Is it possible to install a turbine on a carburetor engine?

The vast majority of car owners strive to maximize the power of their car in various available ways. One of the questions that owners of carburetor cars often ask is how to install a turbine on a carburetor engine. If the owner of a carburetor internal combustion engine decides to engage in such improvement and tuning, then it is necessary to separately take into account a number of features.

Is the game worth the candle?

To sum up all of the above, there is practically no actual benefit in installing a turbine on a VAZ 2109. A full-fledged high-quality modification will be very expensive, but other options make no sense and the risk increases, at best, of saying goodbye to the car completely. It goes without saying that the engine must be absolutely in good working order and free of defects before installing the turbo kit. Otherwise, it will also have to be replaced.

The general disadvantages of installing a turbine on a VAZ carburetor also include the fact that the service life of the engine with such modifications is significantly reduced. And this is even with perfectly installed equipment according to all the rules. And also, it is worth observing the basic requirements for operation and preventive maintenance of the turbocharger itself. Since the most common cause of breakdowns is not factory defects or the fragility of the element itself, but rather improper use.

Which turbine to choose

The most common equipment for installation on the VAZ 2106 is a turbo kit. It is designed specifically for 16-valve engines of VAZ cars. Turbines are sold along with everything necessary. Installation of the kit does not require modifications to the engine. Power increases to 130-140 horsepower. Moreover, this complex can be subjected to tuning in the future.

Some car enthusiasts prefer turbines and Mitsubishi. Productive and reliable compressors GT25R, GT28R, GT28RS are chosen from the Garrett series. They allow you to develop power up to 250 horsepower.

The VAZ 2106 turbo is designed for high-speed driving on city roads and is not at all similar to the usual Soviet “six”. Do not forget that any car equipped with additional equipment requires attention and care, monitoring the operation of systems and periodic technical inspection.

The pleasure of installing a turbine on a VAZ 2106 will cost half the price of the car itself. It is worth thinking several times whether this device and all additional equipment are really necessary when operating the machine. Usually a turbine

installed by avid fans of street racing in VAZs.

Mechanical engine charging: what you need to know

Let's start with the fact that installation of any type of supercharger (mechanical or turbocharging) is possible on both injection and carburetor engines. In both cases, a number of modifications to the power unit are expected, however, installing a turbine on the engine is somewhat more difficult and expensive compared to a compressor.

It becomes clear that a mechanical supercharger is a more affordable way to increase engine power; such a solution is easier to install on the engine, and the work can even be done independently. At the same time, the general principle of operation of the supercharger is quite simple.

The device can actually be compared to an attachment (generator, power steering pump or air conditioning compressor), that is, the unit is driven by the engine. As a result of the operation of a mechanical compressor, the air is compressed and enters the cylinders under pressure.

This allows the cylinders to be better purged (ventilated) from exhaust gas residues, cylinder filling is significantly improved, the amount of air in the combustion chamber increases, which makes it possible to burn more fuel and increase engine power.

Also, the compressor has a direct dependence on engine speed. The more the engine is revved, the more air is supplied to the combustion chambers and, accordingly, the power increases. At the same time, there is no pronounced effect of turbojam (turbolag), which is found on turbocharged engines. Turbo lag manifests itself in the form of a failure at low speeds, when the exhaust energy is not yet enough to spin the turbine and create the necessary pressure to effectively supply air to the cylinders.

In other words, all work is carried out comprehensively, which further allows the forced power unit to operate successfully and stably without significantly reducing its service life. Now let's look at some of the features of this installation.

Pros of installing a turbocharger

If you purchased a turbine for a carburetor engine of proper quality and no violations were made during the installation process, you can expect an improvement in the following engine performance indicators:

  • Acceleration improves, dynamic characteristics increase
  • Increased traction
  • Reduced fuel consumption (due to faster acceleration)
  • Overcoming climbs and obstacles will become more comfortable
  • An increase in air density in the cylinders leads to complete combustion of gasoline, making exhaust gases less hazardous to the environment

As an example of changes in engine power characteristics, you can use the data obtained after testing a 1.5-liter carburetor engine of a VAZ 2183 car.

