VAZ 2109: replacing the cooling radiator yourself

Constant circulation of coolant through special channels allows you to maintain a certain temperature regime necessary for normal engine operation.

Failure of the cooling device, leakage of coolant, or insufficient coolant level can ultimately lead to overheating of the engine and, ultimately, to its breakdown. The VAZ 2109 radiator can be repaired after identifying the main reasons that could cause a failure in its effective operation.

Removing the radiator and its subsequent installation in place must be performed on a cold car engine. Before installing a new or repaired radiator, you should check it for leaks.

To do this, just plug the pipes, lower it into a bath of water and supply air with a pressure of 0.2 MPa. If bubbles do not appear on the surface within 30 seconds, then we can assume that the device has passed the leak test. All work on repairing and replacing the radiator can be done independently with your own hands, without the help of a specialist.

Removing the radiator

VAZ 2109 cooling radiator

Let's get started:

  • first of all, you should de-energize the battery or even remove it;
  • Drain the coolant completely by opening the tap;
  • If the car is equipped with a fuel injection system, then you need to remove the air filter.

Note. To quickly remove the air filter, press the latch with your finger or a screwdriver, disconnect the block with wires, loosen the clamp and remove the filter, first lifting its front part.

  • now you need to cut the clamp securing the wire harnesses;
  • disconnect the fan wire block;
  • remove the throttle linkage clamp located on the fan casing;
  • Now you need to disconnect the radiator outlet hose, which is connected to the thermostat;

Disconnect the hose

  • We also disconnect the supply hose connected to the cooling jacket pipe;
  • remove the steam exhaust hose;
  • It's time to unscrew the nut securing the radiator to the body from above.

Note. It is worth noting that the same bolt secures the fan casing.

  • tilt the radiator towards the engine;
  • remove it by moving it up together with the fan;
  • now you need to loosen the clamps;
  • disconnect all hoses from the radiator;

VAZ 2109 radiator cooling system diagram

  • we unscrew the bolts and nuts that secure the casing with the fan and the radiator;
  • disconnect the casing with the fan;
  • You need to remove the two lower mounting cushions from the radiator.

Note. It is necessary to visually inspect the pillows and if they are torn or have lost their elasticity, replace them with new ones.

VAZ 21099 cooling radiator

Installation of a new radiator takes place in the reverse order. Don't forget to put on only the lower mounting cushions.

We fill in new antifreeze and that’s it, the radiator is ready for use.

It is definitely recommended to watch the corresponding video or photo materials while working with your own hands. The step-by-step instructions given above were written by specialists who know everything first-hand. Therefore, you need to comply with all its points. By learning how to change the radiator and other parts of your car yourself, you can save a lot on periodic repairs, the price of which is constantly growing.

The radiator is a vulnerable car part

Replacing the cooling radiator VAZ 21093

The radiator itself is a rather vulnerable part of the machine, because it has a brass body that is subject to numerous loads. And this part is thin in design, and if you take into account the huge number of solder joints in it, then the quick failure of the cooling radiator becomes understandable. The radiator is located in front of the car and a pebble from the road or a tree branch that accidentally hits it can become a fatal bullet. Even the smallest foreign objects that get into the radiator can destroy soldering and resistance welding points.

VAZ 21099 replacement of cooling radiator

In addition, the mutual influence of the elements of the car in this case plays a cruel joke. Long-term use of chemicals, whether you like it or not, weakens the contact zone, disrupts the operating mode of the pump, increases the temperature of the coolant, etc. In addition, if the radiator cap valve gets stuck, it will not allow the pressure to be relieved in time, which will ultimately lead to set of flow points.

Note. There are many reasons why a radiator can fail or function unfairly. We will not dwell on them in this article. The purpose of this instruction is to familiarize the reader with how to easily remove the radiator and replace it with a new one.

VAZ 2109: replacing the cooling radiator yourself

As a rule, a modern car, be it a domestic model such as the VAZ 2109 or a foreign car, is a complex system of parts interconnected with each other. If even one link in the chain breaks, it will ultimately lead to the breakdown of others. A car is like a living organism, and for a VAZ 2109, replacing a cooling radiator is a process that will help save not only some parts, but also the engine itself, because a faulty radiator will not cool it properly. Replacing the VAZ 2109 cooling radiator is a mandatory job that you can easily do with your own hands.

Methods for replacing a radiator on a VAZ-2109 car with a high and low panel

Heating system radiators have their own reserve and sooner or later it runs out - the element fails. The first and most common thing that can happen to it is that it becomes clogged with leaves or rusts. This happens especially quickly if the coolant is not changed for a long time. Another important factor influencing the reserve of a part is the quality of the material from which the part is made. Replacing the radiator of a VAZ-2109 stove is not an easy task, but it is quite doable on your own.


Replacing the cooling radiator in a VAZ 2109

This part must be replaced if a leak is detected. But still, first it’s better to check it to make sure where the leak is coming from.


To check the radiator, you need to remove it (how to do this will be described below), plug all the pipes and lower it into a bath of water. Work must be carried out in a specially designated place (workshop, garage, etc.). We supply air under pressure to the bath. If bubbles appear within 30 seconds of air entering, then there is a hole in the radiator and you can even find it if you watch carefully.

