Is it possible to install a kenguryatnik on Niva and other cars?

The kenguryatnik, a design element in the form of an SUV body kit, is increasingly used by owners of cars and crossovers. But often this element of tuning negatively affects the technical characteristics of the car. Additional weight of the car can change its behavior while driving, which is quite risky in terms of safety. Therefore, traffic police officers will issue a fine for traffic jams in 2022 if they find a discrepancy between the parameters of the car according to the passport and its real condition.

What is a kenguryatnik

Kenguryatnik is an additional protective grille that is attached to the car bumper. Initially, kenguryatniks were installed by Australian and American farmers who used cars to drive cattle. The body kit helped protect the front part of the car from a collision with a large animal. Following farmers, lovers of off-road driving began to use a similar element of protection.

A similar accessory is provided in the designs of some models of heavy jeeps and crossovers from certain auto companies. A rigid body kit helps protect the car body from debris, stones and branches that get into the radiator while driving off-road.

But only a high-quality kenguryatnik gives such a protective effect. The fake version, which motorists often install on their cars, is not capable of performing protective functions. Most often, instead of protection, it negatively affects the condition of the car in the event of an accident.

Options for additional protection of the Chevrolet Niva

Owners of such a Russian car brand treat their “iron horses” with special trepidation and consider their car to be a real SUV. When purchasing a Niva, they are faced with the question of how to improve the safety of the car. In the basic configuration, this car has a very “meek” appearance. Installing a kenguryatnik is a way to give the Niva solidity and extravagance. In addition to aesthetic characteristics, such actions help increase the safety of this machine. The first kangaroo cage was created in Australia; it was an effective means of protection against kangaroos; it was to these animals that it owed its name. It was on the “green continent” that animals were often run over at high speed in SUVs, significantly damaging the car. First of all, problems arose with lighting and the cooling system of the car engine. This detail on the Niva gives the domestic SUV uniqueness, individuality, and originality.

Attention! Technical regulations prohibit the installation of such a tuning element on a Chevrolet Niva; it cannot be attached to a Gazelle bumper either.

  • the original element is created from a durable steel tube, which is capable of withstanding significant loads in the event of frontal collisions;
  • Protective decorative frames are made of light aluminum alloys. Such designs are not suitable for the domestic Niva;
  • a mesh made of durable steel reinforcement, mounted on a supporting rigid frame, is in demand among Russian fishermen and hunters.

Advantages of installing a frame on a Niva bumper:

  • the ability to protect the paint on the bumper, the integrity of the glass on the headlights and reflectors from tall grass and oncoming branches;
  • protection while driving off-road from oncoming stones falling under the wheels of the car;
  • protection against minor impacts during an accident on the radiator and car bumper.

Disadvantages of such tuning:

  • problem with mounting on Niva. They attach it to the side members; in the event of a strong collision, the geometry of the body will be disrupted. Regular parking in front of supermarkets can result in the owner of a Niva having to pay for the restoration of the body;
  • When a Niva with a kenguryat collides with a pedestrian, serious injuries cannot be avoided, and there is a high probability of death.

Is it worth installing kengurin

Every motorist planning to install such parts on his car must understand that by doing so he is changing the design of the vehicle. Any changes to the design of the car must be documented, that is, agreed with the traffic police.

If kengurin is provided by the manufacturer, its installation is justified, and it is possible to coordinate the installation. But not for every model. Steel pipes on most cars have been outlawed since September 2010 and must be removed.

A reinforced body kit is definitely not recommended for installation on passenger cars. Heavy protection is simply not designed for a fairly light body, so the car may behave inappropriately when cornering and when braking. It is impossible to obtain permission from the traffic police to install kengurin on a passenger car. And some SUV models are in question. Therefore, before attaching additional parts to the car, you should consult with professionals.

Design phase

At this stage, you should draw the design of your future product. You must clearly depict in detail and provide dimensions of the product you are going to make. If you don’t feel like a designer, take help from the Internet.

