Recommendations for choosing oil for the VAZ-2110 car engine

The question of what kind of oil to pour into the VAZ-2110 engine, which is equipped with an 8-valve injector, is asked by many car owners, especially beginners. Synthetic or mineral water? ZIC or Castrol, Mobil or Shell? There is no exact answer, “to each his own.” However, in this article we will make a compelling case about the lubricants that are worth using.

Transmission fluid

For the VAZ 2110, ATF with API GL4 and GL 5 approval is suitable. Several popular products:

Replacement instructions

  1. Warm up the car by driving 10-15 km and place it on a pit or overpass. This is necessary so that the composition becomes more liquid.
  2. Pull out the dipstick (located under the hood, near the clutch cable and thermostat).
  3. Unscrew the plug using key No. 17.
  4. Drain the grease into a container.
  5. Clean the surface around the plug from dirt and install the plug in place.
  6. Fill with transmission fluid (the filler neck is located under the hood). You will need about 3.5 liters.
  7. Wait 5 minutes and check the level with the dipstick. If necessary, you can add a little.

Timely replacement of engine oil and the correct choice of fuels and lubricants are the main conditions for high-quality and long-term operation of the machine.

If the car is used in difficult conditions, the change should be carried out much earlier.

Severe conditions include:

  • frequent driving in city traffic jams, when the engine operates most of the time at idle speed;
  • low temperature, when the viscosity of the oil increases and the load on the engine components increases;
  • driving in the desert or steppe, when there is a lot of dust or sand;
  • When the car is idle for a long time, condensation appears in the engine, entering the lubricant and changing its characteristics.

The fact that the time has come to replace the lubricant is indicated by its darkening, due to the fact that fuel combustion products accumulate in it, and this naturally negatively affects its performance characteristics.

Selection and replacement of oil in the VAZ 2110 gearbox

On the market of lubricants for use in gearboxes, there is a huge selection of products of varying quality and price, both domestic and foreign.

It is important to remember that low cost in most cases indicates low performance properties of the liquid, although not always. Finding the optimal transmission oil for a VAZ 2110 gearbox based on price and quality indicators will not be difficult for the owner

You should always pour suitable oil into the gearbox for a VAZ 2110 of a certain type of mechanism, be it a manual transmission or an automatic transmission.

Criteria for selecting VAZ 2111 oil

All oils are selected based on compliance with SAE, ACEA, API. In terms of composition, it is optimal to use semi-synthetics for used VAZs.

API SG, SH, SJ. The production of VAZ 2111 cars ended in 2009. Until 2014, they were produced by the Ukrainian automobile plant Bogdan, but in a slightly modified form under the Bogdan 2111 brand.

AvtoVAZ offers the following table to select the appropriate viscosity:

Minimum engine cold start temperature, °CViscosity grade according to SAE J 300Maximum ambient temperature, °C

But most often drivers fill in 10w-40, 5w-40.

Information on viscosity for a specific engine can be found in the motor oil interchangeability catalog:

The catalog can be trusted, the data is taken from car manufacturers. In this case, you can choose not only oil for the engine, but also for the gearbox, power steering, brake system, and cooling system. That is, all liquids.

Recommendations for viscosity grades depending on ambient temperature

The manufacturer of this VAZ-2110 recommends using lubricants that meet the quality: SG, API, SJ, and SH. Which oil to pour into the engine of a VAZ-2110 should be chosen based on the temperature conditions of the environment where the vehicle is operated:

  • from -15 to +45 degrees Celsius, 15W-40 lubricant is suitable;
  • at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius and above 35, it is recommended to use 5W-40;
  • at temperatures from minus 20 to plus 30 degrees Celsius, give your preference to 10W-30 oil;
  • at temperatures from -20 to +35 degrees Celsius, you need to choose 10W-40 lubricant;
  • from minus 25 degrees outside the window to plus 20 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to choose 5W-30 lubricant.

To completely replace the lubricant in this car, you will need only 3.5 liters of oil.

The best engine oil for VAZ 2110-12

When choosing engine oil, you should pay attention to:

  1. Engine oil viscosity (SAE)
  2. Seasonality (oil for winter, summer or all-season)
  3. Composition of motor oil (synthetic, mineral or semi-synthetic oil)
  4. Car make (in this case, oil survey for VAZ 2110)

This is discussed in the article on choosing engine oil for a car.