Standard indicatorsTurbocharged
Power, kW/hp at rpm51.5/70 at 560078/106 at 5600
Maximum torque, N.m at rpm107 at 3500144 at 4000
Maximum speed, km/h155190
Acceleration from standstill to 100 km/h, s13,810,6
Fuel consumption, l/100 km5,57,7

Installing boost on the engine

Installation of the turbine should be carried out only by those motorists who have sufficient experience and knowledge in the technical features of the operation of the entire system. Direct installation instructions are as follows:

After purchasing a supercharger, you need to unpack it and conduct a visual inspection - the body must be intact and have no deformed areas. It is also necessary to check the technical condition of the oil supply hole. Check carefully - there should not be even the smallest parts inside the boost. Before directly installing the turbine, it is necessary to fill it with oil. The type and characteristics of the oil play an important role in determining the performance of the device and the reliability of the entire system. The turbine should be positioned so that the oil supply hole is at the top. Oil is poured into the hole, which should fill the turbine to the brim. Using a hand pump, you need to create pressure that pushes the oil into the interior and lubricates all the internal parts. During pumping, a hissing sound may be heard - this is normal. The procedure is performed several times, after which all the oil is poured through the drain hole. The oil supply hole is located strictly vertically and is connected to the installed compressor on the engine

It is necessary to pay attention to the inclination of the feed hole angle. The permissible deviation from the norm should be within 10-15 degrees. The car owner must make sure that the oil drains freely, without additional force. For ease of installation of the turbine, it is recommended to remove the heat shield, generator and exhaust manifold

After this, all antifreeze is drained. A hole is carefully drilled into the engine, into which a fitting with a thin layer of sealant is then installed. A heat shield, the turbine itself and the intake manifold are installed. The next step is to attach the treatment hose to the fitting and turbine, and then install the external wastegate. A silicone hose is attached to the fitting, which is cut in half and connected to the T-fitting. After this, all that remains is to install the intake piping and intercooler.

The car owner must make sure that the oil drains freely, without additional force. For ease of installation of the turbine, it is recommended to remove the heat shield, generator and exhaust manifold. After this, all antifreeze is drained. A hole is carefully drilled into the engine, into which a fitting with a thin layer of sealant is then installed. A heat shield, the turbine itself and the intake manifold are installed. The next step is to attach the treatment hose to the fitting and turbine, and then install the external wastegate. A silicone hose is attached to the fitting, which is cut in half and connected to the T-fitting. After this, all that remains is to install the intake piping and intercooler.

And a visual video with the installation of a turbine on a VAZ 2109 engine:

After installing the turbocharger, it is necessary to conduct an initial test of the functionality of the entire system. To do this, you need to start the engine from the starter. In order for the starter to be able to crank the engine, but not start it, the car owner must remove the voltage wires. In this case, the oil pressure sensor will go out, and the pressure on the oil supply line will drop significantly. If the entire system is working normally, you need to start the engine and leave it running for 10-15 minutes at idle speed.

The first thousand to one and a half kilometers must be carried out in run-in mode. In this case, the running-in mode should be such that the turbocharging does not develop a pressure of no more than 0.5 bar. Drivers who do not have a cabin pressure sensor installed in their vehicle should not exceed 50% of the rev limit. Also, car enthusiasts should remember that the turbo must cool before stopping the engine completely.

The diagram below allows you to see what place it occupies in the system.

Turbo kit Garret 1752

Turbo kit Garret 1752

Turbines from Garrett are consistently among the favorites among VAZ owners.

Among the circumstances of this:

  • sold as a ready-made set, there is no need to assemble individual elements using spare parts at car dismantling yards;
  • relatively low price (a new set will cost 30-35 thousand, used ones can be found in the range from 15 to 25 thousand);
  • without any special modifications, you can remove the boost from the car to 0.5 bar, increasing power to 120-130 hp. and torque up to 180-200 Nm;
  • with additional modifications to the boost system, the boost can be increased to 1 bar, power – up to 170-200 hp, and torque – up to 240 Nm.

The boost kit from Garret is optimal for novice fans of turbo tuning. By setting the boost to 0.5 bar, you can get a good increase in power without reducing the life of the engine. For harsh “rides”, this option is not suitable due to its limitations.

City coat of arms

The heraldic description of the first coat of arms of Vereya, approved in 1782, reads: “In the first part of the shield is the coat of arms of Moscow. In the second part, in a silver field in a wild forest, there are two oak gateways with hanging gold hooks, signifying the name of this city.” Currently, the third coat of arms of Vereya has been approved in chronological order. Heraldic description: “The modern status territorial crown - golden, walled with three prongs - symbolizes Vereya as an urban settlement. The crown is decorated with a rim of precious stones, as a sign that from 1432 to 1486. Vereya was the center of an appanage principality.”

Operating rules

Before installing a turbine on your engine, you need to understand the conditions for using such units. By following them, you can increase the “life” of motors.

