How to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115 - alone or with an assistant

Welcome! Bleeding the brakes is the most important part after replacing any unit in the brake system, or even after replacing the brake fluid itself with a new one. This procedure must be carried out in the cases described above, that is, after replacing something in the brake system itself, if you neglect this procedure, then you will have air in the brake system due to which you will not be able to simply brake , and in the literal sense of the word, your brakes will not work, but the pedal will simply move when you press it and when you release it and that’s it, so it’s necessary to pump the brakes.

But not in all cases, your brakes will not work at all; generally, this only happens after replacing the brake fluid with a new one, that is, if you only replace any brake caliper (for example, the right one), then after all this you will not have Only the right brakes on the front wheel of the car will work, and all the others, including the rear ones, will work!

Note! To bleed the brake system, you will need to stock up on: Firstly, an ordinary small about one liter bottle, which must be transparent, as well as a small hose which will be inserted into this bottle with one end and the other will be put on the fitting for bleeding, so choose the thickness of the hose strictly along the neck of the bottle and at this very fitting (What kind of fitting we are talking about, you will find out in more detail in this article but a little lower), and you will also need to stock up on new brake fluid, preferably of the same brand, if you are not going to change it, as well as a wrench or a spanner, and an inspection hole or a lift!

When should you bleed your brakes? They must be pumped in all cases, as mentioned earlier, after replacing any part or the fluid itself in the brake system, because when replacing, air enters the system and the car will not brake after that.

But air can also get in for other reasons, for example, when the brake system depressurizes, which can happen when any brake hose bursts, as well as when the master or working brake cylinder is deformed, due to which air enters the system and will not allow you to stop the car normally.


To replace the TJ yourself, you will need a certain set of tools and materials. This set includes:

  • Brake fluid - 500 millimeters;
  • A set of keys;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • Transparent flexible hose;
  • Container for draining old fluid;
  • Dry rags for cleaning surfaces.

To work, you will definitely need the help of one more person, so when pumping, one should be inside the car, and the other outside.

Let's start the procedure.

  1. Unscrew the cap on the master cylinder reservoir and place it on a prepared surface. The cover is combined with the float of the fuel oil level sensor, so be careful, because a toxic and dangerous substance will remain on it.
  2. Unlock the rear brakes using a screwdriver. It is simply inserted between the plate and the piston. Ready.
  1. Clean the right rear brake release valve of any accumulated dirt and dust, then remove the rubber cap that covers the valve.
  2. Place a flexible transparent hose onto the valve fitting and place its other end in a container to drain the liquid.
  3. Approximately once every two seconds, press the gas pedal all the way four times in succession. When you press the fifth time, lock the pedal in the clamped position.
  4. Unscrew the valve at least half a turn. As the brake fluid drains, the pedal will gradually begin to sink.
  5. As soon as the fluid flow stops, close the valve.
  6. Simultaneously with the procedure, do not forget to monitor the level of fuel fluid in the tank.
  7. As you pump out the old substance, add a little new one. This will avoid the formation of air locks inside the system.
  8. Add fresh fuel fluid into the tank until all the old fluid comes out and new clean substance begins to flow through the hose into the container.
  9. Having completed the work on the rear right wheel, go to the front left and perform a similar procedure. Due to this movement pattern, you will be able to completely get rid of the old fuel oil in one circuit.
  10. By analogy, remove the fuel fluid from the second circuit in the same sequence. Having completed draining, close the valves with caps and add new fuel fluid to the required level.

After completing the replacement procedure, be sure to bleed the brakes. It is strictly not recommended to go out on the road without it, since the brakes may simply not work.

Why bleed the brakes?

Bleeding a vehicle is a preventive measure aimed at ensuring stable operation of the brakes. The point is to remove foreign liquid and excess air.

Air and excess liquid can appear in the system for various reasons. Namely:

  • The hoses are damaged and their integrity is compromised;
  • Low-quality brake substance is used;
  • System elements were replaced or brake fluid was updated;
  • The seal of the vehicle is broken.