Osipov Mikhail, VAZ 2112, Toyota Camry, driving experience 11 years.

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

Yes, I had matured morally, but financially I just couldn’t handle it. I’ll say right away that I am against loans and taking a car, especially not a new one, on credit is unreasonable. My salary is 24k a month, so collecting 600-700 thousand is almost impossible for me. I started looking for different ways to make money on the Internet. You can’t imagine how many scams there are, what I haven’t tried: sports betting, network marketing, and even the Vulcan casino, where I successfully lost about 10 thousand ((The only direction in which it seemed to me that I could make money was currency trading on the stock exchange, they call it Forex. But when I started delving into it, I realized that it was very difficult for me. I continued to dig further and came across binary options. The essence is the same as in Forex, but it’s much easier to understand. I started reading forums, studying trading strategies. I tried it on a demo account, then opened a real account. To be honest, I didn’t manage to start earning money right away, until I understood all the mechanics of options, I lost about 3,000 rubles, but as it turned out, it was a precious experience. Now I earn 5-7 thousand rubles a day. I managed to get the car buy after half a year, but in my opinion this is a good result, and it’s not about the car, my life has changed, I naturally quit my job, I have more free time for myself and my family. You’ll laugh, but I work directly on the phone)) If If you want to change your life like me, then here’s what I advise you to do right now: 1. Register 2. Practice on a Demo account (it’s free). 3. As soon as you get something on the Demo account, top up your REAL ACCOUNT and go to REAL MONEY!

I also advise you to download the application to your phone, it’s much more convenient to work from your phone.

While it is not difficult for an experienced driver to choose oil for a VAZ 2110-12 based on these parameters, it is very difficult for a beginner to decide, and they often buy the motor oil that the seller recommends. The manufacturer recommends using motor oils with API, SG, SH, SJ quality levels. The viscosity of the oil is selected based on the ambient temperature:

  • from -15°С to +45°С – SAE 15W-40
  • from -20°С to +30°С – SAE 10W-30
  • from -20°С to +35°С – SAE 10W-40
  • from -25°С to +20°С – SAE 5W-30
  • from -25°С to +35°С – SAE 5W-40

To change the oil you will need 3.5 liters. oils

Let's find out the leaders of motor oils, how long it takes to change the oil on a VAZ 2110 and what oil composition is preferable.

Engine oil test heat test:Other friction test:

So, let’s vote and leave reviews on VAZ 2110 engine oil:

  1. Why did you choose this oil?
  2. What experience was your decision based on, etc.

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What brand of engine oil do you use on the VAZ 2110?

After how many km? mileage Do you change the engine oil in a VAZ 2110-12?

What composition of engine oil do you use for VAZ 2110-12

Key points when choosing a lubricant

When choosing oil for the VAZ-2110, you should pay attention to:

  • seasonality (winter, summer or all-season);
  • viscosity;
  • vehicle make;
  • composition of the lubricant (semi-synthetic, mineral or synthetic).

If in the case of “advanced” drivers (with experience), as a rule, no problems arise, they clearly know what they need, then troubles often happen with beginners - they buy the lubricant that the seller advises (often to their advantage ).

The modern market provides various oils, for example: 5W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40 and so on.

Important! The lower the first number, the better the engine will cope with starting the car in the winter season (that is, the lubricant practically does not thicken in cold weather, therefore, the vehicle starts without problems). The second digit is responsible for the maximum temperature regime that the lubricant can withstand during the hot season. The higher this number, the better for your car.

Drain the old fluid

Old oil

Before changing the lubricant, warm up the engine to operating temperature, and also find a pit or overpass for work. If possible, use a lift - it will be most convenient.

To drain the oil, proceed as follows:

  1. We unscrew the filler plug, preventing the formation of a vacuum in the engine and better drainage of oil.
  2. Place the prepared container under the drain hole.
  3. Unscrew the drain plug using a wrench.
  4. Drain the old motor fluid.
  5. We work carefully so as not to burn our hands, as the oil is hot. If the plug falls into the container along with the used oil, don’t worry - you can get it out later.
  6. The oil will drain for about 10 minutes - be patient and wait until the process is complete.

