Front engine mount cushion for VAZ classic

To prevent vibration from the engine from being transmitted to the body, special support cushions are used in the car’s design. They are able to dampen internal combustion engine vibrations by 70-100%, thereby increasing the level of comfort in the cabin and increasing the service life of the machine. As a rule, replacing VAZ 2101-2107 engine mounts is often done independently.

Replacing pillows on Lada 2101-2107

To prevent vibration from the engine from being transmitted to the body, special support cushions are used in the car’s design. They are able to dampen internal combustion engine vibrations by 70-100%, thereby increasing the level of comfort in the cabin and increasing the service life of the machine. As a rule, replacing VAZ 2101-2107 engine mounts is often done independently.

Signs of wear

Since the function of the engine mount is to dampen vibrations, if they are noticeable even at idle, this indicates a problem. Among other signs of wear on the airbags on the VAZ 2114:

  1. Vibration of the gearshift lever. This indicates that all motor vibrations are transmitted to the box.
  2. If you open the hood, strong vibrations of the engine are visible.
  3. Uneven car operation. The fact is that when the silent blocks are heavily worn, the crankcase begins to move slightly relative to the clutch. Because of this, the crankshaft position sensor (CPS) constantly produces different signals. The ECU is forced to mistakenly “catch” the revolutions to eliminate the imbalance.

When the car drives, serious vibrations occur, which are transmitted to the body from the power unit. To ensure the necessary level of comfort while driving and not to be distracted by extraneous noise or shaking, special supports are mounted on the car. If you remove them, driving a VAZ 2114 can be compared to riding an old wooden cart.

Causes of malfunctions

The most important problem that pillows face is the loss of elasticity of the material. This is due to the fact that the supports are made of rubber. Over time and with use, these elements lose their original characteristics. Various factors accelerate the wear process of bearings:

  • Regular exercise;
  • Long service life;
  • Cold;
  • Heat;
  • Temperature changes, etc.

If elasticity decreases, this entails the formation of cracks and delamination of the material.

Replacement is purely a matter of time. But the procedure for changing the front and all other pillows should be carried out on time. If you drive for a long time with worn out bearings, this will result in a negative impact on engine performance. Then the repair will cost much more than the cost of new supports.

The main advice is to periodically check the condition of the supports for wear. If you detect a fault in a timely manner, you can replace it yourself and significantly save on car repairs.

Price issue

If you do everything correctly and in a timely manner, then your costs will be insignificant. You will have to purchase new supports and contact a car service. Of course, it is quite possible to do it on your own. This is a matter of desire and availability of appropriate skills.

How much will it cost to replace engine mounts? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the current prices for the VAZ 2114.

Detail Minimum cost average price
Front airbag 600 rubles 1200 rubles
Rear cushion 500 rubles 900 rubles
Left pillow 500 rubles 900 rubles
Set of three supports 3500 rubles 5000 rubles
Car service 1500 rubles 2500-3000 rubles

There is no need to pay someone, since the replacement can be done by yourself.

Why timely replacement of engine mounts is necessary

If one of the airbags malfunctions, the engine begins to roll, which affects:

  • The level of passenger comfort (there is noticeable shaking in the cabin);
  • Accelerated wear of parts (chassis components are especially affected, which increases the likelihood of an accident);
  • Deterioration of car controllability (to keep the car on the road, the driver will have to make an effort).

And the more pillows are in a faulty state, the more noticeable the listed problems become.

Reasons for failure of engine mounts

Very often, external factors that have nothing to do with the part itself lead to malfunction of engine mounts:

  • Incorrect suspension assembly (when installing low-profile tires or too hard shock absorbers, the car body receives more loads when hitting an obstacle, which greatly affects the internal combustion engine cushions);
  • The presence of a V-shaped engine (the vibration level on a V-shaped engine greatly exceeds the vibrations of an in-line internal combustion engine, especially when switching to idle mode);
  • The nature of the ride (during sudden acceleration or braking, the center of gravity of the motor shifts, removing the load from one cushion and increasing it on the other. And the more often this happens, the faster the part wears out);
  • The condition of the road surface (when a wheel falls into a hole or hits an obstacle, the car body receives a shock, which is dampened by moving components, which also include engine airbags).

An additional impact on the engine mount is caused by its natural wear, which appears after 150 - 200 thousand km.

Features of the pillows used

There are several nuances that you should know about the supports in general, as well as about the engine mounts used on the VAZ 2109 model.

