Panel for a VAZ 2107 car: which one can be installed

DIY tuning

Do the panel tuning yourself, spending a minimum amount of money. The first option is to replace the arrows and stickers on the instruments. Sets of stickers and arrows are sold freely, you can use them, or you can develop individual designer stickers - this will of course be more expensive, but for that you will have a unique tuning of the dashboard of your car.

When performing this work, you need to remember two important points:

We must remember that the hands and pins on which they are placed are quite fragile parts, so they must be removed and installed with extreme caution. Before you start sticking on new dials, you need to:

  • Mark the boundaries of the arrow on the scale at the zero position to prevent errors in the readings;
  • Thoroughly degrease the surface of the instrument panel so that they do not come off during operation;

Typical owner

The average portrait of the owners of this Zhiguli model is as follows:

  • middle age and above;
  • they always know how much money they have in their wallet;
  • practical and unpretentious;
  • know how to save money.

For this type of people, it is preferable to update the interior while carrying out repair work related to the body. This will eliminate the need to disassemble the car interior - welding and painting work require this a priori. Not spending “extra” money is one of the desires of VAZ-2107 owners.

Do-it-yourself interior tuning will also allow you to save a certain amount. But provided that the owner knows how to work with his hands. That is, his hands grow from the right place. Otherwise, you will have to pay for this work separately. At the same time, no one will do a better job of tuning a car’s interior than its owner.

Tuning the instrument panel of VAZ 2107

Perhaps, everyone has a moment when the instrument panel in their VAZ car begins to seem dull and inconspicuous. In order to “revive” it, no expensive changes will be required, just make the backlight brighter and install a decorative sticker, which can be found in almost any car store, and replace the inserts on the dials. So, armed with a screwdriver and a soldering iron, we begin tuning the instrument panel of the VAZ 2107.

Removing the VAZ instrument panel.

The first step is to remove the sliders that control the operation of the heater (stove) using a flat-head screwdriver. Then, to the right of the emergency light button, unscrew and remove the nut and washer that secure the speedometer reset button. To the right of the removed sliders there is a small round plug that needs to be removed and the screw located behind it unscrewed. Then you need to carefully remove the instrument panel and release the speedometer cable by unscrewing the nut that tightens it. We disconnect all the wires, and the freed instrument panel remains in our hands.

The next step is removing the arrows

This must be done extremely carefully so as not to bend either the arrow or the pin on which it sits. It is quite possible that you will have to apply force, but carefully, pulling the arrow in a direction parallel to the pin

Tuning the instrument panel.

Before all work, align the speedometer needle with the limiter, and make a mark on the back side so that you know in which position the needle “lies.” This will greatly simplify the installation of the speedometer and eliminate unnecessary work.

First of all, we remove the old VAZ 2107 shields (this is done quite simply) and install new ones in their place. Then carefully install the arrows, again, so as not to bend the pins

In this case, it is important to align the marks on the back side of the speedometer and, with the marks aligned, set the arrow in the “lying” position. We also carefully apply the sticker you like, having previously degreased the surface.

In this case, it is especially important to ensure that it lies flat and without distortions.

Installation of LED lighting.

There are two options for installing LED backlighting on a VAZ - directly behind the scale numbers, or as a general backlight for the entire instrument panel. Naturally, all this remains at your discretion, the main thing to consider is that in the first case the backlight will be quite bright and you will have to spend quite a lot of time soldering and gluing the LEDs.

The LEDs should be designed for an operating voltage of 12 Volts, and it is best to increase their contacts by 2-3 cm. For the first option, we remove all the standard light bulbs and solder LEDs in their place. After this, connect the power (it is best to dim the light and adjust the position and direction of the LEDs).

For the second option, if you want to illuminate the entire panel, you can install either four LEDs located in twos at the top and bottom of the instrument panel (choose the distance yourself, it depends on which part of the instrument panel you want to illuminate more), or six - three up and down. In this case, you will need to solder additional wires to connect the LEDs to power and drill out the mounting points. One option is to glue the LEDs with glue if they do not coincide in location with the power points. In this case, it is recommended to use only good glue, and be sure to degrease the installation sites.

In addition, with this arrangement of LEDs, there is a little trick to increase the strength of the backlight. Along the inner perimeter, you can cover the side surface of the instrument panel with foil - it will reflect light from the walls inward, enhancing the backlight. To decide how much you need it, it is better to assemble the panel, connect the power and think carefully about whether the backlight of such power will suit you.

Assembling the VAZ 2107 dashboard is done in the reverse order, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that you achieved the desired result!


Removing the “tidy” of the presented car is carried out in the following sequence:

1. First, you need to prepare the car for operations (to do this, you should review the corresponding material called “Preparing the VAZ 2107 car for repair and maintenance”).

2. Then you need to disconnect the wire on the car from the negative terminal of the battery.

3. After this, use a screwdriver and carefully remove the handles from the stove control levers.

4. The next step is to unscrew the nut that secures the meter reset handle. We remove the nut together with the washer and push the handle into the space that is located behind the instrument panel.

