TPS on VAZ 2114: signs of malfunction, checking operation and procedure for replacing the sensor

The module for controlling internal combustion engine parameters on any car (VAZ 2114 as an example) requires a lot of data for processing. For example, to correctly formulate the composition of the fuel-air mixture, the following information is required:

  • ambient temperature;
  • engine temperature;
  • the volume of air passing through the intake manifold;
  • oxygen saturation of air flow;
  • vehicle speed;
  • degree of opening of the throttle curtain.

The VAZ 2114 throttle sensor is responsible for the last point. It determines how open the channel for fresh air entering the intake manifold is. When the driver presses the gas, the throttle assembly opens.

How to get data about the throttle opening angle?

How does the throttle position sensor work?

When the engine is idling, the valve is closed, air enters the power unit through a separate channel, and for proper idling, a signal is sent to indicate the supply of gasoline.

  • If you measure the voltage at the output, the value will be no more than 0.5 volts.
  • By pressing the gas pedal, which is connected directly to the controller, the resistance in the electrical circuit changes and the damper opens slightly.
  • The voltage in the electrical circuit increases, is recorded by the microprocessor and information about the state and position of the bypass valve is sent to the engine control unit.
  • Its function is to dose the incoming air into the internal combustion engine and control the proportions of air and fuel.
  • When checking the output voltage when the damper is open, the voltmeter shows about 5 volts, this is the maximum value.

Purpose, principle of operation and typical malfunctions of the XX sensor

Such an idle speed sensor, the price of which does not amount to a large amount of money, contains 2 main critical components: a bipolar stepper EDC and a cone-section valve, which are combined with each other. The valve moves (extend or retract) according to commands from the electronic control unit, while the cross-section for the passage of the air mixture changes depending on the direction of movement of the valve needle.

If the idle speed sensor needle is extended as far forward as possible, which corresponds to the zero value of the step indicator, then the mixture does not enter the air line of the fuel system. If the needle is retracted, an air flow is transmitted into the fuel system, directly proportional to the degree of opening of the needle and its distance from the valve seat.

Our Internet resource contains a photo of the Lada Priora idle speed sensor so that an inexperienced car enthusiast has an idea of ​​the appearance and location of this device in the power compartment of the car.

The defects of the Lada Priora idle speed sensor include the following facts:

  • unstable operation of the power plant at idle speed;
  • spontaneous increase or decrease in engine power;
  • failure of the unit to operate when the speed is turned off;
  • absence of increased speed when starting the engine “cold”;
  • drop in idle speed when additional electrical equipment of the vehicle is turned on.

If during operation of the vehicle you hear interruptions in the operation of the power plant in idle mode, then it is necessary to check the idle speed sensor of the Priora car to identify a specific defect.

In the Lada Priora, the idle speed sensor is an actuator-type device that is not integrated into the on-board circuit of the vehicle's ECU. Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose this gadget using an on-board computer. In this regard, if the VAZ Priora idle speed sensor is defective, the “CHECK ENGINE” banner is not displayed on the instrument panel.

However, the symptoms of defects in the idle speed sensor are similar to the symptoms of defects in another sensor - the positioning of the throttle valve, the defects of which are precisely indicated by the error banner in the propulsion system. The way to check the idle speed sensor, familiar to most Russian car enthusiasts, is as follows:

  1. Shut down the power plant.
  2. Disconnect the terminal block from the idle speed sensor.
  3. Using a multimeter, measure the resistance values ​​of the sensor windings, which between connectors A and B, and C and D should be 40-80 Ohms. When measuring resistance values ​​between connectors B and C, A and D, the electronic measuring device should signal an open circuit (show the “infinity” value). With such parameters of the electrical circuit, the device is classified as a serviceable element.

In the Lada Priora, there is little point in testing the idle speed sensor with a standard multimeter. Measuring the resistance values ​​of the winding contacts will help little in finding the defect, because the main problem of such gadgets is the coking of the needle contact, which because of this gives incorrect readings. It is very expensive to purchase a tester for this procedure, so it is suggested to use improvised means from which you can make a homemade tester.

