Replacing the cabin filter (for use on the Opel Astra J model)

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Replacement process

According to these instructions, the filter can be changed in exactly 15 minutes.

  • We turn off the car and move to the next seat

Many motorists move the passenger seat back so that they can turn comfortably during repairs. But if the driver has a small build, then this “extra movement” can be skipped

  • Open the glove compartment and remove everything from there
  • Unfasten the side of the dashboard. When replacing the cabin filter of the Opel Astra J, you need to be careful when snapping off the side panel. There is a live wire that needs to be carefully removed in order to place the side panel on the floor (or on a chair). The wire is marked in the photo
  • We unscrew the 4 bolts on the glove compartment (they are located in the corners) and pull the glove compartment towards you. The wire for illuminating the glove compartment can not be disconnected; it is long and allows you to lower the glove compartment to the floor
  • We go to the cover of the filtration unit and unclip the latches. In some models there are latches only on the sides, in other models there are latches on the top, in others on all sides
  • Carefully remove the old Opel Astra filter element; replacing the cabin filter can be accompanied by cleaning the filtration compartment (of course, if you have the time and desire)
  • We install a new filter. Note the directional arrow. It must coincide with the direction of the air flow. Also, you can find original filters where the arrow points up (against the air flow), but next to it there is the signature “UP”. Regardless of the direction of the arrow, the text information should be turned right side up, not upside down. That is, conscientious labeling can also be considered as a guideline.

By the way, there is a video about this:

The cabin filter is designed to protect the interior, eliminating the appearance of dirt and the entry of any microbes and organic compounds. This is an important part in a vehicle. Replacing the cabin filter on an Opel Astra J on time makes movement smooth, easy and safe. Thanks to him, the salon is always fresh and clean, and there is no harm to health.

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Functions of the cabin filter Opel Astra J

Every year, a large number of harmful substances that appear during the operation of industrial and agricultural plants are released into the air; volumes of automobile exhaust also exceed permissible values. These phenomena are extremely dangerous inside a car. That is why installing a filter is mandatory, allowing you to protect the lungs of motorists and passengers from a list of negative impacts. The second function of the SF is to block contaminants in the stove, as this reduces its ability to cool the working fluid, which may result from overheating of the elements of the air conditioning system.

It is thanks to the SF that up to 95% of debris, dust and moisture, as well as dangerous impurities present in the air, are eliminated. Depending on the type of SF, it allows you to retain dust of different fractions, unpleasant odors and toxic substances. In addition to protecting the health of passengers, SF helps to prolong the service life of the ventilation system. By trapping large dust particles, the part does not allow it to negatively affect the driving mechanisms of the air conditioning system, which therefore quickly become unusable.

Signs of filter replacement:

  • reduction in the transmission speed of the ventilation system, which will be manifested by constant fogging of car windows,
  • abnormal operation of the air conditioning system,
  • volumetric amount of dust in the cabin,
  • the occurrence of unpleasant odors.

All these troubles can be easily eliminated: install a new cabin filter. But in order not to expose yourself to danger, it is better to replace the part on time.

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Removing the filter element

The filter element is located on the left side behind the glove compartment; to gain access to it, you first need to remove the glove box. Its fastening consists of four corner screws, we unscrew them with a screwdriver. In addition, there is a light inside the glove compartment that does not allow you to pull out the box, and therefore it is necessary to move aside the latches on which the lamp is attached. This can be done with a screwdriver or your fingers. Next, disconnect the plug with the wire from the backlight lamp. After this, you can remove the glove compartment by pulling it towards you. In addition, for greater convenience and full access to the filter cover, it is necessary to remove the decorative panel, which is installed on the air ducts for the front passenger seat. It is located under the glove compartment and secured with two swivel clips.

After removing the glove box, using a 5.5 mm socket, three screws are unscrewed on the filter cover, and two upper and one lower snap-on fasteners are also removed. By removing the cover you can see the dirty end of the filter element. Carefully remove the filter, bending it slightly. Of course, it is inconvenient to remove, but if you put in a little more effort, everything will go smoothly. Just then you need to remember to wipe off the dust that got from the filter into the housing.

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Replacement frequency

The cabin filter absorbs a huge amount of air, so it tends to get clogged. New cleaning parts that allow enough air to pass through for the climate control system to operate while also blocking dirt and dust from entering the cabin. Single-layer consumables are the cheapest and of lower quality; they clean the air from large dust particles. And two-layer and three-layer parts retain gases and microorganisms.

Of course, there is a specific relationship between the transmission speed and the level of air filtration, but, in general, even three-layer products ensure stable operation of the ventilation system. As they become clogged, the transmission speed decreases, so it is very important to replace them on time. Replacement according to the regulations is carried out after 20-30 thousand km. But in practice it has been shown that consumables need to be changed twice a year.

