An assortment of products and methods to remove fogging from car windows


(Votes: 3, Rating: 4.67)

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Why do car windows fog up?
  • What can you do when your car windows fog up?
  • Do special anti-fogging products help?
  • What are the traditional methods of combating glass fogging?

Perspiration on car windows is a common problem. This not only interferes with comfortable driving, but also reduces traffic safety. Visibility of the road with fogged windows is significantly reduced. This is inconvenient for both beginners and experienced car enthusiasts. Absolutely any driver does not like it when the glass in the car sweats. We will tell you what to do in this situation in our article.

What to do if the windows in the cabin sweat: a few simple rules

There are a number of simple rules that you can follow to avoid situations where your car windows sweat.

The main thing to do is to minimize the penetration of water into the interior. Shake snow and raindrops off your shoes. Place the wet umbrella in a tight bag and tie it. Try not to put wet things in the interior. Make sure that the carpets and seats always remain dry after the trip. Check regularly by looking under the hood to see if the drainage system is clogged. During cool seasons, remove leaves and snow from the hood grille. If you do not do this, then after turning on the heater, moisture from melted snow and wet leaves will begin to penetrate inside the cabin.

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It happens that the windows sweat, even if you follow all the above tips. What should I do in this case to fix the problem? The fastest and easiest way to remove perspiration is to direct air flow from the air conditioner to the windows. The airflow should be turned on to maximum. The air conditioner not only dries the air in the cabin, but also removes excess moisture. To speed up the process, close the central air supply holes. This method is especially effective when the windshield sweats from the inside. What should I do if sweat remains on the rear and side windows? In this case, you just need to wait. The air conditioner cannot immediately dry the entire interior and air inside the car.

If the air conditioner is turned on, and the windows in the car are still sweating, then it is worth checking the cabin filter. When it is clogged with dust and contaminated with oil particles, moist air cannot escape from the machine in sufficient volume. Some of the moisture remains inside and settles on the windows. The location of the cabin filter depends on the make of the car. What should I do to find it? Check the technical data sheet. There you will also find information on how often these filters need to be changed. Unfortunately, car enthusiasts do this much less often than they should. This is why problems arise with air circulation inside the car. Changing the filter is a simple procedure that you can do yourself regularly.

Shaving foam or gel

Personally, I myself use this method and I think that this is the best do-it-yourself anti-fog for the money. And the most important thing is that both are available in almost every home and there is no need to spend extra money on purpose.

Application method - you will need paper towels (gel works better, not much, but still). Squeeze out a little and rub the glass. Next, take a dry towel and treat the surface until transparent.

The efficiency is the highest. Almost no cons

Now watch the video version

In conclusion, I would like to say that these anti-fog recipes will of course help you, but if it’s damp on your rugs and especially under them, you can squeeze it out, then you need to first dry the interior and then treat it, otherwise the effect will be much worse.

You can also advise putting some cat litter in a small bag, say under the seat, it will absorb excess moisture and keep it inside. You need to change it about once a week or two (it will simply swell).

This is where I end, I think my article and video were useful to you. Subscribe to the channel, read AUTOBLOG.

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What to do if your car windows sweat a lot in the rain

Glass in interiors has been sweating almost since the beginning of the automobile era. More than one generation of drivers has been solving this problem in one way or another. The simplest thing you can do is wipe the windows with a rag. The effect of such actions is usually enough for no more than 300 - 400 meters, then you need to do the same thing again. We will not seriously consider this method, because in this way you do not eliminate the cause, but only fight the consequences.

So what should you do if your car windows sweat when it rains? The first thing you need to do is to properly set up the ventilation in the cabin. It should be remembered that recirculating air in humid weather will only cause the glass to sweat more. In rain, it is better to turn off the outside air intake function. And the fan should be switched to blowing (sometimes you have to set the maximum power) and direct the air flow onto the glass. Some people don't like to do this because it makes too much noise, but this method nevertheless brings quick and guaranteed results.