In many cases, kenguryatniks are homemade, because for many brands of cars they are not provided by manufacturers

On special forums you can easily find anything you want - a design for a power bumper for a UAZ Hunter or instructions on how to make a guardrail for a Gazelle with your own hands. At the same time, you must be aware that the make and model of the car are crucial.

Read news about the new Niva

  • Installing kengurin on 2121
  • Kenguryatnik on Chevrolet Niva: selection criteria, material, installation
  • Step-by-step installation of a towbar on a Chevrolet Niva with your own hands. Tow bar for Chevrolet Niva: review, installation, models and owner reviews
  • Tow bar for Niva - do-it-yourself installation
  • Fine for a car guardrail: size, when you can install it and when you can’t
  • Tow bar for Niva: do-it-yourself installation, diagram
  • Do-it-yourself kenguryatnik on Niva 2121 drawings, kangurins for SUVs
  • Is it possible to put a dog guard on a car?

Prohibited and permitted types of body kit

The legislation regarding power body kits on cars has been changed several times recently, so many car owners are currently not aware of whether power kits on cars are prohibited in 2022. According to the currently valid technical regulations, a guardrail can be installed, but only on certain categories of cars and subject to certain conditions.

One of the main conditions allowing the installation of a kenguryatnik is its compliance with technical regulations and the availability of a certificate. The design must have a document confirming its quality indicators and compliance of technical characteristics with legal requirements. These characteristics are characteristic of industrially produced kenguryatniks designed for specific car models.

Most handicraft designs do not meet the technical specifications established at the legislative level. Therefore, their installation on vehicles is prohibited.

In 2022, as before, the following types of structures are banned in the Russian Federation:

  • Protruding beyond the boundaries of the bumper.
  • Fixed in front of the bumper.
  • Self-made models, not intended for installation on a specific type of car.

Until recently, “horseshoe guards” were quite popular, which protected not only the front bumper, but also completely covered the radiator grille. Some models even included headlights. In 2022, guardrails of this type are banned on all car models, as they create an additional danger for pedestrians in an accident.

The ban does not apply to light metal structures weighing no more than 500 grams, which serve as additional protection for headlights.

Selection of protective equipment

The first thing you need to do is buy kengurin. They are produced in several types with different levels of protection for the Niva front end. Some of them are called “arc”. This device on 2121 is made in the form of an arc from a medium-diameter pipe. Equipment of this design provides additional protection for the lower front part and bumper. To enhance the protection of the bottom, the kengurin can be additionally reinforced in this part with longitudinal inserts.

For the Niva SUV, it is also possible to purchase a kenguryatnik, called “Safari”. Such equipment, in addition to protecting the bottom and bumper, also provides protection:

  • headlights,
  • front grille
  • wings,

since its side protrusions are somewhat wider than the VAZ 2121 itself. Such a guard will protect the entire front part of the SUV from damage and scratches.

Additionally, this equipment allows you to install several auxiliary headlights and fog lights. Some owners of Niva SUVs do not install a roof rack because, due to its significant weight, it disrupts the correct weight distribution.

An alternative to this equipment is to strengthen the standard bumper and install additional protection for the pallet. But this modernization will not protect the headlights and fenders from damage when moving over rough terrain.

On which cars can kenguryatniks be installed?

The answer to the question whether it is possible to drive with a power bumper does not have a clear answer. According to traffic regulations, in 2022 the installation of guardrails on vehicles is prohibited. Therefore, a car owner who has installed homemade structures on his car must be prepared for stops at almost all traffic police posts.

Important. It is prohibited to install a guardrail on cars belonging to categories M1 and N1. Even certified industrial structures cannot be installed on cars of these categories. In other words, the installation of power structures on vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons is prohibited.

