Do-it-yourself preparation and installation of electric power steering on a VAZ 2110

VAZ 2110 cars are equipped with electric power steering, which makes drivers incredibly happy. This addition significantly improves the maneuverability and controllability of the car, which allows the driver to feel more confident on the road.

In addition, the driver does not need to exert much effort to control the steering wheel, which makes it possible to make long trips without feeling tired.

Electric power steering for VAZ 2110 cars can be installed independently if necessary, but to do this you need to understand the device.


Back in 2002, engineers from the Novosibirsk Technical University developed this electric power steering, which has become so popular. After all stages of creating the device were completed, the device was tested at the VAZ plant for several years.

Russian manufacturers have done everything to ensure reliable and high-quality advantages of the unit over similar foreign-made devices. The amplifier uses alternating current, which ensures reliable and durable operation.

Priora electric power steering diagram

But the main thing for our drivers was the acceptable cost of this unit, much lower than that of Western components. In addition, the electric booster can become a reliable protector against theft. Since electric amplifiers were invented for domestic brands, they are produced accordingly in Russia, at the Berdsk Electromechanical Plant, which became a subsidiary of VAZ.

The electric power steering itself was first invented and implemented back in 1990 in Japan at the factories of the Toyota concern. The first advantages of the device that it showed were characterized by the following indicators:

  • The unit operates even when the engine is turned off;
  • When the component operates, significant fuel savings may be observed over a period of time;
  • All controllability indicators are significantly improved;
  • Control reliability reaches great heights;
  • Creates good safety conditions for constant driving.

Differences from power steering

You need to understand that power steering is a power steering and these two devices are constantly compared, figuring out which one is better. In general terms, we can say that these two components may have common characteristics, but the electric amplifier contains an electronic unit.

It is this difference that makes it more functional, and its performance is characterized by the following indicators:

  • The sensors of the electronic unit constantly monitor the speed of movement, they read its trajectory and monitor the serviceability of the working components;
  • After the data is collected, it is transferred to a special electronic control unit where it is processed;
  • The artificial intelligence of the control system changes the parameters of the master cylinder automatically;
  • The oil pressure level is adjusted only by the position of the valve; it can be either open or closed;
  • The higher the speed the car begins to pick up, the more intensively and actively the valve opens;
  • In the process of increasing speed, the severity of steering wheel control also increases in parallel, and this in turn increases the degree of safety and stability when driving the VAZ 2110;
  • In addition, the operation of the electric booster is not affected by the presence of fuel, it does not affect its consumption.

If the effectiveness of the braking system decreases sharply, then there is a high probability that the problem is related to the master cylinder. This article will help you replace it:

Principle of operation

The work of EMURU, that is, the electromechanical power steering, is aimed at reducing the driver’s control efforts. The device is also designed to actively return the steered wheels and steering wheel to their original position after a maneuver. Fewer turns of the steering wheel will return the wheels to their original position.

Thanks to the device, the car returns to straight-line motion faster, which ensures driving safety.

The unit itself is a modular design that is built into the steering column.

The module consists of two main components:

  • The power unit is a synchronous electric device;
  • Control type controller.

The installation of an electric booster is especially important if the owner of a VAZ 2110 installs wider tires on large-diameter wheels compared to standard factory ones. Such a problem as an “unruly” steering wheel is eliminated in the case of electric power assistance; the steering wheel obeys the driver even with a light touch.

General diagram of electric power steering

If previously the driver had to constantly hold the steering wheel with both hands and put a lot of effort into turning it, now everything can be done with one finger.

Thanks to these indicators, the VAZ 2110 is considered one of the safest cars on domestic roads.

One of the main components of the brake system is the caliper. Details of self-repair of this part are outlined here:

Dismantling and replacement

We have already decided on the reasons and available steering wheel options for the “ten”. Therefore, it’s time to get rid of the old device and install a new steering wheel in its place.

