How much oil should be poured into a Lada Priora engine with 16 valves?

Usually, the amount of engine oil to be poured is indicated in the operating instructions for each car, so you can find out how much oil to pour into the engine simply by reading the documentation for your Lada Priora.

Experts recommend changing the lubricant in the engine of any car at least once a year. It is for the Lada Priora that auto mechanics advise changing the engine oil after 8 thousand kilometers.

But the standard replacement interval is 10-15 kilometers. Lada Priora, whose engine oil needs to be changed constantly, consumes quite a lot of lubricant every thousand kilometers, so you should regularly add lubricant, and for this, keep a small canister of oil in your car.

Changing the oil in the Priora engine: how much oil and what kind to pour?

The Priora operating manual states that new oil must be added every 15 thousand kilometers. Professionals recommend replacing every 10 thousand kilometers, especially if the Priora is constantly used in urban environments. Changing the oil in a Priora engine is a fairly simple process, so even a novice motorist can do it. The material also describes in detail how much oil to pour and what working fluid is best to choose.

Along with the oil, you will need to replace its filter - this is a must, since working fluid remains inside the consumable. It should not mix with the new lubricant.

Do-it-yourself bleeding of the brake system

Each wheel has a special drain fitting to remove air from the brake system. It is through this that you need to remove air and old liquid.

A rubber hose prepared by us is put on the fitting and lowered into a container to drain the old liquid. In this case, the hose in the dish must also be in the liquid so that there is no air leakage.

Using a brake wrench, unscrew the fittings on each wheel sequentially and pump the old fluid out of the system until it is clean. You will need an assistant who will pump the brake pedal; your task is to drain the old fluid.

That is, the assistant pumps the brake pedal 5-10 times and presses it. You unscrew the fitting a little and drain the liquid. The assistant pumps the pedal again, then presses it and drains the liquid again. And this must be done with each wheel.

When bleeding the brakes, keep an eye on the fluid level in the reservoir; it should not be empty.

After bleeding, make sure that the brake fluid in the reservoir is between MIN and MAX. This completes the replacement of brake fluid on the Lada Priora.

How much oil should you pour and which one should you choose?

To find out how much oil to pour, we again turn to the Priora manual - from 3.2 to 3.4 liters should be poured into the system. First, 3.2 liters of new oil is poured. After this, the power plant should run for about five minutes. Next, you need to find out the level using a dipstick. If the mark is between the MIN and MAX values, then the level has been met. If necessary, you can add working fluid. The main thing is that the oil does not exceed the MAX level. You need to purchase 4 liters of oil .

Replacement is carried out with the same brand that is filled in the system. We know the basic information about the engine - it is a 16-valve petrol unit. Samples with the following parameters are suitable for the Priora power plant:

  • 5W-30, operating temperatures: from -30 to +25°C.
  • 5W-40 – from -30 to +40°С.
  • 10W-40 – from -25 to +40°С.
  • 15W-40 – from -15 to 40°C.

If you live in a cold region, you can choose 0W. This type of lubricant does not freeze at -35°C. There are also options for summer use. Of course, they will freeze even in slight frost. The Priora passport indicates which oil is best to pour and how much is required.

Why does antifreeze leave the cooling system?

If you notice that the liquid in the tank is constantly leaking and is below normal, it means that there is a leak in the system that urgently needs to be fixed. Regardless of how much fluid is lost, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of such system parts as:

  • expansion tank pipes;
  • steam exhaust pipe from the radiator;
  • throttle body and thermostat hose;
  • all clamps.

Diagnostics of the throttle hose and thermostat Priora

If the connections are ok, check the tank housing, radiator and thermostat, it is possible that the problem lies there. In addition, sometimes antifreeze leaks out of the pump hole. If, after examining all of the above components, the leak problem remains, and the antifreeze also goes away, it is recommended to contact specialists who will conduct a more thorough diagnosis.

Changing the oil in the Priora engine

What will you need?

Now we know how much oil to pour, all that remains is to replace it in the engine. You will need:

  • The key is "17".
  • Filter removal tool.
  • New oil.
  • Oil filter.
  • Container for draining old fluid.
  • Clean rags.

Replacing the lubricating fluid in 16 and 8 valve engines is carried out in the same way on an inspection pit or on a lift. It is recommended to wear thick gloves and a long-sleeved robe.