An exception to the rules are cars in which the equipment with reinforcing structures is provided by the model itself. Even if the car came off the assembly line without an additional power body kit, but the latter is provided for by the design, you can install the guard yourself.

According to the Government Decree of September 30, 2010, is it allowed to install a guardrail on heavy all-wheel drive SUVs with a transfer case? equipped with a differential lock, that is, cars of category G.

There are additional requirements for installing a guardrail on this category of vehicle:

  • The approach angle is not less than 25 0
  • Departure angle is not less than 20 0
  • The angle of longitudinal passability is more than 20 0
  • The ground clearance of the rear and front axles is at least 18 centimeters.

We protect the “back” and make a ladder to the roof

The likelihood of getting hit in the ass is low in the thicket, but is quite real when driving in city traffic. Therefore, a body kit in the form of rear bumper protection can be installed on the Niva 2131 and other models. There are several types of such devices. First of all, it's just a metal pipe. Secondly, this is a pipe with additional corners under the headlights. Thirdly, these are just corners. Fourthly, this is protection with a tread (you can stand up, for example, to get something from the trunk at the back). Fifthly, there is protection with a cover in the form of a grille for the rear lights.

Amounts of the fine for kenguryatnik

The installation of a guardrail on a vehicle is qualified by traffic regulations as making changes to the design of the vehicle. By law, such changes must undergo a registration process with the traffic police.

When changes are made without the consent of the authorities, the owner of the vehicle is held accountable under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This article provides for two types of administrative punishment:

  • Warning. Applicable upon initial prosecution, subject to sincere repentance of the car owner and bringing the car to its original condition.
  • A fine of 500 rubles.
  • Fine 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to 3 months for repeated violation.

To avoid punishment and get off with a warning, the driver can remove the guard right in front of the inspector. Car owners take the same actions before undergoing the inspection procedure, since it is simply impossible to pass it if there is a guardrail.

The adoption in 2010 of a new technical regulation regulating the installation of guardrails changed the attitude of traffic police officers to the installation of such structures on cars. From this moment on, the power body kit can only be installed on cars of category G. For all other cars, the power body kit is not allowed, and the owners of such cars risk getting a fine for kangaroo.

If initially the use of the “kenguryatnik” was due to the need to protect the car from foreign objects or wild animals on the road, then later this device turned into a design element. The name "kangaroo" first appeared in Australia, where kangaroos can often be seen crossing the highway. In addition to crossovers and SUVs, for which the “Kinguryatnik” was primarily intended, today this part is also installed on ordinary passenger cars. What is this design? Is it prohibited or not to mount a car in 2019? What fine can be imposed on a driver for driving a car? We will answer these questions in this article.

Characteristics of kengurin for cars

The guard is an additional protective grill placed on the bumper of the car. Basically, such a tuning element is installed on jeeps, in other words, vehicles with significant dimensions. The main purpose of this installation is to emphasize the greatness, power, and scale of the “iron horse”.

In the old days, Australian and South American peasants installed kenguryatniks in order to drive large cattle to pasture. These guards could be used to keep the front end of a large pickup truck from being dented in a collision with livestock. Similar protection began to be used by off-road driving enthusiasts; you can see this device on crossovers and SUVs produced by various auto concerns:

The fake version will not be able to protect against dents on the car as a result of accidents; it only serves decorative purposes.

What is a kangaroo?

Structurally, the “kenguryatnik” is a suspended part made of powerful pipes and rods, located in the front part of the vehicle. Many call it an additional bumper, although they admit that the advisability of using a bumper is more than controversial. Types of design can be different and depend on the purpose of using this device - decorative or practical. In the first case, it may be a small form that barely protrudes forward and does not provide any practical benefit. In the second, there is a large structure that is installed on cars to protect the radiator lining and from large objects getting under the hood while driving off-road. The advantages of this design are as follows:

  • Increased protection of the front of the vehicle and the level of safety for the driver and passengers;
  • Protection against serious damage to the bumper when hit by stones and other objects when driving fast over rough terrain;
  • Possibility of using a cage for mounting a winch for towing a car, etc.