5. Using a thin screwdriver, carefully pry and then remove the screw plug that secures the instrument panel.

6. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the fastening screw.

7. Carefully remove the “tidy” of the VAZ 2107.

8. Disconnect the cable after the union knurled nut of the car speedometer drive cable has been unscrewed.

9. After this, remove the vacuum supply hose from the econometric fitting.

10. Carefully disconnect the blocks (three colors) of the wiring harnesses.

11. Now you can remove the panel from the car. After this, you can safely perform the following operations:

-replace the backlight lamps;

-if necessary, replace the control lamps.

Installation of the “tidy” should be carried out in the opposite order of its removal.

Which torpedo is suitable for the VAZ 2107? When you want comfort

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Also, the devices are quite faintly visible. After all, their scales are simply painted on plastic with white and sometimes red paint. This reduces the ability to see instrument readings in the dark. Also, this appearance has no attractiveness. Therefore, many drivers replace dashboards.

Panel or torpedo?

Which torpedo is suitable for the VAZ 2107? The issue is complex, but completely solvable. Just to begin with, you should determine how radical the alterations will need to be made. Such tuning can be done in two ways:

  • Replacing the dashboard;
  • Replacement of the entire torpedo.

The first option will allow you to get by with little expense and replace the panel with another one that suits you more. You just have to adjust the socket a little in size. It is somewhat more difficult to install a new panel. At the same time, it must be suitable in size and provide the ability to connect all vehicle systems. The final choice depends on your ultimate goals and capabilities.


Let's start with the simplest tuning option. A donor will have to be found for a replacement. The simplest option would be to install a panel from a VAZ 2110. There will be a minimum of problems with this work, and the resulting design will look much more advantageous. You will have almost no problems connecting wires. Here they are almost identical. All main devices are also connected in the same way. Tools you will need are a soldering iron and scissors. To make the devices work better, you need to install fluid reservoirs from 2110 under the hood.

Another equally common option is to install a dashboard from a GAZ 3110

. It also looks much better. The installation itself is practically no different from similar work with a panel from a VAZ 2110; it can also be adjusted to size using a soldering iron and scissors. But here you will have to tinker with connecting devices.

For example, you purchase a tee from a “six”, and use it to connect an econometer and an oil pressure sensor. It is recommended to install a speed measurement sensor used in the tenth family of VAZs.

These are the easiest panels to install. But you can use this part from other foreign cars. Just be sure to take into account the compliance of the VAZ 2107 devices with the chosen foreign car. The easiest way is to find a similar set of sensor readings displayed on the panel in foreign-made cars produced in the late 80s and early 90s.

Changing the torpedo

Some drivers are not satisfied with the appearance of the torpedo on the VAZ 2107. Sometimes this element from the “five” may be installed on the car. In this case, a purely practical inconvenience is added to the unpleasant appearance. You have to close the glove compartment with a universal “lock”, or rather, seal it with tape. Otherwise it will constantly open. Therefore, you can change the torpedo.

Of our models, the best fit is a spare part from a VAZ 2115. You just have to use polyurethane foam to seal small non-joints. Of the foreign cars, the best fit here is a torpedo from a BMW E30

. She will look much more advantageous.

There is another option, install a torpedo from a Toyota Camry


It is slightly wider than the standard part. Therefore, for a more accurate installation, you will have to trim the torpedo a little from the bottom on the sides. But even in this case, it will interfere with the window regulators. So get ready to install electric lifts right away. This will be the best option. You will also have to struggle with installing the steering wheel cover.

The standard cover will not fit into the steering wheel opening on the BMW dashboard. Therefore, craftsmen usually perform adjustments. Some people cut the panel, but it is much easier to cut off the excess from the casing. It is better to use standard mounts from the original torpedo, only they are slightly bent. Often the torpedo can sag downwards, so it is advisable to immediately provide support.

Connecting the stove

. Many drivers cannot connect the stove. The problem is that the air ducts do not match. Therefore, you will have to make special adapters. To do this, you can use air ducts from the Gazelle. All that remains is to adjust them a little and secure them. It is best to use a cable from the heater from BMW. It is much easier to connect it to the stove than a native Zhiguli to a new torpedo.

Which seats are suitable?

You can replace the seats either by contacting specialists at service stations in tuning centers, or by yourself.

Which seats are suitable:

You can install standard, original, factory seats, but most often car enthusiasts try to replace the old “Seven” seats with seats from foreign cars, sports cars, or anatomical ones. Of course, installing new ones is not a cheap process. Therefore, a frequently asked question among car enthusiasts on various forums is which seats are best to choose or which seats are suitable (preferably with the least amount of intervention in installation).