Recommended services for selecting automobile oils

If you already have preferences in the brand, then everything is even simpler. It is enough to go to any service for selecting automobile oils of the desired brand and the manufacturer will select the oil that will be compatible with your engine. The table contains the most popular brands and selection services from these brands. We go to any of the sites in the table and select the make, model of the car, engine and year of manufacture.

Oil brandLink to selection

Recommendations for choosing oil from the car manufacturer

Having chosen the appropriate oil in terms of viscosity, temperature and other parameters, you should resort to the vehicle operating manual written by the manufacturer. The creator of the VAZ-2110 brand advises taking into account the following important points when using a vehicle:

  1. The fluid in the engine should be replaced every 15 thousand km traveled. This is the highest indicator at which the engine will not be subject to wear with old oil. If the specified mileage is exceeded, the quality of the car will suffer. In this case, it is advisable if the oil is changed after a mileage of 7 thousand km.
  2. When choosing oil, you should not focus on price. Low cost should not be attractive when there is a desire to extend the life of the car and its engine. Many cheap brands quickly lose their qualities and properties, leaving deposits in the engine and its components.

Before purchasing oil, it is important to consider everything described above. In this case, it would not be amiss to consult with auto mechanics or other motorists who have owned a VAZ-2110 car.

Didn't find the information you are looking for? on our forum.

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Synthetic or mineral oils

As already noted, automobile oils differ in their structure. There are synthetic, mineral or universal oils. Here are a few pros of liquids with a synthetic structure. Synthetics, as they are commonly called, have the following advantages:

  • application at significantly low or sufficiently high ambient temperatures;
  • high lubricating and washing qualities;
  • extend the life of the engine;
  • promote quick start-up in winter.

What kind of oil to fill in VAZ 2110

In order to make the right choice, you need to answer a number of questions for yourself. Firstly, what is the climate in the region where you live? Secondly, what is the service life of the car and its intensity? Third, what is the condition of the car's engine? Based on these parameters, you can make a choice of engine oil.

  1. When the car is not used every day, is often idle without driving, and has low mileage, then it makes sense to choose universal all-season synthetic oil from well-known brands Mobil (Esso), Liquid Molly, Shell Helix, Elf or others, for which the seller has a quality certificate. By pouring such oil into the engine, you can be sure that the car will start equally well in summer and winter and the subsequent oil change will occur on schedule when the required mileage is reached.
  2. ZIC oils have excellent characteristics, and almost all customer reviews about them are good. A wide range of them, both mineral and synthetic and semi-synthetic oils, allows you to choose it based on price-quality. According to reviews from car enthusiasts, if you fill the VAZ 2110 engine with ZIC, then you can say with confidence that the right choice has been made. When this oil is present in the engine, it operates quietly, there is no waste, and the cleaning properties are excellent, since deposits and soot are not observed on engine parts.
  3. According to many studies, as well as reviews from car owners, synthetic oils perform best in the VAZ 2110. Yes, they are about a third more expensive than mineral ones, but the benefits are obvious. Firstly, a specialist from a car service can tell you how much oil to pour into the engine, and secondly, synthetic oils contain components that allow them to be used longer and more efficiently than mineral oils. In addition, in the VAZ 2110 car, an injector, which is installed instead of carburetors, allows you to quickly start the car in cold weather, which means it saves fuel. A synthetic product also helps save fuel. Filling the VAZ 2110 engine with synthetic oil allows you to maintain the reliability and durability of the engine itself.

So, its reliability and service life depend on which oils to fill into the VAZ 2110 or VAZ 2112 engine. It is recommended to fill in the brand of oil that was in it, especially if you simply top up when measuring its level. If the oil that was poured into a VAZ 2110 or VAZ 2112 does not suit the car owner for some reason or it is simply not on display right now, then before filling in another brand of product, it is necessary to flush the engine.

When a new product is poured, you need to check its level and adjust if necessary. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to fill the product yourself, you can stop by a service station and they will help you do it. Usually they recommend “Super” class oils of any brand or brand that have a quality certificate for VAZ 2110 engines.

