Tuning a classic VAZ: the main ways to increase the power characteristics of a car

What is the modification of a VAZ 2107 with your own hands, it will probably be useful for all owners of the classic Zhiguli to know. Although production of the model was stopped in 2011, this does not mean that you can forget about it, and the seven will be seen on all roads in Russia for many years to come. Because it was sold in unlimited quantities during the entire production period. And tuning classic VAZs has become a habit and is already akin to a certain ritual for the owners of these models.

Do-it-yourself modification of the VAZ 2107 is usually carried out in several stages. They start with the appearance of the machine (and here, obviously, there is something to improve). The interior decoration of the cabin and its amenities can also be significantly modified with your own hands, based on the available funds and expected investments. It often happens that all the mince of this not too expensive model weighs much more in money than its real cost (especially if the car is used).

Airbrushing and the application of artistic tuning to some parts of the body are also popular (although on the 2107 it looks very funny, especially from other drivers, but if you have the inscription “Tazs are knocked down” pasted on the glass, then it’s okay). In terms of engine modifications and improved driving performance, there is also something to work on. As they say, there is no limit to perfection. In this article we will talk about only a few popular improvements that are especially popular among owners of the legendary seven.


Among the most popular and less expensive modifications are the installation of spoilers and a wing. In principle, both of them are quite functional things (though, rather, for racing and sports cars). So, in addition to taking care of beauty, you also get an improvement in the aerodynamic properties of your car.

Spoilers can be purchased at any auto store. It's easy to install them yourself, following the instructions. Some craftsmen make the wing from light metals on their own, but you can also buy it in the store. Installing it is also quite simple (usually on the trunk lid) - anyone can cope with the task.

The radiator grille is replaced with a more modern one. This procedure will not take much time and effort, but the appearance of your car will become more solid (or sportier - depending on the type of grille you choose). And some also add an overlay to the front bumper. Here you will have to tinker a lot, since you need drawings, measurements and templates. It is better to perform this operation with the help of, for example, a neighbor in the garage who has already done it.

You can install alloy wheels and lowered tires, which will significantly improve the modernity of the car. It couldn’t be easier to do this - there would be money allocated for modernization, because four good wheels from well-known companies and four high-quality tires would already cost a tidy sum. Well, everything is simple here: I bought it and changed it (on my own or at a tire shop).

Regarding the modernization of light and optics:

many install the popular xenon. They also improve the optics itself through which the headlight light passes. You can also install LED lights: both the headlights themselves and the car body. But this procedure is not for everyone, since at night the car turns into a Christmas tree. You can get by with a mini option: LED illumination of headlights and dimensions, rear numbers. And very light - the bottom of the car. Then, at least, it won’t look too wild at night.


Stamped rims with winter tires painted pink: fun
Stamped rims with winter tires painted pink: fun

In the meantime, most of all the owner of the “Seven” experimented with the suspension. Today, among classic tuners, there is a fashion for extreme understatement. In fact, this type of tuning itself has become classic. So Artem began sawing off the spring coils and changing the shock absorbers to lower ones. Now the “seven” is almost lying on the asphalt. It looks cool, of course, but it’s hard to understand how you can drive such a car. Moreover, quite often Artem has to visit his relatives in Voronezh, and the M4 Don highway in some places bears little resemblance to German autobahns or American highways... Artem says that he is used to the car’s behavior, and even drives along the highway completely calmly. Moreover, he enjoys the unusual character of the car. Maybe sometimes it’s a little harsh, but the “seven” practically does not roll on turns. I also took a ride in this car. Of course, the suspension cannot be called comfortable, it breaks even at the expansion joints of the bridge, but when the car goes on a flat road, you even begin to like such a low landing - it’s unusual. Somehow even unexpectedly. And funny. Phrases pop up in my head about a crocodile that walks lying down, and, of course, “It’s good that you are so green and flat!”...


