The design and principle of operation of car door closers

The main functions that a car door closer is designed to perform are not only to protect door locks from damage due to excessive force when opening or closing them. Modern mechanisms play a very important role in fulfilling the following conditions:
  • a tighter fit of the doors to the car body;
  • ensuring comfortable entry and exit;
  • increasing the characteristics of thermal insulation, waterproofness and noise absorption.

Considering the requirements for modern equipment of this type, a car door closer is a rather complex and high-tech device.

Types of automatic closers

In addition, a car door closer can be of different types, depending on which body part it is intended for. There are two main types:

  • for front and rear doors of the car;
  • for the rear door of a crossover or SUV.

Of course, each type differs not only in its design features, but also in other nuances. For example, installation, or how to adjust a door closer of one type or another.

Types of device

Car door closers are divided into several types and types. They differ in their characteristics and design; electric units are the most popular among Russians.

So, let's look at all models of automatic closers in more detail:

  • For large vehicles such as SUVs and station wagons, specialized designs are provided that can easily “lift” the huge rear doors of these vehicles. Closers can replace standard gas stops. Despite their similar appearance, they differ in their design; the inner part of the latter is an electric motor equipped with a worm gear.
  • On the market you can find a model that hides under the upholstery. Such a unit is connected via an electric motor to the door hinges using a gearbox. It is this device that is “responsible” for opening/closing the trunk and other elements in the car.
  • An automatic closer equipped with a hydraulic system is considered no less accessible and functional. In such a unit, high pressure is pumped using an electric pump, which promotes the action of liquid on all sides of the piston.
  • A truck can be equipped with a very convenient design that you can easily install with your own hands - a door closer that can remember the height required to lift the trunk lid.

Operating principle

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation. The car door closer is not an addition to the standard door locking system.

Thanks to the electronic sensor that the car door closer is equipped with, it is activated when the tongue of the lock touches the first loop of the locking device. Next, the electronic control unit reacts, which activates a specially fixed cable that attracts the door to the car body.

Advantages of using the design

It becomes clear that installing a door closer in a car has many advantages, including:

  • tight fit of the doors to the car body without any effort;
  • extending the service life of door mechanisms;
  • increased comfort;
  • better heat and noise insulation;
  • protection from dust and moisture.

Another advantage is the compact size of the device: the installation of a door closer will not be noticeable in the cabin.

The importance of adjustment

Obviously, no matter what type of door closers are, adjusting their operating parameters is most important.

It is best to entrust such work to qualified specialists who are not only capable of professionally installing a rather expensive device, but also know how to adjust the car door closer in the most optimal way.


It is impossible not to overestimate the benefits of door closers for owners. The design kit contains all the parts required to mount the device. And the instructions will help even an ignorant car owner to install a pulling mechanism on his car.

Despite the fact that today door closers are not found in every new car and are considered more of an additional option, very soon even budget cars will be equipped with this mechanism. The price of door closers is not very high; every driver for whom convenience and traffic safety are important can afford to install them.

Installing the mechanism on the side door

So, in the case of side projections, when installing a car door closer with your own hands, in the vast majority of cases it is necessary to take the following series of actions and measures:

  • Complete removal of the interior trim. Although this operation is labor-intensive, it is quite simple. Moreover, experienced car owners have probably done it more than once. To succeed, you will need two screwdrivers (slotted and Phillips).
  • If the car is equipped with electrically controlled mirrors or side windows, you will need to read the technical documentation provided by the manufacturer of the specific car model. The problem is that the terminals will have to be disconnected. And if you subsequently mix them up, then not only the car door closer will not work, but also all the servo systems. Moreover, in case of an error, the auxiliary electrical circuit of the machine can be completely damaged.
  • The next step is to install an electronic drive with a pull-up cable. As a rule, detailed instructions are included with the device. If it is not there, then you must remember that the block is installed in such a way that the pulling element faces the door lock.
  • An electronic sensor is installed above the door lock, which, in interaction with a special magnet, ensures the operation of the entire system as a whole. To install these elements, you will have to use a drill to drill holes that will allow them to be secured using the specially supplied screws. It is important that the sensor and the response magnet are strictly below each other.
  • Next, all that remains is to connect the sensor with the electronic operating control unit, which, in turn, must be connected to the general 12-volt electrical network of the machine.


Car door closers have the following technical characteristics:

  • ensure uninterrupted operation in the temperature range -40 °C ... - +85 °C;
  • MTBF (failure-free operation time) is 30,000 operating cycles;
  • the noise level does not exceed 50 dB;
  • adjusting the time for tightly closing the door in the range of 1 - 2.5 seconds;
  • have an operating voltage of 12 V;
  • allow installation with a door thickness of 50 mm.

