Antifreeze for VAZ 2115 manufacturer's recommendations

Choosing what coolant to fill in the VAZ-2114?

Car : VAZ-2114. Asks : Syutkin Alexander. The essence of the question : what is better to fill in the cooling system of the VAZ-2114?
On my hatchback 2114, the antifreeze has not been changed since the factory. It was just topped up, but I don’t know the brand of liquid. I myself added distilled water to the tank, bringing the level to the MAX mark. But I know that you can’t do this - the freezing temperature rises. I would like to know what brand of antifreeze was filled in at the factory to completely replace it. Surely, only one coolant was poured into VAZ-2114 cars. Which one exactly?

Change or add antifreeze after the engine boils

If antifreeze boils in a VAZ 2114 or any other model, the following happens: water, which is the coolant, evaporates and turns into steam, which raises the pressure in the engine cooling system. This leads to squeezing out some of the liquid into the expansion tank, and after it overflows, onto the ground. Steam has a much lower ability to transmit and transfer heat, so the cylinder head (cylinder head) becomes very hot, which leads to hardening of the valve stem seals, which is why they can no longer hold oil.

In addition, due to a sharp jump in temperature, the head housing is deformed, and the cylinder liners and the upper part of the block overheat. If immediately after boiling the engine was switched to economy mode (2.5–3 thousand rpm without load) in order to increase the circulation of antifreeze residues and cool the cylinder head, then there is a high probability of damage to this part. In especially severe cases, even the cylinder block suffers, that is, the mating plane on the head side is deformed.

How to replace antifreeze VAZ

If the car still boils, and there is no way to call a tow truck, then add any liquid, you can mix antifreeze with antifreeze in the cooling system of a VAZ 2114 or any other car, because after reaching the nearest car service center you will have to change or overhaul the engine. Therefore, it is better to regularly check the condition of the engine and change the coolant in a timely manner, because the cost of repairing or replacing the power unit is tens of thousands of rubles.

Remember: it doesn’t matter whether you add fluid or completely replace it in a boiling engine, this will not eliminate the damage that it has already received, so you cannot do without repairs. If you neglect repairs, then in the best case, oil and gasoline consumption will sharply increase, and the engine power will noticeably drop, and in the worst case, the power unit will catch fire, after which it will be extremely difficult to put out the car.

What kind of liquid should be poured into the cooling system according to the passport?

Open the hood and look at the expansion tank. We see a sticker on top: it says “ TC Felix-40”. This means that Felix TC-40 antifreeze, produced in the city of Dzerzhinsk (Tosol-Sintez LLC), was filled with antifreeze.

The sticker on the tank must be present

If there is no sticker, we identify the liquid by color:

  • Green – as indicated above;
  • Yellow -green (light green ), there is a fluorescent effect - CoolStream Standart 40 (Tehnoform, Klimovsk).

There may be a blue coolant, but like the previous two, it is a G11 class antifreeze. The red liquid belongs to class G12 - further on it says how to dilute it.

Antifreeze can be sold in the form of a concentrate. Usually you need to add water (distillate) in a 1 to 1 ratio. Be careful!

G11 and G12 (antifreeze or antifreeze)

Compatibility table for antifreeze:

  • Antifreeze class G11 – color blue, green or yellow-green. Can be diluted with antifreeze or G11 class antifreeze.
  • Class G12 – red color. In principle, it is impossible to add coolant of another class (not G12).

When buying, you need to look not at the color, but only at the designations.

Antifreezes of two different classes

In the VAZ-2114 tank, the coolant can be colored red. If it was refilled upon release, then we are talking about Felix Carbox TC-40 (G12) antifreeze. When inspecting the tank, pay attention to the presence of smudges. If there are any, then the antifreeze is knocked out of the tank and the coolant boils.

Educational program by name: “antifreeze” is one of the types of antifreeze classified as class G11.