For many car owners, this is a source of personal pride. In this temporary house, the owners tend to collect all possible innovations for coziness and comfort, fashionable gadgets and completely necessary features.

To begin with, update the casing

. Of course, the leather interior on the seven will look a little strange. But it is quite possible to take care and purchase beautiful modern materials, paying attention to the selection of colors and the quality of the material. Reupholstery is usually done with the help of a craftsman who is well versed in this (because there are certain nuances). But you can master it on your own with the guidance of the Internet (on forums they usually share advice and even put entire master classes on public display).

Auxiliary powertrain support

The purpose of supplementing the standard motor mounts with another auxiliary module is to minimize the amplitude vibrations of the engine during sudden braking, acceleration and overcoming road hills or potholes.

Its presence eliminates the so-called “pecking” - inertial phenomena that occur during vehicle operation.

The presence of an auxiliary support also prevents spontaneous disengagement of the transmission gears.

This significantly reduces the risk of unpleasant incidents that directly affect safety.

Typically, it is difficult to install this component yourself.

A certain skill is required, which the average car enthusiast does not always have.

Separately, we will say that some engine models require the installation of a fourth support only after moving the ignition unit.

This, on the one hand, is an additional difficulty, but, on the other hand, it significantly improves the operating conditions of the electronic module, moving it away from the road, thereby reducing the amount of dirt that gets on it.

An additional support for the power unit is often installed during tuning of the suspension of VAZ 2109, 2110 cars.

Types of work on tuning "Seven"

What types of work are there to upgrade such a domestic car? As a rule, the performance of the car interior, engine, and also the appearance of the vehicle are improved.

Everyone knows that domestically produced cars are not distinguished by excessive “stuffing”. For a driver who loves comfort above all, who has a desire to operate a serviceable, safe car, tuning the VAZ-2107 is simply necessary.

In the cabin, you can change the steering wheel, trim, install a good audio system and much more. As for upgrading the “filling”, car enthusiasts get to spark plugs, cylinders, a carburetor and more. External transformations are carried out by replacing wheels and painting the car.


Artem says he enjoys driving his car
Artem says he enjoys driving his car

As soon as the car was in Artem's hands, it was possible to place bets - will tuning begin soon? “Immediately” or “in a couple of days”? Moreover, the new owner is a student at MSTU “MAMI”, a person whose passion for cars will become a profession. He is studying at the Department of Automotive Design. So putting your hands on your car, especially having a garage at your disposal, is just a pleasure.

Tuning the interior of the VAZ-2107

So, tuning the interior of the VAZ-2107. It is much more pleasant and comfortable to be in a beautiful salon, because both your mood and attitude towards the driving process directly or indirectly depend on this. Tuning the interior of a VAZ-2107 may include various manipulations.

Most Seven car owners are dissatisfied with the steering wheel. Even the one that comes in cars produced in the last 2 years. Drivers complain that with such a steering wheel, driving a car becomes much more difficult; driving does not bring pleasure, but only causes discomfort. Therefore, this problem requires improvement. Most owners change the steering wheel to a smaller one.

Improvement is also really needed in the area of ​​seat upholstery. Naturally, sitting will not become more comfortable, but the appearance will be much better. As an option, you can purchase ready-made kits for upholstery of seats. Kits from the 1993 Toyota Corolla are well suited to the “Seven”. Another option is to simply buy the material and replace the seat trim using special glue. The dashboard can be covered with materials of different composition and color. It all depends on the personal preferences of the car owner.

Conversions can be made regarding the rear view mirror. In this case, everything is simple: attach a new large mirror to the standard one. The next step in improving the car could be replacing the sun visors with tuning ones.

It often happens that there is not enough space in the cabin to distribute all sorts of little things; there is simply nowhere to put them or place them. To eliminate this problem, you can do the following: ready-made kits with various stands and pockets are available for sale, which will be an excellent addition to the dashboard.

