Range designations on radar detectors: K (Key), Ka, Ku, X, L

The characteristics of any radar detector always indicate its operating frequency ranges. The wider their range, the more frequencies the radar detector will be able to detect radiation sources. This means that on the used ranges: K (Key), Ka, Ku, X, L - the radar detector will signal the motorist about the presence of a radar or stationary speed camera ahead with an audible signal and display on the screen.

Range K: what should it be?

It is believed that the operating parameter of the K-band should be at the level of 24150 MHz. In this case, a deviation of 100 MHz in any direction is considered acceptable. As for which bands can be disabled in a gadget in Russia, here it is possible with the frequencies Ka, Ku, VG 2, Specter I-IV, POP. It is advisable to disable them for the simple reason that such DRDs are practically not used in Russia. Deactivation of such frequencies will reduce the likelihood of false alarms of the equipment. When it comes to firmware and updating equipment, in this case everything must be done in accordance with the instructions. Typically, the manufacturer indicates in the book information regarding the implementation of such a task and provides complete information regarding the implementation of flashing.

More details about the influence of the Ka band on the operation of the radar detector will be discussed in this video:

Published:December 20, 2018

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Possible growth points

Taking into account the above problems, it is too early to talk about widespread adoption of the Ka-band in the corporate segment of the market. Nevertheless, companies in such sectors as oil and gas, geological exploration, banking, construction companies, which have a complex geographically distributed infrastructure in various regions of the country, are already actively interested in and are beginning to use services in the Ka-band. The cost of services in the Ka Band represents serious competition to optical and wireless communication systems, so new satellite services are becoming in demand in regions with a developed terrestrial communications infrastructure, which services in the Ku-band could not afford. Today, some television companies are also looking at the Ka-band, which can use it to organize television broadcasts and online broadcasts from mobile television stations.

The Ka-band is being actively studied and tested by mobile operators to organize a transport environment for data exchange with small base stations (femptacells and picocells), to provide Internet access services to their users at high speed using 3G/4G technologies in sparsely populated areas where there are no terrestrial optical channels of connection. Ka-band will be able to provide mobile operators with a new development of broadband access in hard-to-reach regions.

Due to the low cost of services in the Ka-band, they are also in demand in the public sector. We can talk, for example, about providing Internet access for administrations, schools and other budgetary and government institutions located in remote settlements that previously could not afford satellite services in the Ku-band.

In other words, services in the Ka-band can be widely used where high (up to 2–10 Mbit/s and higher) data transfer rates are required for Internet access, e-mail, offline applications, working with databases, etc. services that do not place high demands on the availability of the service and the guarantee of the speed provided.

What do the different ranges mean?

The radar detector can operate in different ranges. And in order for the device to warn the driver about the traffic police post in advance, it must operate on the same frequency as police radars. To determine the speed of a car, two types of devices are used: those operating on radio frequencies and lasers.

The function of the radar detector includes receiving the signal from the police device, decoding and promptly warning the driver, allowing him to reduce speed. The quality of the radar detectors will depend on how you adjust the detector ranges. The ranges of radar detectors (RDDs) in which the signal is scanned are the following: K, Ka, Ku, X and L.


Now the X-band is considered obsolete, so it is practically not used. In the past, it was the main one, and not only police radars, but also location systems worked on it. The excess speed recorded by the radar installation was kept in the device’s memory for 10 minutes to present evidence to the offender, after which the readings disappeared from memory.

Since 2012, Russia has abolished the use of radars operating in this frequency range. Modern devices do not operate in the X-band (10.475 - 10.575 kHz), because the detector responds to satellite antenna signals.

K or kay

The designation K, or kei, is the modern band in which most police instruments operate, using a frequency of 24.150 kHz. The tuned K-band in the radar detector is capable of scanning signals from police radar systems operating on the same frequency.

It should be taken into account that modern radar devices are capable of detecting speed violators at a great distance; in comparison with old-generation devices operating in the X-band, the difference can be 1.5 times greater.


The Ka band (33.4-36 kHz) is new. Radar systems that operate at this frequency are more accurate and are capable of detecting objects at long distances. The device can detect radiation from the radar detector, but since Since a modern device operates at high speed, sometimes drivers, having discovered it, do not have time to reduce the speed.


Ku (13.450 kHz) is used only in some European, CIS and Baltic countries. In Russia, satellite TV is transmitted in this range.