Proper operation of turbocharged engines requires compliance with the following recommendations:

Check the oil level regularly

There is a lot of advice on how to properly operate turbojet engines. However, the main condition is to regularly check the oil.

Lack of lubrication leads to rapid wear of the turbine bearings, as a result of which it soon stops working.

In addition, rapid oil consumption indicates a problem in the engine. The oil pump or other part may have failed.

When starting, do not hold the gas pedal for long

Turbocharged engines reach maximum pressure already at low speeds. Therefore, press the gas pedal for a long time. Otherwise, the turbine will run at idle speed, which shortens its service life.

Use only high quality oil

Poor quality oil is the second most common cause of rapid turbine wear

And it doesn’t matter whether it is installed on a gasoline engine or a diesel one. Moreover, such lubrication negatively affects the condition of the engine.

It is necessary to fill only with the oil recommended by the manufacturer of a particular power plant.

It is also important to note that the type of lubricant used on turbocharged engines differs from the fluid used on “atmospheric” units. This is explained by the fact that in the former a higher level of pressure is created, as a result of which the requirements for oil quality increase

This circumstance must be taken into account when boosting the “atmospheric” engine.

It is not recommended to use a different brand of lubricant, even if it has similar characteristics.

Be sure to check the condition of the motor after repair

First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of oil and its composition: the liquid should be transparent. Next, the operation of the crankshaft is checked with the engine turned off.

And the last thing: you need to start the engine and keep it idling for 5-10 minutes, carefully listening for unusual sounds, the presence of extraneous knocks and the like.

Use only high-quality diesel fuel

In order for a diesel engine equipped with a turbine to retain its original characteristics, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality fuel. Low-grade fuel has many impurities that quickly clog the fuel system. As a result, the level of power developed by the engine decreases.

To level out its decline, the turbine begins to work at the limit of its own capabilities, which provokes rapid wear of the unit.

In cold weather, the engine should run at idle speed.

At low temperatures, the oil becomes more viscous. Therefore, it is recommended to start the turbocharged engine and keep it at idle so that the lubricant begins to circulate inside the unit.

In addition, it is not recommended to immediately stop turbojet engines in the cold. Before turning off, they also need to idle for some time. This recommendation is explained by the fact that at high speeds in power units the temperature rises to maximum values.

Therefore, a sudden shutdown of the engine can provoke a temperature drop, which reduces the service life of the installation and turbine.

Regularly rev the engine at high speeds

The turbine must operate regularly. Otherwise, it will soon fail. It is recommended to operate the engine at high speeds at least once a week. As a result of the operation of the supercharging system, a process of self-cleaning occurs.

Some nuances to consider after installation

Like any other complex system, a turbocharger has features that are strongly recommended to be taken into account when operating it. Moreover, a negligent attitude to these requirements can reduce the service life to a minimum and the costs of tuning will never pay off.

Here are some highlights:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the oil and filters. Change it in a timely manner and do not use additives.
  2. It is advisable to use only oil recommended by the manufacturer.
  3. Avoid sudden starts with heavy loads.
  4. Avoid abrupt engine stops under load.
  5. Avoid idling for long periods of time.
  6. Tightness.
  7. Change the air filter promptly.

How is a turbine checked?

Before installing the turbine, it is strongly recommended to change the oil. In addition, the oil and air filters must be replaced. The sequence for checking the turbocharging system is as follows:

  • the turbine should be inspected for oil leaks (this applies to both the part through which oil is supplied and the part through which it drains from the turbine);
  • All air ducts are also carefully inspected. None of them should contain dirt or foreign objects;
  • if the machine is equipped with a catalyst, then it should also be checked for wear (excessive exhaust from a worn-out catalyst can significantly worsen the operation of the turbine; it simply cannot cope with the large volume of incoming gas);
  • Finally, you should check whether the turbine rotor rotates normally. The hum produced by the rotor should be uniform. There should be no extraneous sounds in it: creaking, whistling, etc.

So, installing a turbine on a VAZ 2106 is a long and painstaking process. In some situations, instead of a full-fledged turbine, you can think about installing a turbocharger. This is the least expensive and simplest option. Well, if the car owner has firmly decided to install a turbine on his “six”, then he should prepare for a serious modernization of the engine and serious financial expenses.

What does turbocharging do for a car?

Since the VAZ 2106 car is not equipped with an industrial turbo system, like many modern foreign cars, all work to increase the car’s power will have to be done independently in a garage or by hiring a specialist. But it should be taken into account that installing a turbine is quite a difficult task, and if you have no experience, you should seek help from experts.