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery . This way you can avoid a possible short circuit in the steering wheel wiring.
  2. Check if your wheels are level. Place it as level as possible in order to simplify the reassembly process for yourself.
  3. Unscrew the seven fasteners that hold the steering column housing in place, and then remove the steering column lower housing.
  4. Unlock the column position adjustment lever.
  5. Lower the column down.
  6. Moving it gradually upward, remove the upper casing.
  7. There is a decorative trim on the steering wheel. You need to pry it off with a flat screwdriver.
  8. You will see two fasteners that hold the signal button.
  9. Unscrew them and remove the button.
  1. Use a socket wrench or socket to remove the retaining nut from the steering wheel. Do not unscrew it all the way, which will allow you to safely remove the element. It should be recalled that there is a hard landing here due to the associated qualities. If you completely remove the fasteners, you risk severely damaging yourself or the car itself with the steering wheel being removed.
  2. Before removing the steering wheel, be sure to apply the appropriate marks. You need to mark the location of the steering wheel relative to the shaft and the turn signal switch.
  3. Now apply several gentle but firm blows with your palm to the steering wheel in the direction away from the dashboard.
  4. After this, the device will be able to come out of the slots.
  5. Next, unscrew the fastening nut.


If you have selected a new steering element suitable for your VAZ 2110, there should be no problems with reassembly.

In this case, it is very important to turn the turn signal switch ring so that the pin on the wheel hub fits into the groove of the ring. This ring will return the turn signals to their original position when the car exits a bend or turn.

Otherwise, simply follow the dismantling instructions, working in reverse order. This will allow you to install the new element that you have chosen for yourself without any problems. To be more precise, for your car.


Like any other module in a car, the electric amplifier has its own indicators that must be taken into account. To make it clear what this unit is, its technical characteristics should be given:

  • The maximum torque compensation is 35 Nm;
  • Current consumption at average Mmax = 35 Nm and steering wheel rotation speed of 360 degrees per second is 50A;
  • Operating temperatures range from - 40 to + 85 degrees Celsius;
  • The total mass of the unit is 9.5 kilograms;
  • Electronically controlled motor - reluctance induction;
  • The rotation is reversed;
  • The presence of three phases;
  • A worm gearbox with three starts is installed;
  • The worm shaft is made of 40x steel;
  • The worm wheel is made of carbon fiber UPA 6/30-2.

Steering column with electric power steering

These are all the characteristics of a component that you need to know in order to interact with it. These indicators are especially relevant because the amplifier is an electrical unit and you need to be careful with it.

Component Benefits

The electric steering wheel has a number of advantages, which led to the fact that it is installed not only on the VAZ 2110, but also on other models of this plant. In addition to technical characteristics, it has other equally important indicators:

  • Simplicity of installation work when installing the unit;
  • The unit consumes a relatively small amount of electricity;
  • The unit does not affect the environmental performance of the car;
  • Possible installation of the unit on other VAZ models;
  • Parametric indicators, that is, an effective reduction in torque according to an increase in vehicle speed;
  • During operation, no additional care or use of various special materials is required;
  • At low temperatures, this option for strengthening the steering wheel performs better.

The only drawback of this device is the fact that it works a little weaker than the same hydraulic booster.

New electric power steering VAZ 2110 with components

But in the case of domestic roads, this gain is quite enough to feel comfortable behind the wheel.

Reasons for replacement

There are more than enough reasons to want to replace your steering wheel. But everyone has their own:

  • The old steering wheel was worn out;
  • The current rim does not meet the driver's requirements;
  • The driver feels uncomfortable with the factory steering wheel;
  • The unit received mechanical damage;
  • Tuning, modifications to the interior and the entire car, etc. are carried out.

Drivers can name many more reasons why they want to get a new one to replace their old steering wheel.

Option for tuning

What to choose?

Based on the presented range of steering wheels suitable for the VAZ 2110, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with them in the table.

Options Advantages Flaws
Native factory Designed specifically for this model

Manufactured according to the appropriate calculations

Has a reliable design

Appearance leaves much to be desired

Not functional enough

Wears out quickly

From new VAZ models More multifunctional

Improved appearance

It's not difficult to install in place of the old one

There are questions about the quality of workmanship
From foreign cars More modern, functional

Attractive appearance

Thoughtful design and button placement

Comfortable grip

High price

It's hard to find a VAZ

Possible installation problems

It’s up to you to decide which one you choose. The steering wheel plays a significant role in ensuring comfort and safety, so you should choose a high-quality product that you can use to comfortably control the movement of your car.

