Checking and malfunctioning injectors on the VAZ-2114: signs of clogging

Tags: no pull, jerking

Comments 26

I don't know if it will help. Due to the malfunction of two coils, two injectors did not spray. Those. the brain gives the command: no spark, no injector. I would start digging for errors in the ecu first.

I think I need to watch it anyway. Thank you

no, check them on the bench, if they work, then look at the wiring and the last option is a malfunction of the computer

No. The phase sensor could break down if two of the same injectors do not work. Or the braid itself to the injectors is acting up. And yes, a diagnostic computer costs 1000 rubles. Will save a lot of money and nerves)))

How come, a diagnostic computer costs 1000 rubles? where is it?

# I was a little mistaken in the price, it has gone up in price, but you can find it up to 1500. There are more expensive ones, but the point is only in convenience and somewhat more advanced functionality. In Krasnodar, there seems to be a State dealer

No. The throttle is needed to pass air. And the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) is needed to read the opening angle of the valve itself and, accordingly, to supply the correct amount of fuel. There seems to be some kind of sensor at the injectors. It is responsible for the alternating operation of the injectors. I even changed it... but I forgot what it is called. (

A faulty injector (nozzle) has a negative impact on the operation of the vehicle engine. The sooner the car owner finds out the cause of the malfunction, the sooner he will eliminate it, saving a significant amount of time, nerves and money. Listed below are signs of an injector malfunction that indicate the need for repair and maintenance work.

Principle of action

The operation of the 2114 power supply system is to supply the prepared combustible mixture to the combustion chambers. This requires precise dosing.

The memory of the controller (ECU) contains a complex program that calculates how much fuel is needed and when it is needed.

The fuel pump is turned on by a control signal from the ECU. The moment of injection of the mixture is determined by the crankshaft position detector. The portion (weight) of gasoline depends on the mass of gas. The throttle valve was opened and the position detector signaled this. The gas mass is also known from the signal from the mass air flow sensor. Based on this data, the ECU regulates the fuel supply. As is clear, the composition of ordinary fuel-air consistency has a ratio of 1/15, i.e. 1 part gasoline to 15 gas with a normal oxygen content. An increase in gas content leads to depletion, and a decrease leads to a richer consistency. The opening of the injectors is controlled by a signal from the ECU. At his command, the solenoid valve is activated, and fuel is supplied to the cylinders.

Zhiguli models with an electronic throttle valve drive have so-called lambda probes. These are detectors of oxygen content in exhaust gases. All this is necessary to prevent sudden opening of the damper in order to protect the atmosphere.


Most common reasons

There are three main factors that can lead to unstable operation of the fuel injection system:

  • Low quality fuel is a common problem in all post-Soviet countries.
  • A long service life can equally be attributed to both advantages and disadvantages.
  • Unprofessional repair work.

It should be noted that unqualified repairs are the most dangerous factor that can affect the normal operation of the injector. In the absence of certain theoretical and practical knowledge, it is not recommended to try to repair or clean the injector yourself. It is best to entrust such work to professionals who are well aware of all the nuances and features of carrying out work of this kind.

Improper cleaning of the injector can cause harm

There can be a great many reasons for a malfunctioning injector, so in this article we will analyze only the most typical signs of an injector malfunction inherent in engines of various types, and give recommendations for eliminating them.

Signs of a malfunction of the VAZ-2110 injector

Due to the presence of dirt and various impurities in the fuel, injector nozzles often need to be cleaned after 40,000 km. There are also other malfunctions. If the engine is operating normally, then it is strongly not recommended to carry out any preventive work.

If the engine runs unstably, stalls at idle, the car does not start or cannot develop full power, then most likely the injector nozzles are faulty. They also need to be checked if the crankshaft rotates at too high a speed at idle speed. Jerks and dips while driving and excessive consumption of gasoline should also alarm you. If the injectors malfunction, the concentration of CO and CH in the exhaust gases significantly exceeds the prescribed standards, and a leaky injector with a fuel leak can cause glow ignition.

Which indicates possible problems with the injector

Let us immediately note that there can be many reasons for unstable engine operation, ranging from a clogged fuel filter, a broken fuel pump, a failed spark plug or a faulty coil, to loss of compression, problems with the timing belt, etc. Along with this, one of the main signs of injector malfunction is difficulty starting the engine, especially when cold, as well as gasoline or diesel consumption (depending on the engine type), which increases noticeably. It is also necessary to note the unstable operation of the internal combustion engine in idle mode, similar to the so-called “triple” of the engine.