Concentration and proportions

Standard concentrates contain 3% water and freeze at low temperatures. To increase it to “-40”, the water content is adjusted to 50% (proportion “1 to 1”). According to VAZ requirements, the freezing temperature should be “-40” or lower. Draw conclusions.

If antifreeze freezes at “-50”, adding 1/10 of water raises the temperature to “-40”, and 1/5 to “-34”.

About the cooling system in general

The volume of the cooling system of engines 2111, 11183 and 21124 is the same. It is equal to 7.8 l. Part of the “old” fluid (1-2 l) remains in the system when replaced. Therefore, they do this: they fill the system with water (distillate), drive 10-20 km, and carry out the final replacement. All actions, of course, are performed in the warm season.

Ignition module - how to remove it

To get to the drain plug, you need to remove the ignition module from the 11183 engine. What needs to be done: disconnect the low-voltage connector, unscrew the three screws (see photo). You can then remove the module along with the bracket.

It is better not to apply all the “folk advice” about adding various acids to the wash water. It is unknown how a liter of antifreeze will react with vinegar or citric acid. But the stove tap must be opened when flushing.

For replacement (factory recommendations for choosing coolant)

For a complete replacement, it is recommended to choose any material from the list:

  • CoolStream Standard – green, G11;
  • CoolStream Premium – orange, meets the requirements of class G12+, but belongs to class G12 or G11 (the manufacturer does not specify);
  • “Lada Concentrate” - G11, manufactured by “Bulgar Lada Plus” (Kazan) or “Oil Center” (Tolyatti);
  • "Lada A-40" - the same as "Lada Concentrate", but in a ready-to-use form;
  • OZhK, also OZh-40 or OZh-65 “TOSOL-TS” - different names and concentrations of antifreeze from the city of Dzerzhinsk (see above);
  • OZhK, OZh-40 or OZh-65 “TOSOL-TORSA” – blue-green, G11;
  • "Antifreeze G-48" - G11. The material has been discontinued and was produced in the city of Perm.

The photo below shows an example of a fake.

Antifreeze "Dzerzhinsky" A-40M

The name contains everything – Dzerzhinsk and A-40. Be careful.

When to change?

We have already determined that, from the point of view of the needs of the VAZ 2114, antifreeze is best suited for this car. Although the plant itself has clear recommendations and standards in this regard. If you have a really high-quality antifreeze, which costs more than antifreeze, its performance efficiency will not be inferior to VAZ’s development, and in some places it may even be better.

But first, let’s determine exactly when the coolant needs to be replaced. It all depends on each specific situation, so there are several recommendations in this regard.

  1. When buying a new car, it should be replaced after every 60 thousand kilometers traveled.
  2. The standard service life of filled coolant is 2 years. Under normal operating conditions, it is sufficient to change it every two years.
  3. The coolant must be replaced immediately if its color has acquired a cloudy structure or a rusty tint.
  4. If the coolant leaked and water was used as a top-up, you need to eliminate the source of the leak and replace all the antifreeze.
  5. If the engine has been repaired or dismantled, the coolant must be replaced, regardless of its current condition.

What to fill?

A question that interests many is the volume of liquid that should be poured into the engine cooling system of the VAZ 2114. We answer. The volume of antifreeze or antifreeze is exactly 7.8 liters.

Since we agreed that antifreeze would be the best choice, let’s talk about its varieties and determine which one is best to use.

Type of antifreeze Peculiarities
AK This antifreeze is a concentrate, so it cannot be poured in its pure form. Diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 1. The freezing point after dilution will be -30 degrees Celsius
A65 Already diluted antifreeze that does not require adding water. The freezing point of the liquid is -65 degrees Celsius
A40 The most common version of antifreeze for the VAZ 2114. Its freezing point is -40 degrees Celsius

Decide for yourself which of this you will pour into the engine cooling system. Each of the three presented types of coolant has its own characteristics and works equally effectively for the benefit of your car.