Any braking system, due to its design, can spontaneously accumulate moisture inside itself. Therefore, pumping cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

Bleeding brakes, braking system VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115, VAZ 2113, Lada Samara 2

Bleeding the brakes of the Lada Samara 2 is necessary to remove air from the hydraulic drive, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the service brake system. Air can enter the hydraulic drive due to depressurization of the system during repair or replacement of individual components, as well as when replacing brake fluid. The presence of air in the brake drive is indicated by increased travel of the brake pedal and its “softness”.

NOTE It is not recommended to use fluid drained from the system to fill the reservoir, as it is saturated with air, moisture and possibly contaminated.

Before removing air from the brake system of the Lada Samara 2, make sure that all brake drive units and their connections are tight, clean the lid and the surface around the reservoir cap, and fill the reservoir with brake fluid to the “MAX” mark. Then thoroughly clean the bleeder fittings and remove their protective caps. Air from the system is removed first from one circuit, then from the other, starting with the wheel cylinders of the rear brakes of the VAZ 2115.

Removing air from the hydraulic brake drive: 1 – bleeder fitting; 2 – hose; 3 – vessel with liquid

Place a rubber hose 2 onto the head of fitting 1 to drain the liquid, and lower its free end into a transparent container 3 partially filled with liquid. Pressing the brake pedal sharply 3–5 times at intervals of 2–3 s, unscrew the fitting 1/2–3/4 turn while the pedal is pressed. Continuing to press the pedal, displace the liquid in the system along with the air through the hose into the container. After the brake pedal reaches the forward extreme position and the flow of fluid through the hose stops, tighten the air release fitting as far as it will go. Repeat these operations until bubbles stop coming out of the hose. Keeping the pedal pressed, tighten the fitting as far as it will go and remove the hose. Wipe the fitting dry and put on the protective cap. Repeat the operations for other wheels, first on the second wheel of the same circuit, and then sequentially on both wheels of the other circuit. When removing air, make sure that there is liquid in the tank, avoiding exposing its bottom, as this will allow air to enter the system again. If there is no air in the brake drive, the brake pedal should go through 1/2 of its full travel. To eliminate the effect of the vacuum booster on bleeding the brakes, remove air with the Lada Samara 2 engine not running.

Preparation for work

First of all, disconnect the sensor connector and secure this connector next to the tank. Then open the lid and add liquid to the MAX mark. This requires DOT-4 fluid.

Level sensor connector

On any car, including the VAZ-2114, the brakes are pumped with the lid closed. This means we tighten the lid harder, and then roll the car onto an overpass or pit.

If a lift is used, it means that when bleeding the rear cylinders, a spline is placed in the regulator (sorcerer).

Pressure regulator (sorcerer)

The screwdriver here is between the bracket and the rod. When bleeding the front brakes, remove the screwdriver.

Safety precautions: the handbrake must be engaged and the ignition key must be removed.

Preparation for work

First of all, disconnect the sensor connector and secure this connector next to the tank. Then open the lid and add liquid to the MAX mark. This requires DOT-4 fluid.

Level sensor connector

On any car, including the VAZ-2114, the brakes are pumped with the lid closed. This means we tighten the lid harder, and then roll the car onto an overpass or pit.

If a lift is used, it means that when bleeding the rear cylinders, a spline is placed in the regulator (sorcerer).

Pressure regulator (sorcerer)

The screwdriver here is between the bracket and the rod. When bleeding the front brakes, remove the screwdriver.

How to bleed the brakes in a VAZ-2114: instructions

In fact, it is quite possible to bleed the brakes yourself, especially when there is no other option. First, we recommend watching the video, which will make it easier for the car owner to learn all the intricacies of the process.

Important! Do not add fluid to the system when the composition does not match the old contents. In addition, you need to make sure that everything is in order with the tightness of the brake system, then the work will not be done in vain

In addition, you need to make sure that everything is in order with the tightness of the brake system, then the work will not be done in vain.

The brakes are bled in the correct sequence:

  • rear right;
  • front left;
  • rear left;
  • front right.

So, let's start actually pumping the VAZ-2114.

