Checking ball joints for VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars

Replacing the ball joint on a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

Welcome! Ball joint - there are about two of them in the Samara family car, one of which is located in the left front part of the car, and the second is located on the right side, also near the car wheel.

Ball joints, as they are commonly called simply “Ball” joints, wear out over time and therefore must be replaced.

In fact, in domestic cars, replacing ball joints is a very common thing, because our roads constantly put a very heavy load on them and, as a result, they break down a lot.

Some people have recently begun to classify ball joints as consumables, such as air filters and various other types of filters, so if you bought a car only recently, you will most likely (Depends on driving style, as well as terrain) have to change it very often ball joints, so we advise you to read these replacement instructions.

Note! To replace the ball joint, you will need to stock up on: A special puller, which you can find at the end of the article in the “For Beginners” section! "(But if there is no puller, then you can remove the ball without it; read all the details of removing the ball without a puller just below in the same instructions).

You will also need to take with you: A crowbar, another jack to lift the car, as well as a basic set of wrenches and a hammer in case you do not have a special puller. You may also need some grease, so if you have some lying around in the garage, grab that too, just in case.

At your discretion, you can also take with you: Shoes to place under the rear wheels of the car, so that the car does not roll away when changing!

Where is the ball joint located? As mentioned earlier, there are only two ball joints in front-wheel drive cars of the “Samara” family, and they are located next to the front wheels. For more details on the location of one of the two supports, see the photo below:

When do you need to change the ball joint? Basically, when the support is heavily worn, the first place where it begins to show itself is this:

  1. When hitting a bump, during which a distinct dull knock may be heard either on the left side of the car or on the right.
  2. And also, after the support wears out, when you turn the steering wheel, you will have to make more efforts to put the car into a turn and to get out of it, while a worn ball joint may make a squeaking sound.
  3. Also, as a rule, when the support is worn out, the car can wobble when driving on a completely flat road and thus remain unsteady while driving, which again indicates worn out or worn out ball joints.
  4. And in conclusion, let us emphasize one fact from life: when the ball joint wears out, the front wheel of the car may not stand as it should properly, namely, it may be slightly tilted to the side, etc. In this regard, with constant driving, the tires of the car will wear out unevenly and much faster.

Signs of a faulty ball joint VAZ 2114, 2109.

If, while driving over bumps or small irregularities, you hear a knocking sound in the front suspension of a VAZ 2109, 2114, then this is a reason to start looking for a fault! There are two ways to check the ball joint of a VAZ 2109 - 2114 for a malfunction.

The first method does not require an inspection hole, but a jack is required. We hang the front wheel on a jack and sharply pull it toward and away from us. If the ball joint is faulty, it will make a sound and the wheel will have play.

If you have a garage with an inspection hole or overpass, then inspect the ball joint boots for damage. If the boot is torn, this is a sign of wear on the ball joint of the VAZ 2114 and it is better to replace such a ball joint even if it does not knock yet. Place a crowbar or pry bar between the ball and lever. Place one end on the lever and the other on the bolt or ball housing and try to move them apart. For convenience, you can turn the steering wheel towards the wheel being tested. If there is play, the ball must be replaced.

Many people wonder: can a ball joint fly out on a VAZ 2109? Answer: Yes! Maybe! Therefore, if there are signs of a malfunction of this part, do not delay repairs. Moreover, it is not difficult. Next, I will tell you how to replace the VAZ 2109 - 2114 ball joint with your own hands.

see also

How to replace a ball joint on a VAZ 2109, 2114.

To replace the ball joint of a VAZ 2109, 2114, place the car on a jack and remove the wheel. Now unscrew one nut securing the ball joint to the lever and two bolts securing the ball joint to the hub.

If you have a ball joint remover.

If you have a puller, place it as shown in the photo and remove the ball.

How to remove a ball joint without a puller on a VAZ 2109 - 2114.