Even if the VAZ 2110 makes some people smile, don’t be upset. Sometimes it's better to go slow than to go fast.

An oil change on a VAZ 2110 should be carried out every 15 thousand kilometers or every year of operation. Neglecting the rule will lead to problems with the motor, accelerated wear of parts and failure of the machine.

The frequency of changing the lubricant largely depends on how and under what conditions the machine is used. The indicator provided by the manufacturer is average. If a car owner likes to drive aggressively and often uses the car to the limits of its capabilities, consumables are produced faster, more intensively, and they need to be changed more often. Cautious car owners are extending service intervals, knowing that the car can travel beyond the established limits. But such decisions are risky.

If you have the necessary tools and minimal experience, you can do the shift work yourself. However, it is always safer to contact specialists.

Before replacing the substance, you need to choose the right oil for the VAZ 2110. Not every composition is suitable for use in the engine of this car.

Synthetic or mineral water

Synthetics are much better than mineral water. And it's not just about cost. These oils have the following advantages:

  • possibility of use in extremely low or, conversely, high temperature conditions;
  • have more pronounced lubricating and washing properties;
  • provide the motor with a longer service life;
  • provide better engine starting in the winter season.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of oil to fill into the VAZ-2110 engine; however, we hope that you will still use our advice and choose the appropriate lubricant for your car.

Engine oil for VAZ 2110 engine

VAZ-2110 is a front-wheel drive sedan from AvtoVAZ, produced from 1994 to 2009. It is the main representative of the Lada 110 family, which also includes a hatchback and station wagon. The first prototype of the 2110 was manufactured in the mid-80s, and in 1990, Za Rulem magazine published spy photos of a test car being tested at a Porsche testing ground. The car was ready for production back in 1992, but production was postponed due to the economic crisis. However, even in the second half of the 90s, the “ten” was considered an absolute novelty for the post-Soviet automotive industry.

What do the instructions say?

According to the instructions that come with each car, on the VAZ 2110 model the oil should be changed every 8-10 thousand kilometers.

This procedure is not difficult to complete. It does not require special skills, extensive experience or specialized equipment. As practice shows, even beginners take no more than an hour to replace the lubricating fluid in an engine.

Severe operating conditions

But sometimes you have to deviate from the instructions in the instructions and change the fluid more often. This is necessary if the car is operated in difficult conditions. These include the following situations:

  • The car is regularly operated in dense city traffic jams, which is why the engine idles for a long time;
  • The climate of the region where you live includes low temperatures and very cold winters. This causes the oil viscosity to increase and the load on the engine elements to increase;
  • Operation on dusty or sandy roads soon leads to the oil becoming contaminated and losing its properties;
  • The car stood idle for a long time, due to which condensation formed in the engine, which negatively affected the composition and quality of the oil used.

Determining that it is time to start replacing the fluid inside the engine is quite simple by its appearance. The oil becomes dark due to the accumulation of fuel combustion products

. If you ignore the recommendations and drive for a long time with poor lubricant in the crankcase, this will lead to serious consequences and expensive repairs.

How long does it take to change the oil in a 16 valve engine?

According to the manufacturer's standards, the engine oil must be changed every 12-15 thousand kilometers. But, as practice shows, it is recommended to change the lubricant every 10,000 - 11,000 km.

This is due to the fact that the quality of oil produced in the CIS does not reach the regulatory standards that were adopted by the International Convention of Automobile Manufacturers on December 1, 2005.

Oil and oil filter for replacement (TO)

The second factor that influences such a short lifespan of the oil is gasoline, as well as the service life of the car. The older the car, the more often it is necessary to change the oil so that the engine reaches its full service life.

Choosing oil for the car

Each engine of any car requires special attention from the vehicle owner, because the durability and reliability of the car depends on its operation. When pouring a high-quality product, the car owner can be confident in its excellent performance, and therefore in the performance of the entire car as a whole. With all the variety of motor oils, it is quite difficult to choose the most suitable motor oil for the VAZ 2110. Therefore, it is worthwhile to better study the operating instructions. But since these cars were produced back in the 90s of the last century, the oils on today’s market simply did not exist then.