Don't forget about the audio system. For lovers of high-quality sound, the car interior should be equipped with a good audio system that will turn the driving process into a pleasure.

The improvement in the trunk also cannot be ignored. Many owners of Sevens and VAZ-2105 resort to fairly simple methods of converting the trunk. Often you create a raised floor for the trunk with your own hands. To do this, you need ordinary boards, which need to be connected in such an order that you get a convenient design with compartments, sectors, into which you can then place various objects, so that there is order in the trunk. In addition, many resort to welding the spare wheel into the trunk floor (suitable for both VAZ-2105 and VAZ-2107), gluing special material for sound insulation (this is mainly necessary if a subwoofer is placed in the luggage space - this way the sound becomes cleaner and better quality).

Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor

Installing a compressor on the seven is an opportunity to increase the efficiency of pumping hot mixture and accordingly increase engine power. The most popular compressor that car enthusiasts and craftsmen install on the VAZ 2107 is the PK05D which will be discussed. Why him? It’s just that its characteristics meet the most optimal ones, namely: excess air pressure is only 0.5 bar and this is achieved at 6200 rpm. In addition to this decisive characteristic, there is another fact in favor of this compressor - when installing it, you do not need to interfere with the design of the piston group, which means that installation is extremely simple.

Installing a compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor with your own hands is quite possible without the intervention of specialized craftsmen. Naturally, first, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of this procedure, as well as know the sequence and order of actions. If you are worried about the benefits of a compressor, then believe me, it has been used for these purposes in sevens for a long time and during this time it has undergone several significant improvements that have made it even better and naturally more efficient. The latest innovation is a significant reduction in the noise characteristics of the unit, so the supercharger operates almost silently.

PC05D consists of two main elements that deserve your attention and understanding. The first is a centrifugal device

, and the second is
a high-speed multiplier
. A special feature of the compressor is that there is no need to service it, and the mechanism is driven by a poly-V-type belt from the engine crankshaft.

In designs of this kind, the multiplier is made on the basis of bearings, which should be replaced after a run of about 50 thousand kilometers. The same goes for the belt, because it is also subject to a certain amount of wear and tear, which goes without saying. It is important to understand that for normal operation of the compressor on a VAZ 2107 carburetor, you need to ensure the supply of antifreeze

(antifreeze) or
motor oil
. We have already said above that there is no need to change the design of the power unit, but you still need to replace the generator shaft, crank pulley and water pump. The fact is that now they will use a serpentine belt, rather than a regular one. Where can I get such a strap? Experiments have shown that the Chevrolet Niva is quite suitable. We took measurements, and after installing the compressor, the increase in car power was about 50 percent.

Tuning the VAZ-2107 engine

The internal characteristics of the “Seven”, which are responsible for the car’s performance and its normal operation, often require improvement.

The standard engine power of the VAZ-2107 is not particularly high. You can easily check this in the technical passport of the car itself. By tuning this element, you can easily and without much effort, time and money make your car better. The resources and characteristics of the converted engine will be much higher than the factory ones. It should be taken into account that before starting work, you need to decide what qualities you want to get at the finish line, because any upgrade is carried out strictly individually, for yourself.

Refinement of the engine can be aimed both at improving power and at tuning its operation, adjusting existing gas distribution phases, and more. Modification of the VAZ "Seven" may include tuning of the cylinders (choosing a suitable crankshaft, boring, choosing the correct balancing of the pistons), sometimes it is necessary to install a compressor or turbine (turbocharging tuning), tuning the intake and exhaust. For a car enthusiast, you need to determine what kind of engine power you want (upper or lower).

Tuning a VAZ-2107 engine with your own hands is, whatever one may say, a troublesome task, and you need to understand the technology very well. But when it is not possible to contact a specialist or there are no specific skills and knowledge, a simple and no less effective option is possible: replace the engine itself. It is better not to change the displacement of the standard engine (in the “Seven” it is 1800 cm³). When replacing an engine with a new one at home, the engine elements such as the cylinder head, cylinder block, connecting rods and crankshaft are of interest. The ideal “donor engine” for modification can be called the new engine 21213.