If there is no puller, you will have to remove the lever completely. To do this, unscrew the bolt securing the stabilizer bar (egg), the nut securing the “saber” to the lever and the bolt securing the lever to the body. We remove the lever, take a heavier hammer and knock out the ball.

There are situations when the bolts stick to the silent blocks or you are simply too lazy to remove the lever. In such cases, you can use a backup option, but it may not always work.

In this option, the ball should not be unscrewed from the hub. Unscrew only the nut securing the ball to the lever. Use a gas torch to heat the lever where the ball pin fits into it. It should be heated for about 3 minutes. Next, just as in the method of checking the ball for malfunction, insert a crowbar between the ball and the lever and press on the crowbar. The longer the crowbar, the easier it is to remove the ball in this way - this is important.

You learned how to change ball joints on a VAZ 2109 - 2114. If you have any questions, write them in the comments and I will definitely answer you!


Replacement procedure

So, your ball joint can no longer perform its direct duties, so it needs to be replaced. Now let's talk about how exactly such repairs are carried out.

To get started, arm yourself with a set of tools and materials, which includes:

  • Shoes;
  • Dry rags;
  • Set of heads;
  • Set of spanners;
  • Jack;
  • Litol lubricant (can be replaced with graphite lubricant);
  • New ball joints;
  • Carrying with a light (required if the garage is dark or repairs last until the evening).

Now you can proceed directly to the repair

Here it is important to follow a certain sequence of your actions. It will allow you to avoid common mistakes, as well as correctly assemble the unit back after replacing the old supports.

  1. Drive into the inspection hole or lift the car using a lift. Since we are talking about do-it-yourself repairs, it is unlikely that you will have your own lift. Therefore, a simple inspection hole will do.
  2. Stop the engine, set the handbrake all the way and block the wheels using the wheel chocks.
  3. Get under the car and use spanner wrenches to unscrew the fixing bolt of the support pin located on the hub.
  4. Use a pry bar to very carefully remove the support from its installation location.
  5. Using a 17 mm spanner, unscrew the two bolts from the bracket. They mark the fastening of the lower part of the support to the found bracket.
  6. Essentially, the ball joint from your car can now fall to the floor. This is quite normal, but just take care of your feet.
  7. Remember that ball joints are exclusively disposable elements of the car. This indicates the impossibility of repairing it under any circumstances. Any advice on this matter will be a waste of your time. Just buy new supports and that's it.
  8. Get rid of the old support.
  9. At the same time, it would be a good idea to check the brake pads and their current condition. If you find signs of a malfunction, be sure to simultaneously replace the pads.
  10. Inspect the bracket. If it is intact and has no signs of wear, then leave it in place. If the condition is suspicious, it is better to replace it. This also applies to silent blocks. They can also wear out and produce a characteristic knocking noise when the car is moving. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to replace this element, since you have already disassembled the unit.
  11. Treat the tip seat of your hub with lubricant, which will make it much easier to remove the element during the repair process in the future.
  12. Place the new ball joint in place of the old ball joint.
  13. Reassemble the unit in reverse order and check the car in action.
  14. If the car behaves quietly when driving over uneven surfaces, you have correctly identified the cause of the noise, and also managed to correctly replace the ball joint.

Signs of a bad ball joint

Don't know how to determine whether a ball joint is faulty? The answer to this question can be the following situations and their symptoms, presented in the table:

Symptoms of a bad ball jointDescription of the symptom and cause
Knocking from the wheel while driving, especially when driving through potholes and various irregularities.Clanking and knocking can occur at any speed. It is heard especially well when a loaded vehicle hits a hole, sharply enters a turn with body roll, or sharp braking. It can be either one-time or recurring in nature, during peak load on the ball joint. An exception is the case when the lubricant in the CV joint freezes in the cold season, but after warming up and driving for a short time, it warms up and the knocking stops.
Changes in wheel alignment characteristics.Usually, the wheel on whose side the ball joint is worn out more “suffers” more. Such changes in wheel alignment will not be visible to the eye, so to identify the breakdown, it is recommended to use the services of car services, where they perform wheel alignment measurements and restoration. An indirect sign of a breakdown in this case will be “eating” of the rubber on the edge of the wheel.
The car "wobbles" along the road.This behavior is caused by the appearance of play in the ball joint. Because of it, the wheel wobbles when driving and the car is not able to keep the road straight. Moreover, this yaw will increase as the speed increases. However, at the initial stage, this sign is quite difficult to catch, especially if the car mainly drives on bad (rough, broken) roads.
Creak when turning.In this case, we mean the squeaking noise coming from the front wheels. Since creaking sounds can also come from the power steering or steering rack. Therefore, in this case, it is better to do an additional inspection using a ball assembly.
Uneven wear on front tires.When, as a result of damage to the ball joint, the steering wheel is not strictly vertical, but at an angle to the road surface, then along its inner edge (the one closer to the engine) the tread wears out more than on the rest of the wheel surface. You can simply check this visually by inspecting the corresponding surface of the tire on the side where the knocking occurs while driving. This can also be caused by wheel wobble when driving.
During braking, the trajectory of the car changes.When driving straight and braking, the car may turn slightly to the side. Moreover, the one on the side of which there is a damaged ball joint. This is caused by the fact that one of the wheels is slightly tilted, which creates force for movement. Typically, characteristic clicks are heard coming from the area where the ball joint is installed. As braking increases, the clicking sound may also increase.

What is this?

A ball joint should be understood as a device that is designed to keep a wheel in a horizontal position during vertical movement (when turning).

Structurally, the ball joint consists of:

  1. Cone-shaped finger.
  2. Protective cover.
  3. Vernier calipers.
  4. Control hole.
  5. Plastic liner.
  6. Cases.

Such a machine part experiences a heavy load during operation (especially when moving on a low-quality road surface). Therefore, its failure is not uncommon. The owner of a VAZ 2109 understands that it’s time to look for a new ball joint by the following changes in the car’s operation:

  • Noise in the front suspension when driving on uneven road surfaces at speeds up to 30 km/h.
  • Significant vibration in the front of the car.
  • Uneven tire wear.
  • Creaking sound when turning the steering wheel.
  • Divert the vehicle to the left or right.

In some cases, the ball joint on a VAZ 2109 can be restored. But repairs, as a rule, do not last long. Therefore, it is better to buy a new part and replace it.

Causes of ball failure

There are a number of typical reasons why a ball joint becomes unusable. Among them:

Remember that the causes of ball joint failures do not appear overnight. The only exception may be an initially defective part (for example, with a crack in the body), but the likelihood of this is quite low. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the ball at the initial stage of failure. And when buying, it’s also better not to skimp and pay a little more, because the more expensive the part, the more wear-resistant it will be (in most cases). Their main difference is the quality of the material, the type and amount of lubricant used, as well as tensile strength.

Factors influencing price

The cost of a new ball joint is low. But today, most motorists strive to save money. To this end, they search for the cheapest part. Here you need to understand that the price directly depends on the quality. Accordingly, a low-cost part will be of poor quality.

The following factors also influence the price:

  1. Originality.
  2. Variety.
  3. Place of purchase.
  4. Manufacturer.
  5. Reputation of the selling company.
  6. The need to order auxiliary services (delivery, replacement).

How to determine whether a ball joint is faulty

It is believed that the optimal method of checking the ball joint is to visit a car service center where there is a lift and an appropriate stand. There, specialists will be able to identify faults not only with the ball joint, but also with other elements of the vehicle’s suspension.

However, if the task is only to check the ball, then this can be done in garage conditions using just installation. Well, perhaps it would be desirable for the car to be parked on a pit or overpass. A faulty ball joint can be identified by the main symptom - knocking and free movement of the ball pin when a mount force is applied to it.