Changing the fluid in the engine should be carried out immediately after the trip, while the Priora’s power plant has not cooled down. If the engine is cold, start it and wait until the engine reaches operating temperature. Be careful, the old oil will be hot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We warm up the engine and let it run for 10 minutes, then turn it off;
  2. You need to place an empty container under the drain hole - we will pour the old lubricant into it;

Guide to filling a different brand of oil

If you decide to pour another lubricant for the Priora, then you need to flush the system. For this, special washing solutions are used, but you may not have them on hand. Then use the oil that you will pour:

  1. After draining the old oil, fill in new oil up to the lower indicator on the dipstick. Check that the level is at MIN.
  2. Start the engine and let it idle for a few minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid completely and screw the filter securely.
  4. Now you can fill in new oil; the level should reach the upper mark.

Video instructions for changing the oil yourself:


Filling new antifreeze into the VAZ 2170

To eliminate air and prevent the formation of an air lock in the cooling system, first you need to slightly loosen the throttle body hose clamp and disconnect it. New coolant is poured into the reservoir until it begins to flow from the hose removed from the throttle body. Once this happens, install the hose in place and tighten the clamp. Then you need to add antifreeze to the factory standard so that the top layer is halfway between the Min and Max marks.

Adding antifreeze to a Priora

If after replacing the fluid the system does not work correctly, it means there is an air lock that needs to be removed.

To remove the air lock yourself, loosen the clamp again and remove the hose from the throttle assembly. Open the tank lid, cover it with clean gauze or a bandage, then blow out the system until liquid appears from the hose, install the hose back and tighten the fastener securely. All actions must be carried out on a cooled engine. The method, which involves eliminating the air lock by disconnecting the hose from the throttle assembly, is not recommended due to the high pressure in the system on a warm engine.

In what cases is it necessary to replace motor lubricant?

The performance of the power unit and the operation of the vehicle itself will depend on the characteristics of the lubricant and its quality. The manufacturer installed several different engines on the Priora, ranging from 8-valve 21114 and 21116 to 21126–21128. They already have 16 valves and are capable of producing power up to 120 hp.

According to the recommendations provided by the manufacturer, oil changes must be carried out in strict accordance with the regulations. For new cars, as well as for those that have undergone major engine repairs, this should be done after 2.5 - 3 thousand kilometers. When should you change the lubricant afterwards? Everything is very simple here - during further operation you will have to replace it every 15 thousand kilometers or annually, without regard to mileage.

However, these are not all situations that affect oil consumption and the need to change it. Manufacturers say that the engine can consume up to 1 liter of lubricant literally for every 1000 kilometers traveled. This is a common occurrence, especially for domestic engines, but a more accurate consumption rate depends on the characteristics of the oil, for example, its viscosity, as well as operating conditions. When driving at high speeds, frequent accelerations, and also when the engine has not been run-in, the degree of consumption will be an order of magnitude higher.

Recommended oil characteristics

Priora is equipped with several engines: 8 and 16-valve with a volume of 1.6 liters, as well as the above-described 1.8-liter with 16 valves. They all have different power - from 81 to 120 horses. In order to choose the right lubricant for them, it must meet certain characteristics.

The lubricant must be synthetic or semi-synthetic. So what kind of oil should I use? Lada Priora uses engine oil corresponding to classes SJ, SL - according to the American API specification. Such lubricants have been used for gasoline engines since 1996. Which oil is better to fill - SJ or SL?

Another important characteristic is viscosity, defined by the SAE standard. As a rule, all-season motor fluids are poured, having a certain level of low-temperature and high-temperature viscosity

For example, in the 5W30 indicator, the number 5 means that the pumpability of the lubricant, as well as the engine crankability, will allow a cold engine to be started normally at sub-zero temperatures, down to -30°C.

The number 30 after the letter W determines the kinematic and dynamic viscosity of the lubricating mixture in a warm, running engine. It is usually measured in laboratory conditions, the oil composition is heated to temperatures of 40°C and 100°C. Although the cylinder-piston group heats up even to 250°C, the engine oil also works there, reducing the friction of the piston rings on the cylinder walls.

The higher the level of high-temperature viscosity, the less fluidity the lubricant will have. At the same time, the oil film on the surfaces of parts is stronger and more stable. For Priora engines, the recommended level is 30 or 40. Synthetic lubricant with viscosity 30 (for example, 5W30) is best used in unworn engines, when the gaps between the surfaces of the parts are still small. Over time, you will have to switch to a thicker, semi-synthetic composition, which has a viscosity characteristics of 40.