The fuel system of the VAZ 2114, in comparison with foreign cars, is made quite simply, which is why the highest level of its reliability and endurance has been achieved. The 2114 has an injector for injecting gasoline into the combustion chambers. The presence of an injector provides for a complex fuel dosing system, for which the ECU controller (electrical control unit) is responsible.

The VAZ 2114 fuel pump is driven electronically. The injection moment itself is calculated thanks to detectors that determine the placement of the car’s crankshaft. When the fuel pump is turned on, the fuel is supplied through the transport system to the filters, where it is cleaned of impurities, and after the filters, to the fuel rail.

The fuel rail is a part of the intake manifold in which gasoline and gas are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 15 (an increase or decrease in the amount of gas can be adjusted manually, but the best gasoline consumption is observed specifically at the above ratio). Then the mixture is supplied to the nozzles, after which it enters the combustion chambers.

Self-check of injectors

Let's start with the fact that automobile injectors are divided into several types, of which two types have found widespread use at different times: mechanical injectors and electromagnetic (electromechanical) injectors.

Electromagnetic injectors are based on a special valve that opens and closes the injector to supply fuel under the influence of a control pulse from the engine ECU. Mechanical injectors open as a result of increased fuel pressure in the injector. Let us add that modern cars often have electromagnetic devices installed.

To check the injectors with your own hands without removing them from the car, you can use several methods. The simplest and most affordable way to quickly check injection nozzles without removing them from the car is to analyze the noise emitted by the engine during operation.

How to remove the VAZ-2110 injector?

Before diagnosing the VAZ-2110 injector, disconnect the ground wire from the battery, remove the engine air filter along with the corrugated intake pipe and disconnect the vacuum tube from the fuel pressure regulator. Having released the corresponding clamps, we disconnect the connectors with the wiring from the idle speed control and the throttle sensor. Removing the injector:

  1. Disconnect the injector harness connector from the wiring block.
  2. Unscrew and remove the injector ramp mounting bolts.
  3. Unscrew the screw securing the fuel pipe pipe holder. Remove the holder.
  4. Carefully move the ramp along the axis of the injector so as to carefully remove all injector components from the installation holes of the intake manifold.
  5. Carefully remove the injector ramp under the receiver, trying not to damage the injector.

How to check the power supply to the injectors

This check is carried out if the injectors themselves are working, but any of the injectors do not work when the ignition is turned on.

  • for diagnostics, the connector is disconnected from the injector, after which two wires need to be connected to the battery;
  • the other ends of the wires are attached to the injector contacts;
  • then you need to turn on the ignition and record the presence or absence of fuel leakage;
  • if fuel flows, then this sign indicates problems in the electrical circuit;

Another diagnostic technique is to check the injector using a multimeter. This method allows you to measure the resistance on the injectors without removing them from the engine.

  1. Before starting work, you need to find out what impedance (resistance) the injectors installed on a particular vehicle have. The fact is that there are injection nozzles with both high and low resistance.
  2. The next step is to turn off the ignition and also reset the negative terminal from the battery.
  3. Next you will need to disconnect the electrical connector on the injector. To do this, you need to use a screwdriver with a thin tip, with which you need to unclip a special clip located on the block.
  4. After disconnecting the connector, switch the multimeter to the desired operating mode for measuring resistance (ohmmeter), connect the contacts of the multimeter to the corresponding contacts of the injector to measure impedance.
  5. The resistance between the outer and central contacts of a high-impedance injector should be between 11-12 and 15-17 ohms. If the car uses low resistance injectors, then the indicator should be from 2 to 5 Ohms.


This topic has become overgrown with various conjectures and speculations, but we will try to put everything in its place.

The technical data sheet of the fourteenth indicates that the car’s engine requires AI-95 gasoline, and there is no reason not to trust the manufacturer’s advice.

Another thing is that almost all car owners, over a long driving experience, have accumulated doubts about the existence of some serious differences between 95 and 92 gasoline. Adding fuel to the fire was the recent statement by the chief engineer of the capital's oil refinery, A. A. Abrosimov, that in our country they do not make 95-grade gasoline, and everything that is sold under its guise is either 92-grade, or it is unclear where the fuel was brought from.

