given a streamlined and even shape, and then painted with emulsion paint in two layers. Attention! In order for it to adhere better, it is necessary to apply the paint in layers: first one layer, then dry and a second layer.

If necessary, you can change the shape and dimensions of the body. It can be made longer or slightly wider.

Tank tuning

This item includes protection for the tank, steering wheel and motor. This type of tuning proceeds as follows:

  • First you need to strengthen the cabin. This is done using a shockproof frame;
  • Next, you should move the air intake from the engine compartment to the roof of the UAZ 3303;
  • it is necessary to install a roof rack;
  • For protection, the steering wheel can be covered with a casing or any upholstery that you like.

Thus, with some ingenuity and diligence, you can turn the 3303 truck into a more advanced version of an SUV. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can always contact any auto repair shop, where leading specialists will help you.

Source: https://mashintop.ru/articles.php?id=2083

Interior decoration

Cabin tuning is an unlimited field of activity where you can realize any ideas. Inspired by photos from the Internet, let's get started:

  1. Get rid of the old upholstery and also remove the mirrors.
  2. Select the material and take measurements.
  3. Upholstery the interior with your chosen fabric. Please learn that soft material should be laid between the fabric and the roof of the UAZ - for example, padding polyester.
  4. Select the shape of the seats and adjust them by trimming the edges (if the seats are not spacious enough).
  5. Weld small corners with holes to the seats.
  6. Screw the chairs into the floor using bolts.

By moving the seats forward, you can sit back in them. Accordingly, there will be less stress on your arms and back.

If you wish, you can restore old optics, install tinted windows or electric lifts, trim the interior with plastic fairings, install a climate control system, navigator and on-board computer (the latter will cost you 5-10 thousand rubles).

You can also improve the dashboard by replacing the film or installing power steering. This hydraulic system will make driving easier as it makes the steering wheel easier to turn.

UAZ 3909 Gray refrigerator › Logbook › Replacement of spring cushions. Test+adventure))

Hi all. Today I’ll tell you about Sunday, 15.05. Ever since the UAZ truck was driven from Samara, I noticed some “chewing” of the front axle. An effect occurs when you catch a large hole, or pass a speed bump while moving, for some time after the obstacle the bridge seems to play, vibrating in the steering wheel and metallic knocking. Some of the vibration was cured by balancing the wheels. Some of the knocking went away after putting nickels under the pins. But the “chewing” effect of the bridge remained. In theory, this is evidence of wear on the spring pads. In order not to end up having to replace broken cups later, I decided to replace the cushions on all springs at once, fortunately they cost 79 rubles. PC. and there are already 12 of them at work. in nelekvid (there were 19, but someone first bought 6 pillows, and then 1 more). I took all the nekkid for my UAZ and UAZ mechanic (also sick with loaf, and hunting)

They decided to change the pillows around me, and on his UAZ on the front axle. On Sunday morning I started.

I filled the bolts on the covers with rust solvent and unscrewed the first cover... From there a NEW polyurethane cushion looked at me. Hmmm. Maybe only here? No - all the springs have polyurethane cushions! As you know, they do not wear out, but quietly and peacefully gnaw on the spring - as evidenced by the fallen piece... Where is the knock coming from? I would have been scratching my head if a fellow UAZ driver hadn’t suggested placing a piece of an old pillow in the front edge of the cup. Because There was no old one - I cut a new one. I put it under all the pillows. I gave the remaining unclaimed pillows to a mechanic - I won’t need them.

Rains have arrived in the Volgograd region. RAINS. And that means dirt. Therefore, you need to go to Sadki in a UAZ. Just during the renovation there was a good rainfall. Before the trip, I unloaded the car a little and stopped at my mother-in-law’s dacha to get some water bottles. And there is such beauty:

That's it, let's go faster. He himself is already bursting like a toddler before a holiday. You come across cars covered in clods of mud, UAZ cars with tired but happy drivers. THE HOLIDAY is coming to us... In general, I reached the end of the asphalt, took a duty photo

And he drove forward to adventure. The steppe greeted me very cordially.

And off we went. I didn’t act stupid, I immediately turned on the front axle, especially for the first 5 km. — high-quality black soil, it took water normally, I was immediately pulled into the rut and work began.

But 5 km. They flew by quickly, sandy loam began to set in, and I began to get upset. The sandy loam quickly let water through, the sun dried it out and that’s it, the road became drivable even for a passenger car. Sadness overcame me, and I simply began to wander into all directions out of idleness.