It is necessary to check the fluid level ("brake fluid") in the reservoir. On the eve of pumping, it should be filled as much as possible. Clean the exhaust valve from any contaminants and foreign particles. Remove the dust cap from the valve. First you need to fill the glass container with the working mixture. Take a rubber tube and put it on the valve. Place the opposite end in a container with a “brake seal”. Such a homemade pumping device is not inferior in productivity to professional equipment at service stations. Press the brake to the floor approximately five times (break - 2 seconds). Having made the last press, you need to lock the pedal in the pressed position. Unscrew the valve approximately 75%, from where the fluid with bubbles will gradually flow out. Once the leak stops, the valve can be closed. After tightening the valve, the pedal should be released. It is possible that more pumping periods will be required. The goal is to achieve complete disappearance of bubbles in the brake fluid. Observing the leakage of fuel fluid, it is necessary to add liquid to the tank

It is important to maintain it at its maximum level. After you have managed to bleed the brakes, you should remove the hose, removing traces of the brake fluid from the fitting and tightening the cap.

Don’t be intimidated by the number of points, because in practice this event does not take much time. When you replace and bleed the brakes yourself on the 2114 model, you will be able to save a lot and gain invaluable experience.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to bleed the brakes yourself, it is important to know that when bleeding you must use the same brake fluid as the one in the system. No other liquid can be used. You must first check the tightness of the system. To level up you need one more person. You will also need a hose of a suitable diameter for the bleeder fitting, a glass or plastic container (transparent), a wrench and a rag for cleaning the caps.

It is very important to know in what order to remove air from the brake system. This procedure must be carried out diagonally, alternating the rear and front brakes:

  • rear right;
  • front left;
  • rear left;
  • front right.

Self-bleeding brakes

Some motorists who do not have the opportunity to invite an assistant are interested in how to properly bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2114 on their own? The answer to this question is quite simple - with the help of tires. It is with their help that you can create increased pressure inside the tank, which will replace pressing the pedal.

All this is done as follows:

  • a wheel is hung up, which is a “donor” of pressure;
  • using a hose, the threaded neck of the tank and the chamber nipple are connected (such an adapter hose should be made in advance);
  • pumping operations are carried out (they are done in exactly the same way as with an assistant - the fitting is turned, the liquid is drained, and so on). The only difference in this case is that you don’t need to press the pedal.

If, during pumping, the fluid level drops below the minimum mark, it will need to be added by first disconnecting the adapter hose from the neck of the expansion tank and then installing it in place.

When bleeding the brakes using this method, you should remember that the pressure in the donor tire should not exceed 2 atmospheres.

By putting into practice the simple methods described above, you will not only be able to quickly and effectively pump the brakes, but will also make traveling in your car much safer for both yourself and others.


  • Preparing for work
  • Bleeding the brakes
  • Shutdown

By the way, do not forget that adding oil

The brake system needs exactly the brand that was filled earlier.
You should not experiment when you decide to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115, since this will not lead to anything good. You can easily ruin everything and then you will have to change the entire brake system. And one more piece of advice, when you want to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115, take an assistant with you, because this procedure is quite difficult to cope with alone.

VAZ 2115 Bleeding the brake system

After each brake repair, during which the system was opened, air may appear in the pipelines. In this case, the system should be bled. There is air in the system if the pressure fluctuates when you press the brake pedal. In this case, the leak must be repaired and the brake system must be bled.

Air is removed from the brake system by pumping the brake pedal; this requires the help of an assistant. If you need to bleed the entire system, you should bleed each cylinder separately. This is the case when air has entered each cylinder. Bleeding sequence: 1 - rear right wheel cylinder, 2 - rear left wheel cylinder, 3 - front right brake caliper, 4 - front left brake caliper.

If only one caliper has been replaced or repaired, it is usually sufficient to bleed only that caliper.

Before bleeding, unscrew the cap of the compensation tank and fill it with brake fluid to the maximum mark.

While pumping, monitor the fluid level in the tank. The fluid level should not drop too low, otherwise air will enter through the reservoir. Always top up with fresh brake fluid. Brake system with ABS only: Turn on the ignition and depress the brake pedal 4 - 5 times. Then, if necessary, add brake fluid to the reservoir to the maximum level. When bleeding the rear brakes, leave the ignition on during the entire bleeding. When the bleeder valve opens, the ABS hydraulic pump will turn on and create pressure.

Remove the boot-1st wheel cylinder bleeder bolt. Clean the bolt, put on a clean hose, lower the other end of the hose into a bottle half filled with brake fluid

We pump the brakes on a VAZ 2115. We do it ourselves, quickly and without problems

Many drivers sooner or later encounter such a problem when they need to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115. Essentially, this process removes air from the braking system in any car. It would seem that nothing bad will happen if air does get into the brake system of the car, but in practice such careless attitude towards the car very often leads to serious damage.