It is definitely better to choose oils from well-known brands, as you can be sure of the quality of the product. Then you need to study the technical characteristics of the engine, and this is best done by a specialist from a car service center. No matter how old the car is, it still needs high-quality and reliable motor oil, no matter what condition the car is in. It is better to buy motor oil from official dealers of leading companies such as Mobil (Esso), Liquid Molly, Shell Helix, Elf and so on.

If a car owner prefers a product from a domestic manufacturer, then Lukoil simply cannot be found better. Prices for original products are, of course, higher than for counterfeit products, but you should not save in this case. After all, it is poured approximately once every 3-5 months, and the effect of a good product is simply enormous. Motor oil helps keep a car's engine in good condition, lubricates all its rotating and moving parts, and cleans the entire surface of parts from soot, soot, dust, dirt, and other substances. Before buying a product, you can and should ask the seller for a quality certificate for this sample in order to be 100 percent sure that this is an original product and not a fake.

Therefore, if you urgently need to fill in the missing quantity of a product or replace it altogether, but you don’t trust the seller, it is better to choose motor oil in an iron canister, it is almost always of original production. You can fill it yourself, or you can do it at a car service center.

What determines the choice of product

The choice of product directly depends on the climate in which the car owner lives and where he intends to operate the car. After all, if a person lives in ordinary urban conditions, drives on asphalt roads and the climate in his region is moderate, then almost any product can be poured. It’s another matter if the car is driven in the far north, where there is permafrost, or, conversely, in conditions of extreme heat and humidity. Then the choice of product must be approached with special care. The volume of the product being poured must correspond to the engine volume.

Typically, a VAZ 2110 car is equipped with engines whose oil must be changed at least twice a year. It is more advisable to fill summer oil in summer and winter oil in winter to improve the performance properties of the oil. If you do the opposite or fill the same thing for both seasons, then in winter the car will start with great difficulty or will not work at all. Before each replacement, in order to assess its quality, it is necessary to measure the volume of oil filled. If it meets the standard, but it is already dark, almost black, then it still needs to be replaced. Otherwise, after such hard work, the engine will quickly become unusable.

engine 21124 16V — DRIVE2

Engine VAZ 21124 16 valvesCharacteristics of engine 21124

Years of production - (2004 - present day) Cylinder block material - cast iron Power system - injector Type - in-line Number of cylinders - 4 Valves per cylinder - 4 Piston stroke - 75.6 mm Cylinder diameter - 82 mm Compression ratio - 10.3 Engine capacity VAZ 21124 - 1599 cm3 Engine power 21124 – 89 hp /5000 rpm Torque - 131 Nm / 3700 rpm Fuel - AI95 Fuel consumption - city 8.9 l. | track 6.4 l. | mixed 7.5 l/100 km Oil consumption - 50 g/1000 km Engine 21124 oil: 5W-305W-4010W-4015W40 How much oil is in the VAZ 21124 engine: 3.5 l.

When replacing, pour 3.2 liters.

Engine life 21124:1. According to the plant – 150 thousand km

2. In practice – 200-250 thousand km

TUNINGPotential – 400+ hp

Without loss of resource - up to 120 hp.

The engine was installed on: VAZ 21104VAZ 21114VAZ 21123 “Coupe”VAZ 21124VAZ 2114 Super Auto (211440-24)

Engine malfunctions and repairs 21124

AvtoVAZ continues to develop 16 valve engines and in 2004 the VAZ 2112 engine was replaced with a 124 engine. It uses a Kalinovsky high block, it is 2.3 mm higher compared to the old block 2112, the piston stroke has increased from 71 mm to 75.6 mm, due to this the volume has become 1.6 liters. On the same block, behind the air filter, above the gearbox casing, there is a platform on which the VAZ engine number 21124 is stamped. By adapting the 124 engine to Euro-3 standards, its environmental performance has increased, low-end traction has appeared, the engine has become quieter and a little noisier than the twelfth .Engine 2110 124 1.6 l. injection in-line 4-cylinder with overhead camshafts, the gas distribution mechanism is belt driven. The service life of the 21124 motor, according to the manufacturer’s data, is 150 thousand km; in practice, the motors run about 200 and even 250 thousand km.