Determining faults

We identify a radiator malfunction. The first signal that there is a malfunction is the frequent pouring of antifreeze into the tank. In this situation, it is impossible to say for sure that the problem lies precisely in the radiator. The culprits may be the pipes or tap of the heating system. To isolate the option with a tap, it is enough to check the interior of the car for an unpleasant odor and drops of antifreeze on the floor covering. If there are none, the problem is definitely not in the faucet. To determine the condition of the pipes, gain access to them to visually inspect them. This way you will understand whether they are leaking or not.

If there are no problems as such, the problem lies in the radiator. The problem must be solved quickly enough, since antifreeze can get into the interior and ruin the carpeting.

Radiator design and technical characteristics

The VAZ Nine has a liquid, sealed cooling system with forced circulation. Antifreeze is cooled in a radiator located in the front of the engine compartment. The tightness of the system is ensured by installing 2 valves in the cap of the expansion tank. When the pressure rises above 1.1 kg/cm², the outlet valve opens and thereby maintains the parameter value within the range of 1-1.1 kg/cm². This allows you to increase the boiling point of the coolant to 110 °C.

If the pressure in the CO drops to 0.03-0.13 kg/cm² below atmospheric on a cold engine, then the intake valve opens. When the parameters are aligned, the latter is closed. The cooling radiator of the VAZ-2109 is a CO element consisting of 2 vertical plastic tanks connected in height by 2 horizontal rows of aluminum tubes. To increase the heat removal area, cooling plates are pressed onto them. The left tank is divided by a horizontal partition to change the direction of flow.

The coolant is supplied through a pipe located at the top of the radiator and discharged through the bottom. A switch sensor is installed in the right tank, which controls the radiator fan. At a liquid temperature of about 100 °C, the electric motor turns on, and at 95 °C, it turns off. The radiator is installed in the frame. A casing with an installed fan is attached to it. The radiator frame of the VAZ-2109, in turn, is attached to the body structures of the car.

The coolant system is filled through the expansion tank. A design feature of the “nine” radiator is the absence of a filler neck. To avoid injury, do not open the reservoir cap and add fluid when the engine is hot.

Interior heating device

Designers of manufacturing plants have provided for the installation of a radiator for the heating system of the VAZ-2109 car interior. Under the panel of auxiliary devices, which is located between the two front seats, the design provides for the location of the interior heating stove. It contains a frame for installing a radiator. Plastic protective panels are installed on this panel on both sides (passenger and driver). They are attached to four self-tapping screws:

Note: before tightening the pipes, it is necessary to put fastening clamps on them.

Tip: Before installing, clean the clamps along the inner edges with sandpaper. This is necessary to remove sharp edges. Since sharp edges can damage the rubber surfaces of the pipes.

This is the structural procedure for attaching radiators to the VAZ-2109:

Advice: it should be taken into account that before fixing the upper part of the cooling radiator, it is necessary to install the upper pipes on it.

Note. The lower pipe can be easily installed from the inspection hole. First you need to remove the engine crankcase protection.

How to get there?

There are two ways to get to the radiator. First

(it can be called classic) is carried out strictly in accordance with the manual for the operation, maintenance and repair of VAZ 2109 vehicles and involves draining the coolant from the engine cooling system and removing the instrument panel. Second

– belongs to the category of “folk” and does not require such complex manipulations. In this article, consider both methods, but you will decide for yourself which one to use.

The classic method of replacing a VAZ 2109 heater radiator

After this, the old radiator of the VAZ 2109 stove is directly replaced with a new one and all elements are installed in the reverse order. This is exactly how replacements should be made in auto repair shops and service centers. For those who decide to do this work on their own, it is necessary to take into account that the entire process will take from 4 to 6 hours.

"Folk" way

Folk craftsmen - brave and desperate craftsmen - offer a less labor-intensive method. Its essence is that the stove is replaced without draining the coolant and dismantling the dashboard.

In this case, in your VAZ 2109, replacing the heater radiator will be carried out according to the following scheme

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  1. Remove the lower console, which goes from the interior heating control levers to the gearbox housing.
  2. Move both front seats as far back as possible. If, in addition to the heater radiator, you also want to replace the faucet, then you will need to remove the plastic trim from the thresholds and lift up the carpet.
  3. File the magazine shelf under the glove compartment on one side; you can screw it back using self-tapping screws.
  4. After which you will see that you can easily remove the part into the resulting gap without any problems.
  5. Turn off the heater tap and prepare plugs that you will use as plugs and a container for the remaining coolant to prevent the remaining antifreeze that has accumulated in the radiator itself from spilling.
  6. Unscrew three bolts on each side of the radiator.
  7. Loosen only those clamps that fit directly to the radiator, but do not tighten them.
  8. Now the hardest part is that you need to drain the remaining antifreeze from the radiator. To prevent coolant from spilling on the floor, place waterproof mats or an old cloth under the faucet, at the front passenger's feet, and under the radiator.
  9. Pull off the pipes from the radiator, the first one to remove is the bottom one, which is located below on the tap; it is closed. Place a container and drain the coolant from the radiator. Keep the cork ready. About a liter of liquid may leak out. You may need to drain the liquid several times, so you will most likely have to plug the pipe with a plug.
  10. Remove the outlet pipe from the radiator, but do not lower it down, as coolant may pour out of it, keep it at the level of the attachment to the radiator. There is no need to drain the liquid, just plug the pipe with a plug.
  11. Now you can pull out the radiator itself.
  12. Replace it with a new one.
  13. Plug in the top outlet pipe.
  14. Then the bottom one.
  15. Tighten the clamps.
  16. If necessary, remove the air lock.
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