  • Preparing for work
  • Bleeding the brakes
  • Shutdown

By the way, do not forget that adding oil

The brake system needs exactly the brand that was filled earlier. You should not experiment when you decide to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115, since this will not lead to anything good. You can easily ruin everything and then you will have to change the entire brake system.

Preparing for work

Bleeding the brakes on a VAZ 2115 is not as easy as it seems, so let’s move on directly to the process of bleeding the braking system. Everything needs to be done one by one, namely:

  • Rear right;
  • Front left;
  • Rear left;
  • Front right.

It is very important to do everything in this order

If you decide to bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2115 yourself, otherwise nothing will come of it. First of all, check the brake fluid level. The most important thing is that at the first stage of pumping it reaches the maximum amount. If necessary, add more, but the mark should reach “MAX”. When you understand that the oil level is normal, you can start working.

Sometimes the rear wheels of a car may be hanging out. To get rid of this problem, you need to unlock the pressure regulator and insert a screwdriver between the piston and the plate.

In fact, in a specialized service station

everything is done more simply, but this guide is intended for drivers who decide to bleed the brakes themselves. By the way, do not forget to remove the screwdriver from the brake system after you have fixed the problem.

Bleeding the brakes

If you have done all of the above, then it is time to move on to the main work. By adding oil and dealing with the rear brake problem, you have only prepared your VAZ 2115 for bleeding.

After this, the entire brake system must be thoroughly cleaned. The most important thing is that the air release valve is in perfect condition, otherwise it will not be possible to bleed the brake system. In any case, it can be replaced, but it will take a lot of time. If everything is in order with the car, then feel free to remove the protective cap from the valve.

Now you need to insert one end of the hose into the valve

, and place the other in a container with brake fluid. The most important thing is that the end of the hose is accurately immersed in the brake fluid, and not just hanging on it. After this, you just need an assistant. His task will be to press the brake pedal.

You need to do this about five times, and then hold the pedal down constantly.


In general, the procedure for releasing air must be carried out several times until there is no air left in the valve. At this moment, monitor the amount of oil in the tank, since its level should not be below about. Bleeding the brakes on a VAZ 2115 is not that difficult if you work in pairs, so be sure to call someone for help. When the brakes are bled, check how they work on the other wheels and, if necessary, carry out exactly the same operation with them.

Signs to watch out for

In what cases should this operation be performed? The main reason that leads to pumping is air accumulated in the system. It can get inside for various reasons. As a rule, this is a malfunction of the brake cylinders or leaking hoses. Very rarely, air gets in due to a weak connection of the fittings, but this possibility should not be ruled out.

How to determine that air has formed in the system? The driver will notice changes in the behavior of the car. So, when you press the pedal, the car will not reduce speed as effectively. And the pedal itself will be more sluggish and have an increased stroke. The situation is critical when it completely falls into the floor, and the car barely slows down. In this case, it is urgent to bleed the front and rear brakes of the VAZ-2115.

This operation is also required when replacing brake fluid. If it has not been updated for more than three years or has become black, it definitely needs to be replaced. In addition, some fluids are changed when buying a car on the secondary market, when there is no confidence in the reliability of the system. Bleeding may also be required when doing any work on the brake system. This may include replacing the reservoir, working or master cylinder, hoses and other elements. It is not pumped only when replacing the pads, since the working cylinders are only recessed here (both in the case of front disc mechanisms and rear drum mechanisms).

On the subject: What to do to prevent arm muscles from hurting

Self-replacement of brake fluid on a VAZ 2114

The VAZ 2114 car is equipped with a brake system equipped with a hydraulic drive. The nuance is that the brake circuits are located diagonally.

Due to this design, if one of the circuits fails, the second one begins to work more efficiently, allowing the driver to brake in a timely manner. Three types of braking substance are used for the system:

  • Dew;
  • Rosa 3;
  • Rosa DOT 4.


The task of the driver and car owner part-time is to constantly monitor the condition of the brake system.

Failure of one of its elements can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you should know what exactly is included in the braking system.