Which products to choose

Now let’s devote a few lines to what kind of oil should be chosen for the engine in the Priora. The most important thing is to always make a choice in favor of quality products. What do you need to do to buy a truly suitable and correct oil and not cause damage to your engine? The answer is obvious: contact only trusted retail outlets, read reviews from other customers. You shouldn’t chase savings so that you don’t have to pay for early repairs of cylinders, pistons or valves.

This car comes off the assembly line filled with semi-synthetic oil produced by Lukoil. But not only the products of this manufacturer are suitable for filling, but also a number of other brands, such as:

The oil must be filled with oil that is suitable for use in gasoline engines. This is a classification type A3/B3 according to the standards of the international organization ACEA. There is another important criterion - the viscosity of the lubricant. It is also very important to pay attention to it. It must be selected taking into account the conditions in which the vehicle will be operated, and this is true not only for the Priora in this case. If frosts in your region exceed 35 degrees Celsius, but there is no great heat, then it is better to use 0W-30 grade lubricant. For the temperature range -25 - +25, 10W-30 oil is suitable. In hot regions, 15W-40 products may be optimal.


There are two most common classifications of lubricant. In the first case, it is divided according to the degree of viscosity (SAE), and in the second (API) - according to the types of power units for which they are suitable. In order to properly service your 16-valve Priora, you need to get to know them better.

So, in SAE the determining factor is such an indicator as the viscosity index. Its decrease and increase directly depends on the ambient temperature. So, in the cold the lubricant thickens, and in the heat it thins out.

Winter varieties are indicated by the letter “W” at the end of the product name (for example, SAE 20W). If the indicated letter is not present, then the oil is only suitable for summer.


And finally, the main tips and misconceptions that Priora owners may encounter when changing engine oil:

  1. It is better to fill in new oil when it has darkened sufficiently. This is not entirely true, since even with infrequent use, it must be changed every season. Untimely replacement leads to poor circulation of lubricant in the system and damage to spare parts of the motor. But, at the same time, it can darken due to the fact that products from incomplete combustion of fuel dissolve in it.
  2. All-season lubricant is of worse quality than that intended for a particular season. In fact, you can successfully use all-season lubricant, since it is designed specifically for difficult operating conditions.
  3. Does it make sense to pay more for “synthetics” compared to “mineral water”? There definitely is, because synthetic products retain their lubricating properties longer and are less susceptible to oxidation. For these reasons, the interval for using such oil can be increased compared to mineral oil.
  4. Some owners find that it is useful to add additional additives to the lubricant. However, in high-quality products the composition has already been selected and balanced so that only the necessary elements and substances are present. Therefore, there is no need for any additives or additives.

Now you can see for yourself how important it is to promptly maintain the engine and change the oil in Priora cars. Although all of the above is quite true for other brands of vehicles. Recommend us to your friends, and you are guaranteed to be up to date with the latest automotive news. See you soon!


Antifreeze related problems

The first thing that causes the owner of a Priora to worry is the moment when the antifreeze runs out. Most often, a leak occurs due to mechanical damage to the cooling system elements. The worst option is an overheating of the engine with a burnt cylinder head gasket, because after this the coolant joins the oil “causing a commotion” in the engine itself.

If antifreeze is constantly leaking on a Priora car, there may be several reasons for this:

  • the radiator is damaged (replacement will help, in some cases - only repair);
  • the antifreeze expansion tank is damaged (replace the tank);
  • the pipes are damaged (tighten new clamps, if that doesn’t help, change the pipes and hoses);
  • the water pump is worn out (replace the pump);
  • leak between the head and the cylinder block (tightening the bolts will help).

Malfunctions may be short-term:

  1. For the first time, the coolant level has dropped (below the minimum mark; try adding fluid). If it starts to leak “regularly”, the system will have to be checked for leaks.
  2. “weak” antifreeze circulation (replacing the water pump or just the pump).
  3. Scale on the walls of the radiator, pipes, cooling jacket (flush the entire system, fill in completely new coolant).