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It is indeed possible to install “foreign” seats on a VAZ two thousand one hundred seven. For example, seats from a Mercedes W210 (preferably one thousand nine hundred ninety six year of manufacture), or from a Toyota Corolla (1993 year of manufacture) are perfect for this purpose. Another option that works well are seats from SKODA and Fiat. In this case, it will be necessary to make two additional holes to install a more reliable fastening.

They also use seats from the Peugeot and Nissan brands, but you will have to deal with some inconsistency and a little work during the installation process. From the Volkswagen brand, these parts fit well without unnecessary modifications. These seats are quite convenient and comfortable, but it is not recommended to install them, since they will be quite high, which will lead to inconvenience. According to experts, any seats can be installed, the main thing is that they fit the dimensions and there is the possibility of welding.

DIY dashboard tuning

Despite the apparent simplicity of the interior decoration of the VAZ 2107, this car has every chance to be transformed for the better and stand on the same line as expensive foreign cars. The simple and discreet design leaves ample room for improvements, most of which can be easily done by yourself

First of all, the dashboard provides a field for imagination, because it is where the main attention of both the driver and passengers is directed. It is quite natural that completely unique tuning of the VAZ 2107 can only be done in professional workshops with the involvement of significant material resources

This is not our option, so here we will look at tuning, which is easy to do with your own hands at home.

The easiest option for modifying the instrument panel is to purchase ready-made tuning parts assembled and install them instead of standard, classic ones. Here, as a rule, no problems arise, since disassembling and assembling the dashboard is done with one screwdriver, and all electrical connectors have an individual configuration, which significantly reduces the chance of incorrect connection.

Another thing is to do a completely unique tuning with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money. The first option is replacing stickers and arrows on instruments. Special sets of stickers for the VAZ 2107 are available for free sale, you can use them. But real connoisseurs develop individual designer stickers - this increases their cost, but guarantees a completely unique tuning of the instrument panel of your VAZ 2107.

There are two important points to remember when doing this work:

The arrows and pins for their installation are quite fragile parts, so they must be removed and adjusted with extreme caution. The slightest carelessness can lead to damage that will be impossible to repair with your own hands. Before you start gluing new dials, you must: Mark the boundaries of the existing scale and set the arrow to the zero position to eliminate errors after gluing the new one; Thoroughly degrease the surface of the instrument panel to prevent peeling; In addition, the completely unique style of the VAZ 2107 dashboard will be created by installing new LED lighting

This work is also not particularly difficult, and doing it yourself will not be difficult.

In addition, the completely unique style of the VAZ 2107 dashboard will be created by installing new LED lighting. This work is also not particularly difficult, and doing it yourself will not be difficult.

There are two ways to install LED backlighting:

  • Behind the scale, in the standard places of the lighting bulbs;
  • Illumination of the entire instrument panel around the perimeter, or top and bottom.

The first method is more preferable, since it provides effective lighting of devices, but at the same time requires a lot of labor to wire the LED connection circuit with your own hands. The installed LEDs must be designed for a voltage corresponding to the vehicle's on-board network - for the VAZ 2107 this is 12V.

In the first case, they are installed instead of standard light bulbs, with mandatory polarity. In the second, LEDs are placed around the perimeter or at the top and bottom of the instrument panel, and to connect them it is necessary to extend the standard wires. For fastening in places not intended for this, you can use ordinary quick-hardening glue.

In addition to lighting the dashboard, the light bulbs in the switches and control buttons of the VAZ 2107 are also replaced. In general, do-it-yourself tuning is limited in scope and quality only by the car owner’s imagination and the amount of money he is willing to spend.

In addition to the activities described above, most car enthusiasts put an additional meaning into the concept of tuning - they install new devices on the dashboard, which, in addition to aesthetics, also have practical applications. Such devices include:

  • Econometer;
  • On-board computer;
  • Digital Watch;
  • Temperature sensor in the cabin/outside and much more.

The above devices are selected in such a way that they fit organically into the overall tuning of the instrument panel.

Replacing the beard

Between the passenger and driver's seats of the "seven" there is a console where various equipment is located (radio, clock, cigarette lighter socket). This part of the panel is briefly and figuratively called the beard.

Car owners pay increased attention to this element, increasing its originality, visual appeal and functionality.

The standard “beard” of the VAZ 2107 interior looks simple and requires tuning

Improving the “seven” beard involves the introduction of various mechanisms and elements:

  • radios with improved characteristics;
  • backlight buttons;
  • hours;
  • switches for low and high beams, side lights;
  • electric fan control buttons;
  • USB connectors for connecting additional devices;
  • devices for monitoring the operation of the electrical network;
  • storage places for small items, usually placed below near the gearshift lever.

In addition, the panel is covered with trim from various materials, which performs a decorative function, improving the classic interior of the car.

The “beard” of the VAZ 2107 is trimmed with various materials to give style and individuality

Typically, tuning a “beard” is the manufacture and installation of a new console with provided cells for securing switches, indicators and covering it with decorative finishing materials. The simplest and most affordable material is plywood with a thickness of 6 mm or more. For decorative finishing, artificial leather or carbon fiber of the selected color is traditionally used. Replacing the “beard” can be combined with the trim of the doors, ceiling and dashboard.