The components of the vehicle are:

  • Brake fluid reservoir mounted on the GTZ;
  • Metal pipelines of two circuits;
  • Flexible brake hoses for front and rear wheels;
  • GTZ (brake master cylinder located in the engine compartment);
  • Brake cylinders of front and rear wheels;
  • Pressure regulator;
  • Brake fluid level sensor;
  • Vacuum booster.

Tank with fuel fluid
According to the recommendations of experts, replacement of fuel fluid is carried out once every 3 years, but at least once every 45 thousand kilometers.

Reasons for replacement

There are several characteristic malfunctions that must necessarily entail the replacement of the TJ.

  1. The presence of leaks from the brake cylinders, which lead to the loss of a large amount of fluid.
  2. The appearance of air pockets in the pipeline and hose system. They arise due to a leak in the brake system elements.
  3. Scuffs or deformation of flexible hoses installed on wheels. They also require replacement of the hoses themselves.
  4. Violation of the integrity of the sealing rings in the main brake cylinder, which leads to leakage of the working substance.
  5. Fluid leaking through the sealing ring of the pusher on the rear wheels.
  6. Violation of the tightness of the system circuit. This can be felt by a partially collapsed brake pedal.
  7. Mechanical failure of one of the elements of the braking system. In addition to repairing or replacing them, you will definitely have to change the TZ.

Bleeding brakes on a VAZ 2110

The brake system is a very important component of any car, regardless of its brand and other characteristics. Malfunctions of the brake system are one of the common troubles that arise every now and then during the operation of a car. However, in most cases they can be avoided if preventive measures are taken in time.

Why do you need to bleed the brakes?

Thus, one of the most common measures to prevent and ensure the stability of the brake system is bleeding the brakes. The essence of this event is to remove “excess” air and foreign liquids from the system. There may be several prerequisites for the appearance of “foreign” substances in the brake system:

  • spare parts were replaced in the unit,
  • violation of the integrity of the hoses,
  • use of low-quality brake fluid, etc.

In addition, it should be understood that brake fluid has the property of being hygroscopic, that is, it has the ability to accumulate water. For this reason, sooner or later the liquid must be drained and the system, accordingly, must be pumped. Replacing brake discs with your own hands, by the way, also entails the need for bleeding, just like any other intervention in the brake system.

Instructions for the last chapter in one video

Yes, as on most cars, bleeding is done crosswise, but I would advise changing the old brake hoses, pads and brake fluid for a brake system that does not fail. It’s better to spend money once and forget about the brakes than to constantly crawl under the car.

Pumping is not difficult, call an assistant and pump them according to the instructions in the manual. Just keep an eye on the brake fluid level when bleeding. After bleeding, drive off with caution. Until the pedal becomes hard and the pads are in place.


The first sign that there is air in the system is when the pedal that activates the brake becomes depressed. Moreover, if you press and release it several times, it falls into place. Of course, with such unstable operation of one of the most important elements of a car in terms of safety, it is dangerous to go outside. Therefore, we recommend starting pumping immediately.

Please note that the described symptom may also indicate other breakdowns. This is about:

  • an excessively large gap formed between the piston of the main cylinder and the bolt that regulates the operation of the vacuum booster;
  • liquid leakage due to depressurization of communications;
  • damage to the rear cylinder thrust ring (it usually fails).

Each of these problems needs to be addressed as a priority. Only after this does it make sense to start pumping.

There is one more important circumstance. Be sure to only use the brand of brake fluid that is already in the system.

You will also need:

  • a transparent jar or plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters;
  • flexible tube (rubber, silicone, etc.);
  • a set of keys;
  • clean rags.

It should also be understood that air is removed from the VAZ-2115 system in a certain order. First, the procedure is performed for the rear wheel (for example, the right one), and then the front one (respectively, the left one). That is, you need to act diagonally.


It is not always possible to attract an assistant to work. Here the question arises: how to bleed the brakes yourself, and, in general, is this realistic in the case of the 2115 VAZ model? The answer will be yes. To perform the operation discussed in this article, you must use a compressor. A device is required that can maintain the pressure in the system at least 2 atmospheres. The pedal is not activated in this situation.