The mechanism of operation of turbocharging is to pump treated and compressed air into the combustion chamber, which leads to mixing gasoline with air and increasing the power of the power unit. The turbine is usually located between the exhaust pipe and the intake manifold. The processed and released gases coming out of the combustion chambers rotate a special turbine

connected to the compressor. The last unit forces air into the cylinders. The quality of turbine operation directly depends on the amount of used gasoline.

Turbo kit for the "six"

Turbine installation

on the VAZ 2106 has its advantages:

  • the turbocharger is fairly lightweight;
  • the turbine can be adjusted for any car engine, for any carburetor
  • turbo can be installed on a motor that has undergone tuning;
  • installation of the unit does not interfere with further modernization of the car;
  • The turbine is suitable for an engine of any size.

There are 2 types of turbines. A low-pressure unit is a cheaper option, and its installation does not require major changes to the design of the car, which saves money. A high-pressure turbine involves tuning the main components of the machine and is expensive. To install this unit, you will have to redo the exhaust system, injection system and perform engine chip tuning. The car becomes sporty, sharp, agile and dynamic.


Today there are the following ways to solve the problem of turbocharging inertia:

  • biturbocharging (double supercharging);
  • turbine with adaptive geometry;
  • combined boost.

Twin turbocharging uses two small turbines that together operate much faster than one of the nominal size. The number of cylinders is distributed equally between these turbines. An analogue of such a system could be the use of several compressors that start moving at different engine speeds, each in its own mode.

A turbine with adaptive geometry is able to change the size of the intake port and thereby regulate the flow rate of exhaust gases, which also improves the efficiency of the system.

Combined charging consists of a turbocharger and a mechanical supercharger. The supercharger creates the required pressure at low speeds, but as soon as the speed increases to a certain value, the turbocharger comes into operation.

Heat. As already mentioned, compressing air entails heating it, which does not affect the operation of the engine in the best way. Therefore, it is often necessary to connect additional cooling, and this consumes some of the energy.

However, despite these disadvantages, turbocharging is an excellent way to increase the power and efficiency of an internal combustion engine, as well as its economy. In addition, many years of experience of specialists shows that options for improving this system have not yet been exhausted.

Video about the features and principles of turbocharging

Why do they put a turbine on a VAZ with a carburetor?

Ideally, owners of the VAZ 2109, like other carburetor cars, hope to increase engine power to the possible maximum in a similar way. And this thought especially excites car enthusiasts who love to drive. There is also an opinion that by correctly installing the turbine, you can achieve a reduction in noise, a reduction in the amount of fuel (standard consumption at higher power), a reduction in acceleration time and the ability to increase torque. The advantages and benefits here seem to be quite obvious, but is everything so good in practice?

How to install a turbine?

Before starting work, you need to check whether the necessary consumables are available. The use of sealants when working with pipelines is strictly prohibited. When exposed to high temperatures, they liquefy and lose their original properties.

Pieces of peeling sealant will sooner or later get inside the turbine and lead to failure. A self-installed turbine is the result of painstaking work; you need to carefully monitor whether there are any foreign particles or liquids in the oil.

Installation sequence:

  1. First of all, components are replaced - oil and air filters and the oil itself.
  2. The oil line hole is thoroughly washed, foreign particles and sand are removed.
  3. All damaged or failed oil lines and pipes must be replaced with new ones.
  4. Next, you need to remove the breather from the engine, clean it thoroughly and rinse it.
  5. Afterwards, the supply lines are washed and the oil is drained.
  6. Using a special syringe, it is necessary to treat the contacting connections of the turbine with oil. Lubrication can be done with the engine oil of the engine on which the turbine is planned to be installed.
  7. The turbocharger is installed taking into account the location of the oil pipeline. The presence of kinks and a horizontal position of the oil pipeline is unacceptable.

Peculiarities of turbine operation

In comparison with those powered by a crankshaft drive, the advantages of a turbine are that it does not take away, but uses the energy of the by-products of its work. It is cheaper to manufacture and more economical to operate.

Although the technical design of a diesel engine turbine is practically no different from systems for gasoline engines, it is more common on diesel engines. The main feature is the operating modes. Thus, less heat-resistant materials can be used for diesel engines, since the exhaust gas temperature averages from 700 °C in diesel engines and from 1000 °C in gasoline engines. This means that you cannot install a diesel turbine on a gasoline engine.