The basis of the electronic measuring device can be a transformer with an output voltage of 6 Volts AC (a component from a mobile phone charger is suitable). If the idle speed sensor is working properly with a voltage of 6 V and a current of 0.6 A, the light bulb should produce a weak light, and if there is a defect (sticking of the rod), the glow will be quite bright.

What types of throttle position sensor are there?

This sensor comes in two types: film-resistor and non-contact, working on the magnetic resistor effect. Film-resistor ones are installed by the VAZ manufacturer and, as a rule, their service life is short (50 thousand km). The cause is mainly damage to the resistive field that the slider comes into contact with when the shutter position changes. The contact is broken, the signal does not go to the controller, thereby causing unstable operation of the automation.

Non-contact throttle sensors

Non-contact units are an order of magnitude more expensive than the previous version, but are highly efficient in operation and complex in design. The electronic version does not have a gas pedal cable. The role of the cable is played by a special block that transmits a signal through a sensor system. The device operates on the magnetoresistive principle. It includes a rotor and a stator. At the base of the rotor is a magnet. The stator is necessary to capture the electromagnetic field. A device of this category is intended for installation in electrical control units. There is an opinion that the absence of such an important component as a cable reduces the response of the gas pedal, but the reliability is undeniable. Cars with an electronic unit must have an on-board computer, which contains all the information about the engine tasks being performed. It is difficult to determine any breakdowns of this mechanism without special equipment.

Film resistor throttle sensors

Film-resistor components installed on the VAZ 2114, as well as on other VAZ representatives, especially during long-term use, can cause unstable idling, and when changing gears, the engine stops. When the first signs of malfunctions appear, diagnostics will rule out, as an option, a breakdown of the XX sensor, air flow sensor, or detonation, since in this case the symptoms are similar. When the XX regulator is not working, for example, the damper also opens significantly. The entry of a large amount of air into the chamber leads to rapid combustion of the fuel-air mixture. The revolutions increase and the engine power decreases.

The cause of failure of the 2114 throttle sensor itself may be oxidation of the contacts and, as a result, burnt contacts. In the first case, they can be restored by applying an anti-corrosion lubricant, but in the latter, only radical actions are required.

РџРѕСЂСЏРґРѕРє замены ЂПЋЗ РЅР° РџСЂРёРѕСЂРµ SЃР°РјРѕСЃС‚оятельно

Прежде S‡РµРј начинать данный ремонт, необходимо SѓР±РµР ґРёС‚СЊСЃСЏ РІ том, что отсутст вует пЃтанке РЅР° колодке жгута датчика. Лучше всего полностью отключить RїРѕ‚ание автомобиля, отсоединив клемму “-” РѕС‚ Р° ккумуляторной батареи.

валее необходимо отсоединить S€S‚екер РѕС‚ ДПлЗ, как этР* наглядно показано РЅР ° фото ниже, предвароотельно немного отжав фиксато SЂ RІРІРµСЂС….

Теперь РїСЂРё помощи крестовой отвертки отворачиваем РґРІР° РІРента крепления датчика Рє дроссельному SѓР·Р»Сѓ. Приведенная картинка РЅРеже РІСЃРµ демонстрирует РЅР°РіР»С ЏРґРСРѕ.

R”аДее вынимаем R”ПДЗ, РЅРµ RїСЂРёРєР»Р°РґС‹РІР°СЏ R±RѕR»СЊС€РёС… усилий.

Обратите вниманве, что РІ месте SѓСЃС‚ановви данного Рґ атчРеРєР° находится SЃРїРµС†Реальное поролоновое кольцо (прокладка), которое должРЅРѕ быть S†РµР»С‹Рј Рё невредимым. РџСЂРё SѓСЃС‚ановке РЅРѕРІРѕРіРѕ датчика еще SЂР°Р· РІ этом SѓР±РµРґРёС‚Р µSЃСЊ.

Замена ДПДЗ осуществляется РІ обратной последовательности, Рё сложности РїСЂРё выполнении ремонта РІСЂСЏРґ лвозникнет. " Рё, чтобы купить S‚акой же.

Throttle sensor diagnostics

You can perform diagnostics yourself without calling technical assistance for help. Testing the effectiveness of the 2114 throttle sensor requires a voltmeter and two insulated wires. Next, the block with wires from the TPS is released, the “plus” on the voltmeter is connected with a wire marked “A” on the block. “Minus” - with a car body.