For those who drive on city roads, this design may cause more harm than good if a serious accident occurs. The fact is that in the event of a hard collision, this element crashes into the hood and radiator, which after this usually cannot be repaired. In addition, in certain situations, the “kanguryatnik” can pose a danger to pedestrians. But, despite everything, this device does not lose popularity among owners of various types of cars. Most often it can be found on cars of category g - off-road vehicles, that is, SUVs, pickups.

Installing an accessory

How long the kenguryatnik can serve you in the future depends on correct installation. Installation of a kanguryatnik begins with the fact that you measure the side members on your car. Now weld the fasteners to the protection pipes at this distance. These can be plates of approximately 10 mm with M12 holes for bolts.

Now you will need an assistant to finally install the cage. Place it on the front of your car. The fastenings must be level with the side members.

Requirements of technical regulations and traffic rules

A document explaining the legality of using additional devices on a car, including a “knuckle bar” - a technical regulation adopted within the Customs Union that regulates the rules for the safe operation of wheeled vehicles. It is there that it is indicated whether it is possible to install a dog guard on a car. According to one of the paragraphs of this regulatory document, if the vehicle is classified as categories M1 or N1 (that is, it has no more than 8 passenger seats or weighs no more than 3.5 tons), then the use of structures protruding beyond the bumper line prohibited. An exception in this case is made for factory designs that have the appropriate certificate, as well as for home-made products whose weight does not exceed 500 grams. A product weighing up to 0.5 kg can protect, at best, lighting fixtures and a registration plate.

What cars are allowed for installation?

If a device called a “kenguryatnik” is installed on a car by the manufacturer, no questions arise for the owner of such a vehicle. You can find out whether the installation of a dog guard is allowed from the technical documents for the car. But even in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the standard device does not interfere with compliance with the mandatory technical requirements for the car, including:

  • The longitudinal flotation angle (i.e., the maximum angle of an inclined surface from which the car does not touch the ground when moving to a horizontal surface) must be at least 20 degrees;
  • The overhang (or approach) angle must be at least 25 degrees, the departure angle - 20 degrees in the opposite situation, when the car moves from a flat surface to an inclined one (for example, on an overpass) while driving;
  • The distance from the bottom point of the car body to the road surface must be at least 18 cm.

Do I need to register the power bumper?

It is absolutely necessary to register the power bumper, but such an “event” can only happen if the bumper is provided by the manufacturer as standard, but is simply missing from a certain car (for example, the previous owner removed it). Designing a power body kit will take a lot of time, since it will be necessary to act in stages:

  • Primary examination (preparatory). The structure that will presumably be installed must undergo technical expertise and only in the organization that has a license to conduct similar activities.
  • Collection of documents and their submission to traffic police departments. Documentary evidence of passing a technical examination of the design, an application from the owner of the car, a citizen’s passport from the owner and a vehicle vehicle registration certificate/license vehicle are required. It is imperative to present the vehicle for inspection by the technical department staff.
  • Installation of a reinforced bumper. It is carried out only after receiving a positive decision on the application and can be carried out in licensed organizations (for example, in the one that conducted the preparatory technical examination) or without the help of others. You will definitely need to have on hand a declaration-statement about the changes made, which is filled out and issued by the organization or the owner of the car during self-installation.

Power bumper

  • Secondary examination and technical inspection. In the first case, the procedure is carried out in the same organization that carried out the primary procedure and installed the kenguryat. The technical inspection is carried out in specialized centers.

To complete the design of the power body kit, all that remains is to pay the municipal fee for obtaining a new vehicle passport (800 rubles) and present a package of documents to the traffic police.