Quick check

First of all, you need to “listen” to the ball joint. However, for this it is better to take an assistant, preferably one who knows what sound a broken support makes and generally has some understanding of the elements of a car’s suspension. The verification algorithm is simple - one person rocks the car from side to side (in the direction perpendicular to the movement), and the second listens to the sounds coming from the suspension elements, in particular, from the ball joint.

If such rocking does not produce results, it is worth jacking up the car on the side where you want to check the support. Then, holding down the brake pedal (this is done to eliminate possible bearing play), try to swing the wheel in a direction perpendicular to the movement (that is, away from you and towards you). If there is play and/or “unhealthy” clanging sounds, then there are problems with the ball.

The play of the broken ball will be checked using a pry bar. So, the car needs to be jacked up, and the flat end of the mount placed between the lever and the steering axle. Then, while one person slowly turns the steering wheel, the second person presses on the pry bar. If there is play, it will be clearly felt and even visible to the eye. A similar procedure can also be performed without rotating the steering wheel, especially if the ball joint is already significantly worn.

Is it possible to drive with a broken ball joint?

Many car enthusiasts who are faced with a similar problem for the first time are interested in the question: if the ball joint is knocking, is it possible to drive with such a breakdown? The answer depends on the degree of wear and damage of the specified unit. If the knocking noise from the ball joint while driving has just appeared and the car is not yet “driving” on the road, it does not knock when turning, that is, there are only early signs, then you can still drive such a car. However, make sure that the driving speed is not high, and also try to avoid potholes and uneven surfaces. And, of course, you still need to think about the upcoming renovation. After all, the sooner it is done, the cheaper it will be, firstly, and secondly, the car can be operated safely!

If the breakdown of the ball joint has already reached such an extent that the car “fidgets” on the road and the knock of the ball joint while driving is clearly audible, then it is better to refuse to operate such a car until repairs are carried out. As a last resort, you can drive it at low speed and following the rules of safe driving to a car service center or garage, where you will have to replace it (usually the ball joint cannot be repaired and is only replaced with a new one).


DIY car suspension diagnostics

The service life of suspension components varies greatly in different countries, and this is due to the quality of the road surface. If the suspension rarely changes abroad, then in the case of Russian roads, suspension elements have to be changed every year, and sometimes more than once. How can you determine suspension wear yourself? Each of you has most likely seen a Zhiguli that has fallen over on its side with its front wheel. This happens due to untimely replacement of the front suspension arms or the lower ball joint of the steering knuckle. It’s good if such a breakdown happened at low speed and there were no serious consequences. To avoid unpleasant breakdowns associated with the suspension, it is recommended to check it regularly. In fact, to determine the wear of the suspension arms or silent blocks, it is not at all necessary to contact a specialized service station; you can check the condition of the car’s suspension yourself:

Suspension boots, bushings and silent blocks

Covers (often called “boots”) protect critical components of the car from premature wear (for example, CV joints). We carefully inspect the car from below for the integrity of the joint covers. Torn anthers do more harm than good, because... Dirt accumulates in them, which soon ends up in the unit itself. If the torn boot is not replaced immediately, then the unit will soon come to an end, so when replacing the unit, the boot is also changed immediately. Rubber bushings in the suspension elements absorb hard impacts from the road, preventing them from transferring to the body, and also simultaneously work as hinges, ensuring the mobility of the suspension parts .

To determine the condition of the covers, you need to feel it with your hands.
These cases with deep cracks are not yet worn out, but their service life is almost running out. If you replace them now with new ones, then this cheap part will protect much more expensive ones from damage.
If the protruding edges of the rubber bushings of the rods, suspension arms or shock absorber eyes are cracked, then it makes sense to replace them
If the pin has moved from the center of the eyes to the edge, then the rubber bushing is badly worn or torn, so in this case only replacement with a new one is required.
To determine the wear of the silent blocks (these are rubber-metal hinges) of the suspension arms, you need to use a pry bar or a crowbar so that there is enough force to move the arm relative to the body. If there is play or a knock is heard, then it’s time to change the silent block. The same technique works for other hinges. In this case, the condition of the silent blocks cannot be determined with bare hands.

