How to check the throttle position sensor and symptoms of malfunction

02/27/2022 4,949 Sensors

Author: Victor

For the normal functioning of the motor, many components and mechanisms are used. One of these elements is the throttle valve. What is a throttle position sensor, what is its device and how to determine its malfunction? We will tell you more about this device below.


Purpose and device

In some devices, chokes are installed in order to pass pulse currents of a certain frequency range. This range depends on the design of the inductor, that is, on the wire used in the coil, its cross-section, the number of turns, the presence of a core and the material from which it is made.

Structurally, the inductor is an insulated wire wound around a core. The core can be metal, made up of insulated plates, or ferrite. Sometimes the choke can be made without a core. In this case, a ceramic or plastic frame for the wire is used.

The throttle valve is present in the carburetor. It regulates the supply of the combustible mixture, representing a potentiometer. To check the throttle sensor in a car, determine whether the input voltage of the device corresponds to the throttle position.

The multimeter is set to dialing mode. The sensor connector contacts are connected to the multimeter probes and create the appearance of the damper moving (with your fingers). At the same time, check how the sensor reacts in the extreme positions of the damper. There should be a clear signal without wheezing.

How to check TPS yourself?

It is quite possible to diagnose the throttle sensor without the help of specialists. All you need in terms of tools is a multimeter. So, turn on the ignition and look at the instrument panel. If the “Check Engine” light is not on, lift the hood and look for the damper sensor.

Now we take a multimeter in our hands and check for the presence of a “minus”. To do this, you need to turn off the ignition and find ground among the wires. This is not difficult to do. Then turn on the ignition again and find the power wire. This will ensure that the sensor is receiving power.

Correct setting of the throttle position sensor

If the damper has no mechanical damage, proceed to the adjustment procedure. To do this, you need to loosen its mounting screws, lift it and release it sharply. Here we should hear a blow against the stop. Next, we adjust the tension of the screws until the “biting” of the part disappears. After this, fix the screws with nuts and loosen the sensor bolts. Then we carefully rotate its body and set its position so that the voltage changes only with the opening of the throttle valve. After this, you can fix the bolts back and start operating the car. As you can see, adjusting the throttle valve and its position sensor is not at all a difficult process, which almost every car owner can handle. At the same time, it is enough to spend no more than 10-15 minutes of free time on the entire repair.


In fact, changing this sensor is insanely easy. So don't rush to send your car to a service station. Everything can be done with your own hands, the quality will not suffer from this.

To remove the throttle position sensor, you first need to find it. As we have already noted, the desired unit is located on the side of the throttle pipe on the throttle valve axis. Having found the element, pick up a shaped screwdriver. Using this simple tool, unscrew a couple of bolts that hold the device. Pay special attention to the gasket that is available under the old regulator. We do not recommend using it again; it is better to immediately buy a new one

Often the gasket is already included with the throttle sensor itself. After removing the old sensor, you can slightly clean the place where it is installed if there is dirt there. Next, a new sensor is installed along with a new foam gasket and the bolts are tightened. Try to tighten the fasteners as far as possible, otherwise the new throttle sensor will quickly lose its effectiveness. The work will have to be done again. There is no need to make any adjustments after replacement. The zero mark on the controller will determine that the throttle is completely closed.

Foam pad

What to choose?

When replacing, many more or less experienced car owners have a question about which regulator is better to install. After all, there are two types.

Sensor type Peculiarities
Film-resistive These sensors are usually factory installed. The service life of such a throttle position sensor is stated to be about 55 thousand kilometers, but in practice it has to be changed more often
Contactless The operation of such a device is based on the magnetic-resistive phenomenon; a Hall element is used. The cost is noticeably higher than the first option, but it is unlikely to have to be changed. Huge resource, high reliability

In pursuit of savings, many forget about the importance of quality. But it should be in the first place when choosing spare parts when repairing a car

TPS is an important, but easy to replace device. The repair operation will take you no more than an hour, even if you are just beginning to learn the joys of repairing your car yourself.

But under no circumstances delay repairing the sensor, otherwise this may negatively affect the operation of the engine, its service life and the cost of fuel, which you will overuse due to incorrect data from the sensor to the ECU.

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TPS adjustment

When you are 100% sure that the sensor is working, it needs to be adjusted correctly. Setting up the TPS begins with diagnosing the throttle valve itself; if everything is in order with it, we move on.