On the other hand, these systems are also characterized by different levels of boost pressure. It should be taken into account that the performance of the turbine depends on its geometric dimensions. The pressure of the air injected into the cylinders consists of two parts: 1 atmosphere of ambient pressure plus excess pressure created by the turbocharger. It can vary from 0.4 to 2.2 or more atmospheres. Considering that the principle of operation of a turbine on a diesel engine provides for the supply of a larger volume of exhaust gases, the design for a gasoline engine also cannot be installed on diesel engines.

Advantages and disadvantages

Turbocharged engines have their strengths and weaknesses, so you shouldn’t believe automakers’ statements about their clear advantage. Before deciding to choose a car equipped with a turbocharged gasoline engine, you should weigh the pros and cons.


The main advantage of a turbocharged engine is its increased power, and one cannot but agree with the manufacturers on this. In terms of power, with a similar cylinder volume, the unit exceeds atmospheric engines by 20–30%. Additional advantages of installing a turbocharger on a motor are as follows:

  1. Increasing operating efficiency by optimizing the combustion process of the airless mixture in the cylinders. Thanks to this, fuel consumption to ensure the operation of a similar amount of naturally aspirated engine horsepower is significantly reduced.
  2. Reduced noise and vibration levels while driving.
  3. Environmentally friendly. Efficient combustion of fuel inside the cylinders significantly reduces the amount of emissions into the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe. Experts say that the introduction of new emission standards in Europe and the United States has increased the production of cars with turbocharged gasoline engines by 25%.
  4. Compact sizes. An engine with three or even two cylinders is comparable in power to a four-cylinder naturally aspirated one. Thanks to its optimal dimensions, such an engine has a greater number of placement options in the car.


For all its advantages, turbocharging also has some negative sides:

  1. Increased sensitivity to fuel quality. This implies the need to use higher grade gasoline. A turbocharged engine will quickly fail if forced to run on 92 gasoline.
  2. With active use of the turbine, fuel consumption increases by 1.5 times. Fans of driving in the "gas to the floor" style will fill the tank of their car twice as often.
  3. The need for frequent oil changes. Lubricant is added to the engine and directly to the turbocharger unit, so its consumption increases. The requirements for the brand of oil are also quite stringent: you can only use high-quality synthetic brands, the cost of which is an order of magnitude higher than mineral or semi-synthetic lubricants. To this should be added the need for frequent oil changes: every 8,000 kilometers. While in atmospheric engines the procedure can be carried out after 12 and even 15 thousand kilometers. Untimely replacement of oil and filters will lead to changes in turbine parameters and its rapid failure.
  4. Expensive repairs. Components for turbocharged engines are quite expensive, so their repair requires a significant investment. The cost of repairs increases further due to the lack of qualified service station workers. Not every car service center will repair a turbocharged engine, and you will have to pay 40–50% more for the qualifications of the technicians. A major overhaul of a turbocharged engine is required every 150–200 thousand kilometers.
  5. Features of operation. A car with a turbo engine must be started and stopped correctly. After starting, the engine must idle, and the older the car, the longer the “run” is needed. After stopping the car, you should also not immediately turn off the engine.
  6. Manifestation of the “turbo lag” effect. This is the name given to a characteristic failure when the car reacts sluggishly to pressing the gas pedal. The engine “does not pull” at low speeds, as a result the car cannot move sharply. With heavy traffic and difficult road conditions in megacities, this is a rather dangerous phenomenon. To solve the problem, the designers propose installing two turbines on the engine, one of which will operate at low speeds due to being equipped with an electric drive. This will reduce the risk of turbo jams, but will additionally increase the cost of the engine and at the same time reduce its reliability.

A turbocharged engine is more likely to undergo expensive repairs and require high-quality fuel

How does turbocharging work in a car?

The energy of the exhaust gases in the engine is directed to the supercharger turbine wheel, which, under the influence of gases, rotates in its housing, which has a special shape to improve the kinematics of the passage of exhaust gases.

The temperature here is very high, and therefore the housing and the turbine rotor itself, together with its impeller, are made of heat-resistant alloys that can withstand prolonged high-temperature exposure. Also recently, ceramic composites have been used for these purposes.

The compressor wheel, rotated by the energy of the turbine, sucks in air, compresses it and then pumps it into the cylinders of the power unit. In this case, the rotation of the compressor wheel is also carried out in a separate chamber, where the air enters after passing through the air intake and filter.