Do not forget about the existence of high-quality antifreezes. They cost more, but last about 1-2 years longer.

What is better antifreeze or antifreeze for VAZ

Beginning car owners of the domestic automobile industry, learning the basics of car ownership, often ask various questions about servicing and repairing VAZs. One of the most frequently asked questions regarding the cooling system: which is better - Antifreeze or antifreeze for VAZ?

The question is quite interesting and is asked often, especially from owners who purchased a car, but were unable to get a clear answer from the former owner as to what was poured into the cooling system.

And before the winter period, when car preparation is required, this question comes up and makes you think. Let's try to figure it out.

What color is the antifreeze in 2114?

Antifreeze for VAZ 2114 1st generation

2010G11 Hybrid class Gasoline, diesel enginesgreen blue
2011G11 Hybrid class Gasoline, diesel enginesgreen blue
2012G11 Hybrid class Gasoline, diesel enginesgreen blue
2013G11 Hybrid class Gasoline, diesel enginesgreen blue

Features of antifreeze and antifreeze

Let's start with the fact that Tosol is a type of antifreeze developed in the USSR. But as often happens with us, the name has become a household word and many liquids for car cooling systems are called Antifreeze.

Antifreeze and antifreeze are based on ethylene glycol (less commonly propylene glycol), distilled water and various additives. And the main difference between them comes down to the additive package.

Antifreeze is made from equal parts of water and ethylene glycol using traditional technology, which includes additives based on salts of inorganic acids.

Main characteristics of antifreeze

The main characteristics include:

  • boiling point;
  • freezing temperature;
  • a class that determines the composition and physicochemical properties.

Boiling point

The operating temperature of engines installed in front-wheel drive VAZ cars is 90–100 degrees, but a short-term increase to 103 degrees is acceptable. Therefore, the boiling point of the coolant should be at least slightly higher than the maximum permissible engine temperature, that is, be above 105 degrees. If the car is used to transport a trailer along mountain roads, or for various races, then the boiling point of the coolant should be at least 110 degrees, because the engine works in heavy duty and gets very hot.

Freezing point

The freezing or crystallization temperature of the coolant should be below the expected minimum (nighttime) temperature in winter. If the coolant parameter is higher, then despite crystallization in the form of balls, engine damage may occur.

Antifreeze class

Antifreeze class shows:

  • its chemical composition;
  • physical and chemical effect on engine parts and cooling system;
  • life time.

Replacing antifreeze VAZ

This parameter is marked with the letter “G” and numbers that indicate the class of the coolant, as well as the content of certain reagents in it that affect its physical and chemical properties. The basis of any antifreeze poured into the cooling system is water, antifreeze is provided by ethylene glycol, propylene glycol or glycerin, and various additives, so-called corrosion inhibitors, which determine the class of the product, protect the engine from the effects of coolant. Here are the classes of antifreeze:

  1. G11 is an ethylene glycol-based antifreeze; silicates and salts of various inorganic acids are used as corrosion inhibitors. This coolant has low thermal conductivity, because silicates form thick scale on the channel walls, which impairs the heat transfer from metal parts. The service life of such a substance is 1–2 years, after which the effectiveness of the inhibitors decreases and the antifreeze begins to destroy the engine. Antifreeze developed in the USSR belongs to the same class.
  2. G12 is a coolant based on ethylene glycol, and salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids (carboxylates) are used as corrosion inhibitors, which interact with the metal only in areas of corrosion. Due to the absence of a thick layer of scale, the liquid removes heat more efficiently, and the service life is 5–7 years.
  3. G12+ is an ethylene glycol-based antifreeze, and silicates and carboxylates are used as corrosion inhibitors in various proportions, thereby combining relatively low cost, efficiency and a long (4-6 years) service life. Some manufacturers call this antifreeze hybrid.
  4. G12++ is a substance based on ethylene glycol, contains carboxylates and silicates, but has a high boiling point (135 degrees).
  5. G13 - antifreeze based on non-toxic propylene or glycerin, corrosion inhibitors - carboxylates and various inorganic elements, including silicates. G12++ is inferior in heat transfer, and its price is noticeably higher.