  • conclusion of a preparatory technical examination of the design regarding the ability to make changes;
  • passport and its copy;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • PTS and its copy;
  • technical examination protocol;
  • diagnostic card, which was issued on the technical inspection Friday;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a copy of certificates of conformity, notarized, for spare parts and components that were used to re-equip the car, but only in this case if they do not have an approval mark for use;
  • the vehicle itself for inspection to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

If the guard is not included in the vehicle's configuration, then its registration is impossible. The refusal will be received at the first or second step of the process.

Is there a fine for kangaroos?

There is no separate clause in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for installing such a design as a guardrail on a car, but clause 1 of Article 12.5 provides for punishment for driving a car in the presence of conditions that do not comply with the Basic Provisions of the Traffic Regulations. Section 7 of the List of Malfunctions and Conditions, which is compiled in accordance with GOST R 51709-2001, indicates a prohibition to drive a car whose design has been modified not registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

It doesn’t say directly whether it’s possible to drive with a guardrail, but one thing is clear - if you don’t have the appropriate permission from the traffic police and if there are no technical documents confirming that the design is provided by the manufacturer, you’ll have to pay a fine. Its size is minimal and amounts to 500 rubles. In this case, the vehicle is not detained, but the traffic police can cancel the registration of the vehicle, and along with it the license plate and STS. The basis for this is clause 50 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 399 of June 26, 2018 “On approval of the State Registration Rules.” It will be possible to re-register a car only after eliminating the reasons for cancellation of registration in accordance with paragraph 51 of the same order.

Manufacturing procedure

To make the process easier and the product to turn out better, you need to adhere to this sequence of actions.

  • Cut the pipe into the required number of fragments in accordance with the drawing. Do not use an angle grinder without protective glasses or a mask.
  • Make folds in the desired places of these segments.
  • Lay out the resulting parts on a flat surface in accordance with your plan. It will be easier to cook, and the seams will be neater, if the gaps between the parts are made less than a millimeter.
  • Connect the parts together with several tack welds.
  • Try the design on a car.
  • If you are unhappy with the results of the fitting. Cut the tacks between the incorrectly folded parts with a grinder, change their relative positions and weld them together again.
  • As soon as you are satisfied with the results of the fitting, thoroughly weld the joints.
  • Allow the weld to cool and grind the seams with a sanding disc.
  • To smooth out the marks from the sanding disc, sand them with a sander and install a flap disc on it.
  • Sand the surface of the structure with 400-grit sandpaper.
  • Wash off any remaining abrasive. Remove the water with a clean cloth or dry the surface with compressed air.
  • Etch the metal with orthophosphoric acid or a reagent based on it.
  • After drying, degrease the surface and prime it.
  • Once the primer has hardened, sand it with 800-grit sandpaper and water. Make sure that the entire surface becomes matte.
  • Rinse the kenguryat. Blow the water out of it.
  • Degrease after drying and paint.
  • Paint intended for varnishing dries very quickly. Make sure everything is painted and varnished.
  • After the varnish has dried, the product can be installed.

Kenguryatnik on Niva - is it allowed or not?

Cars of the Niva brand have been produced since 1977; in 2006, the brand was renamed LADA 4x4. Not a single car from the model range has ever been equipped at the factory with such a design as a kenguryatnik. In 2022, there are 5 models of this brand on sale; they also do not have a power bumper. Therefore, the same rules must apply to the Niva as to other cars of categories N1 and M1. If the registration of the modified design of the car was carried out by the owner correctly and in a timely manner and a certificate was issued, then the traffic police will have no legal grounds to hold the motorist accountable.

Another thing is that it is virtually impossible to obtain such a certificate. The kenguryatnik is recognized as a dangerous object that can cause irreparable injuries and damage to pedestrians during a collision. That is why no expert organization will give a positive opinion on the installation of a steel structure. A guardrail for a car made of any other material that does not have the same characteristics as steel is allowed (it follows directly from clause 11 of Section IV of the Technical Regulations). That is, the car owner decided to install the structure as a decorative element, he can do this, but the guard must be, for example, made of plastic.