  • Unscrew the mounting screws, but not completely.
  • Then, we rotate the sensor housing to the position in which the voltage will change only when the damper is opened.
  • Fix the sensor and hit the road!

That is, you understand, yes, every replacement of such an element must be accompanied by an adjustment procedure, otherwise interruptions in the operation of the car may continue. Don’t be lazy, it won’t always work at random, but it only takes 15 minutes of work!

In general, you understand, when your car breaks down, don’t look for the problem in the complex, it’s better to first look at the simple and, at first glance, unnoticeable! So, you will save money, time, and your own nerves! My advice to you is that a spare sensor, which you should definitely buy, wouldn’t hurt for backup. TPS malfunctions can take you by surprise, no matter where you are away from home! This is where I will end my story. I wish you success, more money, and most importantly, health and a stable engine! See you later!

Adjustment in your garage

Even a novice car enthusiast can adjust the throttle position sensors; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions given below. Moreover, this operation does not depend on the operating principle of the TPS – non-contact or not. So, first we carry out the preparatory work. We disconnect the corrugated tube through which air passes and thoroughly rinse it with alcohol, gasoline or another strong solvent. But one liquid is not always enough; to achieve a better effect, you should also wipe the tube with a soft cloth. We carry out the same operation with the damper itself and with the intake manifold. In addition, do not forget to carry out visual inspection, especially for the damper.

Operating principle of TPS

So, no mechanical damage was detected? Then we proceed directly to adjusting the throttle position sensor. First, take the key and loosen the screws. Then we raise the damper and sharply lower it all the way, keep in mind that you should hear a blow, otherwise repeat the operation again. Loosen the screws until the part stops “biting.” And only then can the position of the fasteners be secured with nuts. Next, unscrew the bolted connections of the TPS and rotate the device body. Next, we set the throttle position sensor so that the voltage changes only when the valve opens. The setup is complete, all that remains is to return everything to its place, tighten the bolts and enjoy driving your favorite car.

Signs of a bad throttle valve

The throttle assembly regulates the air supply to the intake manifold, which subsequently creates an air-fuel mixture with parameters that are optimal for the engines. Accordingly, if the throttle valve is faulty, the technology for creating this mixture changes, which negatively affects the behavior of the car. Specifically, signs of a bad throttle position include:

  • problematic engine starting, especially “cold”, that is, on an unheated engine, as well as its unstable operation;
  • the engine speed value constantly fluctuates, and in a variety of modes - at idle, under load, in the average range of values;
  • loss of dynamic characteristics of the car, poor acceleration, loss of power when driving uphill and/or with a load;
  • “dips” when pressing the accelerator pedal, periodic loss of power;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • a “garland” on the dashboard, that is, the Check Engine indicator light comes on and then goes out, and this repeats periodically;
  • the engine suddenly stalls, after restarting it works normally, but the situation soon repeats;
  • frequent occurrence of engine detonation;
  • a specific gasoline smell appears in the exhaust system, associated with incomplete combustion of fuel;
  • in some cases, self-ignition of the air-fuel mixture occurs;
  • You can sometimes hear soft popping noises in the intake manifold and/or muffler.

It is worth adding here that many of the listed symptoms may indicate problems with other engine components. Therefore, in parallel with checking the malfunction of the electronic or mechanical throttle, it is necessary to perform additional diagnostics of other parts. Moreover, preferably using an electronic scanner, which will help determine the throttle valve error.

Symptoms of sensor malfunction

The main control unit contains a program: if one of the important meters stops working, the air-fuel mixture is prepared and supplied according to average indicators, and the Check Engine warning sign turns on on the dashboard. Emergency operation with increased fuel consumption is a clear sign of a breakdown of any sensor.

The insidiousness of the TPS is that it does not break in the usual sense. When the resistive film begins to wear away, the resistance of the device changes unpredictably. The controller either “sees” a working sensor in the circuit, or notes incorrect voltage surges and tries to switch to emergency mode. From here, the main sign of a malfunctioning throttle valve is determined - a periodically flashing Check Engine display.

The problem is accompanied by a change in the behavior of the engine, or more precisely:

  • “shaking” and spontaneous stops of the engine idling;
  • there is no acceleration dynamics; after pressing the gas pedal, jerks and dips are observed;
  • increased idle speed of the power unit (1500–2500 rpm);
  • the car “does not pull” due to loss of power;
  • jerks are also felt while driving;
  • Fuel consumption increases by 10–25%!