As evidenced by the reviews of VAZ 2114 owners who use only 92-octane gasoline, there were no problems with the car during its service life due to fuel, and they see no point in using the most expensive analogue. However, the final decision about what to pour into the fourteenth is yours.

Comprehensive diagnostics of the operation of injectors on the ramp

For such a check, the fuel rail will need to be removed from the engine along with the injectors attached to it. After this, you need to connect all electrical contacts to the ramp and injectors if they were disconnected before removal. It is also necessary to return the negative terminal of the battery to its place.

  1. The ramp must be placed in the engine compartment so that a measuring container with a scale can be placed under each of the injectors.
  2. It is necessary to connect the fuel supply pipes to the ramp and additionally check the reliability of their fastening.
  3. The next step is to turn on the ignition, after which you need to crank the engine a little with the starter. This operation is best performed with an assistant.
  4. While an assistant rotates the engine, check the efficiency of all injectors. The fuel supply must be the same on all injectors.
  5. The final step will be to turn off the ignition and check the fuel level in the containers. The specified level must be equal in each container.

In addition to self-checking, you can use the injector diagnostic service at a car service center. This operation is performed on a special testing stand. Testing an injector on a bench allows you to accurately determine not only the efficiency of fuel supply, but also the shape of the torch during fuel spraying.


The injector implies forced injection. To do this, you need a special device and a number of sensors. The VAZ 2114 power system consists of the following parts:

  • Air preparation;
  • Gasoline preparation;
  • Injection of fuel-air mixture.

These three components, in turn, contain a number of parts within themselves. To prepare the gaseous component, it must be purified.

Preparation of the gaseous component

Air supply:

  • Air purifier;
  • Receiver;
  • Throttle assembly;
  • Mass air flow sensor.

Fuel preparation

Supply to injectors:

  • Electric fuel pump;
  • Narrow filter;
  • Gasoline pressure regulator;
  • Speed ​​sensor.

The VAZ 2114 injector is quite simple in its design compared to foreign cars.

The mechanism of operation of the VAZ 2114 injector power system

Supply of fuel-air mixture

Gasoline injection consists of:

  • ECU (electrical control unit);
  • Fuel rail;
  • nozzles;
  • Crankshaft position sensor;
  • Phasing sensor.

In addition to the listed parts, the 2114 power supply system also contains other parts. For example, hoses, tubes, devices for maintaining normal pressure in the tank, condensate drain, valves.

How to clean the injectors yourself without removing them from the engine

During the diagnostic process, a common cause of unstable engine operation is that the injection nozzles are clogged. There are several ways to clean injectors, among which mechanical, ultrasonic or cleaning using special chemical compounds can be used.

In some cases, pouring a special injector cleaner additive into the fuel tank is enough to normalize the operation of the entire system. It is also recommended to rev the engine to high speeds at certain intervals and accelerate the car to 110-130 km/h. on flat sections of the path. In this mode you need to drive 10-20 kilometers. Continuous operation of the injectors under load allows for so-called self-cleaning.

Cleaning the injector should be done as a preventive measure, and not after signs of malfunction appear. If the car is operated in city driving mode on fuel of questionable quality, then the interval of preventive measures should be reduced in relation to individual operating conditions.

When and why you need to remove fuel injectors from the engine. Removing injectors on gasoline and diesel engines: features of the dismantling process.

Cleaning a car injector without removing the injectors. Methods for cleaning injectors with removal on a cavitation stand. Ultrasonic and hydrodynamic cavitation.

Malfunctions of diesel injectors, checking and self-identification of problems. Cleaning diesel engine injector nozzles, regulating injection pressure.

Common diesel engine malfunctions and diagnostics of units of this type. Checking the fuel system of a diesel engine, useful tips.

Operating principle and distinctive features of gas injectors. Basic parameters when choosing nozzles for gas equipment 4. Which gas injectors are best to buy.

Features of operation and causes of malfunctions of diesel injectors. How to independently remove, troubleshoot, disassemble and repair diesel engine injectors.

What does the VAZ-2114 fuel system consist of: structure and diagram

A whole complex of devices combined into one fuel system is responsible for supplying fuel to the VAZ 2114 engine. This article is dedicated to her, by studying which you will find out what the power supply system of the VAZ 2114 injector consists of, what is the principle of its operation, and what preventive measures need to be taken in order for the system to work out its full resource.

Fuel supply system - main artery (lat. arteria - artery, blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the organs)


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