How to clean the engine from oil and dirt with your own hands at home

Often car owners pay attention only to the appearance of the vehicle and do not try to clean the engine. Almost no one at the car wash climbs into the engine compartment under the hood and sees that the power unit is also covered in dirt, oil, gasoline, and smoke. But its performance depends on the cleanliness of the engine. Experienced mechanics say that dirt clogs inside the internal combustion engine and leads, at a minimum, to overheating.

Let's see how and when to wash the engine from the outside. And what means are used to wash it from the inside. But first, let’s find out why the dirt that accumulates under the hood is dangerous.

Why is dirt under the hood dangerous?

If you are going to sell a car, no one will buy it from you with a dirty engine. This is the first reason why you should at least occasionally look under the hood and wash the engine. Secondly, dirt accumulates outside and gets inside, becoming clogged inside gears and other rubbing elements. Thus, it causes rapid wear of the power unit.

You have to change consumables more often, put the car in for maintenance when it has not yet covered the planned 15,000 kilometers. This especially needs to be taken into account where the area is sandy or swampy. Dirt also quickly accumulates under the hood in rural areas. In the city, the vehicle engine will remain clean for a longer time.

Dirt also negatively affects the electrics of the motor and electrical circuits. It disperses as dust among the contact paths, causing short circuits. Because of this, the car may not start, and the sensors will incorrectly show various measurements.

Attention! An accumulation of lubricant on the engine, for example in hot weather, can cause the machine to catch fire. So an accidental spark will lead to a fire under the hood. This must be taken into account.

And it’s more pleasant to look at a clean and tidy engine than a dirty one. Therefore, many car owners who blow away any speck of dust from the engine sometimes do not understand slobby car enthusiasts regarding the inside of the car.

Many car owners will say that at car washes, especially self-service car washes, it is forbidden to touch the engine compartment. This is correct, because at such car washes special shampoos are used along with water, which get inside the engine or automatic transmission and cause damage to the electrical system. But you have a garage where you can wash your vehicle's powertrain yourself.

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Now you understand the global nature of the problem. And, if you’ve decided to wash your car this coming weekend, then let’s look at the tools and detergents that need to be prepared for washing the engine in the garage.

Flushing the lubrication system

It's not just the engine casing and its surrounding parts that need cleaning. Systems such as cooling and lubrication also require periodic cleaning. This procedure must be carried out when the car owner decides to fill in new engine oil from another manufacturer. Or the manufacturer is the same, but the viscosity and quality indicators are different. In addition, over time, oxidation products, wear of parts, and carbon deposits still remain in the oil system. There are two ways to flush the lubrication system.

  1. The car is installed on a pit or overpass. After this, the old engine oil is drained through the drain plug. The so-called flushing composition is poured into the neck. The engine should run with it for some time, specified in the flushing oil manufacturer's instructions. After which the flushing is also removed from the system.
  2. Old grease is not removed. Special detergent additives are poured into it to clean the power plant. After this, the motor usually runs for several minutes. A more precise time is indicated in the instructions for the additive. After stopping, the old oil is removed from the engine.

It is worth noting that the cleaning method using flushing oil is softer and more gentle on the power unit. The second is more rigid due to the strong aggressiveness of most additives. In any case, after washing, you should immediately fill in a new lubricant and replace the oil filter.

It is not recommended to get carried away with flushing the lubrication system unless absolutely necessary. It is better to use the same brand of oil fluid, and replace it more often - not after 15 thousand kilometers, as the regulations say, but after 7-8 thousand.

Preparing the engine for washing

To wash your car at home, you will need to use one of the following listed substances:

  • a bucket of water and a brush. Suitable for cleaning slightly dirty engines. But you won’t be able to clean a power unit with annual stains. Let's look further;
  • high pressure water pressure. A good method, but you can damage gaskets and electrical wiring in this case. Although this method gives a quick and positive result, it is better for non-professionals in washing engines not to take risks;
  • diesel or gasoline. They are also considered good remedies. However, they ignite quickly. Therefore, it is better to avoid such engine washing. Moreover, when washed hot, diesel can cause smoke;
  • steam. This is an effective and safe engine cleaner;
  • auto chemical goods. Experienced mechanics recommend using it together with a bucket of water and a brush;
  • household chemicals. This method also gives excellent results.

Now you know what you can and cannot use to clean your engine. You will need to have the following tools ready to thoroughly clean your engine. Let's look at them:

  • plastic bags;
  • foil paper;
  • "Fairy"
  • rags for cleaning from dirt;
  • sponge;
  • latex gloves;
  • toothbrush;
  • brush;
  • soda;
  • towel;
  • bucket;
  • hose.

