Folding key Lada Granta FL and Lada Granta Cross: Control buttons, key disassembly and battery replacement

On the updated Lada Granta FL family, as well as on the Lada Granta Cross, in some trim levels a folding ignition key has appeared, which also acts as a remote control for the central locking of the car. This innovation is not available to everyone; Lada Granta FL cars will be equipped with a folding key in the Luxury trim level, and on Lada Granta Cross cars the folding key is available in the Comfort and Luxury trim levels.

Types of keys

These devices have been in use for quite some time and have undergone several modifications. Therefore, on different car models of different years of manufacture you can find the following chip key options:

  1. Separate. This type was used on VAZ models and can still be found now. Here, to start the engine, two things are required - the ignition key itself and a special remote control - a communicator. To start the car, you first need to bring the communicator to a special reading device, then the engine lock will be disabled. After that, you can start it with the key. But there is a drawback - you always need to have both of these things with you, and one of them can easily be lost, and then you won’t be able to start the car.
  2. Chip in the key. This is the most common option now. Here the chip is located inside and is powered by a miniature battery or battery. You cannot start the engine without such a key, and usually there are several in the kit.
  3. Map. To launch some foreign models, a special plastic card is used - a flat device in which a microcircuit is built-in. This card is inserted into a special reader on the car console, and the engine is started using the “Start” button.
  4. Wireless. Such a device does not need to be inserted anywhere or even taken out of your pocket. It communicates wirelessly with the car blocker, and they only need to be nearby. If there is no such device, then the engine will not be able to start. If the owner moves too far, the system completely blocks the engine and doors. When you get close, everything will unlock.

The second option is the most common and such a key can be recovered, so we will talk about it further.


The folding remote control has an intuitive interface, so there shouldn’t be any problems handling it. At the very top of the remote control there is a small mechanical button, when pressed, the key blade is thrown out; in order to remove the blade, you need to hold down the same button and manually tuck the key blade back into the recess. Below are three buttons for controlling the central locking of the car, the top one is responsible for unlocking all the doors of the car; for convenience, there are two small protruding dots on it, with which you can find the necessary button without taking the remote control out of your pocket. The second (middle) button is responsible for locking all car doors. Using the third button located on the control panel, you can unlock the trunk lid/fifth door of the car. If the previous buttons of the car were triggered by a single short press on them, then the last button must be pressed for 2-3 seconds in order for the trunk to open.

Why do you need a duplicate?

Having only one key, a car owner can face big troubles in a variety of situations:

  • the key may be lost or stolen;
  • the transponder can be forgotten somewhere;
  • you can accidentally leave it in the cabin and slam the door.

Of course, these are only the most common situations, but they are all very unpleasant, and you won’t be able to get inside the car, let alone drive. If the transponder is inside, it can be done by breaking the locks or breaking the glass, but if it is lost, you will have to make a duplicate, and a complete analogue of not only the key, but also the chip.

Where to make a chip key for a car

Just a few years ago, to get a duplicate you had to contact an official dealer and place an order. Then we had to wait a long time for it to be manufactured and delivered at the factory. It costs a lot and takes a long time, and all this time the car is forced to stand idle.

Now you can make a duplicate in the city at a service station, and quite quickly. Where car keys are made, you can usually order a copy of the chip key. It is very difficult to do this on your own, as special equipment is required. And if the metal part of the key can still be made after several attempts, then it will be difficult to program the chip correctly. After all, you also need to read the information from the original or from the dashboard.

Of course, everything is simplified if you have the original key and you just need to make another copy. But it is much more difficult if it was lost. Accordingly, the cost may vary.

How much does the service cost?

There are many specialized workshops where they make new car keys. Prices are different everywhere, depending on both the city and the car model. For example, for Moscow the cost of work is approximately the following:

  • restoration of keys in case of complete loss – from 5,000 rubles;
  • cutting a new blade (if, for example, it breaks) - 700 - 1200 rubles;
  • production of a key for the ignition switch - from 3,000 rubles;
  • chip programming – from 2000 rubles.

Prices may be slightly different in other regions. If you bring the original to a specialized workshop that has all the equipment, cloning it will take literally 15 minutes. If there is no original, then you need to deliver the car there or call a specialist to extract the necessary information.

How to make a duplicate key with an immobilizer yourself

You won't be able to make a second set of keys for your car yourself. To do this you need to do the following operations:

  • make a copy of the key itself, its blade, and very accurately. The blank can be bought, for example, on Aliexpress;
  • purchase a special capsule with an empty chip, which is installed in the key. It is more difficult to find, but possible;
  • read information from the original;
  • flash a new chip;
  • install the capsule into the key.