The listed symptoms can be caused by a dozen reasons, ranging from malfunctions of the ignition system to wear and tear of engine parts. That is why it is important to weed out problems that lie on the surface, including incorrect operation of the throttle position sensor.

TPS design

The throttle position sensor can be of two types:

  • film;
  • magnetic or contactless.

In its design, it resembles an air valve - in the open position the pressure corresponds to atmospheric pressure, in the closed position it drops to a vacuum state. The TPS includes DC and AC resistors (each resistance is 8 ohms). The process of opening and closing the damper is monitored by the controller, with subsequent adjustment of the fuel supply.

If at least one symptom of a malfunction occurs in the functioning system of this sensor, then fuel may be supplied to the engine either in excess or in deficiency. Such malfunctions in engine operation are reflected in the engine of the VAZ-2110 car and on its gearbox.

Why is it needed?

The throttle position sensor is responsible for determining the current throttle position. Depending on this, the fuel supply system changes the amount of fuel supplied under one or another operating mode of the power unit.

If problems arise with it, you can contact a service station so as not to waste your energy and nerves. But in practice, changing the TPS yourself is quite simple, plus you will save a decent amount of money.

The desired regulator is located on the side of the throttle pipe on the throttle valve axis.

Regulator location

Features of work

The TPS is essentially a variable resistor, one output of which is supplied with 5 Volt power. The second contact is connected to ground, and the third is connected to the controller.

When you press the gas pedal, the voltage changes. The sensor monitors the output voltage on the controller, thereby regulating and monitoring the quality of the supplied air-fuel mixture. This directly depends on the opening angle of the damper itself.

If for some reason this regulator fails, a catastrophe will not occur, since another sensor, the mass air flow sensor, will temporarily take over its functions.

This does not mean at all that the TPS can not be changed. Each regulator has its own functions, so there is no point in transferring the tasks of the TPS to the MAF.

What throttle sensors can do

Electronic control is carried out through sensors that transmit the following data:

  1. Crankshaft rotation indicators
  2. Air flow and temperature
  3. Antifreeze temperatures
  4. Throttle position
  5. Feedback system (exhaust gas composition)
  6. Detonation in the engine
  7. Mains voltage
  8. Travel speeds
  9. Camshaft position
  10. Activating the air conditioner
  11. Irregularities in the road surface

Let us consider in detail the operation of the PDZ sensor.

This is a device for precise dosing of the fuel mixture supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine. Its operation increases the efficiency of the motor and the efficiency of movement.

The position angle of the remote control is converted into current voltage and transmitted to the control zones of the electronic unit. Based on the valve angle, the voltage value changes, which is recognized by the controller, which sends signals for certain actions to the injection mechanism. At the same time, after processing the signals from the sensors, the ECU determines the optimal parameters for the economy mode - they adapt the program to the driving style, to the given engine, etc. Essentially, the sensors record the parameters of the dependence of the throttle valve position with changes in voltage in the circuit.

There are two types of damper sensors:

- contact (film resistor) - which are directly connected to the damper axis, during the rotation of which the sensor contacts move along the slides. In this case, high resistance and voltage changes are overcome, which is ultimately the signal emanating from the sensor. The design is simple and easy to diagnose. However, it wears out quickly due to constant exposure to friction.

- non-contact - a moving magnet is located at the contact points, and the indicators of the alternating magnetic field are converted into an electronic signal by Hall sensors. Non-contact sensors have an increased service life, however, they are difficult to diagnose.

Regulator condition: check on VAZ-2110

So how do you test your throttle sensor? This process is necessary, as it makes it possible to understand whether the malfunction is actually due to its cause or the problem is due to the failure of other parts of your “ten”.

Sometimes new car owners make hasty conclusions based on the primary signs of damage. This entails extra spending of money and time on repairs.

To check the current TPS position, you will need to do the following:

  • measure the voltage at the output of the slider, while turning on the ignition, open the idle contacts;
  • during the test it showed a voltage above 0.7 V - which means the controller is faulty;
  • open the throttle valve completely (in normal position the voltage values ​​are a maximum of 4 V);
  • measure the variable resistor for resistance;
  • connect an ohmmeter/multimeter to the power supply and output;
  • slowly turn the valve;
  • track readings on the device;
  • if the resistance changes smoothly as the damper opens, then the device is functioning properly.