Table of filling volumes

Filling volumes and names of liquids used in the Lada Priora car, according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

Place for filling the required liquidName of infused liquidVolume of infused liquid (L)
Engine crankcase (lubrication system for engine rubbing parts)Automotive motor oils classified according to SAE 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-403,5
Gear boxAutomotive transmission oil classified according to SAE 75W-90, 80W-853,3
Interior heating and engine cooling systemAntifreeze or antifreeze with a freezing point of at least -40 degrees7,9
Fuel tankGasoline with an octane number of at least AI - 9543
Hydraulic Brake SystemDOT-4 brake fluid1
Windshield washer reservoirSpecial liquid for glass processing that does not freeze in frost (in winter), water (in summer)2,2

Table for selecting engine oil for Lada Priora by season

When choosing a lubricant according to climatic conditions, a table is used.

Vehicle operating temperature, °CSAE Viscosity
from -35up to +250W-30
from -35up to +300W-40
-30up to +255W-30
-30up to +355W-40
-25up to +2510W-30
-25up to +3510W-40
-20up to +4515W-30
-15up to +4520W-40
-15above +4520W-50

How to change the oil in a Priora engine (16 valve)

  1. Before you start changing the lubricant in the engine, you need to warm it up - this will make the working fluids more liquid and they can be easily drained. Once you have warmed up the vehicle and its parts, you can start changing the oil.
  2. Locate the drain plug at the bottom of the engine, and remove the protection if necessary. Place an empty waste container under the drain hole and unscrew the plug using a 17mm wrench. The used fluid will immediately begin to drain from the engine; be careful, it is most likely hot and can burn your skin. Wait 15-20 minutes, let all the waste drain into a container for it.
  3. Then unscrew the old oil filter. For this, a special key is usually used, but if this is not possible, you can use a screwdriver or other lever for this purpose and manually unscrew the old filter. After the old filter is removed, fill 3/4 of the grease into the new one and install it in the port. Remove the waste container and screw the cap back on.
  4. After the old lubricant has been drained, you can begin to fill in the new one. Find the filler hole on the unit, fill in 3.2 liters of oil and, in accordance with the marks on the dipstick, add the required amount of lubricant inside the engine. Thus, the work on replacing the lubricant in the engine is completed.

List of necessary materials and preparation for work

First of all, you need to purchase supplies and prepare the car.

Materials and tools for replacing fluid:

  • antifreeze - 8 liters, you can also purchase coolant concentrate and dilute it with distilled water yourself;
  • key “13”;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

How to drain antifreeze on a Priora? The following instructions must be followed:

  • remove the engine crankcase protection;
  • unscrew the expansion tank cap;
  • After making sure that the engine has cooled down, place a bucket under the engine and use the “13” key to unscrew the drain plug.

After all the antifreeze has run out of the engine, screw the plug back on. Now you need to drain the liquid from the radiator; to do this, remove the cap on the radiator.

Attention! When the engine is not cooled down, the cooling system is under pressure; it is not advisable to remove the plug, as you can get burned. Substituting a bucket, unscrew the drain plug on the radiator and wait until all the antifreeze comes out.

When and what liquid to pour?

As you can see from the table, AvtoVAZ recommends filling in several types of oils and liquids. So let's figure out what liquid to fill and when.

Engine lubrication system

It is recommended to fill the Lada Priora engine with several types of automotive oils according to the SAE (American Association of Engineers) classification. In order to determine what kind of oil to pour into the engine, it is necessary to rely on the air temperature at which the car will be operated. The table below shows the temperature and oil used at a certain temperature.

Oil table depending on air temperature

Outdoor temperature SAE oil classification
-25 to +35℃5W-40
-25 to +20℃5W-30
-20 to +35℃10W-40
-20 to +30℃10W-30
-15 to +45℃15W-40

Based on this table, it is necessary to select the required oil in the Lada Priora according to the degree of viscosity. The manufacturer recommends changing the engine oil no later than 15 thousand km, but it is better to change it at 10 thousand km.

Gear box

The choice of oil for the Lada Priora gearbox is based in the same way as the choice of engine oil on the ambient temperature in which the car will be operated.

Below is a table of transmission oil depending on air temperature.

Table of dependence of transmission oil on air temperature

Outdoor temperature SAE oil classification
From -26 to +45℃80W-85
-40 to +40℃75W-90

AvtoVAZ recommends changing the oil in the gearbox no later than 75 thousand km, but in practice it is better to change the oil after 50 thousand km.