The operation of the devices is based on the reflection of laser radiation, as a result of which the speed of the vehicle is determined. The Ultralite laser speed meter has been used in devices since the 90s. last century. Subsequently, the operating principle remained the same, only the signal frequency and radiation length changed.

The main disadvantage of these devices is that they are used only in clear and dry weather; Do not use the device during rain, snow or fog that creates interference.

Other modes

The devices can also operate in the following modes:

  • VG-2, Spectre. In some European countries and US states, the use of radar detectors is prohibited by law. To identify such devices, direction finders with a frequency of 13,000 kHz are used, which can determine both the signals of the radar detector and its location. Most modern radar detectors are equipped with support for VG-2 and Specter, which allows them to resist their detection. For example, Band V 7, which scans signals from all radar systems, has proven itself well.
  • Instant-On. X-band pulse mode. When setting up the device, at some point the radio signal is turned off, which makes it possible not to be detected by the radar detector. But modern radar detectors of the latest generation are able to determine this mode.
  • POP - fast range. It is used in modern radar systems of the latest generation, which operate in K and Ka. Only modern radar detectors can determine the operation of such devices:
  • Ultra-K - radio signals in K, used in the form of fast pulses.
  • Ultra-Ka - radio signals in Ka in the form of fast pulses.
  • Ultra-Ku - radio signals in Ku in the form of fast pulses.
  • Ultra-X - in X, fixed radio signal mode.
  • Signature analysis mode reduces the number of false positives.
  • "Strelka" - warns about the operation of the "Strelka" radar complex.
  • “City/Highway/Smart”—adjusts the sensitivity level of signal reception.

Radar [edit | edit code]

K-band is widely used in radar. Due to the characteristics of this range (high degree of atmospheric absorption and short wavelength), K-band radars are only capable of operating over short distances, producing ultra-high resolution measurements. A typical application for these radars is air traffic control at airports, where a sequence of very short pulses (a few nanoseconds long) is used to determine the distance to an aircraft [8] [9].

Traffic police radars [edit | edit code]

Modern police road radars operate in the K- and Ka- bands. In K-band, the carrier frequency of such radars is 24.150 GHz and the bandwidth is 100 MHz. The shorter wavelength and higher energy potential (the gain of antennas of the same size is directly proportional to the carrier frequency) allows devices operating in the K-band to be small in size and have a detection range one and a half times greater than the range of radars operating in the X-band. The Russian radars Berkut, Iskra-1 and their modifications, as well as photo and video complexes built with the participation of the location parts of these radars, are based in this frequency range [10] [11].

Ranges (K and X) and their description, can they be disabled

The ranges on the radar detector may be different. In order for the radar to notify a person about a traffic police post, it must operate on the same frequency as their device. Most detectors operate in the K and X ranges. Let's look at what the ranges of radar detectors mean:

  • X-band on a radar detector. This is the oldest and main frequency used by police radars (10525 MHz).
  • K range. This is a new range with a frequency of MHz. What is the K-band on a radar detector? If it is configured, it is possible to pick up signals from police devices with the same frequency. It must be taken into account that such radars are more powerful, so they are capable of detecting an intruder driver at a distance that is 1.5 times greater compared to the X-band.
  • Ka-band. This is an American innovation, the frequency of which is 34700 MHz. The accuracy of such devices is very high, and speed determination with their help is possible at a distance of 1.5 km.
  • Ku band. Represents a frequency (13450 MHz) used only in some European countries.
  • Radar detector laser. This is a laser range device. It is used mainly in dry weather, as during high humidity it may show incorrect data.

Any of the above frequencies can be turned off in the radar detector. For example, residents of the CIS do not need to use the Ka-band.


Satellite Internet will help you find a way out. Unlike a ground station, the coverage area of ​​a repeater hovering in geostationary orbit is not hundreds of square meters. km, but hundreds of thousands. And then exactly the same coverage area of ​​the next satellite begins. An onboard gambler can play for hours without fear.

However, our website has already described satellite Internet and its advantages in sufficient detail. And most importantly, about the currently existing disadvantages. The main one is high cost. And slowness. For example, the SwiftBand platform from Inmarsat used by Aeroflot on Airbuses A 320 and A 330 provides a data transfer rate of no more than 864 kbit/sec. If you divide these kilobits by 300 airbus passengers, you will get nothing at all!

Therefore, pilots often simply “forget” to connect such an Internet: it is of no use anyway! What kind of online poker is there! I don't have the patience to open the mail!