The device is installed on average in 3 - 4 hours. Its installation does not require any adjustments to the factory design or technical documentation of the vehicle.

The delivery system is mounted and secured into the inside of the car door mechanism. The device has the necessary dimensions and is adapted for tight mounting. During the assembly and installation of individual system components, the interaction of the main structural elements with each other should be carefully monitored. The intersection of parts and assemblies, as well as their friction against each other, are not allowed.

Approximate diagram of installing a door closer on the rear door

Depending on the make and model of the car, installing the mechanism here may imply different algorithms of action. But a typical diagram looks like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to dismantle the internal lining. As a rule, this is done by removing the upholstery clips and a Phillips screwdriver.
  • Next, you need to disconnect the wires of the rear window heating system. Before doing this, it is strongly recommended to carefully remember or even sketch the position in which the elements were before the work began.
  • The main execution unit of the door closer system is mounted in the internal space of the rear door frame. In the vast majority of cases, this will require drilling holes for fasteners. All of them are processed by Movil.
  • At least two more holes will have to be made for attaching the sensor located above the standard lock, and for the magnetic counterparty located under it.
  • Then the drive cable is installed. It is important that it has sufficient tension and does not come into contact with other parts of the machine. Otherwise, the system will not work.
  • After which the main unit is connected to the general internal electrical network of the car. This is often made difficult by the lack of free terminals and connection sockets. In these cases, you will either have to use a system of extension cords and adapters, or seek help from qualified automotive electrical experts.

Thus, installing universal or conventional car door closers cannot be called a very simple process. Such work requires certain knowledge of the structure of the car, the basics of electrical engineering and the principles of operation of various systems, components and assemblies.

So, we found out what a car door closer is and how to install it.

“Don’t slam the door!” - this is the angry inscription that minibus drivers and overly impressionable taxi drivers decorate their doors with. What to do if it doesn’t close, slam it. But it’s even more annoying when you buy an expensive car, install a good alarm system, close the door, the alarm goes into security mode and then it turns out that the door didn’t slam shut all the way. All that remains is to turn off the alarm again and clap again, but with feeling.


However, if you have a strong desire to save money or if it is impossible to use the services of experts for some reason, it is quite possible to install door closers on your own. True, in this case it will be necessary to arm yourself not only with “skillful hands” and a certain dexterity, but also with a supply of the necessary special tools. How to properly install a car door closer with your own hands will be discussed in our detailed instructions. Let's look at it below.

How much does a door closer cost?

To save their precious customers from such worries, premium brands, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, optionally offer to install a door closer on their car. This pleasure costs from 70 to 150 thousand rubles, so not everyone wants to fork out for such luxury. This is understandable, for that kind of money you can buy a used six, and for those who own not premium sedans, but simple cars, access to such luxury would seem to be closed.

However, several years ago a number of companies (Dorma, Ryobi, Abloy) offered a ready-made door closer as a kit for installation either with your own hands or under an authorized service. The most famous company producing these devices is SlamStop. Their set of door closers costs about 30,000 rubles for 2 doors with installation. We need two more - services can give a discount, usually 5-7% of retail. Still not cheap, but the beauty is that the device can be installed on any car that has doors. Now more details about the device.


The working stroke of the side door closers is so small (6–7 mm) that only a finger can be pinched. On the interior side, the manufacturer does not leave any places where, for example, a child could find a gap in which a finger would be pinched. But the outer edges of the door still form gaps. However, you can only put a pencil in there.

This is how the Audi Q8 door closer bites through a pencil.

This is how the Audi Q8 door closer bites through a pencil.

Children should not operate the tailgate drives. Well, for an adult, the maximum force developed by the drive and not exceeding 10 kg at the edge of the door is not dangerous. If this force is exceeded, the door stops and even - on some cars - begins to open.

What is a door closer and why is it needed at all?

Incomplete lock operation is common in SUVs with thick doors. I have to clap again. This story often occurs in three-door cars, as well as in cases where the door seal is hard. You also have to clap hard. In principle, this is not fatal, but by installing a universal closer, you can simply close the door, and the device will automatically press it until the lock is fully activated. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to everyone to decide, but there is such an option and it is getting cheaper every year, since the Chinese are not asleep.

However, you need to understand that the closer is not an additional lock; its task is only to tightly tighten the door until the standard lock is fully activated, so the lock must be in good working order and work accurately. The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple - there is a magnet on the counter and a sensor on the door. As soon as the lock has closed with the first click, the sensor determines that the door is not completely locked and activates the actuator, which attracts the door.

Did you know that...

Some actuators begin to close the door when a person pulls the tailgate down slightly, indicating a desire to close it. Remember a computer CD-ROM: give it a little push and the tray slides away on its own.