What else can you do? For example, ventilate the interior. The point is that the difference in temperatures outside and inside the car is leveled out. But in the rain, and even while the car is moving, doing this is simply dangerous. A fair amount of water from puddles can get into the cabin from under the wheels of oncoming cars, not to mention the fact that rain pours in through open windows.

If, on the contrary, you increase the temperature inside, then in some cases this helps to cope with the situation when the windows sweat. Turn on the stove and provide airflow from the deflectors, while opening the window slightly. Warm air will help the moisture evaporate and the small droplets will disappear. However, this method does not always give results.

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The most effective method of combating window fogging during rain is considered to be using an air conditioner or climate control system. Typically, once they are turned on, the glass is cleaned in less than a minute. This happens because the air conditioner dries out the air in the cabin. But if rainy weather persists for a long time, then driving with the air conditioning constantly on becomes problematic.

When it rains, it is not hot outside, and turning on the air conditioner in this situation takes over the engine's resources. The glass does not sweat, but gasoline is consumed more.

You can also use another simple method: thoroughly dry the interior with a hairdryer. After all, the upholstery fabric absorbs moisture and can retain it for a long time.

What to do if your car windows sweat in winter

In winter, windows can sweat a lot. What to do in this case? If the car is modern, then there is no such problem, because most often the car has a heated glass function. Due to this, the windows dry quickly and driving becomes comfortable again.

An alternative method is to turn the heating on to maximum and direct the airflow onto the windshield. To keep the cabin from getting too hot, you can open the side windows slightly.

To avoid overheating the interior, you can use modern anti-condensation medications. After application, they form a protective layer that prevents the glass from sweating.

Some car owners install electrically heated panels in their cars. This requires financial investment, but it pays off in ride comfort and safety.

Another fairly effective method of dealing with condensation is the use of a special film. It is made of polycarbonate, a durable polymer that is abrasion resistant. The film adheres tightly to the glass thanks to notches and transparent glue applied to the reverse side. The outer layer, due to the hydrophobic properties of the material, repels moisture, due to which all the water rolls off before the glass begins to sweat.

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Gluing such a film is a simple process, but it requires care. First, a piece of material is cut out to fit the shape of the window. The workpiece should be slightly larger than needed. It is important to clean, degrease and dry the glass itself. The protective coating is then removed from the film and applied to the glass. The resulting bubbles are removed with a special spatula.

Using special anti-fog products for car windows

Such preparations are popularly called differently: “anti-rain”, “anti-fog”, “anti-condensation”. All of these compounds are designed to combat moisture accumulation. They create a film on the surface that prevents the glass from sweating. You can use such products both outside and inside the car. "Anti-condensate" is available in two types.

  1. Liquids. “Antidozhd” is most often sold in bottles with a spray bottle. Thanks to this, the composition is easy to spray onto the surface. When choosing a specific composition, you need to look at what exactly the product does. Some of them work by repelling moisture. These are better suited for the outside of glass. Those that do not even allow droplets of moisture to form can be safely used when the windows sweat inside the cabin. It’s now clear what to do, then we’ll tell you exactly how to apply the product.

    Everything is simple here. The anti-fog agent should be applied to clean glass and then rubbed onto the surface. The result is a film that will prevent the window from sweating anymore.

  2. Mastics.
    These products are more concentrated. Application rules are similar to spray products. The main advantage of compositions in the form of mastic is their combined effect. They not only prevent moisture from forming, but also make the surface water-repellent, due to which the glass stops sweating. Such products retain their effect longer after application, since the layer is thicker than when using a liquid.

    If it’s winter outside and you don’t have a specialized anti-fog product on hand, you can save the situation with a regular washer or anti-fog. The problem with condensation will be solved for a couple of days if such compounds are applied to the glass inside the cabin.

Regular soap

If anyone doesn't believe it, try applying it to the windows. This is an old, ancient method that has been working for years (by the way, soldiers used it to treat the glass in gas masks so that they would not sweat).

The principle of application is simple. You need to apply the “mesh” with a bar of soap to the car windows and then rub it well. The composition works reliably, the efficiency is HIGH.