Along the way, the PU awakened in me and I began to take pictures of the UAZ from all imaginable angles.

then he completely fell apart and lost all contact with reality

I rolled the last channel 3 times, trying on different sides. Before the TP was in full condition, it was not enough for the UAZ to make the lips a bow (well, or a bumper). On one of the runs I decided to take a more right direction - there the riverbed washed up a steep bank, it was all overgrown with grass, and now it’s full of water, basically:

For all this riot of PU, I used my half-discharged camera to the end. I calmed down and calmly drove home. There was also a clay area right in front of the village, but we passed that too without a hitch, and there was nothing to take pictures with.

I arrived home, fed the animals, unloaded, filled my buckets with water, went out - and it was dark outside. It's 5 pm, but it's really dark. A huge lead cloud floated overhead. The edge hit the village and it rained down with huge hailstones of May rain. And so all this splendor went towards a short path. FUCK, the camera is dead, bitch...

There was a whiff of dampness and cold from the steppe. It was raining there, which meant my adventure had finally begun. I got ready in 40 minutes. There is no shovel. There is no cable. There is a spare tire (even an inflated one), but there is no jack capable of lifting the UAZ - it’s ready for battle. I slipped into a sandy area, I landed on clay and realized that there were no traces of me on it. There are no traces of me on the clay, and I drove on it 3 hours ago! The channel in which I, as a TP, took pictures and rolled it in different directions was filled, I tried to stop in front of it to think about the trajectory, but the car was dragging, turning first sideways, then spinning around its axis. I fall backwards into the riverbed. We got up. Reverse - we entered deeper, almost to the middle (yes, yes - now this is really a full-fledged riverbed!), first - full throttle, jumped out, turned around, dived into the riverbed under the gas, sank - it was a little flooded, water on the steps, and from somewhere from under the hood. They jumped out. Let's gallop further. 3rd, 40, clay, new channel, underway, got up. Clay hugged me like family, I hesitated and didn’t have time to engage 2nd, it stalled and refused to start. Hmm, you can’t get out of the car, because... 5 meters to the “shore”, the water is normal. It’s good that the UAZ has a hood in the cabin. I opened it - damn, the air intake along the frame looks backwards! Half in the water! S@KI! No, not like that - BITCHES! That's it, without censorship, because... The creators of this technical solution cannot be called anything else. Your brochure says ford 500 mm! Take a ruler, measure 50 cm and make an air intake above it! Okay, I pulled it back as far as I could, carburetor cleaner helped - we started it, on 2 pots, we stood there, accelerating. Oh, the 3rd one woke up - on the first one I somehow jumped ashore, I’m standing there accelerating. After about 5 minutes the engine came to its senses: “Are you alive there? Again, my old lady.” We gallop further - and then the black soil, the water in it was already normal, it became even better! Track? No, I haven't. There are no tracks in the muddy black soil; there are tracks everywhere you can go. A couple of times it was thrown into the field for plowing. Gloh. I started it only with the cleaner - it doesn’t want anything. And the fuel gauge persistently blinks a red light at me, telling me that I underestimated the UAZ by filling it with 25 liters))) Although, for insurance, I took 10 liters with me in a canister (I always take it, now).

In general, I reached the asphalt. Dirty, tired, but very happy. I was very pleased with the UAZ. On the way home, the suspension felt tighter. The “chewing” of the bridge has completely disappeared. The only thing left is the knocking of the pins and the swaying from the dead shock absorbers. The money from the spring cushions will be used to buy kingpins on bearings, and after the 20th the car is going to be installed with LPG, this will be the subject of the following entries.

Thanks to everyone who read. Good luck and good health to you.


Body and bumper

If the car body rusts, then:

  • clean it of dirt by first disassembling it;
  • trim areas that are already susceptible to corrosion;
  • Weld the pads and paint the surface using primer and emulsion paint.

It is better to apply the emulsion in two layers, waiting for each of them to dry. This way the paint will adhere better. Another tuning option is to make the body wider or longer by changing its shape.

Don't forget to strengthen the bumper by hanging a special frame on it. A ready-made kit with it can be purchased at almost any automobile store. If you cannot install it, it is better to contact a specialized salon.

Preparing the body for use in harsh conditions

In addition to the above work, it is also possible to carry out work on changing the body. Tuning can be as follows:

  • The work involves the restoration of the structure. Quite often, in order to give the car the proper appearance, the body and other structural elements must be restored.
  • Some changes can be made, mounts for additional body kit can be created.
  • Carrying out painting work.

The car in question has been out of production for many years. Therefore, there are practically no offers in good condition on sale. Repair work to restore the body is inevitable.

Tank tuning

The fuel tank is poorly protected from external influences, so you can puncture it or lose it completely if you accidentally get into thick mud or stones. To avoid this:

  1. We transfer the reservoir to the space between the cargo compartment or to the body.
  2. We replace the standard fasteners with steel holders.