The frame of the new “beard” can be made of plywood

To make a tuned VAZ 2107 “beard” you will need the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • locksmith tools;
  • pencil or marker;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • glue;
  • furniture stapler.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. Dismantle the old beard.
  2. Before you start working with plywood, it is better to create a template from thick cardboard.
  3. Transfer each mark to the plywood.
  4. The locations of the buttons and indicators and all the parts are cut out of plywood with a jigsaw.
  5. Connect the parts using self-tapping screws or glue.
  6. After waiting for the glue to dry (at least 24 hours), install and secure the manufactured console.
  7. It is better to fix some buttons and devices on the “beard” in advance, as this may become impossible after installing it.
  8. Cover the beard with the selected decorative material.

The tuned “beard” differs from the standard one in its excellent ergonomics, economical use of space and stylish design.

The “beard” of the VAZ 2107 after tuning looks stylish, and it is much more convenient to use than the standard console

Instrument panel tuning

The easiest way to do your own tuning of a VAZ-2107 torpedo is to use a ready-made set of various tuning accessories, which are sold in almost any modern auto parts store. Thanks to pre-cut materials, a motorist can replace standard parts in just a couple of hours, having previously dismantled them. If you want to install a new ready-made kit on your car, the vehicle owner will only need a screwdriver and knowledge regarding the configuration of electrical connectors. Step-by-step instructions always accompany such kits with parts, which greatly simplifies the assembly process.

However, making an individual design and choosing the appropriate style for the dashboard of a domestic car is not easy, however, in this case, tuning a VAZ-2107 torpedo will require a small amount of money. If a motorist decides to upgrade the dashboard on his own, it is more advisable to start by replacing the factory stickers and arrows. In auto stores you can buy ready-made sets of different stickers, since creating unique design samples will require more time and money, although the option of making the elements yourself is more effective than the factory one.

Tuning a VAZ-2107 torpedo with your own hands involves carefully replacing the stickers and arrows located on the instrument panel

It is worth noting that when upgrading these elements you should not rush; the parts used are very fragile, which is why they can easily break if moved carelessly

In order for the improved panel to have an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to correctly mark the boundaries of all existing scales before replacing the factory arrows and stickers. Then place the arrow installed in the dashboard in the “zero” position, after which degrease the surface so that the new parts can be glued correctly and accurately.

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Modernization of the VAZ-2107 torpedo may involve the installation of additional LED lighting. The updated panel will have a bright individual style. Installation of new LED lighting is done in one of the following ways:

  • replacing factory light bulbs;
  • replacement of lighting around the perimeter of the entire panel.

For subsequent installation in the VAZ-2107 dashboard, you should purchase only LEDs that correspond to the on-board network voltage (12 Volts). Further actions involve dismantling the standard dashboard and installing new LEDs, which will be located in place of the standard lighting. When carrying out such manipulations, one should not forget about polarity. If you want to illuminate the entire perimeter of the dashboard, you will have to extend the existing wiring. New lighting equipment should be fixed using special glue.

How to dismantle an old engine

After you have carried out diagnostics and other preparatory work, you can begin to dismantle the factory unit. This is done like this:

  1. The car must be installed in a garage box on a lift or inspection pit.
  2. Then you need to disconnect the battery and remove it from the car. All attachments are also turned off and dismantled.
  3. Then you need to remove the power unit from the transmission and unfasten the mounting bolts.
  4. Next, using the hoist, you can begin to remove the motor. It is advisable to put the removed device on a stand and subsequently sell it. This will partially offset the cost of a new engine.

After all this work, you can proceed directly to installing the new engine.

As we have already found out, the best engines are products from Nissan and Fiat. Also, many people prefer BMW, Lancia or Volkswagen products. In order to install the engine correctly, you need to follow a clear sequence of actions. You can’t do this without the help of specialists. To be more specific, you need to call a welder who will perform the relevant work. You can independently secure all the necessary mechanisms and systems. All installation work must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, since one wrong action can lead to

that after installation the engine will not start.

After the battery is connected and fuel is refueled, you can try to start the car. Walking operations must be performed at low speeds. If the car does not start, it means that an error was made during installation. It is necessary to reconsider the sequence of your actions in order to find the error and subsequently eliminate it. If you can’t find the problem yourself, you’ll have to contact a professional. It is likely that the engine will have to be reinstalled.

Which panel can be installed on a VAZ 2107: selection rules | Auto Sk-Nk

Torpedoes that fit VAZ 2101-21071) VAZ 21052) VAZ 21063) VAZ 21074) VAZ 2108-095) BMW 3256) Ford Serra7) Opel Kadett E8) Opel Vectra A

The torpedo (correctly - torpedo) is the upper part of the front panel of the car. The lower part (where the gearshift knob and radio is located) is called the BEARD. The torpedoes of old VAZ models are distinguished by their asceticism and unpretentious design, which is why many car owners have a desire to improve them.