This engine solves the problem of 16-valve engines - the VAZ 21124 engine does not bend the valve, for this purpose there are holes on the bottom of the piston and with standard shafts or sports ones with moderate lift, the owner has nothing to fear. Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to tighten the timing belt once every 15 thousand km. If the VAZ 21124 engine is troublesome, there is a knocking or noise, do not be afraid, this is a common situation for AvtoVAZ. According to general reviews, the 124 engine is considered one of the best VAZ engines and is recommended for purchase, especially if Major improvements are planned. In 2007, a new engine was released, replacing the 124th engine - the well-known Priora engine. In addition, based on the 124 engine, the Super-Auto company produced a 1.8 liter VAZ 21128 engine, something is also said about it above.

There is no point in considering chip tuning of a 124 engine, it will not make any noticeable changes on a standard car, the firmware is needed for more thorough and correct tuning, after the engine has been modified, we will start with it. The simplest and most standard way to increase the power of the 21124 engine is to replace the camshafts with Stolnikov 8.9 280 or Nuzhdin 8.85, install a direct-flow exhaust 4-2-1, a receiver and a 54-56 mm damper, this will give us a total of more than 120 hp, and For more efficient operation of the engine, we change the piston to a lightweight Priora one, this will additionally increase power and reduce fuel consumption.


Nikolay, Tomsk. I drive a 2005 Ten. Version with a 1.5 engine and five-speed manual transmission. The gearbox works smoothly and reveals the potential of the high-torque 1.5-liter engine, which has a surprisingly good traction reserve. The car holds the road excellently at cruising speed.

Georgy, Peter. I have a used 2007 10, a model with a 1.6-liter engine. The 16-valve unit produces decent power by modern standards and develops good dynamics, including when overtaking. However, the sound insulation is very mediocre, it’s like you’re driving in a tin can. Well, what can you do, the car is already 14 years old, and the sound insulation needs to be improved.

The best motor oil manufacturers

There are a large number of different types of oils on the modern automotive market.

Here is a brief overview of the best of them, which are included in the top 3.

  1. Brand 8100 X-clean 5W40 from Motul. The manufacturer guarantees the cleanliness of the engine and its components when using this brand of oil. The liquid can withstand low temperatures and does not thicken down to – 40 0 ​​C.
  2. Molygen New Generation 5W-40 from Liqui Moly. The all-season type of oil is suitable for use at any time of the year - during frosts and heat. The brand ensures a long service life of the car, smooth and precise engine operation, and fights deposits. A distinctive feature is the ability to save fuel up to 4%. The disadvantage of this brand is its high cost, which may repel potential buyers.
  3. Edge 5W-40 from Castrol. The oil structure contains titanium compounds, which have a high level of resistance. The oil meets the stated requirements, does not leave deposits, and also has a positive effect on engine performance. Car owners note that when you press the gas, you feel smoothness. A distinctive feature of this brand is the effect of oil on acceleration speed. The disadvantage is a change in the sound of a car engine.

In addition to the above brands of automobile oils, fluids from manufacturers such as Mobil, Shell, ZIC, and Lukoil are in high demand. According to user reviews, the oils from the listed manufacturers are characterized by high performance and are able to withstand high and low temperatures.

Top lubricants for VAZ cars

The best motor oil for a classic VAZ is a natural or semi-artificial or synthetic liquid. Older engines have increased operating clearances. This feature makes pouring artificial mixtures incorrect - highly fluid lubricants can do more harm than good due to the insufficient thickness of the protective film.

10th place: LUKOIL Super SG/CD 15W40

Domestic development of mineral type.
The lubricant stands out among competitors' offerings with an optimal ratio of cost and quality indicators. A good alkalinity indicator guarantees the maintenance of sufficient cleanliness of the power plant. The 6.8 index ensures good compatibility with gasoline units supplied with classic cars. Separately, we can highlight the high viscosity index by mineral water standards: 136 units according to the general table. The indicator indicates good thermal-oxidative stability and moderate burnout of the product. The density of the lubricant is designed for operation at differences from -25 to +40 degrees Celsius, which is acceptable for central Russia and the CIS countries. Due to its good characteristics, this oil can be poured into Niva engines of older years. For modifications after 1995 inclusive, it is necessary to pay attention to better quality lubricants.