The device allows you to implement an interesting function - the door is raised not to its full height, but by an amount programmed by the driver. This may be required in a garage with a low ceiling. The Hall sensor allows the “electronic intelligence” to count the number of revolutions of the electric motor that are necessary to lift the door to a given height. You can set the door lift height by pressing a button on the remote control or on the door itself.

Ways to control the door drive: 1 - button on the instrument panel; 2 — button on the door outside; 3 — button on the end of the door; 4 — button on the key fob.

Ways to control the door drive: 1 - button on the instrument panel; 2 — button on the door outside; 3 — button on the end of the door; 4 — button on the key fob.

Designs and types of door closers

Basically, there are two types of door closers:

The latter type assumes the presence of an autonomous hydraulic system with a pump, electronic pressure regulation and a complex actuator. All this makes the device too expensive and it is installed only in exclusive expensive sports cars and limousines.

The electric closer, in turn, can be of two types:

with a worm gear, which are installed instead of standard gas stops on SUVs and station wagons;

a closer based on a clamping mechanism, this is exactly the system that SlamStop produces, and such devices have become the most in demand.

The SlamStop closer consists of a drive, which is located under the door trim, a bracket on the post, an actuator, a magnet and a sensor. The device is controlled by an autonomous primitive ECU, which is also located inside the door under the door card. The device is powered from the on-board network and consumes very little energy.

Rear doorman

For ease of use of the trunk, we came up with a hands-free access system

. We have already discussed the principle of its operation. And here is how the power drive of the luggage compartment lid works.

An electric motor with a gear reducer that turns the lid by its hinges.

An electric motor with a gear reducer that turns the lid by its hinges.

Moreover, such devices are used both on heavy fifth doors of station wagons and on the lids of sedans.

There are also cars with a hydraulically driven trunk lid.

, but
the drive in the form of a sliding rod with a built-in electric drive

Hydraulic drive of the trunk lid of the Volkswagen Phaeton sedan: 1 - hydraulic cylinder; 2 - hydraulic unit; 3 - electric motor; 4 — trunk loop.

Hydraulic drive of the trunk lid of the Volkswagen Phaeton sedan: 1 - hydraulic cylinder; 2 - hydraulic unit; 3 - electric motor; 4 — trunk loop.

Installation and operation of the device

The closer drive is installed after removing the door card in any free space inside the door. If possible, it is installed so that the angle with respect to the actuator is minimal. After this, a magnet is installed in the rack, and on the contrary, a position sensor is installed in the door body. To do this, you have to drill holes in the rack and in the door. To install the actuator, a groove is cut in the door, and on the contrary, a power bracket is installed in the doorway.

When the door is closed, when the sensor approaches the magnet, an impulse is sent to the control unit, the unit supplies power to the drive with an electric motor, which activates the actuator. It grabs the bracket in the doorway and smoothly and gently pulls the door until the lock is completely closed. If a foreign object gets between the door seal and the opening, the ECU turns off the system, preventing possible injury to hands or fingers. The system operates in 1-2 seconds and, when properly installed and lubricated, does not make any extraneous sounds and operates smoothly and accurately.

How does it work

In appearance, the electric drive resembles a gas-filled tailgate stop - only thicker and longer (according to the laws of mechanics, greater movement requires less force). In addition, numerous devices must fit inside. The main element is a screw-nut pair that passes through almost the entire drive. An electric motor is installed at the end, which rotates the lead screw through a reduction planetary two-stage gearbox. A coil spring that works in compression helps lift a heavy door.

Luggage compartment door drive: 1 — Hall sensor; 2 - electric motor; 3 - gearbox; 4 — lead screw nut; 5 - spring; 6 - lead screw.

Luggage compartment door drive: 1 — Hall sensor; 2 - electric motor; 3 - gearbox; 4 — lead screw nut; 5 - spring; 6 - lead screw.

A device with feedback is required

, indicating that the device has reached one of two extreme positions.
This role is played by the Hall sensor, which controls the rotation of the motor armature. The operation of the two drives is controlled by an electronic unit. The tailgate can be opened by command from the remote control, or by pressing the button on the door when the car is disarmed, or, finally, in the most effective way - by running your foot under the bumper.
You can close the opening from the remote control by pressing a button on the door trim or a button from the interior.

Using a weight as a slamming mechanism

This method is becoming one of the oldest and is rarely used today. With this method, a cable or rope is attached to the door leaf, the second end of which is passed through a wheel attached to the wall or frame. A weight is attached to the end, which closes the door. Its weight has to be selected manually, since there is no exact formula for calculating it.

The advantages of this method include its low cost, simplicity and efficiency. If necessary, you can even lock the door.

The obvious disadvantage is that while moving, the load swings and hits the door or frame. In order not to spoil the surface, it is placed in a pipe with the appropriate diameter. This approach will preserve the door and give the composition a more attractive and neat look.

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