Pump for Priora 16 valves which is better

Greetings to everyone who is reading this entry! Back in June, I noticed an unpleasant knocking noise coming from the engine compartment. The first thing I thought about was the pump and, to be honest, without really understanding it, I started surfing the Internet in search of an alternative replacement. The choice fell on Luzar turbo 2.

I went to the local market, but unfortunately there was nothing there except TZA. Moreover, each seller has several types of them and, as they swore, they were all original. When I asked if Luzar had a turbo, they shrugged their shoulders, asked what it was, and one even laughed. Well, God be with them. After talking with friends, I found it in one store. Ironically, he ended up across the street from the house.) I went to the garage and replaced the timing belt and pulley along the way. I filled it with antifreeze, started it, everything was fine. Satisfied, I drove home and heard the knock again. Yes, your mother! What the hell.

As a result, after a long and painful search, the knocking came from the vacuum area. Why is there a knocking noise, I hope a replacement will solve this problem. By the way, the knocking stops if you move the brake pedal towards you. Has anyone encountered anything similar?

8 months have passed since installation. Works great! In summer, the temperature rarely rose above normal. In winter, the engine warms up faster. At work, my partner has a 2110 with the same engine, the cars are standing next to each other. We start it at the same time and after the same period of time it is 50°, mine is already 70°. The stove blows NOTICEably hotter. In the end, I can say one thing - the pump has failed, install Luza turbo, you won’t regret it.)

A small teaser. I bought an exhaust before the New Year. -Spider 4-2-1 Stinger sport, from old stock. -Resonator with Stinger sport current corrugation. -Muffler Bosal saab 2.3l.

The cooling system of the VAZ-2114 car is a complex mechanism of various parts and mechanisms, and the basis for everything is a water pump or simply a pump. This mechanism rarely fails completely, but problems associated with its stable operation occur periodically. Therefore, every VAZ-2114 owner needs to know which pump to pay attention to if the old one has exhausted its service life.

The video below discusses the issue of choosing a pump for the VAZ-2108 (the engine pumps for the VAZ-2114 and 2108 are identical):

Below we will tell you about the main problems that occur when a water pump breaks down and which manufacturer to pay attention to when purchasing.

Comparison of pumps to classics

Even before the new year, the pump started whistling, and then I changed the generator and noticed that there was already a backlash, so I decided not to delay it... And so, while surfing the Internet, I found out for myself that the “panacea” for pumps for classics is the TZA from the Chevrolet Niva.
But I also heard a lot of good reviews from Luzar turbo series pumps, supposedly their performance is higher. In general, I decided that I would take one of them. I took those who had read it to the shops to compare, and this is what we have: The impeller itself is of a larger diameter on the luzar pump and, as it seemed to my eye, the length of the blades is also a little longer on the luzar. In the second photo you can see additional blades on the reverse side, perhaps due to them the performance increases.

In my opinion, the pump from Luzar most likely has greater performance, but the quality of the TZA product wins at first glance. And now let's go to the garage. I bought myself a faucet for draining the coolant and a hose so that everything would be beautiful!)

But I broke it quickly

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