  • When developing the design of supports that serve to reduce engine vibrations, manufacturers take into account the loads absorbed by the supports;
  • These elements are under constant influence of loads, the magnitude of which varies;
  • One constant load is the weight of the engine. But when the car starts, another load arises;
  • When the car moves in reverse, the supports take on negative forces;
  • When sharply accelerating or braking, when a wheel hits a pothole, or when hitting an obstacle, these same negative forces arise. The front, rear and side engine mounts are responsible for extinguishing them;
  • To make cushions for the VAZ 2109, special natural rubber, high-grade SKI-3 rubber is used. In addition to rubber components, the supports include steel elements and heavy-duty adhesive;
  • The VAZ 2109 engine mounts are capable of withstanding temperature loads in the range from -40 to +70 degrees Celsius.

Procedure for replacing engine mounts VAZ 2001-2107 Classic

On VAZ 2101-2107 cars, the cushions, or engine mounts, are shock-absorbing inserts made of high-strength rubber, with a separate steel fastening. On rear-wheel drive cars there are only three of them:

  • Left and right supports (located on both edges of the engine. Mounting points are on the body side members);
  • Rear support (located at the rear of the engine, with a support point on the subframe).

Each of their supports has the same design. But depending on the location of the part (at the back or on the sides), the algorithm for dismantling it will be different. For side airbags, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. The protective linings of the engine compartment are dismantled (if any);
  2. The car is suspended to remove the load from the side supports (the car is lifted using two jacks, supported on the oil pan and on the gearbox. In both cases, a wooden block is installed on the adjoining cavity of the jack to reduce the load);
  3. Using a 17-mm spanner, remove the bolt responsible for securing the support to the body (it is located on the side member);
  4. Using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the four mounting bolts located on the car block (for greater convenience, you can remove the generator in advance);
  5. Using a mounting blade, the engine cushion is pressed against the spar and removed from the hole in the block (instead of a support, it is advisable to substitute a temporary stop to relieve the load from the remaining cushions).

After the manipulations have been completed, the part will be dismantled. Its condition can be assessed visually, for the presence of cracks and tears (the rubber gasket and steel fasteners are assessed).

Sixteen-valve transverse unit VAZ-2112

The side airbags of the 16-valve VAZ engine change in the same way as on its eight-valve version.
The lower front airbag is dismantled by unscrewing the two bolts securing it. First, you should slightly raise the engine using a jack or a special lift. After removing the old part, the position of the power unit may change slightly. In this case, the holes for the bolts on the support and in the places where it is attached will no longer coincide. You should raise or lower the motor a little more, in this way achieving a clear alignment of the holes.

The upper support located near the right “glass” is replaced in a similar way. If, after unscrewing the fixing nuts, it is not possible to move and remove the element, it is necessary to raise the “engine” another 1-2 cm, which will allow the existing load to be removed from the support. The new pillow is installed in the reverse order. To facilitate installation, it is permissible to treat the seats with WD-40 type lubricant.

Note: dismantling all engine mounts cannot be done at the same time. After such actions, the power unit will simply fall to the ground. It will be extremely difficult to install it back. Replacement of the front engine mount, rear mount, and side supports should be done one after the other.

When replacement is required

In addition to blocking vibrations from the car to the engine, the cushions are a mechanism for attaching the engine to the vehicle. They serve as a stopper for moving the engine during sudden braking of the car.

In the modification of the VAZ 2107 car, two side airbags and one rear airbag are used. The latter is also a support for the car’s gearbox. They are dismountable devices and consist of:

Attention! Experienced mechanics advise changing engine mounts after the car has driven 100,000 kilometers.

The engine mounts are replaced as a complete set. This is done in order to avoid subsequent constant visits to the service center or, if you do the change yourself, then from constant climbing under the hood to install one, then a second and a third from the supports.

Novice car enthusiasts usually ask: why change the pillows. The fact is that over time, these supports, covered with rubber material, lose their elasticity. Having become wooden, they can no longer neatly and gently prevent engine shock during sudden braking or jumps over potholes in rural areas. As a result, the engine receives serious minor damage, which ultimately results in a major overhaul.

The pillow quickly deteriorates due to the following natural conditions:

  • high and low temperatures, especially in summer and winter. The material freezes, cracks, then becomes too soft if it happens in the heat;
  • the occurrence of delaminations;
  • cracks appear when various debris or stones get into the cushions or between the engine and the support.