Features of the K-band at work

Let's look at what the K-band means on a radar detector and what its features are.

In it, devices operate at short distances from the signal source, and “K” means “short”.

Important! K-band radio is also used at airports .

Today kei is the basis of Russian radar systems:

  • "Spark";
  • "Radis";
  • "Golden eagle";
  • "Chris";
  • "Visir".

Competition will force prices down

Analysis of the near-term prospects for the development of Ka-band systems allows us to confidently predict its positive dynamics. Despite the fact that the Ka-band has its problem points, its development in 2016 will proceed at a rapid pace.

Unfortunately, it must be recognized that the development of services in the Ka-band, as well as the entire telecommunications industry, is currently strongly influenced by the negative situation in the Russian economy.

Obviously, the main driver of development will be lower cost of services. And when providing a standard range of services for corporate customers, such as organizing a corporate network, providing guaranteed speed, fixed availability ratio and other quality parameters of the communication channel, it is possible to replace services in Ku. Against the background of ever-increasing competition, the cost of the space communications segment and, accordingly, services in the traditional Ku-band is likely to decrease, which, in turn, will stimulate its development.

The launch of the Hughes Jupiter systems on Express-AM6 and Gilat on Express-AMU1 in 2016 will also increase competition within the Ka-band itself, which should have a positive impact on the cost of services for end customers.

What does Instant-On, POP mean?

The following features of police detectors are distinguished:

  • Instant-ON. Thanks to this, the equipment turns on instantly. In this case, the radar is in standby mode and does not signal. Immediately after pressing a special button, the device is triggered and instantly begins measuring the speed of each target approaching it.
  • POP is a technology responsible for the structure of the signal emitted by police radar. When the speed of a moving vehicle is measured, the device emits a small pulse. As a result, it is more difficult for radar detectors to determine the location of the speed measuring device. Many models consider this impulse to be a nuisance, so they do not signal the driver regarding approaching danger.

In order for the radar detector to recognize such a pulse, it must be equipped with a special additional function. Devices with security technology are more expensive.

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  1. Radar bands
  2. "Broadband Wireless Access". Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  3. NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA)
  4. In the IARU Handbook area 1 (2006), p. 50 Archived 5 February 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
  5. Wideband GHz transceiver
  6. "Radio Spectrum". Archived from the original on March 18, 2012. Retrieved June 1, 2011.
  7. F. Peauger, A. Hamdi, S. Curt, S. Doebert, G. McMonagle, G. Rossat, KM Schirm, I. Syratchev, L. Timeo, S. Kuzikhov, A.A. Vikharev, A. Haase, D. Sprehn, A. Jensen, EN Jongewaard, CD Nantista and A. Vlieks: "12 GHz E RF POWER SOURCE FOR CLICK STUDY", in IPAC2010 proceedings https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC10/papers/THPEB053.pdf
  8. https://jlab.org/conferences/FLS2012/talks/Thur/isu_jlab39_fls2012_57_final.PDF

Which ones can be disabled and which ones can be enabled?

In case of false alarms by the detector when the modes are disabled, the following interference may be the cause:

  • problems that are associated with the geographical features of the area;
  • interference caused by the type of radar system used by the DVD;
  • disruptions due to weather conditions;
  • errors arising due to high traffic density.

In Russia, you can disable the Ka, Ku, VG-2, Specter and POP bands, because radars do not use these modes. When these modes are enabled, the level of protection against interference of the radar detector decreases, which is reflected in an increase in the number of false alarms.

Acc on the radio what is it

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Radar detector Street Storm STR-9900EX GL with increased detection range

Rating of the best radar detectors: top 5

ModelBest FeaturesRangesRadar detectionGPS, stationary base radars Price from (RUB):
SHO-ME G-700STRaccording to owner reviewsK, Ka, Ku, X, Ultra-K"Strelka", "Robot"Yes3 400Find out prices
TrendVision Drive-700with GPS navigatorK, Ka, X, Ultra-K, Ultra-X"Strelka", "Robot"Yes5 350Find out prices
SilverStone F1 Monacoaccording to the magazine "Behind the wheel"K, Ka, Ku, X, Ultra-K"Strelka", "Robot"Yes4 200Find out prices
Subini STR-508budget, inexpensive and reliableK, Ka, X"Strelka", "Robot"Yes3 700Find out prices
Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kitlaser detectorK, Ka, X, Ultra-K, Ultra-Ka, Ultra-X"City", "Highway", "Auto"Yes6 000Find out prices


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