We repair and replace the windshield wiper motor ourselves

The device has found its application not only in passenger cars, but also in all other types of vehicles. Even large submarines, helicopters and airplanes are equipped with windshield wipers, which perform an irreplaceable role and at the same time have a very simple operating principle. When the wipers operate, excess water, dirt and other foreign objects on the windshield begin to be removed.

Car models have several operating modes: with a given period of time; constant; single. The auxiliary mechanism supplies water to remove large amounts of dust or dirt from the windshield.

Features of the electric motor design

The windshield wiper base consists of several individual elements. Among them are the following:

  • lever axis;
  • electric motor (device that drives the windshield wiper);
  • brush lever;
  • brushes;
  • brush holder;
  • mounting block;
  • frame;
  • gearmotor.

Regardless of the model and manufacturer, such parts are irreplaceable. Variations are explained only by model characteristics. For example, the latest innovations in the automotive industry include upgraded versions with a wide variety of functions.

Some of them have a heating function, some work automatically, reacting to any contact with water or dirt on the windshield. In general, these are all the existing parts of the device, so the next step in learning how it works is to review the basic concepts.

It's no secret that all glass cleaners are very fragile and vulnerable devices that require a lot of care and can break . Such a structural element is forced to cope with all the work of cleaning the windshield, therefore, with prolonged use, a problem such as rapid wear is noticed.

The trouble is associated with constant contact of the rubber brush with the surface of the glass and heavy loads. As a result, a good model should have impressive flexibility and rigidity.

How to check the windshield wiper motor? When checking the wiper motor for serviceability, it is enough to pay attention to a number of key subtleties and predetermining factors. One of them is weather conditions. It is no secret that prolonged exposure to low temperatures, heat and rain do not have the best effect on the condition and operation of parts.

Checking the windshield wiper motor is not difficult at all. If there are any defects, scratches or streaks . It is also possible that incorrect noise may occur from the operation of the brushes. In addition, the brushes can move very slowly, out of step, or very quickly. In this case, you should pay attention to the motor.

When inspecting, consider the condition of the relay or lever. If one of the important elements fails, this will be accompanied by movement of the brushes in different directions . If the windshield wiper blades begin to fly off during active operation, you will have to use a new wiper blade holder.

Principle of operation

Modern cars and many other vehicles may be equipped with two windshield wipers.
A similar solution has a double design for the front glass. It does not include rubber bands placed on the blade, which provide more efficient and productive work , as well as for the rear window (here we are talking about a single version).

Most existing models are capable of operating in three different modes:

  • Slow mode.
  • Intermittent operation.
  • Fast work.

At the heart of each glass cleaner is a corresponding motor , which is equipped with a gearbox, brushes, a lever system and an automated mechanism that allows you to return the wipers to their original position.

In addition, together with the device there is a device for supplying water to the entire area of ​​the windshield. If it fails, the motorist should seriously think about upcoming repairs.

Windshield wiper motor repair

There are several factors and reasons that can cause such an important device to fail.
In most cases, this occurs when there is no contact between the commutators and the brushes. If after inspecting the motor and thoroughly cleaning the contacts the problem does not disappear, you will most likely have to disassemble it and replace it. However, before taking such drastic action, there are a few more ways to take decisive action to consider. If the gearbox is jammed and the levers are jammed, most likely a certain fuse in the system has tripped , which is called a bimetallic fuse. As a result, the system will not be able to cope with its responsibilities and will cause additional problems for the driver.

True, if you remove the part in time and carry out the appropriate repairs by replacing the fuse , most likely the malfunction will be eliminated in a short time. Provided that everything is done correctly, the windshield wiper will start working normally, as before.

The development of cases where the device is capable of operating only in a specific speed mode cannot be ruled out. This problem is of a completely different nature and lies in a problem with the switch or resistor . Here the brushes do not come to the lower position at all, which makes it necessary to adjust the stopping mechanism.

Situations where strange sounds and noises are heard when starting the windshield wiper are also not uncommon. If such phenomena are in no way related to dry glass, perhaps we are talking about some more serious problem.

As mentioned above, the design characteristics of the wiper motor are extremely simple and understandable. There are small brush levers on the fingers, which most often make an unpleasant sound. Sometimes it happens that the mechanism begins to sour in the bracket bushings due to a violation of the protection. As a result, dirt and water get inside .

At the request of workers

Don’t even think about applying voltage only through terminals +1 and +2! and then there are craftsmen. there is very little resistance, the current is crazy, the motor runs at a very high speed and burns out very quickly.

There is a circuit - what is the problem with supplying voltage through it? E - minus. +1 - winding of the first speed of operation, +2 - winding of the second speed. one of them is supplied with a plus. but to determine the initial position of the brushes there is a built-in breaker contact, which operates through terminals B and S. through B the plus is switched, while the position is not zero, there is a plus at the output of S. those. for intermittent mode, through the steering column, plus is constantly supplied to terminal B and plus is supplied once to terminal +1 (to start the motor). then the plus that comes with S still continues to be supplied to +1 through the steering column switch. after a full revolution, the breaker in the motor is triggered and the S plus disappears at the output.