Now drive the car into the garage or onto a flat surface and prepare it for engine washing. Take the following steps:

  1. Open the engine compartment. Secure the hood;
  2. Turn off the ignition;
  3. Remove the negative terminal from the battery;
  4. Wait until the engine cools down;
  5. Close the air intakes tightly;
  6. Shut off the distributor, battery, and fuses;
  7. Carefully insulate all wiring and contacts.

Now let's talk about precautions.

The most effective cleaning method

It is best to adhere to the following engine washing algorithm. Before starting, you need to insulate with polyethylene and tape all components vulnerable to water: electrical connectors, generator, air filter air intake, relays, etc. The battery needs to be removed. For greater efficiency, the engine should be warmed up at idle, but it should not be hot.

A special foam cleaner removes dirt best. It must be applied to all surfaces and wait a few minutes for it to be absorbed. Active, stable foam very effectively removes the oldest and most burnt stains without harming plastic and rubber. For hard-to-reach places and the heaviest dirt, you should use a stiff brush. Then we wash off the detergent with a weak stream of water, wipe the accessible areas with a clean rag and remove all the applied insulation.

Cleaning the battery

The battery is treated with a mixture of water and baking soda in certain proportions. This procedure will perfectly protect the terminals from corrosion, improve engine starting and slightly increase battery life.

Precautionary measures

To clean the engine, many car owners use folk remedies. When using such means, you must carefully ensure that the electrical part of the equipment does not fail.

When using household chemicals, you must wear a mask and gloves to protect your respiratory system and hands. You will also need goggles, arm guards and work clothes. When using splashing drugs, do not allow them to come into contact with bare skin or eyes.

Do not remove the mask until the chemical under the hood has dried if you continue to wash the engine. Do not allow corrosive substances to come into contact with the battery, otherwise you will lose it.

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As you can see, it is easy to wash the engine, but only by protecting yourself from emergency situations. Now let's move on to the washing procedure itself.

Apply cleaning agent

After the engine has warmed up a little and some elements have been protected from moisture, you can begin spraying the engine cleaner. Modern engine cleaning products act quickly and effectively. If the engine is not very dirty, then it is not advisable to use too aggressive products based on petroleum products or solvents. They quickly act on oil contaminants and stubborn dirt, but at the same time they destroy rubber tubes and plastic in the engine compartment. It is better to use water-based cleaners.

General purpose cleaners that can remove grease can be used.

Depending on how dirty the engine is, you need to let the cleaning agent soak into the dirt film for 3–10 minutes. Do not allow the cleaner to dry on the engine after spraying. This will leave traces of the product.

If the engine is not very dirty, then you can do without using a brush. In case of heavy contamination and stubborn dirt, it is better to use a brush with a long handle. For some hard-to-reach places, you can use a toothbrush.

After applying engine cleaner and, if necessary, using a brush, thoroughly rinse the engine and its components with water.

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If you use a pressure washer, do not apply too much pressure or spray water too close to electrical connectors to avoid damaging them.

Allow the water to dry briefly, then wipe accessible engine parts and plastic parts with a clean rag before the water dries itself to avoid leaving any traces of dried water. After wiping with a dry cloth, start the engine and let it run for a few minutes. This will help the remaining moisture evaporate.

Once everything is dry and the engine has cooled, it would be a good idea to apply a special protective coating for the engine. You can also apply a protective coating to the engine compartment plastic and rubber tubes.

How to wash a car engine yourself

Let's see what experienced mechanics suggest to clean the engine from oil and dirt. Some car owners use a Karcher car wash.

Cleaning with a Karcher sink at home

To wash the engine, use a Karcher high pressure washer. Washing with it is no different from the sink used in self-service services. Pour in the shampoo, connect the water to the sink, and turn on the device.

Next, use a pressure jet to first spray the engine and engine compartment with shampoo. Then wash off all the dirt with water. This is the fastest option if you don’t have time to tinker with the engine and wait for special substances to eat up the dirt.

How to properly and safely clean an engine with detergent

If you don’t have a Karcher washer and don’t know how to clean the engine from oil and dirt with your own hands, then experienced mechanics recommend using the substances described below. They will help remove all dirt, dried oil and other deposits from the power unit. Protects the engine from corrosion.


To clean the outside of the engine, you will need STP spray. It is sprayed throughout the engine compartment. Suitable for minibuses, cars and SUVs. After spraying, you should wait half an hour. Eats up all deposits and leaves the engine clean.

Liquid Moly

A cleaning product called Liqui Moly will remove oil from the engine. After application, it can be easily washed off with running water. It is used to combat dust, oil drips, and small deposits. To remove serious one-year-old dirt, it is better to use the first product.