Related modifications: flywheel and fuel supply systems

A side effect of installing a crankshaft with an increased crank radius and larger diameter pistons is an increase in the moments of inertia of the moving parts of the engine. It becomes noticeably “dumber” as the speed increases, despite the fact that the “classic” engine is not initially sporty.

Since the inertia of the flywheel makes a huge contribution to the total moment of inertia (up to 80-90%) (its diameter is maximum, and the moment of inertia of rotation is proportional to the square of the radius), the most effective way to facilitate engine spin-up is to reduce the flywheel and clutch. In the now classic books of E.G. Singurindi, dedicated to the preparation of production cars for competitions, this issue was considered up to the presentation of specific drawings.

Although when the flywheel is lightened, its mechanical strength suffers, if the metal is cut correctly, this has no practical effect on reliability. After modification, dynamic balancing of the flywheel and crankshaft assembly is required.

Tuning flywheels make it possible to achieve an even greater reduction in the moment of inertia in comparison with machined cast iron ones. However, excessive relief is also a “thing in itself”, since it has a negative effect on the “lower parts” (it is more difficult to start, to drive hard).

The “classic” power system, be it a carburetor or fuel injection on the latest releases, is not very suitable for a tuned engine. Moreover, injection is the most promising: it’s not only about the ability to fine-tune the fuel supply and ignition, which in itself gives the maximum return from the engine, but also about a more advantageous configuration of the intake tract, especially with tuning receivers.

For the carburetor to operate, it is necessary to create a vacuum in its diffuser, that is, even in the most “extreme” tuning options, when an individual carburetor is installed on each cylinder, there is still parasitic resistance in the intake tract, which reduces the filling of the cylinders.

In injection systems, gasoline is supplied to the manifold under pressure, and it becomes possible to reduce resistance as much as possible (bored channels of the cylinder head and manifold, a throttle body of increased diameter, a receiver tuned for a specific engine). Standard ECUs allow easy flashing; programs for editing injection system calibrations and ready-made tuning firmware are also available.

Taking into account the same maximum unification of the Tolyatti conveyor, installing fuel injection on an initially carburetor engine is not a problem: the standard front cover is replaced with a new one, with a boss for the crankshaft position sensor, the old KV pulley is replaced with a new one, with a cut reference ring. The cylinder head is also the easiest to install from the “injection” model (the shapes of the intake channels are different, there are now no extra channels for supplying coolant to the carburetor manifold). Taking into account the fact that we are talking about complex tuning, it is best to immediately take a cylinder head from a Niva with fuel injection.

VAZ-2107 suspension upgrade

Tuning the VAZ-2107 suspension is done in the same way as for the VAZ-2105 or any other model from this category of car. The selection of those parameters that require replacement is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the vehicle owner. Most often these are springs, ball joints, shock absorbers and anti-roll bars. The sports suspension for this car will be more rigid, and with it, driving will become more reliable and safe. The most common option for modifying the suspension is replacing springs (springs from Niva are taken) and replacing tires and wheels. This creates a sports suspension. The decision to change the suspension removes the question of how to raise the Seven. Tuning the chassis of this car, as you can clearly see, is very useful.

Front strut

The most popular element, widely used by many owners of Russian cars, is the front cross brace.

Its installation is carried out in the area of ​​the upper shock absorber supports, by securing it between the strut cups.

The main purpose of this part is to increase the angular rigidity of the body and improve the handling quality of the vehicle.

In addition, the presence of a spacer helps eliminate the “floating” geometry of the suspension arms, which occurs as a result of strong impacts on road potholes or uneven surfaces.

The main reason why many car enthusiasts, in particular owners of VAZ cars, make such modifications is due to insufficient body rigidity, which contributes to deterioration of handling, a feeling of “sluggish” steering and excessive roll that occurs when performing maneuvers.