Don’t even think about applying voltage only through terminals +1 and +2! and then there are craftsmen. there is very little resistance, the current is crazy, the motor runs at a very high speed and burns out very quickly.

wiper motor from Mark 2 body GX-81. 4 contacts, ground to body. +1 and +2 I found how to find out where B and S are?

Dismantling the device

In rare cases, the front or rear windshield wiper motor stops working due to some manufacturing defect.
The problem is extremely rare, however, if you become a victim of it, there is nothing left to do but start special repairs. To complete the procedure successfully, perform a complete dismantling . It is no secret that such a process is quite troublesome and time-consuming. Especially if you have to repair a part from old cars, such as Tavria, KAMAZ, Priora, and so on. In this case, you will have to use several separate steps, including unscrewing the nuts that act as fasteners for the levers.

In the future, you can begin to remove the levers themselves from the tapered splines of the drive. If you have any difficulties at this stage, the splines can be treated with penetrating lubricant . Next, the lever drives are dismantled by unscrewing the nuts, as well as removing the rubber gaskets and plastic bushings.

In the harness, the wiring block is disconnected and pulled out using the raised edge of the seal, through a special slot in the partition of the engine compartment. The next step is to remove the windshield wiper .

Now you will have to unscrew the washer from the removed device and remove the spring retainer . And also you can’t do without disconnecting the rod. As a result, all you have to do is dismantle three bolts and remove the engine. After a full visual inspection, begin replacing any faulty parts.

If this does not give any results, the only way out of the situation is to buy a new motor . If the problem is resolved, the glass cleaning system must be reassembled in the reverse order.

Replacement features and diagram

If, after a thorough diagnosis, you were able to determine that the motor is faulty, think about replacing the failed unit.
At this stage there are no special difficulties, so even an inexperienced beginner can easily solve the problem. True, you must understand that the features of the procedure vary depending on the model of a particular vehicle.

Therefore, before performing a series of any actions, pay attention to the technical features of the system , read the service manual for the car.

  1. First of all, you must unscrew the nuts securing the brush arm. The help of a wrench will come in handy here. Then remove them from their installation location. If difficulties arise, use a penetrating lubricant.
  2. Then you need to remove the lever drives by unscrewing the nuts that secure them.
  3. The next step is to disconnect the connector with the wires in the harness and lift one part of the seal through the hole formed.
  4. As a result, all that remains is to dismantle the wiper itself. Then remove the washer and spring mount. After successfully achieving such goals, all that remains is to disconnect the pull rod, unscrew the three screws and remove the motor. Unit repair is characterized by particular simplicity and speed of execution.

Welcome, friends, to the DIY car repair website. Windshield wipers are an indispensable attribute of any car.

Algorithm of actions when the brush is deformed

To solve such a defect, only a mechanical method is suitable.

A panacea is sandpaper, which can be used to eliminate roughness on rubber parts. The method is reasonable, but requires physical strength. Deformation is eliminated before starting solvent treatment or before soaking the part.

To fix broken windshield wipers, you cannot do without certain tools and materials. They resort to:

  1. wrench;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. rubber gloves

In addition, you should stock up on cleaning fluid, lubricant and a soft cloth.

In addition to the usual means necessary to resuscitate wipers, you can resort to special mechanisms that can be found in stores. For example, you can use a brush cutter to sand down a rubber component to remove small imperfections. You can also use windshield wiper repair kits that have everything you need to quickly fix the problem.

If the wiper restoration takes place in a closed space, then it is necessary to create air ventilation.


  • The brushes are removed and disassembled. To do this, the lower arm is moved away from the glass, the metal clamp is lifted to the place of attachment, and then pulled back until it stops.
  • The blade will detach from the wiper if you press on the plastic box that holds the blade.

On a note ! Some cars are equipped with special fastening flags that must be moved while removing the part.

  • Parts are washed with special care.
  • Rubber gloves are put on.
  • The fabric is wetted with a solvent.
  • The rubber surface is wiped, removing accumulated dirt.
  • The parts are left to dry for some time.
  • Apply a little silicone to a soft cloth and then rub it into a clean spare part.
  • The part is left until the product is completely absorbed.
  • Remaining lubricant is removed.
  • All that remains is to return the windshield wipers back, insert them into the holder, and then secure the hook, placing the wiper in working condition.

How does a windshield wiper motor work?

Most cars have two blades, which provide more effective cleaning of the windshield. A single wiper is usually mounted on the rear window.

The device operates in two or three modes, which allow the brushes to provide intermittent, slow or fast cleaning.

The overall design includes a wiper motor (a small motor with a gearbox), a brush return mechanism, a lever system and the cleaning rubber bands themselves. In parallel with the cleaner, you can use the windshield washer, which supplies water in the form of a directed jet.

One of the most unreliable elements of the system, which often fails, is the motor. If it breaks down, motorists do not know what to do and what the reasons may be.