There are several methods to improve them.

1. The most radical thing is to replace the VAZ torpedo with a torpedo from a foreign car, or from an older VAZ model. This will be explained in more detail below.

2. Painting the torpedo - this method is the least common, due to this. That the surface of the torpedo is not hard and is difficult to paint correctly. Also, the painted surface of the vase torpedo often does not look as attractive as other methods.

3. A new method, not yet widespread, but very promising - covering the torpedoes of vases with vinyl film. Vinyl films come in carbon, matte, glossy and any colors.

— Pros: applied in one piece to the complex surface of the vase torpedo; looks great; easy to use and durable.

— Disadvantages: difficulty in application and some exceptions in the torpedo material. There are some types of plastics on which application is impossible - the film will not stick.

4. Covering the vase torpedo with leather. The most expensive and most aesthetically attractive method. Correctly covering a vase torpedo with leather is a complex process that requires certain skills and knowledge, but the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

5. Flocking (flocking). A relatively inexpensive and aesthetically attractive method of renewing the coating of a vase torpedo. Beautiful, inexpensive, durable. I've had it for 3 years now - it's faded a little, but the surface is fine.

VAZ 2101 torpedo. First generation of VAZ torpedoes. Interchangeable with VAZ 2106, VAZ 2107, VAZ 2105.

VAZ 2106 torpedo. The main disadvantage of this torpedo is the insufficiently thought-out blowing system. That is, it does not have airflow on the side windows, and in cold weather the windows fog up or freeze. It is solved by installing a torpedo from a VAZ 2105, or a VAZ 2107, where air ducts are provided for the side windows, as well as blowing the windshield. All classic torpedoes, due to the similarity of designs, can be replaced with similar ones from other models.

The VAZ 2107 torpedo is the best and most convenient of the torpedoes of the classic VAZ models.

There is also the possibility of installing a torpedo from a foreign car, for example a BMW E30, in a classic VAZ. But there are a lot of alterations: installing electric windows, moving the gearshift lever and many others

Changing the torpedo

Some drivers are not satisfied with the appearance of the torpedo on the VAZ 2107. Sometimes this element from the “five” may be installed on the car. In this case, a purely practical inconvenience is added to the unpleasant appearance. You have to close the glove compartment with a universal “lock”, or rather, seal it with tape. Otherwise it will constantly open. Therefore, you can change the torpedo.

Of our models, the best fit is a spare part from a VAZ 2115. You just have to use polyurethane foam to seal small non-joints. Of the foreign cars, the best fit here is a torpedo from a BMW E30

. She will look much more advantageous.

Other signs

The VAZ-2107 torpedo also has a number of signaling devices. Among them:

  • Engine control malfunction sensor (relevant on models with a fuel injection system). The indicator glows orange when the ignition is on. After starting the power unit, it goes out. If the light flashes frequently and is constantly on, contact a repair shop. In this case, operation of the machine is allowed, the system goes into backup mode.
  • Battery charging signal. When the engine starts, the indicator lights up red and goes out. If the lamp continues to glow, you should pay attention to the battery charge. The main causes of the malfunction are: poor timing belt tension, alternator malfunction, or disturbances in the electrical circuit. If this problem is ignored, it will lead to a complete discharge of the battery and in some cases, a fire.
  • Side light indicator (lights green when turned on).

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Which torpedo is suitable for a VAZ 2106 from a foreign car - Which torpedo can be installed on a VAZ 2106

which torpedo is suitable for vaz 2106

Without modifications 2101(011).

BMW 3 series until 1986

I heard that they installed it from a BMW headlamp, but it needs to be trimmed somehow.

VAZ from 2101 to 2107, exactly from BMW, they are usually shortened at the edges.

What spare parts are suitable from BMW E30 to VAZ 2107 2106

TO HOME. To the list of articles VAZ 2107. Dashboard and Torpedo BMW e 30 in the classics (VAZ Iari said that the instruments from the six fit one to one. A friend has just a six. Well, I couldn’t get the instrument panel from the VAZ 2106.

Title: 6 Album: Mmm 2106. Car model: VAZ 2107 With a tuned interior (all with your own hands). Tell me which foreign car parts are suitable for the VAZ 2107.

This is interesting! The BMW logo is a stylized view of an airplane propeller. The fact is that in the early stages of the company’s formation, at the beginning of the 20th century, BMW was engaged in assembling aircraft engines.

Maybe someone has some information about which foreign cars the parts are suitable for? struts, generator, starter, springs, engine, etc? the dashboard from the E 30 BMW will fit here on the forum, it seems you can find how to install it, etc.


Discussion of the meeting here Hello, guest Login Registration Hello, guest Login Registration. Search this forum only?. Hello, guest Login Registration. Maybe someone has some information about which foreign cars the parts are suitable for? I have seats from BMW, people install the gene from Opel, they also install headlights from Beha..