There are also disadvantages - you can only do this in warm weather, because it is VERY difficult to grind such a mesh in the cold

Traditional methods of combating glass fogging

We will also tell you about some popular methods for solving the problem of foggy car windows. These methods effectively deal with the appearance of condensation on the windshield, and the necessary materials and products can be easily purchased outside of specialized auto stores. When your car windows sweat, it will help:

  • Table salt. You need to do the following: rub the car panels with a salt solution, and also place bags of dry salt on the dashboard.
  • Lemon. Rub half a lemon on all the windows in the car. A pleasant bonus of this method is the aroma of lemon in the salon.
  • Soap (you can use both toilet and laundry soap). First, draw random lines on the glass with a bar of soap, then rub it over the entire area with a damp cloth - this is done for uniform application.
  • Shaving cream. It needs to be applied faster than soap, but in general the effect is similar.
  • Alcohol mixed with glycerin. Make a mixture in a ratio of 1:20. Apply the resulting composition using cotton pads, a rag or a spray bottle.

Before using any of these methods, the surface to be treated must be cleaned of dirt and dried. It is more convenient to do this with a cloth or sponge, but crumpled newspapers will also work.

2 simple methods to combat glass fogging video:

Auto chemicals: how to use correctly

Store-bought anti-foggers are auto chemical items. Almost all of them are made on the basis of technical alcohol, to which chemical components are added - flavorings, thickeners, preservatives. For the auto chemicals to work effectively, the following rules must be observed.

  1. The anti-fog agent should be sprayed or applied to clean, washed and dried glass. Definitely dry.
  2. Can be applied in two or more layers, several times. This will increase the operating time of the product.
  3. Renew the substance in a timely manner, apply the solution or aerosol anew every 2 weeks.

What anti-fogging agents are the most effective: the opinion of car enthusiasts

  1. “They offered an alternative” “Instead of an anti-fog agent in the form of a liquid, you can use a special napkin (anti-icing and anti-fogging). It is impregnated with a special chemical solution. There are instructions on the package, but even without them everything is clear. The only thing is that this fabric must be moistened in water before use, this will activate the impregnation. Then you can wipe the glass itself with it. It works flawlessly - the surface does not sweat, everything is clearly visible. I came across these napkins by accident. When I asked the store what to do to prevent the windows from sweating, they offered me this option instead of anti-fog liquid.”
  2. “Already successfully used other products from this manufacturer”
    “They say that if the car windows sweat, it’s because someone is exhaling drunken alcohol. I'm not sure if this is the only reason. In my car, especially in winter, if you remove the airflow from the glass, it immediately fogs up. You can't see anything, it's terribly annoying. To solve the problem, I bought Grass Antifog anti-fog.

    I settled on this brand because I had already successfully used other products. The product comes in a spray bottle, making it easy to apply. There is also a locking button so that after use it does not leak anywhere. The bottle itself describes in detail how to apply and what the product is made from. I have treated glass with this composition only once so far. I've been driving for more than a week, nothing sweats, and there's almost no smell. So the remedy is effective. The only thing on the packaging is that it can be stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. Since it’s freezing here now, I don’t leave it in the car. This is perhaps the only inconvenience."

  3. “I tried it twice”
    Last year I used Rain-X anti-fog to prevent the rear window of the hatch from sweating. I didn’t like the result then; the stains remained all the time. Apparently, the layer was not completely uniform. I recently saw him again and decided to give him a second chance. I tried it first on the bathroom mirror. I did it according to the instructions: I washed it thoroughly, wiped it, applied the product and finally went over it with microfiber. The result was encouraging - the mirror hardly sweated. I decided to treat the side windows and windshield. Well what can I say. It will still work on the sides, but not so much on the windshield. It is too difficult to rub, it dries quickly, which makes it unclear where it has already been processed and where it has not. It seems that I then treated it with microfiber, but the stains still remained. Glass, however, sweats less, but the coating is too delicate. If you touched it a little with your hand or a rag, that’s it, you didn’t do anything. And over time, streaks appear, apparently from condensation. A lot of work has been put in, but the result is not that commensurate. If you're going to use it, then use it where you can't accidentally erase it: on the rearview mirror or rear window.
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