Engine cooling system

The manufacturer recommends adding antifreeze or antifreeze to the engine cooling system. The volume of Priora coolant is 7.9 liters. It should be noted that antifreeze is filled at the Priora plant. Under no circumstances should you ever use water as a coolant, since when the air temperature drops, the cylinder head may defrost with dire consequences and costly repairs.

Fuel tank

The Priora's fuel tank capacity is 43 liters, which is quite enough for an engine capacity of 1.6 liters. AvtoVAZ recommends using only high-octane gasoline, namely AI-95. It should be noted that on a full tank the Priora can travel from 400 to 600 km, depending on driving style.

Hydraulic Brake System

Priora is equipped with a system with hydraulic brakes and ABS. The volume of Priora brake fluid is 1 liter. DOT-4 brake fluid. It is recommended to replace brake fluid every 2-3 years, as brake fluid tends to age.

Windshield washer reservoir

The Lada Priora washer reservoir contains 2.2 liters of special liquid for cleaning the windshield from dirt. It is necessary to use a special liquid that does not freeze down to -40 degrees. During summer time, filling with ordinary water is allowed.

We hope our article was useful to you.

Stages of work

To prevent air pockets from forming in the cooling system after filling the cooling system with liquid, use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the clamp on the throttle assembly heating hose (the highest point of the vehicle's cooling system). After loosening, disconnect the hose from the fitting. Now you need to pour antifreeze into the expansion tank. This should be done carefully, since spilled liquid will evaporate for a long time while the engine is running, causing a large volume of steam. It should be poured until antifreeze runs from the removed hose.

Next, attach the hose to the fitting, tighten the clamp and fill the antifreeze to the required level in the expansion tank. If after replacement the cooling system does not work correctly (the engine overheats quickly), then there are air pockets in the system. You can eliminate them in the following ways:

  • Remove the hose from the throttle body heating fitting, then blow into the neck of the expansion tank. As soon as liquid runs out of the hose, immediately return everything to its original position;
  • Since antifreeze is poisonous, excess pressure can be created without direct interaction with the expansion tank. To do this, you just need to start the engine for a couple of minutes. Then we remove the hose and wait for the liquid to appear. You should be careful as the liquid will be hot and come out under pressure, so you should protect yourself from possible burns.

How to change antifreeze to antifreeze on a Priora? Replacing antifreeze and replacing antifreeze with antifreeze are not much different. The only detail is that the cooling system should be flushed more thoroughly to remove antifreeze, since it remains on the walls of the hose and reservoir. Also, antifreeze is changed more often than antifreeze, after 40 thousand kilometers.

Priora with 16 valves

Replacing antifreeze on a Priora with 16 valves is not much different from replacing a Priora with 8 valves. The main difference is that in a Lada with 16 valves, antifreeze replacement is necessary only after 75 thousand kilometers. Also, unlike an 8-valve car with air conditioning, a 16-valve car has a drain plug on the radiator.

Lada Priora with 8 valves

When replacing antifreeze on a Priora 8-valve with air conditioning, you may notice the absence of a drain plug on the radiator. Accordingly, the coolant is drained by disconnecting the lower pipe coming from the radiator. After draining the liquid, return the hose to its original position and continue the procedure described above.


  1. We warm up the engine to 45-50 degrees. Warm oil has better fluidity and will drain better from the engine during a complete replacement. Our task is to remove as much as possible the old dirty and used fluid that no longer has useful properties from the engine and fill it with new one. If a lot of old dirty oil remains in the crankcase, it will be swept away with the new one and will worsen its beneficial properties. Warm up the engine for 5-7 minutes before starting, this will be sufficient.
  2. For easy access to the drain plug (and in some models the oil filter is also attached from the bottom) and the bottom of the car as a whole, you need to jack it up or drive into an inspection hole (the best option). Also, some models may have engine crankcase “protection” installed.
  3. We open air access to the crankcase by unscrewing the filler cap and dipstick.
  • Place a large container (equal to the amount of oil being poured).
  • Unscrew the drain plug with a wrench. In this case, on our Priora, the drain plug can be unscrewed with a regular open-end or 17 mm socket wrench. Don't forget to wear protective gloves, the oil will most likely wake you up warm, but you need to be careful.
  • We wait about 10-15 minutes until the waste flows into a basin or cut-off plastic canister.
  • Optional but very effective! Flushing the engine with a special liquid is not included in the maintenance regulations and is not mandatory - but. By getting a little confused, you will be much better at flushing out the old, black oil from the engine. In this case, wash with the old oil filter for 5-10 minutes. You will be surprised at the black oil that comes out with this liquid. This liquid is very easy to use. A detailed description should appear on the flushing fluid label.
  • Changing the sedum filter. In some models, it is not the filter itself or the filter element (usually yellow) that is changed. Impregnating the filter with new oil before installation is a mandatory procedure. Lack of oil in the new filter before starting the engine can cause oil starvation, which in turn can cause filter deformation. Overall this is not a good thing. Also remember to lubricate the rubber O-ring before installation.