Euro steering wheel

Preparing for installation

The fact is that not all VAZ 2110 cars are equipped with this pleasant component, so drivers often have to install the amplifier themselves. This work is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and if you follow some rules, you can carry it out quite effectively.

In addition, you can even purchase a new electric amplifier via the Internet and, after fiddling around a little in the garage, install it on your “top ten”. Since the cost of the unit is not so small, saving on installation will be pleasant and practical.

In order to install an electric booster on a VAZ car, you must first prepare some tools and spare parts:

  • Electric power steering;

Electric booster VAZ 2110

Electric booster VAZ 2110

Electric booster control unit VAZ 2110

Marking of the electric amplifier VAZ 2110

Electric power steering pads

  • Plate;

DIY plate

  • Set of wires;


  • Promval;




  • Steering wheel and casing;

Steering wheel from Kalina

The reverse part of the steering wheel from Kalina

The reverse part of the steering wheel from Kalina

The reverse part of the steering wheel from Kalina

  • Screwdrivers of different configurations;
  • Ruler;
  • Drill.

Installing a sports steering wheel

  1. Preparation. Before installation you need a few things. The steering wheel itself, no matter how logical it may sound, is an adapter and tools.
  2. After removing the old steering wheel, you need to run the signal wires into the adapter. Carefully ensure that the contacts touch the rings. If they do not touch the rings, you and other drivers will no longer hear the signal if something happens.
  3. We install the steering wheel on several bolts and check the correct movement and position of the steering wheel on a flat surface. Of course, this should have been done while removing the steering wheel, but it wouldn’t hurt to check it again.
  4. If everything is correct, then we fix the steering wheel with the remaining bolts and enjoy the new steering wheel. This completes the installation of the sports steering wheel and the removal of the old steering wheel from the VAZ 2109.


No oils or other substances are required, since the work is done with electricity and not with mechanical components. After all components are prepared, you should proceed to direct installation, which will take place in the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to remove the standard terminal from the block and move it to the block located on the harness;



  • After this, the free terminal extending from the harness moves to the place where the standard wire was located, adjacent to the block. This will make it possible to pass a standard type wire between the harnesses. The wire coming from the blocks has a rating of 50 A;

50A fuse

Pads in harness

Pads in harness

EUR connectors

Harness pads in the electrical amplifier connector

  • Now you need to slowly separate the steering shaft housing, then remove the ignition switch and separate the switches. This must be done slowly to prevent cracking of the casing;

Removing the casing, switches, ignition switch

Removing the casing, switches, ignition switch

Removing the casing, switches, ignition switch

  • Carefully unscrew the bolt that holds the steering rack and then remove the rack itself;

Unscrew the bolt on the rail

  • It is necessary to measure the length of the shafts and if you need to adjust the plate, for this you need to use a ruler and perhaps even write down the indicators;

Comparing the lengths of the shafts

Stock shaft

  • The electric amplifier is installed in the free space; to do this, you need to select the required shaft size, since it does not fit on the rail. To adjust the shaft to the required size, the plate and shaft are ground to fit the Priora shafts. It is the parts from the VAZ Priora that are best suited for this;

Val priors

Ground and adjusted Priora shaft

  • After the shaft is adjusted, it is necessary to drill the plate deeper than it already is. This is not difficult to do, since the shaft is a hollow structure;

Re-drilled homemade plate

  • The plate is installed on the amplifier and thereby the resulting depth is checked. If everything is fine, then you need to firmly clamp the entire structure using a smaller bolt;

Adjusting the plate

  • Now you should install the switches in their places and proceed to the wiring. To do this, you need to lead two wires directly to the battery from the passenger compartment, through the left fender;

Installing the central part of the steering column switches

Installing the central part of the steering column switches

  • Next, you need to remove the washer reservoir and take the wire. With its help you need to attach the two wires that were brought out. They need to be attached to the end of the opposite wire and pulled through both;