If during the inspection you notice that the TPS itself is damaged, it will need to be replaced. Repair will not help here. An important point is the selection of this element. In the 2110th VAZ model, 2 analogues of TPS are installed:

  1. Film resistive. This type is equipped by the manufacturer; The sensor is designed for 55 thousand km.
  2. Contactless. A Hall sensor is used here. Such a device has no restrictions regarding its service life. The cost of such a sensor is more expensive.

The resistive layer, where the slider moves, wears out over time when exposed to friction. For this reason, the regulator produces incorrect data, the properties of the supplied mixture change, and engine performance decreases.

Sequence of action

The verification procedure is as follows:

  1. The Vk toggle switch turns on. In this case, the multimeter needle should deflect to the middle of the scale;
  2. depending on the inductance of the coil, the position of the variable resistor R5 is set. The left position corresponds to less, and the right to greater inductance. When checking coils with inductance less than 15 mH, you must additionally press the Kn2 button;
  3. The inductor terminals are connected to the Lx terminals and contact Kn1 is closed with a button. In this case, if there are no turns in the winding that are short-circuited with each other, the multimeter needle should deviate towards higher values ​​or slightly deviate towards smaller values. If the winding has at least one short circuit between the turns, the arrow returns to zero.

Sometimes the cause of a coil malfunction can be a broken or damaged core. The material from which the core is made, its size and position relative to the coil affect the inductance.

Common Sensor Problems

Very often, over time, the throttle sensor fails due to a malfunction of the substrate, which is covered with a resistive layer. When this layer wears off or loses its properties, the sensor begins to act up. In this case, it is necessary to replace the substrate so that the sensor can easily read the linear movements inside the mechanism.

Another important detail is the slider. The cause of the problem may be a violation in the contacts between the slider and the resistive layer

As a result, scratches form on the surface of the layer, which interfere with the operation of the mechanism.

The best option is to completely replace the old throttle sensor with a new one. There is no point in changing individual parts, since after a certain period of time the problems may return and it will be more difficult to eliminate them. On such car models as VAZ 2110, VAZ 2114, 2112, you can reinstall TPS without any problems.

A common problem is contact oxidation. In this case, a special liquid can help, which must be used to treat all existing contacts.

It also happens that the damper does not close completely, as a result of which the fuel supply may be distributed unevenly and incorrectly. This difficulty can be easily overcome by slightly filing the outer parts of the mechanism so that the valve closes tightly on both sides.

Many motorists, having discovered breaks in contacts or cracks in this area, resort to using conductive glue. Of course, for some time the operation of the mechanism is restored, but the sensor itself will never be the same, so it is more advisable to simply purchase a new device to avoid problems in the future.

Most auto mechanics use film-resistor throttle valves, since they have a relatively low cost and are sold in all stores. Replacing the sensor is a simple procedure, but requires care and judgment.

Cleaning the remote control

If the cause of unstable engine operation is a dirty damper, you should move on to cleaning it. To do this, you can contact a reliable service station. Among the large number of workshops, you can find one that specializes in specific brands (Audi, Volkswagen, Toyota, Mercedes and others). However, the owner can do all the work himself, since much experience and skills are not required in this matter.

At service stations, the cost of the procedure may depend on a number of factors:

  • complexity of the work - for some cars, access to the remote control will require the dismantling of many parts;
  • service station service level - as a rule, the larger the organization, the more expensive it is;
  • location – in large cities you can leave more money than in the periphery.

Cleaning the throttle valve is a simple procedure, after which you usually need to think about how to adapt the throttle valve on a Nissan or any other car.

Any car owner can perform this procedure independently. No special knowledge or skills are required here. All you need to get to the damper are tools and rags (preferably soft ones). You also cannot do without a special product - mainly the carburetor cleaner “Carb Cleaner” is used.