All these operations require high precision and special equipment, which can only be available to those who do this professionally. Even making a key blade requires a professional approach - the slightest deviation will devalue the entire work. Therefore, specialized workshops use special machines that reproduce the original with perfect accuracy. Of course, you can also work with a file, but that's only half the battle.

Contact car immobilizer

Programming the chip also requires special equipment. Incorrect determination of the original PIN code also nullifies all the work. If the original is not there, you need to restore the key to the ignition switch and read information from the on-board computer, then this becomes a completely impossible task for the average car owner.

Disassembling and replacing the folding key battery

The remote control uses a consumable battery (battery), so sooner or later you will have to disassemble the key and replace it. To disassemble the folding key and subsequently replace the battery, you will need the following:

  • New battery (CR2025 or CR2032)
  • Flathead screwdriver (or any other flathead tool)
  • Small piece of fabric

The folding key must be disassembled with the key blade exposed, as shown in the photo above. There is a recess at the end of the key into which you need to insert a flat-head screwdriver (it would be a good idea to wrap the screwdriver blade with a cloth so as not to damage the plastic body of the key):

Then you need to turn the screwdriver clockwise, if your result is similar to what is shown in the photo below, then you did everything right:

and now you can proceed to directly replacing the battery. If nothing works for you, most likely the area of ​​your screwdriver is too small, as a result of which the necessary force is not created on the housing cover, try to find a more suitable tool.

The power supply element of the remote control is shown in the photo above, remove it and replace it with a new one. Most often, Lada Granta FL folding keys use a coin cell battery marked CR2025

However, sometimes there are remote controls with a
. These two power elements differ in thickness (the difference is several millimeters); any of them will suit the remote control.

Manufacturing instructions

The car owner himself can take some steps if the original key has been lost:

  1. You need to remove the ignition switch from the car in order to make a new key using it. But manufacturers have specifically complicated this task for security against hijackers. Therefore, you may have to turn to the experts. Then you need to remove the secret part from the lock, and this is also difficult to do without help.
  2. The secret part should be taken to a place where they make keys, preferably car keys. There, based on the location and design of the teeth, they will be able to cut a new blade, the same as an old car key.

Then comes the stage of working with the chip.

Instructions for activating the standard immobilizer

  1. Close the doors.
  2. Turn on the ignition with the RED key and wait at least 6 seconds.
  3. Pull out the key. The machine should blink at a frequency of 5 times per second.
  4. Quickly (within 5-6 seconds) turn on the ignition BLACK.
  5. 3 squeaks + 2 squeaks.
  6. Turn off the ignition and remove the key.
  7. Quickly (within 5-6 seconds) while the car is blinking, turn on the RED ignition
  8. 3 squeaks + 2 squeaks.
  9. Turn off the ignition RED KEY IN THE LOCK.
  10. 1 squeak.
  11. Quickly (within 5-6 seconds) turn on the ignition for 2-3 SECONDS!
  12. Turn off the ignition. KEY IN THE LOCK
  13. 3 beeps + machine goes out. We do not remove the key. (When working with some controllers, the light stops blinking and the buzzer emits 3 sound signals when you turn on the ignition. In this case, you should still turn off the ignition and wait at least 10 seconds)
  14. wait at least 10 seconds.
  15. Remove the key.
  16. Checking immo activation. We turn on the ignition with any key, if when you turn on the ignition the car on the dashboard does not light up, then the immo is activated.

The learning process is also shown in the video:


  1. Close the doors.
  2. Red - ignition for 6 seconds - remove
  3. Black - ignition 3 beeps + 2 beeps - remove
  4. Red - 3 beeps + 2 beeps - ignition off - 1 beep
  5. Ignition on 2-3 sec - ignition off
  6. Do not turn on the ignition for another 10 seconds.

To resynchronize the codes, turn on the ignition of the vehicle. Wait 6 seconds. If the CL starts flashing once per second (error), turn off the ignition and wait at least 10 seconds. Then turn the ignition back on. The CL should not blink, but the engine should start.

If 3 seconds after turning on the ignition the key light remains on continuously, it means that the anti-theft function is not activated and the key learning procedure should be repeated again.

Worried about your car? Install the alarm yourself.

Keywords: safety of Lada Granta | safety of Lada Kalina | safety of Lada Priora | ignition system for Lada Granta | ignition system for Lada Kalina | ignition system for Lada Priora | Niva safety | Niva ignition system

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Programming Features

It is impossible to give any specific advice on programming transponders. Each car model has differences in both software and safety systems, not to mention the design. Therefore, the keys can differ greatly even between different models of the same manufacturer, and even more so between different ones.

In the most general case, programming a new chip occurs after reading information from the original or from the dashboard. This requires special programs and equipment. Therefore, this is done by specialists who have experience working with different car models.