Rear suspension rods sometimes have a bump that protrudes into the eye.
It quickly wears out the new rubber bushings, so the bump should be ground off or the rod replaced. xn--2111-43da1a8c.xn--p1ai

How to check a ball joint

The question of how to check a ball joint can be of concern both when symptoms of its malfunction appear, and even when purchasing a new one. There are three main methods for checking serviceability - without hanging the wheels, with jacking up the car and using a lift on which the car is lifted (usually used in a car service center). The check also depends on the type of ball joint - single-link (another name for MacPherson strut suspension) and multi-link. In addition, there are lower and upper supports. Despite the diversity, the testing methods are largely similar and are available to almost any car owner who has basic skills in performing car repair work.

Ball joint testing methods

There are 3 main methods that allow the car owner to check the condition of the car's ball joint. The first and simplest is without removing the wheels or even jacking up the car. The second is using a jack (you need to hang the wheels one at a time). The third is using a lift. This method is only available in a service station, but this diagnostic method gives the most accurate answer to the question about the condition of the car’s ball joint. Also, testing methods differ depending on what type the ball is - single-lever or multi-lever. So let’s look in more detail at the serviceability of a ball without a lift, focusing only on the knock, play and degree of wear by the way the ball dangles in the body.

Types of ball joints

The choice of testing method depends on the type of ball joints used in the vehicle. As stated above, they are of two types, namely:


All ball joints, depending on what structure they are placed on, can be of the following types:

  • Filled (can work under compression, installed from above).
  • With the introduction of a cermet bearing (mounted from below, works well in tension).

Ball joints are distinguished:

  1. Original (AvtoVAZ).
  2. Non-original (from other factories).

At sales points you can find car parts for VAZ 2109 of the following brands:

  • FENOX.
  • Stellox.
  • Hi-Drive.
  • Formpart.
  • Start.
  • Sachs.
  • Hope.
  • HOLA.
  • Birth.
  • ZF Lemforder.
  • Patron.
  • CTR.
  • Delphi.
  • Pilenga.

Depending on the place of purchase, ball joints are:

  1. From the car market.
  2. From a store selling auto parts for the VAZ 2109.
  3. From an online auto parts store.

How to check a ball joint without a lift

Next, we will consider in order the algorithm for searching for wear of ball joints of various types, although often the methods for checking them are largely similar, accordingly, they can be used for different types of ball joints.

How to check the upper ball joint on a car

To check the serviceability of the upper multi-link ball joint, you must follow the following algorithm (it will make it possible to check the play):

Checking the upper ball

If there is play in the upper hinge on the support, then during the described check it will be clearly felt. You may also hear clicks or squeaks coming from the ball joint. However, often such a check is only suitable in case of significant wear; at the initial stage, such an algorithm may not produce results.

Therefore, it is better to use a jack to check. The algorithm will be the same, but the difference will be that you need to swing not only the upper part of the wheel, but also the lower and side ones. Specifically, you can grab the top of the wheel with one hand and the bottom with the other. Next, swing the wheel in a vertical plane . A similar check can be performed by grasping the left side of the wheel with one hand and the right side with the other. In this case, the wheel must be rocked in a horizontal plane . If there is play and “unhealthy” creaking sounds, then it is necessary to replace the support with a new one. These simple steps will help you check the ball joints without removing them and without a lift.

Signs of breakdown

If the ball joint is very worn, the car itself will let you know about it.

You just need to pay attention to the characteristic symptoms.