What are the dangers of using homemade body kits?

Factory kenguryatnik for winch

Sometimes car enthusiasts, not wanting to spend money on buying parts in a store, try to make a body kit themselves. This is physically possible if you take channels or steel pipes (section 5-5.6 cm) as a basis, weld them and paint them. But here a number of problems arise, since the received part will be uncertified, and it will need to be removed before each maintenance; in addition, there will be problems when registering an accident. Therefore, it is better to buy a kenguryatnik for the VAZ 2121 Niva and any other car and declare it as a change in the design of the car.

How effective is the front bar on the 21214 series? Experts believe that when driving over rough terrain at low speeds, kengurin is a good remedy for collisions and small objects. However, at high speeds, the car's hood is likely to be destroyed.

Moreover, this element in some cases can act as a lever, breaking out the engine to which it is attached. Therefore, everyone must decide for themselves whether they need a front arch for their Niva.

I want to install a kenguryatnik, is it possible and what is prohibited?

It is forbidden. But only if the kenguryatnik is not provided for by the design. Clause 7.18 of the Basic Provisions of the Traffic Regulations states that it is prohibited to make changes to the design of the car without registering them with the traffic police.

The Niva and most other SUVs and crossovers are precisely vehicles on which the plant has never installed guardrails, unless we are talking about a single or specially designed model for special operating conditions, but, as far as we know, there have never been any in history.

Stop! A kenguryatnik is not a structure!

The fact of the matter is that the kenguryatnik is not a design element if it is not provided for by the manufacturer. This is additional equipment . But it’s easier to consider this subtlety with a quote from the Technical Regulations:

“making changes to the design of a vehicle” is the exclusion of components and equipment not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle, made after the vehicle is put into circulation and affecting road safety.

Kenguryatnik - equipment? Yes. Does it affect road safety? And how! Not for the safety of the driver, but of the pedestrian in the event of a head-on collision with the latter. In general, “kangurins” were originally invented in Australia to reduce the consequences of an accident with wild animals - for the car, of course. You can guess this from the name of this device.

What if you register it with the traffic police?

We have already described the procedure for registering changes made in our special article about this. Laconically, this is quite expensive and time-consuming: you need to undergo an examination in general for this possibility, obtain permission based on its result, then make changes, but only in an organization that has a license for this, then go through the examination again, receive a certificate and only then register the whole thing at the traffic police department.

But even if you decide on such a procedure, you will be disappointed at the first stage - you will not receive permission to install a guardrail, because it directly affects road safety and is prohibited. This design change cannot be officially registered.

What to do?

In fact, there is nothing to do if, as we noted above, kengurin is not installed from the factory. First of all, find out if your SUV model comes with it. This is only relevant for fairly old models, since new ones are simply prohibited from being imported into Russia with a guard due to the same non-compliance with the Technical Regulations.

Oh yes, about old cars - if your SUV, be it a Niva or a good (and no one claims that the Niva is bad) foreign SUV, is more than 30 years old, then the provisions of the Technical Regulations do not apply to it (clause 3, section I of the Technical Regulations) , although this does not change the essence - it will still be impossible to register a car with a guardrail at the traffic police.

Another relaxation is if the car is registered in another country, but imported into Russia with a guardrail for a period of less than six months (clause 3, section I of the Technical Regulations).

There is a solution!

But if you want to install a kenguryatnik only as a decorative element, then we have good news for you. In accordance with the Technical Regulations, you can install a guardrail on any car if it is made of plastic. More precisely, cages made of wood, plastic, polystyrene foam, and cardboard are allowed. Yes, even from cotton wool or New Year's tinsel, because the regulations only prohibit kenguryatniks made of steel and other materials with similar strength characteristics.