To protect the tank, engine, and steering wheel:

  1. After strengthening the cabin with a shockproof frame, we place the air intake on the roof (initially it is located in the engine compartment).
  2. We install the rack on the roof.
  3. To protect the steering wheel, we use upholstery - for example, we put on a cover (price from 500-1000 rubles).

The above changes to the fuel system are simple and do not require approval from the traffic police. But, as mentioned above, it is better for drivers who are unsure of their abilities to contact a salon so as not to damage the system elements when independently replacing components or improving them.

Tuning has always been considered a way to distinguish your car from the general monotony. At the same time, proper tuning can not only visually improve the car, but also make it more comfortable and practical. Today, a large number of owners of creations of the domestic automobile industry torment their cars with low-quality modernization, which further shortens the life of the car. But if you approach the issue of tuning wisely, your car will last you much longer. Let's look at the example of the domestic UAZ 3303. Tuning this car is a very common phenomenon, allowing you to feel like a real mechanic.

Recommendations from experts

Maksim. If you need a truck to transport various cargoes, then you can consider upgrading the UAZ 3303. It is small, has high cross-country ability, and the body is suitable for transporting small-sized cargo. Buy a Ukrainian diploma on the website https://kypit-diplom-vuza.com.ua/ buy a diploma without prepayment However, this car is significantly inferior to modern ones technically. Therefore, you can’t do without tuning.

Vitaly In a suburban area, a truck is practically irreplaceable. However, not everyone can afford to buy another truck. Therefore, the problem can be solved by tuning the UAZ 3303. After minor upgrades, the car will become suitable for transporting various cargoes.

Thanks to domestic engineers

Domestic engineers designed the car in such a way that the owner has a wide range of actions that can be carried out in the UAZ 3303 car. Do-it-yourself tuning is completely easy to do even in your garage. But you still need to know certain structural features of this car. You have the opportunity to tune the chassis, appearance, and also add comfort to the interior of your UAZ 3303. Tuning the cabin will consist of modernizing and strengthening the body, so after improvement the car can safely be called an SUV. As a rule, modernization also concerns the wheelbase. which is most often tuned, has wide-profile off-road tires and a power body kit. But everything is in order.


In the USSR, quite a large number of vehicles were produced, designed for transporting goods in areas with poor traffic. An example is the UAZ 3303, which was produced from 1966 to 1985. Despite the fact that the production of the model was completed several decades ago, the car is still in active use. In order to give a second life to this car, you can tune the UAZ 3303 with your own hands. In this material we will consider the work related to increasing the cross-country ability of a vehicle.

Replacing tires

The first thing you need to do for your car is change the tires. The tuned UAZ 3303 will be an indispensable friend for you when hunting, fishing, or simply when traveling on obvious off-road roads. Shallow rivers are often found in the forests of our country, and after heavy rains, most of the land is immersed in mud. Therefore, the right decision would be to install rubber that is capable of overcoming such obstacles. The ideal size of such tires can be up to 25 inches. The UAZ 3303, which you are going to tune, also needs to strengthen the suspension.

Line of Ulyanovsk engines

UMZ begins its history in 1944, when a joint stock company was created by Order of the People's Commissar. At first, the plant produced small engines for charging batteries and mobile power plants, and the first automobile internal combustion engine rolled off the assembly line in 1969.

The engine was named UMZ 451, and had a lot in common with the power unit of the Volga GAZ 21. Since 1971, the ICE 451 was modernized, and it received the index 451M, this engine was awarded the “Quality Mark”. In the late 70s and early 80s of the last century, the UAZ 469 (“goat”) and UAZ 452 (“loaf”) cars were equipped with the UMZ-414 internal combustion engine, and since 1989 the UMZ 417 with a power of 90 hp was produced. With.

All Ulyanovsk engines until the mid-90s had a volume of 2.445 liters and a cylinder diameter of 92 mm. In 1996, production of the UMZ-421 internal combustion engine began; this power unit was distinguished by a cylinder diameter increased to 100 mm and a large volume (2.89 l). Since 1997, the Ulyanovsk plant has been supplying power units for GAZ vehicles, and these models are:

  • 4215;
  • 4213;
  • 4216 in various modifications;
  • Evotech 2.7.

Strengthening the car frame

The fact is that installing large tires entails possible damage to the car’s suspension, which is simply not designed for such fraud. In addition, the procedure for raising the suspension will protect you from possible damage to the wheel arches of the new rubber. And the car will gain unprecedented off-road capability, which is full of potholes and other irregularities.

Similar results can be achieved by taking the time to install spacers. The UAZ 3303, which you are going to tune, must have a reinforced bottom, and if the car does not have this characteristic, you need to take care of installing it. The reasons for the need to provide underbody protection are the frequent occurrence of large branches falling under the vehicle.