  1. When hitting bumps, a distinct thud begins to be heard. It can only come from the front of the left or right side of the car if the problem is in the ball joint.
  2. When the ball joints wear out, the force applied to the steering wheel for turning increases noticeably. At the same time, the ball begins to creak.
  3. Moving on a flat road, the car begins to behave unstably, it is pulled in one direction or another.
  4. When the ball joints on one of the wheels wear out, it is positioned incorrectly and has a certain tilt to the side. This can be easily seen by comparing the position of both wheels. If you often drive your VAZ 2109, you will notice how one wheel wears out faster than the other.

If signs of wear are detected, it is recommended to check their actual current condition and then replace it.

How to check the serviceability of the lower ball joint

You can check the lower balls in the same way as in the case of the upper ones, but the result will be much more effective if you use a pry bar and install the machine on an overpass or lift. It is necessary to insert the assembly between the trunnion and the lever to unload the ball joint and check the possibility of its movement. The following test methods are suitable for testing a single lever system.

Checking lower ball joints on a lift

Checking the ball video instructions

So, to check the lower ball in a single-link suspension system, you need to use a jack and a pry bar. It is advisable to drive the car onto an overpass (inspection hole) or onto a lift so that it is more convenient to carry out diagnostics. The verification algorithm in this case will be as follows:

Checking the lower ball joint on a machine without a lift

The method of checking a ball joint without a lift can be carried out using an additional support, like a stump, capable of supporting the weight of a car or a similar structure.

So, first you need to jack up the wheel under test, then place a stop under the ball joint in such a way as to load the ball joint. If it is in relative order, then the car wheel will remain suspended and will rotate freely, without making any extraneous knocking sounds. If you feel a beating and knocking noise when the wheel rotates , it means that the ball joint has failed and must be replaced.

The design of the suspension of some cars also provides for the presence of a diagnostic hole, specially made to measure the distance from the surface of the ball joint to the base of the pin. However, it is necessary to know the permissible values ​​of the corresponding distances. They can be found in the technical documentation. The distance is checked with measuring instruments. The presence of this hole greatly simplifies the process of diagnosing the ball joint for wear with your own hands without any tools.

Required tools and materials for DIY replacement

Repairing a ball joint yourself is impossible without the tools listed below.

Table - Tools and materials required to replace the ball joint.

PullerIt is not necessary to replace the ball, but it significantly simplifies the dismantling process
Spanner“at 17”, “at 19”
Socket wrench“at 17”, “at 19”
Heads“at 17”, “at 19”
Heavy hammerRequired if there is no puller
GreaseShRB-4, Litol-24 or graphite
Balloon wrenchFor wheel removal and installation
InstallationCan be replaced with any strong rod, piece of pipe or crowbar
Metal brush and ragsFor cleaning work surfaces
Penetrating lubricantTo facilitate the separation of rusted and stuck joints

Checking the ball joint boot

When checking the condition of the ball joint, you must pay attention to its boot. It is made of rubber and its task is to prevent moisture, dust and various debris from the road from entering the joint during operation of the machine. The boot, by and large, is a consumable item and must be periodically replaced. As a result of temperature changes (including in winter), mechanical influences, damage and simply the aging process, first small and then increasingly enlarged cracks may appear on its rubber body, through which dust, sand and other small debris will get inside the ball joint . This mixture will act as an abrasive, gradually breaking down metal surfaces and washing away lubricant.

Therefore, when performing an inspection, you should always pay attention to the condition of the boot, the presence of debris and lubricant in it. If it is damaged, it must be replaced with a new one, since the use of a torn boot leads to a sharp decrease in the overall service life of the ball. And when replacing the boot with a new one, you need to remember to fill it with lubricant (Litolom, ShRB-4 or their analogues).