Untimely removal of the old support leads to the following consequences:

  • engine misalignment;
  • main axle wear;
  • bearing failure.

Problems appear during clutching. Therefore, in order to avoid these unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to visit the service center annually for preventive maintenance. Experienced mechanics will find and eliminate the causes that, during long-term operation of the engine with malfunctions, will lead to a major overhaul of the engine as a whole.

How to determine if the engine mount is torn

It happens that a minor fault in the pillow or a slight crack develops into a rupture of the support. This is a serious problem for the car owner.

If the VAZ 2107 engine mount is torn, then the following problems are possible when driving it further:

  • misalignment of the power unit;
  • clutch rupture with gearbox.

There is only one way to avoid these problems: replace the engine mounts, the sooner the better.

In addition, a torn pillow may be the reason why one of the gears in the gearbox will turn off. The body will tremble so much that passengers will be able to feel this trembling even when standing next to the car.

If this failure has overtaken you, then we take the necessary tools and materials into our hands and begin to change the engine supports. If you yourself do not understand the design, then it is better to contact experienced mechanics at the service center.

To replace the pillows we will need

You don't need many tools to change the engine mount yourself. Of the important tools we will need to take the following:

  • key to 17;
  • key to 13;
  • jack;
  • board with dimensions 40x20. Be sure to take into account that it must be longer than the inspection hole or overpass;
  • board 30 millimeters thick and with dimensions 20x20.

Be sure to buy pillows in advance. After all materials and tools have been prepared, you can proceed to the replacement procedure.

Repair or replacement

Before deciding whether repair, adjustment or replacement of the link is necessary, it will have to be disassembled.

  1. Remove the cover on the gear shift knob;
  2. The machine must be installed on a jack or on an overpass (pit);
  3. Remove the front console, which is bolted on;
  4. Remove the rocker by unscrewing 6 bolts.

During this procedure, carefully inspect all parts. You definitely need to bend the boot and inspect the condition of the support, cardan shaft, and oil seal.

It may be necessary to use a rem. kit, and perhaps a more complex repair is needed.

If the bushing is deformed, it needs replacement. If the cardan has play, as well as if the hole in the lever axis is worn, a complete replacement of the link and repair belt is necessary. the kit clearly won't help.

It happens that the rocker pad is to blame for the rattling noise when changing gears. Replacing a pillow is a simple operation, but can be beneficial.

Replacing engine mounts for VAZ 2107

The procedure for changing engine mounts is as follows:

  1. Drive your car onto the overpass.
  2. Place supports under the wheels to prevent it from sliding backwards.
  3. Remove the mudguard. Removing it will provide access to the first engine mount.
  4. Unscrew the front support nut. This is done using the key 17.
  5. Now find the lower nut of the VAZ 2107 engine mount and unscrew it with the same key.
  6. Take a jack and lift the engine. This is necessary in order to easily pull out the pillow. The support is under the weight of the power unit and you simply cannot remove it without lifting the engine.
  7. The jack is installed on a board, which must first be placed on the inspection hole. Experienced mechanics warn that the board must be strong and thick. Its edges should extend beyond the inspection hole by twenty centimeters. This way it will be able to support the weight of the motor and not break under it.
  8. Another board is laid on the jack. This is done so that the jack, when it puts pressure on the power unit, does not push through the housing and damage the engine.
  9. The engine starts to rise.
  10. The power unit will rise by twenty centimeters. This should be enough to remove the support.
  11. The second pillow is removed in the same way.

Another thing is with the rear engine mount. To remove it, they do things a little differently. The cushion itself is fixed under the gearbox yoke. To remove the support, you will need to unscrew the traverse.

  1. First of all, unscrew the nuts that hold the traverse. Usually there are two.
  2. After they are unscrewed, remove the fastenings of the rear engine support from the gearbox.
  3. Afterwards, the traverse is removed along with the pillow.
  4. Take a wrench for thirteen and use it to unscrew the traverse from the removed support.
  5. A spacer is installed between the engine mount mounts. You need to remember about it when you reinstall the engine support.


Comments 16

Is there less vibration?

Too soft, I later installed from the Niva, there is a record in the log, with them there is more vibration at idle, but at high speeds (relatively high) there is less vibration, when slipping it is several times less, when you turn your heels on a slippery road the engine does not hang out, no these vibrations of the whole body as with standard pillows

Right. I also try to replace it right away so as not to accumulate damage.