I recently heard that the Mazda steering column fits. The rear suspension can be supplied from Subaru or BMW. If you have a good craftsman, you can supply a lot of things from someone else. I have bolts and studs in the suspension from a Mercedes truck. Door seals from Ford Sierra. Rear shelf from BMW. The wiper motor from a Mercedes also fits... I also installed the climate control from a foreign car, although I don’t know which one.

Our little fox loves softness and comfort, and also the absence of extraneous noise when driving. Here you can’t do without details from INO.

I know how the original turbine with MERS slk sits down. You just have to find it during disassembly - it’s not an easy task.

Guys, who knows what specific spare parts are from what brands. I measured it myself - both our bell fits and the pillows. The hanging thing is just hung differently, it can rest against something. But it seems like it shouldn't. But gutting a living Lancia for the sake of a motor is, IMHO, blasphemy..

But gutting a living Lancia for the sake of a motor is, IMHO, blasphemy. And what kind of jammers, banks, resonators are used? I installed an audio turn signal from Opel and now I can hear the codes when the turns are working. Here you are making fun of a person: You also offer him a cardan from a Kamaz to install. Garage or DIY.

Subscribe to this forum. To the first unread message. Otherwise the fluffy little fox walks quietly. What else can you put in for comfort? For comfort, saddles from a foreign car are what you need for a Lada. Well, I recently installed leather seats from Mitsubishi Pajero on my swallow - that’s where the thrill is.

Now I don’t want to get out of the car at all. There was such a seven in St. Petersburg. Exactly with a motor from LANCIA. It was smashed into rubbish about seven years ago on Victory Square.. If you have a good craftsman, you can install a lot of things from a foreign company. But I don’t happen to know which Mazda it was from. It’s really necessary, everything has to be changed anyway. No, I also like to listen to music, it’s not quiet, and that helps.

Replacing the steering column switch VAZ 2107

On the VAZ 2107, the steering column switch (also called tube) is a three-lever switch. With its help, the driver controls the turn signals, headlights, windshield wiper and headlight washers.

Reasons for replacing steering column switches may be:

  • faulty contacts (turns, headlights do not work);
  • mechanical wear of the horn contact;
  • control lever failure.

Replacing the steering column switches is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Set the steering wheel to a straight position.
  3. Remove the decorative trim from the steering wheel.
  4. Using a 24 mm wrench, loosen the steering wheel mounting nut.
  5. Loosen the steering wheel with both hands and pull it towards you. In this case, you need to act carefully so that the steering wheel does not suddenly fly out.
  6. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the four screws and one self-tapping screw of the steering column casing, then remove both halves.
  7. Inside, we disconnect the eight-, six- and two-pin connectors of the voltage supply harness and remove them from the bottom of the dashboard.
  8. Using an 8 mm socket, loosen the bolt of the tube clamp and remove it along with the wiring harnesses.

After dismantling the old steering column switch, we install a new one. After putting the steering wheel on, tighten the fastening nut. If all levers and signal are functioning normally, the work can be considered complete.

The torpedo is the most important part of any car. Without indicators showing fuel level, speed, malfunctions in the vehicle, it is impossible to control it properly. If desired, the owner of a VAZ 2107 can replace the dashboard with a more beautiful, comfortable and ergonomic one. In addition, it is useful for every car enthusiast to know how to replace individual dashboard devices if they malfunction.

Installation highlights

Before deciding which panel you can install, you should take into account that the original VAZ 2107 torpedo can be returned at any time. If such a procedure is carried out independently, it is recommended to use a book on repairing classics. It will take a lot of time to complete the work.

When connecting the wires, you need to remember that one goes to ground, and the second goes to the panel to the corresponding contact. It is recommended to label which connector goes where. To operate the speedometer, a speed sensor from model 2110 with 6 pulses is installed. If the “seven” is equipped with an econometer, it is recommended to install a tee from 2106 on 2 sensors, including a pressure sensor from engine 402.

The panel from the BVM is also suitable for the VAZ 2107 torpedo. But not all car enthusiasts know which model. It is recommended to use a BMW E30 torpedo with some modifications. You will need to install front electric windows. This is due to the fact that with this panel the handles will interfere with closing the doors. Since the gear knob in the standard position is not suitable for use with this torpedo, you will have to bend the gear lever. The stove also requires some changes.

Auto mechanics know everything about the specifics of the work ahead. For example, the torpedo from this BMW model is slightly wider, but when installing it there is no need to make major changes.

The advantages of the new panel include:

  • larger parameters - the length of the hood has increased by 10 cm,
  • the height of the car increased by 5 cm,
  • about 20 liters added. pp., of which 5 l. With. within 2 days it takes new caps on the disks.