There is another non-standard method of checking the ball, in particular due to damage to the boot. In particular, the method is suitable for testing on machines in which the ball is positioned vertically with its finger up, that is, if water gets inside, it remains inside like in a vessel, and it enters from above through the oil seal. So, on machines where it is difficult to dismantle and generally get to the support, you can take a regular medical syringe with a needle and pour a little liquid oil into it (2...3 cubes). Next, you need to pierce the boot at the top with a syringe needle and pour the existing oil inside. After this, compare the nature of the old knock and the knock after adding oil. If a difference appears, it means that the ball has failed and it is advisable to replace it. As for the hole from the needle, water will not get inside through it, so the car owner can be calm about this.

Where should you buy?

Car mechanics are advised to buy only a new ball joint for the VAZ 2109. This product will last a long time and provide a high-quality ride on any road quality. Preference should be given to original products. New auto parts produced by AvtoVAZ are sold in specialized stores.

Some VAZ 2109 car owners do not want to buy an original ball joint due to its high cost. In this case, you can look for a non-original product. Such parts are sold in specialized stores and at the car market. The last place is not the best option when looking for quality spare parts. They usually sell ball joints from little-known companies and Chinese counterfeits. Therefore, it is better to look for the best option in specialized stores. Preference should be given to products of the following brands: HOLA, Patron, Delphi, Formpart, Birth.

When choosing a selling company, you need to pay attention to its reliability. The criteria for a good company are:

  • Long-term operation in the field of auto parts sales.
  • Wide selection of products.
  • Competence of consultants.
  • Optimal balance between price and quality.

The ball joint connects the lever located in the front suspension with the steering knuckle, and also transmits all types of loads received from the wheels to the surface of the body. The purpose of the ball joint boot or boot is to protect against moisture and dirt.

A ball joint is a structural element of a car suspension, the main purpose of which is to transmit a control signal that supplies the steering mechanism to the wheel. The main advantage of this unit: ensuring free angular movement of the mating parts. At the same time, the ball joint has a very simple design. The main element is a threaded pin, one side of which is shaped like a ball head. Its surface rests against a polyurethane gasket.

The bushing and the ball part of the pin were rolled into the cavity of a non-separable body, the material of which is galvanized metal. This housing is attached to the surface of the upper or lower arm. The steering knuckle is fixed to the conical threaded part. The joint rotation of the ball joint together with the wheel hub and maintaining a vertical position is possible due to the fact that the fixation of the knuckle is not rigid.

Proper care will ensure the longevity of this unit. Ensuring the trouble-free operation of the ball joint is carried out with the help of lubricant, the location of which is the contact cavity. If lubricant leaks or liquid gets onto the working surface, it will adversely affect the quality of operation and durability of the ball joint.

To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the boot, the surface of which should be free of cracks and other damage. If the inspection reveals any violations in the integrity of this element, you should inspect the condition of the ball joint and possibly replace it.

If there is a lack of lubricant, the wear of this unit increases. The first sign of failure may be the presence of extraneous sounds while driving off-road. Moisture getting inside can lead to freezing of the lubricant at negative air temperatures, and as a result, play may appear, which will lead to deterioration in vehicle controllability.

Checking the new ball joint

Many new car parts, even from the factory, are not as high quality as the car enthusiast would like. This is especially true for budget spare parts from little-known Chinese and other brands. This is also true for new ball joints. Therefore, before purchasing a spare part, it makes sense to check its condition by visual inspection. By the way, a similar check can be performed if for some reason the car owner dismantled the problematic ball joint. As for repairs, modern ball joints are non-repairable, but old parts for Moskvich or VAZ classics were often made with the ability to replace the polymer liner, that is, with the possibility of restoration.

The simplest method for checking a removed or new ball joint is to turn the ball pin down. If in this case the upper (when turning over, respectively, the lower) end of the pin sank down under its own weight (and even more so if it simply fell out of the seat), then such a ball is obviously faulty and must be replaced. Even if there is no big play in it yet, it is only a matter of time. Likewise, it makes sense to jerk the ball pin from side to side in its seat. Not only should there be no play, but the movement itself should be with little effort!