Antifreeze or antifreeze for VAZ-2107

Let's consider all the nuances on specific models. First, let's figure out what is better for the VAZ-2107 - Antifreeze or antifreeze. The main fluid for this car is the same Antifreeze 40 or Antifreeze 65. But it is also possible to use antifreeze. Moreover, there is no difference in the power system - whether it is injection or carburetor.

And here lies the rub. If a decision is made to pour antifreeze into the system, then it must be selected strictly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The use of inappropriate antifreeze can lead to destruction of pipes and system elements, since additives can be aggressive to them.

It should be noted that antifreeze and antifreeze are incompatible with each other. An attempt to mix them often leads to the formation of reaction products of additives in the liquid, which can easily clog channels of small cross-section.

Therefore, if the owner does not know exactly what was poured into the system, then before changing the fluid it is better to flush the system with at least distilled water, and then fill the VAZ-2107 with antifreeze or antifreeze injector.

How to fill

When the old substance is completely drained, you can proceed to the second part.

  1. Tighten all plugs.
  2. Disconnect the hose from the pipe and fill in antifreeze. Fill in the liquid
  3. Reinstall the hose and add more.
  4. Tighten the plug.
  5. Turn on the engine and let the car idle. This will remove all the air.
  6. Turn off the engine. Check the level and sensor. If everything is in order, then put on the mudguard, tighten the fastening bolts, put the cap on the tank and close the hood.

Done, the replacement in the VAZ 2115 was successfully completed.

Coolant temperature sensor

Replacing fluid on a VAZ-2107

Carrying out all the work on this car is not that difficult. Tools you will need:

  • Key to 13;
  • Key for 30 (possibly);
  • Screwdriver;
  • Drain container;

You should also take care of purchasing new fluid. In this car, its quantity in the system should be 8.65 liters.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. The car is placed on the platform and time is given to cool down (if the engine is warm);
  2. Remove the caps from the radiator filler neck and expansion tank. Also in the cabin, on the heater control panel, we move the lever to heating, thereby opening the heater radiator tap;
  3. Unscrew the drain plug at the bottom of the radiator. On older models there is no such plug, so on them the temperature sensor is unscrewed with a 30 key. There is also a drain plug on the engine, which we also remove. We collect the leaking liquid into a prepared container;
  • After draining, install all plugs in place;
  • We wash the system. To do this, distilled water or a special detergent is poured into it. In order to completely fill the system and displace the air, remove the pipe going to the intake manifold. As soon as water or liquid comes out of it, we put it in place;
  • We start the engine so that it flushes the system through circulation;
  • Drain the water through the plugs. Fill in new coolant. We start the motor for circulation. Then we are interested in the amount of liquid in the system and, if necessary, add it to the expansion tank to the required level.

Cooling system VAZ 2115


cooling is of great interest to motorists.
machines have a hidden cooling system based on the use of a special cooling mixture. The movement of the cooling mixture occurs under the influence of a mechanical pump.

The assembly principle of many Russian cars is carried out rather poorly, so the performance of many mechanisms, including the cooling system,

leaves much to be desired.

To identify and carry out the necessary repair work, you need to have an understanding of the condition and method of operation of the cooling system.


If you have a 1.6 liter engine, then the first step is to remove the plastic LADA cover on the engine - unscrew the cover on the engine to fill the oil, and then pull out the entire cover. It is seated on rubber seals. After removing this plastic screen, screw the oil cap back on to prevent dirt from getting into the crankcase.

— We find the heating pipes for the throttle assembly (there are 2 of them), see the picture. Pick up any phone

— Next, unscrew the cap of the expansion tank (coolant tank) and cover the neck of the tank with a clean rag.