This is detected only when driving at high speeds, mainly associated with trips on country roads.

Those drivers who spend most of their time within the city and are accustomed to a calm, leisurely drive may not notice these shortcomings.

The spacer is a fairly thick metal rod, either of a fixed length, intended for specific car models, or endowed with the possibility of spatial adjustment, facilitating the installation of the element on different cars.

Its installation is carried out when the machine is placed on a flat surface by screwing several nuts onto the upper studs of the shock absorber mounts.

If for some reason there is a mismatch between the mounting holes, the car body must be slightly “pulled” in the desired direction.

Installing a crossbar makes a certain amount of sense. You will not only significantly improve the car’s handling, but also extend the “life” of its body, thanks to improved torsional resistance.

External tuning of VAZ "Seven"

External tuning of VAZ is performed most often. The second most popular upgrade for the VAZ-2107 is interior tuning, which was already discussed above. External modifications bring great pleasure to car owners, since a beautiful picture will always please the eye and can become the highlight of the owner. The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination. The range is quite wide: from painting to replacing headlights. There is no point in touching on the topic of repainting a car or applying drawings or stickers to the body, since it is very simple and does not require special skills.

Tuning VAZ-2107 headlights requires selecting the LEDs you like, a drill, sealant, a panel for the headlights, resistors and connecting conductors.

First of all, you need to select the size of the panel for the headlights in accordance with their parameters. Then the drill comes into play. You need to make several holes at the same distance to install the LEDs, which subsequently need to be connected to each other using contact wires (plus to plus, and minus to minus). Assembled circuits of LEDs are connected to the headlight power supply blocks. For every 4 LEDs, a resistor is needed to provide resistance in the circuit.

The beginning of chip tuning

The result of injector chip tuning is not only a change in the dynamic characteristics of the car, but also an extension of the service life of the power system and cylinder-piston group. All changes must be carried out on a fully functional car, since in the presence of technical faults it becomes difficult to obtain the desired result from tuning.

Electronic control unit VAZ 2107

Chip tuning must begin with the selection of software. Sources of the necessary software can be:

  • Developments of tuning service centers. The average car owner often does not have access to these programs, so to flash the module you will need to contact a specialized studio;
  • Openly available software created by other car owners. This method of chip tuning should be treated with caution, since most software is not tested for its effect on the engine, which can quickly damage it or worsen its dynamic characteristics;
  • Write the execution code yourself. This option is suitable only for car enthusiasts who understand programming and have the ability to control engine parameters upon completion of tuning.

If there is insufficient knowledge and lack of software, the quality of which the car owner is confident, it is better to trust the modernization to specialized workshops. Although chip tuning is a reversible operation, operating a car with incorrect software can significantly reduce the life of the power plant and fuel system.

How to assemble a “race” for pennies: building a VAZ-2101 for a ring

The trend is that the VAZ “classic”, which has become almost synonymous with the Soviet automobile industry, is now actively mastering motorsports disciplines and tuning. Drift, drag racing, “combat classics”, radical stens, vintage resto and deliberately aged rat-bow - all this has already happened. Today we return to the roots: meet the VAZ-2101, prepared for competition in the Moscow Classic Grand Prix championship. The project was created by an amateur with his own hands in a garage. This is a story about how to build your way into professional motorsport without sponsorship and the experience of racing teams. Only your own personal path of trial and error, unquenchable enthusiasm and desire to get on the “bedside table”. Only hardcore!

The idea to tell about this “penny” has been brewing for a long time, because we have known its owner Dmitry for more than ten years. Once upon a time we had V8s tuned in the spirit of the times: low, loud, hard, but not very fast. They installed those parts that they could afford and which were offered by the assortment of the Moscow car market “Southern Port”. Over the course of several years, his “Rhapsody” colored hatchback has evolved from an 8-valve “vegetable” into a 250-horsepower turbocharger, well prepared for track days on tracks like Myachkovo and the like. Such bright stories do not last long, so after reaching the highest point of development conceived by the owner, the project was dismantled and sold in parts. With the G8, Dima understood the main thing: tuning is a dead end. Visual development and real results are only possible in motorsport.