Possible causes of TPS malfunction

Possible causes of TPS malfunctions:

  1. Oxidation of contacts on the terminals of the device. The phenomenon is often caused by temperature changes and exposure to moisture. To prevent such damage, you need to periodically clean the contacts with a cotton swab or swab treated with WD-40.
  2. Erasing the coating on the working surface, in particular, in the segment where the slider begins to move. This ensures that the voltage parameter does not change during sensor operation due to the lack of resistance.
  3. Mechanical damage to the controller tips. With this problem, burrs will appear on the lining. The contact elements continue to work, but the substrate itself wears out much faster. This fault will cause the slider and the resistive layer to fail to contact.
  4. Failure of the slider. Natural wear is typical for this sensor part during prolonged use.

Channel “Engine Repair! And interesting!” spoke in detail about the causes and symptoms of malfunctions in the controller.

How to Diagnose a Throttle Position Sensor Using a Multimeter

  1. Find the TPS on your car. Since it monitors the position of the throttle valve, look for the sensor on the throttle body.

In the picture below, the red arrow points to this sensor.

For demonstration purposes, I removed the air supply pipe so you can see how the throttle assembly works. This will help you when checking the sensor.

  • In older cars, a mechanical lever is used on the throttle body, which is connected to the gas pedal in the cabin via a cable drive (newer cars use an electronic accelerator pedal).
  • The throttle body has a plate (circular disc) installed that acts as a door for air to enter the engine.
  • When the throttle is closed (the gas pedal is not pressed), the throttle is in a fully closed state.

When the throttle is wide open (the gas pedal is pressed to the floor), the throttle is fully open, allowing maximum air flow into the engine.

  1. The next step is to ensure conditions for the correct operation of the TPS. To do this, start by disconnecting the electrical connector from the sensor.

Connect the black lead of the multimeter to the negative terminal of the battery and set the meter to DC mode.

Measure the voltage at the middle pin where the signal wire is usually connected. It should also display approximately 0 volts.

Connect to the third pin, which should show about 5 volts. This is our reference voltage. If, when connecting to the third contact, you do not see 5 volts on the multimeter, the throttle position sensor is not receiving the required voltage, and this is a sign of a wiring defect on the way to the sensor. Check it for mechanical damage.

It is important to note that as long as there is 5 volts on one contact and approximately 0 volts on the other two, you do not have to worry about the integrity of the wiring. Remember that the signal pin is usually the middle pin in the connector and remember where 5 volts and ground are located

  1. Connect the wiring connector to the TPS and connect the multimeter probes to the signal and ground contacts using paper clips (see photo below).

  1. Connect the multimeter's positive (red) lead to the signal wire (middle pin) and the black lead to the ground wire. Set the multimeter to constant current (DCV) mode

With this connection, the multimeter should read approximately 0.9 volts

Exact numbers may vary depending on the car model. Rotate the throttle body lever and notice the voltage change. If you are not comfortable doing this, you can place the multimeter on the windshield with the screen facing the car's interior, sit behind the wheel and press the gas pedal

The result will be similar. If the throttle position sensor is working correctly, you will see a smooth change from the base voltage (in our situation about 0.9 volts) to the maximum value (about 4.47 volts). Turn the lever or slowly press the gas pedal, try to see the voltage “peaks”. Sudden surges or drops in voltage are what interests us. For example, if you press the gas pedal about halfway and the display shows about 2.5 volts, sharp spikes above 4 volts or drops to 1 volt indicate a faulty TPS.

This occurs due to physical wear and tear on the throttle sensor. If you find an area where the voltage jumps every time you pass it (either on the way up or down), this is a sign that the resistor is worn out. Information about this voltage surge is transmitted to the electronic control unit, causing the computer to think that you suddenly pressed or released the gas pedal.

If the TPS check shows that the sensor is faulty, replacing it will not be difficult. As a rule, it is secured with only two bolts. You just need to disconnect the electrical connector, unscrew the mounting bolts, pull out the sensor and install a new one.

What is TPDZ

? How to check TPS? You will get answers to these and many other questions in this article. Interesting? Then read on!

First, I suggest you understand the abbreviation. TPS stands for throttle position sensor. TPS is a potentiometer, the task of which is to promptly report the position of the throttle valve to the controller. The throttle position changes depending on how much the driver presses the accelerator (gas) pedal.