Three tips for eliminating body coating defects

  1. Microparticles. Against mini-damage, there are products made from microparticles that remove scratches from the surface of the car. But if they are deep, the use of these remedies may worsen the situation. There is no risk of the situation worsening if the product is used according to the instructions on the product packaging. There are also anti-oxidation products that make chrome or metal surfaces brighter.
  2. A rod soaked in coloring liquid (simply a felt-tip pen). Use felt-tip pens to mask thin scratches (i.e. those that did not reach the metal sheet) on the body: they fill in small damage. They should also protect against bad weather and moisture. Good for bumpers, mirrors and other car parts that are often damaged. Just press the stick several times on the scratch, just like using paper glue, which only comes out when you press on the container.
  3. Old cars. There are polishes (body polishes) suitable for removing common scratches on the body of new cars with old or damaged paintwork. The cleansing effect on the varnish eliminates oxidation. The polishing effect of a particular product is most appreciated on the bumper, side moldings, spoiler and mirrors.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )

Winch installation

Now let's move on to the winch. On off-road terrain, situations often arise in which you will have to get out of trouble on your own. When you are stuck in the mud and there is not a single soul around, the winch will become your savior. In addition, you will have the opportunity to help your comrades on the road. On the UAZ 3303 you can install both electric and electric. The difference between these types is significant, because the latter is more reliable, and it is preferred by most off-road enthusiasts. The advantage of hydraulics is that they are more powerful and are powered by a motor that builds up pressure. Its electric competitor operates through a battery, which shortens the battery's lifespan.

To strengthen the cabin, a kenguryatnik is installed. This protective arc will serve you when the machine comes into contact with trees and other obstacles, and the placement of spotlights above the cab will come in handy at night. You can also tune the interior: make it soundproof and install more comfortable seats. If you cannot do without music, then you will need to contact a company that installs car audio in the UAZ 3303. The tuning photos look great. With the right approach, you can simply make a “candy” out of our domestic car, because even the most expensive SUV can envy the cross-country ability of this car.

Transformation of a “loaf” into a “tadpole”

Refinement of a personal car, its cabin and power units, during which the factory characteristics are improved, is called tuning. What does this give?

  1. Engine power and efficiency increases.
  2. Ensures brake reliability.
  3. The pendants are strengthened.
  4. The cabin becomes comfortable for the driver and passengers.

A good vehicle platform at an affordable price creates the opportunity to experiment, improving the vehicle’s cross-country ability and strengthening its driving performance. The UAZ 3303 “tadpole” (as it is popularly called for its unique shape) is easy to tune.

You can improve the UAZ 3303 with your own hands. Tuning is very easy to do in your own garage. Of course, you need some knowledge about the design of the car. You can tune the chassis, appearance and, if you wish, improve the interior of the UAZ 3303.

How to perform body restoration?

We will pay special attention to how to restore the body. Recommendations for carrying out this work are as follows:. 1.First you need to dismantle all body elements

It is under them that rust and other defects can hide. Dismantling work will not require a lot of free time

1.First you need to dismantle all body elements. It is under them that rust and other defects can hide. Dismantling work will not require a lot of free time.

2.The next step is to clean the paintwork. Please note that if individual areas are damaged and restored, the entire body will have to be repainted. Cleaning paintwork can be done using a variety of tools and special chemicals. The effectiveness of further work depends on how well the surface is cleaned.

3.Next, the work of trimming the areas affected by corrosion is carried out: some will have to be cut out, others will simply be welded - it all depends on the degree of damage

You need to pay attention to where the metal will be cut: some body elements must withstand the load and should not be modified

Start with the wheelbase

It is recommended to strengthen the suspension so that you can drive off-road without fear that the car will fall apart. Replace the tires with similar, but more reliable rubber with a larger diameter (up to 25 inches), which are specially made to overcome mud obstacles. Lift the car body, this is necessary for the wheels to fit accurately. Install supports between the structures, and if necessary, trim the wings of the arch. Cabin protection with a branch guard is a necessary part of car tuning, allowing you to protect the lighting devices and glass of the UAZ 3303 from all kinds of damage.

The readiness of the car for complete off-road conditions is determined by the mandatory presence of a winch. It is fixed at the front or rear of the car. Preferably electric or hydraulic. The advantage of the latter option is its power; the work is carried out by an engine that pumps up pressure. The electric counterpart runs on a battery, and the service life of the latter is reduced.

Great car for rural areas

When it comes to the UAZ “tadpole”, tuning is most often carried out on its chassis and interior, and not on its appearance, although no one forbids changing the body design.