And the next step in that direction was... no, not a “penny”, but a Toyota Starlet Glanza V. This right-hand drive Oka, equipped with a 135-horsepower turbo-four, repeated the evolution of the previous project, but became the first experience of deep JDM tuning. On it, the owner learned to use argon-arc welding, created his own exhaust manifold for an enlarged turbine, modified the safety cage, and also completely independently transferred the 4E-FTE engine to the domestic control unit “January 5.1” as the most optimal in terms of price and capabilities. However, the “starlet” project has come to its logical conclusion. It is impossible to assemble a car that is competitive for the battle for prizes: in order to “drive”, you need a lot of modifications, which automatically send Toyota to the senior class with all sorts of monsters. In addition, in these competitions the competition takes place in absentia - you need to compete not with the opponents themselves, but with their time. There is no mass and collective start, and with it the spirit of competition, for which we all love racing so much.

During training sessions on the track, the most diverse peloton gathers, in which, in addition to modern models, you can also find “classics” - for example, the 1967 Alfa Romeo Giulia GTV or domestic “Muscovites” and “Volgas”

The conclusion is clear: we need something simple, inexpensive and repairable for professional competitions taking place on “adult” tracks like Moscow Raceway. Based on a combination of factors, “classic” is actually the only adequate option, if you do not take the more specific “Volga” and “Muscovites”. The MCGP championship, which was actively developed several years ago, involves just such cars. The best description of this Grand Prix would be a quote from its official website: “The international open amateur personal-team championship in circuit racing on historical and classic cars has been held since 2012. Domestic rear-wheel drive carburetor cars and foreign-made cars manufactured before 1987 take part in the competition.”

Such a broad formulation allows you to drive either a Zhiguli or an early Porsche 911, so, of course, there is a division into classes.

Such a “classic” always attracts a lot of attention!

You're probably wondering: “How can you even switch from a JDM turbo lighter to a penny lighter? Here I will once again remind you of the goals of an amateur athlete: the official status of the competition, a mass start with head-to-head competition on the track, where all the cars are as close as possible in terms of capabilities due to the regulations, and, therefore, the “arms race” plays a much smaller role than the skill of the pilots. And all this - with the lowest possible budget. In other words, an entry ticket to professional motorsport. Keep this in mind as you read through to the expense amounts.

But such a rational approach was not at all typical for buying a car: in May 2022, blue and white Zhiguli cars went on sale, the future owner still did not really understand whether he was ready for this or not. In addition, the old Toyota had not yet been sold. The decisive factor was the fact that the “penny” was sold by a mutual friend of ours, and in 2016 it had already raced in the MCGP - and therefore was prepared for it. True, in reality this readiness turned out to be very conditional, but more on that later. The purchase amount was 215,000 rubles, which may seem expensive for a 1972 Zhiguli, which has seen more than one race track, but is much cheaper than self-assembly. Welding a safety cage alone costs from 60,000 rubles, but the list of modifications to a roundabout car includes dozens of items.

The roll cage is the basis of the load-bearing structure of most racing cars.

Buy ready-made racing equipment before the start of the season - what could be better? Just buy it in advance to get used to it, eliminate shortcomings, customize it for yourself and... prepare yourself! To participate in “adult” races, you need a full set of equipment that meets safety requirements. It costs more than 100,000 rubles to “dress” a pilot: helmet, fireproof overalls, shoes and underwear, neck protection, gloves. Each stage of the championship also sucks up funds: entry fee, sports fuel, transportation costs - and this is provided that nothing breaks. But this is a Zhiguli, you understand...

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