The washer reservoir is removed, the wire is inserted into the wires

Wire coming out of the wing

Connect to the other end of the wire

Pull out the wires

  • It is necessary to remove the dashboard and take out the red block from there, slowly tighten the wiring into the space under the panel. Then remove the orange wire from the red box;

Removing the instrument panel

Pull out the red block

We drag the wiring into the under-panel space

Pull out the orange wire from the red block

  • You need to attach a red box to this wire and combine it with the electrical amplifier wiring. In this case, the end with the exposed terminal of the amplifier wiring is placed on the free standard wire in the red block;

We hook the block that came with the wires to the orange wire

Block on the orange wire

We connect the orange wire to the EUR wiring, put the “bare” end of the wire in place of the standard one in the red block

  • You also need to do the same with the gray wire, which also comes out of the red block. It must also be pulled into the place of its regular counterpart and secured with a terminal;
  • After which you need to move to the battery and securely fasten the black wire, that is, MINUS, to the pink wire, that is, PLUS;
  • After this, you need to connect all the electric power steering wiring and start it or just turn it by hand.

The installation of the electric amplifier is complete, all that remains is to carefully install all the components in their places.

To do this, you need to put back all the switches and fit in place the casing and steering wheel, which will cover the steering shaft.

This material will help make dismantling the steering rack easier:


As mentioned earlier, an adapter is required to install a sports steering wheel, and I considered it necessary to describe this point in more detail. There are usually a lot of problems with adapters quite often. Because to install a sports steering wheel on a VAZ you need different adapters. By different, I mean different for different brands.

For VAZ 2109 you need an adapter BOSS KIT NO:802. This adapter is also suitable for VAZ 2108 and VAZ 2199. This adapter has a black plastic casing, a screwdriver and six bolts. This is where we can finish talking about adapters. Standard steering wheel or sports steering wheel. It's time to discuss sports steering wheels and standard ones. Talk about their advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with sports steering wheels. Pros:

  1. Material. Sports steering wheels are made of high-quality and lightweight materials. Despite their lightness, the steering wheels are very durable and will last for many years. The same should be said about pseudo sports steering wheels. They are made from more affordable materials.
  2. Certificates. Sports steering wheels are tested for safety. It must withstand a three-ton blow and at the same time only bend, but not break.
  3. Smaller size. The sports steering wheel is smaller, which will provide greater maneuvering speed.
  4. Its appearance is much more beautiful than the standard one.

Now that you know about the advantages of a sports steering wheel, we can talk about its disadvantages.


  1. Price. High-quality materials, confidence in safety and beauty cost a lot of money.
  2. When installed on a VAZ, the turn signal auto-off function may not work.
  3. An adapter is required for installation.
  4. You may not be able to pass the technical inspection.
  5. And lastly, there is danger in case of an accident. The safety certificate was mentioned above, but it is worth remembering that the sports steering wheel is quite hard.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of a sports steering wheel. Now let's talk about the standard steering wheel. There is no need to purchase this steering wheel and it is already installed. Although, these are not even advantages, but simply logical conclusions.

Pros: 1. Security. The stock steering wheel is checked. 2. A standard steering wheel is much cheaper than a sports steering wheel and it is much easier to buy. 3. Installation does not require additional materials such as an adapter. This is where the advantages of the standard steering wheel end and the disadvantages begin.

Cons: 1. Appearance. This steering wheel doesn't look very nice. size 2. The entry-level steering wheel takes up a lot of space and is not as comfortable as the sport steering wheel. 3. Material. Conventional steering wheels are made from more affordable materials. This is where the shortcomings should end. Choose which one you need more. It is worth mentioning the third type of steering wheels. Pseudo-sports steering wheels. Let's look at this view too.

Pros: 1. Availability. You can buy a steering wheel like this anywhere. 2. Price. This item costs much less than the natural one. 3. Beauty. If you buy such a steering wheel, then only for the sake of beauty.

Cons: 1. Materials. They are also made from more accessible and cheaper materials. 2. Safety certificate. It simply doesn't exist. It is impossible to predict what will happen to the steering wheel during an accident. 3. An adapter is required for installation. 4. Again, you may not pass the technical inspection. 5. The automatic turn-off of the turnbuckles may not work.