Modernization will allow the car to compete with powerful SUVs. To do this, it is necessary to replace the factory axles with Barsov ones, which are larger in width, and also replace and install a high-slip differential.

This procedure provides two benefits:

  • when driving off-road in heavy rains, the wheels will not slip,
  • the transmission will wear out less.

It is recommended to use Rancho 5000 shock absorbers. This will allow the car to stand taller, but there will be a lot of roll when cornering, especially off-road. This problem is eliminated by installing a stabilizer with lateral stability on the front and rear axles. Tuning a UAZ 3303 with your own hands will allow you to completely update the car, and you can safely call it an SUV.

Trucks based on 3303

A warning to owners of “loaves” and “tadpoles”
Truck "Tadpole" 3303
  • Drawing with dimensions of UAZ-3303 in GIF format (70K) (Enlarged drawing)
  • Drawing with dimensions of UAZ-33036 in GIF format (83K)

(former UAZ-452D). Engine 2.4 l, models with index (9) have a UMZ-4218 engine (100 hp) Models:

  • Gallery UAZ-3303

Some modifications based on the UAZ-3303:

  • UAZ-33032 - gas equipment installed
  • UAZ-33034 is an experimental 10-seater car.
  • UAZ-33035 - with a metal body of a different shape with a lower loading height (history of creation)
  • UAZ-33036 - with an increased chassis base (2550 mm), a metal platform, soft seats and upholstery.
  • — Airfield searchlight installation on the UAZ-3303 chassis. Series since 2002
  • — Airplane passenger staircase on the UAZ-3306 chassis
  • On the basis of the UAZ-3303 (452D), many modifications were manufactured by third-party companies and factories, for example: Ambulance vehicle of the Samara plant SARZ-2925 Fire trucks of the AC series
Freight 39094
It differs from the UAZ-3303 in a five-seater cabin with three doors and a shortened cargo platform. The rear seat converts into two berths. Models:
  • Gallery UAZ-39094
Extended “Tadpole” UAZ-39095 CARGO
It differs from the UAZ-3303 in an enlarged cabin with a folding shelf. Two fuel tanks with a capacity of 56 liters Models:
With isothermal body.
Self-loader vehicle. The cargo platform is metal with a removable awning and two double seats. Model UAZ-2923 - equipped with a dump platform, photo from tests

see also: Article SARANSK CONVERSIONS “TADPOLE” (PDF format) In March 2022, Nizhny Novgorod) began producing UAZ dump trucks

On September 01, 2009, UAZ began production of new special vehicles UAZ T-REX all-terrain terrain with a carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons. UAZ-T-REX will be produced according to orders from end customers for the needs of the road construction sector, government agencies, as well as as emergency special vehicles for use technological facilities in hard-to-reach regions. T-REX special vehicles with overall dimensions of 5230 mm x 1900 mm x 2495 mm and a wheelbase of 3450 mm have high cross-country ability thanks to the all-wheel drive system, high ground clearance (290 mm) and frame strength. In addition, a serious advantage of the car is the presence of a multi-stage transfer gearbox with a wide range of traction force variations, including at low speeds, as well as a power take-off box for driving mounted auxiliary units. T-REX will be equipped with a 2.3 liter turbodiesel (F1A) with a power of 116 hp.

According to the executive director of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, Sergei Yurasov, the new all-wheel drive special vehicles on the Bremach chassis will be a good addition to the traditional UAZ product line, expanding it with vehicles of greater payload, adapted for special needs. “UAZ has traditionally been present in the market of special off-road vehicles, and we have seen that in a number of segments there is unsatisfied demand for modern all-wheel drive special equipment. The Bremach chassis, in terms of its technical characteristics, is the optimal platform for creating unique niche products for special needs,” says S. Yurasov. The Bremach company, a division of the Italian automotive group PRO.DE, is a manufacturer of all-wheel drive special vehicles with high off-road performance. All Bremach cars are equipped with maintenance-free drive axles of their own design, reinforced spring suspension, and electromechanical differential locks. Special vehicles of the Italian brand have long established themselves in Europe as ultra-reliable and highly cross-country vehicles that are widely used by public utilities around the world for rescue work, fire fighting and other operations in hard-to-reach places.


Make your brakes reliable

For such roads it is important to have a reliable chassis

The UAZ 3303 requires tuning of the chassis to ensure safety when driving.

Install disc brake systems that promote uniform wear of the pads and increase the braking effect. Strengthen the frame using a subframe and a special reinforcement. For convenience, prepare sound insulation and re-sheath the interior from the inside.

If you are not satisfied with the factory seats, an alternative is offered - “Ford Escort”, you just need to modify them slightly. Cut off all the parts, leaving the soft part and the iron structure that holds it. The photos clearly demonstrate the need for tuning the car.