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Where is the filter located

The cabin filter is located behind the glove compartment. The glove compartment, in turn, is located opposite the passenger seat in the front of the car. Finding the part in this case will not be difficult if you remove the glove compartment.

The price of the original cabin filter in the Opel Astra J is approximately 800-900 rubles, the item number is id32087. There are also analogues that can be used when replacing the cabin filter. They are produced by other manufacturers, but they do the job perfectly.

The table shows the main analogue models that can be used in the Opel Astra J.

Analoguevendor codeCost, in rubles

Thus, the car owner can independently choose which cabin filter to use in case of replacement.

However, it is worth noting that the lower the cost of a part, the shorter its service life. This point must be taken into account in order to replace the cabin filter in time.

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Signs of wear and clogging

The established replacement periods for the SF are an average value created on the basis of experience in using a specific number of machines of this model. But it all depends on certain driving conditions. Typically, the need for replacement is identified not by the kilometers traveled, but by other signs or by assessing the external condition. The following signs indicate the need to replace the SF:

  • glasses sweat very often;
  • dirty and stale air in the cabin;
  • Heating and air conditioning systems do not operate efficiently because a clogged filter prevents them from drawing in air properly.

Cabin filters come in original and analog versions. The price difference is present even among analogues. The quality of the consumable directly depends on the quality of the paper used. Poor quality of paper or insufficient area - and the SF no longer reproduces its functions or its service life is sharply reduced. If the fiber is treated with chlorine, the filter can fight certain types of microbes. The artificial fiber also attracts small particles using electrostatic voltage. We recommend choosing a filter from a reputable brand.

Important information! By the way, many non-original consumables do not match the size, which is why you have to trim it. Non-original consumables can be very dense, which will lead to rapid breakdown of the ventilation system. Therefore, special attention should be paid to choosing a cabin filter.

Answers (1)

According to the scheduled maintenance regulations, the cabin filter in the Astra J is changed every 30,000 km. In real conditions, replacements may be required at more frequent intervals, for example, every 10-20 thousand km, depending on the dustiness of the area. In summer, the filter clogs faster than in winter. By the way, if the windows of your car sweat in winter or in rainy weather, it means the cabin filter is clogged.

Suitable cabin filters:

Fram CF 10774 - from 416 RUR BOSCH 1,987 432 304 coal - from 1,033 RUR ALCO (MS-6398C) - Champion CCF0134C coal - from 700 RUR FRAM CFA10775 coal - from 645 RUR

It's better to take coal - it's better.

The replacement scheme is not so simple at first glance, but if you replace it once, it will be easy in the future.

1) The filter is located under the glove compartment. And the glove compartment itself will need to be removed. To do this, we need a screwdriver with a socket head (head 7). Unscrew three of the four bolts.

2) then move the sealing rubber aside so that it does not interfere.

3) Remove the side plug-cover. We disconnect the wires. Unscrew the fourth bolt that holds the glove compartment.

4) take out the glove compartment. And we see the plastic filter panel. We take out the filter from the panel and change it. the direction of the filter - how we install it will be visible there.

We assemble everything in reverse order.

unscrew the 3 bolts with a 7mm head

remove the cover by moving it to the right

the cover is removed - you can disconnect the wire plug, but you can not. For example, the person who changed my filter turned off the airbag and did not touch the wires

unscrew the 4th bolt

This is what the filter looked like when we took it out - very dirty, the windows were sweating quickly and there was an unpleasant smell in the cabin

We installed this Fram filter - I won’t say that it’s that good, it’s ordinary! it’s better to install coal - not much more expensive, but better

The cabin filter is an element that helps clean the air inside the car during its operation. With its help, it is possible to rid the interior space of pollutants, among which the most common are dust and dirt. Thus, the cabin filter is a fairly important element in the design of the Opel Astra J, and therefore it requires regular inspection and timely replacement.

It is worth taking a closer look at what filters can be used in the Opel Astra J, as well as how to replace it if it wears out.

Possible breakdowns and their causes

In the Opel Astra, the cabin filter must be replaced on time, and especially in cars with an air conditioning system, otherwise its components begin to wear out quickly. The reason is that when cold air enters the car, the evaporator begins to wear out. As a result, it fails. Expensive repairs and replacement of a new evaporator will be required. To prevent such a breakdown, the consumables must be changed in a timely manner - after the mileage has expired or according to the characteristic symptoms described above.

Also, when replacing, it is advisable to use a vacuum cleaner or compressor to blow out the installation area. This manipulation will protect against the rapid loss of effectiveness of the new filter.

On the Opel Astra j, the cabin filter must also be replaced in a timely manner to avoid problems with the vehicle.

Car manufacturers install cabin filters in almost all new models. The importance of such a detail has been proven more than once by the following function: purifying the air that enters the cabin through the ventilation system. Capable of retaining dust, pollen during flowering, soot and other harmful components.

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