Instructions for removing the front bumper of Lada Priora: step-by-step description with photos

Having decided on the necessary tool for the work, you can begin to directly dismantle the device. How to do this correctly, quickly and safely is discussed in detail in the instructions:

It is traditionally recommended to begin work by removing the negative terminal from the battery. In any case, such a procedure will not be superfluous, and will help protect the car from possible short circuits if the car has PTFs and it is planned to carry out work on them. First of all, unscrew the fastenings of the plastic protective cover of the headlights. Each cover is secured with 1 self-tapping screw and 3 bolts. All elements are unscrewed using a Phillips screwdriver. The photo below shows the location of all 8 fasteners. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the bumper to the car body. If your car does not have a hood seal installed from the factory, it is recommended to install it, as shown in the photo above. This will protect the engine compartment not only from snow, but also from water and dirt. Once the top of the bumper is loosened, you can move on to the sides. To do this, you need to unscrew three fastening screws (on each side) from the wheel arches, as shown in the photo below. The procedure is performed from both sides, and for the convenience of unscrewing the screws, the wheels can be turned in the opposite direction, but only after starting the engine. It is not recommended to turn the steering wheel when the engine is not running, as this accelerates wear on the power steering system. On Priors with electric power steering (EMUR), you should also not get carried away with the process of rotating the steering wheel when the engine is not running. Next, we move down (you don’t need to jack up the car for this) and unscrew three screws, with which the plastic protection is attached to the bumper. The photo below shows elements (arrows) for one side, which are similarly unscrewed on the other. After this, you need to use a “10” wrench to loosen the 5 nuts that secure the engine protection

It is important to know that you do not need to completely unscrew the nuts, but only loosen them in order to then remove the bumper. Next, you can begin to remove the bumper, since all its fastenings have already been removed and loosened. You should start removing the bumper from the car from the side - the flange. This must be done carefully, using a long flat-head screwdriver

Use a screwdriver to carefully pry up the bumper (from the end) and disengage it from the body part bracket. There is no need to try to rip or tear the bumper off the bracket, as it may simply crack. It is attached in three places, so carefully and slowly we snap it out of the grooves in order to eventually disconnect it from the car. If there is no suitable tool (in particular a long screwdriver), then there is another way to disengage the front bumper from the body part. This method is indicated in the car’s operating instructions, but it is not always suitable for everyone. To implement it, you need to lightly press the bumper in front from the side of the headlight, pushing it towards the wheel, and at the same time slightly pull the product to the side by the flange, but not too much. The photo below shows what the bumper mounting grooves look like on the bracket of the body part of a Priora car. If the bumper is not removed for the first time, then, most likely, snapping off the flange will not be difficult. Over time, the protrusions on the bumper wear out, and therefore the quality of the connection decreases. Usually this comes to the point that the bumper simply does not fix itself anymore. To correct the situation, you can use a sealant. After this you can remove the bumper. To do this, take it with one hand from above, and the other from below, and pull it towards you. If there are fog lights on the bumper, then after disconnecting the device from the car, you should carefully turn it up and disconnect the power wires or chips.

This completes the removal of the front bumper on the Priora. Usually for beginners this procedure takes no more than half an hour. Experienced craftsmen can remove it in 10 minutes. However, it is not speed that is important, but quality, so the instructions described above will help you implement the process with minimal risk of damaging the bumper, its components or paintwork.

This is interesting! All threaded elements are tightened without observing torque.

After removal, the necessary manipulations with the device are carried out. Assembly occurs in the reverse order of dismantling

To summarize, it should be noted that the procedure is not complicated, but it is important to know the sequence of all actions, which will prevent damage to an important part of the car

What oil to use in Priora 16 valves

Many Priora owners are interested in: what lubricant should they use? Oils for cars can be of a synthetic type (obtained by chemical synthesis), as well as mineral (they are made by distilling oil). This type of lubricant is much less preferable for pouring into Priora, since this lubricant quickly loses its properties and changes its chemical composition during operation. Also, this type of lubricant contaminates the motor and makes its operation more unstable.

