Varieties of VAZ 2106 engine tuning: block boring, turbine, 16-valve engine

It's no secret that in its standard, that is, in serial form, the engine does not develop all the power it is capable of. You can configure the firmware in a new way, but you won’t be able to significantly change the load curve without reducing the environmental class. You can buy a "racing camshaft" to install in place of the stock one. But then the firmware will have to be changed to accommodate the new phases... Let's consider what happens if we use only accessible tuning methods. Let's say right away that on the VAZ-2114 hatchback the increase in power can be 20% or even 25%, and we are talking about only 8 valves. There is no need to bore the valve channels.

Let's leave illusions in the past, and for this we watch one video.

An example of increasing the power of a VAZ-2114 engine

During the tuning, the 2111 (1.5 l) engine was modified.

    Boring of seats along the internal diameter, which is equivalent to enlarging the valve;

Valve seats, VAZ 2111 engine

New cylinder head elements

Tuning timing gear

Our new engine remains “not plug-in” - the valves do not reach the pistons. When tested on a bench (the sensors were turned off), the result was not impressive.

Checking without adjusting the ECU

If you install the engineering firmware, you can select the parameters “from start to finish.” And then the picture looks better...

Torque graph after tuning is completed

All sensors, including the lambda probe, were connected in the latter case. We managed to get 96 “forces” at 5300 rpm!

How not to increase power!

  • Do not attempt to bore channels. This operation can be performed in the absence of ball cutters, but in garage conditions nothing will work even with cutters. The bottom line is that the accuracy of the cutter installation is important - the error should not exceed 1-2 microns.
  • As you can see, on the stock VAZ-2114 hatchback the increase in power was 24%, and this is without installing a “chandelier”, “improved exhaust” and other expensive elements.
  • There is no point in buying a “racing camshaft” without having the appropriate tuning firmware.

Compressor or turbine for the “six”

You can increase engine power by installing a compressor or turbine, but first you need to figure out what is required for this. First of all, you need to understand that, due to its design features, it is possible to install a turbine on a carburetor engine, but it is quite problematic. The nuances include both large material and time costs. The most important points to think about when equipping a car with a turbine are:

  1. Mandatory installation of an intercooler. This part is a kind of radiator, only the air is cooled in it. Since the turbine creates high pressure and the air is heated, it must be cooled to obtain the effect of the installation. If you don't use an intercooler, there will be an effect, but much less.

    When equipping a car with a turbine, you will also need to install an intercooler.

  2. Equipping a carburetor engine with a turbine is a dangerous undertaking. According to the experience of car owners who carry out such modifications, the exhaust manifold may “bang” and the hood will fly off. Since the intake principle on an injection engine is different, a turbine for this engine is a more preferable option, albeit an expensive one.
  3. Based on the second point, the third follows - it will be necessary to convert the engine into an injection one or install one.

Installing a turbocharger on a car requires large financial investments.

If you are not such an avid racing driver, then you should look towards the compressor, which has the following differences from the turbine:

  1. Does not develop high blood pressure.
  2. There is no need to install an intercooler.
  3. You can equip a VAZ carburetor engine.

To equip a VAZ 2106 with the unit in question, you will need a compressor kit - a kit that includes everything necessary for converting the engine (pipes, fasteners, supercharger, etc.).

The compressor kit for the “classic” consists of a supercharger and the necessary components for installation

The product is installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Video: installing a compressor using the “five” as an example

What to do with engine 11183?

It is clear that a mandatory step in tuning the 11183 engine will be replacing the ECU. It’s simple: the standard M74 block cannot be flashed, but “January 7.2” is a good and time-tested solution. You will also have to abandon the “E-Gas” option, which means replacing the throttle assembly and receiver.

Everything I had to throw away

The intake tract parts were borrowed from the 2111 engine. A cable pedal was installed, and the engine began to look human.

Everything works well with the “January” controller, but standard firmware is not an option if the camshaft has been replaced. And it, in turn, has the following parameters:

  • Release phase width – 104 ;
  • Intake phase width – 109 ;
  • Opening angle at outlet – 272 ;
  • Inlet opening angle – 268 ;
  • Valve travel (exhaust/intake) – 9.5/10.1 mm.

After installing the new shaft, the motor became plug-in. However, on the 2114 hatchback, increasing power almost always comes with a compromise. In this case, we had to sacrifice reliability. What's improved:

  • Maximum torque increased by 14 N*m ;
  • The power also increased – the limit of “90 horsepower” was passed.

By the way, any tuning leads to a decrease in durability. Make a choice.