— We begin to blow into the tank with liquid. We blow until all the air comes out of the hose and antifreeze flows out.

— Quickly put the tube back on and tighten it with a clamp so that no air gets in there.

(It is worth noting that depending on the tube that you removed, antifreeze may leak from both the tube and the fitting from which the tube was removed)

The second method of removing air from the cooling system is less perverted. There is no need to blow anything here:

— Warm up the engine to operating temperature

— The expansion tank cap does NOT need to be unscrewed.

— As in the first method, unscrew the clamp of the coolant pipe on the throttle assembly.

— Having removed the heating pipe of the throttle assembly, release the air, and after the antifreeze begins to flow out, immediately put it back on the fitting and secure it well with a clamp.

But be careful and careful! Don't forget that the coolant temperature is approximately 90 degrees.

There is also a simpler, but less effective way to eliminate an air lock:

1) We drive up a steep hill so that the radiator cap becomes the highest point of the cooling system.

2) Unscrew the cap of the expansion tank and the radiator cap.

3) Let the car warm up to operating temperature

4) Then we accelerate several times and at the same time add coolant into the barrel.

Do this until bubbles stop appearing.

Replacing pipes

The cooling system uses 4 rubber pipes:

- upper supply pipe - supplies cooled liquid from the radiator to the engine;

- lower outlet pipe - removes the heated liquid below from the engine to the radiator;

- two short pipes that connect the water pump and thermostat to the system.

If the pipes fail, they must be replaced. In this case, it is best to purchase silicone pipes.

To remove old and install new silicone (rubber) pipes, you need a set of wrenches, several screwdrivers and silicone lubricant.

Repairs associated with replacing pipes must be carried out in the following order:

Remove the fan, soundproofing upholstery, trim and frame covers from the windshield;

Provide access to the air collector by removing its fastening elements;

Remove the front housing and release the clamps that hold the pipes;

Remove the pipes from the fittings and install new ones (silicone or rubber) in their place. Secure the new pipes with clamps. Before installation, it is recommended to lubricate the rubber pipes with silicone grease. It is also advisable to lubricate the clamp screws with silicone grease. Subsequently, this will allow you to easily unscrew them;

Reinstall all the removed parts, flush the system and fill it with new coolant mixture.

Antifreeze or antifreeze for VAZ-2109 and other models

Now let's look at this situation on more modern cars. So, what is better - Antifreeze or antifreeze for the VAZ 2109. Similar questions can also be included here: VAZ-2114 - Antifreeze or antifreeze, VAZ 2115 - Antifreeze or antifreeze.

The situation with these cars is similar to the VAZ-2107 model. That is, antifreeze is standard for these cars, but it is also possible to use antifreeze, but only of certain brands.

Replacing fluid on a VAZ-2110

As for the replacement procedure, let's look at how to replace Antifreeze with VAZ-2110 antifreeze or vice versa:

  1. The car is installed on the platform and cooled;
  2. The expansion tank cap is removed, the heater tap is opened, the plugs on the radiator and crankcase are unscrewed, and the waste fluid is drained into a container;
  3. The plugs are installed in place and flushing liquid or distillate is poured into the system. The engine starts to circulate the fluid;
  4. The flushing fluid is drained, and then fresh antifreeze or antifreeze is added;

On other specified models, the operation is performed similarly.

And as a result, we note that antifreeze is still better than Antifreeze in its properties, but it also costs more. If you want to take better care of your car, then you should fill it with antifreeze, but only of the appropriate brand. But a feature of our automobile industry is the possibility of system leakage, and replenishing the level of antifreeze can be expensive.

Antifreeze also does a good job, but it needs to be changed more often, but it costs less.

How to drain

To get started, stock up on all the necessary tools for the job:

  • Key;
  • screwdriver;
  • container for draining;
  • new fluid.