The work is done like this:

  • select a cap suitable for replacing the one that is screwed onto the fuel tank of your VAZ-2115 (suitable for canisters in which motor oil is sold);
  • drill a hole with a diameter of 14 mm in it;
  • insert the fitting from the tubeless wheel into the hole;
  • the joints must be treated with sealant;
  • fill the tank with liquid to the maximum mark;
  • Unscrew the cap from the brake cylinder fitting;
  • put on the tube and place the other end in the bottle;
  • Connect the compressor to the tank and activate.

When the air stops coming out, tighten the fitting and move to the other wheel.

At the last stage of the procedure, it is necessary to add brake fluid to the reservoir intended for it to the maximum and screw the cap tightly.

Next, all that remains is to check how the system works after removing the air.

Pumping - important nuances

In a situation where repair work was carried out on only one cylinder, then bleeding is done only on it - there is no need to touch the other wheels.

If your 2115 has ABS, there are a few things to keep in mind. Before bleeding, you should turn on the ignition, and only after that press the brake pedal at least 4 times. Then fill the tank with TJ to the maximum and then proceed as described above.

When work is done on the rear wheels, the ignition is not turned off. This allows you to use the ABS system pump - it will create the necessary pressure.

Leveling up

First, open the hood of the VAZ-2115. The brake fluid reservoir (TF) is located here. Remove the cap from it and check if it is filled properly. If the level does not reach the “max” mark, then add the missing volume.

Next, do this:

  • unscrew the cap covering the fitting on the rear wheel brake cylinder;
  • pour a little TJ into a transparent jar;
  • Pull the hose onto the fitting (it should fit as tightly as possible);
  • Immerse the other end of the tube in the container so that it is below the liquid level.

Now the assistant should take the driver's seat. Here he smoothly and carefully presses the brake pedal at least 6-8 times. Between pumping, you need to pause within 2 seconds.

At the end, the partner presses the pedal and leaves it in the lower position. At this point, you should loosen the fitting no more than 2 or 3 turns. A key is used for this.

If everything is done correctly, liquid will begin to flow out of the hose. Watch carefully - air bubbles will come out along with it. It is necessary to stop pumping no earlier than they stop appearing. When only the fuel fluid starts to flow, tighten the fitting. After this, the partner is allowed to take his foot off the pedal.

During the process, it is important to constantly monitor the tank - you must not allow it to become empty. If this trouble occurs, then pumping will have to start all over again. Proceed in the same way with the remaining wheels of the VAZ-2115.

Bleeding the brakes alone. The simplest, most effective and fastest way

Bleeding the brakes begins with the wheel furthest from the master cylinder.

Brake bleeding sequence.

For ease of bleeding, if there is no inspection hole, it is better to remove the wheel, but you don’t have to remove it if the vehicle’s ground clearance allows you to get to the bleeding fitting.

To clean the brake caliper from dirt and dust, buy a large syringe, about 250-300 ml. set of windshield washer tubes from VAZ.

Connect the tube with a syringe and pump out all the brake fluid from the barrel.

The washer tube fits perfectly onto the syringe.

Next, take a jar with the purchased brake fluid and, after unscrewing the lid, do not tear off the soldered protective foil, but pierce two holes in it with a screwdriver opposite each other, this will allow you to fill the brake fluid without spilling.

Punch two holes opposite each other.

Fill the reservoir up to the very edge with brake fluid. We loosen the fitting on the first caliper to be pumped, it may not be possible to loosen it with a regular wrench, it is for this purpose that it is better to remove the wheel in advance, since it can be torn off with a regular head and it will be more convenient to crawl up with the wheel removed.

And here we again need our syringe with a tube, put the tube on the fitting

We loosen the bleeder fitting and try to draw out the brake fluid with a syringe, while in the syringe you will see bubbles that supposedly come out of the brake system, but this is not air from the system - it is air that is drawn in through the thread of the fitting; this air can also get into the system itself, but the syringe contains little brake fluid, but a lot of air, this method is very labor-intensive and not very effective, but there is an excellent way out.

Fuel check valve VAZ.

Instead of a syringe, you can insert a fuel check valve from front-wheel drive cars of the VAZ family.

The valve can be found under article number 2105-1164060

The valve is placed on the bleeder fitting in such a way that it releases brake fluid, but does not allow air in, and we move into the cabin to bleed the brakes using the brake pedal.