  • minimum cost;
  • good durability;
  • moderate natural consumption;
  • wide use.
  • a large number of fakes;
  • low-temperature viscosity does not allow working in severe frosts;
  • not suitable for aggressive use;
  • used exclusively for classics.

9th place: LIQUI MOLY Optimal 10W40

Hydrocracking semi-synthetics, which stands out from the general range due to its increased resistance to mechanical destruction and temperature oxidation. An increased viscosity index of 156 units guarantees good fluidity during severe frosts and the absence of oxidation during overheating. The relatively low alkaline index is compensated by the mild action of detergent additives. Active components gradually dissolve sludge deposits in the internal parts of the crankcase. This feature guarantees the absence of traffic jams in thin lines and an abundant supply of lubricant to the serviced components. Among the disadvantages of semi-synthetics, there is an increased cost of the product. Due to the high quality of the lubricant, the manufacturer has raised the price, which greatly discourages buyers.

  • high quality formula;
  • stable operation under overloads;
  • sufficient fluidity in winter;
  • mild action of cleaning additives.

8th place: Mannol Classic 10W40

The thickest semi-synthetic on the list.
High-temperature viscosity exceeds the norms for mineral products, which is an advantage when pouring into classics. When asked what kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2109/08 engine of the first years of production, it is recommended to take a closer look at the specified product. Serious density provides sufficient thickness of the protective film for used engines with increased temperature clearances.

Compatibility with domestic units is supported by a high alkaline index - 10 units, more suitable for diesel engines. In the conditions of the Soviet classics, where, due to the colossal mileage, the tightness of the piston group is compromised, an increased ingress of sulfuric acid into the crankcase compartment is observed. This provokes the need to intensively clean surfaces from carbon deposits.

Also, for tired VAZ 2110 engines, the best oil will be similar.

  • excellent stability under different operating conditions;
  • quickly cleans the engine;
  • the presence of antifriction additives.
  • When frosts exceed -25 ˚С, problems with starting are observed.

7th place: Lukoil Lux 10W40

The second place for classics is taken by domestic development with a minimum purchase budget.
Thanks to the availability of API SL/CF standards, the liquid can be used in domestic and imported cars of early years of production, and the moderate price tag allows you to avoid spending money on topping up the mixture. The stable formula can withstand standard service intervals of up to 8,000 km, which is acceptable in Russian realities. When asked what kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2107 engine, experienced motorists recommend taking a closer look at the Lux modification.

Separately, moderate ash content should be highlighted. The amount of non-combustible impurities is limited due to the use of high-quality base and additive components.

  • minimum price tag;
  • low ash content;
  • good alkalinity;
  • wide versatility.
  • burns out;
  • a large number of fakes;
  • thickens in cold weather.

6th place: ELF EVOLUTION 700 STI 10W40

Modern liquid, manufactured using patented technology, is resistant to mechanical destruction and temperature oxidation.
Using a high-quality base prevents fading and natural wear. Separately, the high stability under temperature changes stands out. The viscosity index at 160 units is quite a bit short of the level of synthetics. This parameter ensures optimal endurance at high temperatures and provides the necessary fluidity in winter, which facilitates cold starting of the unit. When choosing which oil to fill into the VAZ 2112/2114/2115 engine, you can safely buy the specified product. Moderate protection against freezing is compensated by the possibility of aggressive operation - the presence of appropriate approvals opens up the possibility of use in highly accelerated engines with installed turbocharging and direct fuel injection.

  • excellent stability for its class;
  • viscosity index 160;
  • the presence of a large number of approvals from automakers;
  • a small number of fakes.
  • not suitable for advanced VAZ models.

5th place: Mobil Super 2000 X1 10W40

The next representative of the semi-synthetic class of motor oils.
If the question arises about what kind of oil to pour into the engine of a Priora, Kalina or Grant, you can safely stop at the middle of the rating. The liquid is well adapted to overloads, operation at high speeds and burns out moderately. The durable protective film holds the load well without breaking through at critical moments, which minimizes wear of friction pairs and bearings.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the minimum amount of sulfate ash. Semi-synthetics are also sold with the Mid Saps index, which guarantees a content of non-combustible impurities of less than 1%. For domestic cars this is an excellent indicator.