If your car has cooled down, then you can proceed to the first part.

  1. Place the machine on a level surface.
  2. Open the hood.
  3. Remove the cap from the tank. Unscrew the cap from the tank
  4. Remove the mudguard and unscrew the bolts securing it to the body.
  5. Place a container for drainage and unscrew all drain plugs.
  6. Now the liquid can be drained.

Antifreeze for VAZ (Lada) 2113/2114/2115

for repair of VAZ (Lada) 2113/2114/2115

  • loading.
    • loading.
    • loading.
    • loading.
    • Vectra
    • Mokka
    • Antara
    • Astra
    • Meriva
    • Zafira Tourer

    I always filled it with Felix, but now, in connection with the planned replacement of the large radiator, I added 1.5 liters of Pilot - what a rare thing! It boils earlier than water and burns no worse than lighter fluid)). Just before the fan activated (102 g), the antifreeze began to boil at 95-97 g and it was thrown out through the barrel plugs). Everything was decided by replacing the antifreeze with a normal quality one!

    Nord red ruined everything for me, I switched to syntec green and everything is ok.

    After an unsuccessful experience with using antifreeze, Nord decided to switch to hepu, filled it with pure good one, but after a few months it became slightly cloudy, I was not happy about this, although there was no smell of rotten eggs like from Nord.

    The red Felix was filled in in the winter after the engine was overhauled. Before filling it, they washed the block and the system, changed the hoses, but 2 days after that it again turned into a burgundy mess with a rusty sediment. I drove like this for 8 months and decided to overcome this disgrace for the winter. I drained it, washed it 2 times with water, removed the pipes separately and washed the stove with a hose, then with distillate and ABRO washing.

    My Sintek antifreeze has become cloudy, I'm afraid that oil has entered the cooling system, or maybe it's the antifreeze. I poured it half a year ago, in March the color was excellent, now it’s dark green.

    What antifreeze should I choose for VAZ (Lada) 2113/2114/2115?

    Last month, PartReview users preferred SINTEC. 10% of positive votes belong to this manufacturer.

    AGA antifreeze took second place - 10%.

    LIQUI MOLY closes the top three with 10% of the votes.

    In the general rating of antifreeze, which takes into account the opinions of owners of different brands and models of cars, these brands occupy the following positions:

    1. SINTEC received 6th place, PR score - 88. Data from 135 reviews and 421 votes are taken into account.
    2. AGA came in 12th place, with a PR score of 81. Based on 135 reviews and 254 votes.
    3. LIQUI MOLY - 2nd place, and the PR score was 93. Data from 16 reviews and 48 votes are taken into account.

    What antifreeze to fill in 2115.

    or maybe antifreeze

    because they differ in properties


    , It is the same.


    , did you find the fuse?!

    Antifreeze and antifreeze are two different things. but with a similar function!

    Pour the usual good antifreeze, Dzerzhinsky seems to be praised, and don’t worry!

    "Tosol" is a brand of antifreeze supplied with Fiat cars. This is where the name came from, just as “Patifon” became attached to all similar players, “Xerox” to copiers.

    Pour Dzerzhinsky antifreeze from a large canister and don’t suffer

    Yes yes yes MAS_074

    That’s right, antifreeze is introduced more “plastically” into the lives of motorists, which is why we recommend it.
    because other antifreezes may not be worse, but there is no point in using it if antifreeze suits you. Even if you ask someone on the road to top it up in an emergency... it is likely that the person will have antifreeze rather than something else .
    Dzerzhinsky antifreeze also comes in different forms, there (in Dzerzhinsk) a bunch of enterprises produce “Dzerzhinsky antifreeze”

    Personally, I take Felix

    Yes, I found it. I don’t really know the number, I just changed the entire top row.

    exactly, Felix is ​​written.