Algorithm of actions in case of malfunction of the cleaning part

The first sign of poor performance of cleaners can be easily eliminated using a solvent, for example, White Spirit. This popular product effectively eradicates even the most stubborn dirt that envelops the wiper blades. After the brushes have been treated with the composition, it is worth starting restoration work on the rubber bands.

The simplest way to restore a rubber element is to soak it in hot water. This will take about 30 minutes. This will be enough to soften the rubber. You can also resort to gasoline, leaving the rubber there for 20 minutes. This is a universal method, since in most cases drivers always have a supply of fuel.

Rubber can be revived using silicone or glycerin. For this purpose, the brushes are dried, treated with a product, and then left for a while.

It is better to repeat the procedure more than once, then remove all that remains of the grease with a cloth.

Important! It must be remembered that resorting to these methods destroys the graphite layer of the brushes. Regarding silicone grease, it can contaminate the glass, so you should perform the procedure with extreme care.

The rubber part can be restored only until cracks and tears appear on it. If this happens, the part cannot be restored.

Motor malfunctions and solutions

Let's look at what to do if the windshield wiper motor does not work, and what can cause such problems. There are several options:

1. The electric motor does not work, the bimetallic fuse is inactive, and the fusible insert responsible for powering the wipers is intact. In this case, you need to check the serviceability of the wiring, the quality of connections of all contacts, determine any existing damage and eliminate them.

If everything is fine with the wiring, then you should check the wiper switch. If it acts up, just replace it. The engine itself may not work - this often happens when brushes stick or contact connections burn.

In this case, you need to repair the windshield wiper motor - inspect it, replace faulty elements, and clean dirty components. It is important to check the integrity of the wiring that connects the electric motor and the block.

The next step is to check the bimetallic fuse, which needs to be cleaned, and if repair is impossible, simply discarded and replaced with a new one. If this does not help, check the motor armature winding for integrity. If there is no chain, then it is necessary to replace the armature or the entire mechanism as a whole.

2. The bimetallic fuse works, the motor does not start, and the power fuse constantly blows. The first thing to do is check the integrity of the levers. Often they do not work due to deformation or freezing of the brushes to the windshield.

The worst thing is if the cause of such a problem is a short circuit in the armature circuit. Here, repairing the fault is possible in only two ways - by installing a new armature or replacing the gearbox.

3. Interrupt mode does not work. Here the problem is either the relay or the wiper switch. In the first and second cases, it is better to replace the faulty element.

4. The wipers do not stop in interrupt mode. The reason is a relay failure or a malfunction of the limit switches. In the latter case, the gear cam of the gearbox simply does not press the spring plate. The problem is solved by bending it a little.

Checking the functionality of the mechanisms

How to give new life to worn out windshield wipers.
how to change rubber bands on frameless wipers: video instructions and advice from professionals replacing rubber bands in frame wipers At the repair stage or during a preventative check of windshield wipers, you can identify problems in the device in several ways. The quality of the mechanism is primarily determined by the function of the brush and its position in the brush holder. The cleaning elements must move freely and easily at the specified speed. The electric motor itself is checked by a tester. In particular, such diagnostics makes it possible to detect irregularities in contacts and connections. When disassembled, the device allows you to evaluate the condition of the gearbox gear - in particular, the mentioned teeth and threads on the rollers are checked. The remaining components can be checked with the naked eye, even with a superficial inspection.

How to replace a windshield wiper motor?

The biggest problem is the failure of the mechanism that drives the wipers on the windshield. In such a situation, it is necessary to dismantle the engine, repair it, and in some cases, replace it. Let's look at how to remove the windshield wiper motor (using the VAZ-2109 as an example).

The replacement algorithm is as follows:

  • Rotate the brush arms until they are in a vertical position. Now unscrew their mounting nuts.
  • It is better to disconnect the negative from the power source so as not to accidentally short-circuit anything.
  • Remove the wiper arms from the mechanism rollers.
  • Remove one of the caps from each side.
  • Unscrew one bracket fastening nut (also on each side).
  • Remove the rubber washers.
  • Lift the hood and disconnect the connector with wires from the block powering the device.
  • Remove the cover from the fuse and relay box. If necessary, remove all relays (they will interfere).
  • Unscrew the bolt that secures the windshield wiper bracket.
  • Press the plastic wire clamp and remove it from the hole.
  • Remove the holder mounted on the wires so that it does not get lost.
  • Remove the windshield wiper shafts through the holes mentioned above.
  • Pull out the windshield wiper.

Then there are two options - repair or replacement of the windshield wiper motor. Monitor the condition of the wiper motor and inspect the entire system from time to time.

Otherwise, the brushes may fail at the most unpredictable moment. Have a good trip and of course no breakdowns.

Hi all! The problem of windshield wiper failure is familiar to many. One of the reasons may be the pump pumping water to the system. So today they propose to discuss the windshield washer motor.

Externally, the element is quite small, but plays a vital role in the operation of injectors and wipers. In fact, without it, water will not be able to get from the tank onto the windows, and the wipers will simply begin to crawl across the dry windshield, scratching the surface with settled dust or dirt. There's nothing good here.

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