Another sign of low-quality (mainly Chinese) ball joints is the presence of a grease trap or a place for it. Original high-quality supports should not have grease fittings (roughly speaking, it is believed that grease fittings are a thing of the past). For reference, a grease fitting is the old name for a grease fitting. The name comes from the word grease, as lubricating oils were previously called. Accordingly, a grease gun is a device for supplying lubricant.

Also, on a new ball joint, it is necessary to inspect the integrity of the boot. Not only should it not be damaged (even small cracks), but there should also be plenty of lubricant underneath it. Otherwise, it is better for the car owner to fill the boot with lubricant himself before installing it on the car.


It is best to check the functionality of the ball joint on a lift, but you can easily do it yourself using a jack and a pry bar. Also don't forget to check the boot. The main thing is to carry out the check in a timely manner in order to replace the ball joint at a stage when it does not yet threaten the safety of the driver and passengers when the car is moving!


Support design

The nine ball joint is simple and unprepossessing, and the suspension design no longer allows the support to collapse as quickly as in classic Zhiguli cars. However, its design is the same - it is a ball pin molded with metal cups. As a rule, a plastic (maybe polyurethane) liner is installed between the finger and the cups, which reduces the coefficient of friction and increases the support life.

For old Zhiguli models, dismountable ball joints were sold, in which the liner was simply replaced. How economically feasible this is is unclear, since the support pin remained old, it could wear out the new liner in about five thousand km. Then - replacement again. If you install a non-removable high-quality support, then its service life can reach one hundred thousand or more, if you do not overload the suspension on bad roads.


When choosing a new ball joint (BJ) for replacement, focus on several basic criteria.

Selection criterion


Today there are a lot of manufacturers of ball joints. But not all of them produce truly high-quality parts. That’s why car owners have identified certain companies for themselves. For owners of the VAZ 2109, it is worth paying attention to the manufacturing company Trek.

A loud, well-known name of the ball joint manufacturer is not a guarantee of quality. There are a lot of fakes on the market now. To find the original, visit the official websites of trusted companies, learn about the features of the original packaging, the nuances of protection that allow you to distinguish fakes

There should be no signs of damage, wear or defects on the ball body. High-quality SHOs are always welded from two elements

If you notice that the ball joint pin is painted black, there is nothing good about it. A high-quality finger is also black, but it gets this color as a result of hardening the metal under high temperature. Also try rotating your finger. If you managed to do this without a knob, this is a low quality product.

Responsible manufacturers, in addition to the SHO itself, complete the parts with nuts, bolts and boot

Make sure there is no damage, signs of wear, or other defects.

The mounting bolts must be hardened. If the bolt is yellow, its quality will most likely be terrible.

Must have a Teflon insert or cotter pin. Plus look into your finger - there should be a through hole

Often the inside of the ball joint is lubricated at the factory, but practice shows that this amount of lubricant is not enough, so when replacing you must have a little more lubricant on hand

Brand new set

Before replacement

Repairing ball joints on a VAZ 2109 is impractical - people have long considered them consumables. Therefore, if a malfunction is detected, a new part will need to be selected. What should you consider when choosing a part?

Before purchasing and installing, you should pay attention to such factors.

What aspects to checkWhat should be
Manufacturer's reputation and type of packaging.Availability and safety of protective packaging elements.
Condition of the case.It is free of scratches, chips, cavities and other defects.
Finger color.It should be black, but not painted, but darkened as a result of hardening.
Finger mobility.It must be impossible or very difficult to turn the element manually.
Equipment.Typically, the supports are supplied with a pin nut, mounting bolts and a boot.

Immediately after purchasing the parts, check and, if necessary, increase the amount of lubricant in the support.

Checking status

Before changing the ball joint, make sure that this element has actually failed and is the cause of the car's inappropriate behavior.

There are two ways to check - simple and more complex.

First way

To check you will need to do the following:

Verification procedure

Second way

The second testing method is more accurate, but will require a pit and additional equipment.

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