So, after a week of leisurely fitting, today I finally installed and stuck the frame of the torpedo into the car. And since few people install this torpedo, and there is not enough information about the compatibility of the torpedo with the VAZ 2107 on the Internet, I will describe everything in more detail... Everyone knows that the Vectra torpedo is almost ideal for the family of chisels, Moskvich 2141, Tavria...Is it suitable for the VAZ 2107? When buying, I only knew that this torpedo was seriously wider, and that “sticking it in” would be problematic, unlike the torpedo from the Astra F (it on the contrary already) Well, “wider” is not “narrower”, you can trim it, I thought and without hesitation I took it... It lay in my garage for a year, and now its time has come) I disassembled the torpedo (down to the skeleton), removed the old one and for the first time Having tried it on, I was a little shocked at how much wider it was... I was upset ((I even had thoughts of selling... And after 2 days of thinking I decided to try installing it (after all, I knew that some select people managed to do it, and why am I worse?!) By the way, I’ll say that it’s on the drive I’ve only seen 2 sevens with similar torpedoes, and I don’t even know why, but it makes me happy) In short, it’s all lyrics... in general, I stuffed it in, tried it on for a long time, of course, cut it off millimeter by millimeter, tried it on again, cut it off again... In the end, it fit as it should, tightly, clearly , not intrusive (who knows, we will understand) I attached the torpedo to two original mountings + to two homemade fastenings in the middle + one central fastening... and on the sides, 2 screws per side... besides, the original seven-pack shelf (the one under the glove compartment) remains in its place, the torpedo is also screwed to it everything came together clearly...

And so the time has come for the main... PROBLEMS that have arisen, namely: - We need to do something with the suction, since it remains all the way inside the torpedo... we need to move it - We need to make a remote ecomonera sensor or plug it the fuck out * - We need to make a casing for the steering column, since the Opel one doesn’t fit, the VAZA one doesn’t fit either - Relocating the gearshift knob (I knew that this would happen, so I was preparing for it) and a bunch of small problems that I don’t take into account, since eliminating them is not problematic)

In the following parts, as I progress, I’ll tell you about the electrics and other little things, such as moving the handle and so on. I really don’t know when I’ll finish with the torpedo, today I was frozen in the garage, now I don’t feel like going to the garage).

All vehicles are equipped with instrument gauges and fixing sensors. They serve to monitor the operation of the engine and other important systems. The VAZ-2107 torpedo is no exception. The driver can prevent the failure of components if he promptly responds to instrument readings. Let's consider the features of the panel of a domestic car, the possibilities of its improvement and other features.


AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

What kind of torpedo can be installed on a VAZ 2107

Seven standard torpedoes

The VAZ 2107 dashboard is a set of auxiliary blocks that inform the driver about the current state of the car. The panel was dismantled to replace some devices that had failed. Removed during partial repair. It consists of the following elements:

  • engine oil pressure gauge,
  • speedometer,
  • tachometer and much more.

Before you know which machine you can install the panel from, you must consider the location and properties of the components that make up its own structure. The left part of the VAZ 2107 torpedo consists of the following parts.

  1. Engine economy gauge, where the reddish sector indicates non-economy mode and the greenish sector indicates better engine performance.
  2. Cold water temperature sensor, where the white sector is connected to the cold engine, and the green one. to operating mode. If the engine boils, the reddish sector will light up.
  3. Tachometer, which is responsible for the speed of rotation of the crankshaft.

On the right side of the panel of the native device there are:

  • speedometer. shows the speed of the car, and the countdown indicates the total mileage of the car, and the top is responsible for the local mileage (the data is reset if necessary);
  • fuel level indicator. presented in the form of a warning light that lights up when there is less than 5 liters of gasoline left in the tank;
  • The battery charge sensor, where the reddish sector indicates that the battery is low, is green. this is normal, but yellow. this is the power source.

Dashboard VAZ 2114 for VAZ 2107 from Auto Repair

Knowing which of the following is most important is impossible. Each unit plays a role in the dangerous movement of a vehicle. It is worth noting that between the right and left parts of the standard VAZ 2107 panel there is a direction indicator and a set of light bulbs.

  1. Message about the opening of the air damper.
  2. Low battery level.
  3. All in all
  4. High beam.
  5. Report no oil pressure.
  6. Parking brake notice.

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VAZ 2107 drivers are thinking about which torpedo is best for their car. Before you make a choice, you need to figure out how to remove the native panel. First, it is recommended to remove the plastic decorative handles from the control levers. The handle is then removed from the reset button. The decorative cover has been removed from the right side of these levers.

A Phillips screwdriver unfastens the screw that supports the VAZ 2107 torpedo. Next step. disconnect the speedometer drive cable from it. To do this, remove the nut nut. Vacuum hose, wire bags, which are initially marked, are then disconnected.

Repairs are required as needed, including replacing light bulbs for major appliances. The procedure is performed by scrolling the cartridge counterclockwise. Disassembly involves unscrewing the nuts that secure the holders to the torpedo body.