Laurel is a domestic development. This is a foam cleaner that forms foam when interacting with air and dirt. Cleaning it protects the engine from corrosion and removes all the negative consequences of driving through rural areas. If you need to wash off minor dirt stains, the concentrate can be diluted. Otherwise, it is not diluted and is applied to the entire engine compartment by spraying.

Cleaner Consol

The console breaks down engine oil and dirt well. It is used when it is necessary to remove serious stains of dirt with build-up from ten years ago. Experienced mechanics advise novice car owners to use this product. It has a gentle effect on all parts it touches.

Steam washing

If you are wondering how to wash your car engine to remove oil stains, then dry steam washing is perfect. A special unit produces dry steam, which the car owner sprays throughout the engine compartment.

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With this washing method, all contacts remain intact, and traces of dirt are completely removed. This is an effective means for washing the power unit.

Traditional methods

Washing the internal combustion engine with gasoline and kerosene, as folk remedies and, according to many car owners, with effective results, is not recommended by experienced mechanics. Problems that may arise were described above. Therefore, it is not worth the risk.

The most you can do is apply the “Fairy” solution or spray it with a spray bottle. Then carefully walk with a cloth over the places where the solution was located. But you will not get an effect as strong as from the remedies described above.

Some nuances

Engine wash products differ in composition. However, there is no radical mixture that can remove contaminants of any type and any complexity. After pouring out even a whole jar of this composition, you can be very disappointed. In any case, the engine will not look like new. But the instructions write about this so beautifully. As reviews show, all car engine cleaners are similar in principle of action. It is enough to spray the contents on a still warm engine and after ten minutes, rinse everything off with water.

However, in most cases, the manufacturer does not indicate at what pressure to wash off the dirt. The water temperature is also not written. If there is a thin layer of dirt and just a little oil on the surface of the engine, then almost any composition will cope with the task. Contaminants will quickly dissolve, and water will remove the entire suspension. As a result, all surfaces of the unit will be clean.

Heavy and medium stains are much more difficult to remove. In most cases, one container of product is not enough.

After washing the engine the car does not start, what should I do?

If, after washing the car engine, the car does not start, then it is recommended to carefully examine all the niches where water may accumulate for the presence of moisture. It is recommended to remove moisture from these niches using a rag.

Experienced mechanics advise removing the spark plugs and drying them just in case. Because if water has flowed in there, then they can become a problem because they do not provide the spark needed for ignition.

It is recommended to thoroughly dry all battery terminals. To do this, take a cloth and wipe the positive and negative terminals. High humidity results in no contact between the terminal and the battery. Because of this, the engine does not start.

Experienced mechanics advise drying the engine thoroughly immediately after washing. Otherwise, moisture ingress may cause a short circuit. A short circuit will entail a major overhaul of the engine. For example, you will need to replace burnt ignition coils and armored wires due to breakdown of its insulation.

Therefore, experienced mechanics advise being careful when washing the engine. Sometimes it is better to have your car washed than to wash it yourself.

Cleaning the cooling system

During operation, scale and salt deposits appear in the cooling system channels. This process is inevitable, since antifreeze constantly experiences stress associated with sudden temperature changes. Therefore, periodic flushing of the cooling system is a necessary procedure. You can do the job like this:

  • spent antifreeze is drained from the system;
  • a mixture of distilled water and a small amount of vinegar is prepared in the required quantity;
  • after this, the engine runs for a certain time, and then the flushing solution is drained;
  • Instead, new antifreeze is poured in.

For better cleaning of cooling channels, it is better to use special products. There are a sufficient number of them on sale - both domestic and foreign-made. Each one comes with instructions for use.


The car engine needs to be washed, just like all its other structural elements. At the same time, when washing it, it is necessary to follow certain rules in order not to damage the power unit and the components of the engine compartment. The frequency of washing the engine is once a month and should be adhered to so that the engine not only looks neat, but is also in good working order. With a clean engine, you can see traces of fuel and oil leaks in advance, and eliminate the faults that caused them in a timely manner.

Tips and tricks

  1. As you can see, dry steam washing is an excellent modern solution. However, we should not forget that steam, one way or another, still increases the moisture content. This means that even taking into account all the advantages, the procedure must be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist. Moreover, in some cases, individual elements under the hood additionally need to be protected, as in the case of conventional engine washing with water from a high-pressure apparatus.
  2. You should also remember that careless or unprofessional handling of the steam generator can lead to burns and injuries. For this reason, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​doing the cleaning yourself and entrust this procedure to experienced workers.
  3. Finally, we note that a clean engine is one of the conditions for safe and durable operation of the car, since periodic preventative washing allows you to get rid of a whole list of possible unwanted problems.
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