You take a long extension 1/4 inch, a long head less than 17 so that the engraver does not fall into it, insert the extension into the head, put the washer and engraver on the extension, the end of the extension where the square rests on the pillow bolt and with the head you put this whole pie on the pillow bolt . The washer flies off on its own, but together with the engraver it stays on the thread. To do everything in a few attempts, no more than 10 minutes, sometimes it works the first time))) and sometimes it takes half an hour)))

It turned out to be easier if you remove the protection and boot, you can climb up from the top with your fingers and hold the washers) and with the other hand use the head with the nut and that’s it)

If you climb from above there is not enough space... The washer and the engraver do not fall together)))

Hello. Attach a magnet from the speaker to the beam, it will hold the washer. In general, they wrote that the threads on the new pillows should be shortened by a couple of turns so that they become hemorrhoid-free, less jacking is required. Just tighten the nut before doing this; when you cut it off, you twist it and it drives the threads through. Soon it will probably be necessary too, the pillows are already eight years old.

There was nothing at hand except the keys. Change these supports once every hundred years)

I read somewhere here that the fields will be stronger

Too hard, there is more vibration on the body, my neighbor has them on 6, he regrets that he installed them

in my opinion these are universal pillows, it says on the box even for 4x4 cars and classics 2101-2107

This is the back side of the box, the correct side is where it is marked with a marker

Ahh, I just didn’t pay attention to the marker, I also just bought pillows after the May ones, I’ll gather my strength and change them)

fast, good when there is a hole

Well, yes, a lift is even better. It’s good that there is a familiar owner of a service station, when you can go there freely, but you can’t take pictures there, you need to quickly so as not to interfere

If you experience vibrations in the engine, the first thing you should do is check the mounting of the engine mounts on the car. Today we will tell you in detail about replacing engine mounts on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands.

How to remove the front engine mount of a VAZ 2107

1. Place the car on an inspection hole or overpass.

2. Remove the mudguards.

3. Using a 17 mm socket wrench with a universal joint, unscrew the nut of the upper mounting of the mount on the left side of the engine.

4. Using the same tool, use the same tool to unscrew the nut of the lower mounting of the engine mount through the hole in the cross member.

5. Raise the VAZ 2107 engine with a jack and remove the cushion.

Installation of front engine mounts of VAZ 2107

1. Installation of the support is carried out in reverse order.

2. Before installing the engine mount, place the nut in the socket wrench and tighten it onto the stud.

Similarly, we replace the pillow on the right side of the car engine. To prevent the exhaust pipe from heating the engine mount, a heat shield is installed between the cross member and the right mount.

The rear engine mount of the VAZ 2107 is attached to the rear cover and cross member of the gearbox.

How to remove the rear engine mount

1. Remove the gearbox cross member from the studs of the VAZ 2107 body.

2. Using a 13 mm socket wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the rear engine mount to the rear gearbox cover.

3. Remove the gearbox cross member assembled with the rear engine mount from the rear cover studs.

4. Using a 13 mm socket wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the rear engine mount of the VAZ 2107, holding the bolts from turning with a wrench of the same size.

5. Remove the rear engine mount of the VAZ 2107. A spacer sleeve is installed between the eyes of the rear engine mount.

Installation of the rear engine mount of the VAZ 2107 is performed in the reverse order. Let me remind you that the previous article was about replacing the front suspension shock absorber on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands.

Price issue

Engine mounts are priced differently. There are cheap ones, and there are expensive ones. The most common model for the engine from the BRT company. They sell it for 800 rubles for the back, and the sides for 400 rubles.

The original engine mounts are made of SKI 3 rubber. This type of rubber can withstand high and low temperatures. As a result, the lifespan of the supports increases.

Original engine mounts can last more than 100 thousand kilometers. And cheap fakes will not last even 50 thousand kilometers. They may crack in the first winter from the cold and then you will have to change the supports again.

Recommendations for making engine mounts last longer

In order for the pillows to remain alive and indestructible longer, experienced mechanics advise installing a heat shield on the support located on the right. This way it will serve equally well with the left one and will not crack from overheating during exhaust emissions.

Experienced mechanics advise driving carefully, because an ordinary car is not a racing car. Therefore, excess loads only kill the power unit, gearbox and other parts of the vehicle.

Avoid potholes and rural areas with washed out tracks. This will help the engine mounts last longer. The car owner should take care of the airbags in the same way as he takes care of the gearbox and engine. Start off smoothly and accelerate gradually. Don't jerk the car.

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