Turn the key to “ignition” and look at the voltmeter reading:

  • a value close to zero or “zero” means that the TPS is in good condition and you need to look for the cause in the electrical circuit or in the electronic engine control unit.
  • voltage reading is close to 5V - faulty sensor.

The cause of a part malfunction may be corrosion or incomplete closure of the damper. Before changing the TPS on a VAZ 2114, there is an option to check the mobility of the damper (it is possible that due to microcracks, the dynamics at the tip disappear).

Throttle Position Sensor Repair

You have decided to repair this sensor, for example, to fill a microcrack in one of the contacts with conductive glue. Theoretically, this is doable, but if the problem is in the resistive layer, then it is impossible to restore it.

One of the options for extending the life of the unit is cleaning and flushing. Gasoline, WD40, and carburetor cleaning fluid are used for operation. Cleaning dirt from the outside is not difficult. But the assembly itself, its internal part, with its contaminated channels remains untouched. Therefore, it is necessary to completely disassemble and wash the part.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure periodically. Using cleaning sprays, a Phillips screwdriver, a throttle gasket (for a 1.5-liter engine), O-rings for the receiver (for a 1.6-liter engine), and keys, perform the following steps:

  • We completely dismantle the module - remove the corrugation and the pipe channel from the filter. It is recommended to drain the antifreeze
  • pull out the adsorber with the pipe (remove the fasteners of the unit, disconnect the cable from the accelerator, thereby removing the throttle valve)
  • Having removed the unit, we disassemble it into components, first the meters - TPS and IAC. We clean it using WD40 or its equivalent, wash the damper on all sides, blow out the holes so that no moisture remains, and assemble the assembly in the sequence, but in reverse.

This is not at all difficult to do if there are no problems with disassembly. Gaskets and rings are replaced with “new” ones.

Setting the throttle position sensor

Now it's time to configure the sensor. With the throttle open, we try to turn the device drive or pull the accelerator cable. If it doesn’t work, it means the sensor was installed incorrectly. We remove it again and mount it at a right angle to the damper axis. It is adjusted manually. Often the controller's memory retains the same data that does not allow the valve to open completely. Then you need to disconnect the battery terminals for a while or reset the settings on the on-board computer.

After the above actions, if the valve is open by at least one degree, then the TPS must be replaced. This will be the best decision.

Replacement is performed with the engine turned off. It is necessary to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery and the sensor clamp. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two screws that secure the sensor to the throttle. The sensor has been removed.

Make sure that the throttle valve is closed. Don’t forget about the O-ring; as a rule, the “new” spare part comes with it. We put the ring on the throttle pipe, do not forget to remove the old one, tighten it with screws until it seals. All that remains is to connect the connector and secure it with a latch. To reset the old sensor parameters to the ECU, disconnect the battery terminals.


Changing this element is quite simple. You need to open the hood and determine the location of the sensor.

Next, use a screwdriver to press out the plastic latch and remove the block with wires. After this, unscrew the bolts securing the sensor to the throttle body. Along with the old TPS, the gasket is also removed. A new one made of foam rubber is installed in its place. Then the new sensor itself is mounted on it. It is secured with the same two bolts. It should be tightened tightly in order to eliminate unnecessary vibrations (from which the part may not work correctly). After this, we connect the block with wires and make the first start. The engine operation should stabilize.

Tuning the VAZ throttle position sensor on the VAZ 2114

As an alternative to replacing the sensor, in some cases tuning can be carried out. What is the tuning of the VAZ throttle position sensor on the VAZ 2114?

When installing a throttle position sensor on a car 2114, design flaws were made. If desired, they can be corrected and the throttle can be modified. Modernizing the throttle valve consists of grinding a groove in the rear wall of the valve with an ordinary file. A recess 3 mm wide is made. This recess creates a powerful vortex air flow, thereby forming a high-quality, homogeneous combustible mixture in the intake manifold, which burns in the engine chambers and not in the catalyst. This allows you to reduce fuel consumption and improve the dynamic performance of the car.

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