Therefore, it would seem that such a simple operation - making a second key for the car - today requires turning to specialists. You can't do this on your own.

Making a chip for autostart

To manufacture an autostart chip, special equipment is also required. In the simplest case, the information is simply transferred to a new “blank” - an empty chip. In difficult cases, each new device requires entering its codes into the on-board computer. So this also requires turning to specialists.

The best prices and conditions for the purchase of new cars

The average car owner has several items that, if lost, cause great stress. Few people experienced pleasant sensations when they did not find a driver’s license or registration certificate for a car in their pocket. A little less, but still a nuisance, is the loss of an insurance policy (CASCO or OSAGO). But according to statistics, drivers lose their car keys the most. And it’s good if this embarrassment occurred close to home - then there is a chance to use the second key, which, as a rule, comes with the purchase of a car. But if the car keys disappeared from the car owner’s pocket away from home, then it’s more complicated. And yet there is a way out of this unpleasant situation.

As soon as you discover that the car key is missing, immediately contact your family and friends and find out if it is at home. If the search for home ones is not successful, it is necessary, as mentioned above, to ask them to bring you a second set of keys, which are handed over by the car dealer upon completion of the car purchase/sale transaction. If you purchased the car second-hand and you do not have a duplicate key, or it was also lost, you will have to use outside help.

Let's say your car is new. Then you can call the dealer from whom you purchased the car and ask them to pick up a duplicate key for you. To do this, you will have to provide the dealership representative with information about the car (license number, model, year of purchase), including its VIN code. It’s good if you have this information at hand, but if the VIN code is indicated on a plate located in the engine compartment or on the front door opening, the situation becomes more complicated. In this case, you will have to call a tow truck, which will deliver the car to the salon, where its employees will open the doors with a duplicate key and hand it to you. Naturally, the car owner will have to pay for all these operations out of his own pocket (although for those drivers whose car is still under warranty and is covered by free assistance services, they can call a tow truck and open the doors for free). This method is suitable for those whose car was purchased from an official dealer. If the “iron horse” was purchased on the secondary market and there is no duplicate set of keys, then you will have to act differently.

Now in Russia there are many companies that provide services for making duplicate car keys based on the lock cylinder. Since the key for all cars is suitable for both opening the doors and the ignition switch, this restoration method is quite simple and, compared to restoration through an official dealer, inexpensive. However, there are also unpleasant exceptions to this method. The fact is that in many Japanese cars the design of the door lock cylinder is such that it will not be possible to make a duplicate key using the first method. There is still a way out: this is a purchase at any disassembly of the kit - an ignition lock, a door lock cylinder and two keys. Having purchased such a kit for your car (when purchasing, you need to check whether these parts will fit your car), you can call a specialist who will replace the ignition switch and door lock cylinder (if the key opens the passenger door and trunk).

All the recommendations described above apply to keys that are not equipped with a microchip associated with the immobilizer installed in the car. Today, almost all car models are equipped with factory immobilizers. In this case, making a duplicate key without a chip that unlocks the immobilizer is pointless - you may still be able to open the car door, but not start the engine. In this case, there is only one way out: contact an official dealer for help. Having called the dealership and reported the problem, you need to be prepared for the fact that the car will have to be transported by tow truck to the car dealership - usually such a home-visit service is not provided. You will make things much easier if you find the card that dealers give to the buyer after purchasing the car. It contains a radio code and an immobilizer code. If you haven’t found such a card, you’ll have to put up with the expenses that will be spent on restoring data about the immobilizer code. The timing here is also different: there have been cases when the dealer received the code and made a duplicate within several weeks, or even a whole month. When the key with the immobilizer chip is in your hands, do not rush to use it: the auto center specialists will have to reset all the data on your car’s immobilizer and configure new parameters so that the key not only opens the doors, but can also start the engine. This, by the way, is a guarantee that the person who finds your key will not be able to open the car doors and start the engine.

Those who own a car purchased second-hand should not despair - their key with a chip can be restored without contacting official dealers of the brand. Today there are companies that have programs that can select codes for almost any immobilizer. They also produce chip keys, and this operation, as a rule, costs less and is carried out faster than from an official dealer. The only question is whether you will entrust such confidential information to such a company - after all, the production of chip keys from official representatives of automobile brands is more reliable.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. What cars does the Smart Key work on?
  2. What is the magic, how does it work in a nutshell?
  3. Is this a disposable device?
  4. Link to purchase a reusable key for masters
  5. Factory procedure for learning LADA keys using a training key

A situation familiar to many Lada owners - I lost the training key, how to train the keys without a training key?