Here's a quote:

11. It is prohibited to install on vehicles of categories M1 and N1 structures that protrude forward relative to the bumper line corresponding to the outer contour of the vehicle’s projection onto the horizontal plane of the supporting surface, made of steel or other materials with similar strength characteristics. This requirement does not apply to structures provided for by the standard equipment of the transport TR CU 018/2011 23 means and (or) those that have undergone conformity assessment in the prescribed manner, as well as to metal grilles weighing less than 0.5 kg, intended to protect only headlights, and state registration sign and elements of its fastening.

Is it difficult about projection? It's simple, actually. The figure below shows what changes in the design should not be made, and it is obvious that the kenguryatnik belongs to them.

Design selection

The kenguryatnik on the Niva-Chevrolet, like all other attachments, can be divided into only two types: rear structures, as well as front ones. The most common today are the front ones, those that are installed on the front. The rear ones, also known as the rear ones, are not so popular. Although practice shows that this is in vain. This is because the vehicle body is subject to damage both from the front and from the rear. The rear kenguryatnik plays a very important role, commensurate with the importance of the front structure.


The choice of material needs to be discussed in more detail. The ideal option is to use stainless, pre-polished steel. Not only does it look great, but it's also more practical. If such material is too expensive or not available at all, rolled steel pipe will do. It is worth noting that painted elements will need to be touched up after each off-road trip. There are no such problems with stainless steel, but it is much more expensive.

For SUVs such as Niva, a pipe with a diameter of 50 or 60 mm is mainly used. Not only the appearance, but also the ability to perform the assigned tasks will depend on the type of material.

The legislative framework

Regulation of issues regarding the procedure for making changes to vehicle designs and the possibility of their production is carried out by a number of legislative and by-laws. The fundamental one is the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety”.

Corrections have been repeatedly introduced to it in order to improve the institution of road safety. The act was issued on December 10, 1995 under number 196-FZ. At this point in time, its latest edition, dated July 27, 2020, is in effect.

In addition to it, general and specific issues are provided for in the acts:

Government Decree:

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:

In conclusion, it should be noted that every driver must know the rules of the road and strictly follow them. The measure will ensure the protection of both road users and himself from accidents with unpredictable consequences.

He bears civil liability for the administrative offense committed, so he must not forget about his direct responsibilities.


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Body preparation

After manufacturing the kenguryatnik on the Niva, before installation, the body must be prepared. In this case, you will need a spacious garage. It is necessary to prepare several parts of a box profile or a round pipe, it all depends on what the kenguryat itself is made of on the Niva-Chevrolet. All work is carried out in stages:

  • First of all, you should remove the standard bumper and disassemble the front part of the SUV. If there are any decorative elements at the place where the kengurin is planned to be installed, they should also be removed so as not to damage them.
  • Make a mounting model. Any material that is convenient to work with is suitable for this. Ideally, model development on a computer. It all depends on the means and desire. After making the so-called pattern, everything needs to be checked carefully to make sure nothing is missing.
  • You can install the kenguryatnik on the Niva yourself only after modifying the side members. It is also worth remembering that additional attachments will increase the weight of the front end by an average of 15-20 kg. In standard Niva configurations, the frame is not able to withstand such a load and will collapse over time. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use special plates that can strengthen the structure. After this, treat the surface with an anti-corrosion agent.


After installation, if the cage is made of ferrous metal, it must be painted. This is one of the important stages, since not only the appearance, but also the service life depends on it. A properly selected paint and varnish material can extend the service life of the kenguryat several times. If it is made of stainless steel, then the need for painting disappears. It will be enough to polish and varnish it.

The kenguryatnik, a design element in the form of an SUV body kit, is increasingly used by owners of cars and crossovers. But often this element of tuning negatively affects the technical characteristics of the car. Additional weight of the car can change its behavior while driving, which is quite risky in terms of safety. Therefore, traffic police officers will issue a fine for traffic jams in 2022 if they find a discrepancy between the parameters of the car according to the passport and its real condition.

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