Video - what a turbocharger is needed for and how it works:

Both turbine and compressor wheels, as mentioned above, are rigidly fixed to the rotor shaft. In this case, the shaft rotates using plain bearings, which are lubricated with engine oil from the main engine lubrication system.

Oil is supplied to the bearings through channels that are located directly in the housing of each bearing. In order to seal the shaft from oil entering the system, special sealing rings made of heat-resistant rubber are used.

Of course, the main design challenge for engineers when designing turbochargers is organizing their efficient cooling. For this purpose, in some gasoline engines, where thermal loads are highest, liquid cooling of the supercharger is often used. In this case, the housing in which the bearings are located is included in the dual-circuit cooling system of the entire power unit.

Another important element of the turbocharging system is the intercooler. Its purpose is to cool the incoming air. Surely many of the readers of this material will wonder why cool the “outboard” air if its temperature is already low?

The answer lies in the physics of gases. Cooled air increases its density and, as a result, its pressure increases. In this case, the intercooler is structurally an air or liquid radiator. Passing through it, the air reduces its temperature and increases its density.

An important part of a car's turbocharging system is the boost pressure regulator, which is a bypass valve. It is used to limit the energy of engine exhaust gases and directs some of them away from the turbine wheel, which allows you to regulate the boost pressure

The valve drive can be pneumatic or electric, and its operation is carried out due to signals received from the boost pressure sensor, which are processed by the vehicle's engine control unit. It is the electronic control unit (ECU) that sends signals to open or close the valve depending on the data received by the pressure sensor.

In addition to the valve that regulates the boost pressure, a safety valve can be installed in the air path directly after the compressor (where the pressure is maximum). The purpose of its use is to protect the system from surges in air pressure, which can occur in the event of a sudden shutdown of the engine throttle.

Excess pressure arising in the system is released into the atmosphere using a so-called bluff valve, or is directed to the inlet of the compressor by a bypass valve.

Turbine installation, parts procurement

Lada 2108 SMG Sanych motors Garag Logbook 50 TURBO
Assembling a turbo car is a creative process, much (if not all) depends on the designer that you assemble.

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice here - all answers are only specific.

In the VAZ store you will need to purchase:

  • new pistons (usually Niv ones are used);
  • rings (the higher quality the better);
  • cylinder head gasket (iron, suitable from Kalina for 8 valves);
  • fuel regulator at 2.5-3 bar;
  • throttle;
  • vacuum tubes, tees, bends, etc.

Simple turbo kit for VAZ 2114

  • turbocharger (from the above or whichever you like);
  • gaskets (pipe, downpipe, oil drain);
  • inlet receiver;
  • exhaust manifold (there are ready-made solutions for Garrett and TD04; for other turbines you will have to assemble it yourself);
  • a set of pipes, clamps and other small things (ready ones available);
  • intercooler (you can start without it, it gives an additional increase of up to 10 hp);
  • fuel pump (with a capacity of about 250 l/h, the better the quality, the better);
  • injectors (budget option - from Volga, more productive - from Subaru or Mitsu Evo);
  • blow-off (bypass valve for excess air pressure in the turbine, deserves a separate discussion);
  • boost controller (for the VAZ 2114 it is better to use a mechanical one, it is simpler and cheaper, however, you can install an electronic one);
  • absolute pressure sensor (ABP), air temperature sensor (ATS), turbine pressure sensor (TP).

The budget can start from 40-45 thousand rubles and tend to infinity, depending on the cost of components and the amount of work performed in the tuning studio.

How to install a turbine?

Before starting work, you need to check whether the necessary consumables are available. The use of sealants when working with pipelines is strictly prohibited. When exposed to high temperatures, they liquefy and lose their original properties.

Pieces of peeling sealant will sooner or later get inside the turbine and lead to failure. A self-installed turbine is the result of painstaking work; you need to carefully monitor whether there are any foreign particles or liquids in the oil.

  1. First of all, components are replaced - oil and air filters and the oil itself.
  2. The oil line hole is thoroughly washed, foreign particles and sand are removed.
  3. All damaged or failed oil lines and pipes must be replaced with new ones.
  4. Next, you need to remove the breather from the engine, clean it thoroughly and rinse it.
  5. Afterwards, the supply lines are washed and the oil is drained.
  6. Using a special syringe, it is necessary to treat the contacting connections of the turbine with oil. Lubrication can be done with the engine oil of the engine on which the turbine is planned to be installed.
  7. The turbocharger is installed taking into account the location of the oil pipeline. The presence of kinks and a horizontal position of the oil pipeline is unacceptable.
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