Until recently, the answer was: no way. (Although now there is an instruction that few people know about: binding without a master key, read the link, then return here) Your car will not accept any other training key other than the one with which the immobilizer system was trained. Otherwise, it would be stupid: I went up to someone else’s car with my training key, trained the system and drove away. Of course this is fantastic.

What does the auto factory and the official LADA dealer say about situations when the master key is lost?

When a training key with a red mark is lost, a VAZ car requires replacing the controller (ECU - electronic engine control unit) with a new one! (not used!) And it’s not cheap...

Introducing a new development - Smart Key!

But now the situation has changed for the better! Our company ImmoBox, having studied similar problems of car owners, has developed and released a device that currently has no analogues in Russia and in the world! This is a simple device with which any owner can learn the keys themselves, without contacting a car service center, even without having a training key, a master key, or a key with a red mark.

In what situations will the Lada Smart Key help?

  1. lost all the keys to the LADA car
  2. Lost training key with red mark
  3. The key with the remote control is out of order, but there is no training key to register a new remote control
  4. the training key is installed (“sewn in”) somewhere in the car for autostart
  5. the chip from the training key is hidden in the crawler
  6. it is necessary to replace the instrument panel, but for binding you need a master key, but it is lost

What cars does the Smart Key work on?

  • Lada Granta (until approximately August 2018)
  • Datsun Mi-Do , On-Do (around the end of 2022)
  • Lada Kalina 2 (from 2013 until the end of production)
  • Lada Priora 2* (from 2013 until the end of production)

*2013 is a transition year for the Lada Priora, that is, in 2013. It could be Priora 1 or Priora 2. There are several cases where the Smart Key supposedly starts the car on Priora 2, but the learning procedure is not completed. We couldn’t confirm this in our laboratory - all our tests and most importantly: working and without any immooff frets, Priors 2, were trained without problems. This is also evidenced by reviews from customers whose Smart Key worked without problems on Priora 2. From here we conclude that success on Priora2 depends on the technical condition of the car, unauthorized changes in the electrical system, incorrect installation of the alarm system, or even completely converted Priora1 to Priora2, installation of an instrument panel from Priora2, etc.

What is the Smart Key device?

A smart key is a miniature device in the form of an electronic board, made in the shape and size for installation in the body of a car ignition key.

What is included ?

The Lada Smart Key (board) is supplied in a key body for installation of the key blade (tip) + a self-tapping screw for fastening it.

What will you need after purchase?

  1. Buy and install 1 CR1620 battery into the smart key board.
  2. Install the blade (sting) of your car key into the body of the smart key.

How to connect, are there instructions?

Attention! Use and connect the device strictly according to the instructions!!! (Not from the video, not from intuition, not from the advice of a neighbor, etc.) The document on independent use and connection is at the top of the page in the “Instructions” tab or follow the link pdf document Instructions

How does it work, what is the magic?

The smart key contains a microcontroller containing a program (our development, which has no analogues in the world), which replaces a whole specialist with special equipment and spare parts! All that is required is to connect the Smart Key to a special connector on the Lada Granta instrument panel, etc. and turn on the ignition. In no more than 1 second, the Smart key will turn into a learning key , which can be used as usual: start the engine or train the keys according to the factory procedure.

Factory procedure for learning LADA keys using a training key:

VIDEO example of Lada Granta:


  • no need for a master - anyone who can hold a screwdriver can handle it
  • no equipment or programmers required
  • no need to solder anything - connection via the connector is simple, no more difficult than putting your phone on charge
  • no need to buy a training key - the smart key will become one itself, in no more than 1 second

Is this a disposable device?

Attention! This version of the Smart Key is a one-time programmable device for your personal car: once programmed into 1 car, it turns into a regular LADA training key and subsequently has all the functions of a master key. That is, in their car they can retrain the immobilizer for new keys, remove lost ones, and train additional keys (including those with a remote control) as many times as they like . And it is no longer possible to use THIS key on another car.


For masters, there is a special version of the Smart Key , which, after training on one client car, without any restrictions or tokens, can continue to work on other client cars. Moreover, this does not require any additional manipulations and no equipment at all - you don’t even need a laptop, i.e. nothing at all! Attention! Smart master key LADA reusable version for use in workshops and car services is sold only through our partners - website at the link Smart master key LADA reusable

ps start of sales of the Smart Client Key device January 1, 2020

How to buy a Smart training client key produced by ImmoBox?

In Nizhny Novgorod, as well as with delivery throughout the Russian Federation, you can buy a Smart learning key for your car from us. Place the item in your cart and proceed to filling out your contact information and choosing a delivery method. If you have any difficulties with registration: you can write to us by email. The email address is being protected from spambots. To view the address, Javascript must be enabled in your browser, or contact an online consultant, immediately indicating the make, model and year of manufacture of the car.

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