2 corners are welded to the seats below. Drill holes in them to bolt the pieces to the interior floor. Now your ride will be soft and comfortable. You can leave the factory seat trim or add additional lumbar support to the seats. If you want to turn the steering wheel and not strain your hands, install a hydraulic booster; it is recommended to choose ZF. Even painting and installing wheels with alloy discs will change the appearance of the UAZ 3303 for the better.

Change the bumpers to reinforced ones. If you are not able to do this work yourself, buy RIF from the store. They are developed specifically for the UAZ. The power threshold will preserve the integrity of the cabin for a long time, and the crankcase will protect the engine. Many rural residents still want to buy a UAZ 3303 flatbed due to its performance characteristics. This model is the most reliable. This is what most off-road enthusiasts prefer.

The tuning of the UAZ 3303 does not end with these works. Protect the fuel tank, tie rods, and engine compartment. The cabin mount can be equipped with a cage. The safety bar design will work. if the car hits a tree or other obstacle. It is advisable to install an ELMO clutch; it is especially in demand when constantly driving on asphalt. Exit the engine air intake to the roof. This is very important when you have to cross small bodies of water and roads with impassable mud.

Placing spotlights above the cabin is useful at night. At the last stage, a trunk is installed on the UAZ 3303, which is a certain decoration. It is indispensable when transporting bulky items. Improve the instrument panel and install a stove.

Modernization includes equipping the machine with a multimedia system. In this case, it is better to contact a specialized company. There are services that install sound specifically on UAZ 3303 cars.

High-quality and well-thought-out tuning of the UAZ-3303 allows you to transform working and unpresentable equipment into a luxurious and comfortable wheeled all-terrain vehicle that is not inferior to expensive foreign analogues. The Tadpole, as it is popularly called, has a solid foundation and a spacious enough body and cabin to accommodate many useful options. Making changes will increase the functionality, maneuverability and reliability of a small flatbed truck, making it comfortable and representative.

What can be done to a car to ensure cross-country ability?

To increase the vehicle's cross-country ability, wheels of larger width and diameter should be installed. According to the recommendations of experts, the maximum diameter should not exceed 24 inches, as otherwise the car’s stability on the road will be lost. You can replace wheels as follows:

First, the car is lifted to provide access to the chassis.

Particular attention should be paid to securing the vehicle to ensure the safety of the work being carried out. The next step is to trim the wings. In order to install tires with a larger tread and diameter, the space under the wheel arches will have to be increased. It is also necessary to replace standard bridges with Barsovsky ones, which have a larger width. You can also increase cross-country ability by replacing the differential.

By installing a more advanced design, you can achieve an effect in which the wheels will not slip in almost any weather conditions. In addition, by increasing the efficiency of this element, the service life of the transmission is significantly increased. You can replace the springs on the rear axle and the shock absorbers at the front. It is worth considering that the original springs are relatively short in length. Due to this, the load-carrying capacity and shock-absorbing qualities are significantly reduced. Original shock absorbers will not last long, and they have poorer performance. Therefore, it is recommended to install imported ones. Increasing ground clearance has a negative impact on vehicle stability. That is why it is necessary to provide for the installation of additional elements in the form of stabilizers. They are installed on the sides and allow you to maintain the required balance when entering a turn. An electric winch is installed, which will allow you to get out of difficult areas. In addition, you should install a more powerful battery, which will allow you to start the car even in severe frost. Other wheels and tires will also be required. By installing wheels of larger diameter, ground clearance increases significantly. However, to do this you will have to slightly change the wheel arches, cutting them to the desired level. As the ground clearance increases, the car's cornering stability is lost. As a result, when entering a turn at high speed, there is a high probability of capsizing. To increase cross-country ability, additional stabilization elements are installed. The body can also be upgraded. A common method of changing the design is to install a system that will raise the body to unload cargo. Of course, this will require installing a hydraulic system.

The above work will significantly increase the vehicle's cross-country ability.

Technical tuning

Modification of the UAZ-3303 with your own hands should begin with modification of the frame. During the tuning process, many different options are installed on the car, which leads to increased load on the frame. To prevent it from breaking, solid pipes or metal plates are welded over the factory seams. If possible, reinforcement is carried out on all sides of the joints. Having strengthened the foundation, you can move on to further improvement of the car.

Wheel part

Installing alloy wheels improves the exterior of the vehicle. The width and diameter of the rubber are selected based on the conditions in which it is planned to be used. If the car is being converted into an all-terrain vehicle for hunting and fishing, it is advisable to install wide wheels with the ability to adjust the pressure from the cabin.