This is where the disadvantages of the steering wheel end. How are they different? 1. Appearance. Sports steering wheels are smaller, prettier and more maneuverable. 2. Material. Sports steering wheel made of higher quality materials. Precisely sports, not pseudo-sports. 3. Price. A sports steering wheel costs more than a regular steering wheel. 4. Certificate. The certifications for the steering wheels are different, but you should be sure that it is safe, as opposed to a pseudo-sporty one. 5. Installation. As mentioned above, replacing a regular steering wheel is easier. Although replacing the steering wheel is not that difficult, you do not need to look for and buy an adapter. This is where the differences end. Basically, it is more difficult to buy a real sports steering wheel than a pseudo or regular one and the price is higher, but the quality is worth it.


If the installation work of the electric amplifier is carried out by an experienced technician, who may go somewhat beyond the scope of the proposed instructions, then it should be said about how the electric amplifier is adjusted to the VAZ 2110.

After the main actions from the above list have been carried out, the following adjustment can be made:

  • Align the steering wheel;
  • Eliminate all cracks and gaps between parts;
  • Install the LED diagnostic sensor for the electric amplifier;
  • Slightly shorten the power cable;
  • If necessary, replace damaged parts and damaged parts of the casing.

After this, you should once again carefully inspect the steering system while sitting in the cabin. Eliminate the last defects and rub the panel and steering wheel with polish. Only after this can you begin further operation of the machine. It is the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the car interior that leads to the driver’s concentration behind the wheel.


The manufacturer AvtoVAZ does not provide for repair of the electric power steering, only complete replacement of the assembly. Therefore, all repairs are carried out by the owner of the car at his own peril and risk.

You must always remember that repairing the electric power steering of a VAZ 2110 yourself can lead to an accident!

The price for the VAZ 2110 electric power steering and components is as follows:

  • a new electric amplifier costs on average from 13,000 to 18,000 rubles; you can order it in online stores with delivery by mail to any region of Russia, or directly from the factory;
  • a used electric amplifier costs from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles, depending on the condition, it’s worth looking on local bulletin boards,, etc.

Installation components can also be sold separately:

  • steering shaft for installing electric power steering - price about 1,000 rubles;
  • bracket for installing electric power steering - price about 1,000 rubles;
  • wiring harness for connecting the EUR - cost about 1,500 rubles;
  • imitation of an electronic speed sensor (for carburetor engines) - approximately 1,500 rubles.

Steering wheel models

Below is a list of sports steering wheel models. Remember that for a sports steering wheel you need an adapter, and the one I provided is suitable for VAZ 2108, 2109 and VAZ 2199. I will immediately name a list of models, and below will be their description. PROSPORT and F1 SPORT. There will be five F1 SPORT models.

1. COSMOS. The steering wheel model comes with red inserts. The diameter of this model is 310 mm. The model is made from quality materials and has a certificate. 2. The F1 SPORT brand steering wheel has a diameter of 315 mm, which is not much larger than the previous model. At the same time, there is a yellow insert, backlight and chrome buttons. The surface of the steering wheel is a little rough. This makes it comfortable and non-slip. This model is also certified. 3. The second model of the steering wheel of the F1 SPORT brand. It has the same diameter as the previous model. The surface of the steering wheel is no different from that of the previous one. Color black with red signal buttons. The steering wheel has a certificate. 4. a riding steering wheel model from the same manufacturer. The diameter is no different from the two spinning ones. The surface and shape are also the same, but their appearance at the roots is different. This model is made in a strict black style; this steering wheel can highlight any interior. Also certified 5. The next model F1 SPORT has a larger diameter. 330 mm. The black steering wheel with red inserts that make it bright will suit many interiors. The steering wheel is also certified. 6. The last model in the list from the same manufacturer, but with different shapes. Handlebar diameter 330 mm. The steering wheel is black with red inserts. The main difference between this steering wheel and others on the list is the straightened bottom. The certificate is also available.

That's all ladies and gentlemen. I hope the article was informative and helped you.

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