The density is also kept within acceptable limits - the crystallization threshold is limited to -30 degrees Celsius, which allows us to answer the question of what kind of oil to pour into a VAZ engine in winter for its normal operation.

  • minimum ash content;
  • stable operation under intense loads;
  • pouring into turbocharged cars is allowed;
  • withstands harsh use;
  • sufficient low temperature fluidity.

4th place: Opet FULLMAX 5W-40

The Turkish-made product falls slightly short of the top three.
Top balls were selected due to their low prevalence. The OPET company is just entering the CIS market. At home, the brand is widespread and is used as the main consumable for European and American cars. Judging by the characteristics, you can safely pour this oil into the engine of Vesta or other modern VAZ modifications. Pure synthetics are produced on the basis of complex hydrocarbons obtained by splitting natural gas. The development eliminates the ingress of foreign impurities, which guarantees excellent purity of the finished mixture. It also has good high-temperature viscosity and excellent cleaning properties. The company's trump card is a wide range of containers - motor oils are sold in cans of 1, 4, 5, 7 or more liters. Also, you won’t find any counterfeits on the brand’s liquids; the company, which is young for the CIS, has not had time to become widespread, which makes copying it unprofitable.

  • good stability under temperature changes;
  • does not fade;
  • good cleaning properties.

3rd place: Lukoil Lux 5W40

The top three is opened by domestic development of a synthetic type.
The lubricant is presented on the market as a worthy analogue to imported lubricants. The manufacturer recommends pouring such oil into the engines of Vesta and other contemporaries of the Russian concern. Increased resistance to degradation and oxidation ensures compatibility with turbocharged internal combustion engines equipped with catalytic converters. There are also approvals from world brands, characterized by increased rigidity and lubricant requirements. Lukoil synthetics are the answer to the question of which oil is best for the VAZ 2110 of the last years of production.

The budget formula is characterized by a high alkalinity index and minimal ash content, which allows it to be used in modern engines powered by gasoline and diesel fuel.

Separately, it is worth noting the high viscosity index - the liquid can withstand critical temperature changes and ensures easy starting of the power unit in winter at temperatures down to -35 degrees Celsius.

  • compatible with modern units;
  • quickly removes sludge deposits;
  • has approvals from global manufacturers.
  • a large number of fakes;
  • subject to rapid wear.

2nd place: ELF Evolution 900 NF 5W-40

The formula, made using synthetic technology using advanced additives, lags slightly behind the leader.
Thanks to its thoughtful composition, the liquid has received API SL/SF and ACEA A3/B4 approvals, which indicates compatibility with the latest engine designs equipped with catalysts and turbocharging. The increased viscosity index stands out separately - an indicator of 176 guarantees stable behavior of the liquid during peak temperature changes. Thanks to this, the lubricant ensures easy starting of the power plant in frosts down to -35 degrees Celsius.

Additionally, the lubricant quickly removes sludge deposits and scale. The presence of active dispersants relieves stress when sulfuric acid enters from the combustion chamber. Additives in sufficient quantities neutralize and hold combustion products in suspension until the waste is removed.

  • high alkalinity index;
  • resistance to thermal oxidation;
  • facilitates cold engine starts in winter.
  • high price;
  • there are fakes.

1st place: CASTROL Magnatec Stop-Start 5W-30 C3

In first place is a common lubricant that stands out for its compatibility with an extensive list of specifications. When asked what kind of oil to pour into the Lada Largus and NIVA engines of recent years, experienced users strongly recommend paying attention to the product. The moderate viscosity index is compensated by an impressive crystallization temperature. The liquid is adapted for operation at a threshold not lower than -25 degrees Celsius, but freezing occurs at -37 degrees Celsius. The indicator guarantees easy engine starting when operating at critical thresholds. Users are attracted by the moderate cost and good quality of the products. Under equal conditions, the oil provides 30% higher protection in urban driving conditions than the closest analogues.

  • moderate cost;
  • good protective characteristics;
  • makes it easier to start the engine in winter;
  • lack of natural consumption.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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