The installation of wheels with an increased diameter involves trimming the arches, lifting work to increase the steering column rods, transfer case and gearbox. But the invested effort and money are justified - the car gains increased cross-country ability.

The all-terrain qualities of a vehicle can be improved by installing tracked blocks on the rear axle. For their manufacture, tracks and gears from snowmobiles are used.


Since the car is being converted for off-road driving, the engine and gearbox should be protected from mechanical impact. To do this, an aluminum or titanium plate of centimeter thickness is attached under the power plant.

If the springs are in satisfactory condition, then they can be left, cleaned of dirt and rust. It is advisable to replace worn-out products. Hydraulic shock absorbers with height adjustment are installed on both axles. This will allow you to change the vehicle's ground clearance for highway or off-road driving. The self-locking differential on the rear axle increases the cross-country ability of the vehicle.

See » How to make external and internal tuning of a UAZ farmer car

Fuel tank

The fuel container is practically not protected from external influences. When moving through impassable terrain or bad roads, there is always a risk of not only puncturing the tank, but also losing it completely upon contact with a stone, tree trunk or thick mud.

There are the following options for protecting the fuel tank:

  1. Replacing standard mounts with powerful steel holders with a thick steel plate on the base.
  2. Transferring the tank into the body or into the space between the cab and the cargo compartment.

Both options are simple from a technical point of view and do not require approval from the traffic police.

UAZ-3303: technical characteristics, history of creation, varieties

The automobile plant in Ulyanovsk began developing all-terrain all-wheel drive models of small trucks in the late fifties of the last century.

At first it was a UAZ-450D. In 1966, it was replaced by the UAZ-452D, which was produced until 1985 without any changes in design.

Small all-wheel drive truck and its parameters

In the mid-eighties of the 20th century, the outdated UAZ-452D was replaced by the UAZ-3303 light-duty truck.

The main idea when creating this UAZ model was the simplicity of the design, which made it possible to operate this vehicle in any climate and terrain conditions. The designers successfully completed this task.

The machine is not burdened with any complex mechanisms. Everything from the cab to the axles is of a simple but robust design.

All main units and components are based on a welded frame made of high-strength steel, which is also easy to repair in the field.

The cabover cab is made entirely of metal and is located above the engine, which is located longitudinally to the axis of movement.

There is good access to the engine if it needs to be serviced or repaired.

In this case, an additional advantage arises from the fact that the internal combustion engine is located inside the cabin, and it can be operated in any weather conditions.

The cabin has two seats that can be easily removed. Worm steering with roller.

The steering column is not adjustable, but it is located very conveniently and does not interfere with the driver’s control of the pedals or switches.

Visual visibility from the cabin is very good and allows you to fully control the situation, which is especially important when driving off-road.

The windshield is large, the side ones are lowered using lifts. The forces from the gearshift knob in the cab to the gearbox mechanism are transmitted using rods, so additional attention is required to their correct adjustment.

The body or cargo platform is made mainly of wood. If necessary, the truck is equipped with wooden arches and an awning.

All three sides are folding. The car has dependent suspension both front and rear. There are semi-elliptic springs, the front and rear ones differ in thickness and number of leaves.

Each axle has two shock absorbers. The rear axle is driven, the front axle is geared, connected.

Technical characteristics of UAZ-3303:

Geometric dimensions of the car4 469х2 044х2 070 mm
Wheelbase and track2,300 mm, 1,442 mm
Clearance220 mm
Engine, powerUMP, 80 l. With.
Entry obstacle slope angle36 degrees
Fordable500 mm
Transmission4 manual transmission
BrakesDouble-circuit, drum type front and rear, with vacuum booster
On-board voltage12 V
Fuel tank56 liters

Designer tuning

External modernization of a car is carried out in order to distinguish it from the general monotony, make it visible and catchy, and attract the attention of others. Correct tuning allows you not only to visually improve the appearance of the car, but also to make it more comfortable and functional. Irrational modernization leads to accelerated wear of components and mechanisms, reducing the service life of the vehicle.

Interior trim

As for the UAZ-3303, tuning the cabin is an almost unlimited field of activity. You should start from the outside.

You can do the following:

  • install tinted windows, equip doors with electric lifts;
  • restore old optics by inserting new LED lamps into them;
  • trim with plastic fairings;
  • paint it in a color that matches the purpose of the machine;
  • make stylish footrests.

Interior upgrade options:

  • safe and multifunctional dashboard;
  • ergonomic steering wheel with adjustable column;
  • climate control system;
  • chairs with air suspension, armrests and position regulators;
  • on-board computer with navigator;
  • covering surfaces with sound and heat insulating materials;
  • light plastic furniture with sliding doors.