Place the valve in the jar

The brake pedal must be pressed slowly and released just as slowly; brake fluid will begin to flow out of the valve, but air will not get back in. In this case, you need to monitor the level of brake fluid in the barrel and do not forget to top it up on time. To bleed one wheel you need about 10 presses on the brake pedal. If there is old fluid in the can, it is not clear whether the new one has reached it. To do this, you need to drain the old fluid from the can and loosen the fitting again, make a couple of presses on the brake pedal, you can tell by the color of the liquid make sure that the new fluid still reaches the caliper.

We do the same with the rest of the calipers according to the diagram.



How to bleed the brake system on a VAZ 2113-VAZ 2115?

Note! Bleeding the brakes is carried out on a car with an assistant, although it is possible without one, but it will be more difficult, and the article itself is written on bleeding the system only with an assistant!

On cars of the Samara 2 family, the bleeding system must be replaced in sequence, namely first the rear right wheel, then the front left, then the rear left and only after that the front right, generally diagonally starting from the rear wheel first!

1) At the very beginning of the operation, open the hood of the car and then unscrew the cap of the reservoir containing the brake fluid by hand. (The location of this cover is indicated by an arrow in the photo below, but only it is turned out)

2) Then, if possible, take brake fluid of the same brand, and add it to the MAX mark in the same tank, and if you bought new fluid and decided to replace it, then for more detailed information on replacing brake fluid, see article: “Replacing brake fluid on a VAZ”

(By the way, in this article to which the link is given, at the very bottom there will be a section “Important!”, be sure to read it, a lot of interesting things are said there). 3) Next on the rear right wheel, find a small cap that covers the bleeder fitting, and after you find this cap, remove it and clean it of dirt

3) Next on the rear right wheel, find a small cap that covers the bleeder fitting, and after you find this cap, remove it and clean it of dirt.

4) After this cap is removed from the fitting, take the pre-prepared hose in your hands and put one end of it on the fitting, and lower the other end into a transparent plastic bottle, preferably. (If you don’t understand about the hose and the bottle, then for an example with a hose and this very bottle, see the photo below in paragraph “6”)

Note! The bottle into which you will lower the hose must be filled with brake fluid and the tip of the hose must be in this very fluid!

5) Then, when everything is done, tell your assistant to get behind the wheel of your car and then let him smoothly press the brake pedal 7-8 times and at the very end, that is, when he presses the last eighth time, let him press this pedal will remain pressed all the way.

6) And at this time, start using a wrench to carefully unscrew the bleeder fitting, but in no case do you need to unscrew it completely, you just need to loosen it a little by 2-3 turns and after which you should see how the brake fluid goes into the bottle liquid.

Note! Wait and watch carefully how the brake fluid drains, by the way, you will see in it those same air bubbles that should not be present in the system under any circumstances, so continue to drain the fluid from the system until the release of bubbles into the bottles stops, and when the release of bubbles will stop, then screw the fitting all the way and only after that let your assistant take his foot off the pedal!

Be sure to keep an eye on the level in the tank while the fluid is draining; under no circumstances allow this level to drop to zero, otherwise air will get into the system and you will have to start pumping the brakes all over again, so always keep an eye on the fluid and top it up if possible !

7) After your rear right wheel has been bled, do exactly the same operation with the left front one, the same fitting on the front wheels is located slightly differently, see the photo below for more details:

Note! When this circuit is pumped, proceed to bleeding the next circuit, that is, the rear left wheel and then the front right!

Additional video clip: To make it more clear to you about how to bleed the brakes, we have prepared a video clip for you just below, it contains a bunch of excellent tips that will be useful to you in life, but this video, as you have already seen from the title, is aimed only at cars of the ninth family, but it also applies to cars of the Samara 2 family since the braking system of these two cars is almost identical!

Hello Vlad! In principle, it is possible, but not necessary, since on cars of the Samara 2 family the braking system is diagonal, this is necessary so that the car does not skid when braking and if one of the sides fails, the car brakes more smoothly, unlike, for example, the classics, where The braking system is horizontal, that is, the rear left wheel and the rear right, therefore, when braking sharply on such a system, the car pulls to the side, and besides all this, if one of the sides fails, for example, the front two wheels, then the car will only brake with the two rear wheels which is very dangerous at high speed!