Speaking about which car the panel fits into the VAZ 2107, auto mechanics advise installing a torpedo from BMW or Volga 3110. Often seven motorists prefer the second option. The main task in this case. place the rounded panel in the square. Unlike their Russian counterpart, BMW torpedoes do not require the installation of additional plastic.

Changing the torpedo

Some drivers are not satisfied with the appearance of the torpedo on the VAZ 2107. Sometimes this element from the “five” may be installed on the car. In this case, a purely practical inconvenience is added to the unpleasant appearance. You have to close the glove compartment with a universal “lock”, or rather, seal it with tape. Otherwise it will constantly open. Therefore, you can change the torpedo.

Of our models, the best fit is a spare part from a VAZ 2115. You just have to use polyurethane foam to seal small non-joints. Of the foreign cars, the best fit here is a torpedo from a BMW E30

. She will look much more advantageous.

There is another option, install a torpedo from a Toyota Camry


It is slightly wider than the standard part. Therefore, for a more accurate installation, you will have to trim the torpedo a little from the bottom on the sides. But even in this case, it will interfere with the window regulators. So get ready to install electric lifts right away. This will be the best option. You will also have to struggle with installing the steering wheel cover.

The standard cover will not fit into the steering wheel opening on the BMW dashboard. Therefore, craftsmen usually perform adjustments. Some people cut the panel, but it is much easier to cut off the excess from the casing. It is better to use standard mounts from the original torpedo, only they are slightly bent. Often the torpedo can sag downwards, so it is advisable to immediately provide support.

What is suitable for VAZ two thousand one hundred seven from foreign cars

During its entire stay on the market, fourteen versions of this car with carburetor and injection units were released. Their working volume ranged from 1.3 liters to 1.7 liters. The weakest engine of the twenty-one thousand thirty-four brand was installed in a sedan. 21079 had one of the most powerful engines. It developed power up to one hundred forty hp. With.

VAZ-2107 owners are rarely satisfied with their engine, so they strive to change it. Of course, everyone wants to drive at high speed, even if the car is not exactly designed for this. Let's find out which engine is best to install on this model and what are the criteria for choosing this device.


The VAZ-2107 torpedo is an important component of the entire structure. The dashboard layout looks like this:

  • Vehicle voltmeter.
  • Speedometer indicating travel speed.
  • Odometer (meter of kilometers traveled by the car).
  • A meter indicating the crankshaft rotation speed. Its technical name is tachometer. The screen has several zones painted in different colors. The yellow section is the engine running at high speeds, the red part is unacceptable modes. The maximum speed of this machine is six thousand rotations per minute.
  • Refrigerant temperature indicator. If the arrow is in the green zone, this is normal. Overheating of the power unit is accompanied by a mark in the red part of the indicator. If the coolant temperature exceeds one hundred eighteen degrees Celsius, it is strictly not recommended to operate the car.
  • Indicator of economical engine operation (econometer). Its arrow should be in the green zone.
  • Vehicle warning lamp assembly.
  • Activation of repeated signals (turns).

Panel or torpedo?

Which torpedo is suitable for the VAZ 2107? The issue is complex, but completely solvable. Just to begin with, you should determine how radical the alterations will need to be made. Such tuning can be done in two ways:

  • Replacing the dashboard;
  • Replacement of the entire torpedo.

The first option will allow you to get by with little expense and replace the panel with another one that suits you more. You just have to adjust the socket a little in size. It is somewhat more difficult to install a new panel. At the same time, it must be suitable in size and provide the ability to connect all vehicle systems. The final choice depends on your ultimate goals and capabilities.

Gazelle dashboard

When replacing the instrument panel on a VAZ-2107, the equally popular Gazelle often becomes the donor. Despite the fact that the manufacturer of these two machines is the same, the work will be more complex. The Gazelle panel has large dimensions and also has a completely different configuration, shape and size. You will also have to tinker with the electrical wiring: you will need a number of adapters, as well as knowledge from the field of electrical engineering.

In such work, you will have to use a jigsaw and a soldering station to resolder the adapters. This is a rather painstaking procedure that should be approached with special care.

Tuning VAZ 2107 with a torpedo from BMW e-34

Also, this appearance has no attractiveness. Therefore, many drivers replace dashboards. The issue is complex, but completely solvable. Just to begin with, you should determine how radical the alterations will need to be made. Such tuning can be done in two ways: Replacing the dashboard; Replacement of the entire torpedo.

The first option will allow you to get by with little expense and replace the panel with another one that suits you more. You just have to adjust the socket a little in size. Feeling upset, I turned on the TV. A few minutes later an idea came. Light bulbs may also not work. And I didn’t check the devices at the time of purchase. 4 light bulbs did not work, I cleaned three, and pulled out one penny from the original instrument panel. It would have cost a little money if there had been a bug in the circuitry of my adapter - it would have been a break of about two months until I recovered my strength.

So the process was completed completely unexpectedly. It was Saturday outside, I got up in the morning and, as always on Saturdays, went to the car market.

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