    In this case, you just need to pour water, there is confidence that
    by all claims to VODOKANAL if something happens

    A colleague at work had his thermostat housing corroded after washing it with Laurel. It probably makes sense to rinse with water to remove large pieces of debris; I washed it 3 times with water at 7 and 10.

    If the car has been running for a long time with what is currently filled, you can wash it with a system cleaning compound. cool engine, costs from 40 rubles. dilute in water, fill, let the engine run for 15-20 minutes (see instructions), drain, then rinse with water. fill in new antifreeze.

    here, here, here you are right! There is no need to pour crap into the new thermostat! When cleaning, don’t forget to turn on the stove.

    Replacing antifreeze: which antifreeze to choose, what to pay attention to?

    It is impossible to imagine a car engine without a cooling system! Coolant plays an important role in the engine, which gets quite hot during operation.

    For a long time now, water was poured into the cooling system, but this was very inconvenient, because with the onset of winter it had to be constantly drained at night, and in the summer it boiled very quickly, with all the consequences. Over time, it was replaced by Antifreeze, which was used primarily in Soviet-made cars. Antifreeze owes its name to the so-called Department of Organic Synthesis Technologies . A little later, antifreeze appeared on the coolant market, a more advanced analogue of Antifreeze “from abroad”. Time passed, the number of cars increased, and at the same time the demand for all automotive fluids, including antifreeze.

    Today there are so many different antifreezes on the coolant that sometimes in order to buy a good antifreeze you have to spend hours circling around three-meter store shelves. In this article I will try to figure it out and answer the question of which antifreeze is best to buy , so that you can make a quick and correct choice. Go!

    When choosing antifreeze, first of all you should take into account the recommendations of the car manufacturer, but not the saleswoman who advises you to buy expensive antifreeze in order to get good bonuses for it.

    There are two main types of antifreeze and they differ not in color, but in composition - based on ethylene glycol, including (G11 and G12, Antifreeze), and also based on propylene glycol (G13). The second class is distinguished by more modern and at the same time less aggressive components with similar physical properties.

    What is antifreeze for?

    During engine operation, a lot of heat is generated, which must be removed and released into the atmosphere through the radiator. Inside the engine there are channels through which the coolant (coolant) moves, collecting excess thermal energy and delivering it to the radiator. At the same time, it is constantly in contact with engine and cooling system parts made of various materials, and therefore must be chemically inert towards them.

    Choosing antifreeze for VAZ

    In winter, when the air temperature drops below zero degrees, water, which is the main component of any antifreeze, must turn into solid form, that is, turn into ice. However, other components of antifreeze prevent this development of events, so the freezing point of the coolant is much lower than that of water. Even when the temperature drops below the permissible level, antifreeze does not turn into a solid piece of ice, tearing the engine apart from the inside, but into many small balls, which protects the engine from damage.

    How to avoid boiling?

    To prevent the antifreeze from boiling, you should choose high-boiling antifreezes, as a rule, these include ethylene glycol antifreezes. The higher the content of this substance, the higher the boiling point of antifreeze will be. Coolants that are designed for low temperatures -40° (OZh-40) have a boiling point of - +108°, liquids designed for -65° (OZh-65) will have a boiling point of - +116°. Water and ethylene glycol in equal proportions will have a boiling point of +107°. The antifreeze that boils the most is G12-plus; it is intended for high-speed engines of the new generation.

    Color meaning

    Replacing antifreeze and choosing it is an important task, but it has nothing to do with the color of the coolant. Some motorists claim that blue or red antifreeze is the most durable and has the best performance. This, of course, is not true; this topic has been discussed hundreds of times on thematic forums and is not worth repeating. Color is just a marketing ploy by antifreeze manufacturers; in addition, thanks to the dye that is added to the coolant, leaks can be detected promptly and effectively. This is where the influence of antifreeze color ends. The color also allows motorists to monitor the condition of the antifreeze; if its color has changed significantly, this is a signal to replace the antifreeze.

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