Evidence of pollution

Let's look at the signs that indicate a malfunctioning throttle valve:

  • Revolutions. You sharply release the gas pedal, but the engine is in no hurry to switch to idle speeds from high speeds. Instead of a smooth reset and acceleration, the engine begins to shake, it either stalls completely, or with great difficulty restores the required speed;
  • Launch. Your VAZ has difficulty starting cold, and sometimes you cannot quickly start even a hot engine. There may be other reasons for this phenomenon, but the fact that the throttle valve is to blame may be indicated by the fact that after several throttle applications (short-term presses on the gas), the engine usually starts;
  • The starter spins for a long time before starting, and the smell of gasoline is heard from the exhaust pipe;
  • The engine may run for a couple of minutes after starting.

Dirty throttle valve VAZ 2110

TPS problems and their diagnosis

As you know, eternal parts for cars have not yet been invented. And the breakdown of the TPS can be foreseen; for this you need to inquire about the possible reasons for the failure of this part. Here are the main ones:

  1. Abrasion of the sprayed base layer, which serves to move the slider (the result is incorrect TPS readings).
  2. Failure of the movable type core (the result is deterioration of the contacts between the slider and the resistive layer).

How can you figure out problems with this sensor yourself? To do this, you can independently diagnose the operation of your diagnostics:

  1. Listen to the VAZ-2110 engine idling
    the breakdown is obvious if you notice that its speed is in a “floating” state;


  2. Quickly release the gas pedal:
  3. Pick up speed:

Experts say that most often the sensor fails when the resistive track is heavily contaminated or is completely broken. To verify the opposite, you need to check the working condition of the TPS.

Self-check functionality

In most cases, when problems arise with the TPS, the “check engine” error is displayed. By connecting a diagnostic device, you can identify its code and causes of the error. It happens that for some reason the “check” does not light up, in which case you cannot do without using a multimeter for diagnostics.

The first step is to make sure that power is supplied to the sensor itself. To do this, you need to disconnect the chip with wires from the device and measure the contacts with the ignition on. If power is supplied, then the device itself is inspected.

Visual inspection of the sensor. In this case, we are talking about checking the internal components of the product. Most often, the slider loses contact with the resistive layer.

As mentioned above, if the causes of malfunctions in the sensor are identified, it must be replaced.

Which to choose?

Please note that the VAZ-2114 throttle position sensors cannot be repaired. This element is changed entirely on the car

There are several:

  • “Sche.
  • "Omega".

The latter is installed on the Lada from the factory. It lasts long enough

When choosing, you need to pay attention to contactless elements. They cost about 600-900 rubles

Replacement and selection of sensor - non-contact or film?

If the element fails, then its complete replacement will most likely save the situation. One of the important points of this stage is the correct choice of a new device. Of course, if you do not want to carry out all the operations again in a short period of time, then you should give preference only to high-quality products, and even more so avoid cheap Chinese counterfeits. In addition, do not stop your choice on film-resistive models. They are short-lived, and such savings can cost you a pretty penny. But contactless throttle position sensors are more reliable. They only cost a few dollars.

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Non-contact TPS

The film model has resistive tracks, while the non-contact model works on the principle of the magnetic effect. Its components are a stator, a rotor and a magnet. On the first, the magnetic field has a huge impact. The material of the second one is chosen such that the magnet does not have any influence on it. The distance between the TPS elements does not change and is selected at the assembly stage. Needless to say, the contactless sensor cannot be repaired.

The replacement itself will take you much less time than choosing a device. But despite the fact that the process is quite simple, let’s consider it in detail. We prepare a Phillips screwdriver, an O-ring for the throttle pipe and, of course, the part itself. The replacement begins by turning off the ignition if the car has been started. Open the hood and do not forget to disconnect the battery. To do this, remove the negative terminal.

Installation of TPS

Now we find the sensor on the throttle pipe and remove the block with wires from it; most likely you will have to press out the special plastic latch. Then unscrew the mounting bolts and dismantle the device. There is a foam ring between the TPS and the pipe, and it definitely needs to be replaced. And only after this can the sensor itself be installed. Fix the device firmly with bolts, otherwise the vibration will not do it any good and will cause failure. Reconnect the block with all the wires. Sometimes people forget to disconnect the battery; in this case, it is necessary to de-energize it for at least five minutes after installing the new device and connecting the plug to it.

You can check whether the element is working correctly as follows. Open the damper and pull the throttle cables to turn the TPS drive sector. If the position of the sector does not change, then the sensor should be installed again. At the same time, we rotate it 90 degrees relative to the damper axis. And finally, check the voltage with a tester; if its values ​​coincide with those indicated above, then the device is working.

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