Required tools and materials

To get to the fittings in the absence of an inspection hole, we need to unscrew the wheels. Therefore, you need a jack, stops and a wheel wrench. If there is a hole or overpass, the wheels do not need to be unscrewed. You will also need new brake fluid. On vehicles of the Samara-2 family, RosDot of the fourth class is used. In addition, we need a plastic bottle and a hose that will be put on the fitting (so that the liquid does not splash in different directions, but goes out into a certain container). To unscrew the fitting, you need a regular 8mm wrench.

Sequence and correct procedure for pumping brakes on a VAZ-2114

  1. We find a fitting on the rear wheel drum (photo 1). It is usually closed with a cap that is removed. Place a hose on the fitting.

Rear brake cylinders

Ask an assistant to press and release the brake pedal several times. Now the pedal remains pressed. Using the “8” key, turn the fitting half a turn to the left. The liquid is drained into an empty container (photo 2), the pedal “falls”. As soon as the liquid stops draining, tighten the fitting. The pedal is released. If there were bubbles in the drained liquid, repeat steps 2-4. In this case, you must ensure that the tank is filled at least to the MIN mark. If necessary, top up. Move to the front brake mechanism (photo 3), perform steps 2-5.

Bleeding the front cylinders

Screw on the protective caps.

Possible sequence for pumping brakes for a VAZ-2114: rear right wheel, front left, rear left, etc. Each circuit is pumped starting from the rear wheel.

  • 2101-1602591 – rear cylinder fitting;
  • 2101-1602591-01 – disc brake fitting;
  • 2101-1602592 – fitting cap.

How to bleed the brakes alone?

It seems that one person can bleed the brakes. But then you need to increase the pressure in the tank. The source of air will be the tires. By the way, the limiting value should be considered 2 atmospheres.

Cover from VAZ-2106 and nipple for tubeless

The cap is placed on the brake reservoir

The cap with the nipple is screwed onto the neck of the tank. Next, the “extension cord” is assembled. The donor wheel is hung out when bleeding the brakes.

Bleeding device

But you can also use a camera

Or a compressor. Do not apply strong pressure; the hose may burst. In this case, you will stain the entire engine compartment.

You can open the fittings one by one and drain the liquid. But you also need to monitor the fluid level in the tank.

Topping up is done as follows: disconnect the “extension cord” from the tire, unscrew the cap, etc.


First you need to open the hood of the car and open the cap of the brake fluid reservoir. Make sure it is filled to the maximum. If not, add to about. After this, follow the steps in the following sequence:

  1. On the rear right wheel, find the cap that covers the fitting. Remove the cap and clean it of dirt.
  2. Fill a clear glass or plastic container with brake fluid.
  3. Place one end of the hose onto the fitting and place the other end into a glass or transparent plastic bottle. The hose must be lowered into the liquid.
  4. Ask your partner to sit behind the wheel and gently press the brake pedal 7 times with breaks of 2 seconds. After this, he must press the pedal again and leave it in this position (pressed all the way).
  5. While an assistant holds the pedal, use a wrench to unscrew the fitting 2-3 turns.

After all these steps, you will see that brake fluid will flow into a transparent container through the hose. Watch how it drains.

There will be visible air bubbles in it that need to be removed. Drain the liquid until the bubbles disappear. Then screw the fitting back on. Only after this can your assistant release the pedal. When the liquid flows into the container, monitor its level in the tank. If necessary, add brake fluid. If during pumping it completely leaks out, you will have to start the whole procedure from the beginning.

Repeat similar steps for each wheel in the above sequence. This mechanism of action is suitable not only for the VAZ-2114, but also for models 2113, 2115.

Many car owners are wondering: is it possible to carry out pumping alone? Yes it is possible. Only in this case, the pressure should be produced not by pressing the pedal, but by using a powerful compressor for these purposes. It should create a pressure of 2 atmospheres.

Car owners have to carry out pumping in different situations. Air can enter when replacing copper pipes at the rear or other components of the brake system, when hoses are damaged, when replacing brake fluid, or if the seal in the unit is broken. Regardless of the reason, after air enters the GTZ (brake master cylinder), bleeding must be carried out. Otherwise, the brake simply will not work.

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