To lengthen the time intervals between engine servicing, it is recommended to use synthetic oils. In principle, you should not mix several types of oils. But still, in rare cases, this can be done if you are stopped on the road and do not have the opportunity to purchase a similar product here and now.

Remember that for the 16-valve Priora engine it is best to buy synthetic lubricant of the highest quality.

If you have financial difficulties, you can purchase standard semi-synthetics.

  • Motor oil Lukoil 10W-40 This oil has many awards and is generally of quite high quality in its essence. The product is ideal for your Priora with a 16-valve engine and fully meets the standards indicated on the bottle. The product is of excellent quality and has a positive effect on the Priora engine, and was also able to establish itself at a sufficient level in the market. Lukoil series can improve driving characteristics. The motor lubricant of the series has proven itself to be beneficial when working in the most dangerous conditions.
  • Lux is an equally effective option for the Priora engine. The oil has received many awards from various competitions, and if you are on the side of the latest achievements of the chemical industry and want the best product for your Priora, which has won numerous awards, then you should pay attention to Lux lubricants. What are the advantages of such motor oils? The company's lubricants contain many additives that can distinguish this oil from products of equal price.
  • Rosneft Premium motor oil is the choice for those who want to keep their Priora in perfect working condition. This product can effectively compete with many brands - the lubricant has the best properties in cold weather and has proven itself well in hot weather, thanks to new additives. Replacing your current motor lubricant on a Priora with a 16-valve engine with a Rosneft Premium series is appropriate even in the most dangerous weather conditions. The product is not afraid of strong temperature changes. The oil of the series almost does not emit harmful vapors and does not evaporate into the atmosphere, therefore, lubricant replacement is postponed for 2-3 thousand kilometers.
  • Shell Helix. Shell is one of the leading companies producing automotive lubricants. Shell oil production technologies are classified, but let's just say that the line of oils from ]Shell[/anchor] is definitely suitable for use in the Lada Priora engine.
  • It is important to consider: the most important thing is that the engine oil change is done according to the established plan and without delays.

    However, in first place I would put Motul 8100 X-cess 5W40. If you do not look at the rather high cost of the product, which seems overpriced for a Priora, we have before us perhaps the best engine oil for a Lada Priora car, if the car is purchased for many years, and not for a year or two.

    Firstly, in comparison with most synthetic products that are made on a hydrocracking base, here we can note a full-fledged ester base, which provides excellent operational stability during operation (this is also indicated by the pointer to BMW approval requirements).

    The series oil also has a good list of calcium and boron additives: product analyzes do not show any noticeable increase in the amount of aluminum in the lubricant, so the wear rate of pistons and beds when filling this lubricant will be at the lowest level. It would also be worth noting that modern ]Motul[/anchor] lubricants already have a reputation as “the quietest” - the hydraulic compensators of the Motul lubricant make virtually no sound while the car is driving.

    Among the advantages of the Motul extra-series lubricant: the lubricant is capable of excellently maintaining the viscosity indicator over time, without going beyond the established norms; when used, it demonstrates low ash content and an almost complete absence of deposits.

    The alkaline indicator of the composition makes it possible not to worry about the overall level of performance of the lubricant, even at normal replacement intervals. But, unfortunately, only the high cost of the product spoils the whole impression.

    Oil rating

    Domestic oil Lukoil 10W-40 received excellent reviews from car owners and experts. Pour it into Priora without fear - the product is of high quality and excellent characteristics. It is strongly recommended for drivers living in regions with extreme weather conditions or who are forced to constantly drive off-road.

    Lukoil also has a “Lux” option. Its formula is ideal for a 16-valve car. This product has many awards and is of the highest quality.

    Rosneft also produces decent Premium oil. Its use will keep the 16-valve Priora in working condition for a long time. The lubricant is suitable for both summer heat and frosty winter. She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. Drivers who use Premium in their cars claim that it needs to be changed less often than usual.

    The most ideal choice for Priora is Motul 8100 X-cess 5W40. This product is, however, very expensive, but it is also consumed more slowly than cheaper analogues. In addition, the owner receives a guarantee that his car will serve faithfully for many years.

    ( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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