A removable console can be installed on the engine compartment cover.

Before you start tuning the UAZ “Tadpole”, you need to decide on the specific purposes of its use in order to understand what type of alteration will be: complete or partial. Partial tuning is more suitable for those drivers who do not intend to drive on serious off-road conditions. As a result, the motorist will be able to easily go mushroom hunting in the nearest forest and navigate muddy rural roads.

This kind of tuning does not make significant changes to the design of the car. As a rule, it includes the installation of special 31-inch mud tires, as well as a winch and power kit. To increase comfort, you can fork out for tuning the interior of the UAZ 3303.

A complete redesign of the UAZ “Tadpole” involves making major changes to its body and side. It is for this reason that it takes much longer and consists of several main stages. Upon completion of such modifications, “Tadpole” will easily be able to cross shallow rivers and real off-road conditions.

How to perform body restoration?

We will pay special attention to how to restore the body. Recommendations for carrying out this work are as follows:. 1.First you need to dismantle all body elements

It is under them that rust and other defects can hide. Dismantling work will not require a lot of free time

1.First you need to dismantle all body elements. It is under them that rust and other defects can hide. Dismantling work will not require a lot of free time.

2.The next step is to clean the paintwork. Please note that if individual areas are damaged and restored, the entire body will have to be repainted. Cleaning paintwork can be done using a variety of tools and special chemicals. The effectiveness of further work depends on how well the surface is cleaned.

3.Next, the work of trimming the areas affected by corrosion is carried out: some will have to be cut out, others will simply be welded - it all depends on the degree of damage

You need to pay attention to where the metal will be cut: some body elements must withstand the load and should not be modified

4.After trimming the affected areas, work is done to prepare the body for further cooking. To do this, the edges are cleaned and burrs are removed.

5. To carry out welding work, you need a special welding machine, as well as experience in carrying out such work. The formation of large seams should be avoided, which will then be difficult to hide with paintwork.

6.After welding the formed holes, the seams should be cleaned. It is also necessary to degrease the surface in order to provide the best conditions for laying the primer layer.

7. Particular attention is paid to preparing the body for painting work. According to all the rules, paint application must take place in a closed box in order to prevent the entry of various debris

8. Before applying the paint and varnish coating, the surface is leveled with a primer. It gives the body a streamlined and even shape.

Important! The paint is applied in two layers, which allows you to achieve the best result. In this case, the first layer is applied first, after it has completely dried, the second

To apply paint, special spray guns are used; only when using them can the paint be applied in an even layer.

The main stages of complete tuning of the UAZ-3303 Tadpole

Stage No. 1. Changing wheels

To overcome serious off-road conditions, you will have to install special mud tires with a minimum size of 33-35 inches.

Stage No. 2. Raising the suspension and body of the UAZ 3303

This is necessary to prevent the wheels from touching the arches when turning. In addition, the vehicle’s cross-country ability over rough terrain, replete with stumps and boulders, will increase. All this is achieved by installing special spacers between the body and frame and trimming the wheel arches. Raising the suspension is done by adding additional sheets to the springs and installing shock absorbers with a longer stroke.

Stage No. 3. Winch installation

You can attach a hydraulic or electric winch to the UAZ 3303. It is worth considering that electric models are easy to install and can work autonomously. True, such winches are characterized by increased energy intensity, which negatively affects the service life of the battery. The hydraulic type is considered a more reliable, powerful unit, but it works much slower, and its operation requires a running engine that pumps pressure into the system.

Body for UAZ 3303: repair of metal and wooden platform

The body of the UAZ 3303 and its DIY repairs">

No matter how famous the UAZ 3303 body is for its strength and ability to withstand merciless use, the time for replacement comes. It is required due to normal corrosion of the metal component. Bodies for domestic cars are sold in both the first and third configurations.

History of UAZ 3303

A vehicle with improved cross-country ability - produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant since 1985. The new car replaced the UAZ 452D.

The 3303rd is still produced to this day. There are two modern modifications.

The truck cab is all-metal. Two people can comfortably fit inside. The car is equipped with single-leaf side doors and a removable hood roof of the engine compartment. Platform 3303 can be different, depending on the modification: wooden or metal.

Regarding the modifications, I would like to give a more detailed description:

  • The platform made of boards and the 2-seater cabin are the classic “business card” of the UAZ 330394;
  • The next modification is distinguished by an already increased wheelbase. In this case, the platform can be made of boards or metal;
  • Version 3303 is often called a passenger car. These were small-scale light commercial models intended for transporting various agricultural products, such as milk.

The range of engines installed on the UAZ 3303 is, as a rule, limited to 2nd petrol power units of 2.4 and 2.8 liters.

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