Crankshaft balancing

Having lightened the connecting rod and piston group, it is necessary to balance it with the flywheel, pulleys and preferably with the clutch basket. In this case, it is better to replace the original crankshaft with a fully counterbalanced one - it is heavier, but for this part the more important parameter is strength. The lack of balancing of this system will not allow full operation of the updated VAZ 2106 engine. Engine tuning must be carried out taking into account the complete coordination of the new parts with each other, otherwise the replacement will not lead to the desired result, but will only cause disappointment.

Many things can be done yourself - this will reduce the cost of conversion and give you the right to say that you did everything yourself. But such tuning of the VAZ 2106 engine with your own hands can only be done by a limited circle of motorists, so do not hesitate to contact them for those works where accuracy is important.

Method for increasing the power of an 8 valve engine with a split gear

The split, that is, adjustable gear was not used in the last project. It is better to install it on “non-plug-in motors”. Setting method:

  1. The moving and fixed parts are marked with a mark, the same as on a standard pulley;
  2. Installation is carried out in the usual manner, aligning the crankshaft and timing mechanism according to the marks (as when replacing a belt), you should also remember about the correct tightening torque of the belt;
  3. If in the 4th cylinder the intake and exhaust valves are not open “to the maximum”, we carry out an adjustment: loosen the outer screws, and, holding the outer part of the gear, set the camshaft correctly. Tighten the fixing screws.

Split gear with retaining screws removed

Expansion of fuel supply channels

When converting the lower part of the engine, you should not ignore the camshaft and valves. The power of the motor directly depends on the quality operation of this unit. For a more productive supply of the fuel mixture, it is necessary to expand and polish the channels through which it flows. First, the intake manifold is bored, then the supply channels in the cylinder head itself are bored. As you bore deeper into the head, it will be necessary to cut off the guide pins and polish the channel. After carrying out this procedure with all channels, it is necessary to polish the supply line from the valve seat side. When doing this, care must be taken not to damage the saddles.

Exactly the same procedure must be carried out for exhaust manifolds. It is more labor-intensive, because the mentioned part is made of cast iron. Instead of the original collector, you can install a special “spider” that has the required diameter of the lines.

Tuning parts, popular and not so popular

We have arranged all the elements in order of increasing uselessness:

    Receiver with increased volume. After replacing the standard unit, there is an increase in output at medium and high speeds. But for the region of 1000-2500 rpm, it would be preferable to have a standard receiver.

Receiver with increased volume (shorter path)

Tuning throttle assembly

As for the exhaust tract, you can install a “4-2-1 spider” - it creates a vacuum in front of the valve that is not yet open... Torque and power are improved from this, the question is by how much.

Any “tuning” begins not with the engine, but with the selection of “gear ratios”... This advice is common, and it also applies to the VAZ-2108 and 2114 families.

Re-equipment of the vehicle chassis

What else should you pay attention to when converting your VAZ 2106? Engine tuning and chassis tuning should complement each other. It is impossible to leave the driving characteristics of a car unchanged by installing a more advanced and powerful engine. Both the gearbox and the rear axle gearbox must be changed. The gear ratio of the driving pairs of units must correspond to the new capabilities of the engine, otherwise they will quickly fail.

The brake system needs to be improved first. In such cases, ventilated discs are installed on the front wheels, and the rear drums are replaced with disc brakes.

They are much more reliable and productive than drum ones. The caliper is installed from a VAZ 2108, brake discs are of the ATE 412125 type. The most difficult part of the installation is adjusting the axle shaft to the mounting diameter of the disc. The caliper is mounted in the same way as the front brakes. When installing the axle shaft, the bearing should be replaced with SKF. The new system is connected to the old highway. In addition, the brake master cylinder needs to be replaced with a foreign-made product.

Having rebuilt the entire brake system, pay attention to the suspension. New machine capabilities require stiffer shock absorbers and reinforced springs. To enhance the rigidity of the body, it is advisable to install special spacers. One is installed in the engine compartment of the car, increasing the rigidity between the side members of the car and the seats of the front pillars. The second is mounted in the luggage compartment and fixes the geometry of the rear shock absorber and spring seats.

Separately, it is worth noting the steering system of the car. Strengthening the anti-roll bar will help make the steering wheel more rigid.

This is achieved due to a slightly shortened stabilizer of the same type, which, with the help of individually made fasteners, increases the rigidity of the standard one many times. Yes, you will have to tinker, but you will be pleasantly surprised by the behavior of your car on the road.


The headlights can be upgraded by painting the backing or mask. In addition, you can tint the headlights and install LED strips. Some change the color of the standard backlight. Angel eyes headlights are popular among drivers. They are an LED strip mounted in the headlights of a car. This type of illumination is used both at night and during the day. The car looks more stylish and modern with it. The color range is very diverse.

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